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Is he still around?
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We love you bacon
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how's the Australia treating you Bacon?

America has globally, objectively low commute times. And generally the more public transit usage and walking there is the longer the commute.
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>Anon, you really should value your time higher.
I do, that's why I use a car instead of wasting time on public transportation.

>median used cars cost around $27k,
so? I bought mine for 5k. You can go way cheaper but I wanted something with over 250hp.

>conspiracy theories
Area 51 was a conspiracy theory, doesn't make it untrue.
There isn't even a theory, you can just listen to what they say the want to do to you.
Still way worse than a car.
Too much walking and waiting for a train.
What I like is how urbanists and eco zealots are the very reason why cars are far more expensive than they need to be, then they say it’s an unfair drain on poor peoples wallets. Gas used to be cheap. Cars were cheaper to buy. Mandates have made them ever more expensive. Autonomous braking systems, tracking devices, emissions filters, etc.. just one of these alone might add $2000 to the price of a car. And theres loads of them with more being mandated every year. Then the systems fail and the car is either bricked or illegal to drive (see DPF and Adblue). Old cheap cars become impossible to find. Carbon taxes on fuel and home energy go up. Look at your heating/electric bill and see how much you’re being charged for the “privilege” of greenwashed energy. Yuck. The poor gets taxed off the road then the bus service gets cut and you either move to a nasty inner city apartment surrounded by drug addicts and thieves or remain stranded. The word salad is hilarious and at this point the commies aren’t even hiding the fact they admire the system of government that has killed more people than just about anything else in recorded history. Crabs in a bucket. Disgusting
do a blood test i wanna see your cholesterol levels

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What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
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Built by the government then privatized

>if Amtrak could leverage the same
Doubt they're legally permitted to and even if they could, the chance to buy cheap land remotely close to city centers disappeared decades ago
How is Amtrak going to get the line reservations when they're competing with coal and bulk commodities for rail time?
Long-haul routes are kind of a special thing, like preserving a traditional way of travel without too much practical use.
But they could just run a bunch of regional lines between major cities more frequently, maybe buy some smaller DMUs for that. I'm talking journeys that are maybe up to 4-5 hours, start with two or three trains a day. That wouldn't be very expensive and it might get people to use trains more regularly. They could also work as feeders for the longer lines.
Americans like their cars.
Americans like trains, too.

What is the most pleasurable airport to be a passenger in?

Pic unrelated.
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Do any of you have experience working a grunt job at an airport? DTW is nearby, and I've always liked the idea of seeing/hearing the commotion of machines and people on their missions while calmly stocking a snack shelf. Almost like an omnipotent observer.
Welcome to the backrooms, airport edition
agree DTW is nice but specifically the Delta Terminal (the one you are speaking about)

Also agree, i was last there before many of the lounges opened up and there are no fucking comfortable seating. You are either sitting at the food court, getting rocking chair if possible, or standing. I was actually jealous of the soldiers going to the MIL lounge.

It's my understanding that SFO does not use TSA, but has their own agents. Don't know how true that is but i have heard good thing
MIL style take-off.

Old LGA is by far my most hated airport. I feel like death would be better than old LGA

Show me the jury rigged shit you've cobbled together yourself instead of buying from a store.

5gal bucket panniers, homemade bags, diy anti-theft solutions, etc.

p.s., picrel was absolute useless 3d printing and raspberry pi bullshit
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What problem is this bike trying to solve?
don't think too deeply about a folding bike, anon.
anyone remember *that* /diy/ bike?
How do you mount the wheels?

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Is grant petersen's quote still true?
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Look at how angry you're getting over the idea that a fellow pudgy slowpoke might not actually be PROUD to be a pudgy slowpoke. I believe aussies call this "tall poppy syndrome". Go buy your $5000 surly from a washed up hippie in walnut creek, knock yourself out, just remember that to cagers you still look like you got a DUI and you're "blocking traffic", same as the rest of us.
You don't know what tall poppy syndrome is. Nothing I said was bragging and I don't care how you want to ride your bike, only that you should have fun doing it, whatever that means to you. You're inventing your own persecution. Sometimes I dress up in full kit like the average club faggot and ride, most of the time I don't.

On a side note I find the cagers are a lot more polite if I'm wearing athletic clothing, as opposed to full kit.
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>wearing athletic clothing
Who the fuck you think you are, Larry Bird? This isn't the NBA super bowl, uuuurrrrgh this extreme sports athlete anglophone anglo american uuuugh AMERICAN competition sports culture is RUINING my fun STOP BEING BETTER THAN ME this is spozeduh be a JUDGMENT FREE ZONE
RIP ;_;
You're not going to be slow because you're only rocking 2x9. That would happen because you're slow.

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Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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did HSR get coverage in syria in 2015? Didn't they have other things to be worrying about in 2015 syria?
Good thread OP. When I visited for a school trip >>1928055 this spike was the only thing I remembered so thanks for showing off the stuff I forgot.
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I took the tour at TVRM awhile back and I felt like the only railfan there. It felt like nothing more than a tourist trap for bored parents to bring their bored kids. I wish they'd get this beauty running.
May 13th
I like TVRM, it's fine that museums cater to normies because that's where the money is. If you want museums that cater to railfans find examples that don't have anything you can ride, that usually filters out everyone except people with a serious interest.

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Good article on American rail upgrades.

