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Post Pent Up Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls.
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Been a while, but we’re back.
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ball-pregnancy welcome too
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no ai please, should’ve mentioned it
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does anyone have this doujin?
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Are these from the artist's fanbox or paywalled content?
no, just twitter
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I love how bulging perineums really add to the fullness
Could we bring back some of the focus on edging and denial? Made consistently hot greentexts. Need to see some fat balls unable to lighten the load...
>Edging and Denial
I'm more of a excessive cum enjoyer myself when it comes to overfull balls but you do you.
Edge the nuts until there inevitably is excessive cum.
Edge and deny for so long that the resulting orgasm and pumping all the cum out take hours to do.
I was the greentext maker back then. wasn’t sure if people still liked them. i’d be happy to.
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give me an image and i’ll make a story
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>I was your first time going to a vocaloid concert, you had no idea what what it was like. but it was packed.
>as you stumbled through the crowd you managed to reach a doorway. not realizing it said employee only.
>walking down the surprisingly empty hall you hear singing, you follow it to what looks like a dressing room.
>that autotuned singing, it almost sounds like…moaning. you lean up to the door to listen closer, not realizing it’s open.
>you accidentally fall through the doorway, laying in front of the girl inside. It was Rin, one of the singers, except, she was a lot more, voluptuous than you’d seen in photos.
>It was hard to ignore her biggest feature. a penis the size of a tree trunk and balls that could put watermelons to shame.
>She shrieked with an autotuned voice, “w-what are you doing here!? D-don’t look at me!”. she had been desperately stroking herself in her dressing room for hours.
>the whole room smelled amazing. her balls were clearly tight and throbbing, sloshing with several gallons of sticky nutsludge.
>As you stood up, Rin walked up to you to scold you. standing a bit too close, her penis and balls pressing again your torso.
>She desperately stammered out a demand. “S-since you just had to sneak in here, you have better help me with these before I have to perform.”
>she pointed to her overly stretched nutsack, so packed with sperm you could almost hear them churning.
>(How should you respond?)
>1. (drain her)
>2. (dock and make her bigger)
>3. (deny her any relief)
>4. (other)
Strap a vibrator to her dick and let her almost cum, but she has to rush out for the show before she can finish, then apm up the vibrator so she cums all over the crowd.
This was for this>>11003588
>you look down to see a buzzing sex toy in your hand. how did that get there…? Seeing Rin struggling in front of you with her penis head on full display, you offer to help.
>you push the buzzing you down her urethra. She trembles to her knees from the pleasure, letting out a cute autotuned moan.
>You can see her balls contracting with every pulse, her face was a drooling mess of bliss. She couldn’t stop herself from enjoying every second of this.
>just as she seemed ready to burst, a bell chimed, signaling it was her turn onstage.
>A crew of people rush in to get her ready, makeup artists and fashion designers. none make any mention of her enormous penis or that you were there.
>Rin stands up, turns off the vibrator and pushes it down her urethra, hiding any evidence from her peers.
>once she’s ready she weakly stumbles to the stage, her penis sticking out of her cleavage and heavy balls dangling out her skirt.
>The crowd cheers, no one seemed surprised to see her completely indecent display. She greets everyone over the speaker. “W-Welcome everyone! Are you ready?”
>She begins singing and dancing as you watch from right offstage. Is it always like this…? her exposed balls are bouncing around like crazy, and you can still see the bulge of the toy halfway down her urethra.
>suddenly, looking down in your hand, is a small remote with a heart on it. that wasn’t there before… but why not…?
>you turn the setting to max. Rin jolts and hits a high note. she stops dancing, now quivering in place. the crowd goes silent.
>The music cuts out, Rins breathy moans still playing over the speakers. She stumbles forward to her knees on frontstage, displaying her several-gallon cumtanks to the front row seats.
>your remote glows, “supercharge activated”
>Rin screams with pleasure as the toy shoots out her urethra like a cannonball. She began violently ejaculating all over the crowd.- (continues)
>(continued) Rin arched back, violently thrusting with her arms behind her head. thick ropes of cum shot far enough to drench the back rows.
>Front row fans fondled her contracting ballsack, they could feel the stockpiled cum leaving her soft sensitive nuts.
>With every shot Rin wailed with bliss over the speakers. it was music to their ears. Some crowd members tried to flee, slipping on massive puddles of glue-like spunk. others loved this, cheering on as their favorite idol helplessly ejaculated on them.
