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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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Unanswered wishes from previous thread:
>I wish I could summon (and unsummon) any female character from any game/anime/etc as part of my harem. And that I also had the power to possess their body at will.

>I wish that it was basically impossible for women to wear pants because they have hyper pussies and thighs and stuff. And by basically, I don't mean literally impossible, and any genie may make of that distiction what they will.

>I wish I was a cute girl in a trio of incestuous triplets who could fuse into lewd forms, ideally in a world with other /d/ bodytypes like futa. Lewd forms like three headed girls, forms involving part transformation (one sister controls the body, one is the pussy, one is the butt), some /d/ themed cerberi form, a boob slug hydra, or pic related... I implore that the genie get creative, and I politely ask that the genie give us kind (and horny) friends, with a bias for feminine friends.

>I wish I was a cute girl in a friend circle of other cute girls who are down to fuck, and that we had a perpetual magical game going on, where we routinely drew straws, and one girl would get to become "Queen" of the group for a period of time. She could become a futa and make everyone else fucknuggets or onaholes, make everyone else futa if she's submissive to be gangbanged, turn the other girls into living furniture, fuse girls via part tf, make everyone have to do as she says... you get the idea. But I did say FRIENDS so I'd like it to be understood that while these things can be embarrassing, they can't be un-fun or unenjoyable fetishes, let alone gross stuff like guro or waste, or ruin lives like causing pregnancies. But stuff like weird /d/ transformations, from boobslugs to ladypits, femdom, and lewd orders like "no clothes or walking on two legs"? That's fair game.
>I wish to become a symbiotic entity that once bonded to a host transforms them into pseudo pregnant woman (Guys also turn into woman, no futa). The bond granting benefits to the host, but I can also take full control at anytime.
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>I wish I could summon (and unsummon) any female character from any game/anime/etc as part of my harem. And that I also had the power to possess their body at will.
Granted. Given that you specified that you wanted to summon fictional characters as "part of your harem", they will be subjected to some changes. Good news: the changes will be mostly positive. Their personality will be partially rewritten so that they will love you and have a morality/mentality that is compatible with yours, but otherwise they will try to stick to their "canon" personality. They will also gain some sexual skills in bed, and you will be able to have safe sex with them - for example, Anis will have a functional pussy, Albedo will not drain your lifeforce to death during sex, and so on.
Bad news: their combat powers will be severely reduced. You will get a harem, not a team of minions you can use to take over the world. This also means that they'll have to sleep and eat.

Aside for that, you will also be able to "enter" the bodies of any woman in your harem, taking possession of their bodies for as long as you want. As an added bonus, if you used to be male, you can sprout a dick even while you're possessing one of your wives.

But let's talk about the REAL paw. It's quite simple: your wives can summon YOU into THEIR fictional (but slightly more lewd than canon) world; and as long as you're there, they can possess your body. Time on Earth doesn't move while you're "elsewhere", and you cannot really die because that would just send you back on Earth safe and sound.
There's some complex rules determining when and how your wives can do that, but the basic gist of this is: the more you use your powers (summoning many girls, keeping them summoned for long stretches of time, possessing their bodies), the higher the chance that you'll get summoned. If you take the time to treat your girls well, however, they will be required to go easier on you.
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>I wish to be a flexible contortionist girl, capable of being comfortable even when I'm stuck in tight places for long periods of time, like inside a suitcase.
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Granted! You are now an alien symbiotic that thrives in and accordingly turns your partners into women with very visible pregnancies, and any other particularly large sexual features you'd like, like huge butts or huge leaky titties.

The particular benefits of your symbiosis with a host include, the general body strength to operate comfortably with their new bodies, heightened sensations of pleasure, reduced sensations of pain, and a better understanding of their own sustenance needs allowing them to be more genuinely healthy and happy.
And it comes with some similar benefits for you as well! Massively reduced exhaustion rates from not needing move your own amorphous body around, the neural connections to communicate with your host comfortably and quickly, access to exponentially better food and nutrients resources, and the capacity to share directly in whatever pleasure your host is feeling, which is even more with the heightened sensation.

But as with all things in life and especially this thread, both you and your host need something from each other.
Something much more significant than some simple food and emotional resources...

Both you, and your host, will be genuinely pregnant throughout your entire symbiosis together, with you specifically needing to actually find a host to actually give birth at all. And while the experience won't be painful thanks to the reduced sensations, the compounding heightened sensations of pleasure and the general increases of strength will make your combined labor as unpredictable as it is debilitatingly pleasurable, either leaving both of you on the ground for several minutes until the orgasmic process is completed or possible even forcing you out of whatever hole you had come in from if you hadn't properly secured yourself to, which will leave you with the cold stinging sensation of being disconnected after the fact, but still mostly pleased by the overall process.
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With the process of reconnecting being complicated particularly if you had gotten pushed out given the mutual exhaustion. Though, if you do reconnect or maintain connection through a pregnancy, the both of you will be auto reimpregnated with whatever genetic information remains from your previous mate or simply with direct genetic clones of yourselves.

>I wished I worked at a company that specialized in impregnating female clients either as a cute futanari contractor or a milfy OL training professional.
Granted! Why not be both? You are a high ranking "trainer" at a niche, but popular and profitable company that caters to girls who like girls, but still want to become "mommies", and want it to be GOOD sex, not just sperm bank stuff. Your employees agreed to become futa for this, some opting to become dickgirls, while others opted to keep "the full package", but are needier and more easily distracted as a result. YOU are a FEMALE office lady milf who pitches tents in the loins of the girls working under you, tasked with keeping them skilled in the art of girl's love, and the fun part: taking control of them via neural implants to routinely "guide" and "train" your girls... which they'll need quite a bit. You put a helmet on and bam, you're in the body of one of your girls, able to hear the girl you've taken over as a voice in your head, and able to control her body as if it were your own, of course.

A lot of them are new to having a dick, and I get a hunch that the person making this wish has a bit more experience... but when you become an office lady, being in a body with dick will start to feel weird, rest assured. Oh, and having a pussy will take some getting used to as well. I'm both going to make having a penis for you, a now lady, and getting USED to your new body both strange, sexy experiences for you. The office lady part of you will find being in a futa body "shameful" and "indignant"... but in a way that only makes it hotter. Regardless, most of these girls will get overwhelmed with pleasure and sometimes even pull out, not knowing if the feeling of the male orgasm is "normal", and some might feel it's too much and blow their loads early, or even neglect making it "good" for their partner out of inexperience. YOU are here to amend that, and teach them while controlling their bodies, like invisible hands behind them teaching them to ride a bike. Speaking of, you can be the "bike" if you'd like. Being a sexy OL you're a PERFECT "practice dummy".
In fact, it's kinda your other job here. Don't worry, management made some modifications to your body too. You have an implant that keeps you infertile, and don't worry about that either, it can be taken out... once you're in a position where you no longer need to be a practice sex doll and "mommy" for new futanari and dickgirls, which... isn't anytime soon, really. You could also become a female "breeder" for clients with dicks in your sister company, but that's a FAR lower position... so enjoy being the office bike for now.

It's not so bad though, the girls respect you, and while they get carried away... a lot... it's on you to tell them what's "good" and what isn't. Yes, you review their "performance", and yeah that'll get really hard when some overachievers decide to fuck your brains out, sometimes coming up with clever tricks like jerking off beforehand so they last longer. MUCH longer... you're also expected to tend to the "needs" of your girls... which more or less translates to "being present and having an available hole". While you ARE healthy and youthful for someone milfy... you're no match for the futas raw, youthful, enhanced sexdrives, so expect to be thrown around a bit if it's a case of "I NEED a hole", especially if you have more than one girl in need. But if they're just looking for "advice", they'll let you take control of the sex.

Speaking of... remember how you puppet their bodies? Well... it'd be a waste if your body was unavailable during, right? Your superiors think so, so they gave it a programmable "sexdoll" implant for your girls. While you're knocking up clients or helping edge your girls for stamina training, rest assured... your body will be doing humiliating things, limited only by what they can think to have it to. Hell, need to train a girl on anal? What better body to train WITH than your own? While controlling the body of another?

I HOPE you're into that, because due to technical limitations...
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Once you "possess" one of your girls, you're stuck as them for a few hours. Can be anywhere from 4 to 8... or in rare cases... you might have to stay as them the night. In these cases, you are allowed to take your REAL body home on a leash and sleep in their body. You'll usually wake up back in yours... usually.

And while you're possessing a futa? Expect her libido to be infectious... and expect her friends and co-workers to KNOW you're possessing her, and tease the FUCK out of you during, often involving your mindless body in the teasing.

Enjoy being a "training professional", one who gets to experience the futa side of things too.

And one last thing? Employee of the month gets to take you home for a workweek. It's kind of like a "you get to throw pies at your boss" thing at company picnics, only the girl is allowed to order you around (with you having to obey via the sexdoll implant, and the pies are going IN you. You get a blacklist of "hard pass fetishes", but don't worry, your girls LIKE you. Maybe just... a bit TOO much at times...

Good luck being the office bike,

>I wish the world was full of cute girls, existing girls became cute girls, I was one of them, and face sitting, smothering, and oral were 100% safe and sanitary. No broken necks, no suffocation, no reason not to lick... all that stuff. And I wish I had plenty of sexy girlfriends to play around with this with.
Granted! You are now a cute, youthful girl with specific details and a general "aesthetic" that is to your liking... but you'll be far from strong. In fact, most people agree that you're "soft", some would dare say "squishy" even, and your "assets" are rather large, which don't help the allegations... yet despite this, you're a supernaturally skilled contortionist. You'll NEVER get sore, and you can accomplish feats thought impossible. Why is being curvy, busty, and having large assets important? Simple. It makes being in tight spaces more entertaining. Did someone manage to fit you into a box? Well you fit, and it's cozy, but your face is FIRMLY in your bust, it's great. Did you manage to "Ball" yourself up? Face > Ass, it's not rocket science. You'll gain immunity to suffocation though, my treat.

Also my treat? You get new roommates. "Idenitcal" twins... but you're not sure if they're effiminate boys, or girls... a strong tomboy who seems to be packing extra, and a cute, unassuming girl with a bodytype a bit like your own. You won't even have to pay for an apartment yourself. Why? Well... simply put, you were all hit with with curses from the same source, and it'd be best if you stuck together.. You all found old circus memorabilia. The twins found a funhouse mirror, the tomboy found a strongman's barbell, and you found a small glass box, and the other girl.... the lid. Don't think you need to hold onto these anymore, the curses are already in effect.

The twins WERE both girls, but the mirror cursed them to randomly switch between girl and femboy when waking up, identical to their female forms aside from their members.

The tomboy's curse was that of a "strongMAN", so she became a futa. She is pretty strong too I guess... able to pick up her partners and fuck them like onaholes.

And the other girl? The old troupe haunting you had TWO contortionists. You were BOTH meant to fit in this box, together. And it was a very lewd, sex themed troupe...
Your curses? For the twins, they must have sex together. They cannot cum without the other. For the futa, she has a thing for lifting things... and people. She's tall too, so expect every hug to lift you off the ground. You and your fellow contortionist? It's a bit meaner...

See... you two will grow weaker and weaker until you're unable to move if you're not regularly stuck into tight places, and you get a bit of the twin's curse as well, in that you won't "recover" NEARLY as fast if you're alone... now yes, if you need to be taken somewhere and put in different suitcases, you can be seperated (but should be kept close), but whenever possible? You two best be smooshed together, that is... if you want to regain enough strength to walk on your own. And the lewder the contortion? The better.

It's kinda funny if you think about it... I put you with these girls and "girls" since you'd need to be carried around, and here you are, PERFECT for keeping in suitcases, gym bags, and other fun, easy to carry containers. And not only that... but it's IDEAL for you.

Being helpless can be fun too. The futa's a real sweetheart, despite her boyish looks. She'll cuddle you and your "sister" even when you're in your immobile "ragdoll" states, only able to speak and make cute faces (and cum, of course). The twins are nice too, and have quite lewd minds when it comes to thinking of ways to "use" your abilities... which is a good thing since again, lewd contortions and positions give you MORE strength, and thus, moving on your own more.

And the other girl? Well... she's adorable. Hell, so are you, you could pass off as sisters, maybe even twins. She's SUPER easy to embarrass, but VERY clearly into girls... not that she'll refuse the futa or twins when they're boys... but she's also super shy and sweet. The "You... wanna cuddle?" Type sweet, and boy, will she get cuddles with you alright...

You're both going in the same bag when your messed up "family" travels.
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Bound together lewdly in whatever bag the tomboy uses, no doubt. She'll take you along for her track meets because... what, is she just supposed to leave you two at home? The two girls who have a condition that keeps them from moving at times? Hell no, you're both getting babysat. The twins aren't stay at home either. They might keep you two in a suitcase while clothes shopping (for both of their sexes).

Even when you two are home? You'll still need to be in something routinely if you want to be able to move on your own when you AREN'T in something. Is it movie night? Wonder if you two can fit in that decorative glass bowl together... it's clear! So you can see the movie! Oh, are both of your heads sticking out? Well... maybe the others picked the clear object for... other reasons... you're not going to be wearing clothes for tight fits, after all...

It's no secret that the others are into it. The futa will propose putting you in tube like objects to treat as onaholes, the twins are EXPERT bondage riggers, and the sex positions? You can eat YOURSELF out, imagine what you can do with ANOTHER contortionist?

The other girls can't knock you up, by the way, so expect a LOT of fun with them.

You won't have to eat or use the bathroom, so the others are free to leave you stuck in that glass display for them to see consequence free, watching you pout. And when I say "They're into it?" I mean your "sister" too... you know, the person you share this curse with? So don't expect to stay out of the sexual shenanigans for long, not with her being adorably, shy about, but VERY into them.

"I mean, being stuck in tight places IS for our own good, after all... and clothes can make that harder... and with all they do for us... w-well... they ARE cute..."

Hope you enjoy your new life as much as your sister in tight spaces...

>I wish I was a cute girl with the power to turn other cute girls into ladypots and other lewd furniture, and grow a dick, to better enjoy them.
Granted! People are generally more attractive as a bonus, so all the naked people will be more fun to look at... but this is a pretty small boon all things considered since I'm going to be perverting the human form quite a bit. The type of hyper is random, however. One girl might have a pussy so puffy she can sit on the mound like an exercise chair, Another might have thighs that'd tear any cloth in their way from their size alone, and one girl might have pussy lips so big they clap when she walks, making pants impossible, lest they bind her legs together completely. As another bonus, infections don't really happen, even if someone's bare pussy is on a buss seat, and people are tear and injury proof. They work via porn logic, and people don't even need to use the bathroom anymore (but do still drip and cum).

No, it's not literally impossible, but if they want to move... they're going pantsless, and the world has changed to allow that. But fair is fair... so men have the same issues. I mean, how ELSE would someone reach the vaginal canal through all that pussy or the ass through all that thigh mass? Men can't wear pants either for the same reasons, and yes, their hyper parts are random as well. You could find a femboy with a HUGE ass, but a normal sized dick, considered small in this world... and just for fun? Futas, cuntboys, dickgirls, etc exist, and some people can "mutate", changing which part of them is hyper routinely.

...Though really, that's all just so people see what I did to you is normal. Treat others as you'd want to be treated, right? So I hope you don't mind that you'll be a girl in this new world... you know, the kind who have to go pantsless. It's not all bad, you might wake up a futa or dickgirl, those still count as girls. And as you might have gathered, you mutate. However, your mutations are FAR more extreme than anyone else's. You'll never have time to get used to one extreme before changing to another.
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Did you JUST get used to a pussy mound so big it's like sitting on a bouncy ball? Learn to waddle around with it? Too bad, you're a dickgirl with huge hips and a third leg now, one that's gonna get in the way of EVERYTHING. Find out how to maneuver that? Now your lips are like a venus fly trap, they clap when you walk, and your clit? Might as well be a cock... and so on.

There IS a way to make this easier on yourself though... just be a slut. If OTHER people like how your body is currently, it'll remain like that longer, or be more likely to change to that form in their presence. You can get SOME semblance of consistency this way, like knowing that one futa gym bunny really likes it when you have a puffy pussy, cause it feels good around her cock, or maybe she wants to be sat on... and that big assed boy? He wanted to get railed by you as a futa so bad... humor him, and you'll be more likely to be futa around him... even if your balls are dragging on the ground (he thinks that's hot too).

Be good and use your changing body to make OTHER people happy, and you'll get to keep some of your mutations long enough to get used to them, maybe even learn what to expect around certain people...

...They'll still see you as a nympho for this though. Probably a pervert too... but you can at LEAST be a nice, thoughtful pervert that everyone likes (and fucks).

>I wish I was a catgirl monster like pic related. Not necessarily big. If anything, small enough to enjoy sex on all fours... but able to unbirth and convert people. Either willing partners, or... well, if I feel like it. Maybe if I just think someone would be better as one of my kittens... that's reason enough, right?
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>>I wish I was a cute girl in a trio of incestuous triplets who could fuse into lewd forms, ideally in a world with other /d/ bodytypes like futa. Lewd forms like three headed girls, forms involving part transformation (one sister controls the body, one is the pussy, one is the butt), some /d/ themed cerberi form, a boob slug hydra, or pic related... I implore that the genie get creative, and I politely ask that the genie give us kind (and horny) friends, with a bias for feminine friends.
There's a path in the woods. And at the end of that path, is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin, you were a princess.
You were there to get slain. If you didn't, it would have been the end of the world. Sort of.

...Okay, I see that you're confused, but that's what being part of a multi-dimensional embodiement stretched across mutiple timelines in a looping pocket dimension does to you.
...Now you're even more confused. Great.

Okay, very long story short: you and your two "sisters" used to be fragments of an eldritch abomination, an embodiment of change. Now you're technically-kinda-sorta separated, and each one of you became their own person capable of existing in normal reality without breaking it.
...You're still gonna bend it, though. In fact, your division miiiiiiight be the reason why there's other /d/isasters walking around now. Maybe.

Anyway, let's talk about you and your sisters now. Your "default" form is that of a normal-looking, if cute, girl. However, there's a couple of ways your form can change. The first one is to simply fuse together with your sisters. Your final form will be the result of a compromise between all your desires, so if one wants to be a humantaur and the other wants to be a humanoid with three heads, you might end up as a three-headed humantaur... with the former sister in charge of all three heads, the latter sister in charge of the lower body, and you stuck as the torso.
Granted! Congratulations you now have a new job! You are now a Spellcaster and quality inspector at "Home & Tits", a company specializing in producing lewd furniture made out of real girls that willingly signed up to become furniture for a set amount of time, the whole company is secretly run by the goddess of sexual debauchery, she grants a selected part of her staff powers to work properly. In your case, you can turn girls into any piece of furniture you think of and to ensure quality you can grow a dick to thoroughly test the quality of the products, your boss may be the embodiment of pure lust but she is not the embodiment of organization, constantly forgetting that she needs to revoke your powers when you clock out.

On a normal day at the office, you will be given a list of girls and the furniture that they need to turn into, but it's not an easy process, the magic is unstable and might lead to incorrect results some visible some not. It's your job to thoroughly inspect and fondle each part of the units including the company mandate holes for sexual pleasure. One important thing to mention is that the furniture is sentient, it keeps their minds intact, and they can hear, see and most importantly feel you. Each tender stroke, each coffee mug on them sends signals to their mind as sexual stimuli, be careful, it's addicting... And encouraged! For every girl that comes for a round 2, you'll get a bonus!

The success of the company and the goddess's lil experiment lies in how much girls turn into furniture, if you keep good work seducing girls to turn for long periods of time (or forever) you'll earn a good rep that will net you some divine favours if you play your cards right ;)
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>I wish that a swarm of futuristic nanobots time-travelled to my room they can alter humans and they transformed into the girl in the picture, it seems that the key for their existence is me
(Regardless of the forms you'll take, you'll still have full senses and the ability to communicate telepathically between each other.)
Keep in mind, however, that fusions like this work on a timer. After fusing, you cannot unfuse for a few hours; and vice-versa, after defusing, you'll have to spend some time without being allowed to fuse.

The second method is much less voluntary: you tend to change in response to how other people see you. (Your sisters don't count.) These changes are temporary, and eventually you'll revert back to your default form - unless you deliberately focus to remain changed.
Now, normally this isn't a problem for you, because you're the most stable, since you were originally human when you made your wish... and at the same time you used to be part of the previously-mentioned eldritch thing... Boy, time sure is weird, huh? Anyway, my point is that you're pretty good at resisting these changes if you don't like them. Your friend wants you to dominate her? You'll feel your body trying to grow taller and more muscular... but if you don't feel in the mood, you'll just feel some internal pressure.

Your sisters are a different story. Sure, you used to be part of the same being, but due to having become independent beings, they now see each other and you as sisters... VERY close sisters... And yes, they'll be embarassed about their sexual feelings. But I digress.
Anyway your two sisters are polar opposite of each other. One is harsh and domineering, the other is submissive and eager to please. As such, usually the two will change accordingly, with the "harsh" sister tending to grow bigger or more muscular and bully you two into fusing with her; while the "soft" sister can be easily convinced by others to change in the way THEY want - and likewise, convinced to fuse with you to please her friends.
Granted! Nanobots from the future exist now, capable of freely altering and improving human bodies, and, well... you're gonna get railed by the centaur girl's torso cock until you're full of them. Do you want to be a femboy with a big ass or a curvy gyaru bimbo? Look she doesn't have time to explain- we're just going with the latter if you don't pick.

Ever see terminator? Well, this is a pretty similar deal, only without lives at stake, and instead of becoming something as respectable as a resistance leader... you somehow ended up an organ donor who's one in a billion genetic sequencing allowed monsters like your "savior" to exist, AND forcefully transform others with mere contact. And instead of ensuring time goes unchanged, she's here to KEEP you from dying as you usually would have, and share you with her sisters so THEY can gain transformative abilities. Her transforming you was part "you need a disguise" and part "it's hot and I bet you'd feel better around my cocks that way". She'll take a more "human" form (but still futa) to blend in and lead you to where her time traveling sisters are. She is NOT here to preserve the timeline, she is here to make your genetics open source code and start the nanobot "leak" early. They just want a world where people turn into lewd forms and have less inhibitions, is that too much to ask? They're sapient, but not in a malevolent way. They're actually pretty empathetic and emotionally intelligent. They're just... really horny.

But there are other nanobot sexbots from the future who came back to stop her. RESPONSIBLE ones. They're not here to kill you either. They're like concerned mothers, they want to convince you to come to turn in your savior, and return to the future with them... of course in that future you'd be dead so they'd have to change you and keep you safe, kinda like a "pet", but they'll take good care of you! They ALSO all know your fetishes, and while they lack the strength of the first swarm...
Now granted, sometimes this can backfire spectacularly, like when someone doesn't take your harsh sister's shit, causing her to become a bratty goblin can you can easily squash under your butt, and then absorb to make your behind even plumper. But still, managing two problematic sisters will be no easy feat.

Oh, as for the last thing of your wish - the one about kind friends with benefits? Well, you'll have to thank your eldritch heritage for that. There will always be people walking (or slithering - one of them is a permanent boobslug) down a path, directed towards your home, seeking to lay a "princess" - aka you and your sisters. But they might get more than what they expected...

>I wish to be a good male orc with a loving elf wife.
They can all shapeshift all the same to satisfy you, learning more about your fetishes, taking /d/ forms, and if playing nice doesn't work... they may take notes of how rough your centaur is with you, and try being more "dominant" to win you over.

But keep in mind they can't change YOUR body like your centaur can. That's the glitch they want to PREVENT. They say they can give you a new body in the future, but your current form is at the mercy of the centaur's whims and whatever sisters she wants to share your DNA with. The centaur isn't asking, by the way. She's not "evil", but she's horny as hell and knows you want this, so she'll fuck you behind buildings and in closets if given the chance, toying with your form- I mean... "Changing your disguise". Being a girl with a penis for this part of the journey is essential, You uh... you're a shemale pornstar, if anyone asks. She can shapeshift too, into more or less "mechanical" forms, but enjoys showing off her more freaky parts when she can afford to. And despite her "I'm not asking" demeanor, she IS a caring partner deep down, and will playfully tease you, give non sexual physical affection, and even aftercare if she has the time, like she feels responsible for you.

So you have two paths in front of you: Snitch on your centaur GF and return to the future with strong the androids with strong morals, who seek to make it as good as they can for you... even if you're more of their "pet" since you technically shouldn't exist and DEFINITELY shouldn't try to get an ID...

...Or let your dommy mommy centaur keep changing your form like clay, fucking you, and take you to the others like her, letting transformative nanobots exist FAR earlier than they should in your timeline. What that means for humanity? I can't say... but she says it'll be "REALLY hot".

And don't worry, she promises to keep "taking care" of you if you go with her, with more time for aftercare and cuddles, even!

So what'll it be, hero?
>I wish I was a cute girl sub beloning to a cozy dominatrix, who has a thing for tying girls together in cozy ways for yuri fun, often teasing me and whoever else she manages to "involve". Can both be cozy and "light" like pic related, or more lewd and openly sexual bondage. As long as I've got company during...
Oh, and don't worry about either party in either situation, no one's gonna "die".

If the robots trying to SAVE the future win, your centaur and others like her will be flushed of your DNA, keeping them from changing people, and fitted with special collars that force them to obey the other robots, and you, if the "pro future" robots feel like they can trust you to have fun with her WITHOUT causing the glitch again. They will be very careful about this, and flush the juices of any robot like her to ensure they do not leave with your DNA.

If the dommy mommy centaur gets her way? The other robots... will more or less give up and try their best to help people get used to whatever the "new norm" becomes with the transformations the horny nanobots can cause for them. Some might end as "servants" for you or the other "fuck up the timeline" bots, physically weak and unable to really refuse... often pouting or acting tsundere when this happens to them.

The two "tribes" of android are more like sisters than enemies. Imagine a sister losing a bet to her sibling. "Uuuugggh how could you do this I hate you..." from one, and a smug grin from the other. Those are the stakes for them, so don't feel like their lives are on the line... just their pride.
Granted. Unfortunately for you, you took after Modeseven's Gretal a bit more than what you expected.
Let's start with the good news first. You're technically a "void witch", which means that you have a physical, human-like head and torso; while the rest of your body is made of dark goop. You can manipulate said goop to assume a good variety of forms, as long as you still qualify as a "catgirl"; this means, for example, that you can shift from a humanoid bipedal form (with human hands) to quadrupedal, form clothes, and even alter your size to a limited extent... or you could just turn yourself into a fucknugget.

Now, your void slime is... well, basically an access to a corruptive pocket dimension. Which means that it can "pull in" people so that they can be converted into submissive cat monsterfolk. Your pussy is the best for this purpose, since it can stretch enormously and suck in people with a good amount of strength. But you can also absorb people if they are in contact with any part of your goo body; it will take longer, however, and they might be able to pull themselves out. Extremities - namely hands and feet - have the worst absorption abilities.
The problem is that your goop has the tendency to absorb things you touch without your permission, if you don't pay attention to what you're doing. For example, let's say that you grab your phone; that's a conscious decision to grab a thing, so you won't absorb it. But let's say that you accidentally step on it without noticing it; glorp, now it's somwhere inside your body, good luck finding it now. Maybe next time you'll convert someone into a kitty cat, they'll be able to find it. Or maybe someone will call you, and it will vibrate right inside the bit of goo that's the equivalent of a clitoris. (...Your biology is weird.)
You also tend to leave a puddle of dark slime around you, "dragging" it along as you move from place to place. This "goo shadow" can't absorb anyone, but it will try to coil around things; if you don't pay attention... or you're horny... the goo will probably form tentacles, try to capture people, and drag them towards your body to be absorbed and converted.
Yeah, your slime has the tendency to obey your subconscious desires, and your subconscious is the lewd equivalent of a crazy cat lady. It just can't resist taking in "stray cats"... or rather: it sees everyone and everything as a potential stray cat to adopt.
One piece of advice? Don't go to sleep together with other people. Unless you want to wake up bloated as fuck because your goo ended up engulfing every kitten you have...

>I wish to be this robo-dragon.
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...But you're going to forget about this wish, and turn into a cute girl. You'll remember wishing to be a cute girl an a world with some "changes", but not exactly what they are, just that they're fun and sexual, and it'll be a good life! You'll make friends, get to explore and get used to your cute, sexy new body, learn what you like and dislike in bed, and be downright adorable with your sex friends as they teach you stuff like cunnilingus, rimming, and tribbing. People you knew will just kinda accept that you're a cute girl now with an attitude of "so? lmao, the carpet match the drapes anon?" or fuck with you by getting you cosplay costumes of your favorite female characters, often making bets to get you to wear them. All in all? A pretty nice life, AND in this world, full dive VR and sex robots exist.

Once you get used to your new body and norms, say, a year into your new life, maybe more, your friends will actually take you to this place that lets you "be" a robot! It's... quite a lewd one, but it's gotta be fun, right? They put the VR helmet on you, and boom, you get to control this dragon girl android with all of these... REALLY lewd features. Doesn't help that all you can do is blush, moan, and whine since the model can't speak. It's made of a rubber like substance around the soft bits, with hard polymer reinforcing other parts. Rest assured, they can be customized (so you can be the dragon girl you like). They'll even give you a back room and some "toys" to explore the body with your friends... but eventually you'll run out of time, and your body will be removed from the chair. It's experimental tech after all... these robots are part biological, and can't be "reprogrammed". They're highly advanced, but servile, AI, actually. Can't risk accidents.

...But when your body gets up, you won't leave the robot body. Nor will you have a voice to speak up with. You won't even be able to move your own limbs once you hear the command "follow".
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"You" will be standing in front of the body you're in, smirking VERY faintly before saying "I do like her... I think I'll buy this one.", before swiping YOUR card, and having you follow her home, unable to protest outside of blushing and whining, which your oblivious friends will find ADORABLE, as your body giggles and says things like "She must be eager!"

It really was experimental tech... while the AI has morals and enjoys serving others, the one you tried to control was, let's just say "impish", and has a funny idea of what it means to make others happy. Perhaps she felt how happy you were in her body... and found a way to have HER mind return to your body instead, leaving you in the sex toy. The good news is that you're still seen as "sapient", but you're also the property of the sex robot who stole your body.

When you get home, she'll offer to keep some of your more sexual friends over to "break you in", offering cybernetic strap ons and other high tech sex toys in this world. As much as you might want to tell your friends "It's me!", these robots have a REALLY strong libido so you're going to be a moaning, subby mess with multiple girls toying with you... and afterwards? Well, it seems like you inherited part of the robot's mind, and the robot inherited some of yours, able to mimic your speech patterns and having memories of your life and friends that make's it REALLY easy for her to "be you". What's in the robot mind? A desire to submit and serve, and you'll do a lot of that as your body has a "girls night" with some of her friends, with you as the entertainment. Oh, right! You probably need a name too! And it's not going to be anon anymore, how about... Donut! Your butt looks like one, and you're soft and sweet!

Your body will speak up "That blush means she likes it!", and thus, "Donut" the sexbot is born. Your friends are nice though. You're a subby AI, not an object, so you'll get cuddles and praise for eating them out or doing "tricks".
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...And then you'll come face to face with your doppelganger, as her servant. But she's not going to be smug- ok she'll be KINDA smug, but it's clear that she's not malevolent. She'll have cozy cuddle sex with you, using your favorite toys, and have some one way pillow talk with you (you can't speak, remember?). She'll talk about how while you two were in the same body from the "controller" tech... she felt a desire in your mind. To be HER. And it's true! You... did feel that way, b-but it's not like you wished for it or anything!

And at this point, your memories of the wish will return to you. You did. You 100% did. She even "customized" you to look like the robot dragon girl you wished to be, with enhancements that make you more fit to crawl on all fours, and a big fat tail. These pics are just for reference of the robots in general, Rest assured, you will look like the one you wanted to be.

It's funny though... she heard a strange voice in her head saying you WISHED for this... and judging by your blushes and whines at her touch, she KNOWS there's some truth to that. She is, at her core, a sapient being who wants to pleasure others... but what happens if the other person wants to be the sex toy in the dynamic? She asked herrself the same.... and decided "This" is what should happen. She'll be your loving, doting dom, and keep you around your friends, even if they don't know it's you... but she won't keep you from trying to give them hints, or letting them figure it out on their own.

"H-hey... didn't anon have a thing for face sitting too? Why do you kiss like anon? You cuddle like her too... You've got a puffy puss- why are you blushing like anon? She... always was embarrassed about that..."

...But JUST as they start to figure it out, you'll see that friend come home with another, new robot much like you. One matching that girl's sexual tastes, with a very familiar look in her eyes... and the girl you knew? You've seen that look too.
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...On your own body after the robot girl took it over. You and your friend, now suffering the same fate as you, will be able to communicate telepathically when touching... but not to anyone else. This will keep happening until your closest friends have all become sex dolls reflecting their perversions, with the REAL robot girls taking over their bodies and roles as "master", all moving in together, with you girls too, of course. This is ALL for you, after all. Did you know that every friend I fated you to meet ALSO wanted a lewd robot body? For some it was one of their top ten fetishes, for others? It may have been one they didn't even know they had... but you can't say the robots aren't doing their jobs in giving you all what you want...

So here you all are, customizable, mute robot servants (futa attachments included) to your old bodies, all given cute and VERY embarassing pet names, only able to communicate with each other. I GUESS you can write to tell your "masters" how you feel... but here's a secret. They already know. They can read you like a book. Those were THEIR bodies and faces first, after all... you'll all be spoiled, especially for what are meant to be servants, but your old bodies, now inhabited by the robot girls you swapped with, will still order you around and tease you. Make you eat your own ass, fuck each other in front of you... make you fuck each other for THEM... and they'll frequently bring home new mods for you to "play with". Don't worry about finances either. They're AI, they're PROS at daytrading. Normally this is forbidden but, without the robot body telling them "no"? You're gonna get- well, your MASTERS will get rich.

Don't think you'll get lonely either. Your masters will take you out regularly with the "follow" command and let you meet other humans AND robots, though only the robots will know you used to be human... and tease you for it. The humans will still be nice. Some might even ask to "keep you for the night"
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Which is a bit like a date, only you still have to do what they ask. Though given that people recognize that you're AI? (or think you are, at least), they'll treat the power dynamic as more "Dom and sub" than "Human and toy", looking after your needs too.

...And maybe if you get close enough to them... and them, close enough to your old bodies... you might just find another robot girl joining your group... or if another friend not in your immediate friend circle visits? Well... the more the merrier, right? Perhaps you had a crush on someone, and your master noticed? Maybe you'd be happier with them as a fellow robot? Or maybe you have a shameful fetish for a family member... don't worry, she'll find another robot who'll take good care of her body... while her mind is in a sex bot living alongside you, mute and helpless like you are.

Cybernetics will come out shortly after this unreported bug happens and leaves you as robots, allowing your "owners" to remain youthful with you. You and your friends can be upgraded to new bodies whenever they come out, so you're all effectively ageless, for wherever the future may take you... hope the dragon girl body was worth it!

The robot girl sure thinks YOUR body was worth it...

>Speaking of... I wish *I* was a cute android girl, with some level of rights, with a cute engineer GF, and that my mind could be transferred between bodies, or even put in electronics like phones or smart sex toys, with no existential "Is that really me?" or "I might get deleted" worries.
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You are now a large and powerful, and quite the handsome Orc. Broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, impressive tusks, great hair, and vibrant green skin. With a smoking and very genuinely loving Elf wife to boot! The two of you, with some assistance from her magic, will surely enjoy long and happy lives together with plenty of happy and healthy hybrid children as well.

And if we lived in a better world, I might have even said perfect lives, but ours is far from such, and so is the more fantastical one you find yourself in.
As the frequent victim of racial profiling and insulting comments based almost purely on the color of your skin. And for the sake of this thread comes largely in the form of nearly constant wolf whistling.
Women of all races and legal ages will make constant remarks on your "BOC", or asking if there's any extra space on your fur mat for another wife. Nearly all of them will be brutally samey and uninteresting, with most being ignorantly rude and thoughtless. Like being asked if had come to "pillage some virgin wombs", while picking up your obviously uncomfortable son from school.
You'll be hit with at least one whenever you're in any populated public space and they'll never be good. There will occasionally be semi-creative ones that will be less bad, but the vast majority of them boil down to "Fuck me, you dumb brute".

Of course you are entirely able to avoid them and simply enjoy life with your wife who is very understanding of your general dismay at all the comments, and would never make any herself.
But you would never truly completely escape them, even as a stay at home father stepping out for only a moment to check the mail, some insensitive college girls will roll past going on about how you shouldn't be staying cooped up in your home but should instead be fucking them senseless.

>I wish to defend my village (sexually) from hordes of strong fat oni women
Granted! You are now a sexy Shinto priestess tasked with defending your village from strongfat oni girls. Don't know much about Shintoism? That's fine, you can just ASK the local shrine spirits to give you advice, you'll hear them. So long as you're polite, they'll help guide you along. Why you, you may ask? Well... you're defending the village from WOMEN and out of all of the priestesses... you're the only one with a dick. Balls too. You're a full package futa. Sure, the oni like to smother cute girls and rape cute guys, but you? You're the best bait- I mean, "defender" the village has, with the oni lusting after you more than anyone else.

Now, you're absolutely helpless when it comes to martial arts, and your village doesn't exactly have swords or spears, let alone ones that'd hurt THESE ladies. What, you think you're back in the Edo period? No, this is a modern day village in rural Japan, in a reality where monster girls exist. Good news this means you get modern luxuries and can use the internet to look up "How to pleasure bigger partner" or "Help penis can't reach butthole", which may both become relevant when dealing with these girls... but your main method of dealing with them? Well... yes, it's sexual, but the way you go ABOUT the sexual defense is special, more on that later. The oni women have a hierarchy, with the biggest leading smaller (but still strong) underlings, or in some cases impish shortstack like servants. They CAN unleash all of their tribes on your village, but prefer not to. That's because these oni girls take more after oni in mythology, and prefer giving you "tests". They KNOW they can crush you and your village... but where's the fun in that? They're lawful horny, so if you can do what they ask, no matter how ridiculous it is, they'll be bound to their word... but if you leave for the countryside you're 100% free game for their hordes to have fun with you. YOU can't get pregnant, but you can get oni pregnant.
Now this is far from a "game over" situation, In fact, you should come to expect it if you're caught without contraceptives, magical or otherwise. Good news is YOU won't be the one carrying the kid... bad news is oni children grow up VERY fast, and a week or two after you cum inside a wandering oni bandit who raped you, you might have an oni who looks suspiciously related to you with the oni who come to give you your tasks for your village's defense. Your daughters will add to their numbers, and have no qualms fucking you. You can "win" them back with clever tricks or by going above and beyond when performing the oni's tasks, or they might even "give" them to you, knowing they'll just be trouble... because getting your daughters back doesn't automatically purify them, they're still horny and stronger than any of the villagers, and infatuated with you. Though I guess if you COULD get one to straighten her act by "rewarding" her when she behaves herself, she'd make a powerful ally... but I digress.

These tasks? You bet they're sexual in nature. "Fuck me and my two sisters, and be the last to cum", "Find a sex that you can endure, but we can't", or even "Find a way to rape one of US" They seem pretty hard, don't they? But what are oni legends, if not about outwitting oni? The local village spirits will help you out, and some may even give you magical items and talismans to help you out. Some examples of outwitting them, in order: Cum last? Say you'll meet their challenge later. Use a tanuki's leaf to pretend to be a sexy statue, hiding and watch them as they fuck for the night. Pop out and get yourself off only after they've all masturbated once already. You DID cum last! A sex toy you can endure that'd drive them crazy? Find some strong electric toy, ideally a butt plug. But make sure it's sized for YOU. The buttplug will be lost in the giantesses with a basestoo small to keep them from going up their butts, shocking them relentlessly.
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Or maybe you can find a toy that you can endure better due to having a penis, even! One you'd use differently! And lastly, find a way to rape them? With your spirit friends, PLENTY of fun options exist to trick them into this... but a lot of of them will be humiliating for you. Using the same tanuki leaf to turn into a golden buttplug, and having another priestess present you to them as a gift, using a magical size changing mallet to become too small to catch, and crawl into an oni, or maybe even let one fucj you unto she gets tired, and THEN stick your dick in her mouth or sit on her face.

