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Boating Edition

Writers/Artists: https://pastebin.com/eSWSvJJ7

Previous: >>10980968
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Save teh boatz.
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She knows that I can't swim and that I'll have to cling to her the whole time, how devious.
Recap from last thread. Sorry if I missed yours, etc...
How the tides have turned >>10981017 >>10981023
Tiny racing league >>10982163 >>10982203 >>10982243
/o/ x /d/ >>10982163 >>10982404 >>10982373
Ambushed >>10983096
Way of the Tiny >>10983127 >>10983134
Little racist racer >>10983569
Slave >>10986287 >>10986293
Where do you think you're going? >>10987909 >>10987911
"It's so tiny" >>10988248
Scared stiff >>10989020 >>10989022
Practice dungeon >>10991409
Boss lady >>10995154 >>10995226 >>10995924 >>10996190
FLUFFLED >>10996554 >>10996558
Mercenaries pet >>10998603
>Why are they like this >>10999030 >>10999050
Pets of the Elves >>10999968

Off site stuff >>10988902 >>10994018

Drawfaggery >>10981210
>the cliche is elves shrinking humans and being cruelfags/despair-porn
shrinking was never mentioned, nor was anything that could be considered "despair-porn"
a giantess that views her tiny companion as lesser (despite loving them very much) learning to view them as mentally/emotionally equal is not a new premise but it's hardly a cliche either
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The whole chain of posts refers to an elf and her human pet digging up crushed human skeletons, elves obliterating humanity's history, and the elven race as a whole viewing humanity as a lesser species that is rightfully their pet. There are some lines in the sand already about the pet thing, but from the points raised in the greens anon was certainly going for a more cruel setting for the humans. Not outright despair porn, but certainly cruel. The history angle is neat though and I could see it being a worthwhile area to explore both in terms of cruel/gentle.

But it doesn't matter because the other anon is clearly a cruelfag stirring shit because they prefer cruel elves versus an anon making gentle elves.
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Please don't call her a fleet "escort" it makes her sound slutty.
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Is Kantai still going strong?
Continuing on from my previous post about the Orc woman and the tiny human woman (Part 2, I guess?)

>Later in the night, the Orc woman lets the little human woman freshen up and bathe in a bowl of warm water before giving her a clean cut of cloth to use as a comfortable nightgown.
>After both have freshened up, the Orc woman lies down on the bed, head propped up on a pillow as she reads a book.
>The little human woman sits nervously on the mattress next to Orc’s titanic torso, which looked like an awe-inspiring green mountain range of powerful muscle.
>The little woman is otherwise unsupervised though, as the Orc woman figures it’s best to give the cute little Humie her space.
>Tiny human woman, curiosity finally getting the better of her, discreetly tries to peek at what the Orc woman is reading.
>“Awww, yer a little bookworm, aren’t ye?” Orc woman lightly teases, startling the little human and making her let out a cute little yelp.
>“Alright then, c’mere you,” Orc woman chuckles as she gently scoops the tiny woman in an open palm.
>Orc woman gently tilts her hand, letting the little woman slide off her palm and onto the crook of her powerful neck, giving the little woman a much better view of the book’s contents.
>“Comfortable?” Orc woman asks, her soft and husky voice reverberating down her neck and vibrating against the tiny human woman’s hands and feet.
>Orc woman suddenly hears the cutest little sniffle coming from the tiny human woman just under her chin.
>“R-really, thank you. I-I love reading…” the human woman almost sobs in a wavering voice as she tries to hold back tears of relief.
(And Part 3, because it was too long for one post)

>This was the first time in a long time the human woman felt safe or cared for since being shrunk and kidnapped.
>Being cradled against the Orc woman’s neck made her feel so protected, almost like this Orc woman was a towering guardian angel.
>Orc woman keeps the book open, but isn’t focused on reading it anymore as her heart aches for the tiny human woman who must have gone through so much.
>Orc woman just lies silently, focusing on feeling every bit of the cute little Humie against her skin, giving the little Humie whatever time she needs.
>After a short while, Orc woman suddenly feels the daintiest little hand lightly tapping the side of her muscular neck.
>“U-um, e-excuse me?” The little human woman asks nervously. “I-I’m sorry… c-could you please turn the page? W-wait! I-I mean o-only if y-you’re done! I-I’m sorry!” the little human woman starts panic-correcting herself and over-apologizing.
>Orc woman is absolutely elated that the little human is opening up.
>It takes all of the Orc’s willpower not to scope up the little woman and smother her with affection.
>Orc woman calmly turns the page as she can’t help but smile gently. “Aye, of course.”

I have some ideas for probably 2 more parts to this.
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But she is escorting the fleet. If you don't have a giantess escort, you end up with monster girls trying their luck. Either they steal the ships for their collection or they will take someone to be their husband.
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Is this an edit or collage? Looks bizarre.
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Some of them even take multiple husbandos.