>hundreds of pictures and videos recorded this moment as a white wave flooded the concert hall.
>The whole room was painted yellowish-white and every surface was sticky. The smell alone was enough to make someone climax.
>For what felt like hours, Rin’s nutsludge hose emptied into the crowd until she finally slowed to a stop.
>a six foot deep lake of Rin’s batter had overtaken the first few rows. It was impossible to imagine all that sperm stored in Rin just hours ago.
>Rin stumbled to her feet, her emptied balls sagged to her feet, and her urethra was visibly stretched open
>You had sat in awe, not even realizing how much time had passed.
>after about 10 minutes of resting. Rin perked up. stepped over to center stage, trying not to trip on her sunken nutsack.
>She spoke into the mike with a nervous giggle, “Sorry about that everyone, let’s get back to the show!”
>what remained of the crowd cheered, still covered in her ejaculate, on as she sang the rest of her songs.
>After she finished you helped her back to her dressing room. profusely apologizing for ruining her concert.
>She looks at you confused, then covers her mouth giggling. “Oh no silly you didn’t ruin anything. That just happens sometimes. This was one of my better performances.”
>You stood shocked, how many times this has happened. she grabs something out of a drawer.
>She hands you a backstage pass while blushing. “Would… you like to come to my next shows too…?”
Wonderful work Anon, love this.
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Like them? stuff was good enough that I think I have most of them saved.
surprised I haven't seen a /d/ greentext thread, but then again I don't look around trash except for a few threads.
>It was the first day of the figure painting class you decided to attend. you didn’t expect anything strange. purely professional.
>As you sat by your canvas your jaw dropped as the volunteer walked in.
>she was… enormous! well, she was pretty short, but you could help but stare at her gigantic nutsack that dragged behind her like a bean bag.
>You looked around the room, no one else seemed to care about the hyper balls girl about to display herself in front of everyone.
>She spoke up. “hello everyone, I’ll be your subject to paint today. Let me just…ngh… get ready.”
>She began to concentrate, sticking her hand into her pants. breathing heavily as the bulge snover her balls swelled bigger and bigger.
>She quickly dropped her pants before they tore, revealing her impressive erection that almost surpassed her upper body in height. “haaah… r-ready…”
>everyone began working on their art while you sat dumbfounded. staring down the barrel of her cannon. watching an occasional precum drop escape.
>She noticed your obvious stares, leaning over to chime in. stating how flustered you look and not to worry about staring.
>She gave you an endearing smile and winked. “Here, I’ll show you something you’ll like.”
>She began concentrating harder, heavily breathing and clenching her fists. She seemed to be enjoying whatever she was doing. As she focused, alarmist moaning at this point, you saw.
>Her balls were throbbing, pulsing, churning like never before. they…they were getting bigger! She was making her balls bigger.
>She looked up, blushing with a lewd smile on her face, trying her best not to change position.
>her modified ball-bra was stretching more and more as her nutsack continued to expand, you could hear a faint sloshing noise like and underground river.
>SNAP. her ball-bra tore away. she gave a quick look of regret before shrugging and continuing.
>this was getting out of hand. her swelling sack was spilling off the center stage now. She smiled at you looking for approval, you were quietly staring, not even bothering with art at this point.
>You try to gesture for her to stop now, She’s too caught up in it. now audibly panting as she kept forcing her balls to fill with more cum. you speak out “Stop!”
>She looks up, her balls knocking peoples canvases over. for a second she loses focus. a massive shot of cum escapes, hitting forming a puddle under most of the artists.
>She looks up, slightly embarrassed but still chipper. “hehhh… oops…” acting like she didn’t just forcefully inflate her balls with enough spunk to drown the room.
>half the class couldn’t even see her over her mounds anymore. she looks back at you, peaking from behind her giant stretched sacks. she shrugged.
>You had no words, tired of her you picked up the pains and tried to salvage what you could of her obscured form.
>As you painted, something was off, does… this paint… smell funny? looking down at the colored slimy globs in the paint tray.
>everyone was painting using her cum. things made more sense and less sense at the same time.
>you walk over. “what is all this?” She shrugged. “it’s just art, unconventional is all.”
>She pulls you in, abruptly making out with you in front of the class. “come on, let’s give them a show”
>she keeps kissing you, moaning between breaths. her massive erection twitching against your back. the mountain of flesh next to you began shaking, tightening. “Ohhhhh I’m so close!”
>the class immediately packed up and exited single file. The flood was coming…
>”OOOOHHHHHH.” She squeezed you tighter as a geyser erupted next to you. She shot load after load, filling the room. If the windows weren’t open you would have surely drowned. you were both neck deep in hot cum, still just kissing in the middle of the art room.
glad to see you're back, always enjoyed your stories :)