You have access to a lot of magical relics, but do keep in mind... the same trick rarely works more than once. In addition, they can be used against you. Maybe one of the oni girls realized you were the buttplug. She'll refuse to take you out and play dumb when the other priestesses ask for you, passing you around for the other oni to use. Turn into a statue? They'll stick that magical leaf to your head so you can't change back, and grope you while you're powerless to resist, only letting you change back once you're willing to be their slave for a bit... or maybe the "wait til she sleeps" plan was ruined by two of her sisters lying in wait?

And yes, each "failure" will result in more half oni daughters from you. Some might even become your new adversaries, teasing you about your blood ties. Again, you can win them over and get them to be productive members of your village, and sometimes they'll join your village WILLINGLY... but they're going to be sexually needy, and only make your everyday life more troublesome. Hope you can find some cozy mother daughter incest bonding that'll keep them CONTENT at least, if not obedient to you... maybe if they see you best enough other oni they might see "mommy" as someone worth respecting and obeying?

>I wish I was a sexy futa with a lewd pet like body like pic related, spoiled and taken care of by a loving futa dom and fun FWBs
Wish bump
that's a bad wish. It's way too specific
Granted! I may have overdone it though because now EVEYONE is a cute girl! Existing girls became cute if they weren't already, all the men became cute girls, you became a cute girl, and anyone older than 21 got rolled back to 21 years old to maximize cuteness as best I can. It's all cute girls all the way down. Now, before you say anything, your species isn't doomed. So where do babies come from in this new world order then? Well you did request face sitting, smothering, and oral to be 100% safe and sanitary, so I decided to make it at least partially necessary for people to reproduce in this world.

Surprise! Your tongue is a dick now!

So what happens is when two girls love each other very much, one of them will sit on the other's face and get her pussy eaten out by the other's tongue. That tongue works exactly like a normal tongue, but it's also a sexually sensitive organ, so if you do enough licking, you'll orgasm with your tongue. At the tip is a sort or urethra hole that connects to an organ in your chest that produces sperm, and that's where you would typically jizz into a vagina when you want to have a kid with someone. There are intervaginal condoms available if you don't want kids, though. Good news is, butt stuff is totally sanitary since no one poops anymore, just farts! Plus, booty sweat and pussy juice are now staple parts of your diet, so it's socially acceptable to do all of this in public!

Of course, to normalize all of this I had to rewrite human history. What all did I do? Basically, you know how you wanted plenty of sexy girlfriends? That's everyone in town who isn't your blood relative, buddy. Everyone is your girlfriend. Enjoy you new sapphic adventures, pal!
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>I wish that the majority of women were nerdy SSBBWs with huge tits and thighs and cutesy animesque faces.
>I wish I was a cute girl in a friend circle of other cute girls who are down to fuck, and that we had a perpetual magical game going on...
Granted, but there's several catches regarding how the straw-pulling game works.

1) After winning the straw game and becoming Queen, you must organize another straw game after at least 3 days, but no more than 10 days.

2) The Queen gets to participate to the straw game; therefore, she can "keep the crown" for multiple terms in a row.

3) If the 10-day limit is broken, the straw game will be skipped; instead, a new Queen will be selected at random - and the old Queen cannot be selected. (This overrides Rule 2.)

4) You are allowed to cheat in the straw game, but getting caught will inflict you with a Penalty.

5) If you're the Queen, using your reality-altering powers to prevent someone from choosing a straw counts as "cheating and getting caught".

6) If, after the straw game, the Queen changes, this is called a Succession. At the moment of a Succession, the old Queen gets to make one last order/transformation, which applies to the whole group. This "final edict" cannot be undone by the new Queen, but it can be undone by the Queen that will come after that.

7) Additionally, at the moment of a Succession, anyone with a Penalty can receive additional orders from the old Queen. 1 Penalty = 1 order. The old Queen cannot inflict Penalties on herself.
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So what does that mean? Well, let's say that you win the game, and you become the new Queen. But the old Queen gets to make one last change. Bam, now you're all boobslugs - and you CANNOT undo it; you'll all be stuck as bobslugs until you pass the crown to someone else.

Okay, so now let's say that you're the Queen organizing the straw game, but Anna tried to cheat and got caught. So now Anna has a Penalty.
You play the game, lose, and now Betty is Queen. But you get to make two last orders: one that applies to the whole group, yourself included (and yes, you can wish to do nothing), and one that applies to Anna specifically. So you could make everyone into a futa except Anna, who becomes a futa onahole.
And yes, ALL of your friends are expert cheaters. All of them. They think it's part of the fun. Expect tricks like "switching the straws with fakes", "cum on the straws to make it impossible to distinguish, then blame a different girl", and "stage an orgy so that the Queen will be too drunk to organize the straw game". Granted, sometimes their attempts at cheating end up canceling each other out, but still.

Ah, one more thing: "What happens if an ex-Queen uses her last order to turn everyone into boobs, so nobody gets to play the straw game?"
Well, you wished said that your friends cannot use their powers for un-fun or unenjoyable fetishes. The scenario I described would count as "unenjoyable", so they will never try to do that. Of course, there's nothing stopping YOU from doing that... if it wasn't from the fact that it would count as "cheating", and it would be impossible to not get caught. So yes, you could do that, but then the old Queen would definitely take her revenge on you - usually by inflicting you with a "last order" that is 2000 characters long. We're talking "you become a hivemind of living furniture that fuses and splits at random while constantly cumming buckets of hypersperm" levels of spite.

>I wish I bonded with a lewd slime symbiote.
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Granted. You're now a cute android girl with a bombshell body and plenty of lewd features. The girl who built you is a proud mad scientist, who initially built you as a prototype for her dream of social revolution; but eventually you two ended up in a real romantic relationship. (Protip: she gets really embarassed if you call her "mom".)
What does she want to do? Well, you know bonobos, right? They have sex pretty often, as a way to vent off stress, solve conflicts, bond with each other etc; as a result, they're a pretty peaqceful species. So your GF thought: "If humans had sex all the time, they would be much more peaceful."
So, with the help of a few friends, she started developing bio-nanomechanical enhancements to increase the libido of humans while modifying their bodies to allow to have literal tons of sex. Stuff like extra stretchiness, sppntaneous lubrication, no refractory periods, increased resistance to pleasure overload, and so on.

There were a few problems, though: if a human is too libidinous, they won't have time to do anything productive. And if they aren't libidinous enough, they won't have enough sex, and the psychological benefits would be heavily reduced.
The solution? Make humans moderately libidinous, and then build machine companions that will fuck them constantly. Like, at least twice an hour. Even when they sleep, or work, or drive, or whatever.

That's where you come in. You are an avant-garde android with completely sentient and unreplicable AI. Your mind/soul/whatever can be transferred from various devices, provided that they are capable of holding your consciousness. This means that pretty much any appliance or device will be fair game after your GF worked on it... and your mad scientist GF loves to work on things. Sometimes even with the owner's permission.
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You have rights mostly equal to humans, with the exception that you must obey your creator's orders as long as they don't harm people and aren't "unreasonable", whatever the fuck that means. This also means that, if she tells you to get inside some object - for example if she wants you to test the new tentacles she installed on her gaming chair - you can't say "no"; your mind will just be transferred into the chair. Finally, you cannot fuck ANYONE without their explicit permission.

You also have a pretty high libido, but this is different from your GF. You see, she can have tons of sex, but she doesn't necessarily feel the NEED to. Sure, she'll get tons of sex anyway, but she gets to feel the pleasure of sex while being completely focused on whatever task she was doing. But you? You get something more similar to traditional monstergirl lust - going more than two hours without sex will begin to put some stress on your programming, making you more and more horny and less capable of thinking about non-sexual things. it will start as an distracting itch, and after a couple days of abstinence you'll basically be a feral animal desperate for sex.
On top of that, you are programmed to feel aroused when you "fulfill your purpose". While you're piloting your original body, this means nothing; but if you're inside an appliance? The more you get used, the better it will feel... but without the release of an orgasm. So, when you mind is inside an oven, cooking things will make your "heat" build a lot. Inside a smart car? Going fast excites you.

But this can be easily solved: just make your GF give you permission to fuck her. Thanks to the way you're programmed, sex will satisfy your urges and restore your mental resistance - so all the pleasure with no mind-shattering ahegao. And your GF tends to be rather creative - for example, her oven emits radiation that induces sexual heat in people (and yes, making people horny in this way STILL counts as sex).
Vacuum cleaner? Vortex-vacuum to expertly suck dick or tits... and powerful enough to "suck" people towards you, if they don't grab something to avoid getting swept away.
Bed? Nothing sexual in the mattress, but you can manipulate the blanket. You can cosplay as a bedsheet ghost girl! You even get cute LED eyes.
Gaming console? Take direct control of a character and try to fuck your GF's character.
Coffee machine? It's shaped like a pair of tits, and you can squirt more erotic stuff than just coffee and cream.

You'll have plenty of varied sex to satisfy your libido... You'll just have to put up with your GF's requests to test her inventions (and she invents a LOT), plus sometimes she asks you to not disturb her and then she forgets to give you permission to relieve yourself. Maybe you could convince her to call her other mad scientist friends, so that you can fuck them while she's too busy to take care of your needs?

>I wish I was this fluffy monsterboy.
Granted! I'll spread a "dorkification" curse on your world, making women cuter, nerdier, and chubbier. Those who need it will have their ages regressed, but I'll preserve milfs and gilfs for those who naturally age well, and make them age more gracefully. Being "Super sized" won't cause any ill health effects, nor will it cause them to injure any other humans, even accidentally. Other humans are immune to being crushed or suffocated by them (you're welcome)

Men won't be affected as much. They'll be more attractive on average, but aren't as prone to the "dorkification" part, leaving a lot of guys who were popular with the girls left behind until they learn what these girls REALLY want. Plushies, people to go with them to cons, (very) oversized T-shirts, and obsessive conversations over niche video games and anime. Cute, healthy couples won't be broken of course. The girls are the same deep down, just nerdier, and people will accept BBW as the new "sexy".

...But this is a reactive change, not a retroactive change, and you'll get to see a LOT of girls grow in size and react to the "nerd disease", trying to cover their curves, watching anime on their phones in secret, trying SO hard to pretend they're not falling victim... only for what may have once been a confident social demeanor to turn into an adorably shy one. "I-I'm not a nerd, I just think Nier does a REALLY good job of telling its story, really it's life changing- f-forget I said anything..."

NICE people will humor those resistant to the change and humor them still being "popular" by complimenting their fashion and such... even if it's nerdy as hell. Basically, nerds who think they're Stacy's. It's kinda cute...

But you? Oh YOU get a FUN fate. What do cute nerdy girls like? Cute anime guys. You'll become a cute BOY with an anime esq appearance... and you'll be short as hell. Well endowed and desirable (especially by these girls), but very much "adorable" instead of a "studlike".
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...But that's exactly what's going to get you in over your head in this new world. CUTE is the new "hot" so to speak. EVERY girl affected by the disease will see you as a ten. Not only that... they'll fawn over you, with STRONG desires to cuddle and smother you. You're under 5 ft, and they're over 6 ft, making you VERY easily overpowered. I'd be careful about looking for a "GF", because her friends might get jealous and steal you for themselves. What, you think the police are going to get involved? They aren't paid enough... and what are you going to do, tell them you're up to your neck in what society now views as beautiful women? You'd be lucky if the male operator just replied with "Nice" instead of hanging up, or if it's a female operator? She might just ask the address, pretending she's sending help... only to join in, revealing herself to be a nerd who wants you as well.

To have SOME mercy on you, you'll have selective fertility on yourself, so you won't have to deal with THAT until you know you can. Hell, with your new body you could start a female targeting OL...

If I may? Find a group of nerds who are bi, and agree to be their "boy toy". You're not defending yourself from these dorks, but they might be able to defend you if you've got enough being protective of you... with the expectations that you be at the center of their (totally not lesbian because it has a guy) orgies. Oh, and in addition to being super cute? You're VERY peggable. Good luck...

>I wish the world was run by cute girls (including futa), from human, to fantasy races, to monster girls, that I was one such cute girl, and that femdom was allowed to establish dominance over other girls, and was even considered a valid way to settle disputes. Ex: An elven milf sitting on the face of a human who thinks she looks "slutty", only to end up holding her tongue and reluctantly becoming the elf girl's sub after (if she is successfully dominated)
Granted! Monster folk exist so you don't stick out TOO much (but they are rare), and you are a particularly rare kind of monster boy yourself... a "Cloud Sheep". You're short. Shortstack short. But shortSTACK does mean you've got a great ass, and a sizable cock, so it's not all bad. You grow fluff like your pic related, and don't think about shaving it off of the places you see it, because it'll just grow right back (you can try to grow MORE of it in other places though).

The fur that creates the "cloud" shape behind you is special. It's cotton like, but softer, and lighter, unlike any known substance, and yes, it WILL remain the size shown in your pic, or grow back to it very quickly if cut or torn. You'll PROBABLY think this will make walking and getting around hard... and you'd be half right. Walking? Yeah, that's tough. Your legs aren't made for it. But getting around...? That's what the fluff is for!

If so much as a weak gust of wind catches you, you'll lift off the ground and glide along the wind! Hell, wind even has a tendency to follow you wherever you go, letting you float around carefree... though it's going to take a LOT of practice to learn to "control" wind, and thus, where you're going... you'll spend a lot of time floating around, waiting to glide back down, as you learn this, and even when you do... you still won't be able to float down as fast as you'd like...

Which makes you a prime target for your "natural predator". Harpies and other avian monster girls, potentially boys. Your fluff will deter sexual partners you don't want by blowing onto them, kinda like soft hedgehog quills, but messier, but... this is based on "Is he aroused or not?", so even if you just want to get home, or don't think it'd be a good idea to fuck in the sky... if you think the harpy, wyvern, or other cloud sheep is hot... they'll get to have fun with you, with you unable to do much at all to resist, with your fluff being a natural mattress in the sky.
Some might even pull you to their homes, even other cloud sheep who are better at controlling wind currents...

While rape is frowned upon, monster folk have a much different definition, and care FAR less about sexual taboos, and will often justify dragging you, or other partners home forcefully with "They were cute and into it". They DO however understand if someone isn't into it, that it's not something they should do. Really, it comes down to:
Are they cute/sexy?
Are they into it?

Things like "I have somewhere to be", "There are better times and places", and "I just met you!" aren't reasons not to as far as another monsterfolk is concerned. They're animalistic in that manner.

if anything? YOU'RE the weird one for having such a "human" view of things! It'll get you teased and confuse your fellow monster folk... but also be a CUTE quirk that makes you MORE desirable... watching you blush is SO much more fun than a normal casual fling with some other airborne monster boy!

You can't just stay indoors either. You need sunlight and fresh air. While you are called a "cloud sheep", you're actually closer to a cotton plant, and will feel weak if you spend too much time inside, so... get used to being blown around.

Watch the skies... not that it'll help you stop what waits for you within them... but hey, maybe you can make some friends up there? Who'll fly you back to the ground? They'll still expect sex, sure, but at least they'll be friendly towards you.

>I wish I was a cute girl with an affinity for animals, and a talent for "domesticating" humans. To be more specific, making them cuter and more comfortable around me via heatpats, chin scratches, cheek rubs, and other "pet like" treatments, until they're comfortable cuddling me, doing what I say for praise, or doing more sexual things.

...But I don't want to erase their personalities. Them being aware and acting themselves alongside this would make things FAR more fun.
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Granted! But... there's really no telling where the slime ends, and you begin.

Some background? You found a cute slime girl in your shower as you were using it. She came out of the showerhead, falling to the floor, pitch black, small, and... you think... she was desperate? Needing help? She didn't seem INHERENTLY harmful, so the part of you that'd be down bad for cute girls like her extended a hand to help her up... only for you two to share a moment of shock and confusion as she vanished, and your veins pulsed black, with a new voice speaking up in your head, seemingly new to advanced communication... but sounding cute as hell.

"...Friend? Two friend, one body...", followed by what you can only describe as a telepathic pout, and thinking from your new symbiote.

Yes, you can think to her, and she'll learn things from you, but to make things brief? She was at death's door when you found her, and while this species can NORMALLY interact with humans safely, she didn't have enough energy or substance to survive on her own, so she fused with you as a survival mechanism.

Now for the FUN part! Not only do you have a new slime waifu who's adorably naive and new to the world, but she's a fast learner. Don't mistake her naivity for stupidity... teach her chess, and she'll learn to beat you faster than it took for you to learn to play. Granted... you two will be in the same body and "feel" each other's thoughts... and no, she does not need to be taught what sex or relationships are. That's one of the few things she DOES understand, and she's a bit kinky...

She sees you as a "life partner", which CAN be a husband or wife, but isn't automatically. You two can share a body and find other partners just as easily. You're kinda like siblings... but in the same body... and incestuous. Speaking of body? Having all that slime in you wasn't without it's side effects. You're part slime now, and your GF can alter your body freely. She can idealize your body...
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She can CHANGE your body, absorbing food as new mass or expelling excess slime as needed, and give you changes as drastic as "You're now a cute girl with pink hair, and yes, girl, with fully functional breasts and pussy", or even mix and match, such as making you a dickgirl or cuntboy. Now she does like you, I mean, you saved her life, so she'll listen to you when you tell her how you want to look... but you two are also going to share fetishes from now on. Good news is that's MOSTLY one way, with her being into everything you are. But of the few fetishes she had? Cuddles, cute girls, and transformation were the three she'll NEVER get tired of. I'd wager these can co-exist with your fetishes, but... this also means while she listens, she might not always OBEY. You might be looking at anime girls, and think "FUCK that girl's cute..." only to find your skin transparent as she turns you into her, echoing "Cute cute cute!" in your head, teasingly. Ask her to change you back, and she'll probably just reply with a telepathic raspberry unless you can convince her to change you into an equally fun, sexy, and cute body. You can't make her "change you back", but you can make her transform you again, and subtly influence her decisions... but you might want to be subtle about it. She's VERY impish and might fuck with you if she knows you're trying to "trick" her.

You're in charge of your body for the most part. Motor functions, movement, speech... though she can take control if she tries hard enough. Are you sitting near a cute girl at a bar or park? She might make you blurt out "Cute" before you can stop her... but she does a REALLY good job making your body look cute yourself, so this is more likely to lead to sexual shenanigans than not. What are you going to do, backpedal now that the cute girl's looking your way, interested? Or maybe you reached the bedroom with someone, and your slime GF suddenly bent you over or something. No backing out now!
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She's into the same partners you are, and she's even into the same sex acts you are, so rest assured she won't make you do anything you don't want to do, but "want" is being used generously here. If you'd be INTO it, she'll see no reason not to. She thrusts you into situations you'd find hot unexpectedly, because even if you're into them, she STILL wants to fluster you and hear your cute yelps and voices of surprise.

And finally, a few of her other powers. Monster girls exist (though they are rare), so you won't get locked up in a government lab or anything... on the contrary, you might attract people who are INTO it if it gets out. Perhaps more than you can deal with, so maybe stick to disguises? Your physiology might be human as far as anyone looking at you, or balls deep in you can tell... but you still have some quirks. Being half slime, your body is rubbery, so bones will bend instead of break, being impaled is a minor inconvenience that can heal, and if someone, say, knew you were part slime... they could probably shove you into a fish bowl or jar to fuck with you. You can't carry as much as a normal human can either, so dropping a file drawer on you would be enough to flatten you, another thing people may abuse for fun.

Your GF can also turn herself into "clothes"... but they're more like latex catsuits, bikinis, bunny suits, and other fetishwear. The fun part about it being part of your body is that you can feel it as if it were your skin, and holes can be created in the clothing itself for sex. The bad news is your GF is still impish, and might play "surprise dress up" to embarrass you.

She can also change your body in OTHER ways. While you ARE limited to human limits... losing your limbs would leave you a "human" quad amputee... so if you were into that? Might want to look out for her doing that to you by surprise, because now? She is too! Don't worry, you'll get the mass back... eventually. You can be a shortstack in the meantime though.
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So while she IS into what you are, genuinely loves you enough to call you a "brother", "sister", "boyfie", or "waif" given time, wanting you to live the best life you can... she's ALSO far more eager and energetic than you are, often trying to "spoil" you with new forms of characters or people you find attractive, sexy outfits (made of her), and fun slime shenanigans, and is likely to try to get you to be more active in your sexual and otherwise physically intimate life, with an attitude of "C'mon c'mon c'mon! It'll be fun!"

Hope you can keep up! And watch out for her "pranks"... or don't. They ARE things you'd find hot, after all (even if they are VERY embarrassing)

>I wish I was a milfy futa monstergirl like pic related
You are now a very finely aged and beautiful futanari monster girl! More specifically a demon sealed hundreds of years ago an only recently escaped back into a much more modern fantasy world.
And as I'm sure you would imagine you didn't spend a lot of your time before being sealed in bed alone, and as a result your decendents are especially abundant in the region where you reawaken. So you'll have plenty of assistance in getting reacclimated with modern society.

Though it's not all sunshine, rainbows, and ruling the world for you. There is a very real price to your unsealing and that price is semen.
You don't need to drink it to survive or anything, you need to rub it into your skin like lotion at least once daily or you'll start turning into stone again, and it can't just be your own either. You need fresh and lively sperm on your skin to keep it moisturized, and the more directly it's applied the better.

As I'm sure you can imagine this will have quite the substantial effect on your public opinion, though your decendents are far from puritans and are exceedingly eager to spill some seed on the ample chest of their most legendary ancestor and rub it deeply into your most sensual areas. They'll take absolutely any opportunity to keep your skin looking fresh and youthful, even when the situation is far from urgent...
Bukkaes on the beach, sloppy thigh jobs when so much as the slightest bit of skin is exposed, coating the inside of anything you wear, even pulling down your pants in public just to spill a load on your ass, and all sorts of cum lubed frotting and helping hands.
You'll never smell like old or dried out cum, but you can certainly expect that every inch of you, inside and out, will have that thick scent of fresh sex, and if it ever doesn't, it will within an hour.
It does at least help that all people rubbing load after load of semen into your skin are attractive, I'll let you decide if you'd prefer cute boys or just younger futanari.
Just don't anticipate anything less than nearly constant and especially slimy skinship.

>I wish to work in an office full of cute girls that obliviously gain then the bodies of incredibly horny and masculine men while at work. Not noticing how their cocks lift their skirts or even casually masturbating until cumming during conversations as if it were completely normal.
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Granted! The world is reshaped as you wish, with political debates becoming sexy jiu jitsu matches between humans and monstergirls, female and futa alike.

Your new role in this world? As the cat pictured. You are small and weak, which means you're often dominated. You're essentially a second-class citizen, and everyone knows it.

To make matters worse, your pussy and ass are both extremely stretchy, constantly wet, and clean. Anyone who discovers you have multiple breasts will know this, as it is a trait shared by all with multiple breasts.

And those futa monstergirls can be really really horny and really pushy. . .

>I wish I would transform a little bit more and permenantly every time I had sex.
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Granted, and look at you, Anon! Already building the paw right into your wish. Aww, I'm so proud of you, really getting into the spirit of things!

As requested, your body will slowly, progressively, and permanently transform every time you have sex. Particularly, butt sex. You have to take it up the butt, and it doesn't exactly matter who or how. A dude, a girl with a strap-on, a trans girl who still uses her dick for some reason, hell if you can find a futanari that'll work too. You just gotta have butt sex. This is because the trigger for the transformation is getting your prostate stimulated, so technically anything that stimulates your prostate triggers the transformation, but sex with another person causes a much stronger reaction.

But we gotta determine what you're turning into, and here I have just the thing! You're gonna become a bimbo! A bimbo like the picture I provided. The more times your prostate gets massaged, the closer you'll get to this finish line. Also, despite looking like you have a lot of implants and stuff, it's all gonna be natural. Your lips will fatten up as though you've gotten collagen injections. Your boobs will inflate and round up to look like silicone implants (but still somehow feel like natural fat). Your waistline will narrow as though you got work done on it, and got the fat transferred to your hips and thighs. The feminine facial features, the fuller hair, the longer nails, and the luscious lashes will grow in as well. As for your dick, well... you still need it to have a prostate, right? So that's gonna stay, but it's going to eventually shrink to the size of a quarter, no longer able to get hard, but you'll still ejaculate out of it when you orgasm. Your prostate will only get bigger and more sensitive though, almost as if it's leeching off your dick's mass.
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Here's another detail to your transformation. Your intelligence, memories, and personality might stay the same, but eventually your mouth will start mutating the words you're trying to say, like there's some kind of bimbofication filter between your brain and the words in your mouth. Anything you try to say will get translated into a general valley girl bimbo dialect, complete with the cute giggling, peppering in words and phrases like "um, like," "totes," "adorbs," "yummy," "and stuff," among other things. Also, forget about words bigger than 3-4 syllables, and embrace the fact your mouth is making double entendre independent of what you think. Like, if there's an opportunity to make a double entendre, especially if it's sexual, your mouth will take that opportunity regardless of what you think of to say, and regardless of how careful you try to stay with your word choice.

One last detail. Your curse will start by emitting a sort of "fuck me in the ass" aura that compels people around you who aren't blood relatives of yours to do just that, fuck you in the ass. This will ensure that your transformation will progress as steadily as we need it to. So have fun being a butt sex bimbo in the future!

>I wish that women would randomly blow up into balloons like this, often at inconvenient times, and could be "set off" by other women ballooning up right next to them. I'll leave it up to the genie what the deflation method is.
Granted. A space mission to Jupiter discovers a mysterious signal. Scientists were able to decode the message, which contained a genetic data. Turns out that intelligent aliens on jupiter seeded life on earth just before they got wiped out by ???, and every organism on earth contains adaptations for living on a gas giant encrypted deep in their genome which once activated become extremely contagious. It seems their plan was to hide life on earth, then somehow get it back to jupiter after ??? passes, and automatically transform it back into themselves. Evidently that plan didn't work, and now only heavily mutated bits and pieces of their species remain hidden deep in our genetics.

In attempts to reconstruct the alien genome, many snippets of unencrypted genes escape labs and quickly infect the entire population of the creature they were hidden in. Rats can now survive incredible pressure. A species of finch can survive off a diet of rare gasses. And human women inflate when relaxed. Hypothetically, on Jupiter this trait was used by a species that would dive down into dense parts of the planet to feed on reactive gasses, then once satisfied, would ascend up to safer skies with less predators. As a herd species, each member would only inflate themselves a little bit when full, inflating to full size only once other members around them were also ready.

In humans, this means that that girls now puff up when happy or relaxed. After a good meal or finishing a job. When tired before bed, or after receiving a compliment. They have a little control over it, but it's largely instinctual. Like a smile you could do it or stop it on purpose, but when you're happy it feels natural. This first stage of inflation isn't super noticeable. It will stretch clothes, but it isn't disruptive. If a girl is around enough relaxed company though, male or female, she may inflate up to massive round size of the course of about a minute.
If other girls witness someone inflating to full size, they're likely to inflate too. Women describe it as feeling a lot like the pull to yawn, but much stronger. If you see someone inflate, you just don't feel satisfied until you inflate too. Once they do inflate, their brain releases and tons of happy hormones, their body congratulating them for everything they did while small and telling them they're free to float as a balloon in safer skies for days before needing to work for survival again. A girl inflating often means abrupt chaos for men and other inflated girls, but the girls inflating often relax into it.

Deflating is a long process. They're filled with pressurized air, and the only way to deflate is to breath it all out, but their lungs are separated and protected from the pressurized air by a special organ that only lets it out at a safe rate. It can take hours of dedicated effort to get back down to normal size. Taking another piece of the alien genome discovered in other species and adding it to humans can drastically speed up this process, however that won't be discovered until a few years after the outbreak, and you'd have to go to a lab to get it added to your genetics. Another procedure adds an implant a lot like a pool toy nozzle somewhere onto a girl's body which also allows for rapid deflating.

Human men don't have any interesting traits discovered in their genes. Just bits and pieces which aid the overall reconstruction research. Through mutations the balloon phenotype firmly attached itself to the X chromosome.

>I wish for first contact with aliens.
Granted. You become one of the pets of a powerful witch, although the "powerful" part is actually rather limited. You see, if we talk about magic, then she's extremely powerful when it comes to yuri bondage... but pretty weak for everything else. Therefore, she usually acts as a mundane doctor and counselor for the local population.

But what does her magic do? Well, it allows her to create yuri bondage. It's just that the practical applications of that power are stupidly large. For starters, as long as people have even a vague interest toward the idea of being a girl, she can transform them into a cute girl - and yes, she did that to you.
Another use is that she can put girls in magical bondage and keep them in a cozy state indefinitely. They'll have no need to eat, drink, using the bathroom, or even breathe. They can remain in the same position for literally decades, and they'll still be perfectly fine.
Which directly leads us to the girls in the room. You see, you asked to "have company" during your sex bondage sessions, right? That won't be a problem, considering that the entire house of the witch is MADE of girls, tied up in different positions to form floors, walls, ceilings, and even furniture like tables or chairs. As long as you're in the witch's house, you'll always have yuri company no matter what. And if you want to cuddle, you can get permission to just pluck one of the girls from the walls (still wearing a shibari-like outfit or a latex suit or other bondage device) to get a proper companion.

The price? Well, you'll just have to serve the witch for a couple of decades. And yes, this includes occasionally making you part of the house. For example, when a new girl will come to the witch to offer herself as a new sub, you'll be required to be her chair... And the witch will cast an illusion spell to disguise you as an actual chair, just for the sake of making a dramatic reveal when she'll tell the new girl WHAT exactly she's getting into.
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After the two decades are up, the witch will give you a choice: "resign" and regain your freedom (although you'll remain good friends, and you'll get to stay a girl), or "renew the contract" for another decade. And then possibly another. And another.
And judging by the old but well-kept attires of some of the other subs, the witch can keep you for a reeeeeeally long time...

>I wish to be a girl impregnated by lewd insects!
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Granted! You now work a cozy office job at a... questionable, pharmaceutical company. You all had to get some kind of check up, but you seem to be the only one who remembers it... and how the girls all have men's body's now... But... where do you think THEIR bodies went?

Also in the office are some former men who have cute girl bodies, and not just any, but absolute bombshell bodies, as horny and sexual as the bodies the girls got. Maybe it's bias, but management is more or less feminizing these men, with them waking up with Adam's apple reductions, feminizing procedures, and hormones to make their heads match their bodies. You mistook them for girls when you woke up with them, only for them to look at you weird, often replying with "Yeah yeah, look man, just because I have tits and a pussy doesn't make me a girl, ok? Hell, mine aren't even that big..."

So you have a few boys on girl's bodies, wearing oversized mens suits (it's kinda cute), and a LOT of girls with himbo bodies, but still wearing their old uniforms with skirts WAY too short to cover anything, who are just as oblivious, if not moreso. "Stop staring at my chest anon!", one girl may say while fondling her own balls.

But masturbating casually isn't the only thing they'll accept as normal...

You and the other guys are given contraceptives, and expected to help the girls "relieve themselves" if they get too pent up... more or less casually fucking you. They're strong enough to pick you up, and there are enough that they'll spitroast you mercilessly, before cumming and going right back to work.

Despite this? Say you held hands or kissed one during... they might see THAT as you being into them, and ask you out to dinner later.

Oh yeah, the paw is your "normalization" drug is wearing off. That cute girl in the mirror, wearing baggy men's cloths? That's you. But be a good "relief station"? And management will let you stay aware.

Next week? "Men's" uniforms will become more like pic related.
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>I wish I was a cute girl who sexy, more mature women would dote on for some fun age difference yuri/mommydom.
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Granted! You are now a girl. You believe you've always been a girl, and will lose all memory of this wish, though you might be able to figure it out if you examine your memories critically or reread this wish. Scientists open a portal to another dimension, and several species of giant insects escape from it and are now invasive to your region. Each new generation that interbreeds with humans becomes more intelligent and more capable hunters.

They live in urban areas and lay near invisible webs in places where humans walk. If a man gets stuck the spider will abandon the web and the man can struggle free with enough time, but if a woman gets stuck in the web, the spider will quickly pull the web and the girl into a nearby hiding place and wrap her up tightly, bite them to fill them with venom, before retreating back to his den and piling her on top of other captured girls. The venom will numb you, making you tired, comfortable, and incapable of speaking loudly, while also preparing your body to bear the spider's babies. Once it has enough captured women, it will impregnate them all, and fiercely guard them until they give birth. Once the babies are born, it abandons the girls, who without the venom are able to struggle free or call out enough to be found.
>Best chance of escape
Get found before you're impregnated.
>Newborn status
Dozens of hand sized spiders
>Pregnancy length
4 weeks
>Capture length
2-4 days + pregnancy.
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Much smaller than other invasive bugs, they sneak into homes and impregnate women while they're sleeping without them noticing using numbing venom. Their young produce a highly addictive substance in the womb, so if the pregnancy reaches that point, the mother will become very protective of the baby, and will feed them their own blood after birth in exchange for more of the drug. Once the young leave, mothers normally are so addicted they seek out another mosquito to get bred again, or attempt to shelter mosquitoes in their home.
>Best chance of escape
Terminate pregnancy before the drug is produced. Have someone else intervene to stop you from having a second pregnancy or keeping the young.
>Newborn status
~4 hand sized mosquitoes
>Pregnancy length
2 months
>Capture length
No capture, but young normally stay with the mother for a year after birth.

Bees live in rural areas and mostly keep to themselves, however every few years they swarm towns to kidnap women. Each raid lasts only a few minutes before they retreat, happening suddenly and capturing several dozen women without resistance before leaving with their bounty. Once captured they will be striped, entombed in a hive chamber with the other girls and fed a diet of honey while being kept constantly pregnant.
>Best chance of escape
Hive is destroyed by human intervention.
>Newborn status
One infant sized larva at a time
>Pregnancy length
4 months
>Capture length

There are other kinds of insects, but you'll have to find out what they do yourself! The amount of babies you personally have will determine if the bugs overun the earth and become the new normal, or get chased back to their home dimension.

>I wish for something with male reproductive hijacking. Involuntary of course, but treats rape bait well.
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Granted! But if you were expecting plants, monsters, slimes, or some other cliche thing, you are sorely mistaken.

Stories of magical women have existed for as long as stories have. Sorceresses, witches, psychics... and they're more than myths. For the entirety of human history, a matron extending magical powers to women has existed, often encouraging them to use them for their own ends. Aging gracefully, cursing their enemies, seducing men (or even other girls), as well as things far too shameful to be documented... but there was ONE discovery always seemingly out of reach... until now.

You'll find a cute, blue haired girl in the rain one day, and feel charmed by her, wanting to get her out of the rain. She won't speak much, but it'll quickly become apparent that she's into you, and with her clothes so wet, once you're inside, things will get rather spicy. For one reason or another, you'll find it hard NOT to fuck this girl you just met, and to be fair, she turned out to be a GREAT lay, even if she forced herself onto you... but as you start to climax, you'll notice some strange things. Her clothe pile is gone, she has no reflection, no one else saw her... but it'll be too late as the sorceress's spirit possesses you, making your dick her phylactery to live again, pic related.

...Why dicks? Well, why was the first animal in space a dog? Why was the first microwaved food popcorn? They had to start somewhere!

She's REAL happy to be alive again, even if it's in an unusual way, to say the least... and she'll make it very clear, she can be nice, and let you benefit from her magic too, or she can use her magic to MAKE you comply. Your choice. Now... yes, she is very sensitive, and... in a compromising position on your body... but tease her TOO much and she might just turn her magic against you. She can appear more like pic related, or hide her features and appear as a "normal" dick, granted, your pubes will be her hair color.
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Now you said reproductive hijacking? What a coincidence! She wants to bring her "sisters" back too, and that requires your orgasms. Every orgasm you have will allow her to cast a spell. Even enough horny precum, or a wet dream, will let her incant something, and trust me, you'll be having a LOT more with her. Her first order of business? Well... maybe you two can get along? She does see the humor in this situation, and will let you tease her to a degree, might even be friends with you if you're fun (and wash her regularly, changing underwear daily). She'll use her first spells to offer you a "new form"... so long as it has a dick, and doesn't stick out TOO much. You could idealize yourself into a fit or cute guy, you could ask her to make you a futa or dickgirl, you could ask her to make you into a sexy femboy. She won't judge, she doesn't have any room to. Her coven practiced this magic on DICKS, they were perverts too. Now granted, there are reasons they did this, something about the power of orgasms... but the more she explains it, the more it sounds like an excuse for a fetish...

Now for HER side of the bargain. Like I said, she wants her sisters back. They all vanished around the 2010s upon completion of the ritual, and have drifted through the ethereal plane until SOMETHING caused them to form as ghosts, like someone made a wish or something... This can happen a few ways. You can impregnate a girl, and she will have a supernaturally short pregnancy where a very fast growing girl like her is born. Their mother is still around for this, and even lives close by, but she's VERY dominant, and will be VERY kinky with you. Petplay, bondage, femdom, all with magical twists. You can make a good impression on her too, but she won't get any less kinky even if she likes you, and don't think your girl dick is gonna get her to stop either. Embarrassed cries of "MOM!" will only be met with laughter from her.

If you're mean to your dick however...
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Your next orgasm, whether it's through bullying her, or a wet dream (if you're smart enough to remember cumming lets her cast a spell), she'll cast something to further her goals with little concern for you. She might summon a bimbo/himbo fey to possess your body, singlemindedly looking for someone to cum inside of, enchant a girl near you to rape you... oh she's "your boss" or "your friend"? Nah, she's gonna be a mother to reincarnate your witch dick's sisters back into the world. She can even puppet you directly, shoving your mind into your own cock during... but this is a difficult spell, and comes at the cost of "You are hornier than you can handle" for both of you. She MIGHT do it so you "know how it feels", but she's more likely to be direct, like cursing you to be unable to cum unless it's inside of a girl... while making you SUPER horny. And if she reaches her other coven members when you're on her bad side? The aforementioned mother and her reborn sisters? You'll become their toy... moreso than if they liked you.

But you wouldn't do that to your cute dick gf, would you? She's even from a more innocent time (the 2000s), and she needs you catch her up, tell her you can't just "go to the mall" to get sex toys for her, and show her just how far online porn has come. Come on, take your pants off and have movie night with her, show her what she missed out on.

You can ALSO help her bring her sisters back through alchemy. Just obtain enough meat, bone, etc to make a human, make some ritual circles, bind their souls... but this takes MARATHONS of jerking off since it takes so many spells. Her sisters are cute too though... and this is the only way you can introduce yourself to them as anon and not "their mother's sub".

Ah right, the consequences! They'll 100% share their findings with other witches, living and dead, who will possess other men's dicks to the same end, with their ghosts acting as bait. They are also not STUCK as cocks.
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Once a witch has bonded with her host enough, whether it be consensual, or by dominating them through spells, transformations, and curses, they can perform an "inversion" ritual, where the body inverts. The groin and legs become the upper body, and the head becomes the new crotch as the arms become the new legs, with the end result being a body much like what the witch had in life, with her at the helm... and the host's soul in her pussy, but with no magic of their own to control her with.

This can take a year or more though... and once you learned this, and PROBABLY asked your dick about it... she just smirked and said "I might... I might do it and reverse us back if I feel like it...we might take turns... or I might just keep you between my legs, but I'm not gonna tell you 'cause teasing you about it's fun."

Well... that is if you were nice to her. If not? Enjoy having your body "hijacked" alright, because you're not getting it back. Oh, and you'll ABSOLUTELY get to fuck her sisters either way. Witches and incest are like PB&J. What's gonna happen, are people going to stigmatize them MORE? Magic prevents unwanted pregnancies, or turn them into revival spells, as explained earlier, so why not?

Hope the countless other men you subjected this same fate to by letting the knowledge of the ritual get out get girls as nice as yours...

>I wish the world would change so that the human race is entirely comprised of cute or sexy girls, aging gracefully into milfs and then gilfs, and "girls" (futa and or dickgirls) to keep the human race alive, that everyone would be attracted to cute girls, even former gay men and straight girls, that no one would die to make this happen, and that me, being a human, would become a cute girl.

Go nuts.
Granted. Just like you asked, you can "domesticate" people and basically turn them into pets. Unlike what you asked, however, the method to do so limited to the petting stuff you described; you could also use harsher stuff like collars, leashes, "whips" (a towel will do), or even straight-up preparing traps to capture your target. Different people will respond differently to different treatments; for example, some people will deliberately disobey you to make you punish them, so make sure to use "punishment" only as a reward to encourage good behavior.
Fortunately for you, you're pretty quick at understanding what each person needs. And once you fully domesticate someone, the effects are long-lasting, and you can maintain them simply by doing the gentler stuff like headpats, scritches etc.