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You’re there unemployed guy who posted his schizophrenia meds on here, right?

That explains a lot.
The Teslabro commenter isn’t subtle with his trolling. It’s probably you.
They should help with the Texas Central line, then they can get tourism bucks while beating the convenience of both airplanes and cars.
uh oh the YIMBY woke up from nappy time
Yes! They should definitely help with Texas Central, which I understand is mere weeks away from happening, Chang.

Anybody know the year and model on this?
2016 gt MACH one

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Ebikes should require registration and an active insurance policy. $15 million in liability insurance per bike, minimum, to cover the average damage they do every time they explode. That doesn't even cover the loss of life but it's a start. Possession of an unregistered ebike or unregistered parts such as batteries should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison and being banned from touching another ebike ever again. Second offense is life in prison, you can't prove me wrong.

>but muh cost of deliveries
Muh cost of rebuilding the entire block after it was leveled and rebuilding the lives destroyed, cash me outside howbou dah?
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Reddit spacing
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I agree, knowing how to format a paragraph to make it readable is indeed reddit behaviour, and not welcome here.
That's not reddit spacing, newfag
yes it is, dumbfag
Oh no... blame reddit spacing, and deflecting from the truth of the matter. Chinese garbage is the cause of the problem. Stop being poor fags.

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Why not take the boatpill?
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Motor sailors are terrible motor boats and terrible sailboats. Just pick one.
what's the difference between a motor sailor and sailboat with a motor? Every boat above 25' or so seems to have a big inboard anyway
Usually superstructure looks more like a trawler, and sticks up farther from the hull. This is an issue for actually sailing >>1982906. Motor-sailers will usually often have a more powerful one engine than a dedicated sailboat since they expect to spend more time motoring.
i almost capsize when i was in the academy with a captain professor. wind is no joke
living life in landlock country where even the river is chicken feet deep lol

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Post some cool /n/ webms you have
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One a nigger another one is a yellow subhuman~
>Spray with greasy insects repellent before installment
easily the most beautiful thing Ive ever see on 4chan~
I bet you $7 David , his ass not millennial , this is absolutely braindead niggerish Zomies behavior
I never noticed how hard his head hit the ground in this video, imagine if he wasn't wearing a helmet

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I’m a pilot doing aerial work and approaching 1000 hours and I’m about to apply to a company, I have all my licenses and rating’s however since I graduated, I’ve only been flying VFR since there’s no ifr operations (even if I consider myself to be very good, If not better in IFR) but still tho, it’s been a year. Anyway, I feel like my knowledge in aviation has gone so low, like I feel like idk what I am doing but when I open the aviation books, I instantly know the answer. Like do you get it? If someone or an exam asks me, I’ll know the answer but otherwise I’ll be lost. Also are there any airline pilots that can tell me if the airlines train you well in terms of their operations and their IFR procedures and is it normal that 70% of the stuff I’ve studied in aviation, it doesn’t apply in real life. (For example I used to know the entire FAR AND CAR AIM by heart, now I know like 30-60% )
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I'm in the same boat but takeoffs and landings are the only part in ok with. The rest of the time I'm paranoid about turbulence. Used to fly all the time with no issues, it's a new development since flying with my kids. I'm going to get a valium prescription for my next long haul flight.
Thanks Ill try it.

I'm convinced alot of it has to do with having things you feel very responsible for the future.
I have Private and IFR Ratings in Heli and I am halfway through my helicopter commercial rating and yet I still feel like I don't know anything lol.
Don’t worry anon, it’s kind of normal to feel like that at times, passing the assessment to get in an airline it’s gonna shake up things already since you pretty much have to superficially study the fcom of the particular aircraft that they fly plus getting the feel for it in a sim to not fuck up in the simulator part of the assessment (I recommend at least 4 hours of training before showing up to the evaluation).
After that it’s like going to flight school all over again, they will expect you to know how to fly ifr and be capable of communicating and all that but you’ll be bombarded with new information, e learning, procedures, tech, regulations and dealing with hr for the documents and everything else, letting alone the fact that you have to learn how to fly with another guy that may or may not be an asshole.
After that line training as well is gonna feel like day 1 of flight school, you’ll feel retarded at times but it’s all right you will get things with experience.
I can tell you, it’s gonna be a real pain in the ass at first but you’ll enjoy it once you get in the flow of things.

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Let's see those handlebar set ups, what gadgets and gizmos are you running and why?
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>physical buttons
love it. touch screens are cancer
it's easier to look back one handed. It naturally causes you to turn a little so you have to learn to counter steer and pedal to go straight.
J. C. BAM!ford
nice bomb

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Confess your sins, /n/.
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I wear the same bibs for like a week
>/o/ used to be my main board lol
i feel you breh
I still have quite a few but I'll probably sell most of them this summer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd7q-um6nHw no sweat

cry more

I don't know about shitty aluminum, but good aluminum is pretty nice, and late 90s/early 2000s CAADs and aluminum Treks are $300-$400 all day near me. Really, older shit isn't much cheaper because muh vintage or whatever. But it's heavier, has fewer gears and usually a tighter range, flexier, and I personally like brifters a hell of a lot better than downtube shifters. If you're happy with what you got, though, keep on rockin.


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I think hitler did a big no-no
I am considering buying a car. Been driving the same car for 17 years and need to make an upgrade because I moved back to my car-dependent hometown last year.
What does the acronym EMU represent?

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