I'd say it's one of out of several main appeals for overfull balls, so yeah, I'd say go for it, don't be afraid to be more diverse, and speaking of which for the picture I'm providing I don't fully understand what the text says, but I was able to get a basic gist of it's trying to convey, being that:

1. the tags/ofudas attached to Reimu's cock and balls are preventing her from ejaculating/orgasming

2. Reimu's nuts are working overtime in an attempt to (failingly) ejaculate, which is what's causing em to swell in size
Who is the artist?
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their name is nizikuroryu
Anon who posted this, meant to write something to accompany it, but didn't have the time.

Agree with >>11003379 on the perineum thing, though. Not everyone's cup of tea, but it's an underrated area, and such a bulge feels like prime prostate-teasing real estate.

>Dickgirl unwittingly takes the wrong kind of supplements to fix her dimunitive dick.
>Not supposed to cum while going through the 2 month long regimen
>Her dick does technically grow a significant amount, but it's less so the supplement's direct effect and moreso the deep, buzzing arousal caused by her backed-up balls.
>Tiny walnut-sized nuts kicking into overdrive, quickly bloating in size to that of tangerines in only a week.
>It's hard to tell how much size is from her backed-up cum and how much permanent growth she's inflicted on herself.
>Convinces herself that the supplements are working as intended.
>Her dick *has* grown, after all.
>Only enough to match the radius of her ever-fattening, grapefruit+ balls, but obviously her length and girth will look perfectly normal when she finally cums.
>She tells herself this even as she pulls out the urethral plug stopping up her absurdly slimy & stringy pre, gushing out 15x more precum than she could ever cum out before the regimen.
Hot stuff Anon, it hasn't been around in a while but a personal favorite of mine was always prostate expansion, of course behind the massive swelling of the testes and preniums themselves, but seeing it all together is wonderful.

>New day starts, she wakes up slowly to a tight feeling midsection and a morning erection that only manages to crest over her balls by the loop of her urethral beads...
>"But it is bigger!"
>Out of bed and into the bathroom, brush teeth, wash face, rethink eating habits, take a little longer to pee, a full 30 seconds of the gooey clear before her balls drop enough to let the urine out, and even that is thicker than usual...
>Her equipment is definitely more sensitive than usual, the beads never went in like butter, but now each hits that same little buzz in her stomach... It doesn't hurt but it does, sting kind of, in a good way. Like whatever it is is sore with pleasure, and really full with something thick, it doesn't really go away but it does at least fade enough for her to go along with her day as normal, even if she never goes below a half chub the whole day...
>"It's definitely bigger, this is probably just how it starts out."
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>By the time the second month gets to its halfway point she's finally realized that she's on the wrong supplements.
>She also realizes she doesn't care, and wants to pack more nut into her still-swelling balls before she can cum.
>She's spending lunch break at work in a restroom stall, fucking her cock on a fat set of beads, bloated nuts reaching past the middle of her thighs.
>Kneading the pudge her prostate has created in her stomach while holding her beads in place, feeling an entire orgasm rush up from her overstuffed testicles and fail to push any of its hypervirile load past the beads.
>Standing over the toilet and feeling her unplugged dick spew pre right inro it like a full-blown ejaculation, a single pump being enough stimulation to make her tremble and shoot out even more.
>Squeezing her balls with her legs is enough to get her to edge.
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Geez anon that's hot
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The prostate expansion thing is so fucking good
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The original had rather normal sized balls, so I gave her giant pent up boulders
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Here's one for ya if you wanna give it a shot.