I would like to express this is very much entering the territory of loli/shota shit and such things not only bring down the good name of the Gentle thread, but also many folks probably do not want to imagine children type characters in their fetish fantasies regardless of context or power roles. I'm surprised they're still visible, since I thought those were against the rules.
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Who cares. Stop being a faggot.
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my friend draws stuff which may be fitting for this thread

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Lolis and Shotas are only against the rules if they're engaging in sexual activity.
Not quite. Mods took down a loli image I posted once even though there was no sexual activity in it. There's probably no definite demarcation between acceptable adn unacceptable but in general it's probably about how "sexualized" the image is and how young the girl appears to be. A 13 year old is probably fine in most scenarios, and so is a 5 year old as long as the picture is innocent enough like in >>11001755
A 5 year old shoving tinies up her pussy is probably off limits though, and so is a 5 year old with tinies worshipping and lusting after her feet or whatever even if there's no nudity or genitals involved.
The mods care apparently
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>be a soldier for some totalitarian tyrannical regime
>you are at war with some advanced race
>on the front, they used gigantification technology and took you as a prisoner of war
>they treat you so well you do not want to go back...
>giant elf takes you prisoner
wow very bold anon, is she a mommy too? maybe a stinky neet?
she is a soldier, so not a neet by definition...
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Didn't this literally happen in WW2 with Soviet POWs minus the giants?
Gentle lolis and shotas bring the good name of the gentle thread up, not down, in my eyes.
No one said anything about shotacon you fucking faggot go back to your containment thread
Anon, half the Soviet POWs, around 3 millions of them, died in German captivity during WW2. You tell me how happy they were to be prisoners.
a much better analogy would be German POWs captured by the western allies
who cares. I dont want to see it either so I keep scrolling. The world doesnt have to adapt to you, you adapt to the world
Anon, millions of german POWs were starved to death under american allied supervision.
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i hope giant invulnerable ladies will be used in wars soon
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>Less than 1% chance of dying in American or British captivity
Braindead normie how did you even find this website?
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That wont be heck'n gentle though.
what if this is a serious war for us, but a playful toying for them?

I've never come up with a greater context to fit it in, but one scene I like to imagine is a Giantess Medic arriving to treat another injured giantess and discovering she's only alive because a bunch of tinies crawled into the wound and are trying their best to hold the severed artery closed.
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Unless the giantess are protecting the tinies in some way from something or someone else, or no harm psychological or physical is done to the tinies in this 'serious' war, it aint gentle.
This is sorta what im talking about.
Tinies launch bullets, missiles and nukes at giantesses, send in armies of troops, which get grabbed and mercilessly cuddled, kissed and smothered.
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>gentle giantess thread
>look inside
>/pol/fags and lolifags
Yeah just ignore it
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Murderfaggot's monthly tantrum
Almost like this thread is for containing the worst posters (including trolls)
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Can't we get along?
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>giantess hiding behind a stern expression desperately trying to be dignified and maintain professionalism and not snatch and play with one of her "coworkers"

"giantess being stoic and aloof but actually super loves tinies" is something i can get behind, especially as they wrangle between being "professional" and wanting to smother the tinies with love and/or their various body parts.

>abducted by alien giantess scientist
>she performs "experiments" on you
>experiments like "snuggle the earthling and measure nervous system chemical and hormone changes," "examine effect of earthling skin contact on external and internal body temperature," and "determine effect of earthling pheromones on giantess mental state/determine effect of giantess pheromones on earthling"
>she's very adamant on collecting as much data as she can
>her face remains stoic and serene as she rubs your tiny body against her nipple with one hand, writes notes with the other, and speaks her thoughts and observations into a voice recorder all at the same time, with only the increased perspiration, husky breath, luminescent blush, and occasional body-wracking shiver of pleasure indicating that she's having fun while she works (as much as she denies it).
>she claims her licking all over your body after every "data set iteration" is another experiment on the "sustainability of using earthling sweat as an alternate means of electrolyte replenishment"
>you live in a "comfortable representation of earthling living quarters" most of the time
>unless she's conducting the "feasibility study of using earthling as sleep aid" experiment, which was her fancy way of saying that she wants you to sleep in her cooter.
>luckily your abduction didn't end up with -you- getting probed
>such is life as the tiny earthling lab rat
Finally some new Chieri
In which Yume chan gets dunked on