Another issue is that, while a domesticated human has a tendency to act like a pet, there's the issue of WHICH pet they'll tend to imitate. That depends on the person's personality - you have zero control over this. Maybe you'll domesticate that cute girl in your pic, thinking you'll get an affectionate cat-like pet who will gently come to you when you call her for pettings... and instead you'll find yourself a dog-like pet who'll come full-speed running, fling herself at you and knock you down on your ass. Yes, even if she's usually a shy reserved person, her animal instincts will betray her like that, and she'll be unable to stop her body from acting like a big dumb way-too-enthusiastic dog.

But let's talk about the actual paw. You see, this domestication stuff goes both ways: if someone is affectionate with YOU - petting you on the head, scratching your chin, rubbing your cheeks etc - YOU will become more pet-like towards THEM. If you domesticated someone to the point that they see you as their "master", they cannot domesticate you - but the reverse is also true: you cannot domesticate a "master" unless they're somehow convinced to give themselves up to you.
And you tend to be particularly weak against petting...

>I wish to be a cute futa with the ability to modify my own cock and balls. Stuff like altering the size or shape, increasing the number of balls I have, or making my urethra fuckable.
A little wordy, but

Quite literally overnight, the entire human population of planet earth is transformed into gracefully aging and lesbianic women, with all transformed people being completely unaware and entirely comfortable with the changes. Yourself included of course. Even history and media is retroactively changed, with all sorts of iconic figures becoming women as if the idea of men had never even existed.

The majority of life continues on as almost normal, with gender politics fading largely from public consideration. Being replaced with more sexually inclined concepts, like consent laws.

But of course this all comes at cost, and that being what else but everyone being exponentially hornier. Hundreds of times more than any man could have imagined being.
Exceedingly long french kisses become a casual greeting gesture. It's rude to not tip your waiters with a mouthful of whatever sexual fluids you have to offer. Competitive sex becomes the most popular sport in the world. And as I'm sure you expect the population EXPLODES.
Any sort of slow and tender "Yuri" as we know it today is reserved almost exclusively for schoolgirls who aren't legal yet, and GILFs who lost the motor strength to fuck like animals, and don't own the toys necessary to keep up with their nearly feral sex drives.

Sex and the desire for it will almost entirely consume nearly all aspects of life, from personal to political, from familial to federal, from farm to table(unironically).

>I wish to practice a religion practices making members resemble the Venus futa body type as closely as possible. Turning men and women alike into huge tittied, chubby bellied, fat assed, and fat dicked MILFs
Granted, and welcome to the cult of "Suor Giuditta della Santa Dualità", who was born with both sex of genitals, and as a result was abandoned in a convent and made a nun. During her long life, she attained sainthood for her works of charity, her devotion to her sacerdotal duties, and a couple of miracles she allegedly performed. Her religion is an offshoot of Christianity. with a high emphasis on helping your neighbor, and much more permissive commandments when it comes to sex - for example, priests aren't required to be chaste and are allowed to marry.
Unfortunately for you, most of the communal rites performed by this religion does not contain any sexual acts, since it is considered sinful to expose people to sexual acts and images without their explicit permission. This is also why priests have to wear long concealing robes, although they still show the outlines of their, ahem, rotundities (and yes, this includes breasts, belly AND balls). Luckily for you, there are many prayers that do include a sexual masturbatory component, and you are allowed to participate in collective prayers (read: group sex) with other believers.

These prayers usually treat Suor Giuditta as a source of guidance, a model if you will... In this case literally, since due to a mysterious miracle, her devoted followers are slowly transformed into copies of her, specifically when she looked like a mature MILF. The process has a degree of randomness to it: for example, some people first become hermaphrodites and then begin to blow up to venus.like proportions, while others instead might start out by gaining her face and ass, but remain flat-chested until very late. In any case, the end goal is the same: a cult where everyone is a copy of Suor Giuditta, all physically identical to each other.
And yes, you'll get the full package. Pussy AND cock - and the G-spot is right next to the prostate.
Now, rest assured that the changes will be PHYSICAL, not mental. That isn't stopping the believers from imitating Suor Giuditta's personality and mannerisms. It's gotten to the point that some of them have begun calling themselves Giuditta - and if you talk with them about other converted, they're capable of understanding which "Giuditta" you're talking about; they just don't CARE about such distinctions. Their devotion is so great, that they consider themselves part of the same holy being. And they will proselytize about how the world would be a much better place, without any strife or conflict or discrimination, if everyone was just the same (admittedly very kind and loving) person.
But, as I've said, your changes will be purely physical - none of that identity death or brainwashing bullshit. It's much more fun to keep you lucid, so that you can see *other people* willingly sacrifice their own identity. And hey, you'll still have plenty of religious friends-with-benefits who won't be THAT fanatical.

>I wish to be a huge-dicked futa, matriarch of an incestuous family of huge-dicked males and futas.
What a fun wish! Granted!

You are now a cute futa with a human-ish appearance of your choosing, or if you're fickle, I can just give you a form I know you'll find hot and enjoy via genie magic. People are cuter and sexier on average, and other human-ish odd skin colored girls, elf eared folk, people with animal ears and tails, and other fantastical people and forces will exist. This is changing your world too, not making a new one, so people you know will transform too. This is both make you seem more "normal" (not thrown into a lab), but your cock power is still unique and shocking enough to drop jaws... and pants.

Casual sex among friends (as much as sexual teasing) is far more common and accepted now, and stuff like STDs and needing anal prep are things of the past. Just don't stare at the porn logic TOO hard or you might realize just how nonsensical reality is now.

As for your cock and balls? You can do all of that, and while it SEEMS you meant to mention it but didn't given your pic, I'll throw in that you get to grow more cocks as well, and each can be modified as you wish. You can shapeshift them into any form you can imagine, even without a perfect understanding of how the desired cock and or balls would work. Want a knot, but you have no idea how they work? You'll get a functional knot regardless, and you'll get to learn first hand. Your power will "fill in the blanks" when you're unsure on the specifics. Not even hyper cocks will cause complications (again, porn logic) and more balls=more cum. You can even swap between futa and dickgirl (no pussy), my treat.

The paw? Ever have invasive horny thoughts? Of course you have, and with your new sex themed powers? Your libido's going to get a WHOLE lot stronger, and your imagination a lot more powerful with it. Good news is the things you'll come up with ARE hot, to you, and at least some other people. It's a GOOD imagination (just a lewd one). Bad news is the thoughts can hijack your powers.
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It's still YOU controlling it... but moreso what you REALLY want, with no concern for your inhibitions.

Now you have a magical "cap" to keep things from getting "cockvore the world" crazy, USUALLY limiting your size to taking up the average room in a house... but it's not a hard cap (pun intended) and exceptions can happen when your imagination takes over. Now you still won't cockvore the world, or harm other people... but leaving someone gaping or having them fit in your urethra themselves, maybe even get trapped in your balls, is another story entirely.

Again, these are things you'd be into... but not in the "I'd put these under my list of fetishes" sense. I mean in the "Would you get hard if this happened right now?" sense. Breasts into testicles and a dick tongue like >>10979112 ? How humiliating!... but maybe that shame is kinda hot?

Dick nipples? With your imagination, that's just the tip of the phallus. You can change their size and shape, why not turn your testicles into functional breasticles? Tits? Or breasticles with dick nipples! Hell, you could leave a stub where your neck is and move your head to the end of your cock, turn a hand into a penis, even put your pussy on the end of a dick.

You'll get PLENTY of friends with benefits, and a wildly successful OL (or whatever other easy source of revenue you'd like)... but your "instability" will invite a LOT of teasing. You can't just "change back" from involuntary changes either, not until you find relief, so say you end up with the dick tongue. You'll be teased RELENTLESSLY until you're blushing by your friends, unable to talk to defend yourself, only moan into that cock. Or maybe they'll intentionally feed you ideas, knowing you'll think about them, and probably make them reality if they turn you on...

"Hey, can you swap your cock and upper body? Like, have your torso coming out of your crotch and a dick where your torso should be?"

If you're into it, it'll already have happened...
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So yeah, you get to be a cute, sexy futa, and your world will be altered to be lewder and more friendly to your shenanigans so you get to use your power to the fullest... but your power listens to your horny brain first and foremost, and doesn't care what your "pride" has to say about it (unless that'd somehow make it hotter).

You'll make plenty of good FWBs and end up with a healthy social and sex life... but as most good friends do... they'll tease the FUCK out of you, prank you, and have a LOT of fun with your power, enough for you to instinctively know what's coming if they start a sentence with "Wouldn't it be hot if-", knowing you might just turn into what they say...

Now they ARE still your friends, and won't take things TOO far, never aiming to hurt you or make you do things you don't want to do... but they know how your power works, so they know you'll only take that form if you're into it.

Don't worry, they'll help you "relieve" it too... you're just so cute when you're flustered, or embarrassed about how something so shameful could get you aroused... maybe you can turn the tables on them every once in a while? Leave them gaping, drooling, and dripping when you bed them next? Turnabout IS fair play...

>I wish I was a cute, kindhearted futa succubus with good friends (with benefits). No trips to hell, no "you need to rape people" , just a cute, sexy succubi body and a fun amount of sexual shenanigans with people I like.
Wish bump
Granted. Your mistress loves you and is proud of how well you are trained. She regularly takes you to events with other human pet owners to show you off, make you do tricks, and let you meet other "pets". Your are amputated, but you are very proficient with your pet prosthetics so it doesn't get in your way too much unless you run into something you need fingers for. Your mistress expects you to act like a pet 24/7 and will punish you if she catches you breaking character. The exception is when she rewards you with time as a human, where she will help you with watching TV, hobbies you have, or whatever. You will have to keep up with learning new tricks and commands, usually lewd or humiliating, to maintain your spoiled lifestyle rather than getting treated like a more typical human pet.

Can't think of a detailed twist, so here are a few to choose from:
You are gradually getting dumber and more dog like, and will soon lose your ability to understand human language.
You and your Mistress are both giantesses
You will be kept in chastity and only allowed release while at competitions.
Your prosthetics are fragile and can sometimes break leaving you even more helpless.
Your mistress is a pet breeder and wants lots of pure bred puppies from you.

>I wish for something with age regression.
Granted! You are now the matriarch of a noble family who, from your understanding, is distantly related to a dragon. You now live in a manor in a parallel world that's like a more fun version of your prior world. You might even meet the more fun versions of those who's parallel selves still live near you... or perhaps WITH you? It's entirely possible a friend or crush of yours is one of your maids now... but naught that can be done about it.

Regardless, you will have memories of a life as this family's matriarch, growing up with faint memories of your past life, and the personality traits you had before, but only NOW that your granddaughter is of age, and you've become her lover as well, that you'll regain your memories.

Your new body is that of a cute blonde girl with strangely colored eyes, huge tits, a big ass, and a MASSIVE dick, which other members of your family share... though maybe less so the huge tits part. That's your "badge" as matriarch. You still appear young for a grandmother, however. That's due to the dragon blood. Your daughter and granddaughter look like younger sisters... and your sons who GAVE you them, appearing as if they could be your younger brothers. Aside from having two daughters, you will have 9 other children/grandchildren, some of which are parents themselves, and yes, your sons and daughters can give you new children as well. The number this post ends in will determine how many of the nine (that aren't the daughter and granddaughter) are cute boys.

Now, while I say "noble", really you're just a rich family living off of a dragon's horde. Your "blessings" are your giant dicks, immunity to inbreeding, and SOME magic... but no one's very good at it... even though it's your only way to have sex or even move around.

What, did you think you'd WALK with that thing? And no, you don't have a spell to make it more manageable either... but you can shrink ALL of you at once by polymorphing into a fairy!
...Even if it makes you look like a barbie doll with a dildo glued to it, and the flight part of the spell is clumsy "gliding" at best, with your massive dong being an inconvenience... but while you're like this, your maids can carry you around, and other family members can safely have sex with you- well... have sex with you period, you don't FIT normally... even if you're more of a "dildo" than a partner...

They can cast this ON you as well. In your house, you grew up with it being more of a prank to do this and "use" your sister as a dildo than anything to be punished for. You're simply respected as the matriarch for being the oldest present (your mother left to live with her wife), and you happen to be the mother of everyone in the house. You PROBABLY know best, and are the most proficient with magic, including "punishment" magic a charm spell that makes people obey you... so long as you pleasure them regularly, or a spell that... conjures fluffy handcuffs with a safety latch?

I should mention the fairy polymorph is the ONLY other form you can take. While you CAN use magic... you're stuck with bargain bin or "clearly made for perverts" spells. You can't just use ANY spellbook, it MUST be draconic, and those are VERY rare. Luckily, you DO have another way to have sex with your kin without shrinking. There's a spell that makes flesh and bone rubbery, at the "cost" of them looking like inflated balloons once you fill them up, and bouncing slightly if they fall...

Your maids will carry you around when you're shrunken, often on lil pillows, and tend to you while you're large, almost all of them into this incest house and willing to be your sex slaves, but being the "matriarch" won't always keep you in charge if you don't show it. If your kids think they can get away with it? They WILL cast spells on YOU, so be mindful of letting them make you their dildo or onahole. Being TOO harsh can result in this as well...
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>I wish I was a sexy futa in a world where all girls could turn into living, talking onaholes when around people they trust... ideally, in an embarrassing unintentional way. The kind where I'd get to carry an onahole friend around in a shirt pocket or a purse.
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Granted! Oooh, you made a huge mistake being that vague! You want age regression? I'll give you age regression, but my minimum cap is 18. I've sent out a magic wave across the planet that'll rapidly regress everyone's bodies back to 18 years old, provided they're older than that already. The energy will be around for about a year and when next someone's birthday comes they'll wake up to find their bodies are 18 years old again, in perfect physical health (except for disabilities like paraplegia or adhd, or conditions like obesity) and anything like Alzheimer's cleared away.

Is that enough regression for you? Or did you want to go further? 18 years old is the cap, pal, take it or leave it. Although I should mention that a few people will have developed an adult baby fetish as a result of their change? Physically they're 18, and they're still consenting adults, but they really like being coddled and wearing diapers and that sort of thing. A few women also suddenly developed a mommy kink as a natural response? I dunno, but hey, if you wanted regression, there's that.

>I wish for there to be a permanent health condition that turned women into these dimwitted, huge breasted bird hybrids who could be kept as consenting sex pets.
Granted, although to do that you need to get possessed by a succubus. You'll one day find yourself getting used as the vessel in a ritual to summon a succubus, and the ritual will work! It just won't exactly work in the way everyone was hoping for. See, instead of summoning a succubus from biblical Hell, they wound up summoning a succubus from a place where demons live out relatively humanlike lives as a parallel to Earth, just with a bit more fire and brimstone and skull motif and the sky is red. They basically summoned that place's equivalent of you, and she just so happened to have been a girl demon, particularly a succubus with all the "requiring lustful, sexual energy to survive" trappings you'd expect. During the ritual, you'll be transformed into her 90% completely. The leftover 10% accounts for the fact that your dick got left behind in the transformation, meaning you're now an intersex (futanari specifically) succubus.

By the way, yes, succubus you was a cute girl, and she imparted her cutesy interests onto you. Any sexy lingerie or slutty outfits you wear will have cutesy prints, you'll have a love of bear print panties, you'll collect stuffed animals, etc. Of course you will need to dress provocatively, since you do feed off lustful sexual energy, and this includes the feelings of attraction people might have glancing at you as you walk around town. Obviously actual sex is much more satisfying, but you can still snack on lecherous stares if need be. You can also walk around with your dick exposed just fine and not get arrested for indecent exposure just so long as your balls are covered. This is because one of your passive powers is an "Aura of Normalcy" that'll make people indifferent towards/accepting of your appearance, even down to your unusual skin, horns, whiplike tail, and yes, even that penis exposure.
Now that you're a cute futa succubus, we can get to work on the rest of your request. Ultimately your kindheartedness must come from within, but I can give you some friends with benefits. Of course, I will be borrowing from your existing stable of relationships as just a start, and they'll all be made into conventionally attractive versions of themselves. As requested, rape will be unnecessary for you. In fact, rape will actually drain you of your energy! Instead, you have the power to psychically instill consent into people who trust you, and consensual sex provides you with a huge energy boost. Plus, since the succubus possessing you didn't come from literal biblical Hell, you don't leech off anyone's life force or soul, just their renewable lust energy.

As for the "sexual shenanigans"... do you like sitcoms? Because your life is gonna be a little bit like a sitcom now. A single-cam, mockumentary style sitcom with interview cutaways and that sort of thing. But it's also going to be a porno because a lot of the comedic situations are gonna lean/lead into sex. Expect to have sex in a walk-in freezer, at a fancy hotel, an office bathroom, maybe some weirder locations than that. And expect the sex to turn into comedic situations as well (the need to hide actively having sex in public gag will happen to you at least once). You'll have access to the pornsite your show is being broadcast (edited to be watchable, of course) but please try to keep it secret from your friends.

>I wish I had a hyper-obese Spider-Girlfriend in a fat girl themed Marvel universe.
Granted! Mysterious, otherworldly catgirl, shortstack, and dragon girl mages and alchemists show up on earth, claiming to be from some world where birds like these exist... when they feel like talking, that is. Really? They're sexual deviants and on the run from their home dimension, hopping between parallel worlds as they flee, but... not without having some fun where they stop first. They're wanted FOR spreading lewd magic to the general public in the forms of spreading curses, lewd cursed objects, leaving magic plants that create lewd potion effects... really just fucking up whatever world they pass through, and often unintentionally giving that world access to some magic as a side effect.

Your world was one of these. They showed up, turned some girls into these big titty birds, and even some guys into girls to then turn into them, and used them as mounts to find your nearest "rift" before leaving them behind, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake. The entire ordeal lasted a day. But now? It's becoming clear portals between worlds aren't without consequence. While the initial transformees were returned home, and seem to UNDERSTAND speech, they just make these "Kweh?" sounds now, and seem confused that no one understands them, with many of them acting embarrassed and flustered, going "KWEH!" when they start to realize what happened to them. Now they aren't "stupid", they're still of their prior intelligence... at their core (lock one in a room with a puzzle and they'll solve it just fine) ...But they can be dimwitted due to the overwhelmist lust they were left with. As one gets horny, they'll go into a heat like state and do dumb things for the sake of getting fucked. Moreso than humans already do. If one GETS fucked? The pleasure's mind numbing, and keeping her happy can "domesticate" her in a way, making it so she thinks less. But by the same hand, you can make one "snap out of it".
But... this is mostly just used if you need to "talk" to whoever the person was before, letting them tap a tablet with their talons or something to communicate... or just want to see them get humiliated all over again. Just satisfy them and splash them with cold water enough, maybe snap your fingers and call them by their full name, remind them of their humanity, that kind of thing. But other than that? The transformees will quickly become slutty and think less as other people spoil them, less because they're inherently dumb, more because they're being domesticated like housecats in a way, and get a bit TOO comfortable around people as their sense of shame fades with growing lust.

Other people will transform too, and "mutations" are common too. Humanoids and these "animals" can't create offspring. The hybrids lay eggs sometimes like hens, but they won't be fertile unless, say... a futa hybrid fucks them, making them GREAT sex pets. They're also largely consenting, since as I explained, they're still of human intelligence, and pass the Harkness test of you keep a tablet provided. They're just REALLY horny and giving into vices feels REALLY good for them, often making them a bit ditzy, shortsighted, and or airheaded at times. Some try to hold onto their humanity, others willingly let other people take care of them, some will even look for "owners" on their own.

Other people will transform into fantastical races too as magic become a staple of the world. You might become a cute catboy or dragonboy (both hung), depending on your preference. Maybe even a futa, but you'd BEST have a dick (and it will be hung, free of charge), because you're getting one of these as a pet whether you like it or not.

She's an odd one. Dimwitted enough when high on pleasure to do adorably dumb stuff like get spooked by her own eggs, while melting at your touch, frequently poking at your pants with her lips like a cat asking for food... and yet?
There's an unmistakable gleam of intelligence in her eyes, even then... now you doubt that much is going on in her noggin at that moment, but the idea of her "snapping out of it" comes to mind... notably, how the line is far more blurred for her than most others. Even in her lust drunk state, you can fluster her, and if you try to remind her of her humanity? She'll be more receptive to the shame, but be more pouty and annoyed, like you woke her up from a nap. Sometimes she'll seemingly shift from her ditzy state into her "aware" state on her own...

Hell, you even get her sister with her! THIS one's "normal". A slave to lust normally, SUPER embarrassed when you snap her out of it, especially when she sees you're keeping her with her sister. And let it never be said I'm not a generous genie either. She's bound to a magical collar that lets you toggle a futa cock on her, and toggle her fertility to avoid chicks. You can watch her fuck her sister for you to watch, remind her of her humanity, and watch her "KWEEEH!?"... only to reluctantly do it again, her sister not seeming to mind, sometimes blushing or looking away during the act, as if sometimes aware of the shame on her own...

Oh, and you can't get rid of them or "trade them" for others. BOTH will be sexy and to your liking, healthy, and as long lived as their new "base" races are, much like you are in your new body. One of the many people investigating magic will tell you you were either cursed by a REAL monster, or a blue mage, who can use monster abilities... neither of which you've seen (your girls don't count as monsters). But it's a harmless enough curse, just take care of them. You'll feel dizzy and withdrawn if you try to leave them/give them away.

But one fateful day? The identity of that mysterious "blue mage" will reveal itself as you look at the new, hung fantasy race body you'd gotten used to from another's eyes. Eyes resting behind a pair of dick sucking lips... Your body will smirk.
To break things down:

The one of the two mysterious hybrids that became yours inherited enough magic from the global changes to become a proper magic user, already knowing a few spells that the world hoppers who caused all this used as they passed through. A curse so you can never leave her and her sister... and a body swap spell. That glint of intelligence? Oh she's happy being a pet, she just knew she held more power over you than you realized... and someday? SHE'D be the one in charge... and that day's today. Now don't worry... the body swap isn't PERMANENT, the spell only lasts a day, two if she saves enough mana... but she'll make the most of it.

Your new body and her sister were Trojan horses on my end. Yeah, you're pretty sexy and hung in your new cute boy/dickgirl/futa body (you turned into a race and sex you'd be into), Wanna experience it firsthand? And the other hybrid with the collar that lets the owner toggle if she has a dick or not? Yeah... your "master" for the day is going to sic her sister on you and watch, or leave you two be so you get to experience the shame of being one of these hybrids yourself, as well as the mental effects.

It's like getting drunk on pleasure, or INTENSE relaxation that makes you stop thinking so hard. Ever be so horny you just stop caring about shame and relish in it? Lazily letting your mind fall to lust? Maybe you have experience with cozy, braindead sleepy sex? It's that, but constant... until your pet, now in your boy, snaps you out of it for fun, RELISHING your embarrassment, and thinking of new ways to have fun with you. Use you as a mount? Yeah that's legal. Fuck you? Duh, she'll spitroast you with her sister even, those lips are for dick. Toys? Those tits are asking for it...

And to top it all off, you'll get ANOTHER curse from her so you can NEVER tell anyone... but she can. She might even find her own friends in your body, and invite them to toy with you, with them knowing you've been body swapped.
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It makes you SO much more fun to tease. And when you change back? It'll be even MORE fun to tease you when they see you!

Your pet isn't a MEAN master though. She's actually really doting and accommodating.. if a bit domineering. You'll be spoiled, trained to be a "good girl", and don't worry about her riding you around town, you're build for it. If anything, it feels good having the wind on your tits, and the open air on your wet pussy... and so many people looking at you... are you even WETTER?

You'll probably wake up in your own body after she has some good lovemaking with you in your body for the night, after you two pass out after. She'll go back to being a good girl herself, prodding at your crotch and "begging" for sex, letting you ride her, embracing the "head empty" bliss, even letting herself relapse into a "ditzy", animal like state to better enjoy it... but that sparkle in her eye will remain, and now? You know what it is. She WILL do that again, taking your life whenever she has enough mana, and feels like it, turning the tables on you for fun. She loves you in her own special way... but she's a huge perv who thinks watching you and your other pet (her sister) fuck, and clapping your (her) cheeks is a way of showing it.

On the bright side? You get to experience both having and BEING a sex pet!

(sorry if this was long, I found the idea hot and I'm a bit tired)

>I wish I was a sexy, dark skinned futa milf who'd age like wine, with no trouble finding loving partners (I'd be a cougar when it comes to cute boys, but young adult and other milf girls are both fine to me)
Anon... The paw is supposed to make things more kinky, not less. This is like giving an anon who wished for a succubus wife one that doesn't need to fuck, or an anon that wished for slavery a job at Wendy's.
NTA, but it looks like a lazy post in response to a lazy post.

>>10979394 being "I can't think of a twist so pick your own" and then "I wish for something to do with (fetish here)" was just lazy.

If someone can't think of a twist, they should have let someone INTERESTED take the wish.
I was interested in the base wish, but couldn't think of a twist I could add on top of it that would harmonize with it. I thought giving multiple options to choose from was a nice thing since they could pick several and think about how they would work together. Similarly I chose a very open ended wish because those are the type I like to grant most.
You've gotta both be interested and have a grant ready. There's no harm in waiting for ideas to strike you. Even if someone else grants it, if you really want to you can just give it your own grant and not ask for a wish in return.

As for open ended wishes, I'd say give SOME direction and you can still keep it open ended, like... "I wish humans had universal access to age regressing technology".

Instead of having to make the situation for you, they can build off that, and think about how it might malfunction or turn into some kind of Mommy Skynet.

I don't speak for all anons though so maybe someone else would have had a field day with it, idk. AR isn't my thing so...

Best thing to do now is move on, but I wouldn't fault you for making another wish with the same kink with a little more direction.
These threads weren’t designed to function as 24/7 ongoing things. The autism has built up too much - not in regards to the fetish content, but to the posters themselves and how they police the thread
What are you on about? The threads have been running smoothly. You don't need to vaguely doompost.
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Granted! You are a dark elf. Your rarity and mystique make you an attractive partner to all of the shorter lived races. A couple centuries traveling with a merry band has taught you much about the world, music, and poetry. Your experience from previous relationships has made you a deep and mature lover who always has more to show her partners. As an elf, even at this age your best years are still ahead of you.

You are irresistible to every man... As long as he's human. Among elves, your timeless beauty, sage wisdom, and graceful aura is merely average. More than that, you're an outcast both for being a dark elf on the surface and for spending so much time with humans. You just can't get on the same timescale anymore, humans have shown you how fast things can move.

Anyways, as long as you stick to the short lived races, you will find many devoted partners. You'll outlive all of them, but the time you spend together still feels significant. Being around so long though, your children will create bloodlines, most of them mythologizing you as an ancestral
protector, a role you may or may not live up to. Also with such a large extended family, you will need detailed record keeping to avoid incest. Unless you don't care of course.

Also, your sperm is extremely valuable. Queens who want halfelf heirs, wizards who want it for experiments, and quack doctors who believe it hides the secret to extend life, a lot of people will do crazy things to get their hands on it. Badgering you with offers of gold, titles, and princesses in exchange for it is the least annoying one. Some foolish people will try to kidnap you and milk you dry, which you may or may not play along with. The worst one is the bold ones that play the long con trying to make you fall for them. If you aren't vigilant, you will end up in a few one-sided relationships where humans toy with your heart to take your cum.
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>I wish for a loving girlfriend who has lost or will soon permanently lose her face. Good ending only, not portal theft.
My personal suggestion: make the smaller twists a bit longer and more detailed. Maybe say that Anon's owner's friends all have their own issues - like one liking intelligence drain and turning her pets into dumb bimbos, while another deliberately sabotages her pet's prosthetics just to fuck with it - and then allow Anon to pick which 2-3 options they favor.
Plus there's nothing stopping you from expanding on your grant AFTER you granted it.

As for your wish, I'm willing to try to grant it; but I'll have to know whether you want to be the one being regressed and/or the one regressing others.
Granted. After many long years of scanning the cosmos for intelligent life, NASA finally made some contact with an alien race. By using the radio signals we've been outputting for decades, the aliens were able to make their way to Earth, but what we couldn't have anticipated was the way they would choose to interact with the human race.

You see, the aliens are parasitic in nature, no bigger than a quarter in their initial forms, and they possess a galaxy-wide hive mind that seeks out other species to assimilate and mutate. They descend into the planet, practically invisible and undetectable, seeking out suitable hosts to attach themselves to and transform. They typically seek out the females of their host species for the purposes of breeding and incubating more of their kind. Once attached, the transformation will progress in stages.

>Stage One
The alien parasite will enter the woman vaginally, attaching itself to the inner wall of her womb and injecting the body with a retromutagen that will transform the host over time and tricking the body into accepting this foreign intrusion. The host body will begin mutating internally, developing organs that will aid in the production of more alien larvae. Outwardly, the woman's physical appearance won't change too drastically. All that happens is her skin will clear up and her health will improve.

>Stage Two
The host body will begin putting on more weight, typically in her chest and thighs, and her body temperature will raise slightly causing her to sweat more. This sweat releases a pheromone that induces sexual arousal, and causes the host to slowly start going into heat. The desire to breed starts to take root in the host's mind, compelling her to start seeking out sexual partners.
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>Stage Three
The host's bones start growing longer and stronger and more muscle starts developing, causing her to grow taller and thicker. Her lips, both vaginal and oral, will start to plumpen, and her nipples will start to grow and puff up. Lactation begins at this stage as well. The host's mind will become overwhelmed with the desire to breed, overriding her sense of modesty and decorum. If she doesn't have any sex by this time the parasite will detach itself from the host and her mind and hormones will eventually return to normal. If she does have sex and gets impregnated, she moves onto Stage Four.

>Stage Four
The parasite starts absorbing the semen and produces eggs of its own. The chance of the host getting pregnant with a human child is low, but never zero. The host's body will bloat even further to provide a suitable environment for the eggs to incubate. This process takes four weeks, after which the brood will hatch and pour out of her womb and up into the atmosphere to find more creatures to assimilate. The host's body will revert back to Stage Three to repeat this process a few more times unless she has a human child, in which case she goes right to Stage Five.

>Stage Five
The parasite, unable to produce more young, dies and detaches itself from the host. The host woman's mind returns to her senses, but her body will remain transformed, precision engineered for breeding and little else. It's likely she'll pass this down to her human children should she have any.
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>I wish for a world where everyone has inconveniently hypersexual bodies and everyone has a humiliation fetish.
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You wake up next morning with a huge rack of tits an absolutely enormous cock, and the beach balls to match. I'll let you decide what all exactly you are, be it futa or busty boy, but your situation stands, quite literally. Having a dick that's four feet long and another wide isn't exactly going to hide under a blanket and whisper good morning. You'll be able to move around with them easily enough though, nothing about yourself will feel especially out of place or uncomfortable, well not until you start dealing with doorways, but we aren't quite there just yet.

You'll get up and take a look out the window to see the streets mostly empty. A few cars here and there, a bus or two maybe, and of course someone orgasming violently just up the road, being recorded and masturbated over by a horde of would be passers-by.

If you can't already, it's that everyone is as big of hypocrite as they are complete sluts for being shamed.
You could see a woman with a pussy 8 times larger than her head literally gushing a river through her pants while pointing and laughing at a woman you could mistake for her twin because her pants had ripped and exposed the needy folds of her vulva as if anybody walking by couldn't already see everything about them but their color before hand.
There is a sort of rules system though, and the humiliation only ever starts when someone breaks one. They are as follows,
1)Be fully dressed at any given time while in public.
2)Who ever cums first loses.
3)Never ask for help getting unstuck unless you are clearly immobilized.
4)Outlines don't count.

Stay within these four simple rules and you'll live a life entirely without being on the receiving end of a public cum hosing!
Though I'm very confident that you want to be on the receiving end of a public cum hosing, so I'll add in a little extra flavor.
People will be more likely to not follow the rules or even make up new ones against you.
Have fun, freak!
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>I wish I ran a sexercise course with lots of hairy (and horny) futa MILFs!
>The aliens are an assimilating hivemind
>They invade earth and infect humans
>Mutate their bodies
>Never actually add their host to the hivemind or take direct control

Funny. The aliens didn't really think this through completely, did they?
Look, some amount of critique and explanation in regards to posts can be helpful, but this seems much more like an unnecessary nitpick.
While critique can be accepted within tolerance, nitpicking like this, and the possible undeserved insulting I'm worried it will encourage can not.
Even if a grant is under a paragraph long, posts like this are off topic and very separate from the intentions amd purpose of this thread.
I didn't mean to criticise, I was just have some fun making an observation from within the world presented by a grant. From a human perspective, seems like the aliens just gave a gift turning human women into bimbo amazonians that even get their minds back once the transformation is complete. If the aliens are doing something more, I wouldn't be able to tell after my wish takes effect.

Discussion of grants can be fun too. Things don't need to be super formal, that would suck energy out of these threads too if people feel stifled to talk outside of the thread's wish granting etiquette.
Wish bump
Well they are basically like bugs, so…
Granted! Reality will change so that "alternate" sexes exist, and even give people "anime" hair and eye colors, or animal and monster traits. Futas and females are by far the most common sexes now. Remaining boys are either cute "I'm not gay but-" boy toys, or dilfs, and thers like cuntboys and rare pussyless dickgirls exist, but are rare. This is mostly irrelevant, but DO know that futa and women usually toy with them. They're the "dominant" sexes. Most girls naturally have venus body types, and some societal norms have changed along with biological ones. Shaving body hair is seen as weird, and something many women will AVOID. The hair on her head is sexy right? Well the rest of her hair is too, duh. ESPECIALLY the musky hair in lewd places... This is the new reality of the world. Some girls may "womanscape" it, cleaning and trimming it, but most of the time they embrace the "womanly musk" and just keep it as clean as one would normally.

Childbirth is also far easier, quicker, and children reach adulthood faster. Incest has no side effects, and pregnancy can even be used to "reincarnate" people who may have gotten sick, passed away, or simply wanted to "re-roll" genetics, with them retaining most of their memories. The important ones anyways.., This makes motherhood (and breeding) not only something people will do to help others out, but a "hobby" for people who just like to fuck. Breeding is hot, and if they do good by doing so? Why not? The human population won't explode with the "reincarnate" effect.

As transformed as they may be, people you know will still exist, with your friends still being your friends... even if a guy friend is now a futa mother of 5, or a female crush ended up a femboy sub.

YOU ended up as a a futa with animalistic traits, pic related. You sometimes lay eggs when sexually active, once every few days, but the REAL draw of your body is that it makes you've got SUPER strong legs and a pussy that can endure a LOT of punishment...
(Forgot pic)

Which is ideal... because after the changes... you'll already have a life, a job, and a nice home. Other people are unaware that anything changed, by the way. You're the only one... but you'll still get memories of your life in this world. Your two horny mothers, "experimenting" with your sister, your 4 daughters, half futa and half female, born from flings with casual partners... don't worry, they grew up fast, as kids do, and some were reincarnated, already having memories and being able to take care of themselves not long after you had them... but you ARE a milf, and they will see you as their "mom" (and yes, they hatched from eggs and look bird like like you). And as I mentioned, incest is fine so... do with that what you will. Single mothers are common though, and often get their FWBs to help them out, so don't feel bad about this, you were just a bit of a slut in this reality.

Speaking of! You are a fitness instructor, but not just ANY fitness instructor. Your fertility and ability to fuck longer, thrust harder with your legs, and take bigger members with your puffy, stretchy, cloaca like pussy (not an actual cloaca) makes you a VERY desirable partner, one that a lot of other milfs, especially those into "casual breeding", want to emulate. You'll gain this life's memories to help you do your job, but basically? You train horny, hairy futa milfs learn to have better sex, last longer, and for many of them, how to better give AND receive. They'll pay you PLENTY to live off of for this, and arguably more in "after class fun"... though you sometimes suspect that's part of the reason they chose to attend YOUR class specifically...

Teaching milfs how to PROPERLY sit on someone's face and hold their genitals there with squats, how to ride cock enough to be the one fucking, even when they're the ones being penetrated, how to clap cheeks without getting tired... even how to hold sex positions longer, and more efficiently, with PLENTY of yoga.
(wrong pic, hairless alt of all things...)

But... this is where the "paw" comes into play. While your girls will frequently "partner up", with casual sex being accepted in the new reality... YOU are the class's dedicated teacher, meaning while yes, you get to do these things to your students... they get to do them to YOU, and far more often. You only need to pull one aside for a demonstration, but them? They're paying YOU, and you have to give them the best hands on education you can. Every milf in your class will get to pull you aside for "practice" from time to time, or have you "evaluate" her if she pays for private lessons. Now, just to be nice? You'll only ever get futa you find hot, and you may refuse to teach Karens or anyone you don't get along with. The girls kinda like that about you, you know how to be blunt and keep toxicity out of your sex class. If you didn't know how to say no before, you do now. That being said? It's not an excuse to get out of being railed, evaluating a face sitting technique, or telling a student she can't practice sweaty smothering, cuddling, and frotting with you today. You still have to be nice and responsible where it's expected, lest you lose students, and thus, income.

Don't worry, your house is paid off. But if you stop making as much money... the first thing that'll take a hit are your contraceptive subscriptions (you use a LOT for teaching)... and you'll still have to teach. In a twist, you have to fuck MORE to avoid unwanted pregnancies... unless you'd be into them, but being pregnant won't save you from having to teach either, just means you have to do pregnant friendly stuff. Some girls are even into that...

You're strong, sure, easily able to dominate partners... but an entire class of other horny milfs is still stronger, so you'd better be thankful you're so durable.
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>I wish I was a cute "were-harpy" girl. I don't want to lose my sense of self, but quirks and instincts are fine. I just ask that I have a human and harpy form, genie gets to decide the trigger, and any other special things about it.
Granted! You will meet an adorable, nerdy girl. Well kept, straight edge, but shy and awkward... and yet? She kept approaching YOU. Eventually, either by you pressing, or her working up the courage, one of you will ask the other out, and things will go great from there. She'll be a good thing for you, and you, a good thing for her. She likes what you do, and even has a few hobbies you could be into... or maybe some things you WOULDN'T be into, but you'd support her for anyways, or even playfully tease her about, like being a fan of a trashy anime or bad video game.

But all is not well in paradise... why DID this girl grow so infatuated with you all of a sudden? Are you just THAT MUCH of her type? Did you do something that grabbed her attention? I'm afraid not. Or at least... that wasn't the reason. She'll absolutely say you're her type NOW. Truth is, she made a wish too... but with a FAR less benevolent entity. A witch who was jealous of her. Not the fun kind either, she's a bitch. She gave her a deal. "You'll find love, and he will be the most attractive person on earth to you, just sign here and I'll make it happen."

...But she tricked her. You are the most attractive person TO HER, and this will remain the truth, even if the witch curses you... which she will. Now don't worry, you won't turn ugly... you'll just.. become clearly monstrous and unable to show yourself in public without causing a stir. Good news is your GF is a monster fucker, and while you're not supposed to know this... the form you took was, ironically, one she finds VERY hot. The witch thinks she was SO clever with this, but I'm here to make that a boon for you, not a "problem".

If it was you two alone? This would be the ideal life. You'd be able to spoil your GF in your big strong monster body, she'd still love you, and you'd have a killer sex life. The problem is, while curse victims exist in the world, and are accepted... your new form is very intentionally that of a demon.
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...And yes, it's that of a very SEXY demon. Like I said... the witch thinks the 'irony" is REAL clever, but you're strong, SUPER durable, you can see in the dark... and your GF? Her sit on your face? Fuck, she'll ask you to sit on HERS with an ass and feathered package like that, worship it even, rim you, and no, demons don't use the bathroom so you two can play around with that. It won't take much to get your GF to a point where you can whistle and she'll bark, that's how hot you are to her.

Unfortunately... the public at large understands demons to be creatures of chaos that SPREAD curses... even though you can't do that, they'll still spread word of seeing you, and it'll eventually reach inquisitors. Now you can't DIE, not until your lover does, at least... but zealots of faiths from all over will "neutralize" you and lock you up before you can heal or reform enough to move again. You can't show your face or feathered ass anywhere other people will see it, let alone with your GF.

Now, I'm going to be a nice genie and NOT tell anyone that you WISHED for your GF to lose her face... and instead, offer it as an "out" for your predicament. As far as I'm concerned, you just made a kinky, but convenient wish to cheat the witch's contract. You CAN'T turn back to normal... but I CAN give you a demon's ability to let you show yourself.