Anyway, question for the thread. We all like the balls to be huge, stupidly productive and pent-up obviously, but how do y'all prefer the cum inside of them? Do you prefer it to just be normal? Kinda on the thicker side? Or so thick it's like concrete or even just literally solid like jelly or further than that?
Thiccer than usual. I also really like hyper sperm or pregnant embryos. but that’s not for everyone
I swear i’ve made stories for both of these before. also been busy. i’ll cook up some stuff soon
Sounds good, I'd be surprised about the later if you had since it's a pretty recent one but I ain't complaining, especially if she gets even more pent up and absurd than there.

Yeah that's fair, hyper sperm can be interesting though it ain't usually my thing, though ballpregnancy is goddamn fantastic!

Forgot to answer the question myself. My personal pref is literally as thick and dense as possible (or impossible, given the subject matter), well past jelly and more like ropes and such.
Conditional consistencies.
>Wait a long time-it's thick like syrup, yet slippery,
>Constantly shooting-looser, goopier, like slime.
>Dehydrated-more like thick tar
>Overhydrated-VERY loose, still sticky
>Sperm can be normal sized, sand grains, or rice grains flowing in the sludge.
>Bonus-if sick with a cold, literal congestion and leakage symptoms.
>fresh cum is thick and white
>cum deeper in her balls is denser, yellowing, and packed with hormones
>her biggest cumshots can have unmixed precum and pure prostate fluid
>her most potent cum is prized by other futa as an aprhoasic and for causing huge growth spurts
Constant flow is a constant necessity.
Though, if you's busy then don't worry about it.
Just normal, maybe on the thicker side. It's not about the cum itself, just how MUCH of it.
I believe you already made a story with the first ankha pic but not the second one

the second pic (being this >>11010743) was only created around a month ago, making it a fairly recent drawing so if a story WAS ever created for it, it might've been in a different thread
I was still gonna do both regardless
I see at least someone else remembers that cum congestion thread.
>You think it was that ill futa who showed up at work.
>It doesn't really matter now, you're sick too with that ballache flu.
>Still managed to get your work done at home, but you're blocked up and leaky both nasally and sexually.
>Too tired to jack off, but too pent up and awful-feeling to nap properly.
>Your slow pumping can't get you over the edge, but it's still making your bloated nuts churn with new seed and your dick leak out your day-old cocksnot.
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Tryna keep the thread alive, anyone have any greentexts they wanna do or repost?
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yeah, expect greentexts in the morning
>It's easy money, they said.
>It's high pay, they said.
>6 month job, they said.
>The one time you listened to your roommates about anything has resulted in you turning from an average bloke to a walking-semen sludge factory with the body of a Venusian woman.
>Maid WOULD'VE been easy had it not been for the ridiculously thick chode constantly leaking everywhere, often hidden when you sit down as your manager demanded.
>Living food pantry, except it's just calorie-dense sludge.
>Prostitution-Christ some of these women were old but it was some of the best sex you've had, minus hefting an extra job-mandatory 150 pounds of titties and ass on your frame. The only men you seemed to get were mostly femboys, bar a couple of muscular twinks.
>But the futas left your ass sore.
>Sperm Bank-Some wanted from the tap, other times you got attached to the machine.
>And the ball batter you've been pumping out? Calorie-dense didn't even scratch the surface.
>It didn't go down easily but that didn't deter customers from downing an entire gallon jug, their bodies processing it faster than logical reason-belts popped, dresses split, bras overflowing before exploding-hell, you watched some dude in a suit go from a moderately normal guy to a femboy in ill-fitting clothes with two-orange-sized bulges in his pants.
>Busting a nut in some cougar's ass? You'd press, and press, just to relieve the never ending pressure, and her ass would swell, and plump, and thicken-at the end of the session, she was wider, heavier, and somehow STILL hungrier than you.
>But your roommates?
>They laughed about it.
>Jokes were made.
>The employer offered to change you back, but you declined.
>6 months in the gym, gains hidden under a deceptively large layer of fat.
>5 months of going back to your employer for more modifications.
>4 months of hustling, giving out "BBLs", "Lip Fillers", "Bust enhancing *treatments*" to anyone that asked.
>3 months of planning, buying XXXL sized clothing for your roommates.
>1 month of contemplating how you were going to "bust their balls" for this.
>The neighbors downstairs would be bitching about the "leaks" and constant heavy footfalls above.
>But you could care less.