Love it, although 'stoic but sweet' is also a great alternative

>be squire for 3+ metre knightess
>knightess comes back to your place after a big battle left her with nasty wounds
>unfazed by grievous injuries, she beings rips her armour off starting with the breastplate right in front of you, paying you no mind
>she hisses in pain as her wounds prevent her from bending or crouching down to finish the job
>knightess stands for a minute before speaking for the first time since she returned
>"anon help me undress myself"
>You freeze up, unable to respond until you hear her turn around. she looks dead in your eyes as you stay unmoving. There is a calculated understanding in her eyes... and she blinks
>"anon its fine."
>knightess continues to stare at you. Into you.
>she sighs, her eyes a fraction softer than before, and slowly walks up to you
>you barely come up to her waist, but she cups her big hands around your head and pulls you close. The heat from her body spreads into yours.
>"it's fine."
>you stammer out agree and she loosens her grip and carefully lifts you head up to look at her. Her normally stoic face is softer now that you see it.
>"thank you."
>she says nothing more as you help her sit down and begin undressing her.
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>Humanity is, in the grand scheme of things, a barely perceptible speck of light in comparison to the the Heavens
>Even the smallest of angels are towering colossi compared to humans, and the largest of angelic stewards are practically mountains
>God herself is so gargantuan humans are but bacterium upon her body
>But in spite of that, every angel, from the smallest to the largest, and God herself loves each individually human unconditionally and infinitely
>But some humans can't handle this love, nor the true perspective of their own insignificance in the universe
>For those spiteful, prideful, or enraged enough to reject the love of the angels and the goddess, and forge their own path, they are welcomed into the gates of Hell
>Not a place of fire or brimstone, but rather a world of those who insist on their own greatness
>Unfortunately, many a human soul has found that they are but a speck down here as well in comparison to the fallen angels, now demons who took their own smallness in comparison to God just as poorly as the humans took their smallness in comparison to angels
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is this gentle enough for you?
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(Part 4, hope it's been enjoyable enough)

