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Climb edition

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reposting my giant/ess sim interactive for those who haven’t seen it. play as a giantess with a tiny city, take out your frustrations on the midwest (ohio) in a sexy way, etc.

I'm writing a giantess matriarchal new world order setting where women are much taller, bigger, stronger, smarter and more mature than men and men are small, weak and helpless like little kids. At said matriarchy all men have to be always naked everywhere.

My question is: Should I add any reasons for women to make men be always naked? If so, what kind of reasons?
>climat is very hot. Clothing is purely a decoration/status symbol so only women get it
>climat is very cold. Naked men can't escape their owners without freezing
I've never been to Ohio, why do people dislike it?
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I've been reading through the Majo no Tabitabi books and there's two chapters at the beginning of volume nine where Fran brings Elaina to what looks like an abandoned cottage in the woods, but is actually inhabited by a race of tiny women who try to attack the giant girls with cookies and sweets. Elaina captures one of the tiny girls and tickles her. The second chapter features two of Elaina's former students in the future who travel to the cottage, and the one girl gets shrunk and captured by a normal-sized girl and put in a birdcage. She then escapes from the cage and has to defeat the tiny women in various games before climbing the giant mage's sleeping body to get the potion that will restore her to normal size. Unfortunately, the manga adaptation skips over this arc and goes right from the stardust arc to the resurrection lily arc. Still, it was a nice giantess surprise that came out of nowhere.
>attack the giant girls with cookies and sweets
Do they have candy cane spears or something? Or did you mean attract?
i live here. i dont hate it, its mostly just a meme. the issues of living here can be attributed to the midwest in general. the city i live in is quite lively and fun
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>why do people dislike it?
>i live here
That's a bit harsh
No, they literally charge at the giants with normal-sized macarons and cookies that the tiny girls bake and use as building materials and weapons, and quickly surrender when the giants aren't immediately driven off, leaving their cookies behind for the giants to eat. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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imagine the stinky steam coming off the ground
I'm in a mood for stories where someone gets smaller (micro even) than someone smaller than them and gets bullied, does someone have a story to scratch that itch?
>skips over
damn it
I know, I was pissed. There's a couple of particularly good parts that would've made for good panels.
>“Understood, mistress! From now on, we shall extort money from all the invaders!” With tottering steps, my comrades began to clamber up the woman’s body. It was impressive how exactly they followed her instructions.
>The little captain, perched atop Priscilla’s enormous chest as it rose and fell with her sleeping breaths, looked down at me with a triumphant expression that didn’t waver.
>After emerging victorious over every one of the tiny women who stood in my way, I climbed up Priscilla’s sleeping body and claimed the “growth potion.” It was surprisingly anticlimactic, perhaps because humans are fairly defenseless when sleeping. Priscilla didn’t show the slightest sign of waking. The whole time I was climbing on top of her, she just kept snoring away.
But anyway, the fact that giantess Elaina is a canon thing now made me happy.
So this post makes me wonder, is there anyone here who wasn't into giantess stuff until later in life? Like you never felt anything funny in your little boy pants when you watched a giantess show up in your little boy cartoons, but then at like 18 something triggered the fetish and you suddenly couldn't get enough of them?
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I know we have stuff like Gulliver's Travels for literary size exploration, but are there other myths that also deal with giants or tiny people? I seem to recall something about the legend of Momotaro? I'd like to read the actual legends of some size related stuff.
issunboshi, not momotaro
I didn't realize how wide spread it was until I was an adult, but I had the funny feeling since I was a kid. Got way more degenerate as I grew older because I only really lived vore and huge tits when I was younger.
This is really subtle stealth giantess , you can post this on your phone/pc background and nobody would notice it unless they were really trying to
Plenty of cultures speak of giants, but theyre almost always portrayed as cannibalistic savages or just aloof and inhuman entities.