Love how overfull balls can crossover with other fetishes SO well.
>Unable to get your wife pregnant, you sign up for a fertility drug trial
>All you have to do is take a pill every day, report to the researchers at the end of each week, and leave a sample
Pre-Trial Sample: 9 million sperm/ml
>Week 1: You feel a little more energetic and you've been popping boners like a high schooler, but very little seems to have changed
Week 1 Sample: 25 million sperm/ml
>Week 2: You've been waking up every morning with almost painful erections
>Have to get off before you can even think about anything else
>Some mornings the wife is willing to jerk you off or give you a blowjob, mostly you take care of it yourself
Week 2 Sample: 68 million down/ml
>Week 3: You can't get through a shift at work without jerking off at break times
>Your balls always ache a little lately, but it really hurts if you go too long without relief
>Wife thinks you're a little longer and thicker
>Your balls are definitely bigger
Week 3 Sample: 180 million sperm/ml
>Week 4: You've started measuring and your dick grew two inches
>Balls are now the size of lemons
>Sex alone is no longer enough to satisfy you
>You've been working out to help get rid of excess energy
>Still jacking it at every opportunity
Week 4 Sample: 250 million sperm/ml
>Week 5: Things are getting weird.
>Your chest has been feeling sore, but not like it should from working out
>Particularly concentrated aching pains around the nipples
>Balls surpassed the size of apples
>Cock so long and thick the wife has trouble taking it
>Despite a few concerns, your confidence is through the roof
>Feel more like a real man than ever
Week 5 Sample: 300 million sperm/ml
>Week 6: Your semen has gotten thicker and you're blowing massive loads lately
>Can’t go to work because your focus is gone and you're burning through your PTO
>Balls like grapefruits
>Dick is too big to get more than half into the wife
>She's concerned
>Still haven't told her about the swelling around your nipples
Week 6 Sample: 378 million sperm/ml
>Week 7: You barely recognize your face
>Your usual stubble hasn’t grown in since your last shave a few days before
>Your features look softer somehow
>And there's no denying it, you have tits
>Wife is scared and begs you to stop taking the drugs
>You know you should, but you're addicted to the growth at this point
Week 7 Sample: 450 million sperm/ml
>Week 8: Your wife went to stay with her sister
>You raided her bra drawer this morning
>You're up to a C-cup
>No food left
>You're going to have to go shopping
>Even your roomiest sweatpants can’t contain your new cum tanks at this point
>Also raid her closet
>Tell yourself it's a kilt
>You almost cum out of nowhere during the drive to the store
>You DO cum out of nowhere in the cereal aisle
>Flee the scene
>News reports on police search for a crossdressing pervert that evening
Week 8 Sample: 525 million sperm/ml
>Week 9: Your hair has been getting longer and your face looks completely girly
>You look like your sister
>Decided to experiment over the weekend
>Shaved your arms, pits, legs, everything
>Everything but your pubic hair seems to be growing back much finer and softer
>Your outgrew your wife's bra the other day
>Your ass is a little bigger and your hips have been feeling achy
>Dick so huge you have to jerk it with both hands
>Balls are the size of footballs
Week 9 Sample: Subject did not report
>Week 10: You're a slave to your nuts
>Now the size of beach balls
>They gurgle and churn with fresh baby batter
>Get full and sore within an hour if you don't release
>You sit around all day, jerking off in cum-soaked squalor
>Almost perpetually hard
>Tits have grown to the size of basketballs
>You've taken to titfucking yourself now that your cock reaches to your chin
>Wife calls to say she's pregnant
>Doesn't recognize your voice, thinks you're a girlfriend
>Hangs up angry
>You shrug, lowering your head to suck yourself off
You gotta finish it with the wife and/or company coming over to get her stuff/samples and the ensuing discovery/aftermath.
>Reimu woke up with a strange feeling coursing over her. Her usual joy and energy were replaced with a breathy, steamy, feeling of lust like never before.
>She watched as her blankets rose to a tent, casting a shadow over her lewd exposed breasts.
>She threw off the sheets to reveal an engorged penis and swollen melon sized balls. She panicked as the shafts swayed back and fourth. sending jolts of pleasure up through her body.
>Her nutsack was filled to the brim with sloshing seed. Her usually saggy ball skin was tight and stretched out, not a wrinkle could be seen in her pink smooth skin.
>She voraciously began stroking her oversized meat. Not even noticing the glowing tags stuck to the underside of her shaft and cumtanks.
>With every stroke her pleasure grew. It felt like she was about to burst. Uncontrollably groaning and gasping as she felt her stubborn semen rise, only to push back into her balls. Forcing more and more backed up cum to accumulate in her overproductive nuts.
>Reimu was broken. Stuck endlessly fapping in hopes of release that would never come. Her balls forming small stretch lines as they swelled past her knees.
>A faint snickering could be heard from an inconspicuous portal, hovering right above the unsightly shrine maiden.
>Reimu didn’t notice, her only concern was flooding more sperm into her engorged sack. she was drunk off every denied release. Almost enjoying the strain more than the relief.
>The tags shined brighter as Reimu lost herself. making sure her balls wouldn’t pop. Only swelling more and more until they overtook her legs.
>Nothing else mattered anymore. She had to make more cum, repeating it to herself, more cum, more cum, more cum, more cum, more cum, more cum…
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I was hoping to get to this again, but got to busy. You pretty much got the idea.

