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Was training muay thai in class with my friend. Got my kick caught and he pulled. When I was hopping in my grounded foot, I landed funny, felt something in my knee like a pop and collapsed. No swelling at all, feels weird and tingly. Hurts when I attempt to walk on it. Doctor claims only meniscus tear but nurse told me the doctor half asses his job. Going to try to schedule an MRI.
Do you guys thing its a ligament, and how bad is it to come back from those?
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How's the myocarditis going buddy? I'm sure it's because of global warming and not your shot. Remember, for each booster you take, 10 palestinians die for the promise land
>for each booster you take, 10 palestinians die for the promise land
How many fake identities can I get away with before the nurse notices?
>Doctor claims only meniscus tear but nurse told me the doctor half asses his job
did he at least do a lachman test?
Yes and my tibia is intact. No shifting. Just an update, I can walk but can't straighten my knee or twist.

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Free Livestream
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A girl just won state against guys in ohio
One of the freshmen at Cal Baptist went to high school with me last year, granted I go to one of the best schools in the country for wrestling but still cool to see him go up against some big boys
Thank you, this looks very thorough and inspires flashbacks to wrestling practice.
>Is it true Amerimutts have no wrestling for adults and it's all in high school or collegiate
Pretty muxh, but the Only exception is if your mma (or just bjj) gym has someone on staff who wrestled in high school and college and specifically offers wrestling classes. Out of the 10 gyms in my city, only one offers actual wrestling classes

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I am planning on visiting an MMA gym soon. Being honest, I am scared as fuck. I am a long time sufferer of imposter syndrome and I feel like there's no way a physically awkward nerd like me can do this without embarrassing myself badly but I gotta try. My gf is constantly pestering me about having kids and deep down I feel like "how can I be a father if I can't even protect my family from other dudes?". That's basically my biggest motivation. I was wondering if you guys would be ok with me blogposting my progress here somewhere as I am also socially awkward(literally diagnosed with autism) and it's kinda easier to talk online about stuff like this than it is irl. Any beginners tips? Is there a general I should redirect my posts too? Btw I am a Vegeta chad(undefeated against Goku)
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For shitposting, not much else
Thats all this board is. This place is unironically worse than /pol/ or /b/
Just go, your body will eventually adapt to what's required.
Also try out various schools, there is more than just MMA.
>american freestyle/boxing/kickboxing
Lol you're a karate dork. And not even one of the good ones.
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Your mind is in the right place anon. Deep down everyone has some level of imposter syndrome, just keep moving and doing your thing. If you ever feel unmotivated remember that motivation is the fuel of the week, the strong thrive on discipline. Go exercise a bit, work on your cardio and flexibility, specially if you hear any pops or anything weird. Don't be too picky about the gym you are going to, at first, go to the nearest one, get some experience, and if with time you want to experience other stuff or go to a more hardcore gym do it. And yes, do post your progress, I believe it will motivate other anons to do the same. Just remember this is a slow thread so keep using the same one for as long as possible.
>Any beginners tips?
Fighting for me is about two things: control and creativity. Control as in breathing control, stamina control, distance control, pain control, body control, etc. Most of these things you can learn and practice before even fighting. Muscle memory also, that is half of the game to almost any physical endeavor. Follow your coaches instructions, don't worry about speed, don't worry about energy, focus on your form and repeat, repeat, repeat. Lastly, when you gain confidence and learn the basics and its forms, don't be afraid to try new techniques, just don't get hurt.

Good luck anon.

5'7 guy here. Gimme the best martial arts to effectively beat someone twice my size, if they have little to no experience.
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Nice attempt at trying to blackpill me. I VILL beat Chad. I VILL smash stacy's tight pussy.
This. 3 years ago a BJJ black belt got shot and killed in a club in Brazil by an off-duty cop (go figure) and I remembered all the YouTube MMA influencers releasing videos discussing how firearms should be illegal and banned since they're so unfair. 'The Fight Bible' did a 15 minute long video just bitching and moaning about how overpowered firearms are.
just shank a nigga
Gun-in-hand kata

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>Here's your professional MMA fighter bro...
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Ali had dozens of exhibition matches.
He has the worst technique in the history of the world.
>Floyd took it easy on Mayweather
Why are you?
What do you mean that Tyson took it easy on Ngannou??
You mean to tell me that he purposefully ruined his legacy?