There's an ethnicity of natives on the west coast of North America that speaks of a family of red haired giants that would come out of the mountains to eat people until one day the clan of natives cleverly lured the giants into a cave, cornered them, and burned them alive with torches.
This legend, as well as most throughout the world, don't necessarily mention *how* big these giants are, only that they're bigger than us. Often they're portrayed around 10 to 12 feet tall.
Wait, how'd she burp up his scarf if he went into her pussy?
I live in the midwest as well, so I guess I must just be blind to the issue. Given I know nothing outside of my home state really, I've only ever visited other states.
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10-12 sounds sorta believable, big enough to be a threat but small enough to be killed as well. Probably why there aren't any left.
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Greeks had various types of giants, but they never get much focus.
Cyclops are considerd to be inspired by elephant skulls, so we can easily say how big they were in creator's imagination.
Gaia sent normal giants to wreck Olimpains for defeating Kronos, but i don't recall the myth ever paying attention to their size. The only one that gets focus is the pseudo-immortal one and that power is in no way related to size.
Tphon, Gaia's last and most powerful spawn, is sometimes mentioned to be so absurdly big his arms streach across the horizon, but it's just a part of him being this super threat that scared all the Greek gods (minus Zeus) into hiding by turning into animals and accidentally creating Egyptian gods (same people with animal heads).
Lastly we have Hecatoncheires which are fucking weird. You could guess they're 50 times the size of a human, because they're basically just 50 humans stapled together, 50 heads, 100 arms, 100 legs etc.
The amount of effort put into drawing that ship is unreal, holy shit
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do you think we'll ever get an animated adaptation of any giantess doujin produced by an actual hentai animation studio? like it's good that size artists like fuyuno mikan and dovefish are making independent animated size content that isn't just 3d. but, imagine a doujin like uru's lemon getting adapted by a well known hentai animation studio like pink pineapple or bunnywalker. it would be fucking glorious to see an animated version of lemon killing all those tinies for 15 seconds of orgasm in studio-produced quality. i've seen futa, scat, and transformation animated by these studios. it's time we get a giantess one
I don't expect it to happn. Especially not with older stuff.
I'm just fine with giant ojou sama or Chieri's love, not such degenerated shit
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Uru's stuff is too extreme for it to be animated by a real studio, Dekamaid notwithstanding. We'd sooner see something from Hakuto or Bomber G/Hunter Rank E get animated before anything from Uru.
That's a boy.
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you're saying this in a /d/ board. do you realize how much of a faggot you're sounding right now?
i guess hakuto's fine. cruelty without guro is acceptable
There will be more Light beams and pixels more than animation
Why not write one? Or at least a greentext with the vague ideas you have for the scenario
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Needs more of a magical shrinking
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Mask entrapment is kind of hot. Even more so since it goes well with mouthplay.
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Remember when masks were mandatory to enter most public spaces? That feels like a liftime ago. Like a dream you barely remember after waking up.
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>Mask entrapment is kind of hot.
I think you mean really hot. You're trapped in a confined space with just her mouth and nose, pressed against her soft lips, helpless to escape her hot, humid breath as it washes over you. She can walk around in public with you hidden literally right under her nose. And you're right, it does lend itself to mouthplay. If she's in the mood, she can just open her mouth and let you tumble in so she can play with you with her tongue.
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The concept for this is hotter than the guy's art. It's supposed to be a family of giantesses taking the youngest daughter out for her first rampage.
Whats the name of that one manga where a highschool shrinks and there's a sadistic government woman trying to exterminate them?
Okay I’ll admit I downplayed how good it is there a tad. But you nailed the reasons why it’s fantastic here. She can not just pop you into her mouth anytime but she also do some foreplay with smooching or licking you in the meanwhile before going for the main act. On top of that there’s the sort of risqué element of her doing all of that in public with no one likely the wiser of what that nice pretty masked woman is getting up to with a little guy besides maybe her jaws moving about here and there and mask crinkling.

