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Hey guys,

Started doing judo a couple of months ago, I know the throws from doing traditional ju jitsu but I'm struggling with the timing and kuzushi. How do I practice that? In particular kuzushi. Thanks
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Either way it seems like a bad club. I did light randori my first day
No even the higher belts don’t do randori
Is there a colored-belts-only class where they might do randori or is it literally zero randori ever for anyone? The latter would be extremely bizarre. I'd ask the instructor about the lack of randori (and presumably shiai) just to make sure it's not some kind of misunderstanding because those are integral parts of the judo educational system and it would be very, very weird to teach judo without them.
Its a hobbyist class (hard to translate into English). They are mostly middle aged and it seems it’s more a social meeting with some Sport aspects. 1/3 of the training is playing soccer…

I would love to learn judo… but not on this way. So back to kickboxing for me.

I've been doing BJJ for like 18 months as well but the judo rule set is annoying as fuck, like the rule about not standing up during newaza. For example I stood up originally to pass someones guard and got told to get down again, its probably making my technique better in the long run but it was really difficult in the beginning because I'm used to standing when passing guard. I've started to implement some judo in to my BJJ, so its a nice cross over.

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boxing general

ITT we talk about boxing, not focusing on fights and events but talking about training, techniques, gym shit, injuries, our sparring and fights, ask for advice etc
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Go do a style that excludes head strikes or something if you're that worried. Truth is you probably get it from the get go, but the damage is accumulated. Hopefully you learn good head movement before it matters.

a detached retina is brain damage, don't push your luck my dude
I've boxed for 3 years and now I re started 1.5 months ago, i dont want to do other shit just want to know how this brain damage stuff works
Getting hit in the head is bad
Only you can decide how much is worth it
For me it was learning the basics and having one amateur fight
Well then, you know what you have to do. Get really good at avoidance, blocking, and counter striking. Make it your mission to master head movement & punishing anyone who goes hunting for it.

(Japanese Kickboxing)
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You have not witnessed the transformation of Toki Tamaru
A dutchman doing muay thai is not necessarily dutch style. Tenshin developed his own style early. He moves around a lot more than the rest.
It's japanese style to relentlessly pressure forward
Tenshin also beat elite muay thai fighters, mma fighters, and boxers. Does that mean muay thai, MMA, and boxing all have fundamental flaws that he exploited?
Muay Thai better
Of course MT is the GOAT striking style compared to Japanese kickboxing. But you can't dismiss it when it has a rich history of competition against Muay Thai (which is why it was developed) and how it spawned Kickboxing and Muay Thai directly and indirectly in Europe (particularly Netherlands, France, and Italy).

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Parkour thread.

Where are you at with your training? How have you been working around the limits of weather and lockdowns? How much do you apply the utilitarian Hébertist mindset of being strong to be useful to your training routines?

Freerunners can post, too. Maybe even gymnasts and trickers if you don't get your own thread up and running.

original thread >>1236
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If you're self-conscious (and don't want to address the root issues) or worried about negative interactions with authority figures you could make a point of running long lines at the edge of your skill confidence instead of loitering in one location and grinding out one obstacle at a time. If you've got an acceptable spot to train some basics, like a gym, a park or the woods, you can grind some skills there in between running your routes. Are you trying to figure this out in an urban, suburban, or rural setting?
Urban that transitions in a rural setting.
Name a city or town with a similar landscape and we can point out challenges, or chill areas that we would consider training, on google street view. It would help develop parkour vision and know what to look for. Might be a fun exercise to do here. Anyone else want to suggest a hypothetical location?

anybody in the greater tkaronto want to go out and do some beginner tier pk w a 32 yo?

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/archery/ Thread #2

What's your style?
What you shooting?
What you hitting?
Recs for bows?
Why is the Timber Creek Mamba the best first horsebow?
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>probably shits on anons here
Entirely justified
There's been some drama recently with Sanlida using youtube content creators' content without permission. I don't understand how people didn't see it coming before, considering it's a chinese company, and they've never been known to grasp the concept of intellectual property.
got a 100lbs safari bow. anyone here bear hunt?
Anyone has experience with stabiliser setup for recurves? I'm looking to buy a set from Ramrods, and want to know if there's any general rule of thumb about rod lengths. I've read and heard the central rod should be your draw length + roughly 3 inches. But what about the side rods?
Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD who came to earth and died for the world, so that may have eternal life. Three days later GOD rose Jesus Christ from the dead. He promised that whosever believes in Him, He promised them eternal, when the ask Him for it.

