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Show me the jury rigged shit you've cobbled together yourself instead of buying from a store.

5gal bucket panniers, homemade bags, diy anti-theft solutions, etc.

p.s., picrel was absolute useless 3d printing and raspberry pi bullshit
xyz cargo bikes makes all their bikes out of square aluminium sections and fasteners
even has one free plan for recumbent trike you can even add a roof to it
ive always wanted a roof on my bike
>Convert the seat stem of your bike to a 12 gauge barrel, pointing up
>Set up simple slamfire mechanism and trigger
>Bike thieves either get their hand blown off (sic semper furibus), or blows their testicles off so bike thieves are bred out of the gene pool.
I made some shitty brackets for a rear rack once just by bending some galvanized sheet metal and drilling a hole for a bolt.

The bike didn't have a suitable braze on on the frame, and the brackets for sale were more than I could justify, so fifteen minutes and some sheet metal it was.
I don't have a metal shop unfortunately but I made a ton of 3D printed things for bikes.
My best design so far is a flexible bar mount smartphone holder, pic rel.

Also made
Bracket for bell
Decorative bash guard
Valve caps
Bottle holder brackets
Excentric spacer to correct FD offset
Mount for head light, which I ripped off a trashed bike in the street

Currently working on a smiley faced rear light
Gonna make one of these. Disappointed that they don't have all the plans online or even for sale. They say they have some secret sauce they can only tell you about at their workshops in Berlin. Bro I'm an American.
are there any resources for making your own cargo bike?
See >>1983022
I'm planning to make a recumbent trike based on the XYZ system, with a wide platform similar to their Parkcycle. I'm still kicking around ideas for the fairing, as I want it to pop up into a fairly large camper.
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the only way to properly unstuck a stuck cassette
I used a post from a downed chain link fence and stuck the little nub of the cassette cracker in there once
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if i had a 3d printer id be doing the same thing
i always need more brackets and little plasti doodads
just buy / build a trailer lol
how the fuck does that even happen???????
ive resorted to shit like this for freewheels but ive never had that much trouble with a cassette in my life
engineering genius tbqh
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>buy $16 spesh toque clone on ali
>buy $20 toque clone with layer of foam on it
>find some nice foam inside a package I open
>cut it and glue it down with contact cement
>good, but on a long ride it doesn't hold up
>go to the place in the store where they sell shoe insoles
>get the gel heel cups
>put them on and temporarily wrap the saddle with saran wrap to try them out
>move them around until they feel right
>glue them down
>glue doesn't stick to the gel
>have some silicone "tape" for repairing holes in garden hose
>sticks to nothing but itself
>wrap it around the cutout
>test ride
just got home. finally have a usable toque clone.
and, oh yeah, I painted all the carbon blue because all my componentry is silver not black
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surfacing the carbon for paint
I have seen this exact picture on reddit.
probably in a thread where the solution to a seized cassette was to wedge the wheel against a wall.
if I ever go there I am 100% gonna get their plans and then just open source them. knowledge should be free
You can already download the plans from their website here:
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how hard would it be to recreate the fubi design?
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What problem is this bike trying to solve?
don't think too deeply about a folding bike, anon.
anyone remember *that* /diy/ bike?
How do you mount the wheels?
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replaced the stock base that weighed nothing and was only big enough to be a base in name only with a 5 pound weight sandwiched onto a bigger piece of wood. it will never fall over again.
added a big hook to easily drape the hose instead of always targeting the tiny little snap-on cleat thing and added a handle so I can grab it and carry it from the top instead of awkwardly from the side. painted it to match my decor since it stays out in the open and got rid of the annoying "extreme" graphics
>half links
inquiry rejected.
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always liked tall bars on tall mtbs. cables on a cheap wally world bike were too short and I didn't have parts I had when I was a teen to compensate offhand. so two old kid bikes made me a worthy sacrifice.
There was a thread that had a guide on how to make your own truing stand. On a similar note, any ideas or suggestions for a DIY bike repair stand?
top drawer !

are you "i need 100 quill stems for diy" anon?
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upholstering part two.
what I had done above works great for my ass, but the thin carbon edge of the saddle was cutting into my thighs.
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one layer of foam to encapsulate the gel pad.
the paper is the pattern, it took about 4 tries to get it right
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another layer since these sheets are so thin
Only on this fucking board. Good job. I personally consider a saddle fucked at the first crack
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my initial test rides seem favorable, I'll give it 20+ miles later this week. I actually replaced the side foam in the first pic with the stiffer white foam for better support before I wrapped the blue over. should be good, we'll see. quite a faff but kind of a fun project, and my total cost is still like $35/40 so way less than a spesh toupe, less than most every saddle, really.

thanks. no cracking noises yet. I figure if it was going to it probably would have a hundred miles ago, so fingers crossed I think it's good
I was thinking about cracks in the fabric, sorry for not being clear. I'm more concerned about that foam layer that's what I was talking about But I guess you could just slap another layer or fix it, it's the beauty if this design
yeah, this blue stuff is so thin, my ass may wear through but it came with a bunch more sheets I figured I can just wrap it again like you said .
I typed "blue foam" into amazon and this stuff came up. I guess kids cut shapes out of it for making collages like construction paper. I'm just glad I found something I could use.

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