I enjoy his art myself and his little stories that go along with it are sweet bonuses.
Bye Bye Peter Pan?
that's the one thanks
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>She can not just pop you into her mouth anytime but she also do some foreplay with smooching or licking you in the meanwhile before going for the main act. On top of that there’s the sort of risqué element of her doing all of that in public with no one likely the wiser of what that nice pretty masked woman is getting up to with a little guy besides maybe her jaws moving about here and there and mask crinkling.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I stand by what I said last thread about lips being the hottest part of a giant woman's body. To be completely at the mercy of a woman's lips and mouth while everyone around her is oblivious would be an absolute dream.
More of a foot guy myself among other things but I can appreciate a wonderful pair of lips and getting bullied by them in turn. Just imagine after she gives a guy a nice big kiss the tiny gets stuck on their plush yet firm and slightly wet surface is one thing I love about it.
I started writing a story about a woman who shrinks her annoying coworker and shoves her in her mouth behind her mask during covid but when the vaccine came out I lost interest in finishing it. Maybe I'll take another crack at it.
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>plush yet firm and slightly wet surface
Hell yes. One of my ultimate size fantasies is to be tiny enough that I end up stuck to a woman's lip by a thin layer of moisture after she gives me a big sloppy kiss. Even better if she kisses another giant woman after that and I end up smushed between two pairs of enormous, cushiony lips.
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armpit bros rejoice

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post tired/sad giantesses
over what? some shit that would have been embarrassing on newgrounds 20 years ago?
Ha, kind of fitting. Guess you can say that the story illness was cured. Couldn’t hurt to give it a final push forward. I’m sure others would appreciate some mouth focused stuff.

Mhm that’s what I was aiming for. Easy yet encompassing and gentle domination like that. And having another join in to double the loving smother would enhance it. I don’t think there’s a man alive who could truly take such a thing!
I wonder if we can get a green of this at some point. It's a very good concept, I agree.
I'll always enjoy the variety of perspectives in these threads. We have a fan for every body part here, it seems. Personally, I really like legs. Not feet, though. I hate feet.
man the tone of you ingrates will never not be baffling. keep consooming your patrician, high quality “content” while looking down on us plebians, chucklefuck
Doesn't seem like the link works now. Is the webm what's in the Twitter post?
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So do they normally live away from humans and this is daughter's 1st encounter, or is becoming huge an age thing and she was tiny before?
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leave the chubby milf on the right to me, I'll be able to take her down
>I'll be able to take her down
What if se willingly gets down to mingle first?
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a slime is fine too
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Annin is so underrated...
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That's more like it, anon.
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then she is a foolish milf for exposing herself, thus allowing me to more easily decimate her
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>I don’t think there’s a man alive who could truly take such a thing!
Yep, I imagine that getting caught up in the middle of a passionate makeout session between two giant women would be overwhelming for even the most unflappable man.
>I'll always enjoy the variety of perspectives in these threads.
I agree, the variety is what keeps things interesting. Sure I love lips, but I love other body parts too (legs included). If we all agreed on which body part or scenario was best, this thread would get dull really quickly.
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Do they know you're there?
wait a sec...
Fuck didn't even noticed. Pic ruined
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Depends. If they both know you're there, they can work together to wrestle you with their tongues, smash you between their lips, etc. If neither one knows you're there, then you're totally at the mercy of their passion and all you can do is hope that it doesn't get too intense. But I think my personal favorite is when only one of them knows that you're there. She gets to relish in both the kiss and the torment they're both causing for you, while making the other woman an unwitting participant in that torment. Of course, for either of them to be unaware you'd have to be tiny enough that they can't feel your body pressed against their lips.
How the fuck did you miss that
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What was it?
gay shit, ignore it
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I could dominate her
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>Nooooooo I need my Switch!!!!
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I fucking love comfy slippers
smug brats deserve to get beaten up, and my tiny hands are up to the task
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why does humanity being tiny to other races and giants turning people even smaller so great
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Us vs them, that's alien enough to not annoy you
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I'm on my wa-ack!
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Giant brats gets corrected by giant onee-samas.
>every genshit girl is so mediocre i can't even fap to them
>except Raiden who's a 10/10, especialy when giant
all lalafell women can do this. be careful
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>Every Genshin girl is shit except the one that isn't a Genshin original
>worst girl is the favorite of people who don't play the game
Happens far too often.
>you'll receive a sizeshifting wife, who can change yours and her own size freely
>she is also pretty beautiful, according to (Your) tastes
>she is unhinged, abusive, and makes you cook for her and do all of the house chores. Failure to make those will result in a beating, frequently a sizey one. She still loves you, you are pretty cute for her.
>you will be unable to divorce or escape, once you've made the choice.