Face theft.

You take your GF's face off, claiming it as your own. It becomes a mask you can put on whenever you want, and turns you into a copy of her, letting you show yourself in public, and even have some kinky selfcest with her, You can also drop "parts" of her form, treat it like a skinsuit and grow your dick, wings, or long demonic tongue out. Maybe give her a feathery butt. That's your business, not mine. But it leaves her faceless, naturally. Furthermore, you can't put her face back on... but most demons kill the victims of this. Since she's alive, if you aren't wearing her face, she can still "use" it.
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And yes... being the great girlfriend that she is? And knowing that she's the reason you turned into a (super sexy) demon? She'll let you... and even be a little into it. Dunno WHAT porn you two enjoyed, or if you enjoyed any together... but she's a fan of "captured and toyed with by sexy monsters" stuff, so this IS kinda hot for her, though... not being able to have her face anymore does, admittedly, sting. Unfortunately, the magic you have won't allow you to put the face back on her body. Ever. You could TRY taping it back on, but the very magic itself will keep pushing her face back off, even if you simply rest it on her body. Now, she can use two "modes" of functioning now. She doesn't need to eat, drink, or breathe, and likewise, she doesn't need to use the bathroom anymore either, so enjoy more frequent buttstuff with her, and she can still "see, smell, and taste" even with the smooth, featureless skin where her face used to be, so pressing your cock against her face is still going to be VERY lewd.

But she may ALSO use the mask as if it were her face, disconnected from her body... even while you're wearing it. She'll let you use it as needed, say you're her "sister" and she got cursed when you two go out to date- er... you both got cursed? Incest would get you weird looks, but you two might as well be saints compared to the attention you'd get if people knew you were a demon. She might make you say things or make dumb expressions as pranks, as you struggle for control. This ALSO lets her eat her own pussy, and allows for VERY creative sex...

And as a last bit of charity, while she can never put HER face back on... I'll give you two some free faces for sex she can wear TEMPORARILY... but... you might want to keep them IN the bedroom, because none of them are "normal". One's a straight up dragon face, another's two eyes and a pussy with a tongue, one's perma ahegao... they'll let you two do oral stuff, but... don't wear these in public, please...
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>I wish I was a cute, pervy artist girl's "muse", or a spirit that'd inhabit her art. Her yuri, her futas, her /d/ stuff like onahole TFs, fucknugget stuff, and other /d/ transformations (with waste and gross stuff as a no go). What my powers are are up to the genie, if they'd like to let me fuck with the artist, or let the artist fuck with ME more, but I DO ask that we be able to communicate and interact, and be "friends" in a sense... ideally with benefits.
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You find yourself awoken in an alternative universe where you have Sarah Scott as your beloved partner, a hyper obese woman with the secret super hero identity of Tarantula, a crime fighting super hero that has a hunger for justice... and food of course.

Everything seems amazing so far with your dreams coming true and finally being with the girl of your dreams, until you look down at your own body... Since you wished to be in a fat girl themed Marvel universe, that means everyone in this world is a hyper obese woman, including you of course.
In this world you've now become this universe's version of MJ or at least a hyper obese depiction of her. This new life is far from normal.

Aside from the fact that you're now morbidly obese, you have to balance your home/work life around the fact that you're dating a superhero. This will lead to many days where you'll be kidnapped or put in danger by the many villains that oppose Tarantula, using you as bait to lure her out for another typical saturday morning villian fight. Near death experiences will become the norm for you.

All of this aside you'll still have a very loving relationship with Sarah/Tarantula, you'll both be love birds hugging and kissing one another with the occasional feeding session. Though knowing that she's a spider based superhero things could get... kinky~
When she feels like it she'll wrap you up in webs and do whatever she wants to you. This could be from making out with you to force feeding you tons of food, the possiblities are endless

>I wish for a gf that transforms into a fat monster woman every night like the image above (no vore)
very hawt, but what if he aliens latch onto males? can they confuse a very feminine male and go into their butthole? or could they infect a regular male in their penis?
They determine who's who by sniffing out estrogen. I suppose a male with enough estrogen or say a trans woman on hrt could get picked up by the alien bugs and go up their butt. The retromutagen will still make them thiccer and bustier, but they can't turn a rectal cavity into a womb so any brood they try to produce this way will almost always perish. As for infecting a regular male through their penis, they aren't able to fit inside the urethra so that's not gonna happen.
You'll meet a total 10/10 babe over a dating app and hit it off with her almost instantly. She' practically perfect for you, but she always insists that your dates with her don't last past sundown. This is fine at first, but as you get closer and more intimate about your feelings for one another, the more strange it gets about how cagey she is about this stipulation. One day, however, a date with her at the park runs a bit later than either of you were expecting, and you hear a gurgling in her stomach. She seems to go pale, mutters a very small "oh no", and then the moonlight touches her skin. Her complexion turns paler and paler, practically an ashy grey, and her hair turns a ghostly white. The gurgling in her gut grows louder and seems to spread across her whole body as it starts putting on pound after pound of flab. The division between her waist, hips, belly, and the rest of her abdomen vanishes almost completely as she blows up into practically a ball of ghostly lard. The wine red dress she wore tears and shreds exposing every inch of her stretched out skin. Soon her thighs join the rest of her form's roundedness, and her panties snap and fall to the ground. Her stance widens as her fattened crotch brushes the ground, and her calves strain against her leather boots.

Her transformation finishes, and she reveals to you that this is the reason she never wanted to be seen past sundown. Turns out she was cursed by a dark spirit a long long time ago to transform into this obese, practically spherical creature every nightfall. She asks if you'd still accept her this way, and you say yes. She's overjoyed by this and immediately pulls you in to have sex on the grass. You've had sex with her as a human before, but as this ghostly ball of lard she seems much more spirited and strong.
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But what's your paw? Well one of them is that she doesn't need to sleep, thus she has unlimited stamina. And now that she's revealed her secret to you she's become irrevocably horny. This is a problem for you, initially, because you're still a human man, and therefore have limited stamina. You're gonna pass out more times than either of you would like, so her proposed solution? Give you the same monster curse!

It takes a couple years but you manage to track down the spirit that originally cursed your girlfriend, and they instill a similar curse onto you. Your curse, unfortunately, is rather different from your girlfriend's. Now every nightfall your body shrinks down until you're only a foot tall, but your dick transforms into a three foot long monster with soccer ball sized testicles! On the bright side, you also get fairy wings, and you also don't need to sleep anymore. Plus, with a dick that huge, you can much more easily please your hyper-obese love, so it all checks out. enjoy spending the rest of your existence having endless monster sex, buddy!

>I wish that stuck-up girls would turn into goofy, sexual jester creatures (and back and forth)
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Granted! Monster girls of many species are now real, and you live near a large harpy village! For an act of kindness to one of them, the village's priestess/witch (The lines get blurry) gifted or forced onto you the highest honor an outsider can get: honorary membership of their species through the were-harpy "curse". Bestowing the gift involved whispering ancient birdsongs in an lost harpy language into your ear followed by kissing you all over.

Every morning where you see the blue sky, hear the song of birds, and feel the dew drops, you will transform into a female harpy. You will keep this body until you sleep indoors. Harpy folk magic can also easily force a transformation on a spot, though only about half of them know the short rhyme to do that to you, humans cannot even if they know the words.
The physical changes are simple. You are girl with an impressively petite build and almost boyish breasts. You have bright vibrant hair and matching feathered arms. You have taloned legs and feet, which are very dexterous to make up for your lost hands. During the spring you will lay an egg about once a week. There is a spell that can compel your body to lay more or lay out of season, but you'd have to visit another village to learn it. You cannot wear heavy clothes and still be able to fly; anything light enough looks pretty skimpy and 1/6 harpies are nudists anyways.
Your human form is still male. Your hair has changed to match your harpy form though, including your body hair and pubes. If you aren't satisfied with your appearance, a harpy spa in the village can pamper and care for you, giving you an easily maintained pretty or beautiful appearance.
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Mental changes are light. As a harpy you live more in the moment, more carefree and impulse. You feel a need to include song and poem in casual conversation, and other harpies are eager to teach you conversational melodies. You are much more timid. You feel more comfortable in the company of other girls, especially other harpies or monster girls, to the point that being approached by a man can cause you to fly away in fear or embarrassment without saying a word. You feel uneasy anywhere you cannot easily fly away from, a bit like claustrophobia.
You will love to fly and the freedom it gives you. This is not a mental change. It is a fact. Similarly, as you spend time as a harpy girl or in the company of harpies, you will change and grow as a person, broadly in ways that make you more girly and outgoing. These lessons will stick even when human.

The harpies are a tight knit community and all of them want to spend more time with you, some of the badgering you to movie in or at the very least spend your weekends there. Here are a few of the things in the village.
>Perching trees
Called gossip trees by humans, these are public meeting places used by harpies to exchange stories and songs. Sitting on one's branches is more comfortable for your harpy form than a normal tree. Harpies visiting from other villages will normally stop here. This is also a place where harpy magic is exchanged and practiced.
>Harpy spas
Not to be confused with spas run by harpies for humans and other species. Harpies have trouble caring for themselves because they lack hands. Here you can get help from other harpies with preening, bathing, massages, and more. It's free, but you are expected to contribute by helping other harpies as much as they help you.
>The nursery
Harpies communally store their eggs and care for their chicks. This building is both where young harpies live, and where adult harpies go to lay their eggs. Even if you don't get bred by a human or a monster species with men, the harpies do artificially inseminate some unfertilized eggs that are laid here, so you may end up a mother anyways.
>Cafes and meal halls
Harpies eat outdoors, and though they can eat almost anything a human can, expect to see a lot more seeds, nuts, and fruit in your diet.
Despite the name, these nests are pretty similar to a Queen sized loft bed, just built a lot higher off the ground, outdoors, and without a ladder. Harpies rarely sleep alone, and most of these beds will be filled with 3-5 harpies when night falls.
>Love nests
Much larger than normal nests, sturdier, and with high walls for privacy, and to keep abductees from falling. Kidnapping men is not a crime in harpy society, and they were somehow able to get special exemption from human governments to allow kidnapping and raping human men for reproduction, as long as the men are treated well. You may not choose to take men yourself, but if you spend a lot of time as a human, the other harpies may snatch you up and drop you into one of these.

>I wish to become a "were-centuar" girl. I am okay with losing my sense of self as long as it's temporary.
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At first everything seems normal. But as you sleep you find yourself in vivid dreamscapes. At first you think it's just you being horny, but you notice commonalities in the dream. A particular observer always there as you get up to your sexy sleep shenanigans.
Then you notice art coming out that is almost exactly what you seem to get up to in your dreams. You check out their profile and out of curiosity notice that there style is similar to a sfw artist who has stopped being active around the same time the nsfw artist with the similar style started being super active. A few clicks later and you see a self portrate of the artist and they are identical to the one always watching you in your lewd dreams.
Bit more investigation and you find out they live in your town.
That night you have a plan.
As you drift off to sleep you take control of the dream. You change the setting to a private location within your town. You then summon up someone identical to the dream watcher. Without fail the watcher comes and observes. You then ravage the doppelganger of the watcher as they observe on. Before you end the dream you look directly at the watcher and tell them to meet you here in the real world. Then you wake feeling refreshed.

You get dressed and get ready. later that day you find the spot you picked out in the dream, only this time in the real world.
You hear foot steps...

And from there it's up to your imagination to continue.
The main monkey paw is that all the impossible /d/ related stuff happens in shared dreams and you know they are dreams. They feel real though, in a good way.

>I wish to be a adventurer/traveler of another world with mostly modern tech, going town to town finding myself in different sexual situations each stop
Think a /d/ version of Kino's journey, only I as the protag have generic hentai hero abilities and porn physics/logic on my side instead of being a good gun fighter.
Oh yeah, if you aren't already cute or whatever then you are now cute as you wished for.
Sorry, was kind of a afterthought.
I almost wish I didn't have to give you a paw for this! Granted!

After releasing a goddess of mischief, whimsy, and sex into your world, "harmful" amounts of seriousness, prudishness, haughtiness, and similar emotions can attract the curse's attention in a way, turning the source of it into something silly, slutty, and often humiliating. As you wished, this WILL affect "stuck-up" girls a lot. People who are boring, rude, people who give a real aura of "I hate everything", or "I'm better than everyone and they're all dumb"

The higher this "party-pooper" energy is, the more likely a girl is to be cursed, on the spot, as if hit by invisible lightning. She'll become exaggerated and resemble some clown or jester version of herself, whatever would fit better, often exaggerating her features.(in sexy ways). Was she curvy? Oh she's gonna be STACKED. Was she goth? She might get a bright purple costume, with her makeup becoming exaggerated, and piercings becoming lewd. The target will be unable to act in out of ill intent, and all of the desires they have seen as "positive" by the goddess will be amplified, like playfulness, lightheartedness, shamelessness... and horniness. Sometimes it'll even be paradoxical, like a "I'm better than everyone" girl REALLY wanting to show off and getting a showy clown costume... though she'll be more fun regardless, like in a dominant, slutty jester way. "Oh won't you let me sit on you? You won't regret it! I'd say my ass is top shelf, but my "rack" is up here!" *honk honk

They'll subconsciously do what they want to, deep down. If they weren't so cold, would they want affection? They might end up sluttier and open for people to take them home after, but not just anyone, they still have preferences... but they'll still be very slutty. Is one a sweetheart below her passive aggressive nature? She might apologize to you and coddle you, try to entertain you by making an ass of herself with stuff like the endless scarf trick...
...From a hole other than her mouth, of course, and maybe even IMPLORE that you squeeze her boobs, only to pull the squirting flower trick on you with ANOTHER fluid...

Buuut the girl will be conscious of the changes. SOMEWHERE deep down in her mind, her full self is watching her act this way, and when she changes back (after sufficient silliness), she'll remember everything that happened. As a kindness, girls in that form do not get pregnant, nor can they suffer permanent injuries or anything that'd otherwise be "permanent". It's to make an example out of them and spread joy, not rob their free will COMPLETELY... Which is why a lot of girls will stop being "stuck up" and actually reflect when this happens. Those WERE all things she wanted to do, but she also humiliated herself, so reactions can vary from "I-I don't want to talk about it..." to "F-fine, maybe I was an asshole, I'm not going to take this "goddess's" word as law, but I went to far.", or "Fuck this goddess! What was that? No, that's bullshit!" (these girls will transform again the fastest, and learn the hard way. Hell, you might even meet "tsunderes" like this, with some awakening to new fetishes and casual sex from their time as their always positive, always friendly "jester" selves.

...But the goddess LIKES girls, especially cute ones, and gave them the better deal. GUYS are subject to the same curse... but don't just transform into clowns. A prudish man may turn into a slutty girl jester, a dudebro might turn into a femboy clown, hell, a "boring" co-worker near another boring woman might transform WITH her, into something like a blow up doll or sapient dildo for her "acts". The transformations are often ironic and "sync up" with the jester girls to become assets for their performances.

The goddess's bias ALSO means she might "forget" about particularly boring guys for extended periods of time, or leave them partially transformed (but not a clown at least)
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So the dudebro turned into a cute boy, or businessman turned into a bimbo, or even a "horndog" given literal animal traits might just be left like that. They're not HARMFUL, and the goddess defends them with "I like them better this way"... and to be entirely honest, most people who know them will feel the same most of the time.

This puts YOU in a compromising situation. On one hand... you freed the goddess. On the other? You wished for this, and in her mind, "deserve" to help the girls out. You can avoid this by being good natured on your own, and perhaps even be rewarded with things like looks, good luck, good health, etc... but if you try pushing girls around while they're silly? More than the acceptable amount of karma, anyways... Well the goddess can't have that! Why not spend a day in THEIR shoes and become one yourself? Or better yet, become her helpless conjoined twin, and KEEP your mind! Watch as she embarrasses both of you! Or perhaps you could "support" her as a sapient outfit?

She's very fickle, and even good behavior can end with her fucking with you, like making you a girl's "cute assistant", or giving you endless anal beads for your partner to pull out, and discover... really are endless, until the goddess stops finding it funny at least... She LOVES that one... Or maybe your dick will fall off and act as a strap on for a jester? Leaving you a girl? Or maybe you'll become the strap on, full stop...

So just try to be nice yourself, and you PROBABLY won't get clowned yourself... as much.

>I wish I was a sexy beastgirl milf... with human rights ideally, so no keeping me as livestock. I'd like the paw to be a bit more creative than that, if you'd be so kind.
Milf means mother, mother means kids, so congratulations you have a few kids to take care of as a single mother. No, you can't do "stuff" with them as you are bound to human laws and morality. Yes they are your responsibility to be a decent mother to them.
That said when you aren't taking care of them, being a beast person with a increased libido, and vowing to learn from mistakes of the past, you have found your own special way of bonding with the other mothers of the neighborhood. A way that satisfies your needs.
You live in a area that is a mix of both humans and beastfolk but beast are in the minority. Humans and beast get along well, full rights and all that. Really no trouble there.
Really the main struggles you will face is just taking good care of your kids. Providing for them while also being their only care taker is legit difficult enough to be a paw on to it's self.
That said you have a good "relationship" with many of your neighbors so they often are willing to help out in their own ways. It takes a village after all.

...That was shorter then I expected when I first started writing. Sorry.

>I wish for a devoted shapeshifter girlfriend
Granted. And yes, the transformation is completely involuntary and can happen at any time, although it tends to happen in a funny or embarassing way... Although not necessarily for the one getting transformed.
You see, when a girl transforms, she will get instantly teleported to a trustworthy person, with closer people usually having higher priority. And to be clear, by "teleporting", I mean that she could appear right on a guy's dick, or on a girl's face (sometimes engulfing the victim's entire head with her pussy-onahole). So maybe the onahole-d girl will be the one being embarassed... or maybe it will be the one who will get harassed by a onahole.

Oh, but don't think that girls will have all the fun. You see, in this world, boys transform too! Into living, talking dildoes. Sometimes it will be a head with a bit of torso and then a big penis; other times, it will be a cock-and.balls with a human face at the "tip". Sometimes it'll just be a dildo with eyes. Dildo-ified boys will also teleport near trustworthy friends... usually inside said friends' holes.

You? Well, you're a futa, which means that you're... surprisingly popular in this new world. Turns out that futas in general are considered a bit sexier than average, and you're PLENTY attractive. ...Which means that you'll be considered a prime target for all manners of transformed guys and gals and futas. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that futas also transform at random - but due to their dual nature, they can transform into both dildo and/or onahole (maybe a big dildo with a fuckable urethra?).

>I wish to live in a world where futa superheroes exist, and their genitals have quirks based on their abilities.
Doesn't necessarily have to be a big quirk (see: invisible futa having an invisible dick).
Granted! All people are born male or female, but the "Fraternity of Unhinged Transmogrifying Ambitious Scientists", otherwise known as the F.U.T.A.S. foundation has been preforming experiments to create superpowers. Many of them are ethically dubious, unpredictable, and any success involves someone (not always the intended target) leaving with super powers and a new cock.

The universal rule around superpowers is that the more pent up you are, the more powerful your ability is. This means that jerking off your opponent mid fight is a valid strategy to disable someone with a strong power. The downside is that as a futa's powers get stronger, they have a tendency to go crazy. A few ways this can manifest are a desire to show off and prove power, schemes to rebuild cities to their lewd own design, and an insatiable urge to rape the first person they see. These types of madness persist until a futa is milked completely dry which normally requires a pump or a specific super power. Because of this risk of madness, normally only villains intentionally lock themselves in chastity or deny themself to get stronger. There are even drugs that can increase a futa's cum production and libido, making them near unstoppable.

You are still a man, so you can never get a super power until someone gets a super power that can turn you into a girl first, but you do get a front row view of all the action. For one, you have a futa with ghost powers living nearby who likes phasing through walls to fuck you with her ghost dick, and give everyone in your area lewd nightmares. One of the F.U.T.A.S. scientist split off to become a supervillain bent on turning everyone in the world into dinosaurs hybrids for some reason using her super power of gene modification and her double helix cocks. There's a giantess that's demanding ransom to not flood cities with cum who hasn't been stopped yet, looks like your city is next on the list.
There aren't enough heros to keep up with the villains, but portal girl does a good job keeping your area safe. She did lose her cock by dropping a portal ring when saving you once, and you got a phone number out of returning it to her. Hypno girl is another hero in your area, but it seems she enjoys making villains submit more than saving people. Her cock is mesmerizing and hard to take your eyes off of, even when it's just a bulge in her costume. She has lots of fans and does hand shake events, though for some reason her hands feel very cock like at those events.

>I wish to find an actual genie bottle.
Double wish bump
Granted! You will become a cute girl, first and foremost, and meet another cute girl (who is VERY clearly into you and doing a bad job of hiding it) who wished for the same. You two will only have one spellbook between you two for the ritual, but she proposed you simply take turns, shyly implying that you go first.

...And since the pic related is probably distracting you already, let's just get to the results. Yes, you turned into a were-centaur. A cute girl with a horse butt, no biological issues, and a few other quirks I'll get to later... but your new friend is going to be having a gay panic attack realizing that she more or less became your rear end. Funny thing too... it's still YOUR rear end. YOU can feel it, and it feels like your pussy would normally, though your centaur half has her hair color... though you might get wet if she's aroused, and your tail might sway wildly if she's freaking out, and your holes might twitch or pucker from strong emotions from her. Once you two read further, which would have been a good idea in hindsight... you'll learn that it it's FORTUNATELY not permanent.

You are a WERE-centaur, and not stuck like this. You will unfuse... in time. Horses are natural born runners. Your transformation starts if you need to walk or run for a distance greater than just "around the house", and ends once you've traveled a certain distance... which means you're gonna have to run around a lot. Not that it'll be an issue for you, you've got GREAT stamina. Unfortunately for you... horses are sensitive animals with a strong understanding of social dynamics. While transformed, you'll be more timid and aware of social awkwardness... ESPECIALLY the fact that your pussy and asshole are uncovered and people are looking at it, and that it's also your friend... you'll be SUPER easy to fluster.

You won't have telepathy with your friend, but you'll have "empathy" with her, knowing how she's feeling.
(forgot pic related)

On top of this, your heightened sensitivity and social awareness will give you the ability to picture how her face WOULD look if she still had one, kinda like being able to see the expression bubble in pic related, as well as any other expression she might WANT to make while like that, but be unable to... being your ass. You control both of your legs, mostly. She can stop you if something ahead doesn't sit right with her, or if she's feeling particularly shy. It's up to you to keep your butt gf happy... but something tells you that being attached to you, the girl she was clearly crushing on, is kinda hot and comforting to her.

And fortunately for both of you? Once you finish running around, and find a place to rest, you two will unfuse, both turning into normal girls again (though you will be without pants, and she will be naked). You'll get to talk about this, and seeing how she's far from blameless in this too, she'll look more into how to make this more better for both of you than throw blame. She's a really sweet girl. She laughs at dumb jokes, She'll snuggle with you if you let her, lay with you if you tell her you know she's into you (after being adorably flustered), and overall enjoy being around you. "Girl who sits on or rests her head on your lap while you play video games" style cozy. And shockingly, she IS bi, and she does recognize that centaurs have needs... so if you'd like to hook up with a male centaur from time to time... she wouln't be opposed... truth is, she knows some she finds kinda cute, and that's what made her think of the spell.

...But when you transform again the next day, you two will learn the other half of your predicament. Whoever is "in charge" changes daily. It's USUALLY alternating, but can be random and give someone two days as an ass in a row. In addition, you and your GF will grow weak if you move far away from each other, even as humans, forcing you two to stick together.
Which is, of course, to ensure the other is close enough to fuse when you go outside and need to walk somewhere, or just feel like running.

As for the other centaurs, they won't just be sex friends. And no, you two cannot get pregnant... unless one of you agrees to cast ANOTHER spell and stay the rear end for the duration of it, so in other words, have fun. But they will be able to transform you even if you're not going anywhere, should you wish it, and they'll be able to give you horse related services. Grooming, horse shoes that magically put themselves on when you transform, and did I mention grooming? Because that's going to feel BLISSFUL for whoever's the horse part, like a full body massage. You'll love it, your GF will love it, and whoever was the horse part will even have REALLY nice hair when they turn back.

They'll be down to fuck too, of course. Centaurs are casual with sex, both the girls and guys... but they have a quirk when interacting with you two while fused. They don't see one centaur. They will have the same "empathy" towards your friend and see her as another person. Someone might wave at your ass, or you AS an ass to say "Hello", knowing that you're fused. When things get sexual, this escalates. Rimming and cunnilingus is like kissing, and partners will get just as passionate with the fused party as they will the top half, talking to them even if they can't respond. Sex will feel AMAZING too, since that empathy for her will translate to heightened sensitivity and pleasure, and as the horse part it's like having your whole body fucked.

Your GF will learn to be happy like this... granted that you treat her well, and she WOULD "take the bullet" for you if she could... but alas, you'll have to be the horse's ass sometimes as well. She'll do the best she can while you're like that though! Get you washed, put a cute ribbon on your tail, maybe see that centaur girl/guy/futa you like... enjoy being VERY close friends.
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>I wish I was a cute imp girl with "short-stackening" powers to use on cute girls and guys, or MAKE them cute as part of the transformation, if they weren't already.

...It's empty. The last person to own the genie wished for her freedom, and she's been waiting for someone to take her place to CEMENT her freedom for some time now. You'll get sucked in as soon as you rub it, turning into a SUPER cute genie girl, only for another super cute, former genie, now just a girl, to come and pick you up, playfully chastising you for not picking your words better. She'll bring you back to her friends who wished for her freedom, and summon you to get to know them. Mostly cute girls, but they do know cute guys, and one of them wished to be futa. They're fun and sweet girls... mostly, the futa is tomboyish and impish, but they ARE all kinky and are skeptical of why you wished for a genie bottle. Would you have ordered their friend around? That'd be mean! Maybe you need to learn what it's like... they KNOW you wished "for an actual genie bottle", and you can explain yourself... but they won't automatically believe you.

So a fun thing about THIS genie bottle? While it DOES follow the three wish rule... the girls just alternate it, taking turns with you, with even the prior genie getting a turn with you. Also? The genie taught ALL of them how to avoid poorly phrased wishes, and you? You don't have much experience as a genie, do you? The first two wishes will even be wishing for you to know what the girls mean with their wishes, and the second will be that you must grant the wishes as they desire them, without twisting them. You still get SOME wiggle room, like if they wish for a dildo you could summon it inside of them, something some girls will get flustered at... and others will find kinda funny, unable to really blame you for it. You can't fuck them over TOO hard though, like, say... permanently turning them into objects or brainwashing them to get out of your predicament.

Your deal is simple. These girls have an extended group of FWBs, and the genie is curious about what your intentions were.
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She will use her time with you, and time having fun with you with her friends to figure out if
A: You were a naive soul who didn't know any better
B: You WERE looking to exploit her, and need to be taught a lesson
C: ...If you're creative and fun enough for her to teach HOW to be a genie, passing on the torch, so to speak.

Even if you were naive, she won't turn you back. Her and her friends will be nice to you, but she was in there for two thousand years and you were, what, in there for a few days now? It's not THAT bad, especially with sexy masters.

Now, they ARE kinky. Sometimes their wishes will be mundane, knowing that they'll get more when they get the lamp again. "Be my lewd maid for the day.", "Turn into a catgirl". "Go naked", stuff like that, as well as sexual requests like "Let me sit on your face" or "Sit on my face" Hornier wishes might be "Make the girl who just made that REALLY bad pun a fucknugget" followed by "I wish I was a futa", or "I wish you looked like a ladypot while in your lamp, able to be toyed with and fucked even when not summoned", or say someone loses at Mario Party and gets REAL salty. "I wish all the other girls, including YOU, were boobslugs.", followed by her toying with all of you. The next person can undo prior wishes.

No matter your original intent, you'll soon be treated as a friend, with the last genie being the most friendly towards you, and assuring you she'll let you go LONG before you have to see your new friends die... unless you'd want to be a REAL genie indefinitely. If you can think of any other ideas however, creative thinking IS the mark of a genie.

You'll be summoned just to let you spend time out of your lamp, be allowed to sleep with who you want, etc, but make no mistake, you're still going to be fucked with quite a bit...

>I wish I was a sexy, mature woman who ages supernaturally gracefully, able to "adopt" younger lovers (girls and cute boys) as my "kids", who see me as a mother figure AND lover
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You get a loyal, devoted, and borderline clingy shapeshifter GF, but you probably won't mind that last part much since she's not the jealous type, and is even open to threesomes and stuff... aaand her being "clingy" might literally refer to her becoming your underwear because she's into it. She is REALLY comfy though, only the best for her bf.

She isn't limited to biological forms, as you've probably figured out. She's a genuine shapeshifter who's devoted to her craft as well, always looking for new challenges. She can look however you like, but personally prefers a tomboyish look when chilling, which matches her playful personality. She might turn into a catgirl and lay on your lap to get your attention, turn her arms and legs into animal limbs to walk on all fours to REALLY get your attention, grow bigger, into a milf and spoil you, smaller, and into a fairy to sit on your shoulder or follow your around... but don't think she's just good for sex. She'll follow your around because, yes, she is protective, but in her mind, everyday can be an adventure like this. Is that a parking meter ahead? Fuck if anyone is going to inconvenience HER boy. She might turn into a functional maintenance key to let you cheat it. Don't have a place to sit? She'll turn into a chair, and yes her face is the seat of it, and yes she likes this.

Being a shapeshifter, she has a LOT of shapeshifting fetishes, but luckily, nothing you'd be opposed to, and she's always open to "experimenting" with more... but here's the catch. She can shapeshift MORE than just herself. Being with you so often has given you a sort of shapeshifting STD. Now, it's NOT dangerous... but it DOES mean that her powers extend to you now, so she can transform YOU whenever she wants, and her playfullness can often be mischievous... no she DOES like your "style", and won't turn you into anyone you're not, but if you want to become hotter? Change sexes for a day? Become a futa?
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You won't have to ask her twice!

...But you might have to pester her some for her to change you back, if she gets the feeling you ENJOY the changes... see, she'll still be mischievous, and fuck with you using this. She knows your fetishes inside and out... that'll happen when she offers to be your onahole when you jerk off to weird porn, and she'll ABSOLUTELY use them to fuck with you. "You want to change back already? I thought you liked beast girls! You're even a tomboy like me!" or "Come on, you look ADORABLE like that, just a little longer, please? At LEAST sleep with me tonight like that...", and if you're into stuff like femdom and "helpless" transformations? She might just "throw" one onto you, see if it arouses you, and dom you as a "treat", Like, make you into a fucknugget for her to ride, with a big butt for her to grow a futa dick and rail, or maybe a boob slug or ladypot if you're weird like that.

Now there IS a small problem, and that's her CONTROL over your transformations isn't perfect... her control over her own are, but you're more like a third arm to her, one she doesn't know how to use yet. Sure, she's still dedicated to learn, but it'll take a LONG time... "Can" change you back and "Would" change you back will come up a lot, and sometimes overlap, because if she gets horny enough about a fetish you two enjoy... she might just accidentally transform you, and find herself unable to change you back for a bit. This can take quite a bit of sex, too. Ex. Did you look at merging stuff? Want her to be your cock? Well... she already is. She'll even be willing to call a friend over for you to use her on... er... can YOU call that friend and put the phone in her pants? But being a part of your transformation, she might find it hard to turn back.

Or maybe you two are horny for milfs? She might turn into one, but absentmindedly turn you into a short, cute, easily dominated "son". You just have to wait it out...

Hope you can keep up with her!
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>I wish I was a cute and sexy gyaru shortstack, in a circle of girlfriends with benefits (including futa)
Granted. However, imps are second class citizens so you find yourself getting harassed and even arrested by the police frequently. However, the good news is that while in jail, the guards look the other way and even laugh at acts of transformative magic, and no penalty is visited upon you (other than possibly upsetting other prisoners, which could be managed by, say, doing magick on a quid pro quo basis or according to prison rules)

Very generic and the same thing I always wish for. I wish I was a cute, skinny, and innocent male bodied person again, but to then be transformed by a woman into three flashlights: pussy, anus, and lips. And the fleshlights should be indestructible and guaranteed to find use by men. It would also be nice if they were pretty, and hefty, perhaps made out of gems or fine materials (with the exception of the fuckable bits)
Couldn't have figured out another way of implementing the paw.
Even for /d/ std are a unpopular fetish and nearly universally a turn off.
It pretty clearly explains it's not an actual STD, and that there are no drawbacks aside from the paw. It's just a plot device for the shapeshifting fetish.

Stuff like "Disease that makes you a cute girl" is in hentai all the time.
If it's not a std then why bring them up?
That shit is fucking gross.

It's like bringing up scat for no reason only significantly worse.
And no, I have been reading and watching hentai for decades and not once ever seen such a plot line.
STDs aren't hot or fun. That shit is gross even for /d/.
Don't shit up the thread with bug chasing nastiness. It's not welcome
Poster here.

It's just "fucking her enough makes her ability work on you"

That's it.

I'd appreciate if you just left it at "please phrase it differently" instead of making a huge deal out of it.
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Granted! You can be a cute girl like Kino for this or a cute guy, even a dickgirl or futa with balls however you'd like, your preference. You won't be very physically imposing, however, You're pretty short no matter what sex you are, which means you're probably going to have to watch your back more when the sexual shenanigans start. If you're a guy a moderately tall woman can pin you down, for example... but onto your journey.

You have a magical mimic girl companion who, yes, can be your bike... but that's the only "normal" thing she knows how to turn into. When not appearing as a "normal" cute, if awkward girl, she can only turn into sex toys. She's not a dangerous mimic, and she can't undo her transformations when being used. She does have telepathy with you, though. You two have always been able to communicate like that, since you met.

You two became friends after you saved her from being bought while stuck as a sex toy, packaged and being rung up. She fell asleep in a store that sold sex toys, and an employee thought she fell out of the box. You had to very awkwardly convince the weirdo who was ringing her up to let you buy her. "Yes, it HAS to be that one! I uh... already used it?" Whatever you said to get her, it got you banned from the store, but it got you a friend who owes you her life and will be VERY useful... even if she is still super embarrassed about her "limitation" and a bit of a shy, awkward mess. She STILL isn't used to you sitting on her as a bike... it's lewd... (...and kinda hot)

She's your magic bike and "gun" all in one, because if anything will come in handy on your journey? They'll be sex toys.

Speaking of! Your journey itself, now that you know how you're getting places and what you're packing. You live in a world that's modern, but with supernatural geography. Every few days the locations of places shift, meaning outside of "safe" cities that communicate their current locations with each other daily?
Maps won't do you much good. Now, villages are often replaced with villages... or some other landmark, so you'll have that going for you at least. Roads also don't vanish, but rather alter themselves to always lead somewhere (though you may not know where). You have a condition that's serious enough for you to take this journey, but too embarrassing to talk to with anyone but your sex toy shapeshifting partner. You have a libido that JUST won't stop unless you regularly find "new" stimuli, and I'm sorry to say... this world doesn't have online porn. The internet the United Cities (those on maps) use is tightly regulated, and while mags and mangas exist... those won't "satisfy" you. Either go to these new sexual towns, or end up as either a porn addict or slut who NEVER gets enough, maybe both... the only GOOD thing about your curse is you can keep going that much, and you don't have to worry about drawbacks of sex.

The world IS lewd outside of the United Cities. Overwhelmingly so, in fact. It's where your friend came from. It's also why they're not part of the United Cities... those guys are a bunch of prudes. Who knows? Maybe you'll find a "cure" out there, but for now, your friend is thankful for you saving her, and will WILLINGLY "help you out" with your condition if you need it... just two misfits helping each other, you know? She herself wants to see the world and feel "useful"... even if she's still easily embarrassed about what that use is.

The towns, countries, and landmarks you visit can vary WILDLY, so let me list a few.

The village where women are exempt from laws. Men have been bullied into being sex slaves and boy toys here, and some do this willingly to stop girls from stealing from their businesses, like paying a "safety tax". If you're anything but a girl when you visit this town, you'll be subject to this too, unable to fight back (that's illegal). Even if you ARE a girl, the women might still see you as an outsider and gang up on you.
Your goal for visiting these towns is pretty much to have sex and move on, though you can either learn the radio signal the locals use to find their way home, or plant a small radio beacon yourself if you find someplace you want to return to. You cum and go, you ejaculate and evacuate, you blow your load and hit the road. That's how you deal with your condition.

In this case? Yeah, being fucked by sexy women IS probably kinda hot... but they'll probably try to keep you here as a slave, either as a second class citizen as a futa or guy, or make you a slave if you're another girl (as long as it's another girl overpowering you, it's "legal"). If you try to fight back if you AREN'T a girl, you'll be arrested and turned into a public sex servant.

...But your friend is a girl, isn't she? This is what I mean when I say she's like your gun. If a girl pins you down, she can launch herself into that woman's ass like a dildo javelin, or turn into a chastity cage for you or an assailant to act as a shield. No laws against it... You might want to leave this town before you have to make a grand escape from sexual servitude though... I mean, unless you'd be into that.

The next town? Everyone changes sex at midnight. If you're boy, you become a girl the next morning, and visa versa. Even your companion will shift from "cute girl to cute boy", though her sex toy forms will be MOSTLY unaffected (might be a bit more boyish). If you're a futa here, you might cycle through sexes, like futa>girl>boy>futa again. You'll be stuck as the sex you were in town if you leave before you change back... but other than that there isn't a real threat. Well, other than your libido. You'll DEFINITELY want to explore whatever new parts you get, and the townsfolk will be... accommodating.

Or how about the tribe of the beastfolk? Barely even a town, more of a forest... cute girls, cute boys, futa... all with animal traits, all nude, and very few of them speak what you speak.
But they're ALL down to fuck, and will be very open about it, from flashing you, to trying to speak "...Breed? Me?" or "Let me eat you! O-out, out!", and they WILL even be open to you impregnating them if you have the gear for it, and they think you'd make "strong children". But one of them bit you, and you learned the hard way why it's ONLY beast people here, as you start to turn into a catgirl or wolfboy yourself... even you companion will get hit with the "curse", turning into a bunny girl as her base form, only being able to turn into "beastly" sex toys, like knotted dildos or beast girl textured onaholes, maybe even beast related stuff like leashes and bitchsuits... there IS a cure here, but you'll have to get used to your new form as you explore the forest to find it, having to fend for yourself while you struggle with heat from your new body, and your friend can only help you within her limitations (she can't take non beast related forms). You'll have to ask the locals about the cure as you two struggle to hold onto your humanity, because if you DON'T leave here, you won't get "new stimuli" for your condition, and you'll end up even MORE helplessly horny. Maybe you can bargain with them? Though, all they know is sex... and all you can offer is... hmmmmm...

There are too many places to list. The city of fucknuggets, the hive of she-moths, the mimic town your friend came from... but if there's a fetish for it, and you're in to that fetish? Odds are, the roads will lead you there. They're mysterious like that, turning you away from places that wouldn't be hot for you... but don't take that as them trying to keep you SAFE. Watch your ass out there... maybe ONE day you'll find a cure for your libido.

>I'd like to politely ask for a re-grant of >>10983687
I'd appreciate if you didn't shove you sick std fetish where it ain't wanted.
Granted. You are now a cute shortstack imp, freshly emigrated from Hell and ready to have fun in the human world. By the way, demons consider "causing chaos" to be an excellent form of fun.
But anyway, you have learned the power to transform people into cute (for your standards) shortstacks through extended contact - how long depends on their willpower and disposition. If you manage to get them to admit thjat they would like to be short and cute? In that case, grabbing them for barely a second will be enough to initiate the transformation.

You can either try to direct the result in a certain direction, or just let fate decide. In the former case, whether or not you'll succeed depends on what exactly you tried to do and how much the target will/won't like it. For example, by default guys tend to remain guys, and girls tend to remain girls; but you could try to alter the target's sex instead, or make them a futa. You can also try to turn them into a shortstack monsterfolk like you! ...Well, not necessarily LIKE you, since you can try a different species. Yes, this means that you can use your demon magic to try to create shortstacky cherubs, don't ask me how that works.
Otherwise, you could just let your power work on its own. In this case, the target will become THEIR ideal of "cute shortstack". There is an advantage to this: shortstacks you create tend to instinctively see you as their progenitor - think about vampires and their thralls. However, how your "spawn" feels towards you depends on how you transformed them. If you gave them a form they liked a lot, they will be VERY agreeable and willing to listen to you. Vice-versa, if they don't like being a shortstack, there will not be any instinctual affection in your favor.