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>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
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>alt sports removed
>not traditional enough for sp
>not extreme enough for xp
>just want to talk about throwing plastic far without resorting to posting on r*dd*t
beat an, albeit over the hill, legend of the sport at a c tier last weekend
when someone gets brained with a disc it sounds exactly the same as when a disc nails a tree
>can hardly walk for two days
>pain migrates around knee for five weeks
Pivot on your heel, anons.
that’s something i’ve been working on for a while. it’s difficult on hyzers to load onto my heel, but delaying my reachback as long as possible has actually made the most difference on the pivot. the robinson brothers both like to pivot off the ball of their foot more than not from what i’ve noticed but yeah most high-level golfers go on the heel.

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>Wrestlebros... I...
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Just remember that nobody outside this board shares this idea.
BJJ nuthuggers think BJJ has no flaws when it has strengths and weaknesses like every other martial art.
Mostly weaknesses though
Muay Thai?!
boxing is better

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>Boxing is useless in a gun f-ACK
Sucker punching works too well
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Bro it's Brazil, you are allowed to run down motorcycle bandits with your car
Rent-free. That happened in Brazil
>kill the guy on camera
>point his gun on him
>can't invoke self defence
>go to jail for life instead
What a stupid cunt.
It is ridiculous the amount of people that don't understand what a "sucker punch" is. OP, that wasn't even remotely close to being a sucker punch, educate yourself.
He has to get caught first, the video quality isn't enough to identify him. Hopefully he wasn't stupid enough to upload the recording he was making.

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If I go to a boxing gym and I specifically tell my trainer I want to be good at the peekaboo style, how retarded will I look?
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If he’s not a boomer he’ll probably have no idea what you’re even talking about
If you just get there and ask for that you will get look at like how my wife looks at me after I finish under 5s. If you wait some time and then make suggestions to your coach
>should i do this?
>coach i kinda like this, how can i do this but better?
then you'll probably be fine.

I specifically told my Muay Thai instructor long guard felt more comfortable and intuitive for me after a few classes and he just said "alright, let's work on it" but we never stopped working on other guards
The new meme now is soviet style
One of mikes former trainers/teammate had a gym in memphis who exclusively taught peek a boo style. Wish I had money back then. This was probably 7 or 8 years ago.
Redpill me on soviet style. It feels like the least brain-damaging style for the user. I also have long arms and legs for my height so I feel like it'll be good to adopt.

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Lmao if I can deadlift 500lb I can just pick you up and slam you on the fucking ground, all you're little bjj and wrestling bullshit doesn't mean jack shit XD
Okay. Now go to an mma gym and try that theory out
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>throwing a shark into the ocean
You're in my world now...

>faster than you
>stronger than you
>content to just neo dodge every single attack as i rotate around you
>randomly catch kick #38 as you get frustrated from chasing me
>sweep your other leg
>bow as you hit the canvas
this is why i am a bad sparring partner
I would just double leg and you and slam you on the mat and I wouldn't let you get up until you begged me too. I wouldn't even ground and pound or try to submit you I would just hold you there until you quit.

take care of your sparring partners faggot
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And then everyone in the gym would clap and the president would walk in to give you a medal of honor. Yeah that's exactly how it's going to happen you tell him.
>autistic sperg faggot who won't regulate himself
Congrats, everyone at your gym hates you. You're a try hard queer who is going nowhere.
You're so good. You should compete.

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Asking for a dwarf friend, what kinda of risks and injuries are there. Would 6 months of training be good enough?
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Dwarf boxing is extremely dangerous. 6 months of training will not be sufficient to prepare your friend for the risks he'd be taking. Risks such as:
>Accidentally being trodden on by the referee
>Getting lost in his boxing gloves
>Hitting himself with his ice axe as he ascends the ring
>Traumatic brain injury
>Fending off enemy gnats
>Slipping through the molecular bonds of the canvas
>Being kidnapped as a Warwick Davis substitute
>Fed to the manager's pet tardigrades if he loses
Dwarves can be really tanky. Tell your friend to roll up a paladin and he’ll be fine.
I don't know much about dwarf boxing, or even regular boxing, but from what I've seen, their large heads, short torsos, and short arms all combine into rendering body-shots almost useless. When almost all hits are to their heads, it becomes much easier to guard themselves against them, so I image it may well be safer that full-sized fights. Also, if knocked out, the fall to the ground isn't as high, so injuries from that are probably lesser.
>Would 6 months of training be good enough?
I’ve had my dwarf for a year now, and he still pisses on the carpet and wrecks things while I’m at work.
You really need 2 to keep each other company and a lot of room for them to run around.
They don’t need training to fight, just don’t expose them to other dwarves.
Tell Warwick Davis he's going to get his ass kicked.