Do you agree on such terms?
Yes, house chores are easy and I like cooking.
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Can I do the chores in normal size?
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It should've been meeee
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Are you ready for psychojosh's game?
what kind of beating
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>tiny sports team has a beef with a giant sports team
>tinies dare the giants to shrink down and play a game against them withut their unfair size advantage
>giants agree to be shrunken right before the match
>tinies never said the they want a match at equal size, only that the giants get shrunk
>they shrink giants even smaller than tinies were to them
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Stinky fox nun
very nice
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Where's the downside?
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Senko soles are probably incredibly soft
Well, that city is going to know why a bunch of degenerates are suddenly moving in
fuck off cabbagepots
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I'm pretty sure Rapps' angels have more fan art than original art now
Deserved imo, he sturck gold with that set
I'd love a continuation in which as they loose they are kept like that or are shrunk even smaller
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>part of the dare involved losers being shrunk after the match to be winners servants for a week
>current game is a 1 sided blow out
>footsteps of tinies shake the ground throwing giants off balance
>even when a giant gets to a ball they're too small to move it
>needless to say tinies win
>after the game tinies stend over the defeated giants, who resign themselves to the promised servitude
>"not so fast" chimes in the tiny captian "losers were supposed to be shrunk after the match, no metter what size they were during it"
>she clicks some device and the giants watch as the (comperatively) buiding sized tinies streach out to dwarf mountains
>tiny captain steps forward and squats down, each movement a cataclysmic form the pov of the shrunken losers
>she licks the tip of her finger and taps the spot where the giants were
>whole team fits on her fingertip with room to spare
>she lifts them up to her colossal eye to look at them and leads her team to the changing room to show off their spoils
holy shit, this is golden
Do any of you use spicychat? Most of the time I use normal bots then have them redo the prompt with a size diff. Any reccomendations?
There's this NEET one 'Dawn' that works really well.
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Yeah it and character AI have worked quite nicely for me. Done a heap of size stuff with 2hus.

Did you draw this? Looks pretty nice as a sketch so far!
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I wonder how Samus shrunk him. The obvious explanation would be a shrink ray that matches her futuristic setting. It's funny to imagine her outdoing the transformative ability of his magic with her technology.
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Can't tell how many hundred times I've fapped to these 2 and the giant elf siege, definetely the best doujins I've ever found, just imagine if they'd became actual good animated hentais

also thanks to whoever reminded me of that giantess mod on Skyrim a couple threads ago, loved it on LE but dammmm, now on SE I'm getting some S+ tier content
what content did you enjoy the most in the mod?

>t. one of the mod animators
>Enters god mode
>Enlarges my modded hot follower to a decent size
>Toggle free camera
>Spawn in 15 guards
>Watch her rampage through them with those high heels from afar while spawning more guards
>Her AI just keeps cycling through the animations perfectly