Looking to start Judo pretty soon, but I have a major concern - not worried about bodily injuries as I know that sort of thing is expected in full contact martial arts. But how common are head/brain injuries, even if they are light? I’m talking concussions or any significant bumps to the head.
Anyone have any experience of this, or know how common head injuries are in Judo?
t. Physicist, need my brain for work
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Yet if everyone thought like you no one would let anyone do anything because of muh dangerous
2 years judoka. Ironically judo is the only thing that hasn't given me a concussion. (I had 3 prior to starting judo from other sports and skateboarding.) You hit your head every once in a while but not as hard as you'd think. Just a little bump here and there. Worst I ever got was a black eye.

The real concern with judo is the MANY other injuries you inevitably accumulate. People regularly tear tendons, break bones, get cut or scraped, etc. in my club. I've busted my knee and arm a million times. You'll get choked so hard that you won't be able to swallow right for a week after. But this, to me, is part of the fun. There's no excitement in doing something if it's totally risk free.

My advice here is that judo is an exercise not only of the body, but of the heart--you learn to tolerate pain, to stop worrying about "a study said [x]!", to check your ego, and eventually start to deeply enjoy fighting. I used to be afraid of sparring-- now it is the highlight of my day.

The other thing people don't tell you is that judo actually helps you learn how to prevent concussions by learning how to fall properly. My sparring partner got hit by a car and only saved his head from hitting the ground by falling like we do in judo.
One of the guys at my Judo club has been practicing since the 1960's.
He told me he never got injured with Judo but always gets injured when he does some other sport.
Very low. Two of the first things you learn is Judo is how to fall safely and how to do a move in a way your opponent can fall safely. Unless you constantly compete and do crazy acrobatics without breaking your fall, you most likely won't suffer any major injury, to your body or head.
>You'll get choked so hard that you won't be able to swallow right for a week after. But this, to me, is part of the fun. There's no excitement in doing something if it's totally risk free.
Find a better club, retard

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Seems like some prefer to risk missing weight than lose fat.
Also why do fat fighters often win against taller and leaner fighters?
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>Why are some fighters so fat?
Because they're too lazy and undisciplined to not be fat anymore.

>Also why do fat fighters often win against taller and leaner fighters?
They usually don't (outside of sumo)
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Because they eat a lot.
body isn't everything. Fighting involves skill too you know.

I want to make a graph like this to show weight advantage at heavyweight, but idk how to make one.
>11 inch difference valleys
>11 inch difference
>shorter dude wins
well ill be damned
probably 1 of 2 or 3 fights impacting that dot

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What was Overeem trying to do?
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Not get KO'd
It didn't really work for him
without steroids overeem is not much of a fighter
>overeem triesto over hand
>sees ngannou hand cocked
>duck back to other side, trying to over hand again on the way there
>get hooked
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this to be honest, he was never known to be a good or even decent fighter only to be really juiced up
Overeem is actually one of the more skilled heavyweight mma fighter ever, he still had a lot of success as econoreem.
This is most clearly seen at the end of his career where he triumphed over far more young and by that point more athletic guys like Walt Harris, Augusto Sekai and Sergei Pavlovitch.
Even in one of his few truly one sided loss where he didn't just get caught against Blaydes, he still did some interesting submissions attempts that 90% of heavyweight would never think to try. You don't get a 47-19 reccord after fighting for 22 years without some skill, also the highest striking accuracy in UFC history.

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I did a few obstacle races. One was 6 miles and was up and down a ski resort in the spring time. It was was cold wet and crowded. Was kinda expensive and I had to travel for it. Was fun but you can run for free.
do it with a group otherwise just do some variation of a marathon
Wait a second, people actually pay money to run through mud and water?
They kind of trick you with the marketing like its going to be lots more obstacles and also a physical challenge but it's not. You can see how dumpy the girls in the photo are and know it's easy
Whoever figured out how to mass market horseshit team building work retreat nonsense deserves every shekel they get.

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Lord Shiva be praised

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How do I knee someone without getting taken down?
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Set it up and pull your leg back fast

Work your Thai clinch
be good at wrestling
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do it when you know they can't take you down
don't bring your knee to them, bring them to your knee

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Old Thread: >>180399

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Recently updated Newbie pastebin

>Recently updated /asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Ah then with the upgrade kit I mentioned you're set for 1.6j
are you gettting as scope too?
>not a single BMI below 30
The Reich's legacy :)
Yes but will have to be a long eye relief one mounted on with an adapter. Lever gets in the way of a regular pu scope.

I'm too self conscious to bring myself to go a local boxing gym. Never thrown an actual punch at a human in my life apart from my piece of shit mother when I was 14 years old (the cunt wouldn't stop beating me and had to be taught a lesson). But I've been watching some Chris Eubank Senior videos recently and now I'm hooked. How does a person get started on a budget? Also I can't have any hanging bags, I rent so can't damage the walls or ceiling.
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Is making money with boxing your only goal? How silly.
In that case you've already won, because you found other, better means of making money that don't involve getting punched in the head for the enjoyment of strangers.