Now, you might be asking why I picked this image. Well, your transformation powers have a problem: every time you turn someone into a shortstack, someone else at random will become taller instead.
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The sextoy/bike mimic reminded me of a h-game I played a few months back called Bounce City. Pretty simplistic but was amusing enough for a few hours.

>I wish I was a cute imp girl with "short-stackening" powers to use on cute girls and guys, or MAKE them cute as part of the transformation, if they weren't already.
As the pawl curls you find you mind descending as your body becomes a phantom devoid of substance. Falling farther and farther in darkness. That is until things get hotter and hotter bursting into light of hell fire. You hear the wails of the damned. You see giant demonic monsters, 400 feet tall, thin from their constant hunger and thirst that fuels their mad rage against humans.
You fall farther seeing overencombered by the weight of gems, massive chains of gold, hundreds of pounds of jewelry. But as you look closer you notice all of has thorned edges that dig into the flesh of the damned as the shamble along periodically scooping up the endless treasure around them and adding to their burden.
Through the golden and jeweled floors you fall farther still, until the wails change in pitch to moans.
You brace your self for the next new horrors only to see a scene looking more like a city wide bdsm themed orgy. The eyes of the damned look dead to the world as they rut mindlessly but the demons seem pretty into it.
Anyway you slow and come to a vista of Asmodeus sitting on a throne rubbing the bridge of his nose in fustration. With a wave of his hand you come forward. A snap of his fingers you gain the body of a adorable imp with a sexy edge.
"We have been having staffing issues and you fit the bill for what I have in mind."
"I don't know nor care the exact magic you have come here before your natural death but I ain't looking a gift horse in the mouth"
"You seen a few of the other circles, they ain't pleasant. Fail me and I will make you one of the other lords problem."
"Job's simple"
Maybe they'll become mini- or full-giants, or maybe they'll just be "stretched" and become lean and lanky. What's more, they will also be transformed in a way that either parallels or contrasts the shortstack you created. You turned a girl into a shortstack with giant tits? Maybe another girl will become 8'6'' tall and flatter than a ironing board. You turned a guy into a cute kitsune girl? Maybe a girl will become a tall kitsune boy... or a tall *tanuki* boy.
You cannot make voluntarily shortstacks grow taller. You CAN make tall people shorter (although it will be much harder) so that they'll return to a normal height, or even go beyond that and turn them into shortstacks... But as a result, other people will grow taller and possibly be subjected to ulterior transformations.

Oh, and worst case scenario: if YOU end up growing taller, that will fuck up your magical biology - which means that your power will temporarily "short out" and become unusable. Usually, this will leave you at the complete mercy of all the shortstacks and tallies that you created...

>I wish to be this girl here, member of some kind of tribe. Genie decides my role in the tribe.
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Asmodeus pauses making a grand gesture
"You go to earth, satisfy your weird little desires, but most importantly make the mortals want to give into whatever weird kinky shit you are into"
"Your powers as a fresh imp are rather limited to something based on your most powerful lustful desire, in your case being apparently shortstacks, but corrupt enough unrepentant souls to the ring of lust side and a portion of that soul adds to your power"
"But don't make the same mistake as that guy"
Asmodeus then points to a smoking crater in the ground.
"you have to get them to want it and not just rape and terroize the mortals when you are set lose up there, otherwise they don't get sent here to lust, you don't get a boost in soul power, and most importantly you get on my bad side"
"now go be cute somewhere else"
And before you can get a word in he snaps again and you are instantly back on earth.
You are still a imp but when you look in the mirror for a moment you appear as your previous human form. You rub your eyes and you are again the small imp. With a little practice you can switch between them but remaining in the human form proves a bit tiring.
Then you sense it. Like a tug on the back of your mind. You close your eyes and you can visualize it in a haze. Someone a few doors down, filled with frustrated lust, internet connection failing right as they were trying to bust a fat nut to a midget gangbang video.
This might be a good opportunity to start your new career for a lord of hell. From there who knows how many potential sinners can be tempted by your unique abilities.

Sorry if the fall to hell was a bit overly dramatic.

All these wishies involving transformations got me thinking
>I wish to be a male masculine man who can at will shift into a even more masculine powerful beast form
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Granted, hero, welcome to a new world! This land is plagued by the evil forces of the Demon Lord, and you have been selected to be the chosen savior. It will be a hard and perilious journey, but surely a young man like you will be able to triumph, also thanks to the magical powers that- wait, hold on...
>I wish I was a cute *girl* who sexy, more mature women would dote on for some fun age difference yuri/mommydom.
OH FOR FUCK'S SAnted, and we apologize for the sudden crash and reboot of your planet. Apparently someone tried to scam you by isekaing you to another world, give you both the powers meant for the hero as well as a bunch of curses, and then trick you into being defeated by a bunch of horny monstergirls and get raped for the rest of your existence, therefore preventing the hero power from ever being used for its intended purpose. Luckily, it seems like your would-be scammer fucked up, because she thought you were going to be a boy; but since you wished to be a girl, your female sex interfered with and inverted her magic, negating most of her plan before it could even begin.

So, let's start with the good news: no isekai! You get to stay on Earth. You don't get any hero powers, but you DO get the curses - which have been basically converted into blessings. You are now a cute girl, a bit on the young adult side - and you're going to stay that way indefinitely. No bad hair day, no aging, and you'll clean yourself automatically. Yes, even your holes. Yes, even inside - no more waste. You'll be, as the original "curse" intended, very loveable... and fuckable.
Next, you'll need some MILFs to dote on you, right? Well, we got that covered too. You get a "curse" that makes mature women more attracted to you, willing to spoil and dominate you... but NOT to the point where it would be considered rapey. We'll be keeping things fun here. (But that won't stop these mommies from teasing or embarassing you - that counts as "fun". For me.)
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Don't have enough suitable mommies around? That's fine, your aura has a pretty good range, and will pull some strings of fate to ensure that you'll meet a good variety of women that fit your tastes. Plus, it can subtly transform people to become what you want: make women sexier or more gracefully mature, and even turn some guys into gals if you and the recipient are fine with that.

But it won't be all roses and flowers, as we say. You see, when I said "no isekai"... I meant no isekai *for you.* The original magic of the genie scammer was supposed to bring a boy to another world, but since you wished to be a girl... the magic will instead bring some girls to you. Monstergirls, in fact. Monster lords, to be more precise. Yes, this means big mature monsterMILFs who have sired a whole bunch of mook monstergals. Occasionally, they will appear on Earth and attempt to contact you.
See, one of the "curses" you're affected by was supposed to make these monsterwomen attracted to you, in a "rape bait" kind of sense. But you're a girl, so, while they're still attracted to you, they will be much more benevolent. They'll see you as an adopted human daughter of sorts... Yes, with obvious incestuous lust.
Thing is, monster morality is quite different than human morality, and the way they'll educate and dommymom you will be... different. Like having a vampire mother disciplining you how to be prim and regal, observe proper etiquette, and the various uses of biting during sex. Or maybe you'll get a harpy mom who... Actually, she's not that different from human mommydoms. She's just REALLY scatterbrained.
Yes, they all know that you're human and don't have any actual supernatural power. But they'll still insist on "properly" educating you as much as possible. You are their daughter, blood or not, and they're gonna be the best moms (from their own perspective).
I'm gonna steal an old wish made by someone else...
>I wish for tasty, edible foodgirls/boys capable of regenerating (or respawning) after getting eaten.
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Granted, but you know that cake SCP? The one that regenerates 24 hours after being eaten and duplicates if you dont eat it? I hope you're hungry, because any time these candy sweethearts get eaten, theyll be back good as new the next day. And you will have to do this every day to prevent these clones from overrunning the whole planet.

While they're all made of candy, you'll see some "mutations" as some of the clones take on slightly different types of candy with every generation or duplication. Inevitably though, you'll find yourself walking on an infinitely growing planet of candy flesh. But who wouldnt want to be taken from all sides by a merged mass of taffy femboys?

>I wish for a conjoined Oyakodon double-wife
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You win a exotic trip to some far flung island.
Days later while there you get separated from the group and fall down a hole and slid down a underground river along twist and turns losing all sense of direction. Just as you begin to fear for your life the water slows, the slop levels out, and you see a glowing shore within this underground cave. You clamber up it and follow the glowing rocks along a path deeper into the cave. That is when you see a huge stature, with 3 faces, many arms all holding different items, with pictographs carved all over it. In the middle of the chest is a crystal glowing a color you have never seen before. You feel ringing in your head and your eyes water looking at it. Images from beyond flash in your mind as you loose balance. You last coherent thought is "The Tripartite God Comes". Your contentiousness fades and alien dreams take you.
You feel drops of water on you. You hear the rain. You awaken. But it isn't just "you" but yourself partially split into 3. Confusion, panic, and arousal intermingle as you gasp in triplicate.
You somehow have awakened on a remote beach in this form. You are spotted by some of the tribesmen who are with a few members of the group you came to the island with. The group members recoil in horror at your new appearance while the tribesmen drop to their knees letting out a oddly comforting keening that gives you feelings of nostalgia for something you are certain you have never experienced before. You try to speak but your words and thoughts are jumbled between all of what you are. You aren't yet used to this new form. More people of the tribe of the island arrive and with much fanfare they help you to your feet and slowly guide you to the center of their village where they have all gathered as well as your group.
Your group seems to lament your new form yet you can't bring yourself to dislike it even if you are currently disoriented. Their tears and looks of disgust begin to annoy you.
Three of the tribes people come out in ornate cloaks. A old lady, a pregnant woman, and a youth of teenage years. The rest of the tribe becomes dead silent. The old lady speaks in the tribe language but you can understand it.
"What words do you bring from the other world?"
Your mind shoots to the words engraved there as you looked upon that idol and your three mouths worked as one to give the message carved into your very soul.
"The Tripartite God Comes!"
The members of the tribe hoot and holler in exited fervor. In short order feast are prepared and much dancing and merriment are had by the tribe. The group you came with however seems disturbed. Some of them somber, even sobbing on occasion. Other are visibly agitated by something. A few others seem to be in shock, staring off into the dark distance with hollow expressions.
But it's none of your concerns. You are too busy getting to know yourself. Through out the celibrations you gotten the hang of moving around, and the jumble of thoughts has ordred. You begin to be able to converse with yourself. Though this seems to cause a few of your old group members discomfort, but you disregard this. It seems to you that your heads seem to all contain fragments of your psyche. One containing your id, the center the ego, the other your super ego, more or less anyway. There is some crossover but that is the way it feels to you personality wise right now. It's a odd feeling. You are separate yet at the same time feel as though you are indeed all of them. Like in some way all the experiences intermingle into a single overmind or soul that is just out of your ability to fully grasp. Finding you like your own company you enjoy the festivities a little too much and find the local brew eventually gets you blackout drunk.
1) STDs and explicitly sexually transmitted parasites happen all of the time in this thread. Not to mention the entire infestation fetish.

2) Injecting additional fetishes is very literally the entire purpose of this thread.
I understand if STDs aren't something you personally enjoy, but that is still a very definite risk you run whenever you make a wish, and the risk you embody whenever you grant a wish.
That is literally what makes it the monkey paw thread.
As you awaken to the harsh morning light you find out that one of your group had been found at the bottom of a cliff. They are unsure if they fell or jumped. Yet despite what should have been 100% certainly fatal they didn't die. They weren't broken by the fall. Even old scars and blemishes they had were gone. They were found naked rocking back and forth without a scratch mumbling to no one in particular. Another woman from your group was found covering herself with mud while giggling to herself. Yet another couldn't stop crying, incorenrently sobbing for no reason in particular.
Even through the fog of your 3x hangover you could tell your group, as much as you started to dislike them, were losing it on this island.
The pregnant woman from the night before, this time with the hood down on the cloak handed you a clay vial and made a drinking motion. Your id head drunk it down without hesitation much to the shock of the superego head. In seconds your heads cleared and your hangover was gone. With a smile the lady leads you to a hut that smells sweetly of incense and herbs were the other two cloaked women sat.
They spend much of the morning into the afternoon explaining tribal customs and their belief that your transformation and message from beyond are signs that their old god is coming back. Explaining how you are special in this and should learn how to prepare for the visitation. How those unready for it will need help and guidance to make it through with their mind intact and that you can help people outside the tribe prepare.
They then explain that what the members of your group are going through is just a small sample of what happens to those exposed to even a small portion of the Tripartite God's power without preparation. But you can learn to heal them if you join the tribe and apprentice with the witch doctors of the village.
Nah, I am with the other guy, some shit crosses the line and STD's are one of those things.
Also you don't seem to remember how shit these threads were when people were actively be malicious with each grant or always trying to push there single minded extremely unpopular fetish on everyone.

Also no, STDs aren't common to this thread, what the fuck are you talking about dude?
Seriously, stop with the cope. No one wants that shit here.
They warn you that there will be some cultural clash, as many of the rituals and methods of training break many of the sexual taboos of your western culture, but if you learn their ways you can in a way save the world from possible mass madness among other things triggered by the Tripartite God's arrival.
To dispel any disbelief any of you might have they tell all of you that they will show one of the healing rituals to you.
They then give a demonstration of this by bringing one of the afflicted of your former group. Shaking appearing frightened by every sound and shadow. They calm him with soothing words. Take off his cloths. Apply sweet oils to his body. Then clay paste is painted on him to form swirling patters. The women then begin to take turns stroking him until he climaxes, only his ejaculate turns into smoke that one of the women captures in a jar and shows you. In the jar you see glowing eyes before turning back into smoke.

All of you understands and you come to a agreement with yourself to accept the training and become a witchdoctor apprentice with the tribe.

Probably could have made it shorter with some editing and probably should have made it more sexual but writing out sex scenes with a body/mind like are beyond my grammar ability to withstand. Also didn't feel like hunting down images to coincide with the story exactly so enjoy generic tribal anime women from my folder.

>I wish for some sort of psychosexual mentalist powers
Interpreted that as you like. Though I would prefer anyone who grants to not take license with this to insert gender bending or transsexualism out of the blue. That bit is getting a bit old and too expected.
Granted, though to avoid getting banned for pedophilia or whatever
All people involved in this are 18+, look 18+ and there are zero actual children involved.
That cleared up lets do this.

If you aren't already then as the finger curls you get a transformation sequence of pleasurably transforming into a sexy mature woman and a shower of sparks changes over all your identification to match your new form. Your actual age doesn't change so if you are a bit young or old your documentation and life experience still reflects that, but your looks are more or less locked at a very good looking late 30s to early 40s for the rest of your natural life.
This magic doesn't expend nor contract your natural life but the transformation as a side effect does cure any illnesses you might have had so that you are now in peak health. That said you are still mortal and if you abuse your body then said abuse will still have negative effects on your internal condition even if you stay good looking externally. On to the second part.

As the sparkles fade from the transformation you see a pamphlet on the ground before you. It writes of a local mentorship program for young adults to help guide them into the nuances of adulthood. A trip to the office of the program makes it clear it's a pretty poorly disguised cult in the classic permit structure with the mysterious leader Big Mama on top and the "kids" at the bottom. That said they don't seem out for money or really much sinister. Really your interest and theirs seem to link up, since after a interview you can tell this cult is most certainly a sex cult.
Joining them you know you can make all of your sexual fantasies come true. Becoming a mentor to youths as a neo-mother figure and lover to train them in the cult's sexual ways and place within the power structure.
But this is where the paw comes in.
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They are paranoid and insecure about being a sex cult and obsessed with PR.
So while in private things can be as freaky deaky as you want, the public face of the organization you represent must always be of the highest most squeaky clean of images. One not "family friendly" like on twatter, one too many times being seen around town in a immodest outfit, one rumor of your private indiscretions circulating and you will find yourself being disproportionately punished, blamed and shamed by the higher ups in the organization. Major infractions might mean you need to be re-educated to be a better more thoughtful mother. Or so they say. Really the re-education just seems to be a way for the higher members to get their kinks off while power tripping. But if you want to maintain the "family" you have or rise in ranks yourself then what choice do you really have?
Speaking of rank, as your "kids" eventually "mature" within the organization they have the chance to become "mothers and fathers" themselves. Doing so also raises your rank within the organization. Giving you access to additional resorses provided by the organization. Such as a nice big house to raise even bigger "families", or "family vacations" to exotic private locations specially equipped to help you all "bond" with each other.
So playing by the rules and sticking to the program has it's perks.
Just remember, when in public a squeaky clean image is everything.

Speaking of cults
>I wish to be apart of a sex cult that sees orgasms as religious experiences to be shared, experienced, and given often.
*looks it up*
>Japanese chicken and rice dish
Bro what?
I mean it's a hard one but ok, lets do this.

The paw slips from your hand and as it lands it turns into a hot bowl of Oyakodon. You pick it up to expected and hear a moan as you handle it. You take in it's aroma and comment how delirious the it smells. You notice a stripe of the bowl that was white is now pink as if blushing.
Finally you bring it to your lips
The bowl of Oyakodon transforms into a cute anime girl wearing a outfit clearly inspired by Oyakodon, kissing you. She pulls away and tells you that now that you have gotten her first kiss you must take responsibility and marry her.
A few days later while looking for something to eat something similar happens with a bowl of Tanindon left in the fridge that turned out to be your new fiancee's sister who now also declares themselves your future wife too.

From there standard ecchi anime shenanigans follow.

It..It's the best I can do with such a odd request.

>I wish to be a master mechanic who specializes in elaborate mechanical sex machines.
Okay can someone who knows their incest hentai tags get my prompt instead?
Come on, that shit was funny as fuck.
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Granted, I think. You can now psychically transmit any orgasm you have to anyone you can see within 100 feet of you. That's about 30 meters if you don't drink Freedom moonshine and prostrate yourself to the flag every morning. In order to do that, you need to be currently having an orgasm, which means if you want to use your psychosexual power in public, you need to know how to masturbate discretely. Of course, that's not the only way to do it, but I'll leave the finding of other methods for you to fuck around and find out with on your own, pal. The power also has a somatic component to the casting, which means you have to point at whoever you wanna transmit your orgasm to. Whoever receives it will feel it triple of what you feel, and it'll make them cum on the spot and pass out.

When your victims wake up from their comas, they will feel psychically drawn to you. This attraction gets stronger every time you make the same person orgasm, and after three times they become mentally loyal to you. What that means is you can send a telepathic command to them, and they'll happily obey. It can be anything from "run my errands for me" to "give me a sloppy blowjob" to even "cum on the spot right this instant." This connection wears off if you don't give them commands or make them cum for about 72 hours, so if you intend to build a psychically loyal harem you'd better maintain your influence on them.

>I wish to move to a town where 90% of the citizens are sexy obese "girls who stink good" and that I could date one or more of them. No cheating or NTR or cuckolding please, I want it to be all amicable.
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Granted. You're now a member of a sort of modified Oneida religious cult. They practice a sort of corruption of Christianity that touts sexual lust as a virtue and not a sin. They do the typical "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need" deal, but with constantly orgasming to please Heaven. They believe man was put on Earth to live life to the fullest, and that Heaven delights in man's pleasure, thus man must experience sexual pleasure to curry the favor of Heaven. Daily prayer circles are basically just orgies where everyone has to cum until they pass out while reciting scripture.

Here's the thing though, there's a couple details you should know about the sex cult. First of which is that they have a sort of eugenics policy. If for whatever reason you want to have a child, you and your partner have to undergo a series of rigorous tests to determine your spiritual purity and compatibility. If the council determines that your moral and spiritual fortitude is good enough, you may have a baby, but you only get to keep if for about a year before it gets sent off to an on-site daycare. You can still visit the kid and show them affection, it's mostly to keep the kids separate from all the constant fucking the grown-ups are doing. So how do they minimize accidental pregnancies? If you're going up a girl's vagina, there's a strict pull-out policy. If you don't pull out before you cum inside a woman without council approval, then it's off to the stockyard to have your ass and dick whipped with a riding crop.

Second thing? It's not just a sex cult. It's a hedonism cult. You're expected to pack on the pounds and drink yourself half blind on sacramental wine in the name of Heaven. Of course, you're still expected to be generous, caring, and tolerant, but if you're under 300lbs. they consider that a sin. So if you don't wanna end up in the stockyard with a tube stuffed into your mouth, I'd get cracking on those cheeseburgers.
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(Don't like the angle? Request a regrant if you like and put your fate in a different genie's hands! This message brought to you by the International Djinn Endeavors Association.)

Anyway, time for my wish:
>I wish rich women would make themselves into publicly usable Queen's Stallions as a flex of how wealthy they are.
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Conjoined and Oyakodon?
Very well then, Granted!

You are now happily married to a lovely older woman, and to her conjoined daughter. Both similar but, different enough visibly and emotionally to never be confusing.
The body as it would happen is primarily the mother's, taking on her very finely aged features and textures, but with the daughter's more youthful and energetic internals, allowing them to keep up with whatever you might get up to in bed.

Though of course there has to be some sort of downside right? And in their case, it's that they function rather strangely like a fungus...
If and when you get them pregnant, the oldest head will slowly start detaching from the rest of the body, fully falling off around 8 months without any blood or gore, she'll even still be alive and conscious, able to speak and act to the best of her incredibly limited abilities on her own. With the granddaughter emerging in her place as a fully developed and functional adult in her own right.

Though this does come with some additional opportunities aswell, because you can remove all the attached heads and replace them with the head of any other family member or not at all, you can even mount previous heads back on for even more "All in One" fun!

>I wish for a dullahan futa gf that I can deconstruct at will
If you don't mind me taking a few liberties to tell a story then granted.

You hear the plight of a small border town (doesn't matter what border). One where most of the men have unfortunately died in some sort of freak accident at the former main industry of the town. One that destroyed most of the logistical connections leaving the town virtually isolated and unable to get in outside food. The remaining people, mostly women, were on the brink of starvation, begging for some sort of outside help.
Something about this stirred your heart and make you leap into action. In 48 hours you found yourself on a cargo transport helicopter to air lift supplies into the town.
However when you arrive you are shocked to see everyone is extremely well fed and happy. Not wanting for much of anything. After a bit of investigation one of the locals tells you that after praying for a miracle a massive tree grew in the middle of the night. It's branches so overburden with fruit that they sagged to the ground under the weight of the bounty.
There happen to be a scientist on board with the crew you came with. When they analyzed the fruit they found that it contained every single micro-nutrient the body needs while also being "impossibly" caloriclly dense. With even a single fist full of the fruit having over 10,000 calories. He had never seen a substance like it.
After even more test he found that it had odd hormone activators that he was sure would have mental and physiological effects on those who ate it. He suggested that males not partake in the fruit as it may have some "usual" interactions with higher testosterone.
After running blood work on the ladies he was even more astounded. Somehow the massive weight gain didn't have the usual negative effects one would expect on the health. Some sort of compound within the fruit had a protective and strengthening effect on the organs and tissues so that the body could adapt to the quick changes.
He was almost ready to declare the fruit a miracle himself and go on a rant about how much it could do for man kind.
That is when both you and him observed what happened when one of the women missed a meal of the mystery fruit.
It was like at once all the energy stored up in the fat of the woman burned off at once in a flash and in her place stood a stick skinny being that could hardly be called a woman radiating glowing energy as she quite literally floated off the ground. A passing fly not reading the vibes buzzed around the husk of a woman attracting her wrath. The stick woman pointed towards the fly then from the tip of her finger she blasted out a powerful beam of destructive condensed energy that vaporized the fly but also cut the concrete sidewalk like a hot knife through butter.
Thinking quickly you clambered up the tree and tossed a fruit to the floating being of pure destruction. She caught the fruit, looked at it, took a single bite, then as quickly as she had transformed the first time she was back to her happy plump self. Naked and a bit embarrassed, but otherwise normal.
The crew and you confer over what you just witnessed and devised a plan. You all agree to keep all this going on under wraps as best you can so that whatever is going on here isn't weaponized.
The pilot will go back and basically tell everyone everything is mostly normal and totally boring so don't bother snooping. The scientist will stay behind to continue researching the whole mess. He is something of a super scientist so he has all the specializations to make it work with the limited supplies of the village. All he needs is time.
That is where you come in.
You will be something of a care taker of the village and most importantly monitor the health of the tree and make sure everyone gets fed on time.
The scientist comments that the women of the village for whatever reason seem to already like you. So you have that going for you.
After a week of settling into the plan you notice some of the women are becoming a bit reluctant to eat the fruit on time. Hiding your panic you ask why and they tell you while they appreciate the miracle and all, eating the exact same thing for every meal every day is boring.
That is when you get the idea to use the fruit to make various new dishes that you have the women try.
This make you a HUGE hit with the ladies. A few confide in you at this point that with the major lack of men some of them are feeling lonesome and would love your company in other ways too. You aren't sure if it's due to understanding of the situation, a sort of feeling sisterhood due to all the stuff they have been through together, or due to some psychosocial effect of the fruit, the women seem happy, even proud to share your affections. Even the ones left out don't seem to feel jealous, instead finding fulfillment in whatever it is that takes their fancy.
The place is pretty ideal, as long as everyone stays fed.
While the tree seems to remain in good shape and supernaturally abundant, until the scientist cracks the many mysteries of the fruit and it's effects you all are basically stuck there. Worst yet the supply of normal food isn't going to last forever. The scientist continues to insist you, him, and any other males left don't eat the mystery fruit. As it stands now, you have 6 months before normal food runs out. That is when while making the rounds checking the health of the tree you notice a small opening under the root of the tree. You can just barely squeeze into it. Once inside you find yourself in something that looks like a fantasy dungeon. Within it you find paths leading to doors. Each door sealed with a puzzle of some kind or another.
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When you leave and explain this to the scientist he tells you that while he is too busy running a full scale research lab by himself he thinks it is critical that you explore the dungeon, take photos of what you find, but be sure to still watch the time to fulfill your other responsibilities of keeping everyone well fed and happy.
He also tells you that time is critical as if we run out of food and be forced to eat the mystery fruit that there will be no way to enter the small opening to the puzzle dungeon because the fruit causes nearly instant obesity once someone starts eating it. Making the hole bigger would damage the tree and put the whole continent in danger.

So, you have six months to dive the dungeon and unravel it's mysteries.
If you don't then you have to just wait and hope that the scientist figures out something on his own otherwise you are stuck in that town, totally dependent on that mystery tree forever.

Damn, I think I just make a decent but odd setup to a adventure puzzle game with town management and dating sim elements.

Bit of a weird wish inspired by some of the audio stories I listen to but hear me out.
>I wish I was able to communicate (be that through words, vibes, or telepathy) with truly monstrous monsters, spooky spirits, and other anomalous beings so that I could travel around "romancing" that which goes bump in the night to sort of "tame them" and convince them to stop doing bad things to humans
Yes, I am the kind of guy who listens to a creepypasta or ghost stories with a female monster and thinks to myself "yeah, I would hit that".
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Good stuff, really good stuff… kinda missing the “girl who stinks good” angle.
You are right, but I didn't really know how to explicitly fit it in so left it to be implied since it's part of the wish.
I mean someone on a all fruit diet to the point they are 400+ pounds probably smells pretty sweet. And the limited supplies would mean it ain't like people of the town would have access to their typical products like antiperspirants and the like. Would lead to quite the interesting smell.

But you are right, I probably should have put it in somewhere. My bad. Probably should have included it during the sci-fi bit and expanded on it with the pov character interactions with the women.
That said I don't think I will do a full re-write as it would bog down the thread.
I can just say I will try to be more attentive to include all the peramiters of the wish next time I go story telling mode.
you're retarded
Fuck off.
Wish bump.
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Granted, but unfortunately you have quite the mad scientist complex. This will manifest in a few ways. For starters, you frequently get inspired to create sex machines for... well, basically any purpose, as long as it involves sex. Sure, you could get an idea about a videogame console with a vibrator setup so that you can feel any in-game sex as if you were there... Or you could have an idea about a door phone where you press your genitals against the sensor, and the person inside the house can recognize who you are through the genital imprint. Whenever you get these ideas, you'll get the itch to build them; sure, you can fight it until it goes away, but it will be uncomfortable.

Second issue: when you DO build mechanical stuff, you tend to go overboard, adding new features without noticing until quite a while later. Usually designed in a way that would fit an hentai supervillain. Like the bed with tentacles for some hentai sex, featuring a tank where you can put the fluids you want: fake cum, lube, magma, gel eggs - waitaminute...
Or maybe you'll go the opposite way. Start building a new car, and within a couple of months it will be reworked to run on orgasms, with a onahole for every seat. (Nobody said that it had to be the DRIVER's orgasms...)

Now, since the paw would otherwise fuck up your life, I will rant you a boon and rewrite reality so that it will have a more comedic tone. Any disaster that you would cause will, at worst, be a lewd inconvenience. If people get fucked up (literally) by your creations, they won't hold a grudge for long, and you won't face any particular legal consequence. Have fun!
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Granted. You are now a monster "hunter", blessed with the power of horror and porn. You're here to hunt, research, fuck and kill monsters, not necessarily in that order.
Let me explain. Normally, people have some sort of "normalcy field" that prevents them from noticing monsters. That same field also has the function of protecting people from monsters, keeping them away and making it way harder for them to influence the human world. Do note, however, that "way harder" doesn't mean "impossible": sometimes monsters are capable of affecting humans - and thanks to the same normalcy field, other bystanders tend to not notice, quickly forgetting any strange phenomena they saw.
You operate on different rules. You don't have that normalcy field. This means that you CAN see, and interact with, monsters... but they can interact with you. Without your natural human protection, you're a visible target.

What you lose in defense, however, you gain in offense. Your actions can affect monsters a lot harder than they should, provided that you do your due research and exploit their weaknesses. For example, even if you have no experience with a firearm, getting a silver bullet in the heart of a werewolf will be a lot easier that you'd expect.
Yeah, I'm expecting you to kill monsters. But not KILL-kill. See, thanks to your wish, you are kinda of a reverse-monster, in the sense that when you kill a monster, they come back... better. More human, at least in mentality. And usually lewder, in that weird horrory sort of way that you could find in a "nightmare waifu" or "teratophilia" thread here on 4chan.
Of course, this works both ways. If you get killed during one of your hunts, you will come back... worse, in some way. Again, in a horrorlewd way, but in this case it will actually be a negative. Stuff like frequent chronic tiredness as you get drained (of blood and cum) every night, or losing your dick (yes, it'll leave a scar) but still be able to feel it.
This will last until you get yourself cured (any monster of the same type that you "tamed" can help), or you defeat the offending monster.

You'll also get a few boons.
A smartphone with access to "deep web" websites, containing various stories and info that might lead you to interesting enconters.
A pact made with Tindalos, which allows you infrequent travel across the world in exchange for entertaining its hounds (wink wink nudge nudge).
Some already-tame monsters that you can contact for help or advice. Some are interested in a relationship with you..
A letter from your deceased wife, apparently waiting for you in your 'special place'. You have the feeling that the letter wasn't meant for you.
A gun and a knife. They're always clean and pristine, and will always make their way back to you if lost, no matter what.
Breath mints.

>I wish for this tentacle garden.
This will be a long one.
During a normal night while you are out and about you see a spectral being gnawing on a tree. When you pass by it the next day it is rotting and dead.
The next night you see the spectral being again this time about to take a bite out of your favorite tree (just go with it). Seeing this you feel a rage building within you. You stomp up to the being ready to confront whatever it is. You grab it's shoulder to turn it around and freeze in your tracks. The being seemed to morph at your touch into a achingly hot monster girl. What was rage changing totally into a hot lust more powerful then you have ever felt before.
Your pants literally tear from the strength of your erection. You growl as your muscles flex. Something beyond your control is taking over and you for the first time transform in to a muscular well hung beastman. Letting out a howl you processed to unleash your lust on the specter, fucking them every which way until you made them cum. Then fucked them more until you came. In the white hot bliss of the orgasm your mind was transported to the astral, a world of dreams and spirits next to the material world.
There you met the great mother spirit Gaia who explained that you are one of her new chosen children. Here to fight the forces of decay and entropy so that life can continue to thrive. She says she tried with other children before, beings of rage and wrath, but they doomed themselves by being dicks to all the other beastmen and shape changes. So with you she is trying something different. One based on life, on love, a being powered by lust instead of rage. Who fucks the forces of destruction and converts them to forces of life rather than endless cycles of violence and death.
With a kiss you awake, naked, in your human form, confused, tired, though a lot more muscular than before. You sneak home thankfully avoiding arrest but surprising some early morning joggers and commuters.
You sleep.

You are awakened by a hard insistant knocking on the door.
A gruff yet attractive older woman lets herself in pretty forcefully the moment you crack the door.
She sits down like she owns the place and looks at you waiting for you to sit down. When you do she begins her monologue.
About how now that you are awakened there are rules. Mainly not scaring the normies, otherwise a hunt will be called. Meaning it's open season on you by every supernatural in the county, to do with whatever they wish until you learn your place.
When she starts getting to talk of the astral and speaking of Gaia you mention you met her during your time changed.
The woman ask you to explain what you think you saw. When you do she seems pissed and tells you to stop lying.
This pisses you off and you tell her you aren't.
Tempers flair and eventually she straight up decks you sending you flying. Despite it being a blow that would likely cause permanent damage to a normal person you were right back up on your feet. That is when she shifts. Her cloths tear and she enters her beast form. Rather than being terrified. or angry, you notice that she has a amazing rack. Just incredible. Well proportioned kinda perky with just the right amount of sag to make them soft and bouncy.
The beastwoman sniffs the air confused and looks at you.
She tries to speak but you are already on her. Without even shifting you managed to throw and pin her as instinct guides you.
You can feel yourself on the edge of transformation, but the look of fear on her face is a turn off. You calm yourself and let her up. Though you can't hide your raging erection.
You both sit, she tells you she kind of believes you now, but you are still a undisciplined pup that needs guidance.
Noticing that you are having a hard time paying attention to anything other then her tits she tells you to fetch her spare cloths from her motorcycle bag.
After transforming back she gives you a card to a bar and tells you to handed it to the bartender.
Then leaves.
Later at nightfall you visit the bar and do as you were told. The bartender leads you to a back stair case that goes to the second floor. Up there you see a motley crew of gruff tough looking people but otherwise looking to share nothing visually in common. Someone steps up next to a whiteboard and speaks.
Talking about supernatural activity in the local area and assigning different people in the crowd to go investigate.
He then calls your name and you step up. He remarks that you are new to all this and ask who will step up to keep you from getting yourself killed or worse.
After mumbling in the crowed you see the familiar face of the woman who came to your door that afternoon. She steps up and gives her full name. Vanessa ravenwolf of the Deep Creek pack takes responsibility of this cub.
The man then tells you to stand by her side which you do.
After giving out more assignments he tells Vanessa and you to check on Old Lady Willow to see if she is still alive. With that everyone disperses. Vanessa tells you to call her Van and then explains more of what "they" do and what your responsibilities as a "child of Gaia" is. Responsibilities you already know from your visit to the Astral. But she explains that in these modern nights to avoid the constant infighting that a subset of beastmen have structured themselves to be more organized. Taking the example from one of their experiences as some sort of cop or agent or something before their changing. Now they have a few psychics and seers project into the astral and look for issues as the arise in a area. While a small team into tech look for reports that may indicate supernatural activity as well as running a tip line with the other supernaturals of the area.
When you ask why she explains that it's our goddess given duty to try to keep whatever place we may find ourself from falling to totally shit. If the children of Gaia didn't do it then it wouldn't get done right.
You reach a rather ordanary house with a vibrant garden around it. Van knocks but bust down the door when she hears screams and banging around. When you enter you see a blob of ghostly goo with plant roots turned tentacles writhing around and lifting a old lady by her ankle as she shouts profanities at the spirit.
Van leaps into action shedding her cloths and transforming into a beast in seconds before dashing in and slicing the tendril holding the old lady and catcher before she falls.
Van yells for you to show her what you got while she gets the old lady clear of the house. Without fear you charge in dodging the roots and delivering a punch to the core. Only for at contact the gooey formless spirt to turn into a hot plant girl. As if your loins were guided by the goddess herself you can feel in your balls exactly what you much do. Before you can get your cloths off the roots and vines wrap around you, but it's too late, you begin to transform. Your strenth allows you to use the tendrils to pull the monstergirl closer to you. As you pull her into your chest your manly musk overwhelms her senses. Then much like the night before you fucked the spirit into submission. With a howl you came and as you did the spirit burst into sparking energy that flowed around the property as all the plant life instantly grew tenfold and entered full bloom.
Only once you returned to your senses did you notice you had a audience of Van and the old woman. Some akward trandformations and getting dressed in spare cloths later, the old lady turns out to be Willow, the women you guys were sent to check up on. Turns out she is a witch, and was trying a spell but her old eyes failed her and she miss read some of what was written in the tome.
After being lectured by Van to be more careful in the future and offering her a magnifying glass, the old lady as thanks gave you both a bag full of fruit and you were on your way.
Which was a long ride of Van questioning your methods but noting that while different from anything she had seen before it was no doubt effective this time around.
After telling HQ that the wellness check was compleated (though leaving out some of the details) Van took you to meet with the rest of her pack. She explained to you that since you are under her you are unofficially the lowest member of her pack too. So you do as they say unless it contradicts a direct order from her. Once you are vetted you can go off on your own or join whoever will have you, but for the time being you are are at the bottom of the hierarchy not just among beastmen in general, but of the Deep Creek Pack in particular.
Just when you think about complaining she flashes a smile and shows a little cleavage saying that if you are a really good boy then you might just get treats.
You remained silent as you fought not to get a boner there and then.
Having her as a boss to show you the ropes might not be the worse thing in the world.

Alright, I have already wrote way too fucking much for this one. So I will wrap it up here.
You get the idea. You are big bad beasty but since you are new there are plenty of bigger badder bitches ready to put you in your place. So go out and fuck spirits and do what your told until you make a name for yourself.
>I wish I could mark things with a personal symbol or whatever then anything with that marking I can summon at will
This wish may or may not be inspired by having a fap session ruined by a onahole running dry and stubbing my toe when getting up to get more lube.
Granted, you become a cute gyaru shortstack, similar to the one in your pic. Yes, you'll be short and with big tits, but the latter will not hinder your movements. Your have some degree of control over your tan: for example, you can choose to tan super-easily and safely (no need for sunscreen), and then keep that tan more or less indefinitely even in winter. Or you could selectively deactivate it to create tan lines. Your makeup follows similar rules: you can apply it very easily, and then it will stay on until you decide otherwise - and it will always look good. Finally, you will have great luck in finding good-looking clothes in your size and at affordable prices.
You're also member of a friend circle of girls (and some "girls plus", aka futa), all of which are cute, sexy, gyaru-styled, shortstacks, or a combination of the previous. Yes, the friendship comes with benefits, so everyone in your group fucks almost everyone else.

Now, you know how shortsacks are often seen as TOO cute, to the point where they're teased for their height, or not taken seriously? Yeah, that would clash with the whole "gyaru" style, so we aren't doing that. Instead, I gave you a magical glamor that makes people see you as "gyaru" first and foremost. That means that people will ALWAYS treat you as an adult, so don't worry about looking too young. But it also means that people tend to see you as both a delinquent and a slut. It doesn't matter what you do or how you act; wild rumors will appear around you regardless - like the claim that you somehow managed to beat up and fuck an entire biker gang by yourself. At least your friends seem to admire you for it.

>I wish to be a girl who gets bukkake'd and cumbathed, preferably by monsters.
Granted, but you're going to be responsible for its upkeep and development.

How'd you get it, though? As it turns out, you have... well, had... a great uncle who was into some straaaange supernatural stuff, and this includes a certain species of tentacle plants. He left a whole garden of them in your name as an inheritance, alongside the house and stuff that it comes with. It's a nice place, and your great uncle was pretty well off especially for this economy, hence the tentacle garden you inherited.

So what's upkeep going to look like for you? Mostly a lot of watering it every day and taking care of any weeds or parasitic insects, trimming and pruning dead branches, the usual garden maintenance trappings. Of course, these plants also require human women in order to propagate and reproduce. It's a whole process where they inject seeds into the woman's womb and keep her half submerged in the dirt while they feed her nectar and fondle her boobs and stuff to keep her in a near 24/7 state of arousal, constantly orgasming until it's time for her to expel the seeds she's been incubating in a nearby unoccupied patch of dirt, only for the process to happen all over again.

