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Good article on American rail upgrades.

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Wow what an exciting article, just kidding. Pointless headline, pointless content, but hey it's probably better than AI slop. Though I bet AI could do just as well. ChatGPT sez:

"All Aboard! How High-Speed Rail Could Revolutionize U.S. Transportation", by Becky McSloppa
"Bridging the Gap: Why High-Speed Rail Is the Key to a Greener America", by Becky McSloppa
"Derailing Delays: What’s Holding Back U.S. High-Speed Rail?", by Becky McSloppa
"High-Speed Rail in the U.S.: Economic Boom or Taxpayer Bust?", by Becky McSloppa
"Fast Tracks to Prosperity: High-Speed Rail’s Potential Impact on American Cities", by Becky McSloppa
"Cross-Country Travel Reinvented: The Case for Investing in High-Speed Rail", by Becky McSloppa
"High-Speed Rail’s Roadblock: Navigating Political and Infrastructure Hurdles in the U.S." by Becky McSloppa
"Beyond Planes and Cars: High-Speed Rail Could Be America’s Missing Transit Link", by Becky McSloppa
"Investment vs. Reality: Debating the Feasibility of High-Speed Rail Across the U.S.", by Becky McSloppa
"Chasing Bullet Trains: How the U.S. Can Learn from Europe and Asia's High-Speed Rail Networks", by Becky McSloppa

Want me to slop up some brain dead article drivel that says absolutely nothing of value or are we just posting sloppa headlines?
If you’re gonna get this butthurt about trains you might be on the wrong board.
I like trains. I take them on a daily basis. You?
Sure ya do.
I absolutely love that I've stumbled into this sordid niche underworld of lonely autistic men who are enthusiastically for or against trains.
Can we have sex with you hun?
I hate Axios's terse style, but sure.
American Rail feels like it's going through a recreational-cruise style phase. Air travel's going to win on speed and driving is going to beat them on price. But they can win on customer service and comfort. I've used Brightline and their customer service is A+ and way easier to maneuver than airports. Outside of the NEC, it wouldn't hurt to reorient Amtrak's other lines for tourism. Or at least a more refined experience than microwaved burgers and grimy windows.
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Why does the idea of taking mass transit on a daily basis confuse and anger you?
None of this is sordid
Blaise? Is that you?
I thought we were all for trains, it's the 4-wheel cage that's controversial
Most people here support trains, but there are a couple persistent schizophrenic trolls spamming all the threads with train hatred.
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The mathematician? No I think he's been dead for a few years. I'm still alive, or was last time my doctor checked anyway

I like trains, but I also am an actual person with opinions of my own, based on reality, not just regurgitating urbanism opinions fed to me by reddit and twitter bot accounts. Logically therefore I am basically a cagetroll boomer and I literally caused the "housing crisis"

God I hate yimbys
Wow!! That is one GOOD ARTICLE, Chang! Please post more GOOD ARTICLES you find. Absolutely fascinating stuff.
You’re there unemployed guy who posted his schizophrenia meds on here, right?

That explains a lot.
The Teslabro commenter isn’t subtle with his trolling. It’s probably you.
They should help with the Texas Central line, then they can get tourism bucks while beating the convenience of both airplanes and cars.
uh oh the YIMBY woke up from nappy time
Yes! They should definitely help with Texas Central, which I understand is mere weeks away from happening, Chang.
>Convincing car- and plane-loving Americans to give trains a shot is another problem entirely
Oh yes because Americans just love all that money and time they spend on driving and flying. I too remember when all Americans decided to get rid of trains simply because they liked cars and planes. What a gay article.
Redditors aren't known for appreciating subtlety
I m opposed to trains. I consider all forms of motorized personal transport to be very similar to each other. I refuse to be moved by a motor. It is harmful embarassing and, degenerate.

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