No doubt it has to be those animations, they're just tol well made, and how NPC-AI use them all randomly, I just can't stop doing this, best content I've had in a long while
NTA but lol that you outed yourself as a SomethingAwful goon.
What happened to preesoul?
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he breathed in too many colored clouds
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mhmm yes overcome by pheromone stink and just endlessly humping an indulgent giantess's pussy
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I desperately need to become a mindless zombie drawn towards the overpowering scent of a giant girls sweaty musk
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>red dot/gore
>tiny getting stuck, still alive
Getting stuck to a girl’s large, soft and dimpled sole which can and will allow for more bullying including of the foot variety.
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Definitely the latter
Stuck for me, red dot for others
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i like red dots, not insane gore but it adds an interesting mixture of horror and cuteness
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Not sure if giant or just flying real high up. The long shadow matching up with the broomstick almost sells it, but elsewhere it doesn't quite match up.
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Good to hear someone likes it
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I'm glad I could get the mod a little more attention! As far as mods go, it's really impressive how good of a job they did on it.
I always liked tinies getting stuck, more enjoyable than just dotting since they gotta put up with whatever they're squished against.
Red dot, but I'd wanna be watching them get made, not being made one myself
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Need more big Patche
Definitely still alive, I wanna be flattened to a qt's sole
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Stepped on tiny shrinks down infinitely and gets irreversibly stuck to the sole.forever. No matter how hard they try they are essentially magnetically stuck to the plush flesh and smothered underfoot with every step. The moment to moment is not actually that bad but the loss of humanity generally drives the victims to an eternity of struggling in vain to escape their soft hell.
I think about this a lot.
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>Why do you always volunteer to clean my feet, anon?~
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The framing/perspective on this is really tripping me out. It looks like the giant has three buttocks.
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This is legit the best foot squish pic ever I miss Pogo and marshmallow girls
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Yep, I recently get a full-time job so as a small challenge id decide to draw a sketch everyday. Still better than my regular uploading schedule.
My head cannon of RobinXSamus ship is that Robin is always tiny. For some fucking reason I really like interaction between some low-life medieval charter and advanced giantess from sci-fi world.

Anyway more Samus.
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I like this one, Uggs are awful irl but the softness makes them perfect for entrapment
Which mod is this? I missed the thread it was posted in.
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stuck, specifically if they are squished flat like a cartoon,really sells the idea that they are going nowhere without help
>My head cannon of RobinXSamus ship is that Robin is always tiny.
As in, he never turns back, or that's their natural size difference?
Ah, wage caged then. Hope you at least like what you’re doing or it isn’t too bad for you. Pretty good challenge to impose on yourself and hopefully you can keep to it for a while. This is another fairly solid and simple enough sketch you’ve done. I’m sure you’ve got no shortage of fun ideas kicking around either!
Did he stop?
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Thank you!
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I want to worship a dorky girl who is too focused on science to properly take care of her hygiene
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did she shrink you too or what
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need more giantess hildr
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what is up with all these giant autistic girls licking the ground? are they retarded?
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They need minerals from the buildings
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Never got the appeal of red dot desuyo
Might just be because I'm not enough of a masochist to have a suicide fetish
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*sadist *murder
red dot, but not me though
>tfw into giant girls shitting on pristine nature, city parks, or other places of beauty now
I feel like the wonderbread guy. I don't even dislike that I'm into something objectively gross (though not outside of art lmao) but that it's so specifically about defiling
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I wouldn't call myself a murderfag, but a girl putting her feet up with a tiny, disfigured body smashed to it really gets to me
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macfag status
[x] crushed
[x] digested
[x] BTFO
Doom Guy will beat this dumb chunster demoness up.
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love big Yordles wish both and the fairy turned giant
remember there being a twitter account that posted vids of a gts game, it was a giant girl in red uniform sitting in a gymnasium, and a small guy who would walk around, interact with her, climb her, etc. i spent a bit looking for it but couldnt find it... if it rings a bell for anyone a link would be appreciated.
>fantia stops accepting Visa and Mastercard
That sucks bad.
Is it really just about impossible to make a third payment processor? If these two had competition, they wouldn't be able to afford being picky faggots
It’s not a real industry you can’t enter it
It’s like how Facebook is actually just CIA Lifelog rebranded, see how when TikTok became a big thing they immediately declare it illegal because it’s not controlled?
Yeah bro just go start one
Zuikaku is one of those girls that's good for growth because her boobs won't be bug bites anymore
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Eagle Won?
development stopped after it was taken down from Patreon but it did receive a release, apparently. Not sure where you could find a download.
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I need a giant gf to share her effectively infinite drinks with me
This is the future you ask for when you support censorship thinking it'll only affect the content you don't like
in a few posts he'll reveal the censorship he doesn't like is anti-child porn laws
I guarantee it
She'll feed you her breast milk
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>please regulate me harder, Master(card)!
lol no that shit is rightfully illegal, but we're not even talking about laws. This is some unelected company trampling all over the artists who make my chinese cartoons. I personally don't want a bunch of stuck up moralists in corporate suits telling me what I can and can't fap to, but if you like that then enjoy your eventual hellworld I guess
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Those guys will come for us too! It doesn't matter how much posturing you do about how you fap to Misato crushing and eating people instead of Asuka, to them it's all the same!
>dude it's le corporate clown world out there! You HAVE to stand with us against the ess jay dubs and the juice
Nah fuck off to >>>/pol/ it was you religious hicks that caused this anyway
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need giga giantess libertarian woman to crush all lawmakers and the corporates they collude with beneath her massive unregulated milkers (they violated the NAP so its okay)
Good ass, moar
pretty inconsistent size between panels
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Need more yuri size content
lawmakers and corporate heads are literally in the pockets of our secret giant loli overlords, protecting them from all virtual harm. it's over for free society, their bratty reign cannot possibly be stopped
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Sucks because there's a few artists I want to support that only have a Fantia. I'm sure there are a few hoops one could jump through to throw some cash at artists still.
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If it was just fantia getting screwed I'd be a bit happy because of the back catalog shit.
But I just know skeb is gonna be next. They're even doing a promotion for JBC indefinitely now.
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How am I supposed to self insert if there's no boys?
Insert yourself between them
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There are plenty of boys down there in the city.
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>can't support glitter invitation on fantia anymore because visa doesn't consent
this is so fucking gay