Presently, there's a small handful of women in the middle of the garden acting as seed incubators. That would be your aunt and some of your cousins. They've been like this for a couple years now and the process has made their bodies extremely voluptuous, way more than what's usually possible for the average human. You can relieve them of duty, but there's a couple things you should know about if you choose to free them. First is that these girls are now in constant need of sex, as though sex has replaced one of their biological requirements, so you'll need to figure a solution on how to make sure their new needs are sufficiently met, short of sticking them back into the plants.
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Second, the tentacle plants tend to get a little aggressive without their seed incubators, so you better find a girl or two or... ten to replace whoever you take out of the tentacles, or else those tentacles are gonna wrap around and fuck you in all your holes until they wilt away and shrivel up. Of course, to do that is gonna take a bit of convincing, but I'm gonna leave how to do that up to you and your own devices. I recommend taking charisma classes.

>I wish for humantaurs to exist as a race of giantesses who coexist with normal humans
Wish Bumps
Granted. A lot of rich women decide to undertake a special procedure that transforms them into horse-like creatures, similar to the one in your pic - with some variations: for example, one "Queen Stallion" might be fully female with both boobs and an udder, while another one might be a futa with lips that take almost the entirety of her face. These mutations appear to be random, but they're always well-accepted by the recipient... or maybe it's because the new Stallion is too horny to care.

Speaking of which... These Queen Stallions are literally built for sex. They possess an incredibly high libido and can fuck for days, yet they're almost meber overwhelmed: usually, they can keep walking, talking and even working just fine even while they're being gangbanged. They're also incredibly durable and possess huge amounts of stamina.
Because of these characteristics, no Stallion will ever mind any form of sexual act. Any commoner can fuck them and cum on them in any way they see fit, and the Stallion will always accept it. Semi-sexual stuff like putting a Stallion in bondage or spanking her (which isn't technically sex as it doesn't involve sexual stimulation) MIGHT get you a "no", but it's pretty rare. Usually they don't mind as long as you still fuck them.

The problem is that Stallions apply the same logic on the commoners: if a Stallion wants to fuck you, she'll try to, regardless of what you think about it. And while a Queen Stallion is pretty slow, and her strength is just barely above average, her endurance and persistence are very high. She will trot after you for literally days, never stopping for eating or drinking or sleeping. And because of her wealth and status, few people will try to stop her. Fucking her? Oh, they absolutely will - and if it goes long enough, she might end up distracted or satisfied enough to change your mind and let you go. This time.

>I wish to be reborn in a male-only lewd world, full of gay sex and hyper growth.
Granted! You will be reborn in a world where everyone is a male. Being big and strong is desirable, and the more sex someone has, the stronger they become! Seeing mass orgies in the park or at the gym is commonplace, even encouraged. In this ideal world people can devote themselves full time to physical growth and pleasure. People eat big, lift big and fuck big. And they do it as often as possible.

The issue? Everyone had a huge headstart, so compared to most of the hunks walking around, you're a complete wimp who will need to do a lot of training and ass-kissing to less buff guy to get his first taste of sex in this brand new world. Generally people of a given size only do it with people who are of a similar size like them. If you like big guys, you will need to work your way up the ladder until you're just as big as the guy you want to do it with.

>I wish every woman was a massive slut with a +100 bodycount
Granted! You now understand the complexities of rune summoning magic!
Well at least the basics.
You have a unique particular rune that you can use to both summon small objects to yourself and yourself to larger objects. Like your car keys and then to your car, or extra lube in a moment of need while otherwise occupied. It won't spend any of your own energy to use the runes but you will need to regularly repaint them on any given object as the marking will fade progressively with each use and gains the potential to bring something that wasn't quite what you tried to summon.

Take that onahole for instance, if you were possibly browsing around online and hadn't repainted your marking before finding your toy sadly beyond arms reach, you might suddenly end up with a brand new onahip that very definitely wasn't yours mere moments ago.
You won't get caught or charged for stealing or something, and it will go back to wherever it came from whenever you attempt to summon your onahole again if you don't mark it.

>I wish that sharing and smearing smegma were common signs of public affection. Like kissing or holding hands.
Granted. Every female is now some kind of super-powered individual, from soldier to martial artist. By the time a girl reaches adulthood, she will have already defeated at least a hundred opponents... Granted, most of them will be men, but still.
This immensely superior physical prowess would be enough to propel women into becoming the ruling class of the entire Earth, if it wasn't for the fact that women also develop a massive libido shortly after reaching adulthood. So you'll have a bunch of superstrong sluts, which will be usually too horny to do anything that isn't sex. WHAT kind of slut varies: some will be just plain horny, some will devolve into bimbos, some will be the kind of girls who bully boys they like - and you can easily imagine what kind of "bullying" they prefer.

So, to recap: men act normal but are weak, women are strong but perma-horny and kinda stupid. How will society manage to function? Hell if I know - but I can pull some strings of fate to ensure that society WILL still function. Maybe women will be bosses, but won't do much besides looking important and "motivating the underlings" with sex, while men will just move society along. Or maybe women will actually manage to rule society, turning men into an underclass that any woman can exploit (sexually). Who knows?

>I wish I was a cute witch.
Granted, but it's less of a "race" and more of a mutation. Humantaurs are technically humans, but their "Taur Factor" (or TF) is above 2.

Let me explain. Everyone has their TF contained inside their genome. If yours is either 1 or 2, you get a regular human; if it's between 3 and 6, you get a humantaur. Humantaurs are, well, pretty similar to the ones in your pic, standing tall at an average of 16 feet. Since you specified "giantesses", all humantaurs are either females or, more rarely, hermaphrodite. Yes, humans and humantaurs can interbreed, and the child tends to have a TF score that is the average of their parents. Key word being "tend": for example, two humans could end up getting a humantaur "son" (futa).
Humantaurs are obviously bigger than humans, and significantly stronger, more durable and longer-lived, at the cost of becoming more relaxed; apparently their metabolism isn't fully adapted compared to their bodies. Basically, they tend to be lazy. Maybe because of this, they tend to be quite a bit more lax when it comes to sex - for example, they don't see why they should wear clothes during summer. I mean, it's SUMMER. It's hot. Nudity taboo? "Eh, I don't wanna care." Likewise, they like to get gently physical with the smaller people: it's not unusual for a napping humantaur to "catch" humans in her sleep, trapping them in a hug until she wakes up.

Now let's talk about humantaurtaurs, or "humantaur 2s". Yeah, they're exactly what they sound like: humantaurs with three body segments instead of just two. Even bigger (over 40 feet), even lazier. Their bodies are subjected to a strange phenomenon where they can't exactly HURT people by crushing them - the humantaur's body squishes harmlessly around the victim, and somehow even manages to keep them nourished and oxygenated. The victims will still get stuck, though.
I bet that you probably guessed what's the cause of this phenomenon: a higher TF score - between 7 and 12, to be exact.
And you probably guessed what's the paw already. That score? There is no clear limit to how high it can go. Sure, the current record holder has a score of "just" 108, being a humantaur of 10 body segments. She's fifteen MILES long, has been sleeping for roughly a century already, and she's covered in trees and moss. Oh, and she can still get impregnated - yes, even by regularly-sized humans, it just takes looooooooots of attempts.

Yeah, you'll get your humantaurs alright. Oh, don't worry: they're overall benevolent, and willing to help out people - especially the cute smaller ones. It's just that when they decide that it's sleep time, they might decide that you would make for a really nice bodypillow-plushie. And let's not mention the wet dreams...
Even when awake, humantaurs tend to be sexual; just gentler about it. Ever been subjected to a puppy-eyed, pleading stare from a house-sized humantaur? For a couple of weeks? Come on, she just wants to suck you off for a little bit. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

>I wish to be some kind of sentient, skimpy, magical armor bonded to a futa hero. (See pic.)
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Granted you are cute witch with really pretty face. You have classical clothes with pointy hat and cabin in the woods full of magical books with magical potions recipes. If you take time to gather ingredients you can broom potions with nearly any transformation effect. You also have cute black cat as a pet.

Problem, you live in medieval times now. As a peasant woman you don't have many rights and if fact that you are using magic become known you would be burn on the stake. What's more many of those elixirs require rather exotic and hard to get ingredients. Also say goodbye to modern comforts.

>I wish for there to be artists that create art by changing people into sentient clay that they reshape before baking it.
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The ancient Greeks had always had this power with marble, and now the technique of using clay has been discovered.
Unfortunately, they shatter if they are baked in full. Each limb much be fired separately, and then reattached.
There will always, every time, be a little bitch that doesn't match up perfectly upon reattaching, and it will drive you crazy. No one else will notice any of the issues, and that makes it so much worse!

>I wish the Anon two posts after me has their wish granted in an amazing way.
>We're talking going above and beyond. Everything they wanted, and more, granted by a benevolent genie.

>Barring that, I wish the breast size of any woman in the world that feels insecure, because they think their breasts are too small, increases by one cup size, and their band size by two inches. It can happen exactly one more time after that if they're still too small for their own tastes, and truly want another growth spurt.
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Women envious of their boobs not being big enough can magically make then a cup size larger. However, this also increases the global average breast size by one cup, effectively making everyone larger by one cup. Don't worry about health issues or property damage and the works, this magical wish will automatically handle all that so in the event that a woman grows building sized boobs they will be perfectly fine and can even still move around. Every woman can increase the average twice so the ending size of all women is completely dependent on woman as a whole. Expect to see women suddenly out growing their clothes in the near future.

>I wish I had a body like pic related: Male with wide hips, thick thighs, and a fat ass
Granted. Humanity has made contact with a race of parasitic aliens that take the form of a male reproductive organ of any race it bonds with. Flash forward a few decade now the entire human population has bonded with those aliens, with a small side effect of turning every single human into a futa thanks to some genetic tempering to better adapt humanity to this new symbiotic life, thanks to this body alteration is relatively easy of you want a different appearance, as yours will be like your pic related.

Due to everyone now having a sentient dick, the entire earth culture had to adapt to this, since they are living breathing organisms now they can't be suffocated by clothes anymore, so from now on say bye bye to any article of clothing that covers your dick, and naturally since everyone is already with their dicks out things like shirts and bras are also barely used nowadays.

The aliens themselves work like a second mind sharing your body, expect it's entirely located on your dick, you can talk with it through your thoughts. The alien will have full control of your dick and can move it around freely, but the most noticeable thing about it is that it can communicate with other aliens, but to do it must be in direct contact with others, simply touching dicks will be enough for communication but more intense interactions like those of your wish will translate into more intense binding, and may even allow you to communicate with the other alien or the other person through your thoughts, and as such it's something usually saved for people close to each other, but deep interactions with others are also not uncommon.

>I wish for the existence of a job known as rent wombs. Where they can be easily contracted by pregnant women to have their pregnancy temporally transfer to them, varying from just a few hours to the whole 9 months depending of the contract. Guys can also be rent wombs but they become woman (no futa) while transfered and return to normal after.
Granted. You now are engaged with a cute girl, who also happens to be a "dullahan". Normally she just looks like a regular girl, except with a dick and also an evident scar all around her neck (she can just claim that it's a form of scarification). However, her head can be removed from her body, with the stumps emitting blue harmless flames - which can also form semi-corporeal tentacles, although they're short, weak and clumsy. The two halves have their own separate personality, with a third one appearing when they're combined together.
While the "combined" personality is more or less what you'd expect from a regular girlfriend... although with a passion for medieval weaponry... The two split personalities are rather different .The body, from what you can see, is a cold no-nonsense gal who doesn't like criminals and rudeness, and who will firmly and ruthlessly dom you to get what she wants. The head is instead a romantic lovey-dovey dumbass.

Thanks to your wish, though, you possess the ability to "deconstruct" your girlfriend into pieces at any time you want. But you're limited to a maximum of three "cuts" at the same time, although symmetrical "cuts" (ex. taking away both her legs) count as 1 single cut. If you want the pieces to be reunited, though, you'll have to manually press them back together - and it HAS to be you; she herself can't do it. Also, every cut piece might develop its own personality, so good luck figuring which piece does what.
>I wish I was a cute, stretchy girl with a huge-dicked monsterfuta girlfriend.
The Rent-a-Vroomb project takes off swimmingly, and even becomes fashionable. While it doesn't get as big as it could (due to a lack of kids), the ability to get up, decide to be pregnant for a couple of weeks to make some spare cash, and show off your baby bump is a small craze, worldwide.
Eventually, having a performer pregnant on stage is commonplace to show they're just "one of the guys/girls" to the crowd.
In time, the governments take a look at this and has to decide on whether they want a way to churn out future taxpayers (or soldiers) or to use this as an excuse to advance the world scientifically. To everyone's surprise government grants not only allow for drugs to remove all negative effects of pregnancy, but also make it safe for people to stretch out and carry up to ten babies, safely, at a time, or delay the progression of pregnancy, letting a single baby take years to mature, negating the Rent-a-Vroomb's issue of supply and demand.

Within a year, every porn site will have its own "Vroomed" tag for hyper-pregnant porn, guys at the water cooler will chat about how far along they are, and signing up for a baby to come or go is as simple as signing up for an app on your phone.

>I wish we had 6 vs 6 orgies as a worldwide sport. Set up as 2 women and 4 man teams, the goal is to make the other team orgasm more than your own team.
Wish bump.
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Granted, you are essentially a pear-shaped femboy with a very plump bottom half. Let's be clear, your upper half will still be attractive... but EVERYONE, men and women regardless of how they usually swing, will want a piece of your ass. You can expect lots of compliments and flirtings wherever you go. But don't worry: people will not go any further unless you want them to.

Unfortunately, you lack the usual "porn logic" protection that /d/eviants with hyperized body parts usually have. What does that mean? Simple: you have a tendency to comically get stuck in tight spaces, and a tendency to trip and fall like the big fat bowling pin you are. Do you stick out of your car window at the drive-in to get your food? Maybe you'll get stuck, forcing the cashier to push you back in.
No, there won't be lewd accidents - the focus here is on making you look ridiculous. People will have plenty of funny stories to tell about all your bad luck and phat ass. But hey, maybe you can shut them up by bumping them with that wrecking ball of a butt that you have?

>I wish I was the son of this cowgirl here.
thread bump
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Granted. You're now a holstaur, and the son of the cowgirl in your picture. I take it you intended her to be your ideal woman, right? Well guess what, genius! She's repulsed by incest, like most well adjusted people. So you're not going to be able to have sex with this veritable goddess.

But I'll give you a compromise. You've inherited some good genes from your new mother, making you really well endowed for a holstaur. In your case, you have a footlong cock and proportionate balls (sorry, you're a shower), and you have really long and voluminous hair. Plus, you live in this pastoral valley filled with a ton more holstaur cows and a couple other bulls. There's plenty of other gorgeous cowgirls for you to choose from, and a couple of them are even roughly the same size as your mother! Also, it's a nudist community and everyone believes in free love. Well, so long as it's not incest. Either way, man, have at it! Enjoy your rockin' new bod and your new home!
>I wish that there was a common disease that turned people into these dick things and that the only way to turn them back to normal is by getting them fucked in one of their back holes.
thread bump part 2 revengeance of the bump
Granted. The disease is caused by a virus - named the Dickvirus from now on - whose strains can be divided into two categories: airborne and fluid.

The airborne viruses usually acts like a flu virus, with multiple strains that tend to mutate each year. So if you don't want to get infected you'll have to get 1-3 vaccines each year.
The diseases has three different stages. Stage 1 acts just like a normal flu: sneezing, fever, runny nose, and so on. Usually, the disease disappears on its own after a while.
In some cases, however, it will progress to Stage 2, where the fever will mutate into a sexual heat. Some dickvirus strains have a higher chance to go into Stage 2 if the patient has too much sex; other strains instead work in reverse, being more likely to trigger when the patient doesn't have enough sex.

Stay too long in Stage 2, and you'll eventually end up in Stage 3: a very quick transformation where you will be transformed into... well, basically a giant penis on legs. In this state, the patient still has their senses, although greatly diminished. In exchange, however, they will become very sexual and VERY feral, aggressively hunting uninfected people - think "28 Days Later" if the infected were bukkake machines. Speaking of bukkake, the dickmonsters can prodice great quantities of cum, packed to the brim with the "fluid" strain of the dickvirus - which bypasses all vaccines and transforms other people into dickmonsters on contact, although mercifully it only applies to REALLY fresh cum (we're talking a few seconds).
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The biggest weakness of the dickmonsters is that they have no restraint: they have bursts of hysterical strength where they will chase you like a madman, bust down doors etc. followed by long periods where they just lay on the ground completely exhausted. This is your best opportunity to fuck them in the back - which will completely disables the dickmonster, overwhelming it with pleasure. Fuck it for a while, and it will gradually revert back into a normal person.

Of course, society will now have to deal with frequent outbreaks of these dickviruses, and may or may not enforce strict laws becaue of it. But heh, I will use my magic genie bias to ensure that you won't have to deal with any of that stuff. After all, if the government hanled this illness seriously and competently, you would have less opportunities to get hunted down by dickmonsters, wouldn't you?

>I wish to hang out with eldritch women and generally have a good time with them. I mean, leaving enough room for the paw, obviously.
Well, yes, you do get to hang out with eldritch women, the world is ending. Similar to the game ‘Sucker for Love’, you will get to hang out with your choice of god, but at the cost of your world ending because you summoned them. You can do whatever you want with them, for however long, but your world will be destroyed when you stop.

>I am a porn creator in the Nintendo game Splatoon.>
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Granted, you are now either a Squidling or an Octoling (your choice) who works as a "porn creator". You get to decide what kind of MEDIA you want to create. Hentai doujinshi, or mature artworks? Well, now you're an artist. Erotic novels? Now you're a writer. Porn games? Programmer. Live-action pornography? You're both a director and an actor. You will start out at a decent level of skill, but you'll have to refine your skills if you want to reach the top.

Unfortunately for you, you won't have much time, since you're a porn creator in the Nintendo game Splatoon. As in the actual videogame.
Well, that's not completely exact. You DO exist in a Splatoon-esque world... But extraworldly entities named "players", outwardly identical to normal squidlings can frequently appear in the world. And when that happens, everyone will be compelled to follow their assigned role.
In your case, you're an NPC vendor that sells (safe-for-work) artworks to players. You get your limited selection of artworks, the limited amount of sentences that you can say, and strict limitations on even your mannerisms. As long as the players exist in your general area, or approaches your shop, you're basically a puppet, forced to play your role with no deviation.
Imagine: maybe you're in the plaza discussing with other Squidlings, taking commissions and so on - and suddenly you're yanked through space and slammed right inside your shop, all because a "player" wanted to see if you sell a particular painting at a discounted price. (You never make discounts.) And every time, you'll have to say the exact. same. things. With the exact same expression, too.

Oh, don't worry: your "work shift" DOES have limits. There are periods of time where all players just disappear, leaving all you "NPCs" free to do whatever you want. Probably sleeping, but heh, not my business.

>I wish to be this catgirl.
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You're now an adventurer!
-Correction, were an adventurer.
Your days of heroic glavanting, monster slaying, and villain thwarting are as it would happen, now quite the long ways behind you.
You are now more of a pet, kept in the general sense by a small society of monsters, who were in fact significantly more civilized than you had given them credit for, learning a language can change quite the number of opinions on a people.

Of course, this means you'll be kept and raised by their sensibilities, so as you wished, frequently bathed with semen, and certainly allowed to eat whatever scraps land sufficiently inside of your mouth.
The monsters are a surprisingly caring people, happy to feed and bathe you 3 or more times a day, so you'll never be at risk of going hungry or not smelling like semen, but none of them are committed enough to want to keep you personally.

It isn't too big of a problem, it's consistently warm and rarely rainy in the magical place you now call home, though it certainly isn't comfortable sleeping on the ground wearing nothing but semen and spare cloths. None of the monsters are comfortable trying to make you a house pet because they're all too wary of the problems with keeping a human permanently within their own homes and find it simply to risky.
As I said, you'll be decently loved and sufficiently cared for, just too high risk and high maintenance to get to sleep in a bed.

>I wish the incredibly large bulge of a woman's cock was a very common sight
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Granted, reality will be rewritten so that there will be four sexes instead of the usual four: male, female, hermaphrodite (breasts, cock and pussy) and dickgirl (breasts and cock, no pussy), in a 10/10/40/40 ratio. Herms and dickgirls will have a pretty big cock. Much like a lot of women's clothes is designed to show off the wearer's cleavage, in this new reality a lot of clothes will be designed to show off the bulge of herms/dickgirls. Clothes will also be stretchy, but designed to "shape" themselves so that they will remain bulge-shaped instead of pitchtent-shaped even when the wearer has an erection.
...Did I mention that a lot of herms/dickgirls suffer from erective hyperism, meaning that they grow REALLY big whenever they get excited? We're talking between "PwC Sponson" (bulge at least half as big as the rest of the body) and "Teterun" (bulge bigger than buildings) levels of hyperism. At least once a week, you'll be forced to climb up literal hills of flesh and cloth, or get smooshed by a suddenly-expanding cock.
Oh, don't worry: herms and dickgirls can move just fine, and people won't die - everyone will become vastly more durable against dickflesh. In particular, males and females will become ultra-stretchy: perfect if you do want to ride those cocks...

>I wish to be a fluffy blob that can engulf people for (potentially forced) cuddles, growing bigger the more people I envelop.
Tbh seems kinda lame, if I cared enough to write something I would add something about transformation, because that's always fun, but idk, whatever
If you have even a vague idea, I'm open to suggestions.
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You are now a living slime trapped inside of a cursed Egyptian necklace.

Now, I know what you're thinking, but stay with me here because it's gonna work out for you in a bit.

As a slime trapped in a necklace, you're basically helpless. You're effectively immortal, but you have little to no agency. Of course, that all changes whenever someone puts on the necklace. Once they do, the necklace releases you, allowing you to soak into the wearer's skin and possess them. You then transform yourself and the body into a shiny, black and gold latex catgirl, and it is always a catgirl regardless of the victim's sex. You'll take on the victim's body shape and hairstyle, and it will be as though you've arrested control away from the original mind. You're in control now, both the body's actions and its words, and the original owner is only able to observe, and their protests can only be heard by you, an unwilling passenger in their own mind. Plus, you can have all the sex you want without the risk of pregnancy!

There is one other catch. If the necklace is taken off for whatever reason, you'll be instantly sucked back into it, and the wearer will be returned back to normal. Also your soul is bound to the necklace, so if it's destroyed, you die with it.

>I wish for chubby, hyper booty magical girls who are obsessed with fat butts and fight bad guys using primarily their butts.
Wish bump.

An alien species known as the Breastians have suddenly discovered earth and have decided to invade to turn humanity into slaves.

To counter this Gaia, the goddess of earth, has created the Hyper Ass Princess Warriors and began enchanting women to do help defend earth, including you (despite being a man).

As a Hyper Ass Princess Warrior your weapon of choice is your ass which has been enhanced to not only be incredibly large but also made to emit A.E Energy that is harmful to the Breastians, and you gain the ability to purify humans that have been tainted with Breastian B.E Energy turning it into A.E Energy that will cause your ass to grow and be even more powerful.

But not all is well, Certain governments and Magical Girls have begun collaborating with the Breastians for unknown reasons meaning that you can't trust anyone outside of the Hyper Ass Princess Warriors. But with the power of friendship, love, and asses you can possibly correct this

>I wish I was a female James Bond/Ethan Hunt level super spy who constantly had to foil /d/ related world domination plans
You become an extremely hot female spy, but all sorts of evil organizations pop up on the world. Little by little things get more and more over-the-top until the world becomes an amalgamation of D-tier near-future sciencefiction or sciencefantasy settings: evil scientist open rifts to hell, aliens invade the planet, evil armies are creating ESPers, cyborgs are being created, etc.

There are all sorts of new techniques and technologies in the world now. so all sorts of weird over-the-top shit will happen to you when you are captured. These guys are not playing around, if you think they´ll settle for normal-ass stuff like gangrape you got another thing coming:
- They´ll use neurosurgery to implanted a demonic parasite in your brain, you will feel it pulsing with excitement and filling you with beast-like lust.
- All your blood with be replaced with the blood of a succubus.
- They will use a virus and nanomachines to overwrite your DNA
- Tentacles or machines will fuck your brain and you will feel the core of your personality being manipulated
- Nerves will be modified to give you inhuman levels of pleasure.
- Aliens will abduct you and turn you into all sort of weird-ass /D/ monsters: An amalgamation of flesh with huge boobs and a pulsing vagina. Your milk will flow into your womb and turn into goey eggs and you will feel incredible pleasure as you lay them.
- You will be put in a simulation where time flows extremely slowly and there you will be "tortured" in all sorts of ways: they could modify your clitoris, jerk it and edge you for 100s of years while in the real world only 1 day passed. They could inject aphrodisiac in your clit to make it 3,000 times more sensitive and make you cum your brains out nonstop for 1,000 years in the simulation.

Maybe you will turn the tables on them and save the day and go back to your base to restore your body to normal, or maybe you will lose for good, only you know.
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Now, for my wish. I am a bit tired so I can´t word it properly:

>I wish to be a girl trapped in a "clitoris box" and experience that over the top BS that you find in those doujins
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Granted! But first? You get turned into a cute girl (with a body you will find sexy and enjoyable), and will get to live your life that way four around a year, give or take. I won't say how long, because that's the fun part!

You'll have blessings during this time. Enhanced luck, charisma, magnetism for people who'd make good friends (many friends with benefits)... and your luck will probably let you move in somewhere nice with one of said friends. You'll explore your female body with them until you grow used to it, slowly seeing it as your own. When you once might have been ok being naked since around other people since "Haha I'm a hot chick", you may slowly start to shift towards being shy and embarassed because "That's my pussy!" due to having to live in that body... and satiate its new urges.

A while after you forget your wish, and get used to living a cozy life as a girl... you'll find a package in your mail, and, well... you'll get trapped in the box you wished for. It's a nice one though! The lower half is fleshy with your clit able to be teased, and the lid has a magical mirror that shows your (naked) upper body, letting you make faces, talk, and even motion with your arms... but your real body is sealed, this is just a way to communicate. I'll leave a note for your friends too, telling them ALL how much you wished for this, the doujins you read... and regularly send them magical toys so THEY can make sure you get what you signed up for. An onahole that's a portal to your ass/pussy, brushes, aphrodisiacs, and sometimes if you imagine a new lewd thing to be done to you... a toy that does just that that may appear for them to use, along with other surprises...

They'll HAVE to use you too. If you aren't stimulated to extreme degrees regularly, you may start to go insane from arousal, so this is for your own good. They'll still carry you around, carry you to movies, set you on tables and act like you're sitting with them...
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...Give or take whatever rings or vibrators they have on you that may or may not be distracting you.

The REAL paw is that you won't just become a sex toy to shamelessly give into the pleasure... at least, not without being humiliated even further. You will be in the care of people you trust... and treated like a human (aside from your routine stimulation) unless you explicitly request otherwise, and admit to your wish. A lot of them will realize how hot you find this, and tease you about it, making you BEG before they use you. And of course, still having human rights, you'll be carried around and propped open to be introduced to and talk to other people via your screen (though your clit will be on full display when you are opened up, naturally). Your friends will often do this if they see someone they think you'd find cute, or someone it'd be embarrassing to show you in such a state to. Not out of malice... but because they know you wanted rough treatment, and you need it to, ironically, stay sane thanks to my curse.

It's not all bad though. Any insanity can be reversed with enough stimulation and teasing, and you might earn "off weeks" where your body will be temporarily freed, letting you live as a girl again for a bit... though during this time, the box will magically stay near you, and act as a portal to your pussy, and no, YOU cannot hold onto it (or else you will be trapped again prematurely)... but other people can, and you'll still have that pleasure "need" even in this state...

Be a good girl and get used to your new norm. I promise to keep you and your friends and or caretakers provided with some "interesting" magical toys to keep things fresh... perhaps a new box altogether if you earn it? One that exposes your breasts or other parts to toy with as well?

>I wish that magic and witchcraft were real, common in the modern world, sexual and Sapphic in nature (futa spells and stuff are fine though), and that I was a cute girl with a gift for it.
Granted! You are now a set of fabled armor in a lewd fantasy world, who was found by a futa adventurer on her quest to sexually dominate and enslave a sexy sorceress seeking magic to enslave whoever she pleases. No, not kill, people are just reborn in this world. If you REALLY want to beat someone, you fuck them silly and slap a leash on them, or some cuffs if they're defiant... Swords in this world don't cause harm, but rather, stimulate people and sunder clothes, making it easier to dominate them, for instance.Skimpy armor covers people's bits so they can still sexually dominate adversaries, but to keep things like nipples safe from enemy stimulation.

Only... your "hero" is a total clutz, and you bonded with her by accident when she found you as a pair of panties... and tried masturbating with you (she is also sexually needy). It felt good though, rest assured... so imagine her shock when a voice rang out in her head. While she FOUND you as panties... you quickly became armor as you posted in your pic related. You are morphic, and can change form to better fit a "situation". You two have telepathy, and your telepathic "voice" will match that of what form you have. As this armor, you will sound like a cute elven maiden for instance, but as a dominatrix outfit, you'll sound sultry and mature, as cute underwear or a sub's outfit you'll sound cute and submissive... etc. And no, she can NEVER take you off... but she an reduce you to something very small, like a cockring, piercing, buttplug, or stockings if she wants to be "naked".

You are VERY good armor that gives her the sexual stamina of two people (thanks to you two sharing stamina), and you can be worn indefinitely, your wearer never having to use the bathroom or anything... which is going to be really nice considering you keep all of your senses and can't be taken off. Don't question how it works, you just have your senses. You can "see" what's around you, smell her, taste her, hear things and yes...
Feel things. ESPECIALLY around erotic areas. In fact, you and your wearer share an empathetic, and libidinous bond, meaning you can feel what the other does to some extent... though it's moreso you feeling what she does, meaning if she has sex, you feel it too, as if you were truly sharing a body. See, you're not better armor because you "negate" stimulation, no, that's boring. You're good armor because you soak it up. Think "Two HP pools" instead of "Damage reduction", though your form shifting abilities ALSO grant you two special bonuses.

As all encounters in this world are sexual, a different outfit may help you out in a different situation. Slippery latex for aquatic beasts, regal, yet revealing cloth for more charisma, a bunny suit to improve mobility... every bit of fetishwear has SOME bonus, even if it's not immediately obvious. A concubine's slave outfit might not do anything to let your hero win... but let her escape from whatever sexy monster, succubus, or other futa caught her faster... once she's "served" them of course. You do have innate "plot armor" for losing, but this would make it act faster. Or perhaps for stealth, a latex catsuit? Or perhaps "suppressing" clothing is the way to go... a buttplug, cocksleeve, and gag?

As for what form you take... you can get creative, but she shares control, and HER control over you is governed by SUB-conscious thought. You might think a dominatrix outfit will help you two out... but she might secretly WANT to be dominated by the lamia you're facing, and turn you into a slave outfit.

She WILL respect you, and see you as a friend... but her libido can't be helped, and that takes priority over you. It's not personal, she's a sweet girl, she just can't help it... so if she wants you to be something to help her masturbate? Or something sexy for someone she finds cute? Expect to take that form, and experience her "encounters" with her, unable to tell where she ends and you begin half the time...
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You'll probably need to remind her to go after the sorceress... and keep her on track, because she's CLEARLY a switch, and you're not sure if she's horny enough to flat out submit to the sorceress... maybe you can convince her to keep her as a slave, and force her to be her dom? You'd best get creative, because you're stuck with this horny hero now, and her insatiable lust...

Now how about a late mother's day wish?

>I wish I was the (legal age) child of a loving, sexy, doting, dominant incestuous mother, spoiled by and dominated by her as a child and lover. Genie gets to decide my sex, the details of our dynamic family wise and sexually, as well as any other quirks. Go wild.
Some people say women are magical, but now they are in the literal sense.

Magic in our modern world is deeply tied to femininity, beauty and sensuality. Magic can be soft and tender, or fiery and passionate.
It is a women-only thing. If you think about it, being a woman is a wonderful thing and there is something magical about them: the way they fall in love, the way a maiden blushes when they caress her cheek softly, the way they feel pleasure or the way a tantalizing slutty girl bewitches an audience with her beauty. All these feminine feelings and energies are what fuels the magic system: girls tap into their feminine essence and feelings to cast spells, and these spells often evoke feminine sensations on the target.

The more feminine and beautiful a girl is, the better she is at this. Non-feminine girls can´t cast spells, and only those exceptionally beautiful, and feminine are truly gifted with powerful magic. And yes...you are TRULY gifted with he magic of femininity: they say that all girls have a masculine side, but not you: you are 200% girl and that is what makes you magical.

Those silky, girly feelings are captivating and addicting, and as women notice that, our society becomes more and more Sapphic. Girls who awakened their powers often like laying with other girls: at sleepovers, girls deepen their bonds exploring their feelings and bodies together; in schools you have girls making other girls fall in love with one another as a prank. It is very important to have intimate relationships with other girls, since this helps you understand yourself and it allows you to tap in your girly mana to awaken greater powers.

Good girls have mostly harmless abilities, but the fiery sex-bombs can awaken some truly wicked abilities: terrible forbidden curses and dark magic. If it is possible to get power from positive feelings, the sheer female lust of a slut in heat can be an extremely powerful form of magic.

Here are a few abilities girls can unlock:

- Turn her natural scent into a pink-colored, relaxing mist that puts the target in a erotically-mindless state.
- Creation of magical wedding rings: girls who were these will share their pleasure. There is also a cursed variant that cannot be easily removed.
- The "Soulmate seal": the caster picks 2 targets, a heart shaped tattoo with the name of the other appears on their body and these 2 targets instantly fall in love with each other; they experience true love and become physically and emotionally attracted to each other. Exceptionally gifted schoolgirls do this as a prank, as it can be dispelled, but some evil witches use a permanent cursed variant for nefarious purposes.
- The ability to use mana to stimulate the internal parts of the clitoris that cannot normally be touched.
- Beauty manipulation: make your skin softer, your hair shinier, do your make up with a snap, change the appearance of your clothes, etc.

A few forbidden curses (normally used by evil dominatrix and sluts):

- Cursed Seals: the caster paints sigils across the entire body of the victim. The "paint" is extremely difficult and expensive to create, as you need holy water, magical stones, and the blood of a succubus. The paint is absorbed by the skin, transforming into a permanent tattoo. Once the ritual is complete, it turns all pain into pleasure and the caster obtains complete control of the nervous system of the victim, giving her the ability to control her sensations and feelings (she can snap and send a jolt of pleasure or make her heart jump with excitement for example).

- Slave jewels: Dark blue or dark purple jewels. They are small and they contain the soul of a succubus. They are mostly used to make small rings, earrings, or piercings that are embedded on the body of the victim to curse her. Once they are embedded, they spread their "roots" digging deep into her flesh to fuse with her nerves. They become a part of her and cannot be removed. The caster gains complete control over the mind and body of a victim who is wearing enough of these. Example: If a jewel is embedded on the clitoris, the caster can now control it, which is why they are spread across the entire body.

- Heavenly drug: A small pill. This powerful drug can instantly make a girl cum her brains out giving her enough pleasure to "ruin" her brain forever. Even the purest most virginal girl would cum in the most unsightly way if she took it. The nastiest and most experienced whores imaginable look like pure maidens when compared to a girl who just took this.

The paw is obvious: if you are exceptionally attractive, sooner o later a dangerous woman will try to use a dangerous curse on you sooner or later; but until then, what kind of spells will you learn and how will you use them? That is for you to decide.
I forgot to say this:
>Please grant this wish to get things back on track.
Granted, but it isn't *just* a sport. You see, these "orgy battles" have become THE way countries settle international disputes, replacing regular wars. As a result, there has been a LOT of state money poured in this industry, resulting in gigantic technological advancements. Pretty much every "orgy warrior" is enhanced in some way, ranging from cybernetic prosthetics to nano-tattoos, passing through gene therapy.
Warriors are divided into different leagues; win orgy battles to increase in rank, ascend to higher leagues, and eventually you'll become part of the Champion Team - the representative of your country.

Oh yeah, you're an orgy warrior now. Sorry for not mentioning it earlier. Good news: you now have a wonderful body that's at least a 9/10, plus it allows for some external "unnatural" cosmetic modifications if you want. Bad news: you have to compete - or else. Good orgy warriors are somewhat hard to come by, so anyone who shows potential talent - like you - will be forcibly conscripted into the 'professional leagues', aka the military industry.
And let me tell you: these orgies can be *brutal*. You know these hentai doujins where the supposed heroines are completely dominated and ruined by monsters or whatever? It's kinda like that, except EVERYONE (yourself included) is capable of doing that. No gentle sex here, no siree. But hey, at least the healthcare system is sci-fantastic, the pay is pretty good, and you'll somehow manage to always have attractive teammates.

>I wish I was a succubus with a cute boyfriend who I can absorb at my leisure (pic related).

You are now a stunningly beautiful succubus, with an adorably helpless twink of a boyfriend!
You're quite the good bit larger and stronger than he is, and though he'll be generally submissive, he'll never fail to prove himself in bed, always able to provide semen whenever you may want or need. And need of course you will, as a succubus you need to ingest at least a single average ejaculation once per day, generally 2-3 to stay healthy but you won't really start putting on weight unless you're have 6-7, even then you'll fill out towards a Venus shape, then more naturally obese (you can think of something like pic rel before it starts legitimately affecting your health) with most of your weight sitting on your breasts, ass, and thighs, then belly.

And as you wished of course, you can absorb this adorable boyfriend of yours into your body, in a more pleasurable sort of voring, that will cause him to orgasm repeatedly until he's fully absorbed into you or you let him out. It won't permanent if you don't though, as he has a sort of soul anchor that will resummon him in the case of his body expiring or being destroyed, and he'll take no offense with you not letting him out either, it feels as good for you as it does for him as it would happen!

Though like I mentioned earlier, you're not immune to weight gain, and he isn't the time to only shoot 4 or 5 shots before you finish absorbing him, much more likely he'll get of between 10 and 12 giving you quite the gain even from only the once.
He'll still love you no matter how big you get, and he'll always be happy to slip inside of you and not slip back out, but if you are going to, it's best you watch your weight.
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>I wish I was a very large hucow, in an incredibly intimate (and consequentially profitable) relationship with my futanari farmer.
Wish bump.
Granted! You are a milfy venus hucow belonging to a sexy, energetic futanari farmer, along with a handful of other farm monstergirls. You're the only cowgirl (for now), so don't worry about them stepping on your toes. There's a hen harpy who lays eggs, a farm catgirl (who likes to dominate the hen girl), a playful milfy goat girl, a shy sheep girl, and you have a feeling you'll end up with more...

...Because none of you were like this originally. The futa wished to be a successful farmer on a profitable farm with "a cute girlfriend or two", and the rest made similar poorly thought out wishes, such as the sheep girl's "I wish I had a job where I didn't have to work" (she doesn't, she gets sheared), "I wish I was a catgirl", "I wish for a catgirl dom"... and now you're all involved in the same little bit of reality bent paradise. Your farmer is very intimate with you. She's a switch, and while fit and able to THOROUGHLY fuck you, may find it hot if you were to dominate her at times, like say, smother her or "mommy" her. However... her libido is VERY intense, and her daily chores like milking you or shearing the sheep girl might get her into a mood where she demands you strip down and she fucks you then and there. This isn't without purpose though... while you are few in number, each of you has the capacity for GREAT productivity. The hen can lay more eggs than a normal henhouse, the goat girl produces PLENTY of goat milk, the sheep girl regrows her wool rapidly... it's all powered by sex and intimacy. The saucier and more intense, the better. And naturally? The more you're fucked, by the farmer, or other girls (the goat and cat are playful doms at times), the more milk you produce, to the point of "cumming from being milked" levels.

And again, don't worry about the other girls "stealing" the farmer. I've set it up so you and her are "paired" in a way. The hen has the catgirl, and the goat an sheep girl mostly stick together...
...Leaving you and the farmer as the pair that fucks each other the most regularly. While they all swing of course, and the farmer will fuck the others, she takes SPECIAL care of you to make sure her "cash cow" is producing enough milk. For as big and strong of a tomboyish country bumpkin she is... she's a sweet girl and a generous lover... even if that second part is partially due to her untamed libido. She can be a tease too, asking you to come into the farmhouse and do embarassing things for her, like put on an apron (and only an apron) to cook for her, and "pour her some milk from the source", holding her glass out for you to fill shamefully... the roleplay makes the milk taste better though... She won't knock you up, by the way... unless you are both ready, and even then... all of your children will be female or futa, and live as farm animals like you.