>Later in the night, the Orc woman and the tiny human woman go to sleep, the tiny woman lying down on the pillow beside the Orc’s head.
>Orc woman snoring soundly, but a harsh thunderstorm outside keeps the tiny woman up, since everything sounds so much louder and harsher to her tiny sensitive ears.
>One particular thunder strike boomed loudly and rattled the room, causing the tiny human woman to yelp loudly in a panic.
>Hearing the tiny woman’s cute yelp, Orc woman stirs from her slumber and rises like a mountain.
>Orc woman blankly looks down at the tiny woman, who currently has both hands clasped over her mouth and is blushing red from embarrassment.
>“S-sorry…” the tiny woman apologized, feeling oh so small and pathetic before the mountainous green woman towering over her.
>Lighting flashes outside again, followed by a booming thunder that shakes the room and rattles the bed.
>“S-SHIT!” the tiny woman whimpered, clasping her ears and folding into a brace position as the room shook again.
>Orc woman smiles gently in understanding, and scoops up the tiny woman once again.
>Orc woman drops the tiny woman between her breasts, surrounding her with two towering breasts that held up the Orc’s tank-top like a canopy
>Thunder booms again from outside, but it’s greatly muffled by the Orc woman’s powerful muscles and mountainous breasts.
>Tiny human feels so much more at ease now between the Orc’s woman’s cleavage, and the gentle rising and falling of the Orc’s woman’s chest as she breathes helps to rock the tiny woman to sleep.
>After so many difficult and sleepless nights since being kidnapped, the tiny human woman never slept more soundly than she did that night.
Looks non consensual so it isn't gentle
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>aww don't worry little dude, I'm not gonna eat you, meat is murder, man!
>you want some of the good stuff? I've got some microdoses that should probably work
yea lovely story anon, good stuff :D
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>she laid on the floor
>and you laid between her breasts
>both of you stared at the ceiling as your minds opened to the universe
>you could feel her heartbeat and the rise and fall of her chest under you with each gentle breath
"You know... when you look at it one way... we're all just... dust... birthed from stars... insignificant in the vast, infinite body of the void that is the universe..."
>she blinked and looked down at you
"So, like... cosmically.... aren't we essentially the same size?"
>you could see her mind working on what you said
>"...even if i'm a hundred times bigger than you?"
"Yeah, here, but we're both itty bitty microbes to a planet, and our planet is an itty bitty microbe to a star, and the star is an itty bitty microbe to a galaxy... a bigger microbe is still a microbe, relatively speaking..."
>"...shit, that's deep, little dude. I gotta think about that one."
>both of you returned to silently contemplating the cosmos
>she wasn't lying, this was the good shit.
>such is life as cosmic dust motes
Just don't mention the idea that sometimes the bigger microbes envelop or devour the smaller microbes. That might cause a bad trip, probably for the both of them.
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Advantages of giant gf
>doesn't need tickets
>biggest "12th man" of all time
>once caused a missed field goal by stomping real hard
>concessions are even more expensive
>can't go to domed stadiums
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>"Whoa. what's this?" A finger the size of an island points at something you see through only her eyes.
"That's where I live. It's called a city"
>"A city... wooow. Hey what's that place?" She (at least your splintering mind tells you this entity is female) points to another place and your vision shunts somewhere else again. And again. Sooner rather than later, you throw up, and she pauses to give you a break. But it soon passes, and you continue to do so.
>The curiosity of this cosmic stranger begs its own question.
"...Are you sure there isn't some greater truth out in the infinite void? Anything much better than what's on earth?"
>"Dude I've seen the infinite like, a hundred times. It's nothing special. Down here, though, its pretty cool, too. It's like an itty bitty galaxy with all the lights, y'know?"
>the moment is forgotten almost immediately, insignificant to this greater being, and you answer more questions asked by this cosmic traveller whose literal presence is wearing down your psyche
>but all things come to an end, and you finally black out.
>you do not die, and despite your belief that this is what is happening, your mind remains whole
>you feel warm as an endless land of living flesh becomes your bed, blanket, and cradle.
>it is nicer than it sounds
>tfw not giant gf to hotbox you in her mouth
>toking with giant gf
>things go philosophical
>"what if...*toke*...what if, I'm not small...you're just big..."
>"...WOOOAH..." *BIG TOKE*
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I must know...how would a big kissu feel like...
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>Jump dude, don't worry it's safe
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>She says she'll stop blocking the street when that "tiny jerk who called me a walking skyscraper" apologizes
Please, whoever said that just come forward and aplogize, before she does something drastic like stepping on bikes
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>"are our souls the same size,or is my soul tiny compared to yours?"
>"damm dude never thought about that.."
>"can like ghosts pick up tiny people,like..they can throw stuff and all that,are we light enough for them to carry us?"
>"dude...thats just scary..."
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isnt jumping into her hands defeating the whole point of diving from the board?
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>be tiny office worker
>doing overtime
>tired as hell, taking the train home
>realise as the train pulls into the station that it has no tiny only carriage
>this means you'll have to stand the entire time
>train rumbles along, your legs are already wobbly
>Suddenly rocked off your tired feet by some big footsteps
>A giant OL drops herself on the seat above you
>*YAWN* "Ugh, I hate overtime, I can't wait to get ho-oh"
>She stares and sees you between her feet
>"Hey, little dude don't you know that's dangerous? C'mere"
>You're gently scooped up by her soft hand before you can even begin to protest...no that it would've mattered as tired as you are
>"There we go, isn't that much better?" she says as she set you down in her lap the soft fabric of her clothes acting like a pillow, while she her hand covers you like a blanket and secures you
>"Now, all we gotta do is stay awake so I can let you off at your...station..little gu-zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZ"
>You've never seen someone fall asleep that fast
>As you look outside you see your stop roll past, you're still held securely and comfortably by her hand
>Looks like you're going home with her
>But that may be not so bad, you think to yourself as you slowly drift asleep to the relaxing sound of her breath
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do not trust the giant kitsune
Doesn't sound like pisces, although the appearance kind of fits.
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why are they like this
They refuse to be vulnerable. Stubborn faggots.
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>decide to be kind to the bullied girl at school
>slowly earn her trust
>we become good friends
>I personally find her to be cute, although it's a mixed vote depending on who you ask about her
>the INCIDENT happens, shrinking 5% of the town we live in
>I, was, unfortunately shrunken to an inch in height
>Find myself scared of things and people I never used to be scared of
>Our first sleepover is soon, and it looks like I'll be going at my new vulnerable size
>We watch a movie and have a good time
>She's careful. Attentive to the slightest body language from me.
>It's like she was built for caring for a tiny, and would ace a test on it
>I consult with her if I should sleep in another room since I'm a dude
>She tells me she would be happier to remain in her room
>"...you always made me feel safe, even when you weren't so... miniscule."
>And so, that's how I find myself next to her on a pillow as she sleeps, a peaceful titan dominating half my world view in the dark of night
>She subconsciously grabs me in her sleep and holds me to her chest
>I can hear her heartbeat, slowly drumming, and the occasional scary groan from her stomach further away
>I struggle to free myself, but I can't
>She's not even actively trying to restrain me
>I find myself forcibly pressed against a mousy girl's chest for the entire night
>I'm too embarrassed to sleep for over half of it
>I don't blame her for what happened, but
>For over an hour, I failed to break free
>And after that hour, I felt helpless. Hopeless. Worthless. Weak. Every negative emotion filled my mind
>And it was all only from an accidental cuddle, as if I were some sort of plushie
>With a face full of boob covered by a sweater-- that's where I learned I'm finally at the bottom of the food chain
Why is it you people can only get off when you imagine yourself and romantic interests as school aged?
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Shrink sucks for the tiny, growth is the opposite. The normal party still gets the benefit of enjoying the familiarity of the existing society.
You’re right, it’s much better when you have a middle school shota being dominated by a loving but teasing milf
Young love, the childhood friends trope that's so prevalent in anime, etc. However, obligatory
>thinking everyone is the same poster
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Where Iam from, we're not aiming for no hands laddie!
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What is this?
Giantess 1984. A boot stomping on a giant booba forever.
Need source please!
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
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>hey, uhh, are you okay if I take my socks off?
This is just a setup for me to 'accidentally' fall into your sock and having you put it back on "completely unaware" of my presence and then kidnap me, walking back all the way to your home and keeping me there forever without anyone noticing my disappearance, isn't it?
Being bigger than everyone else turns them into arrogant douchebags.
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wow what a nice giga giantess, its a bit odd shes using her feet to clear/transform the land but at least it makes it easier for the tinies to expand their little city.
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>a-are you guys looking for local deity?
>she's not even an actual goddess
>she just dresses like one to trick unsuspecting tinies into worshipping her
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Gushing over Magical Girls
unfortunately this character has effectively disappeared for years in the manga
What even's happening in the manga anymore? I dropped it years ago myself.
>Whaaaat? Nooooooo! I-I was just getting warm, that's all! I wouldn't stuff you in my sock!
>i-i mean, it is pretty warm and cozy in there, I bet... y-you do look cold...
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>tfw get raided and shrunk for being a "threat to society"
>get assigned to a rooki correction officer
what now
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Anon, a "goddess" is just a giant girl that's been around long enough for people to forget she used to be human. There is no real difference. Why, the girl you see hanging out at the park would be as much of a "goddess" as Gaia or Osiris once she grows, and in a mere hundred years no one would say anything to the contrary.
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All giant girls are goddesses you chud
Tell her everything, you got swatted for a reason silly
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i like when they are actual goddesses, though
like, having some divine abilities on top of size
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It's over. The Tiny West has fallen.

