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Old thread: >>10954268
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now that is a nice fat thighs. Just look at her claw sinking into it. I want to sink my hands into them. Getting leglocked or placing my head between them and have her close her legs.
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Wait. There seems to be a language barrier here: Aren't disc image files ISO files? And I'm pretty sure I can mount it. I can open it. I can do the setup and I can play it normally, but for whatever reason I can't edit it to translate (Specifically when I open it, it is treated as a removable disc with not enough size to paste the files and it doesn't allow me to delete any files). If I have misunderstood anything or I need to do something more for the translation, please tell me. I have downloaded imgburn.
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technical support wurm is on the case! and as such installed it.since you have it installed just put the script files into C:\One-up\BABYLON\ no imgburn needed
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It finally works. Thanks a lot.
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I just wanna fall asleep on her plump body for an entire week.
Same man... same
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What do you think about monster girls with extra, non-humanoid heads, my fellow anons?
More headpats have to be provided, but it is cute.
Which monster girl species has the best:
hard to beat something like this
These outfits are cute, but she's walking around with her cloaca hanging out
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I made a new deck of cards for use in the Casino games in Monster Girl Quest: Paradox RPG. It's lewd, so I'm posting it here instead of the normal thread.

To install, paste it into the folder Graphics\Casino and overwrite the PokerTrump.png file that's already there.
RUDE holy shit
He gets it
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I have updated the image. For some reason, Levia ended up super blurry. I must have just chosen poorly on my downscaling.

I want all three of them to triple-team me. Ah, Triple Eden Triple Bliss.
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Reminder to use tentecle potions to catch any black harpies you find.
Very cute
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>Normal thread
...There is a regular, or semi-regular. non-/d/ MG thread?
Where, or perhaps when?
Pic related and their kind
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He's talking about the active sfw /jp/ one; I've seen an inactive one in /u/, and ones in /trash/ occasionally.

(prompt metadata+extras)
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When will she get a "remodel like Airfield (Lycoris) ?
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A Summer sprite would be so boss. Seriously, Midway is too beautiful to not return in some form or another.
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>Midway is too beautiful to not return in some form or another.
So is Abyssal Black Rock Shooter, but where is she now?
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Indeed. Too many abyssals are just too amazing yet they're not given enough love.
Wished Akira would draw her again either for promotional artwork or a seasonal sprite.
Also I think I'm gonna commission some art of her as a robot girl since I need more content of her but I'm also horny for robot ladies.
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Delicious horse pussy.
There's actually quite a few places where monster girls are discussed regularly. One thread on /jp/, one on /vg/ + two altchan boards, smuglo /monster/ and capybarachan
Cards anon most likely meant the /vg/ thread.
Choose 3 monster girls: 2 of them will press their tits against you, lick your ears and kiss you and the other one will give you head (press 3 at https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5429888 ).
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Did you post the wrong link?
Does the link sent you to a video made by a pantoka that has a POV of 3 girls doing what I described? If yes, then no, I posted the right link. I don't know any examples with monster girls.
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godzilla and kong helping shimo break away from her abusive girlfriend skar
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Horror monster girls.
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I wanna FLUFF a kitsune!
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Game download link?
Don't know where the download link is but here's the creators dev blog.
Easily one of the most beautiful boats around.
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Re-class wants to play!
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Shows what I know.

Forgot the one below, I'll do a one-off dump of some other stuff.







Seaport Hime is my wife, but i agree Battleship hime is also very beautiful.
rubbing Re's belly
Abyssal GILF:
Gotta find her lost eggs she didn't even know she still had!
Blini Hime is cute!
A lifetime supply of bellyrubs for Re-chan.
She's been eating too much lately
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I made the right choice rewatching Sailor Moon
What if she's pregnant
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That would be cute too, although seeing abyssals eating way too much after meeting a human admiral is pretty common.
Hate that anime. Those bitches always kill the monster girls.
need pet Seaport Hime wife
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She looks extra fat in this image.
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The only one missing from the barwomen trio is Tashkent.
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I do sometimes wonder about the convention of drawing monster girls with legs that turn human around their thighs (like pic related). Is it it just the appeal of the stocking-like effect, or are people afraid of Weird Pussy?
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anyone know of rips of the gifs from that new monster musume game? got some nice looking girls.
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Made an attempt myself. Any specific requests?
Does the game feature any of the other bloodsuckers?
Is the lamprey in?
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These files do not want to play nicely with my usual Webm converter.
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Seems like she finally reached her final form (not counting possible future remodel(s), summer version, etc. ). Meanwhile, Re is still stuck in Elite type.
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The link for anyone that doesn't know.

But a question for anyone;
I've never done mobile games let alone whatever 123 is doing here.
How do I not screw this up and lose progress or the account?
Or ideally, play offline with local saves to back up?
Just want to see my favorite girls again.

Rachnera if you will, kind anon.
Coolie is much cuter in color than I imagined.
She looks quite helpless here. This must be post-story line her.
I always imagined her a red/rust color. Like Miia, but not Miia.
She has that big cute Sakie Sato forehead.
Smart and sexy.
I've got blood to spare.