rip to the best size game
Disregard VISA/Mastercard
Buy tora coin
>Buy tora coin
toracoin is also blocking visa
Buy it from Tokyo Otaku, there is a link in fantia payment at the bottom
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The fact a game with THIS much potential got taken down is an actual fucking crime
I think you can still get it on fanbox or fantia, I can't remember, but like you said it's not in development anymore. Game maker got so disenchanted when it got taken down (and lost so much revenue) he stopped working on it
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combo it with some good textures and body mods (CBBE), some nice clothes and high heels, a hot follower and you've got yourself the best size "game" (since it's actually a mod) there is imo
That makes my dick so incredibly insanely stupidly hard. She's so kind using her own sweat rag for the sake of a friend to keep him dry.

A long walk on a sweltering hot day all while in the embrace of her sweaty steamy armpit. And finally, the brief moment of fresh air is brought to an end by her wrapping and squeezing her already soaked sweat rag around your little helpless body. I want to be so thoroughly saturated in her pheromones that the smell never goes away.
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Nah man, that's why that one was unique
Most 3d size games are slop, but that one had the potential to be an outlier. In terms of graphics and animation at least, it was ridiculously good looking.
Also looked like it might've been going down the road of micro sizes which god there isn't fucking ANY of for 3d games.
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Amex is still (for now) an option on Fantia
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I'm another guy but let me give it a try. I first want to establish that originally giants were 10 times bigger than tinies and they got shrunk to be 100 times smaller than them, 1/1000 of their size while playing so around 1.6cm, then 100 times again after they lost so around 0.16mm, barely visible.

>Tinies get back to their changing room.
>the colossal captain gets a pair of tweezers she usually uses to remove her body hair
>they are as big as two skyscrapers to the giants
>each tiny gets their very own assigned "giant"
>they start toying with them, each one as she pleases, some get them to their nipples or clit and start massaging them, others place them inside their panties or tight sports bra, other giants end up being licked by sea monsterish tongues, others between toes and some even inside their belly button
>however, their benched player (because she's just too clumsy) didn't get shrunk because she wasn't on the field
>notices something is wrong and goes to the tinies changing room
>picks up the tiny captain and demands an explanation
>the giants' captain was on her nipple but falls to the clumsy benched player's cleavage
>the clumsy girl notices the weird device the tiny captain has and pushes it to try and reverse the effects or get the tinies shrunk so that the giants get to turn the tables on them
>it actually was rigged from the start and it was set up so only giants would shrink even if they didn't agree to be shrunken before playing and beat the tinies due to the size difference
>all giants get shrunk three sizes more, clumsy girl too as she was now in range of the device
>tiny captain gets to keep her nipple slave but now she's clumsy girl and not the giants captain
>giants captain is actually lost between the clumsy girl who she didn't let play's country size tits, 10000 times smaller than her
>and 1000000 times smaller than her nipple mistress who's areola is practically the size of a planet to her