The only part of this that bothers me, slightly albeit is why in the fuck would a goddess make a boyfriend out of generic average joe #92837429374?
I do specify though that it only bothers me slightly, as a tiny that's a clear self-insert is the biggest bonerkiller.
millions must be shrunk
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Because sometimes variety of spice of life means getting yourself a vanilla ice cream.

pic semi-related.
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She's gotta clean up those mountains so other girls won't stub their toes
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>why in the fuck would a goddess make a boyfriend out of generic average joe #92837429374?
maybe the average joe was their boyfriend before ascending into a goddess and they kept up the relationship? could also be the case the goddess goes for some Mr. average joe because they want something boring and benign in their life to keep themselves anchored to reality.
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Why would we, masters of earth, air and water, want to buy and take care of beings far inferior to us?
People like you that think humanity isn't at the mercy of nature at all times should be forced to watch a gentle giantess hug everyone BUT THEM
This pic doesn't seem very gentle...
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Of course it is anon! It's just an extreme bdsm size pic where a bunch of tinies love getting choked by their big dom. One of them is even an alien that can only speak in an otherworldly "skull and speech bubble" projection. That alien is a cool guy.
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I'll be honestly...

How the FUCK does anyone not understand how to make love to a giantess? This is something I see people outside the fetish say a lot, and I'm genuinely baffled by the lack of imagination.
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is breeding tiny humans gentle?
Elves are creepy
Shockingly there might be posters who are younger than you think. Is it that unlikely that a high schooler or even a college student might fantasize about high school?
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This. They radiate femcel energy.
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I like elves, I wish one would play with me using her cute feet
anon they are going to breed you to have no body hair, a tiny nose that makes it hard to breathe, weak bones because they find humans being clumsy cute, and more probably.
not to mention the concept of breeding implies that most humans get spayed AKA neutered/castrated, would you say that is gentle?

Humans are people, not dogs
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>No body hair
>Probably a perma-shota
I can live with that.
>90% of anime/manga, regardless of genre takes place in some permutation of high school
>why do all the people on the anime/manga board keep bringing up high school???
You might be too old for 4chan
i dunno dude those tinies look pretty healthy to me, and if you're being bred you're not being neutered, sounds like a cool gig to me
There’s an Amazon/minigiantess story like that called To Care For Man. Yeah, it’s physically gentle and whatnot. But it’s ends in a super dark and depressing way. Basically Humans ending up as sex-Pugs.