>A few days later
>You've grown a fat, feminine ass and wide childbearing hips to match your tits
>You ran out of most of your food
>You're not eating much, aside from your own cum, and you've lost a lot of weight
>You're an hourglass now
>Your balls practically drag along the floor when you walk
>Your cock is never soft anymore
>As thick as your thigh and longer than your arm
>It constantly drools precum between orgasms
>You leave a snail trail wherever you go
>You've tried to limit the destruction the bedroom, kitchen, and bathrooms, but almost every surface in the house is coated by now
The Next Day
>There's a knock at the door
>You can't hear over your own grunts and moans
>You never locked up the other day
>The front door swings open
Hours Later
>Your wife comes home to get a few things
>Still debating whether to leave you or not
>She finds men in hazmat suits cleaning the sitting room
>One rushed to the door and stops her from entering
>After asking who she is, he calls for a superior
>Another man in hazmat gear takes over
>He explains that you've had a highly unusual reaction to the fertility drug
>Suddenly asks your wife if the two of you have had sex recently
>She says she's pregnant with your child and demands to see you
>Head researcher says that's a good idea
A Few Weeks Later:
>You spend your days hooked up to a massive machine
>You're suspended in midair by your wrists and feet
>Electrodes stuck all over your nutsack
>Even from a few feet in the air, your balls rest on the floor
>A huge pump is connected to your cock to extract your cum
>A dildo thrusts into your ass, stimulating your prostate to maximize the yield
>They measure your semen by the gallon now
>You let out a loud, feminine moan and shudder with relief as you cum for the eighth time that morning
>You barely think about how fucked up your life has become
>Your wife enters the room
>She's wearing a hazmat suit, but you can still see a pronounced baby bump
>Barely two months pregnant
>Your heart swells with pride
>She's carrying so many of your babies
>She asks how you are
>Between grunts and whimpers, you tell her you're fine
>Just five more hours and you'll be done pumping for the day
>Then you can get some rest until tomorrow
>She looks a little sad
>You manage to ask her what's wrong before the dildo is shoved up your ass again
>You white out for a moment
>You come to and she's explaining that she can't raise so many kids on her own
>She also won't let them grow up in a place like this
>Says a clean break is best
>She's going to stop visiting
>The kids will know who you were, but they'll never meet you if she has her way
>You try to feel something, anything
>All you feel is another imminent orgasm
>She says goodbye as your balls start to churn and your cock twitches in anticipation
>She walks out and the door shuts behind her
>You let out a bestial howl as you cum even harder than last time
Subject #29 Daily Yield:
>Monday - 45 gallons (Increased subject's daily fluid intake by 12%)
>Tuesday - 48 gallons
>Wednesday - 52 gallons (Skipped morning feed; lowered subject's nutrition intake by 30%)
>Thursday - 38 gallons
>Friday - 36 gallons (Reinstated previous nutrition intake)
>Saturday - 43 gallons (Increased subject's daily fluid intake by a further 10%)
>Sunday - 60 gallons
>Monday - 58 gallons
>Tuesday - 61 gallons
>Semen output seems stable and sustainable. Maintain current tube feeding schedule and continue to monitor daily yield until further notice.
>Very pleased with experiment so far
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that got kinda depressing…
A young woman had gone to every length to try and get pregnant. She had sadly been infertile all her life.
>Running out of options, she applied for an experimental fertility program, trying anything that might work.
>After arriving she was given many pills and injections that made her brain fuzzy. She eventually collapsed in the testing room, losing conciseness.
>She awoke in her own bed, feeling strange. odd, she hadn’t remembered going home or giving the experimenters her address.
>Sittinf up she realized what was different. Her pants were pressed against a massive bulge between her legs. She shrieked and dropped her pants. letting a foot long cock and bowling ball sized testicles drop out.
>She was panicking, hands shaking as the oversized genitals pulsed against her thighs. She gently cupped her incredibly heavy nutsack in her hand, feeling a strange throbbing within.
>She could barely life her ballsack, let alone walk around comfortably. She was too preoccupied with her new body that she didn’t notice the security camera in the corner of her room, monitoring her progressing state.
>She undressed completely, standing in front of the mirror in shock. Noticing a strange pattern of lines covering her body now.
>As she stared, her heart raced, she was enamored with herself, the meaty penis resting on her swollen balls began to throb, swelling longer and girthier.
>She was entranced with her own erection. unable to look away as her hand began unconsciously stroking.
>Her moans echoed through the bedroom. Leaking thick precum onto her usually clean carpet floor. Bobbing her heavy cumtanks with every stroke.
>She was in total bliss, little did she know just how drastically the fertility drug had affected her anatomy.
>The young woman continued to pleasure her new gigantic genitals. Her erotic display being recorded by a small camera.
>As she stroked a strange sensation overcame her. She screamed in bliss as her already oversized ballsack swelled even further. Her penis engorged in size, the tip no longer being reachable. small kicks and bumps pattered way at the tight skin of her ballsack.
>Her legs trembles as her heavy pregnant cumtanks churned. Her balls resting on the floor now, She thrusted against the wall, desperately craving any pleasure she could create.
>Bulges in her swollen cum sacks grew larger and larger. Gestating in mere minutes. There could be dozens of…something in her nutsack.
>The camera zoomed in as she screamed out for relief. falling face first onto the bed. Unknowingly showing off her bulging perineum to the researchers screen.
>Her pleasured wails turned into a distressed groan as a massive bulge began forcing up her tightening nutsack.
>The bulge was followed by several more, sending her into a frenzy of noises as she finally contracted with all her might. sending a rope of cum jetting out behind her, containing a fully formed human baby with all her features.
>She continued gushing out a smelly river of hot semen, filled with several identical offspring. Their mother falling unconscious on the bed as her penis continued to spurt uninterrupted.
>When she finally woke up, she was surrounded by the cries of newborns. Seeing their resemblance to her she knew. “I-I did it, I’m a momma now…”
>The camera shut off and detached fro mathe wall, flying away with small drone propellers.
>The newly made mother was overjoyed, hugging her young against her bare chest. not care if about the hundred gallons of semen coating the room.
>Nothing could ruin her joy, she finally had everything she ever wanted.
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It all hinges back on 2 things fundamentally, expansion and cum.
And those go with damn near everything there is. The most prevalent being, cum fueled expansion and denial. Which both serve the ends of making things bigger with cum by either not getting it anywhere or getting it absolutely everywhere, which predictably provides quite the comfortable range for in corporating other fetishes.