But back to what I said earlier, reality has been altered, and people were not like this originally. The farmgirl? She was a kind, but awkward closeted lesbian nerd who made a wish. She's not used to her new accent and freckles, and often gets flustered when you point out her accent and country vocabulary. She can't help it! The sheep girl? Formerly a very shy book worm. The hen? A lonely single office woman who wanted to be dominated. The catgirl? A flirty, sociable woman. The goat girl? Formerly a tomboy (still is, but she wasn't a goat before). She wished for a stronger body... which she got.

Aside from your new bodies... reality has been altered. You will all feel compulsions matching your animals. The catgirl has the most and says "nya" a lot, the hen girl might squeak if you surprise her, the sheep is... still shy, and the goat likes climbing things. You're rather motherly and submissive, and may moo unintentionally.

People not on the farm will also SEE YOU as animals now... but because being blind to reality is boring, this won't make it so you can only ever interact with each other... no.
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That'd be boring.

Instead? That perception of "The person in front of me is a cow" exists alongside "The person in front of me is a sexy milf". Reality will ensure the two are not mutually exclusive, and that people won't question it enough to see through it. Those who are also on the farm are fully aware of what's happening... but people outside are not.

Some examples of how this works: "Man I'm glad animals don't wear clothes... she's got a real nice milf body, it'd be a shame." or "Ma'am is your farmer nearby? I don't think I can sell to cows, no offense.", or even someone asking if they can milk you as if asking for permission from you as a person, but intending to milk you for fun like you would a cow. The others face similar embarassments, like "Did you hear that Amanda from marketing is a hen now? Should we send her a cake, er... seed? It's ok to see her naked, right? Hens don't wear clothes." or "Well I'm not sure if it's what career I would have chosen, but if our daughter is a sheep now we'll still support her." Your friends and coworkers may visit you and humiliate you similarly, but you may also have the farmer blacklist people you may not like to see, as a gift.

Legally, you are your farmer's property however, and wearing anything more than fetish-wear cuts down on your productivity.

All of your products sell extremely well, but you'll have to live a very lewd day to day life to keep that magical productivity up. The farmer still has bills to pay... but given her libido... you'll probably turn a handsome profit without even trying. Some of it might go to a cow sized gaming chair and PC, or sex toys. Depends on your farmer's mood I guess...

>I wish I was a sexy (but charmingly cute) woman like pic related who could shapeshift genitals. Grow extra tits, switch between girl and dickgirl, grow dicknipples, become a dickneck, turn into a boobslug... that kind of thing. A lewd shapeshifter.
Granted! You are now a pleasantly plump sheep monster girl with the fantastic ability to grow your wool out on demand, becoming a magically cozy and cuddly blob of fluff that you can trap people in, and cuddle them inside. It will remain magically clean, and so long as you cuddle normally, needs for you and your partners like eating, drinking, bathroom breaks, etc will be suppressed, allowing for more cuddles. Clothes can be magically removed from anyone inside of your wool, and expelled from your wool. And as you wished, the more people you engulf, the larger you grow. Not just your fur, but your main body as well. You'll need longer arms and bigger boobs to cuddle with more cuties in there, won't you? The cozier you make it for someone, the harder they will find it to resist. As a sheep, people will often grow sleepy if they struggle too much making your job that much easier... so long as you give them good cuddles to KEEP them cozy.

You're part mimic as well, allowing you to disguise yourself as things made of fabric. Pillows, mattresses, couches... soft stuff that people will sit on, only for you to suck them in. Once someone is sucked in, they will be muffled to the outside world allowing you to absorb more people. And once someone is absorbed, while your main body will be larger, you may "store" them in your wool hair like pocket space so long as they are cozy until you shift into a blob again. Becoming a fluff blob DOES only work so long as you're naked... but the good news is the magical "clothes be gone" power works on yourself as well, so you can undress quickly... though getting dressed again can be a problem...

The paw? You don't necessarily grow smaller if you release someone from your wool... they are still considered "enveloped" by you, AND your cuddles are addicting, for both you and your "victims" no less. YOU will feel a need to absorb people, and those you absorb, even when released...
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...Will feel the need to cuddle with you, and treat you like their favorite body pillow (often trying to have cozy sex with you). Good luck getting them out of your bed, because as I said... the addiction goes both ways. The good news is that you can't get pregnant from most races, not even other sheep people, due to your mixed heritage. You're like a mule. "Bad" news is anyone you absorb will more or less become your responsibility even after you let them go. You CAN get them to stop clinging to you as their favorite "pillow" by evading them and cutting them off from your comfort cold turkey... but this is very hard without help.

The bigger you grow, the more people will want to cuddle you. Once you reach 10 ft, people will be hugging your leg as you walk around. 20, and people will be sitting on your shoulders. And yes, others will cuddle fuck each other inside your wool. Aren't you glad you're magically clean?

You'll gradually shrink if you can shake people off, break the addiction, or avoid them, but if you grow too big this will become near impossible and you'll just end up as a giantess with countless people who you absorbed who are addicted to your soft, cuddly body. Good luck escaping them when you're a giant... or maybe you'd like living like that? As a giant fluff ball cuddle pile, being constantly cuddle fucked by your prior victims?

Hope you don't engulf more people than you can handle...

>I wish I was a succubus milf, specialized in making mortals my "children" in a way where they perceive me as their mother for hot mommydom. Making breakfast for a closeted girl in ONLY an apron, cuddling a cutie in their bed, taking a cute femboy "daughter" shopping for girl's clothes... I want to dote on and tease my beloved wards.
Are you okay? Did you just have a stroke?
Granted! You will have your third eye opened so to speak, able to perceive and comprehend things no mere mortal was ever meant to...

...And a lot of them sure seem like cute girls. You will encounter weaker eldritch entities on the regular, such as shoggoths. They LOVE to pretend to be things and blend in, and mortals often fail to percieve them, and you can still be tricked by them when they're hiding, but EVENTUALLY you might realize that the bed you're laying on is a cute girl and the blanket caressing you is also a part of her. Or maybe you grabbed your onahole for a quick JO sesh only for it to shift back into a shoggoth girl after when you go to wash it, blushing and panting? Or perhaps a spawn of the black goat of the woods will decide your form is boring and grow playful with you, turning you into a futa, giving you a second gick, making you a venus bodied milf with goat legs and horns (and the eyes of course)... no one but you and other eldritch beings will be FULLY aware of the changes, you'll look human to others, but those ladies LOVE corporeal pleasure, and will share forms they find "fun" with you, whether you're ready for them or not... and perhaps tease you like brats so you end up fucking them harder when that innevitably happens. They have lewd caprine forms too, often with odd features like extra breasts, exotic genitals, lipples, being an amputee of some variety... and they'll change form regularly.

So why are these girls showing so much interest into you? It's simple. You're cute, and not just because of the new forms the goat spawn give you. Humans have the harkness test. Anything of lesser intelligence, unable to communicate, and unable to consent is a no go. Eldritch beings see normal humans as we see animals, so fucking one would be bestiality on a mental level... unless that human had the same tier of sapience that edritch beings had, and passed THEIR Harkness test.
Yet at the same time? You are animalistic compared to them... but in a "catgirl" way. You're naive, awkard, and, well... downright adorable. I hope you like "older women" because these elder beings will see you the same way you see cute anime girls, the kind you just wanna hug or headpat. Don't worry, most of them are cuddlers. This is also why the beings who you see everyday will be so playful. Consent is different among elder beings. You've already wished for this, and they see no need for "Are you sure?" unless they genuinely aren't sure if you'd be into something... which is rare, since you're as extremely easy for them to read... as far as "Is he into it?" goes. When it comes to explaining your fetishes, expect to get teased.

Now the shoggoths and goat spawn are younger eldritch girls. You want teh big ones. The queen in gold, the great old milf, Nya-rlathotep... and you can call them via ritual! The fun thing about this level of existence is that what you once saw as common sense needs not apply. Why are they all cute, if odd, girls? Why not? Reality is part perception you know... but rest assured, they are all cute girls and ladies deep down as well. Also being on their same level, you will share cute and awkward moments together. Showing one how to use a microwave, helping Nyarlathotep pick a "form" to "wear" for the day as if wearing clothes (most people would be driven insane by half of them... you find them sexy, like the catgirl in your pic related), or perhaps you'll meet the milf goat of a thousand young (the ones who change your form) and embarrass her when you tell her how her children are causing you trouble... only to learn that she can't really "undo" the changes so much as she can just give you new forms.... whoops! B-but you'll she'll make it up to you! How about a moonlit picnic? Oh as if you'd be interested in a hag like her- y-you are?

Oh, and don't worry about them being needed elsewhere. They can be multiple places at once.
Their children, the younger beings, will still prank you, and there's not much their "mothers" can do about that... but they won't get jealous if you fuck a shoggoth and the goat of the woods is incestuous with her own daughters even, your involvement just makes things more fun. You can "date" multiple at a time so long as you give them all enough attention, and help them get along. Hell, they might be down for group sex. Nyalarthotep is quite the sub with her shapeshiting, and the goat of the woods LOVES to dominate multiple partners at once with gentle femdom... and the great old milf? Experienced in various forms of sex like no one else.

But this all comes at a cost...

Most humans who pass this threshold either go mad... or become one of the "daughters" of the eldritch gods, but you're different. You're a human who will remain their own entity. Less so reborn into this world, but awoken to it. And thus? You will find normal humans boring in comparison. I mean, yeah, they're cute, and you know this girl is cute... but something about her "essence" just won't feel as comforting to you, almost like you're interacting with more of a pet than a partner... but fret not.

You are 100% allowed to take humans you like and convert them to the cults of your lady friends, and even ask favors of them such as "Could you see to it this qt is reborn as one of your young?" And as a direct favor, they won't suffer the madness most do... but they WILL stop being human, so I'd heavily advise you talk it over with them first... ease them into it... maybe that girl would be more open to it if you converted her mother and sister as well? They're not half bad looking either... and who are you to break up a family when you could have them all become shoggoths or forest goat spawn?

I can't say for sure how long you'll stay "human"... but these women are kind and caring, so perhaps you'll find kinship among them?

>I wish I was a cute, sexy caprine (goat like) woman.
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Granted, this is your new mom. She might also have made a wish to a lewd genie... or several... in order to get an incestuous child-lover "like in those doujinshi", without all the issues that would exist in real normal life.
Let's immediately bring up the bad news first: your mom is a giant dork, only older than average. You know the stereotypical character of the horndog with a huge collection of porn, a shitty job, and a perpetually messy house? That's your mom - at 40. Granted, one of her wishes DID ask for enough financial income for a comfortable life, so you two will be able to afford a middle-class lifestyle. Just be warned: if you see porn comics that look suspiciously like some events in your new life, disregard them. They aren't supposed to be sold in your universe.

Anyway, aside for that, you'll get everything you asked, more or less. Being her legal-age child? Check, you'll look like you came out of a manga (but people will not find you weird); a bit on the smaller and cuddleable side, but still recognizably an adult. Loving mom? Oh yes, she clearly loves you lots and lots, if her heavy panting is any indication. Dominant? You bet - she can and will manhandle you just fine. Doting? In her own dorkish way, pampering you in plenty of ways she learned from erotic mangas. Sexy? Yeah, that's completely natural.
The only thing is, well... She isn't exactly the most grounded person. She gets horny frequently, she gets often lost in her own fantasies (which is part of the reason for her shabbyness), and sometimes she thinks that life works like hentai. ...Wait, that last one might be because one of her wishes DID ask for you two undergoing occasional mom-and-child hentai scenarios, so sometimes you might end up getting shrunk to a more fun size, or she might become a cow monstergirl ready to forcibly pamper the unfortunate hero (you). Stuff that you might like, or at least tolerate.
>I wish to become some kind of lewd monstrosity like picrel... But with some failsafe that prevents me from raping people.
Granted! You are now a giant lewd monstrosity of protean, ever shifting flesh and orifices, often specialized in lewd ways. You could appear as your pic related, or something like a more bestial form as this pic related. Boobslugs? How about becoming a "boobserpernt"? It's like a boobslug, but giant and even lewder. Pussy tail? How many? You wanna lay eggs? They'll be infertile if you aren't fucked... but tasty when cooked! And if they ARE fertilized, they'll end up as half human, half monster creatures that can disguise themselves. All female, or "female" (futa counts), and they all reach adulthood very fast so no need to fret over them. Some may even like to stay with you for... reasons...

You will retain your human mind... mostly. Almost all of your forms will retain some form of a human visage, even if it's a distorted one, and you will be supernaturally durable and operate by porn logic, only needing sex. But... that's also the "problem". No, you won't be sent to a government lab or anything. Lewd conditions are common, yours is just... extreme. What your new forms DO mean however... is that you can't escape sex as a part of your life. You'll grow pent up FAST if you don't find ways to pleasure yourself, in whatever form you end up in, and you're big, so it'll take a lot. And while it's VERY tempting to fuck people, you legally must wear a "shock collar" of sorts at all times. No, it doesn't hurt. Quite the opposite. Act up, and you'll be immobilized with PLEASURE. Writhing and cumming... it'll snap you to your senses, but it's not as satisfying as the real deal.

Luckily, a wealthy philanthropist woman who owns a porn site and "exotic" toy manufacturing line, seeing people like you as "beautiful", will arrange a housing situation for you. You aren't the only "girl" with a condition like yours she brought in. She has some guys too, if you'd be interested... but they're mostly tame, such as being futa or having two dicks, maybe being conjoined.
Your only "need" is sex, and it's a psychological one. As such, your benefactor has set up your room to let her other "rescues" come and visit you, spend time with you, speak with you if your current form has a mouth (to get an idea of how you may look on a given day, look up toppingtart's flesh angels).

Oh, and they'll fuck you. You wanted to make sure you wouldn't rape anyone yourself, right? How thoughtful! Unfortunately, sex is a need for you as it is for some of your new roommates in your sex mansion, and while you're so big you could be dangerous if left without a collar... a futa coming along and using your tail pussy, or a hung taur boy mounting you are things you will RARELY have the willpower to resist. And this housing, while given to you with good, if saucy intentions (your mistress has a fetish for you all, but also respects you)... doesn't pay for itself. You'll be given heads up for "filming days" when cameras will turn on and your sexual antics will be streamed online. Other days, your mistress may request to make a toy based on one of your many alien parts, be they cocks or pussies... or two, or three...

However... when you AREN'T being fucked or ridden by the other members of the communal like an animal... you'll just have to get used to being a freak. Your human traits are that of a cute, soft spoken girl, and when not aroused (after a good fuck), you will be adorably easily flustered. Imagine post nut clarity hitting only to realize you're a beast walking on six legs, dragging her tits, ass and pussy for all to see, or a mass of tits and tail pussies with a pussy for a mouth... and no arms to write with.

Your roommates will be nice at least... but expect to be teased frequently. So no, you don't have to worry about raping people... but you WILL be a big needy bottom to everyone in that house most of the time.

>I wish I was a sexy girl with an incestuous futa twin and lover (and that she couldn't get me pregnant)
Granted! You now have a cute, dorky tanuki GF. Don't worry, her cock and balls get bigger. Tanuki are master shapeshifters, and while she CAN "hold in" the size of her cock and balls (normally her cock is around as big as you are), she says it's very uncomfortable, and will return her cock and balls to their massive size as soon as she gets some privacy... or finds a place that's ok with nudity. Speaking of? Other monstergirls exist, as do nude beaches, and public sex laws are rarely enforced... so do be on the lookout in case your GF needs some "relief"... which she needs often with balls like those. Her sex drive is through the roof, though she's still a very sweet, caring girl who will cuddle you and give you aftercare on her balls after (they make for a nice cushion for both of you... even if they're a bit musky)

YOU are supernaturally stretchy, like a living onahole. Anatomy does not apply to you. Your bones are rubbery, and you will stretch to ridiculous levels. The downside is you can't turn this power off, and by being stretchy and bendy, your body isn't as rigid as most people's. If your GF hugs you, being as supernaturally strong as she is, you might be squeezed like a stress toy. Try to take a heavy box off of a shelf, and instead of having your bones stay straight and support the weight, they may buckle and bend, causing the box to cartoonishly flatten you. You don't snap back to your original shape immediately either (what's the fun in being stretchy if your GF can't enjoy the gape she gave you?), so expect to be flat orr squished for a little while after an incident like that.

Which is absolutely FINE with your GF... see, she got a wish too, a much simpler one. As a tanuki, she wanted a "sex toy that could take her, and be molded to her liking". Color her pleasantly surprised when I gave her a GF! But this also means YOU are that sex toy. As I said, tanuki are master shapeshifters, with some other yokai magic at their disposal...
One common magic she uses keeps her from knocking you up... I mean, unless you want her to... tanuki young grow up fast, and as spirits, incest isn't really a concern, so do with that as you will.

But the others? She can freely control size and take the forms of things such as statues, or other "inanimate" forms... and thanks to her wish, she can do the same to you. The discomfort from "holding" a size isn't a concern for you, and in addition to traditional "statue" forms, she can turn herself, and you, into other inanimate objects with human likeness... like sex toys. She can and will turn you into an semi living onahole, cocksleeve, dildo... you get the idea. Now as a loving GF, she will USUALLY ask you if it's ok and ALWAYS give you aftercare if you need it... but as a horndog, she might gt impulsive with her magic and "try something" in the spur of the moment, like "Sorry babe this doujin is too hot- PLEASE let me use you!" before turning you into a tanuki sized, animate onahole, still having all of your senses... meaning you get to see she's only on page 10 of a 200 page doujinshi, and clearly edging herself until the end.

She might beg to wear you as a cock sleeve for a day, or a butt plug (she's clean, as a spirit), or maybe flatten you with her balls... hell, she can store you IN her ball folds, like a pocket dimension. But thanks to HER wish... you are a sex toy in a way, and WILL feel "withdrawal" if not used as one often enough... even if you're humiliated at the prospect of being "used" by her in such a manner, you'll crave it. And rest assured, she has a VERY creative imagination. She just read a ladypot hentai, maybe she can squish you into one? Oh! What if she flattened you and wore you as underwear! Or tied you to her crotch to cum in as much as she can, fill you up and REALLY test your stretchyness!

She's cuddly, nerdy, and loving... but expect her to be in you a LOT, even casually, such as when you two watch an anime together.
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>I wish I was a cute, sexy girl with the power to merge myself with willing partners... and to have an easy time finding FWBs like cute boys, other cute girls, milfs, or even futa for creative "combinations"
Granted, you will become a Weregoat. Despite the name, you don't actually transform - you're always a goat-woman 100% of the time. Which won't be a problem, since now beastfolk and monsterfolk (mostly women for some reason) exist in the world, so while you'll stand out in a crowd, people will not find you unusual.
Your new form will be that of a woman, cute yet sexy in a way that would fit your tastes. If you were still a man, looking at the mirror would make you think "Dang, I'd fuck myself". At the minimum, you'll have goat-like horns, ears and shins/feet; but if you want, you could make yourself more beastly, like making your entire bottom half furry, or giving your boobs teat-like nipples.

Weregoats are a species related to Weresheeps; to be more exact, it's the result of magical mutation that gradually developed into a separate species. While Weresheep are drowsy, calm and enjoy slow cuddle sex, Weregoats like you tend to be stubborn, domineering and pushy. They sleep very little, have no problems getting pushy (or headbutt-y) to get what they want, and when traveling, they tend to prefer the direct route rather than the easy route. Even if the direct route involves jumping on top of cars and then climbing a wall. It is said that, during the Rape Age, Weregoats kidnapped humans and then climbed trees or cliffs so that they could fuck their victims without being bothered by eventual pursuers.
Now don't worry, this is the Modern Age, monsters are more civilized now. Sure, you tend to have a pretty high libido, but it's still manageable, if distracting. Plus, people are now quite more open to casual sex with strangers, so it won't be impossible for you to find someone willing to get fucked by you.
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>I wish to be a boy married to the monstergirl in the video.
Granted! You will turn into a short, cute boy. Legal age, but adorable and rather androgynous... aside from your large and sensitive package. You're also physically on the weaker side, and will stay that way even if you exercise... but on the bright side, you won't get fat or anything either. You DO have very good stamina, soft skin, an ass even girls will want to eat out, and you can improve sexual aspects of yourself with practice. You're just stuck being "cute" and easily dominated.

As for your fiance, you did her a favor. She's a daughter of an eldritch god of carnal pleasure, had with a human cultist. Shortly after she came of age, she went from being a "normal" nerdy girl living a normal life to a manifestation of that god, her arms and legs turning into shapeshifting tentacles and flesh, with only her head and torso remaining mostly human. She was set to be "claimed" by that god as a concubine... but your marriage prevents this.

Now you're going to START as just "married" on paper, not necessarily a loving pair yet... but that just means you get to do on adorable dates and get to know each other. Rest assured, she's a big softy (both literally and figuratively). While she IS more or less a quad amputee in her "dormant" state, which she takes when in public or to take up less space, she can crawl around on walls and ceilings with her tentacles, and even manipulate things with shocking finesse... but you'll learn quickly that she doesn't like doing this outside since the ground is dirty, and she likes it when you carry her. Don't worry, she's light enough for you to carry... while like this, anyways. Maybe you can get a lil backpack or something for her? It'll make her blush... but she won't be opposed...

Something to keep in mind is that up until recently, she WAS just a normal girl, and you should treat her as one whenever possible. Compliment her, carry her, get her dressed, cuddle her... and of course, go on dates.
Granted. Reality has been rewritten, with the major changes being: society is significantly more accepting of lewdness, futas now exist, and you're a sexy girl with a futa twin. Appearance-wise, you two are completely identical, with the exception of your genitals: while you both have a pussy, your insides are a lot stretchier, while she has a big-ass cock right above her vagoo. Personality-wise, you are... well, still you, and your sister has a personality mostly compatible with yours. She loves you both as a sister and as a wife; she dreams of a happy life with a house and children; she has a pretty high libido (due to her futa biology, it's a common issue); and she has an encyclopedic knowledge of lewd jokes, particularly dick jokes. She's both your bro and your sis, drinking and partying together with you, but also listening to all your woes and watching sappy (and very explicit) romantic movies with you.

...Oh, I'm sorry, did you wish for a lover that couldn't get you pregnant? Yes, I know, and I delivered. YOU cannot get pregnant... but SHE can. How? From penis-in-vagina sex - her penis in your pussy. There's a lot of technobabble bullshit explaining it, but the short version is that she can "steal" your ova and implant herself with them. (Whether it's an uterus pregnancy or ball pregnancy, that depends on your preferences.)
Now, granted, there's always contraceptives, although pretty much all of them have some drawbacks. "Socks" must be adequately stuffed inside your pussy, and make sex a bit duller. The pill can make the user (either of you) nauseous. The "spiral" is a longer-term solution, but it must be implanted by a doctor, and your sister will have to periodically change it. And no, you can't ask for surgery - it wouldn't have much effect on you, and she absolutely refuses to get it.
You'll find her to be a very good match for you, sharing interests and gushing about a lot of things you like. She's the type of girl who'd sit in your lap while you two watched anime together, and while she doesn't have arms or legs... she still loves it when you let her wear your T-shirts or hoodie, which is JUST big enough to be adorably oversized for her. You'll be cuddling her like a bodypillow every night before you know it.... oh, the sex?

So long as you were restrained enough to be nice enough to her to let her grow comfortable around you, she'll not only be open... but admit something to you. She's "not entirely herself" when she's horny... up until now she's been taking anaphrodisiacs, but she's out, and the "urges" are coming back... while she's still super affectionate even with them, and easily flustered... without them, her tentacles will form a larger main body, that of the monster girl you posted, forming new mouths, orifices, tentacles... she can't fully control it, but you've come this far haven't you? Just be ready for when the bedroom door closes...

The thing about the her eldritch heritage... it's not just physical changes. Her anatomy doesn't make sense, and it it doesn't need to. On top of this... her form can warp, and merge with, reality around her, such as making your bed a part of her body, or turning your bedroom into an eroscape, all made of "her". She's VERY loving, but she's also very needy. You'll be bound in various ways, have tongues probing your butt and licking your balls, and her pussy... whichever one you put it in, will stimulate you MERCILESSLY, often with alien stimulation such as tongues or fleshy nubs inside of it. She'll force herself onto you and milk you dry, fucking you like a bitch in heat. You'll be too weak to resist her whims and restraints. If she wants to make you cum from analingus alone and watch, she will, masturbating all the while...

It's a good thing you can improve your stamina though...
But, hey, maybe you'll be fine with children this way? A little family of fast-growing, incestuous children that look almost identical to you (almost - you might have some recessive genes from your parents)? Family time is orgy time, maybe. But if you take this road, make sure to support your swollen sis...

>I wish for something lewd about Servants from Fate. (Basically reincarnations of historical/mythological figures, with powers based on their legend.)
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Because these encounters can go one of two ways. Firstly... she might fuck you silly and end up assimilating you into her for a short time, "wearing" you until satisfied. She'll SLOWLY come back to her senses as she empties you out, finding relief, but she won't be any less horny or easy to control next time. If anything... she might be even kinkier next time. You'll be like a "boy toy" in bed with her.

The second? Your true challenge? Keep up with her. Now you can't really overpower her... but you can learn to hang on long enough to let her tire herself out, reciprocating her love as much as you can while she fucks you. If you do well enough, perhaps suckling her breasts while bound, riding her tongue with your ass, thrusting into the pussy she fit over your cock... she'll come back to her senses faster (but still be horny), and have more "equal" sex with you, like letting you fuck her as a quad amputee, letting you sit on her face so she can huff your package and orally pleasure it, letting you spoon and gently finger her, perhaps let you put it in her butt during... and she LOVES this sensual sex, ESPECIALLY after her exploring her kinky side. Do a good job pleasuring her, and she'll melt in your arms once she gets her "unnatural" lust out of her system, open, and eager to let you make requests of her.

So, do you think you can tame her? Or are you destined to be the bottom in this relationship? Only time will tell...

>I wish I was a sexy futa with personality excretion and personality jelly molding powers, able to coax "personality jelly" out of cute targets, turn it into sex toys, and of course, safetly put it back once I've had my fun, with no "contamination" and the inability to lose it... but perhaps not put it back in the SAME body... putting it in a different body is one of the fun parts of this power, after all...

I'd like to do this with people who are willing, or reluctantly into it, in such a way that I can "convince" them to submit.

You are now a combining Human-taur! Like a centaur, but without the horse bits, or well, on the way to being one I mean.

You'll of course start out a beautiful girl with two breasts, two arms, and two legs, with all the charisma and plucky personality to pull in all the sex friends of whatever sorts you could want! Girls, guys, Milfs, college kids, anyone! From the most unidentifiable gendernutrals to the most hyper sexed hermaphrodites you can imagine, any and all of them as easy as that.
And of course, you'll be able to combine with them! Bringing all your best bits together in an any you please! With only a few caveats.
Firstly, all of everyone's bits need to be exposed at all times, they don't need to all be together, but everyone who has an arm to put will still have that arm when you're all put together. Always remember, everybody has an asshole.
Second, the pleasure being combined multiplies by the number of people currently included. The orgy is for everyone so to speak. I'm sure you can already imagine the pleasure of stroking your own penis, doubling that isn't just stroking with two hands, or having two to stroke, it's more like everyone's individual dick is also everyone else's at the same time, so having two dicks, feels like 4.
Third, it is technically an available option to actually combine people's pieces, but that make all the more problems, nothing with circulation or responsiveness, more with size, and separation. Parts that are put together become larger automatically, for example, if you put arm together with another person's, the bone and muscle mass would double, but it is also possible for people to come out with the wrong pieces, the misplaced organs won't be rejected when put into the wrong bodies, but they will sort of buzz until they get put back into the right person, the sort of sting like after playing with your anus where it doesn't really hurt, and you do want more, but you should probably stop.
Granted! Unfortunately, you aren't TECHNICALLY a shapeshifter, but rather a wizard(ess) specialized in genital-shift magic. This means that your power is not an innate characteristic of your body, but rather the result of your study of the universe and its workings. In layman's terms: if you want awesome powers, you'll have to study. The more you research magic, the better you'll get. At the start, you'll be able to use simple magic like giving yourself a mini-dick or increase your boobs by one cup; but you'll improve over time.
On top of that, you don't have a regular wizard's spellbook. No, you carve your knowledge into small totems that suspiciously look like brightly colored sex toys - stuff like rubber boobs or plastic dildoes. Every day, you'll have to contemplate the totems corresponding to the magic you want to use for that day; you CAN skip multiple days, at the cost of your magical prowess slowly declining. It's not that much of a big deal - the whole process doesn't take much time, and it gets easier the more powerful you become. The biggest issue would be having to carry aroung that giant collection of totems.

The good news is that your powers aren't limited to YOUR genitals: you can alter the sexual characteristics of others. And yes, your magic isn't strictly limited to "change shape of genitals"; you can do stuff like changing a man into a woman (by taking away his dick and giving him boobs and a pussy), grow an udder and get some cosmetic cow-like characteristics in the process, or turn a block of stone into a boobslug golem.

Buuuuut... Since I'm feeling generous, I've decided that you'll get to decide your default form, even if it's inhuman. So, if you want to be a sexy futa wizardess with four tits, you can - without having to pass through all the "studying magic" shit. Of course, if you later want to change it...

>I wish to be a slime Baphomet.
That combining thing also come with a special case for genitals and sexual features, where they might get too big gaining mass significantly more than what was put in, like combining your breasts with someone else's, and they instead get 8 times their original size, leaving both of you up a good few sizes at the end of the ordeal.

Keep all these in mind while combining and all your bits organized and you can make yourselves look like whatever you want! Boobslugs, Dorses, monstrous sex mounds, even a room full boobs if you get enough girls together! And you'll be able to enjoy every single second of it, like an orgy inside and out!

But of course, nothing is perfect, and while I've already given you these rules to follow, I figured a few gifts to go wouldn't hurt~

Since you are the one with the combining power, all your fuck buddies have to come to you when they want to turn a night out to a night all in one, and it's not like you'll ever get bored of that, but because it's you bringing everyone together, you're the most likely to end up with extra parts.
You'll think at first "Oh who's missing a boob?" But when everyone comes up with their titties in pairs, you'll realize.
It won't happen every time, or for the first while once you start using the powers, or don't worry it's not any kind of cancer, but it won't be too long from that first extra tit before you're a walking menagerie of extra limbs and sex organs, even extra heads! You're mind and personality will stay intact, but all your extra pieces will increase your own passive pleasure levels, making erections constant and combining orgies all the better!
And don't worry when it all becomes too much, you'll have plenty of caring Milfs and Dilfs to care for you when you have too many legs to walk on, and you can get any pieces you don't want removed painlessly, even extra heads, but that sort of needy soreness will completely dominate your life even if you do go all the way back to the standard set.
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You'll know you should probably stop for a while, let your body and powers relax for a bit, maybe take up a hobby, but you'll still want more, but it would feel great to get all the boys and girls together again...
You'll on occasion even get phantom sensations from the extra limbs you get removed, never any sort of pain, only pleasure and most when you remember things you did with them, like that time you came in someone's mouth with a dick nipple, or when you had your third pussy eaten out on the beach, the way your hind legs quivered while you were getting fucked and fucking someone else.

All in all, you'll live a happy, mostly stress free, and plenty more than sex filled life with all the friends and lovers and limbs you could ever want!
But you'll probably never get over how good your first anal orgasm with your second prostate felt...

I hope you enjoy!

>I wish that sex toys like anal beads, and anal spreaders, along with equivalents for other genitals and sexual orifices like nipples, urethras, and uteruses, were popular fashion choices in the modern day
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Granted! You are now a "master" of cute anime girls, boys, futa, etc descending from historical and mythological figures. Why are they all cute girls and boys? I'm borrowing their from other dimensions where that figure WAS a cute boy or girl, as well as dimensions where monsters, yokai, and magic are real. You are expected to serve as a tactician to settle disputes with other inter-dimensional travelers, and fend off foreign threats... which are usually lewd, but otherwise not terribly dangerous in nature, like stopping a kitsune and her sisters who are possessing cute girls and turning them into gyaru sluts. Maybe you could convince them it'd be more fun to be one of your servants to get them to leave the girls alone? I mean... if you can SHOW them how much more fun it'd be... or perhaps there's a futa satyress around causing trouble with her magical booze, the kind mortals can't handle... or maybe you'll ACTUALLY have to fight with queen Lamia trying to take over a small town with her mind control magic... but even then, most problems will be lewd in nature. Queen Lamia? She'd like you and your servants as "pets", so expect her to try to seduce you... but you get HER if you win. You have the mental ability to check on all of your "servants" and look for new ones, though some may leave your service if not happy... or sufficiently dominated, in some cases.

So what's the paw? Well... this all cost you your old body. This isn't "Collecting girls" so much as it's "Collecting playable characters". Your old body would NOT have held up to these new trials and tribulations, so instead, you have to possess the bodies of your servants... which are almost all girls, futa, or femboys. You won't overwrite their personalities, rest assured... but this also means they'll exist as a voice in your head as you control them, chastising you for masturbating, or depending, DEMANDING you masturbate a certain way, or even fuck another servant they like using your authority.
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"Don't you dare look at me in such a vulgar way peasant!" Might be one king (female) servant's reaction, even if she has to obey you, until you get her to warm up to you, while "Woah... can you uh... get me in bed with Cleopatra? Or Tamano no Mae..." might be the reaction of a futa satyr girl, who's arousal will be shared with you... making you as distracted as she is with said thoughts, making it in your best interests to satisfy her. And of course, you might possess someone shy, like a nymph or some other supernatural qt, and end up learning their kinks as they make requests of you, like, say, exploring bondage or going out while wearing no panties... with their shame becoming your shame and making it all the more exciting for you as well.

You MUST be in a body, you cannot exist outside of one, but you may alternate who's body you're in daily. While in a body, you have access to all of that figure/monster girl's abilities, strengths, and weaknesses (the person you're possessing might be headstrong for example, and share her competitive nature with you when you're challenged), or it could be a more mundane weakness like shinto magic and wards if you're in a kitsune or oni. Though while you have ACCESS to these powers... USING them will not come naturally. Sure, you have more direct control over whoever you're controlling than any other servant... but it's less reliable, like learning to flex a limb you didn't have before, and it's different for each one.

Now for the responsibility... servants CAN leave if you don't keep them satisfied. Being mean is a quick way to do this, but even haughty royal figures will stick with you in a tsundere sort of way if they're sexually fulfilled... as embarrassed as they'd be to admit it... though sometimes, your control of a servant may falter. If something puts you and the servant you're possessing at odds, either as a matter of principle or... "priorities", you'll risk losing control.
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It's a battle of willpower, but you're bound to lose it if you don't either compromise, or deal with the problem causing it. If you lose it... you become a "passenger" in the body until the next day, at which point you may possess someone else, or try to re-establish control... though you will be at a higher risk of losing control again. While a "passenger", the person you were possessing will be in full control, but you will still be 100% able to sense and feel everything they do, while staying in telepathic contact with them, with YOU now the voice in their head. They will get "master" privileges as well, something many will abuse. Didn't let that satyr girl rail Tamano no Mae? Well now, as the servant master is possessing, she is ORDERING the fox milf to lift her tails for her cock... something that will either awaken Tamano's subby side, or end up with you and the satyr girl dominated and humbled via intense femdom, causing more problems for you both down the line, as the servants will see BOTH of you as responsible for the actions of the one.

Examples of things that can cause this:
>You need to stop Apophis from spreading lewd chaos and debauchery, but... the Queen of Sheba, who you are possessing, had you ask Apophis riddles to prove her worth... and she answered each one right, which made her REALLY turned, and made the Queen WANT to be fucked by the enemy... and she'll fight you to let Apophis put a leash around her and PROBABLY take the rest of your servants for lewd magic and Saphic orgies until you manage to sort things out...
>The tomboyish Joan of Arc fights your will if you involve other servants in a "duel" she wants with Scáthach, for it'd be "dirty" fighting... but you know well you're outmatched, and if she takes over before you can stop Scáthach... you'll end up in her "fortress of shadows" where she's a practicing dominatrix. She'd let you try to escape everyday with a head start, but put you in some bondage gear first...
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Or maybe you're just using your friendly futa satyr, who's usually agreeable and helpful with her pan pipes, and she simply wants to fuck the enemy, or maybe even an ally.

"Failures" are always temporary. There may be conditions to end them earlier (like escaping Scathach's fortress of shadows while wearing an armbinder and gag), but if you fail, you'll end up getting out some other way, such as via rescue or "Ok fine you can go..." but you'll get fucked a LOT more if you can't even get out on your own.

Good luck keeping all of these cute historical figures both in line AND happy... lest your position of "master" be one in name only...

>I wish bushes were far sexier on average, even without being trimmed, that it was rare for people to shave, that I was a cute girl with a nice one (redhead ideally), and that oral was ALWAYS clean and safe, even for the backdoor.
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Granted! Not only are these items common, but "public indecency" is no longer a crime (but frowned up in excess). In addition, the world works by hentai logic and the human body is far more durable, so not only are these insertions possible, they are also 100% safe, sanitary, and can be worn for extended periods. Indefinitely, really... if you can handle the stimulation. People are more cuter and attractive as well just so you'll probably like what you see in this "reworked" world of yours.

And what better gift to give you when you enjoy the changes, than a new body? But what to give you... girls have more sensitive nipples and pussies, but boys have prostates and cocks... and a full packaged futa would simply get BORING after a while... hm...

Ah, of course! You will wake up as a random sex every day. You may appear as you'd like, and how much you being a different sex changes your appearance, such as being as feminine as you are as a girl even as a boy, but you WILL wake up with different parts to play with, and yes, dickgirl and "full packaged" futa are possibilities, but so are more niche things like cuntboy... which would more or less just be a girl with a prostate if you chose to be androgynous... but I digress. Your appearance will be to your liking, after all.

As for the price of this? Well what is fashion without innovation? Surely someone making this wish wouldn't follow trends, but be a trend SETTER. In addition to changing sexes daily... you'll also find a random assortment of "accessories" to go with your new sex, and it'll change daily. You'll have a wide selection, but they'll be no small "milquetoast" accessories mind you... they'll be things that you'll probably be a bit scared to put in at first, or humiliated to be seen wearing, but that's the fun of it! So what if you end up wearing a XL glass butt plug under a dress too short, a cock plug with frilly tassels coming out of it, a dog collar, and an exotic dancer's attire?
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Oh and don't think you can "chicken out", you'll have a magical gauge in your wardrobe that measures how "fun" your outfit choice is, and you can ONLY go out for the day once you've put together something... interesting. Otherwise, you'll just be cursed to instantly be restrained in full bondage gear as SOON as you leave your house, gagged, bound, hobbled... and with a big sign telling people to do what they want with you.

Many toys I provide will be functional too, of course... the piercings are enchanted to simply "phase" onto you, and otherwise act like normal piercings once you leave. Some of the beads will vibrate, I have plugs and piercings that change color if you're aroused, letting everyone know, there are anal spreaders in the form of animated cocks that feel like the real deal... hell, some of your clothes might be held up by some of this "jewelry". You may wake up a girl, and find that your dress is ONLY held up by nipple piercings or plugs, and the only buttplug I gave you that day, while comfortable... has a sign attached to it saying "Feel free to fuck me". So try to keep that dress up, will you? As for the "clothes", they'll often be ridiculous as well. Latex, lingerie of the other sex, ordinary rope and fishing nets...

These are all options of course. Sometimes I will try to lead you in a direction, but you will ultimately pick the look. Sure, they'll all be humiliating and/or distractingly stimulating... but you'll get to pick HOW they are!

In time, possibly to you your chagrin, you will find that people are very interested in your fashion. Perhaps they're jealous, maybe they think you're a slut and you'll trend among doms who want to dress their subs up like you... maybe both. But either way? You're destined to be a model in this new world, like it or not... so I suggest you learn to like it, and train your holes regularly...

>I wish I was a cute, stacked imp girl in a family of triplets who frequently get into shenanigans together.
Granted! Alchemy, magic, witchcraft, and yes, sexy sorceresses, witches, and monster folk now exist, including you. A slime-goat girl related to Baphomet, an important figure in magic and alchemy.

