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Girls having their bodies being taken over by all sorts of entities (e.g. ghost, slime, parasite, monster, alien, robot, etc.)
Previous Thread: >>10935410
66 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anyone has the English translation of hyouik about 2b possessed by a parasite
I posted it in a previous thread, look up the archive
Working on a "fungeon" scenario prompt for AI, need some ideas for possession type monsters to have, preferably with a description that can skirt restrictions
slimes its the more clasics, will o wisp can be usefull as well, maybe some clas of plant or parasite, a goblin or magic user creature can be good option as well.

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Post males with thighs, asses and hips that put women to shame. No flamewars, please.
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depends on your viewpoint. I think they're kinda gay. personally
are they so gay their straight
It's only gay if the balls touch, anything short is just mirin' gains
Yeah but very particular.
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Questions for you anons;
>at what point does an image go from being male to just being a case of "draw a girl, call it a boy"?
>what specific things get you to think this? is it certain body features, the way the character dresses, etc?

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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
284 replies and 204 images omitted. Click here to view.
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That just might count as a routine for becoming a "butt slut", one that, like all others? Can't be backed out of. Now it can be a "side routine" of a bodytype you already have. You could be a himbo hunk or a femboy buttslut, but it'll make you look more submissive and slutty, and you'll need to train anal more to finish the routine so you can start another. Using larger insertions, riding them, practicing squats for practical applications... the good news is that these come with benefits, like being waste free and always ready for anal, as well as being a pro at it. Bad news is you'll PROBABLY look like a slut after you finish the routine.

Other, less predictable "routines" can happen as well. Nofap might count and straight up make you a girl, and while there ARE exercises to make you a guy again, the other part of this paw is that you have to figure out what they are yourself (outside of exercises that are documented and make sense). Might be celibacy as a girl to be a guy again, might be pegging, might be tribbing. Who knows? You'll just have to experiment. You won't ever end up with "ugly" bodies, so you can laze around and not worry about turning into some kind of slob (unless you'd be into it), but you can easily and unintentionally start unpredictable routines that only make sense in hindsight, like masturbation giving you a bigger dick, to the point of it being hard to hide (which is especially fun if you have a twinkish or "female" body).

My advice? Keep a notebook of what does what to your body, and abuse extended grace periods from embracing a new body after achieving it to enjoy it longer.

On the other hand... who knows what you might just be able to achieve if you look for MORE "unorthodox" routines...? You could reach shapeshifter levels of adaptability... given you're ready to accept the risk...

>I wish I had the power to merge lewd dreams and fantasies with reality... with a blacklist of fetishes I'd hate (ex. waste, gore), please.

Following your signing of a not-so-thoroughly skimmed contract, the rug is pulled out from under you. It is revealed that the latest job you've applied to was not, in fact, some well paying, boring office drone position, but a position for a demon in Hell, to do demon stuff.

The world around you is engulfed in flames, and your body rapidly changes into something that quite resembles your attached picture. Red skin, horns, purple highlights, phenomenal curves, the works. Yes, however predictably, you've been turned into a succubus. And through the strict, extra-legal bindings you find yourself under, you shouldn't bank on that changing any time soon.

Your new lot is that of a career succubus. Hell is actually far more corporatized than you may have expected. Your situation is not tremendously uncommon; people-made-demons fill the grunt ranks down here and are put to work. For you, this involves normal succubus fare. Whether it be fucking and teasing normal Hell denizens or appeasing surface mortals who've summoned you, you do your job and you do it well.

Or did. Your beginnings as a succubus were years ago. Many, many years ago. You haven't actually kept track, but it's been enough to make your immortal body actually show signs of age. All good ones, of course. Your once lithe, tight body has blossomed into something to behold. More gracious, supple curves, the tasteful smile line or stretch mark here or there. Even things like longer horns. It turns out you don't need to appear the pinnacle of youth to get your job done. As an experienced milf™, you've actually become a hell of a lot more proficient at sexual tasks.
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Now while Hell doesn't exactly scream "upward mobility", your efforts don't go unnoticed, or unrewarded. Your betters rightfully recognize your potential and choose to promote you. You are now a professional milf. Instead of being a low level succubus who gets tossed into any ol' mortal perv's summoning circle, you're an upper echelon demon with the final say on your marks.