Even some of the most outlandish.
>Cum fueled expansion
Cumflation is somewhat common, but I keep saying this over and over-
>Cum-based weight gain.
>Inflation that's more akin to Sponson's full body fillout.
>Inflation where's it's not a round sphere, but actually has defined limbs and whatnot. Not quiet weight gain but close.
So little of it.
>Overfull balls pressed against the wall of a gloryhole, where the normal looking dick with the unusually large urethra is poking out of-No indication of the danger to come.
>The prostitute going from 120 to 360 in 5 minutes as her lips are overinflated forming a seal, filling out the room as the door bulges and leaks with tits, ass, sweat, milk, and cum.
>The satisfied groan, pants zipping up, fading footsteps, a loud gurgle, then pair of lips jammed once more with a slightly bigger dick.
>The room finally giving way to a container of plump flesh spilling out of every crack and broken wall at last.
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Sponson is fantastic, especially with huge cum-flations, something I've always loved though was more of the progressive effects of huge creampies, especially seeing a futa get fat or pregnant on some huge load of semen, and how her being so filled makes her own balls fill with even more seed to spill.
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agreed, and no one can replace sponsons unique artstyle
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Yeah that's fair. That was the bad end version. I know some people like that kind of thing, but I don't think I'll go down that particular road again. It felt kind of bad to leave it like that. I wanted to post a good and bad end at the same time, but I was in a weird funk this morning and never quite got the good ending where I wanted it. Let's give it a try...