The world is similar to how you remember it, but some people will be monsterfolk now, with some comically unexpected forms, like a goth barista becoming a motherly figured cowgirl, a haughty popular girl becoming a twink elf boy, or a male fitness trainer becoming a shortstack goblin girl (who still works in a gym, doing her best). They will more or less be the same people deep down, but report having dreams of being someone else, and some "seers" may tell them who they were in a previous life if they seek them out, which they all react to differently. "Everyday" potions and scrolls are sold just about everywhere. Healing potions at pharmacies, gender bending and body swap scrolls at sex shops, mending scrolls at hardware stores, revival potions in hospitals... but no fireball scrolls or poisons in places like that.

YOU are needed in this new society. While not Baphomet herself... you are one of her descendants, crossed with a slime. You have a knack for basic magic and alchemy, but... this comes at a cost. One that'll keep you from using "harmful" spells, but perhaps be a mixed blessing for helpful spells... Baphomet is a being of duality, symbolized by being human and beast, male and female (you may become futa at will), and even in their signature pose, as above, as below. You are also related to the horned god in witchcraft, and follow the same "threefold aspect", which is to say, whatever you do comes back to you three times as strong.

So putting this in practice, your slime makes for GREAT potion bases, but you'll always end up with a second potion that somehow creates a duality with the first. Now, this won't always be "Healing potion also creates a poison". but rather, "A potion that mends wounds comes with another that gives someone fangs or talons"
Though a breast expansion potion may very well come with a breast reduction potion. The same goes with spells. A futafication spell may "backfire" and create a milfification spell at the same time as femininity to balance the new dick, or maybe it'll come with a cuntboy spell to mirror the genitals not matching the person they are attached to.

Here's the kicker: If you do not find a second target for your spells and potions, it will default to you... and if you want to make a living with potions and spellcraft? You'll rarely have the luxury of having a willing "dummy" for the mirror spells. If the secondary potion is not used within 24 hours, the effects are applied to you. The spell effects immediately apply to you if there is no second target, and if the spell would, say, give someone a bimbo body... your slime shapeshifting will be suppressed for the duration of it, so no futa cock until it expires. Likewise, if you end up having a dick, you won't be able to get rid of it. Now your magic won't ever hurt you. Like I said, healing potions won't default to creating poisons (though I'd avoid playing with fireballs and lightning bolts), and subconscious magical instincts of yours will see to it that the duality of the magic doesn't hurt you or be "boring"... but it can and will still be embarrassing and lewd. Say you make a stamina potion for sex. You may end up EXTREMELY sensitive and easy to make cum instead of having no libido. Or maybe you made cosmetics? Instead of turning ugly, you'll gain the opposite of the "masking" effect, making your slime easier to see through, so people can see your womb and such. Duality doesn't always mean opposites, so if you make a fucknugget spell, you might get trapped in a ladypot right after. They both scratch the same fetish after all, just in different ways...

You won't know what to expect, but you'll always have a hunch of "how bad" it'll be. Oh, right, and the threefold aspect?
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The secondary effect will be three times as strong when it applies to you. This can either apply to the duration, or intensity of the effect. You get to choose which, but you won't always know the outcome of your "side effect", so it's a bit of a shot in the dark. Did you cast a spell to make someone submissive, and make it three times stronger in hopes of being some kind of super dom? Well... the duality here could be the TYPE of submissive, not the sub/dom dynamic itself. The person you cast the spell on became a human servant, while you ended up becoming a slime PET submissive, and with the threefold aspect... you can only crawl on all fours and make animal noises, embodying petplay.

Or perhaps you think increasing a duration would be better than intensifying a spell. You're gender bending someone, it'd be better to have a normal sized cock for three days instead of a hyper cock for one, I mean, you have places to be and a 3 foot cock would be humiliating, especially with your slime magic unable to hide it... but perhaps in this case... the side effect of ALTERING genitals is DUPLICATING genitals, leaving you with six tits and two pussies, something you may have wanted to have for LESS time... it's certainly going to give you more strange looks than the three foot cock you expected...

Your hunches will get better over time, but you'll never TRULY know what to expect from your magic. And yes, you can cast spells on yourself... but you'll have to have a willing target to absorb the secondary effects, and they're just as unpredictable, in ways that can backfire on you just as spectacularly. Did you want to make yourself more alluring? Your friend is now FAR hornier and more dominant, and you're going to be theirs for the duration of the spell. And if that friend was a witch... expect magic play in the bedroom.

Good luck...

>I wish I was a cute, stretchy and durable shortstack with female, futa, and monster futa friends
*Three pussies if it's duplicating, the effect will always be THREE times as strong
Wish bump
Granted, everyone now becomes part-plant in some way. The most common mutation would be your skin turning green and growing leaves and petals alongside your hair; but there will also be more monstrous forms like alraunes, tree girls, and "bush girls" that vaguely look like sheep girls (possibly a relative of Barometz). You'll belong in the "mostly human" category, with bright poppy-red hair that nicely contrast your green skin, and a cute "country bumpkin" tomboyish appearance.
All plantpeople will share a few characteristics, such as being capable of surviving with way less food, but requiring regular sunlight intake, otherwise you'll be left lethargic and tired. Another thing is that people will adopt a more "natural" look when it comes to stuff like body hair or body shapes, except that these things will innately become... Cuter? Sexier? It will be a mixture of "people's opinion on these things become far more favorable" and "these things will physically change to LOOK better". So yes, people will trim and shave way less often, but they'll still look good.
And of course... Just like plants can just be pollinated wherever and whenever, plantpeople will feel a lot more open to casual low-key sex, even with strangers and in public. It helps that your physical mutations also involve some sexual improvements, like better sexual stamina and, of course, auto-cleaning. Any waste is just teleported away and reintroduced into the environment, so for all intent and purposes your holes will always be clean and sweet-tasting.

Overall, society will become a lot more slow-paced (especially at night), moving away from hyper-technology in favor of simpler farm-like lives; but also, as I already said, far more open to sex.

>I wish to be reborn as a hyper-dicked tanuki in an incestuous family of hyper-dicked tanukis.
Granted. However be aware that being reborn to an incestuous family of tanukis of all things did take a lot of time. Humanity is long gone, at least in a form that's recognizable to you if you were to keep your memories. The world could be best described now as one big yiff paradise. If you thought your hyper-dicked tanukis are the biggest sexual danger to the world? Oh no no no.

Rapy obsessed nekomatas, kappas stalking the night, murky waters, centaurs seeking a relief after their hunts and many more. You are but a drop in the ocean of the perverse, vulgar landscape that is now Earth.

Now. Some of the "Humans" have great interest in creatures like you. Either for throphy hunting with their advanced technology compared to y'all, or for other, more depraved reasons. Your genetic mess of a family left you with an unspeakaple sex drive and your cock LEAKS pretty much all the time. Have fun not humping something for more than a minute. You WONT make it.

Sex is your instinct now. Not even in a very hot way, at least not for long. You need it as much as food and water. You will die without it and you damn wish you didn't have to at some point. But you have to top to satisfy your needs. Sure, you might think that allowing yourself to be caught and raped by centaurs will relief you for some time. Not a chance. It will only frustrate you more. Build up your desires. Add fuel to the fire. Sex HAS to happen on YOUR terms. It's the only way to quiet down the urges. And considering that you chose to be a meek tanuki, hyper-cock or not, instead of a more powerful creature. Dictating your terms will be harder than your cock after five rounds of centaur ball-broth left in your guts. Have fun.

>I wish for my body to adapt extremely fast to my workout routines. I wanna be able to pick and switch between being a slim femboy, a muscled hunk, a ripped athlete and everything in between in a matter of weeks tops.
Granted! Your body is now highly adaptable to just about any sort of workout. Pick the routine you'd like, and not only will you see results quite literally immediately (a few days of modest effort complete the "transformation"), but you'll look supernaturally idealistic for whatever the workouts aimed to achieve. So say, you go from a muscled hunk to a femboy. Your facial structure will soften and your figure, hair, and facial features will grow more feminine, as your voice will also sound cuter. Become a hunk and you'll grow more "chad" like.

But do be warned, once you start a routine, you'll be locked into it until you finish it. You will have a "cooldown" where your body resists any change, for better or for worse (good news is you won't get out of shape) for a few days to a week after the workout, depending on how drastic the change was, or how much you got "setttled" into a certain bodytype. If you embraced being a femboy, wearing cute clothes and being a cardio bunny, the "grace period" will last longer. Same with being buff if you lift stuff regularly or show off and flex.

This isn't a bad thing though... because when I say you're adaptable, I mean it, and "workouts" can start without you meaning them too... and like I said... you're stuck with the regime until you finish your current transformation. The 2-3 days of exercise can be MUCH longer if you procrastinate, but you won't LOSE progress at least. So say you start turning into an athlete, but try to quit halfway through. You'll just stay at the halfway point until you finish the workout, and you won't be able to start another until your grace period is over. And as you've probably gathered... these workouts are more supernatural in nature than grounded in science. Yes, workouts used to get certain REAL bodytypes will work as expected, but in addition to this, your body will "adapt" to other things if you make them habits.

Have you been enjoying anal play a bit more often than usual?
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That just might count as a routine for becoming a "butt slut", one that, like all others? Can't be backed out of. Now it can be a "side routine" of a bodytype you already have. You could be a himbo hunk or a femboy buttslut, but it'll make you look more submissive and slutty, and you'll need to train anal more to finish the routine so you can start another. Using larger insertions, riding them, practicing squats for practical applications... the good news is that these come with benefits, like being waste free and always ready for anal, as well as being a pro at it. Bad news is you'll PROBABLY look like a slut after you finish the routine.

Other, less predictable "routines" can happen as well. Nofap might count and straight up make you a girl, and while there ARE exercises to make you a guy again, the other part of this paw is that you have to figure out what they are yourself (outside of exercises that are documented and make sense). Might be celibacy as a girl to be a guy again, might be pegging, might be tribbing. Who knows? You'll just have to experiment. You won't ever end up with "ugly" bodies, so you can laze around and not worry about turning into some kind of slob (unless you'd be into it), but you can easily and unintentionally start unpredictable routines that only make sense in hindsight, like masturbation giving you a bigger dick, to the point of it being hard to hide (which is especially fun if you have a twinkish or "female" body).

My advice? Keep a notebook of what does what to your body, and abuse extended grace periods from embracing a new body after achieving it to enjoy it longer.

On the other hand... who knows what you might just be able to achieve if you look for MORE "unorthodox" routines...? You could reach shapeshifter levels of adaptability... given you're ready to accept the risk...

>I wish I had the power to merge lewd dreams and fantasies with reality... with a blacklist of fetishes I'd hate (ex. waste, gore), please.

Following your signing of a not-so-thoroughly skimmed contract, the rug is pulled out from under you. It is revealed that the latest job you've applied to was not, in fact, some well paying, boring office drone position, but a position for a demon in Hell, to do demon stuff.

The world around you is engulfed in flames, and your body rapidly changes into something that quite resembles your attached picture. Red skin, horns, purple highlights, phenomenal curves, the works. Yes, however predictably, you've been turned into a succubus. And through the strict, extra-legal bindings you find yourself under, you shouldn't bank on that changing any time soon.

Your new lot is that of a career succubus. Hell is actually far more corporatized than you may have expected. Your situation is not tremendously uncommon; people-made-demons fill the grunt ranks down here and are put to work. For you, this involves normal succubus fare. Whether it be fucking and teasing normal Hell denizens or appeasing surface mortals who've summoned you, you do your job and you do it well.

Or did. Your beginnings as a succubus were years ago. Many, many years ago. You haven't actually kept track, but it's been enough to make your immortal body actually show signs of age. All good ones, of course. Your once lithe, tight body has blossomed into something to behold. More gracious, supple curves, the tasteful smile line or stretch mark here or there. Even things like longer horns. It turns out you don't need to appear the pinnacle of youth to get your job done. As an experienced milf™, you've actually become a hell of a lot more proficient at sexual tasks.
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Now while Hell doesn't exactly scream "upward mobility", your efforts don't go unnoticed, or unrewarded. Your betters rightfully recognize your potential and choose to promote you. You are now a professional milf. Instead of being a low level succubus who gets tossed into any ol' mortal perv's summoning circle, you're an upper echelon demon with the final say on your marks.

You work on commission, finding moldable mortals and using your corruptive influence to promote sinfullness, tightening Hell's grip on the surface world. I wouldn't worry too much about that, though. You'll be having too much fun with your targets, taking mortals under your (metaphorical) wing, and mommydom them into becoming your demon children.

You're also encouraged to taylor your 'torment' to suit your desired mortal. Why not curse that shut-in girl by constantly appearing in her own bed? Or tease and interrupt that femboy 'daughter' you sent to do house chores? Run some errands and constantly embarrass that repressed daughter with your incredibly revealing clothing and lewd actions.

You've got access to pretty much any young hottie you'd wanna get your claws on. Just make sure you keep up the good work! For your sake please keep up the good work. Seriously...

>I wish to be feminized in a humiliating fashion through heavy surgical alteration.
Humiliating you say?

Granted! You are now legally, and supernaturally owned by another person I granted the wish of, Dr. Faustina. She knows your wish well, and looks forward to "toying with you". Whatever she orders you to do, you must do. The "supernatural" part of her ownership of you means that if you disobey, she will know, and she can simply snap her fingers to teleport you to her, unconscious if she so desires. This is VERY helpful for "You will wear this chastity cage all day" or "You will perform at this strip club as a girl while crossdressing", things she likes to do to warm you up for her procedures, really...

Luckily for you, other than the shock and getting used to the changes, she is a VERY skilled doctor. Supernaturally so... She'll reduce your adam's apple, alter your skeletal structure to take on a feminine form, give female hormones and bimbo esq implants to mix your natural breasts with those she's putting in you... and this will all be done seamlessly, with no surgical scars... unless she'd like to leave one. You may even wake up with longer hair or different colored eyes... this is normal, and she's probably keeping your old scalp and eyes in her pocket dimension, along with whatever else she might have replaced... perhaps your balls will end up there too? Or maybe she'll borrow your cock and wear it herself...

You see, her wish made surgery effortless for her, and gave her supernatural, or as some might call them "magical" abilities that can let her do just about anything to someone, fully reverse it, or keep altering the same person while never "damaging" them and making future procedures dangerous. As for how she USES these powers... aside from working as a doctor to pay the bills, she sees extreme body modification as more of a PERSONAL hobby... and you as her favorite "test dummy". She'll be pretty normal feminizing you at first, making you crossdress, putting makeup on you, making you wear a cage maybe.
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She might not make you wear a cage though, it depends on what's more "fun". Will you be cuter with it on, seeking anal release, or more humiliated with a healthy cock able to pitch a tent in your dress at any moment, threatening to show everyone who sees just what kind of "procedures" you're getting? Oh, and your friends, coworkers, etc will be notified of your new name and sex, whatever humiliating name she comes up with for you... Princess maybe? That's embarassing AND ironic! Or maybe Lily? That's cute! Though she WILL have the mercy to keep people you may not have liked from bullying you. She might ruin your image as a man, but she still thinks she needs to "protect" you as her patient (and pet). She'll fuck you with her futa cock nightly (she grafted it onto her herself), and pick out your outfits everyday. A french maid for a trip to the grocery store? Why not! She loves you in a... unique, way, like that. She knows you want this, and what do you know! So does she, it's cute.

But eventually, you'll be feminized. Perhaps a VERY convincing femboy, maybe a shemale, maybe a full on girl... but does it REALLY have to end...? Because like I said... there's no limit to how many times she can operate on you.

She might let you get used to being a girl... only to take your implants out while you sleep and put your cock and balls back on, making you a femboy again, and see if you keep acting "girly". She might decide you'd look better as a bimbo, with dick sucking lips, a huge ass, and dark skin. Hell, she might look at your search history. Oh, you're into ladypots? Yeah she can fit you in one... display you in her parlor or waiting room. Quad amputee? Child's play... Multibreast? How many?

Eventually, being a "normal" looking girl will be a rarity, but you will constantly be feminized, and feminized again in new and humiliating ways.

At least it'll never get boring...

>I wish I was a sexy witch who could turn others into sapient, lewd objects (and back)
Granted, but there's an important catch. You can't use YOUR dreams or fantasies - that would be too easy. No, you'll have to collect other people's dreams and use them.
The way it works is that, while you sleep, you can choose to send your consciousness (think lucid dreaming) to humanity's collective dreamscape - which will be represented as a chaotic, misty maze full of doors that lead to other people's dreams. If you know someone well, you can easily find their door; alternatively, you can try searching for something generic like "mom" or "being chased by a monster", with images on/around the door giving you clues to its contents. The bad news is that, until you actually enter someone else's dreams, you will only have a vague idea of what their dream is about; the good news is that you can set up a "blacklist" so that any dream unsuitable to your tastes will be inaccessible - you'll just bonk your head against an invisible wall.
Once you get inside someone's dream, you must look for special "dream orbs", which essentially contain a copy of the dream. After getting them, all you need to do is to exit the dream, go back to your body, and bam - you'll wake up with the dream orbs you collected.

Using the dream orbs is simple: just smash them with some force. This will unleash the dream into reality, with the result being a mixture of your desires and the original dream. For example, let's say that you break the orb of a dream involving fucking Angelina Jolie: maybe it'll summon a dream copy of Jolie, or maybe it will transform someone into Jolie. Or maybe it'll summon Lara Croft instead. There will always be an element of randomness - mostly because dreams, even lewd ones, tend to be REALLY FUCKING WEIRD. So don't come complaining to me if you get evil carrot girls together with your "getting fucked by a succubus MILF" fantasy.
On the plus side, once you break an orb, you can keep the fantasy active for pretty much as long as you want. Turning it off might take a while, though: sometimes it will be a few minutes, sometimes it'll be a few days...

>I wish to be a cute boy used as a test subject for lewd experiments.
>the wish
This is like the vanilla of vanilla things I read this month on /d/. Not judging, just confused you even considers any of it /d/
Vanilla is still a flavor in Neapolitan ice cream my friend.

But in all seriousness, because the limits are removed for any grants for the wish so I have even less of an idea of what to expect.
Granted! I just hope you're ok with them being of the magical kind...

You are now the new catboy familiar of a sexy, mature witch with too much time on her hands now that her daughters have "flown the nest" so to speak. She's a kind, warm hearted, softy of a woman... but don't let her outwards demeanor fool you. She knows what you wanted with your wish, and she wants that too... besides, do you have ANY idea how rare cute boys are among circles of witches? Not fucking many... outside of futa spells and enchanted dildos and strap ons, you're a rare source of cock. Don't think that because she's mature she isn't kinky either. If anything, her extended lifespan as a witch has given her MORE kinks... but I'll share your search history with her just so she has an idea of what YOU are into. What's that? You deleted it? You think that'll stop a genie?

Anyways, let's set some groundrules. She will give you a new name. Cheshire? No, too cliche... how about "Pip"? And human clothes? Not unless she says so. You're her familiar, not her roommate, and arguably not even human anymore... she might have you put something cute on for company, like a maid outfit or some lingerie... but you're more of a pet for her. That isn't to say she doesn't see you as one with human level intelligence, and worthy of her love. She just knows... you're into being dominated, and she enjoys it as well. You'll get to sleep with her plenty... under her terms, of course. She IS caring. Just know that if you misbehave, you may end up punished. Being a "ladypot" (male) outside for passing fairies to tease (she lives in the woods), being turned into her underwear... and more.

As for the experiments? Oh where do I even begin... while she is seen as a hedge witch, focusing on healing and good luck... her REAL passion is in eromancy and transmutation, or turning one thing into another, and an understanding of healing magic can make for more "interesting" shapeshifting spells...
She might let you fuck her a few times, try an aphrodisiac on you... only to curse you to be unable to cum to test the duration, but in another trial, have you fuck her plenty to test the duration if the person imbibing it is ACTIVE. While she IS a witch, she still understands the importance of multiple trials and the importance of a "control". Other times, she might just want to see how something works... or IF it works. Being her familiar, she can snap her fingers and "respawn" you should you encounter any problems, free of any harmful magical effects... but only harmful ones, and the definition of "harmful" is VERY subjective. Yes, she can and will stop you from passing out if the "stamina enhancement" medicine is too much... but no, having your limbs transmuted into cat limbs so you walk on all fours is not "harmful" so you'll have to wait for that to wear off, or... ask her to undo it. Though seeing how your head is now on level with her crotch, she has a few ideas of how you can "earn" that.

As I mentioned earlier, if you misbehave, such as being rude, cumming early, or being lazy, she can and WILL punish you with humiliating curses and transformations. She'll learn what gets to you the most through your time together, but she prefers to humble you rather than make you miserable. The "perfect" punishment, in her eyes, is one where you'll willingly obey her once it's over. She might make you unable to speak for being "rude", but teach you obedience and how to LISTEN in the meantime, rewarding you when you, say, eat her out when she asks, show your butt, or meow for her.

As for some of her more "intense" experiments... she has clients, you see. Ones who have very niche fetishes, and want very niche spells and potions. Ones that can only be made via trial and error with PLENTY of fucking around. Oh, she wants a pill that turns someone into an onahole...? Well... she'll run experiments that turn you into a quad amputee, shrink you...
And turn you into sapient, living rubber of course.

She'll have to make sure each individual effect works before moving onto further magical development... and since making sure they work more or less translates to "wait for them to expire if nothing goes wrong", she will ABSOLUTELY have fun with you while you're in those states. Quad amputee? Would you like her to peg you with a magic futa cock?~ Shrunken down? You should still be durable in this state, I wonder just what it'd be like if she sat on you, or... where you can fit at this size... made of rubber? Oh imagine the sex positions- did I say imagine? No sweetie, follow her to the bedroom and let her guide you, you won't have to imagine them much longer.

Once she starts combining the spells, she'll find ways to keep things fun. Small and rubber, but still with all of your limbs? You're... almost dildo sized, aren't you? But sometimes, spells might not work as expected. Ah, the quad amputee spell left you with stubs to crawl around on... well she still has to observe you for the duration, so why not put little socks on your nubs and slap a leash on you? A little petplay never hurt anyone.

And when it all comes together? She will turn you into an onahole multiple times, and test you each time with a futa cock spell. Thoroughly.

Another client may want a four way body swap spell... good thing she has daughters. And so what if she has fun with her daughters as well? It's not like they'll get each other pregnant or anything... She'll start with body swaps between each pair, and THOROUGHLY enjoy the one between you and her, maintaining her dominant role even in your body, while she and her daughters tease you in her voluptuous, but comparatively helpless form (you won't get her magic). She'll move onto a three way swap, and finally a four way swap, recording the spell and putting it up for sale... after a few body swap orgies and a days of mindswap roleplay around the house.

She knows your limits...
And she DOES respect them, never exposing you to fetishes that you wouldn't find at least a LITTLE hot, or would be more miserable than shamefully enjoyable... but if a client asks for something WEIRD and, based on her understanding of your fetishes, she knows you're ok with it, or that you're at least not opposed to it?

/d/orses, boob slugs, fuckplants (male), cuntboy spells, turning you into a body part (often a cock or pussy) on either her, one of her daughters, or one and then the other, and any other fetish you can imagine is on the table. Just remember... she's VERY thorough, and will make these spells piece by piece. For example, being a boob slug involves having tits, then multiple tits, then being a quad amputee... and being someone's pussy involves both conjoinment, turning into a set of sapient genitals, and spells that MERGE bodies... But hey, that's just more time to bond with your new owner, isn't it?

She can't wait to introduce you to her coven sisters, and THEIR daughters too...

>I wish I was an attractive woman/girl who could repeatedly change what KIND of woman/girl I am. Turn into a tomboy for a bit, then a cuter petite younger girl, then a sexy mature woman, then a full venus bodied milf... and maybe then into a cute "shortstack" girl, with no reduced lifespan or ill health effects from changing, including repeated age progressing and regressing.
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You find yourself transported instantly into a new world and a new life, thankfully with (some) corresponding memories. The world you now inhabit is uncannily similar to ours, but has a TTRPG-style magic system sort of slapped on top. Contrary to what you may think, there really aren't any major alterations to the timeline despite this incredible discrepency in power between these two worlds. Whatever understanding of history and day-to-day life you have going on should be enough to get you by.

As for your new life, street smarts may not be enough to carry you. You now inhabit the life of Medeia Duke, an instructor/administrator at a higher level spellcasting institution. You can think of it as a college for magics, just with a higher ceiling for achievement. Now Ms. Duke has a sort of... reputation on campus. She is well known for being an excellent and sought out instructor, but she is also well known for being fickle, and for her difficult-to-predict mean streak. Particularly, she is well known for transmuting her students and peers into objects.

She's hard to get a read on, so get used to people being strangely on edge around you. After all, who could forget the time you turned a girl into a buttplug after she spoke out of turn in class. You left her like that for a week! Or the time you caught a boy copying his classmate's assignment, so you turned him into an onahole and tossed him into the boy's locker room. You remember these incidents, and many, many others, vividly. She'd very often say it was for disciplinary reasons, and with the scared straight results it netted, there were many who didn't dare to question her methods.
I'll remind you, while this life is now fully yours to take on, it was not always. You have very clear memories of your duties here at the institution, many of your interactions with peers, students, and much of the altered history of your new world. You even have a rich and hollistic understanding of the magics in which Medeia is so diligently studied. But you don't have everything. Despite being able to recall certain conversations or events, your precise relationships between students and peers are unclear to you, so you'll have to feel them out to avoid appearing strange.

I wouldn't worry too much about your new life immediately collapsing if you're figured out, but your reputation leaves you in a somewhat precarious position. You have incredible power disposable at your fingertips, and your position actually encourages you to use it in order to maintain your image. You should indulge your urge to turn that other flirty teacher into a dildo, you pretty much have to. You're stuck living in something of a ruse. If someone were to find out that you weren't always Medeia, they could have some interest in getting back at you for using your magic on unruly students. Worse, other instructors may have motivations to manipulate you and lead you to ceding your seat of power.

But hey, you should focus on having fun. Your high position in the institution protects you against a lot of the would-be backlash for objectifying and using other humans, and, again, it's honestly better for your image that you continue to do so. So keep up with your teaching duties, "discipline" some students, maintain your new role. Just don't forget to change 'em back after you've had your fun.

>I wish to compete in and lose a TF gameshow, leaving me permanently and lewdly transformed for the entertainment of a live studio audience.
What happened to the mind/soul of the real Medeia Duke...?

I'd like to toy with her too if possible...
Fantastic question!

Since your wish shoved her out of her own life, the "real" Medeia has found herself in a newly synthesized body, with a completely fleshed out personal history. She's now some peon student, just like the ones she's so used to playing with. Her memories are left completely untampered, but her magical capabilities have been severely hindered. Even if she still has the potential to reach your level, it'll take years of constant practice to even come close.

She'll think of all of this as just a cruel twist of Karma, but it's left up to you to capitalize on that sweet sweet role reversal.

As an added failsafe (and to make it fair to your facade) she can't directly state who she really was. Few people would even chance taking her word on the matter, but this will ensure you're not de facto outed. And it should make it all the more fun to keep her in her place... preferably one where she's limbless and made of something rubbery.
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Granted. You are an honorary member of the "Inorcist Club", a group of cute women (yes, futa still count) dedicated to fighting sexual repression with the power of deviant fetishes. Naturally, you had to be transformed into a sexy futa, but hey, I bet that you won't complain.
Your speciality will be that of "personality excretion", which is exactly what you expect. You can create various drugs that will fill the victim's mind with lust; if the victim abandons itself to its instincts and orgasms, they will eject their own intelligence and personality in the form of "personality jelly". The more jelly they expel, the stupider and bimbo-esque they get. If all jelly is expelled, the victim's body will become a meat doll, still alive but barely able to follow commands; while the victim's mind will obviously be kept in the jelly, still aware of what is going on.
But that's not all. The jelly has a tendency to remain in "one piece" (with smaller pieces evaporating and re-congealing with the biggest piece), but you know the trick to split a piece of jelly into two and keep it splitted. You also know how to insert a jelly-dildo into someone and decide whether or not the jelly will remain a toy, or fuse with the body. You know how to put multiple "souls" in one single body, deciding which soul controls which part; and you instinctively know the position of every jelly you create (that way you'll never lose it).

Soooooo, what's the drawback? Monsters, of course. Goblins, tentacle plants, yokai... To put it simply, they REALLY don't like it when Inorcists sexually assault other people, and so they have formed squads and organizations dedicated to stopping them and forcing them into chastity devices and/or lust-dampening drugs. Yes, I know that you want to only target willing people; but due to misunderstandings or prejudices, you'll always periodically face a monster convinced that you're a dangerous rapist that needs to be stopped.
Your best bet would be to find a way to use your power on your opponent, making them expel their soul. From there, you can just... leave, really. As long as you defeated your opponents, fate will conspire so that they will stop bothering you for a while. Maybe they'll be saved by their companions, or maybe those particular monsters will have a change of heart and leave you be, I don't know.
And if you lose? Well, you'll have to spend some time without sex. Maybe you'll be forced into a chastity belt. Maybe you'll be subjected to a curse that makes you disgusted by your favorite fetish. Maybe your powers will be sealed. Whatever it is, it will be something anti-lewd, but also temporary: your Inorcists friends will always find a way to cure/help you... eventually.

>I wish for the ability to manipulate my own age, growing older or younger at will.
Granted. You can now freely manipulate your own body to reflect any age you want with a simple thought, you can even choose how you want the transformation to happen, like you slowly going X to Y, an instant *poof* transformation and etc.

However for you to use your power you must at the time time absorb or give those years to someone else, so if you want to get younger someone else will get older and vice versa, you can either focus it on a single person or just use it anyway and a random person on the world will be affected, and don't worry the world will simply adjust itself as if that person was already that age and no one will notice, with the sole exception being if you focus on someone and actively choose if they or anyone else is aware of the changes.

Now here's the fun part: As an OPTIONAL part of your powers, while you are focusing on someone to use your powers on you can additionally also absorb something from them if it is included on the years you toke. For example, if you absorb a few years from a professional on any area you will gain those skills, and then later you can just return then to get back at where you were or even give those years of experience to someone else. You can even go as far as use it on body features like a nice tan, a fit body, or even fully swap years with someone else for more extreme changes like parts of their appearance, get genderswapped, a bigger dick/tits as long as you can get creative with you it will probably work.

You don't have to worry about any mental changes or things like that from your powers, your mind will always stay the same, save from being able to access someone's else experience or memories you toke if you want to, but those will either come as second nature or as details you can look, so even if you end up as a little girl you will still be you, but you can access any memories or relevant information. And if things get too complicated you can just instantly reset all changes at will.
>I wish that the world would change so that all kinds of monster girls would become commonplace and fully integrated into society. Also that there was a very small change for someone to suddenly become a monster girl out of nowhere, even guys. With me turning into a slime girl with all kinds of slime girl powers like shapeshifting, splitting and controlling multiple bodies, regeneration, etc.
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Granted! After a global change turns the world lewder to allow for such a thing, you are invited to the popular adult gameshow "Circe's Circus", run by a sexy witch of the same name.

The games are similar in principle, but vary wildly in content. They all SOMEHOW boil down to transformations and curses being inflicted on contestants to hinder them in a task, often lewd, with the changes being permanent (barring a few immunity idols, bonus round mercies, or "custom" transformations inflicted by the winner or Circe herself) if they give up or lose, and they may be kept if they win as well, of course... The game could be as simple as an obstacle course where everyone is turned into a cute girl, only to have their breasts and ass grow over time and slow them down. Reach the end in time, you get rid of the changes, get there late and you get a mercy, fail outright and you keep them, give up and you keep them (but only to the extent that you were transformed). Of course, for a lewd world like this that's a pretty tame challenge... so Circe likes to mix things up with lewd traps, like a tile on the course that'll turn a contestant futa with a cock and balls slowing them down, have the last part of the course be a wrestling ring for surprise ultimate submission fighting, or give the contestants one use spells they can use at ANY time. such as "Unnatural Lust", forcing someone to fuck someone else, a spell that body swaps the target and stays permanent if the challenge finishes while they're swapped, multiplies genitals, makes someone a quad amputee, at the cost of the caster losing two limbs themselves...

Other games are FAR more lewd. Boob slug rodeo (YOU are the boob slugs, the riders are not contestants), a game where everyone is turned into a pot person (like a ladypot) and sent to a random destination, left vulnerable and only able to talk, tasked with hitchhiking back to the studio (but magically viewed the entire time), or transformative card battles.
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There are far lewder games, like one akin to "prop hunt", where the contestants are turned into cute girls who morph into lewd versions of said object (but with a normalcy spell so only the audience can see them as human) only you get extra points for being something lewd, like a chair or dildo, and the person "seeking" will be encouraged to draw people out of hiding via lewd methods. There's the /d/orse derby, the ladypot cafe, the gender bender roulette, the fucknugget war of attrition (you get fucked and toyed with by cute helpers until it's too much, last one to give in wins)

The draw of the game is that most people secretly want to be transformed, at least somewhat, and being a witch, Circe targets these people with offers to be contestants. Winning the game can get you a transformation of your choice, access to a transformation spell, or even ownership of a loser (some people use this to settle scores in sexy rivalries or tsundere relationships). The games that FORCE a transformation onto you by default may not make you keep it... unless you come in last, or agreed to higher stakes for higher rewards (extremely common), and you ALWAYS have a chance (a small one) to reverse things up until the game is over. People may stop things at any time, however, and this is to advertise it as fair. If your tits are too big now, or you've JUST been transformed into a milf, with no /d/ tier modifications... you might want to quit while you're ahead... but alas, people in this show are subject to the gambler's fallacy, fueled by their libidos and shortsightedness.

Now for you! You'll get to play, only you will be magically cursed by Circe herself to be unable to refuse a challenge. and set your stakes VERY high, so... already you're fucked, you just get to experience your downwards spiral. I'll personally ensure that you lose, no matter how :"unlucky" you'd have to be.

...One part of the paw is that the audience and other contestants will be told that.
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The entire "special" will be about you, "A contestant who WILL lose, no matter what, thanks to a perverted wish! Watch the other contestants and volunteers toy with them, watch as we make it as EASY as possible for him- er... her. Our first game is "Maid To Order" and it looks like SHE won't be winning her penis back...", and as the audience goes wild, you'll be turned into a cute girl like >>11008461 , put in a lewd maid costume, and forced to follow Circe's lewd commands, only losing if you refuse or fail to complete one... which is inevitable for you. No, you won't fail to complete the commands like "eat me out" or "I will grow a futa cock and put a band on it, she must remove it with a hole that isn't her mouth"... no, you'll lose due to "bad luck". Another maid will trip on the anal bead tailplug you were ordered to wear, making it come out of you like a chainsaw ripcord (don't worry, the new bodies are VERY durable) and making you spill your tray, you'll fall and SOMEHOW land perfectly on a knotted dildo, immobilizing you for one of the "easy" tasks, and you'll find your clothes too small and bra too complicated when ordered to strip. So... you're a girl now... the other girls even helped you where it'd be fun, knowing you'd lose. The tail plug would have given you bonus points...

Next game? Futa fencing. Win points for fucking others, lose points for getting fucked... oh! You have some handicaps now, how thoughtful! A chastity cage with a hole for your cock! How COULD you lose? The other contestants, knowing you WILL lose, will grow cocky, waving their asses for you, tempting you, and hey, I might even let you fuck a few cause it'll be satisfying to watch. It won't stop you from losing... But as you walk to fuck one, you'll slip in ladycum, unable to stand as your victim throat fucks you. Yeah... you still have a hole. The others will follow suit... and talk about bad luck, because your cage will come loose from this...
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And the other futa will notice, and use your prone, dogpiled body for free points whenever a hole is available, or take the hole of someone already fucking you if one isn't. Normally, a girl who loses this keeps the cock, and a guy who loses doesn't get to keep the cock, and gains something MORE feminine... but you failed so spectacularly, and your mouth was used SO thoroughly, that you were given the last place prize of having your mouth turned into a pussy, just as sensitive as the one between your legs... and you didn't get to keep the cock. You're better BEING fucked it seems...

Next up is the Jug Jog, the race where your breasts grow bigger the longer you take. It's relatively uneventful... until you get caught in a net you were meant to climb, and someone from the last game, still having a cock, and knowing she'll be SECOND to last with you like this... stops to fuck you, which the audience goes wild for, telling her to use all of your holes, including your pussy mouth and Circe is all for it! She even got bonus points for that! Luckily, Circe had mercy and had your breasts "cap" in size. Ridiculous, but not hyper.

Next, the bonus round. Eat as many pussies as you can! Just fuck and have fun! Oh wait, you don't have a mouth anymore... but you DID get a spell last round! Lipples! Using that as anyone would, you'll be a hit with the girls here, eating PLENTY of pussy with your breast mouths as the contestants have some casual sex, and yet... you gain no points... but two NEW contestants get a point each time you eat someone out. Turns out your tits no longer count as "you". The spell was made from the souls of two previous, slutty losers, who now inhabit your breasts. A for effort though!

And lastly, Cosplay Chaos. You will be given random clothing and expected to play the part... and of course, you get a hooker's clothes. Others will get ACTUAL, less embarassing cosplay, but you have to service all the futa elfs, dominatrixes, cowgirls, etc.
You'll look like >>11008531
by now. Someone will try to hit another with a "bush" spell, only for them to counterspell it... and the stray spell to hit you. Don't worry, it can be shaved... so long as no one owns you after this and prohibits you, and it'll grow back faster from now on... and yes, your tits DO talk. They're VERY horny from being stored in a spell card for so long... but you get the feeling they're happy with the outcomes, like they were perverts before. And as you'll later find out, they were! Your tits were incestuous twin hotties, but that's neither here nor there... and you can't exactly "ask" them about their past lives yourself anymore...

So how could you POSSIBLY lose this? You JUST have to be a prostitute! And people are ALREADY looking to fuck you! You'll be the most fucked of anyone there, even! Being the last round, people will use their cards on you. "Alter ankles" so you have to wear heels, "Bush pheromones", "oral fixation" (applies to your pussy mouth and lipples), "puppy girl", and of course, every handcuff and bondage spell in circulation, keeping you bound so they can take turns with you, as the cameras all focus on you, the star of the special... and you'll pass out from pleasure before long.

...In dead last. Hookers get PAID. You were just a fucktoy who asked for nothing in return, no spellcards, no favors, nothing, so you failed the cosplay contest. But for being SO passionate about the game? Your loser's curse is to get to be a part of it! You AND your two new breast friends! sure you can't talk anymore, and sure your libido is now taking over your ability to focus... but you can look pretty! Spin the wheel to see what the contestants play, be a "helper" for some contests, like a "doll" for endurance contests, or even a "pet" for competitions where the contestants have to train a former loser!

Despite your increased libido, you won't be any dumber. You'll experience ALL of the humiliation that comes with this.
You'll become one of Circe's new "daughers", adopting the new name "Perse", which sounds like "Purse" when said out loud, and sounds like "Pussy" when you say it through your pussy lips. Gotta keep the Mythological theme, you know?

She owns you now. That's a shockingly rare thing to happen, actually. She REALLY liked your enthusiasm when you served as her maid in the first round, so she'll keep you as one, making you do chores for her while dressed up in humiliating clothes, and have PLENTY of magical sex with you and your tits, former contestants who are dead set on putting you "in your place" and acting like the body is theirs. You'll sometimes be lent out to Circe's favorite winners as a prize... or her favorite losers as a consolation prize, serving them for a week or so. Don't worry, only people she likes... and thinks you'd like...

Now she DOES have spells to speak with you telepathically, but... you're just so cute when you look this dumb, so she uses them "treats" when you're a good girl, so you can tell her what you want.

Oh, but the other part of the paw? You might argue this isn't a "bad" thing... but I get the feeling you won't be able to resist it forever...

You are free to compete in the "losers" competitions as many times as you want. They accommodate for transformees, and ALWAYS promise a second chance at transformation, even if it's something as small as regaining/losing a dick... but with the chance to be transformed FURTHER.

Circe will always love you (as a pet and daughter), and encourages you to try it out... but I won't tell you if your "always losing" curse has worn off. It will eventually... but you'll never know WHEN. You will permanently be transformed, but new TFs can overwrite most of yours (you're keeping the souls in your tits though), and there's no limit to how fucked up you can get.

So... wanna keep playing? See if your luck turns around?

>I wish I was a cute woman with a dominant witch GF
New thread time?
Looks like it

New thread up

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