>all the other giants also get to experience all the colossal tinies' body parts they were being toyed with get even bigger.
>the ones in mouthes get to experience rows of teeth bigger than the everest and taste buds big enough for a village while being bombarded by a sticky liquid sea
>the ones between toes get to be overpowered by them and get lost between the wrinkles instead of being crushed when they are pressed against the ground
>volcan sized nipples that erupt with milk due to being toyed with
>tits akin to astral objects and the enormous sweat drops that comes with having played a match before.
>shaved armpits in which the "giants" get stuck on top of trunks of hair that were left
>pressed between pubic hair forests and the fabric of panties
>being stuck close to a monstrous chasm that could roar them out of existence at any moment being just a girl's ass
>a pit like belly button from which they could never hope to climb out
>clits so big they could house nations as their only hope to survive their juices
>and it's only been 30 minutes of the whole week they got to endure to try and enact revenge.

I'd love if someone has an idea of how to continue this after a week, maybe the giants get away with their revenge or the tinies have other failsafes for them.

Maybe the tinies get to match against tinier people and the circle resumes.
Crazy how there's so little GTS material of Ashley when she literally talks about transforming and shrinking people in her song
>Why isn't there more porn of the literal child
Couldn't tell you
I love the idea with a clumsy giantess who got excluded from the initial shrinking. She should be emphasized more
>giants spend a realy rough week being played with by the tinies
>when the week is over tinies phone the only memeber of the giant team to that wasn't present fot the match and tell her to pick them up
>they don't plan to unshrink the giants, they will make it her problem
>giants only interacted with tinies at their micro size, so being handled by a giant is another scale shock
>giantess goes home with her microscopic friends, excited about what she considers a sleepover, and will figure out what to do with them later
>tinies were bullies, but they knew what they were doing. Clumsy girl has no idea how cataclysmis her every action is to the shrunken people so, despite good intentions she's signifiactly more dangerous than the tiny team was
>after nearly wiping out her squad on several ocassion she goes to some nerd girl to asks for help
>nerd tells her the og shrinking device is needed to actually revers the effect
>clumsy girl shrinks down to tiny size to sneak into the tiny team's building and steal the device
>she decides to take the shrunken team with her in her clavage to not lose track of them.
>team protests, but the only person who heard them was the nerd, who thought their predicament was funny and let it happened
>giantess gets in, but is too clumsy to remain unnoticed
>tiny team serounds her and wants to punish her for breaking in
>they take out the device and shrink her, to make sure she catches up on her team's previous experience
>meanwhile, all the teammates are still trapped between her sweaty tit flesh and will have one hell of a surprise once they crawl out of there
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i feel like she's one of the more popular nintendololis
No officer you see she's actually a thousand-year-old demon
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Yes and?
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So what are the size anime prospects in the imminent future?

Fat elf has halfling x amazonian and a very brief giantess scene.

S-rank behemoth has size elements (guy reincarnated as a small kitten gets a fantasy harem where half the girls want to fuck him)

Fairy Tale 100 year quest has a brandish cameo with brief interaction and some more brandish 2+ seasons after that.