It just comes down to how much femdom/humiliation amongst other things you like in your stories I guess.
To people in the fetish the size difference itself is enough of a turn on plus all the creative things you could do with that size difference.
To normie smoothbrains if you can't put peepee in vagina then they get confused.
For me it's typically evil races that have a secret softie side.
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>*sniff* *sniff* no-nobody else has seen me as anything but a hideous m-monster...
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"And then this employee was fired for fraternizing with the weapon system. Don't be like him, always take your work seriously and complete your assigned maintenance tasks without getting distracted by the appearance of the weapon.
That concludes this Organic Weapon Technician training videos. Thank you for watching."
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Man Cerestia makes for such a great Gentle Giantess, I wish we got way more Last Origin content of this type
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Need more mundane gentle militaria giantess images/diagrams/writing/etc desu.
Who is this artist btw? I've seen their stuff posted but never seen their pixiv or DA or anything like that
/k/ used to have fantasy and writing threads and they posted their art there
Got a bunch of them
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I even got the other two pictures this artist did
Much appreciated.
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I wonder how these giant mech girls interact with the tiny workers.
They're under strict regulation not to, too many workplace accidents followed blowing kisses or otherwise teasing the maintenance personnel.
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Short hair seems friendly when she isn't embiggened
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And seeing the same hand that held yours gripping a building is super hot for some reason
I need to play some Virtual On this weekend.
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Seems like a great way to have the "weapon system" go AWOL. Keeping up morale is important
They can't stop her, what would they even do? Ground her? LOL.
>cue panic as she goes strolling through the city looking for her friend
Setz quit, didn't he?
Nope, he's still trucking along.
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>anon the maintenance guy finally gets a day off work
>he was finally able to cash in on management's goodwill after not reporting the accidental mesh suit entrapment episode
>just as he thinks he will get a lazy day to lie in, he is awoken by a heavy tread and a lot of screaming
>opens his curtains and is greeted by the giant mech girl he usually works on looming right outside
>he's on the top floor of the apartment block and shes having to bend her back to peer into his room
>"anon i require you to come back to the hangar with me at once."
>she then points down her chest, blushing hard
>there is a minor tear on her skintight suit
>"your replacement performs suboptimal repairs. i require you to fix this."
>anon groans
>they are going to blame all the disruption the mech girl has caused on him
>bang goes any hope for a peaceful holiday
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Those rules are in place BECAUSE we can't be having the girls tearing a town apart looking for their favorite. All it takes is one technician getting too close before tragically walking in front of a bus. Boom, now everyone else has to deal with a bereaved walking skyscraper covered in weapons that doesn't believe he's gone.
More focused on his webcomic these days but he's far from done appreciating big girls
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Do giant catgirls hunt humans?
Yes, somewhat like a sport. You'll be minding your own business, and all of a sudden you're "caught" and at the mercy of some girl with predator instincts who just couldn't help herself.

However, most of these encounters end there. It's a bit spooky having your free will taken away by a giant hand, but it's usually just a harmless interaction. Expect to walk away after some light teasing over it.
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>free will
That's a myth. From the moment you were born it was always predestined that you would end up in catgirl hands.
Be grateful it wasn't a foxgirl instead
>enter dog girls
Check mate giant pussy cats, kneel to the superior more loyal and lovable giantess
Loyal to their mega-giantess owners, sure. People like you and me? We're more like chew toys for them to slobber on for a minute or two before they move on to whatever catches their eye next. Best case scenario you'll find one that sees you as a puppy, but catgirls do that too so pick your poison.
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The bigger problem with giantess dog-girls is that sniffing their butt is the equivalent to a handshake for them, so introductions can get very...intense.
This artist looks familiar, who is it?
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Noneto's fanbox got dumped on sadpanda, it's a treasure trove of gentle smut.
Based, I always wondered where they went. Guess they just opted for the whole paywall thing.
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>Be grateful it wasn't a foxgirl instead
This is such a gross mischaracterization, out of the giant races known to predate on humans they're among the less likely to actually eat you.
They're far smarter and far less prone to given in their predatory insticts than catgirls or dogirls, if they went and did it they could also just pull you with their magic.
Also, it's widely know that in ancient times the humans sacrificed to them by villagers to garner their good will instead of being consumed would secretly become their beloved pets.
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>When your pet garter lamia goes a little heavy on the growth elixir
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>be a soldier in the second alien war
>after the first war, the regime built giant robots to counter the aliens' gigantification technology
>you drop into battle and see your first alien soldier
>she's giant, of course, but in your mech you should be able to take her
>she looks at you, smiles, then opens her wrist computer and adds an extra zero to her size
>you never had a chance
>she picks up your mech like a small toy and tucks it into a pocket on her uniform
>at base she returns to human size, in the process shrinking your mech to the size of an actual toy and you to the size of a small insect
>eventually they pull you out of the cockpit and return you to human size
>they even let you keep the mech, but you can't use it because it's still toy-sized
>they think it's funny
That's very cute
The point of my idea is that for humans its a serious war with missiles, bullets, mechs and nukes, and for aliens it just a gentle toying.
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>"The good news is that the mark 3 suit delivers a major upgrade in electronic capability over the mark 2 suit"
>"What's the bad news?"
>"It also demands a major increase in operator workload. The girls have enough to deal with already, so R&D made it a two-person rig. You already understand most of the hardware and you have a good relationship with her, so as of now you're being promoted from maintenance chief to co-pilot"
>"I don't see a cockpit. Where am I supposed to sit?"
>"Right here"
>the base commander points to a large capsule, hanging loose but attached to the inside crotch by a bundle of cables
>"Does that go where I think it goes?"
>"We can't risk losing the co-pilot to a lucky hit. Her skin is tougher than any armor we can produce, so putting you inside her is the best way to keep you safe. Don't worry, it's waterproof"
>no autistically gentle giantess refusing to even touch tinies in case its cruel
vixen hands typed this post

>giantess doesn't want to accidentally squeeze a tiny with her hands
>the best she can do is offer her socked feet for her tiny friend to climb up to and secure themselves in the ankle elastic
>and even then she doesn't lift her feet, instead shuffling around, her eyes locked on her tiny passenger

>Oooooh shit I'm a giantess! Okay, biganon don't freak out! You've seen all those videos on the web and those kinky threads. You know exactly what's gonna happen if you don't watch your step! Just think about the nearest exit out of the city! Okay, by my guestimate that should be about... a hundred steps back down the streets full of people running away from me. Fuck! Okay new plan, I'll just find a park or something and sit still until everybody sees I'm not a threat. Wait is that the army?! FUCK! okay okay new new plan, just sit down, keep your hands to yourself, no sudden movements. yeah okay, that's a good plan!
Wait why's the ground getting further away wait no fuck fuck FUCK
(Part 5, just for some closure for these two.)