You work on commission, finding moldable mortals and using your corruptive influence to promote sinfullness, tightening Hell's grip on the surface world. I wouldn't worry too much about that, though. You'll be having too much fun with your targets, taking mortals under your (metaphorical) wing, and mommydom them into becoming your demon children.

You're also encouraged to taylor your 'torment' to suit your desired mortal. Why not curse that shut-in girl by constantly appearing in her own bed? Or tease and interrupt that femboy 'daughter' you sent to do house chores? Run some errands and constantly embarrass that repressed daughter with your incredibly revealing clothing and lewd actions.

You've got access to pretty much any young hottie you'd wanna get your claws on. Just make sure you keep up the good work! For your sake please keep up the good work. Seriously...

>I wish to be feminized in a humiliating fashion through heavy surgical alteration.
Humiliating you say?

Granted! You are now legally, and supernaturally owned by another person I granted the wish of, Dr. Faustina. She knows your wish well, and looks forward to "toying with you". Whatever she orders you to do, you must do. The "supernatural" part of her ownership of you means that if you disobey, she will know, and she can simply snap her fingers to teleport you to her, unconscious if she so desires. This is VERY helpful for "You will wear this chastity cage all day" or "You will perform at this strip club as a girl while crossdressing", things she likes to do to warm you up for her procedures, really...

Luckily for you, other than the shock and getting used to the changes, she is a VERY skilled doctor. Supernaturally so... She'll reduce your adam's apple, alter your skeletal structure to take on a feminine form, give female hormones and bimbo esq implants to mix your natural breasts with those she's putting in you... and this will all be done seamlessly, with no surgical scars... unless she'd like to leave one. You may even wake up with longer hair or different colored eyes... this is normal, and she's probably keeping your old scalp and eyes in her pocket dimension, along with whatever else she might have replaced... perhaps your balls will end up there too? Or maybe she'll borrow your cock and wear it herself...

You see, her wish made surgery effortless for her, and gave her supernatural, or as some might call them "magical" abilities that can let her do just about anything to someone, fully reverse it, or keep altering the same person while never "damaging" them and making future procedures dangerous. As for how she USES these powers... aside from working as a doctor to pay the bills, she sees extreme body modification as more of a PERSONAL hobby... and you as her favorite "test dummy". She'll be pretty normal feminizing you at first, making you crossdress, putting makeup on you, making you wear a cage maybe.
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She might not make you wear a cage though, it depends on what's more "fun". Will you be cuter with it on, seeking anal release, or more humiliated with a healthy cock able to pitch a tent in your dress at any moment, threatening to show everyone who sees just what kind of "procedures" you're getting? Oh, and your friends, coworkers, etc will be notified of your new name and sex, whatever humiliating name she comes up with for you... Princess maybe? That's embarassing AND ironic! Or maybe Lily? That's cute! Though she WILL have the mercy to keep people you may not have liked from bullying you. She might ruin your image as a man, but she still thinks she needs to "protect" you as her patient (and pet). She'll fuck you with her futa cock nightly (she grafted it onto her herself), and pick out your outfits everyday. A french maid for a trip to the grocery store? Why not! She loves you in a... unique, way, like that. She knows you want this, and what do you know! So does she, it's cute.

But eventually, you'll be feminized. Perhaps a VERY convincing femboy, maybe a shemale, maybe a full on girl... but does it REALLY have to end...? Because like I said... there's no limit to how many times she can operate on you.

She might let you get used to being a girl... only to take your implants out while you sleep and put your cock and balls back on, making you a femboy again, and see if you keep acting "girly". She might decide you'd look better as a bimbo, with dick sucking lips, a huge ass, and dark skin. Hell, she might look at your search history. Oh, you're into ladypots? Yeah she can fit you in one... display you in her parlor or waiting room. Quad amputee? Child's play... Multibreast? How many?

Eventually, being a "normal" looking girl will be a rarity, but you will constantly be feminized, and feminized again in new and humiliating ways.

At least it'll never get boring...

