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Because it's (mostly) never a bad idea
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This fetish is so fucking based, I love it especially DnD/Tolkien dwarf strong fat waifus. Very rare though.
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all the squish of a fat girl with none of the health issues? count me in!
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Reminds me of this
Really is the peak fembarb body
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most based thread on this board
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>verification not requred
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Never really followed Dungeon Meshi but I'm starting to like this girl
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Actually, I should ask, do you guys have a preferred flab-to-muscle ratio? I for one really prefer when a lady has some sizeable softness or an enormous belly at least, but defined or undefined muscle is fine so long as the strength and health of the lady is excellent regardless of anything.
On this note also, my apologies if I have posted ladies which are too flabby.
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Shamefully short-appearance character.
I’ll admit I prefer the lower end of strongfat stuff where the muscle definition and belly complement a hyperfeminine profile without totally subsuming it.
Stuff like >>10963221 >>10963754 and >>10962424 hit my sweet spot.
Guess you can call this “Venus XL” because they’re still too fat on average
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Nothing wrong with that, man, I honestly don't want to intrude on a venus thread with too much of my love for genuine fat and flab alongside bonecrushing muscle. Both options are simply based in my view, I'm just desperate for soft brick shithouses.
I get it. Few things get me going more than the idea of sinking into a big, soft lady squeezing me with a bear hug
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Panzer VIII Maus
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Trick question. The ideal fat-muscle ratio is constantly growing. A low body-fat woman is pretty hot, but if she starts gorging herself to bulk up, that's even hotter. When that strongfat woman starts tripling her intake to bulk even more, she is becoming closer to lust incarnate. It is the act of growing bulking that is hotter than simple being bulky.
>ITT: I'm sure to win because my speed is superior
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>this will never be (you) trying to escape from your wife's death vicegrip and go to work
Why bother living?
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Extremely based answer.
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Hope I'm keeping an OK ratio between bigger venus types and beefplanets here.
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> No beard or body hair of any kind.

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Need more fit women with bloated, distended guts
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Funny, I was trying to avoid posting that overmuch just now. A lot of the time genuine fatfags get flak for being very obtrusive, so I have been trying not to dump the heavy stuff.
Keep the balance lads.
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Thank you based drawfag
Got any tips for learning muscles? I doodle a bit.
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i would say use reference from images and anatomy books
also do studies daily, even if it's 10 mins
i am taking a draw request
Velouria from fire emblem or UMP9 from girls frontline with a body type similar to the image i have posted.
Thanks kindly man
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I want more strongfat girls slapping their bellies, making that layer of blubber jiggle over their slabs of bulky muscle. Pic related might be a bit too far on the fat side for this thread but that's how little there is.
I mean hey, I'm one of the guys who really fucking loves giant ass bellies. I was posting a lot earlier and have a lot more, but it is because all of the other images I have are on the huge size I hold back. Respect for that limitation is better, one hopes.
Does it has to be 2D?
no western, so it’s gotta be specific 3d
Too bad then :(
I don’t think anyone relevant cares, just post what you have, this thread is extremely slow as is anyways
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Very well.
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Buff girls with beer guts are where it’s at
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That's getting more like it. Like she's beating a big bulky drum.
Strongfat women that can make their abs and belly ripple by slapping them is insanely hot to me.
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please tell me this artist has drawn more, also I forgot who the artist was so can you please sauce me?
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You have a small cult following on /tg/, I'll have you know. I might be responsible for that.
Don't know if they've drawn anything else like that.
Yeah I can only find a few examples of this character. We grew to like her because we were getting a strong fat character for a game and it was terribly ugly while this one is very charming and much more compelling of a character than what we got.
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I'm not the artist, just posting his character. Her name is Rhygga, from Grindaviking as mentioned by >>10984568
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god I wish. seeing that belly would give me a heart attack
I'm an artist with interest in this type of body. Any real life examples you guys can mention?

I've been looking around but most seem to be kinda ugly weightlifters.
If you want to essentially put the ideal male strongfat physique onto a female body, then you're not going to find what you're looking for. Women do not have the musculature that shows up in this thread. It is mostly just a fantasy, since women and men's bodies distribute weight and gain muscle very differently. But the best IRL attractive woman who fits the ballpark of this aesthetic is Chase Ealey, who specialises in throwing sports. Shotputting for women encourages strongfat.
One last artwork with that OC from earlier
What tablet and software do you draw with?
Some of you guys really need to get some taste
>I'm an artist with interest in this type of body. Any real life examples you guys can mention?
check any of the given strongfat, ogre-mode, etc girl threads that pop up on /fit/ before being pruned by jannies or the tomboy tuesday thread to see if any get posted. other than that just start looking through fitness insta and you'll find powerlifters, off-season fbbs, strongwomen, etc and you'll find women who are the irl embodiment of this.
oof that didn’t work, but there is a strongfat thread in fitness
here you go
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Thank you all, this has been good inspiration. Hope to one day draw babes like this.
i use paint tool sai 2
Tablet is huion h640P
screen tablets are a meme desu, my tablet wasnt even $50 when i got it
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I am sorry my taste did not suirtyours. I explicitly tried to not post such content because I knew people would complain and dumped only because this thread was and is otherwise on life support. If you have any ideas for a name for such a type of lady so that threads about them can be kept out of your hair, that could be useful.
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>If you have any ideas for a name for such a type of lady so that threads about them can be kept out of your hair, that could be useful.
"Ugly neanderthals"
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I accept it.
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why not start now?
i love absolutely everything about this
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I would like to ask a question
Would it be better to keep giant ass muscly BBWs separate from the rubenesque hyper venus ladies? I like both a lot but think it is good to try and prevent friction between guys who want huge bellies, larger fat levels, muscle or hyper muscle, etc. and the guys who just want exceptionally well-built meaty women who are not in hyper anything territory even if possessed of uncommon builds.
this thread needs both because it's slow as fuck as it is
just ignore the dude posting venus pics that have a slight amount of muscle definition, he's not hurting anything
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I'm not into hairy women.
But holy fuck.
yeah i wouldn't say no to a source here
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I don't have hairy women fetish, but at the same time I don't have any problem if the woman is hairy
(I myself is a guy with hairy arms and legs, so it just doesn't bother me, lol)
This is like Gogo Bomango but uglier. And somehow I like it.
how many rl women are there with this much body hair (assuming they don't shave)?
where does this fetish come from?
I don't mind unshaven armpits because my mom never shaved hers and I grew up with that, but surely this is not the case with full body hair for other people?
There are a few celebrities like Celine Dion that flaunt their body hair, but most women above a certain pay grade wax or laser which is why we're used to hairless women. Other causes of female body hair are poor genetics, higher than average T from working out, and menopause.
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>where does this fetish come from?
not sure but something about it makes me go feral
Wish there was more strongfat blueberry girls
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live, damn you. need my women who are big in the best ways~!
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There needs to be a thread for fem-bears or however you'd define this specific type
What artist is this?
I'm surprised most of his work wasn't posted here
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also Rayluaza is his SFW alt
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>if sorcerers were constitution casters
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yeah we don't want men with tits here, fuck off
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this thread is slow

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