I hope there are content rips like was done for the other game.
Made for nice threads on /a/, and always like more MM art.
I need all the centaurs and cowgirls you can supply.
Just so you know, you're neither funny nor unique: I've seen the "X on all" joke a thousand times.
Unfortunately there's not much content to rip compared to the old game, girls only have a single animation.

Cathyl is the only cow, but they have every centaur from the manga minus Cheron Du Pell for some reason. Pick one.
Centorea then.
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nice thanks anon, the one i posted, the gargoyle illmencia, the shog like, octo, the desert snake. medusa one, the succ mariana any or all would be great.
i tried looking through the console but couldn't make heads or tales of file names just mostly payment stuff.
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theres a link function like with popular ones like arknights ba or al. bind a google, twitter etc saves progress/gives a recovery to reset passwords.

as for offline i dunno i doubt this game will last long, just about every player is just using random names given by the game. and theres monetization out the ass. theres literally a mtc that costs 0.01$ for emotes.

let alone how to actually get the girls this ally/girl system doesnt make any sence to me. heres the girl(?) version of pervious succ compared to the ally(?) version
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on top of that the "limited" girls being given to only the top 3 of what ever task is really true to its definition. havent read the series in forever but the varity of the game is nice, though to launch with 50 girls guess it would require it
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You need 3 files
<id number>_SP.webm
<id number>_SP.json
<id number>_SP_atlas.txt
then you feed them into this program http://en.esotericsoftware.com/ there's a free trial version, but it only allows you to view the animations, not export them. Personally I'm using a 5 year old pirate copy.

Decided to do this girl just because I was curious if she was supposed to have some strategically placed steam cloud censorship or something that wasn't showing up. Nope, she simply has no nipples.
In fantasy world with both horses and centaurs how would horse x centaur sex be perceived?
>Does Centaurs find horse posteriors titillating?
>Would it be seen as straight up bestiality or would it be something lesser?
>How common would it be to horny centaur to use a horse to relief oneselfs urges?
>Would it be more common to see male/futa centaur fuck a mare than a female centaur to get fucked by stallion?
>Are female centaurs ever in danger of getting raped by wild horses when they are galloping in the fields?
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That's a very lewd Rachnera, thanks!
The a-synchronous blinking is an interesting touch.
Surprised they bothered at all, but I think all of them blinking at once would have been wierd.
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>Stupid sexy hybrids
>Nope, she simply has no nipples.
>A sacrifice I am willing to make to have loving succubus in my life
>Especially when the rest of her looks like that

I want to be mad, but I'm just happy for Monster Musume content, and that its not static images only.
Yeah, we need more of them.
We need more angel/demon hybrid.
We need more werepyres.
We need more trorcs.
We need more hybrid elves.
We need more lamia/harpy hybrids (don't ask me how that would be possible).
We need more dragon/succubus hybrids.
What else, my fellow anons?
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How do I make this interface that was meant to be used on a vertical screen, useable on a horizontal?
Its so hard to see.
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Made a gmail link, played 5+ hrs, closed the browser, tried to play again while signed into account, lost the progress anyway.

Maybe its because I was on incognito, but shouldn't this be account based server side saves on their side?
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I'm dumb as a brick. Saves are pay walled.
Was fun-ish while it lasted.
Rather give Crab a fat stack of 100s, than put more financial info on the internet.

Hope they change it later. Art was nice.
buy monitor that can be rotated or use monitor stand.
You can make an account but ultimately it determines your platform based on cookies or address, and the $0.01 paywall is for cross platform saves.
Also when you're incognito you don't keep/present that data. So you basically track nothing while incognito because that connection is never coming back. You screwed yourself playing incognito on a browser game.
Post more.
I keep getting advertisements for that game on my web browser.
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I tried accessing the site normally and it still didn't work. I don't think its any of the other chrome settings.
Might try (slight retching) Edge.
Their site reads like saves are paywalled, which is why the 1st add is 1 cent, I guess.

Ended up using the windows magnifier. Not perfect, but worked well enough.
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Tried Edge, it has the save for a post tutorial game.
Went back to Chrome, and its the same.
Why the hell did it not save my 5 other attempts to get it to work???
Feeling dumber than usual.
Guess I'll give it another shot. Play an hour and quit. Then open again,
Why did birb explode?
2+2 was too much for her.
Dumb bird tried to ride the horsie, didn't she?
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They are great together
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In a manner of speaking...
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Thread needs more spooders
Cute as hell armor and pedipalp legs
All she's missing is tiny little boots or thimbles.
Wo's daughter...
Midway needs some pregnant content so badly.
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Everyone from the abyssal fleet deserves getting a preggo belly.
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As long as they got a womb and their body can handle it? yes
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Where's your preferred place for bipedal spider girls to shoot web from?
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Spinneret vagina. Unfortunately there is no uncensored version.
We need more humandom.
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Sea monster.
And we need it now.
Not tomorrow.
Not after breakfast.
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