>I wish I was a sexy witch who could turn others into sapient, lewd objects (and back)

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Boating Edition

Writers/Artists: https://pastebin.com/eSWSvJJ7

Previous: >>10980968
50 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
Finally some new Chieri
In which Yume chan gets dunked on

Love it, although 'stoic but sweet' is also a great alternative

>be squire for 3+ metre knightess
>knightess comes back to your place after a big battle left her with nasty wounds
>unfazed by grievous injuries, she beings rips her armour off starting with the breastplate right in front of you, paying you no mind
>she hisses in pain as her wounds prevent her from bending or crouching down to finish the job
>knightess stands for a minute before speaking for the first time since she returned
>"anon help me undress myself"
>You freeze up, unable to respond until you hear her turn around. she looks dead in your eyes as you stay unmoving. There is a calculated understanding in her eyes... and she blinks
>"anon its fine."
>knightess continues to stare at you. Into you.
>she sighs, her eyes a fraction softer than before, and slowly walks up to you

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>Humanity is, in the grand scheme of things, a barely perceptible speck of light in comparison to the the Heavens
>Even the smallest of angels are towering colossi compared to humans, and the largest of angelic stewards are practically mountains
>God herself is so gargantuan humans are but bacterium upon her body
>But in spite of that, every angel, from the smallest to the largest, and God herself loves each individually human unconditionally and infinitely
>But some humans can't handle this love, nor the true perspective of their own insignificance in the universe
>For those spiteful, prideful, or enraged enough to reject the love of the angels and the goddess, and forge their own path, they are welcomed into the gates of Hell
>Not a place of fire or brimstone, but rather a world of those who insist on their own greatness
>Unfortunately, many a human soul has found that they are but a speck down here as well in comparison to the fallen angels, now demons who took their own smallness in comparison to God just as poorly as the humans took their smallness in comparison to angels
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is this gentle enough for you?

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Glory hole
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Because it's (mostly) never a bad idea
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live, damn you. need my women who are big in the best ways~!
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There needs to be a thread for fem-bears or however you'd define this specific type
What artist is this?

Climb edition

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Yeah it and character AI have worked quite nicely for me. Done a heap of size stuff with 2hus.

Did you draw this? Looks pretty nice as a sketch so far!
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I wonder how Samus shrunk him. The obvious explanation would be a shrink ray that matches her futuristic setting. It's funny to imagine her outdoing the transformative ability of his magic with her technology.
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Can't tell how many hundred times I've fapped to these 2 and the giant elf siege, definetely the best doujins I've ever found, just imagine if they'd became actual good animated hentais

also thanks to whoever reminded me of that giantess mod on Skyrim a couple threads ago, loved it on LE but dammmm, now on SE I'm getting some S+ tier content
what content did you enjoy the most in the mod?

>t. one of the mod animators

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- All artists welcome!
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Do not request drawings of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- To make the new drawthread, wait until page 10 at the bump limit so that our awesome booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.

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What's the best character to go behind him? Or is it better solo?
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Oh wow, that's looking fantastic so far. As for who could be behind him, I think Harvest would be the perfect fit.
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Requesting Mudrock from Arknights with a huge, hard cock cumming out extremely thick cum.
Nice (not OR)
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Beach day edition
Girls with more than two breasts. Thread may contain ai.
previous thread >>10891732
222 replies and 135 images omitted. Click here to view.
On one hand I like maids serving. On the other hand night clubs would be a natural home to multi-breasted succubi.
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Old thread: >>10954268
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Hate that anime. Those bitches always kill the monster girls.
need pet Seaport Hime wife
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She looks extra fat in this image.
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Benevolent edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10935183
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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And that's a good thing!
I will not stand idly by as an omnipotent goddess destroys countless innocent... wait, none of those innocent people care about me and she's naked. That's more than fine.
I have seen this pic like 20 times and just now noticed the giant condom
I’m sorry anons
Your worlds are probably nice but I still just want to be locked away in the infinite bubble butt dimension slowly succumbing to magical girl imprinting
I want to be locked in the infinite slimegirl dimension succumbing to slimy pleasure and affection

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Post Pent Up Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls.
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Geez anon that's hot
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The prostate expansion thing is so fucking good
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previous thread >>10948212
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He's only just on page 5? He was on page 5 the other day, is redoing the page again?
This is the other day's page 5 and right now he is doing another pose instead. Oh boy another long wait is coming if he keeps this up.
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And here is his current page 5.
He didn't redo he, he added a bit of her pushing the nun clothes thing between her boobs in the upper corner of the page. The first pose is just on another layer so he can draw
Is it possible for this to turn into a anime/hentai in the near future? It does have the story and now it has the action.

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All kinds of weird and humiliating TFs welcome. The sillier and more humiliating the better.
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Yuuka sexdoll for that one anon who requested something with Yuuka in onahole thread.

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