100 girlfriends has a small shrink section

Puniru's a cute slime has some size stuff
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>not 2D anime style
>good looking
Really? Just look further.
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>Insert yourself between them
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Juri Saijo, my beloved
Giant Ojou Sama was almost given an anime and is a pretty good seller currently so it's somewhat likely to get picked up
>More big blue
Increidbly based. Can't decide between Poppy and Vex as a favorite, though.
looks very AI-ish
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Me trapped under her butt
Because it is
damn, I was not keeping up with ai improvements, it looks good, but I instantly knew it looked weird, I guess even an untrained eye can spot it? still a major turn off for me, it looks very dead, like some one took a bunch of pictures and photoshopped them together in a lazy way.
AI, especially when doing size, really likes that pose for giant girls too. Even after the Anime V3 for NovelAI update you can still easily tell if something is AI or not even when retard horny.
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I love giant women so much bros.
Why can't I become the beloved property of one.
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Local lesbians crush thousands
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A mixed size world where corporations pay giantesses to walk around cities wearing clothing with ads plastered on them and spewing ad slogans.
literal walking billboards
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Not looking forward to giant girls with personalities of brand twitter accounts
man even the gas station pump tv ads were enough to make me want to die, if I couldn't look outside without seeing multiple giantesses covered in ad wraps and shouting about using their code for 10% off hello fresh I would end it
imagine corporations making use of data collections,buying your data, then sending an ad giantess to pester you into buying stuff.

>wake up because you think you hear knocking
>knocking comes from the balcony
>look outside
>"goodmorning anon, you know what would make your morning better? a freshly brewed coffee from GiantCoffee.com"
>close the blinds
>"come on now,i get paid per sale, please,"
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>get 1 targeted ad
>now the whole neighbourhood knows what fetish i have
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What if the ad giantess gets vibe checked by an adblocker?
>"What am I going to do with a swimming pool of coffee?"
an adblocker would just be a muscled up giant tomboy that wears the adblocker logo on their boxers and sports bra,that patrols the city for any ad giantess to either scare them away or beat them up
>Saved from a persistent ad-giantess by the local ad blocker.
>Think I'm going to get a free lift home from a cute giant tomboy when the Ad girl gets back up with her phone in her hand.
>"Ohhh Adblocker-chan~ guess who's company just got bought out?"
>A chill runs down my spine when I realize I have never been in more danger.
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>giant Friend will never protect you from ads
Why live?
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>will never be Friend's pre burger snack
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>pre burger snack
Do Americans realy?
>get one of those "giant milf looking for young men: 5 km away click now" popup ad
>decide to click it
>it just disappears
>feel like a retard because you think you have a virus
>check everything
>no virus
>continue on shitposting
>popop appears again now saying "giant milf on the way for young men:2 km away"
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Don't let the hobbit giantesses hear you dissing the multiple breakfasts
>" we also have premium hot chocolate at 20% off"
>suddenly you hear a powerful voice, "erm ladies,this ones still mine."
>you all look in the distance to see an adblocker tomboy from a different adblock service ,holding a K.Od ad giantess in her grasp
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Pubes are underrated.
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Don't answer these ads. They're scams. If there really were giga milfs in my area, I would see them!
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Can confirm I have it. It has an English translation even the gymnasium is unfinished. You can get it on Fantia if you can brave the Japanese word wall.
anyone who doesnt go for dommymommy35 is no friend of mine
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>Hagposting again
All giantess are physically locked at ambiguously aged schoolgirls with impossibly soft feet
>AB plus giantess
>Short, somewhat lithe. Still gets pushed around by some of the bigger ad girls
>Judges you when she has to stop porn site ad giantess from ripping into your apartment
>uBlock origin giantess
>Fuckoff huge, twice the size of AB plus and thick as shit
>Fears no one. Even Youtube-chan is scared of her
>Fingertip high fives you every time she smothers an ecchi ad beneath her ass
I don't care how many times those giant brats step on y city, I am NOT submitting to them!
I think there has to be a balance between 'child' and 'grandma' and you aren't hitting it
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Anon, if you want more lolibabas you can just come out and say it, no need for insinuation
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Shut up, cuck
Would you approach them bros?
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The balance is ambiguously aged schoolgirls though.
The kind of girl where the description says 18+ and you know it definitely could be true but probably isn't
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best kind of footwear
There's two of these scientist girls now?

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