Good Ending:
>A few days later
>You've grown a fat, feminine ass and wide childbearing hips to match your tits
>You ran out of most of your food
>You're not eating much, aside from your own cum, and you've lost a lot of weight
>You're an hourglass now
>Your balls practically drag along the floor when you walk
>Your cock is never soft anymore
>As thick as your thigh and longer than your arm
>It constantly drools precum between orgasms
>You leave a snail trail wherever you go
>You've tried to limit the destruction the bedroom, kitchen, and bathrooms, but almost every surface in the house is coated by now
The Next Day:
>Your wife comes home
>She's decided that you're going through a lot and need someone to be there for you more than ever
>The house is a wreck
>Everything is covered in either a thin layer of flakey dried cum, or small pools of the liquid article
>She's more worried than ever
>Hears grunting and choking from down the hall
>She wades through the puddles of cum to your bedroom
>Finds you doggystyle across the mattress, titfucking yourself and gulping down whatever cum runs down your shaft
>You don't even notice she's thereThree Months Later:
>Your wife has done her best to rehabilitate you
>You're getting better at controlling your urges, but you still have to cum every half hour or suffer horrendous blue balls
>Wife has taken to fucking you with a strap-on because you can cum faster that way
>That, and there's no woman alive that could take you
>You've adjusted to life as a full-time bottom
>You love feeling her growing belly against your asscheeks while she fucks you
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>At last count, her doctor counted at least six babies
>You can't wait, but you're a little scared of how they'll view their dad
>Wife says not to worry
>You'll raise them together to be understanding
>The money from the lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company will certainly help
>Your lawyers claim you'll make at least eight figures
>The wife has organized a support group for couples affected by their drug
>Not many had the reaction you did, but a few suffered other side effects
>She leads workshops on how to properly ease a feminized husband into anal penetration
>Uses you as an example, of course
>You felt weird at first, now it's all so normal
>You even get off a little on watching people gasp at how much you can cum when she hits your prostate
>Life is very different now, but also good
>The future is bright
Could you make a story for this one involving some punishment from her you laugh you lose streams that leads to her getting massively ball pregnant?
certainly, just let me finish up the queue
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most of fibilis' art is good for this thread desu
Agreed. I just hope by the time Halloween rolls around he remembers that tweet where he said he was going to draw a shitload more of his Phoebe OC around then
you must be new, lol. pregnant balls are common here
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I love it when there's some kind of indicator of time showing just how long she's been cumming her brains out.
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Is that Filian?
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yep. https://twitter.com/JADF_/status/1795582525324357925
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that cockhole is so inviting…
Cockvores, no sense of right or wrong.
that’s ballpreg, not vore
this isn't the best edit but i'm too horny to continue

i love this size so much fuck, i just want to fill them with even more cum
that’s amazing
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Edited Eris a giant sack
Ngl, I don't know if it's an edit or not. But I wish there was something like this for Shylily.
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ask and you shall receive
Not that anon but Fucking Based
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