>Rooster crowing outside wakes up Orc woman, who stretches her muscular arms and lets out a prolonged yawn.
>Orc woman had never slept so soundly before, nor had she ever felt as refreshed and invigorated after waking up as she did now.
>Suddenly feeling the cute little lump under her tank tap shift, she realized why she felt that way.
>Lifting up the cloth of her tank top, the Orc woman’s heart flutters seeing the tiny human woman nestled comfortably against her boob and looking up at her with adorable eyes.
>“Uh… g-good morning…” The tiny human woman says while smiling awkwardly but genuinely, meekly rubbing her arm and averting her eyes as if she were being confronted by her crush.
>Orc woman gently scoops her out and lets her stand in an open palm.
>“Ye looked real snug and cozy nestled up against my bosom,” the Orc woman chuckled heartily, her green cheeks taking on a light shade of red.
>“If I make such a great bed, maybe you could sleep there every night…of course that’ll cost ye, since the first night was a freebie,” the Orc woman giggled jokingly while rubbing the back of her head.
>The human woman whispers something under her breath.
>“Eh? What’s that now?” The Orc woman began saying while bringing the little woman closer to her ear, only to freeze when she felt the tiniest pair of lips peck her on the cheek.
>“H-how’s that for payment?” The tiny human woman’s voice was shaky, but she had a small smirk on her face and playfully defiant eyes.
>“Why ye sneaky little ladybug…” the Orc woman growled playfully before bombarding the tiny woman with firm but gentle kisses that pinned the tiny woman to her palm.
>Tiny woman broke into a fit of playful squeals and giggles as the mix of the Orc woman’s warm lips and cool tusks covered every inch of her skin.
>“Aye, that’ll do for payment. Hope you brought enough of those ‘till I get you home.”
>Autistic giantess desperately tries to convince the army she's not a threat
>Autistic giantess playing Kaiju, trying to goad the army to take pot shots at her
>Autistic giantess has military fixation and strolls into town just because she wants to see the armys big (relatively speaking) cool toys up close in action
Autistic giantess are the best
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Thread slow me go
Giant soldiers rescuing people
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>tfw you will never be shrunken so small that a kitsune's tails are each the size of a forest in comparison
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>Giant soldiers rescuing people
This is Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force’s mascot and she's canonically 40mt tall.
>Practice dungeon >>10991409
I really love this
I wonder if the dungeon itself can be seen into from outside, like a dollhouse or one of those ant farms with a glass wall
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anyone know where i can find the artist,cant find anything on them
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literally just google the name
thats why i said "cant find anything on them",the results dont show anything about that artist
The very first result, on multiple search engines, is his tumblr, and on google the second is the image you posted.
still cant find anything ,can you link me their tumblr?
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I found a short story about the Tower from Slay the Princess that was surprisingly gentle. It was part of a collection by an author.

I want more of it. I'll write one myself if I have to.
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Does anyone happen to have the greentexts someone did in these threads a decent amount of time back about a woman who had cheated on her "get shrunk or not" test back in high school by switching her's with a smarter classmate's? I remember that he was coming to work under her as a shrinkee and she was initially a little smug that he failed his re-test and ended up shrunk anyway, only to find out that the test she had done and given to him scored too low to qualify for a re-do. Want to say it closed out with her telling him they'd talk more during lunch (with mention that he was not going to be getting the small break shrinkees typically get) before heading to her office to try to figure out what the hell she can do for him.

Just thought about it today and got annoyed I didn't save it myself, so figured I'd ask. I remember some good conversation surrounding it, as well.
Hey how's it going
Badly, because giant women do not exist

I would accept apocalyptically cruel ones who kill us all at this point
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Awful. I've been trying to produce some greens for a while but nothing sticks.