How do make finger skatign EXTREME
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Shove the finger board up your ass and set your house on fire. Now THAT's extreme
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/ck/ is having a get together and cookout in Grapevine, Texas and /xs/ is invited. Come out on June 1st 2024 at noon to coordinates seen on Pic related and enjoy a burger and new frens:
>meeting 4chan autists and presumably also federal agents in real life and then fucking EATING THEIR FOOD
Now THATS an extreme sport. If any /k/ommandos show up, don’t eat the brownies. Trust me on that.
Razors go round the outer edge.
Board explodes if it drops below 50mph.

Not sure if this is supposed to go on /xs/ or /sp/, but what do you think of the sport? All I see on here is HEMA.

I'm trying to get into it and I'm looking to pick up some gear. I probably want to fence Epee. Any recommendations? The club has gear, but a lot of it is gross and sometimes not working, especially for left handed stuff.
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Got StM 800N whites from their site, shipping was a bitch given current circumstances and since I bougbt a rollerbag to boot. The feel is comfortable enough that it doesn't trigger my skin rashes, though feels a bit heavy.

Will get back to you after I break them in after a couple bouts.
how tf is StM still around, wasn't their factory in eastern ukraine
About 15 years ago I won an epee bout with a spinning jump attack. I am still proud of that to this day.
Next thing you're gonna say chess grandmasters should become military general or some shit.
Kharkiv. They've still got their salesmen going around at the European competitions, and there's also a newer Ukrainian fencing manufacturer that's popped up around 2021 called Folo, they just so weapon components and wires right now.

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Modern skateboarding fucking sucks. Everyone skates like a robot: same tricks, same style (both clothing and trick execution), everyone at the skateparks are way too serious and tryhard. Nobody carves or has any real style, just the same in-line tight truck 5 approved tricks tried endlessly in a row.

How do we make skateboarding like 1988-1992 again? Bright day glo colors, giant ass fish boards with rails, tricks that are whatever the fuck you felt like doing that day and who fucking cares if you drag a hand or a toe as long as you surf out of it. People used to all have a sense of humor and goof around and improvise halfway through a trick, not stand around like soulless autistic robots and give up if the autism flip didn't land perfect in the sperg grind. And for the love of fuck, they listened to ROCK and METAL, not this horseshit faggot ass trap music rap bullshit.

Skateboarding used to be rad as fuck and whatever gay shit it is today isn't worth being around. I don't see any tricks around today that weren't being done back then, it just had more pizzaz then.

Like, watch this part and tell me you aren't 1000x more amped to skate than some bullshit dropped today: https://youtu.be/3c7XV-FC59k?si=RAAuO_Fu-BT8R2RF&t=21

Fuck modern skateboarding, make skateboarding rad again.
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A longboard is fine for getting around flat cities like Milwaukee and Chicago, but even then I preferred my normal deck with fat wheels to carve better
thats fine as long as your skating and not living in the past.

>A longboard is fine for getting around flat cities
i still disagree with this because turning/maneuverability sucks and your not gonna be able to hop over shit, up a curb, down a curb.. immediately makes me think of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7lO4yV-eQk
>chainlink meme avatar
kek you can leave but you can never check out
Guy is talking about someone he meets at a bar, that is "approaching" 40 as a boomer and a grandpa. What a dipshit. Boomers are the children of WW2 veterans. They are 75-85 years old now. Im a 48 year Genx that hasn't had grandchildren yet, but I don't know many that are grandpas before they're 40.

And you're in a bar? You're already out dated for skateboarding and just haven't figured it out yet.

So just go back to the industrial production line of thirty 6 year old's practicing kick flip shovits (thats a trey flip) at your local skate park. You uncoordinated out of shape, computer fat, lazy Millennial, self entitled, can't ever buy a house , can't afford food, always fucking crying, poser.

Any GenX want to entertain themselves. Go watch Tim Pool skate videos. Most fat sloven, stranded mess. Pulling tricks that are awesome, with zero coordination. Thats what skateparks did for us. They gave our children a production line of the best tricks with zero style.
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