>its not like I can get good
I guarantee you can become better than you are right now, you no-training faggot. Fucking bizarre, I don't understand you. Do you want to do boxing or not? It's perfectly valid to train as an amateur hobbyist, in fact the overwhelming majority of people training are amateur hobbyists. Only a small portion of people who train are competitors, and an even smaller fraction of those are paid professionals.
If you don't wanna train, fine, do something else. But don't let fear of embarrassment prevent you from doing something you want to do, and then pine away over misspent time.
>you found other, better means of making money
No I really want to do it but I know Ill never be good and going to a gym is literal torture. Im fucking terrified of people
Don't know what to tell ya, chief. I'm not a psychologist. "I'll never be good" is not a valid reason to not do something. "It's scary" is also not a valid reason not to do something. If you want to do something, then do it. If you want to do something, then do it.
You just don't get it. Its too scary. And I want to be good. It's I can't be then there's no point
What do want him to say? Oh yeah mate you should just stay in your room and shadowbox you'll be "good". The questions been answered and clearly the problem is deeper than just logistics.

[spoiler]I'm rooting for you. I'm hoping you take this new interest as an opportunity to better yourself.[spoiler]

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I used to do martial arts for like 6ish years in highschool but had to stop. But I kind of miss it and want to try it again but can't really go to a dojo due to lack of money and driving ability.

What are some good martial arts that I could learn from home relatively inexpensively. I don't really want to learn to fight and mostly just want to learn katas and actually exercise again
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nope sorry i dont particularly do it i just know that it is suggested along side thnigs like yoga for low impact long term health, best bet would be to start by looking for the largest youtube videos that are beginner and do different videos till you feel pretty good and then look to buy books/online courses for advanced and more technical stuff. if possible just pirate things
Muay Thai or Kickboxing basics or learn traditional martial arts like Karate or Kung Fu is fun as fuck to do at home. You can even have fun and do full weeb shit like this guy:
Then do katas/taolu. I think the best thing to do is you will still go to a gym/dojo and learn the basics of a system then just do that at home.
Some karate styles made documentaries showcasing their style's basics, warm-ups, stretching exercises, katas, supplementary exercises, power training, and history. The problem with learning these things online is that they can be dangerous. Get strong for a week then get crippled because of improper practice fucked up your ligaments or your heart or something. Specially that Sanchin kata where you tension your whole body while breathing in a specific way and in a rhythm matching your movements.
There's probably better stuff out there that can teach you in how to do it safely. Better learn the basics first before solo practicing at home for exercise and fun.
you forgot the most important of them all


Tai chi is really good to prepare for shaolin. If you're not yoga flexible then it's not gonna be for you. Tai chi is a basic movement art that can spread into she shaolin fighting styles, and it's one of the styles itself.

Really can't learn any shaolin without a teacher to know what you're doing and put it all together. Their forms are a guide, though it looks kinda dumb to most.

Can't really learn wing chun either, all the wing chun sites on the internet aren't really scams, they're more or less for people that have taken them and do it time to time, or moved or something and there isn't a teacher around.

I could suggest tae kwon do, very good to get kicks down, or maybe the traditional muay tai?

Lots of running and strong legs will give you a slight advantage also.

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Why do KO rates differ so much?
Source for this graph? I had researched this before & got much larger numbers for UFC. Around 60%. For this graph to be true I am thinking it must be meaning only standing KOs?
I think you only researched KOs and submissions without including decisions
Slightly different rulesets favoring either striking or grappling styles. Additionally they may draft talents from different backgrounds, like ONE being a Muay Thai promotion dressed as MMA.
If you delibretly make lopsided matchups there are more likely gonna be finishes
>level of competition
For regional shows like LFA and CW, there are a lot of guys making their debut or very early in their career. So a lot of guys who haven't realied yet the sport isn't for them because they tend to quit, or have bad defence, or are naturally chinny.
>what kind of fighters promotions are looking for
This is more so a theory to explain why Bellator is so low, the UFC generally looks for and is more favorable to finishers (look at how Jon Fitch go cut after one loss, but Carlos Condit stayed on the roster after 5). Meanwhile Bellator tries to get whatever other high level fighters that aren't in the UFC. Which includes UFC reject that were let go for being boring, like Phil Davis, Ryan Badder, Corey Anderson and the aformention Jon Fitch.
Nearly all street fights end with a KO/TKO
Professional fights don't end they way as much

The correlation would suggest the higher the skill level the lower the instances of a KO
And on its face that makes sense because defense is an easier skill than offense so although offensive capabilities increase with pros the defensive capabilities increase more

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