Absolutely blessed, thank you
How about you share it with us huh?

https://archiveofourown org/works/54342886
need more qt giant cyborgs
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>okay, biganon, just keep your hands up and don't make any sudden move-
>oh my god that's so cool! oh I have to see it up close! I bet the SEPv4 is so awesome! can I see inside?
>tank fires
>okay okay, just stay still and listen for their instru-
Need more giant office girls to make me forget about bad day at office. Or office tinies isekaid into fantasy land for the same purpose
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Need more wholesome role reversal with tiny girls growing huge and paying back all the care and kindness they experienced
How do you recoincile Mouth Play with Gentle Giantess?
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The deepest, most intimate kiss in existence beside full on safe vore
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The danger and needing to really trust someone is a part of the appeal
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Oh I'm a sucker for this.
Especially with fairies.
I'm all for content of fairies getting their revenge against humans who wronged them but there's not enough of fairies playfully shrinking humans they like and dote on them
anyone else mess with mostly non-sexual, purely gentle GTS stuff? like just cuddling and warm feelings?

Like i get the sexy stuff too but, most of the time im more into the comfy stuff when im looking for gentle content

Any good stories anons?
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>like just cuddling and warm feelings?

I like stuff like that also, but stuff like that burns slower than the instant hit of "omg tiny man dive into big titty"
I like vore, so it’s quite easy. But yeah, full body kiss and/or blowjob. Fearplay, ultimate sign of trust, yadayada.
>but stuff like that burns slower than the instant hit of "omg tiny man dive into big titty"

oh definitely, my favorite type of GT relationship is just, a normal one but one is giant. first meeting, getting to know each other, beginning to trust, warming up to the size difference, and THEN cuddling.

And honestly cuddling doesnt have to instantly be between tiddies, at first just gentle hand holds, or rubbing against cheeks, that shits the bomb
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>Tiny likes it
>She pukes him up later
Literally all there is to it
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Preferred intelligence level for a giantess?
>Genius: Absolutely brilliant person, perhaps a scientist who figured out how to grow herself
>Bright: Sharp witted, knows more than you do, for sure
>Average: Regular everyday girl somehow larger than life
>Dull: A bit of a ditz, maybe her increased size impairs brain function
>Unga Bunga: Absolute cavewoman brain
not a fan of cavewoman brain unless she's a feral / non-verbal monstergirl with an alien or animalistic mind
dull and above are all good, provided she's not both dumb AND careless
But I do really enjoy when a giantess is basically superhuman not only in size but also in mental or magical ability
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Bright, but with the caveat of still being ignorant in certain places or having weaknesses in certain areas of study. It's nice for both parties to have something to contribute to the other.
>>11020198 This but with genius.
I want her to have meticulously thought out plans and questionable inventions to break down the barriers between her and normal-sized people. Putting motion sensors around her place and trackers on all of her little friends after hacking their phones and spying on them so she can figure out what they like to do.
And her top secret project would be analysing every woman she meets in autistic detail so she can pick the best girls and make them bigger with the same method that made her a giantess.
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>And her top secret project would be analysing every woman she meets in autistic detail so she can pick the best girls and make them bigger with the same method that made her a giantess.
A jealous goddess is better desu.
Not necessarily wrong there, although a smart goddess will reward the ones she can trust.
>giantess genius utterly perplexed by the fact that a tiny would choose to be with a woman smaller than her
>"This doesn't make sense, I'm bigger than her so naturally he should want to be with me, she's what, only 15 feet tall?"
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>tiny does it to get the two big girls to fight over him
>suggests some form of 'friendly' contest/competition to settle the matter
Now who's the genius?
A giant cavewoman/barbarian would be pretty hot
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A little urban fantasy role reversal where the vampire is tiny:

>Be a vampire boy who comes from a proud line of vampire royalty who preys on humans for blood and sport.
>You hate violence and killing, especially against humans, so you run away from home.
>Starve yourself to not kill any humans, and blood packs are hard to come across.
>End up atrophying and shrinking away until you’re only an inch tall.
>Secretly take refuge in some college girls' flat.
>She’s an outgoing, short haired, and tanned tomboy who’s a fitness nut.
>On top of sports and fitness, she’s into horror movies and the supernatural.
>She finds you one day, and before you can flee she gently captures you between two clasped hands.
>Opening her palms, she looks at you in adoration, but her expression turns to worry when she sees how skinny you are.
>She’s amazed to have found a cool little vampire dude, but shocked at how much you’ve wasted away.
>She lifts you up to the crook of her powerful neck, and you’re in awe at the disparity between your size and hers.
>“Consider it an all you can eat buffet!” she giggled assuredly as you nervously crawled off her palm.
>“T-thank you… and I-I’m really sorry about this,” You whisper in a mixture of shame and embarrassment.
>“Don’t be sorry! You’re skin-and-bones. You gotta eat little dude! Plus, bloodletting can be good for the body, actually!”
>She seemed pretty confident that at your tiny size you couldn’t really do any damage.
>Awkwardly bite into her massive, muscular neck, only to freeze and pull out when she suddenly lets out a gasp.
>“S-sorry! D-did that hurt?” You panic, worrying you bit into her wrong because of your inexperience.
>“No! Keep going!” She bit her lip. “That felt… good…” she moaned as a blush colored her cheeks.
>Your pale skin also took on a healthy shade of red.
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This was gonna be something else but abduction got another chapter

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