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If I go to a boxing gym and I specifically tell my trainer I want to be good at the peekaboo style, how retarded will I look?
The trainer will look as stupid as you. Guarantee guys who know how to properly teach the peekaboo are few and far between
Peekaboo works because of his body type and aggression. Your style of boxing may naturally be different
How tall and heavy are you?
167cm, 68kg more or less
I'm also small and I have a mean fist
Why does everyone want to fight like Tyson? He's not the only great boxer in the world.
Post body, and I say that unironically. It's not just about your height and weight. It's about you body proportions and how those match up to the meta in your target weight class.
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Me basically
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Pic of my back
He'd teach you somethin like this instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5HbhMCga5U
Looks alright for peak a boo, but you should know dudes will probably dance circles around you in the weight class you'll end up in after slimming down. Peak a boo worked for tyson partially because it was a very agile style for a weightclass where fighters are slow as shit due to their size. There are better approaches for speed and agility at your WC.

Why do you want to learn peak a boo? Do you intend to actually fight? If so I'd recommend just finding a good boxing gym and doing whatever the fuck the head coach tells you to. If you want to learn for fun it's probably best to just find a gym to learn boxing basics and try to study Tyson on your own. Peak a boo is a very niche thing that's outdated, you won't really find many places that would bother giving you custom training like that. Unless you hired a private coach, I guess, but that's expensive as shit.
Damn, that's completely logical actually. Thanks for the advice.
>There are better approaches for speed and agility at your WC.
I'd love to hear more about that
I'm just a hobbyist and can't coach you into picking a style that works for you anon, but on lighter weight classes I'd almost see infighters having trouble to run down all the speedy fucks wanting to go in and out of range on their own pace. They 100% needed to try having the other guy cornered to do be able to fight.

But really, what is best for you will vary massively depending on your body and mindset during a fight. It's more something you grow into than decide you'll do before training. A good coach will be able to take a look at you and point you in a general direction, but you'll have to trial and error the process and teouble shoot variations until you find what works for a guy like you. And if you ever want to actually fight you'll probably have to do that all over again every fight to fine tune your style to your particular opponent.
It's simply a matter of Tyson having a really unique and entertaining fighting style.
Not a peakaweeboo, but I always appreciated how light Tyson looked like fighting despite his size.
normal coaches will teach you traditional boxing, and with enough experience you can develop your own version of peek-a-boo.
it's doable but you need the balls to hang out in the pocket and bang also ttheres the question of reflexes and endurance.you need to go through a lot of discomfort to get good.
>you need to go through a lot of discomfort to get good.
Like with everything
Same reason everyone wants to try the philly shell, to feel like le anime protagonist
Not bad bruv
If he’s not a boomer he’ll probably have no idea what you’re even talking about
If you just get there and ask for that you will get look at like how my wife looks at me after I finish under 5s. If you wait some time and then make suggestions to your coach
>should i do this?
>coach i kinda like this, how can i do this but better?
then you'll probably be fine.

I specifically told my Muay Thai instructor long guard felt more comfortable and intuitive for me after a few classes and he just said "alright, let's work on it" but we never stopped working on other guards
The new meme now is soviet style
One of mikes former trainers/teammate had a gym in memphis who exclusively taught peek a boo style. Wish I had money back then. This was probably 7 or 8 years ago.
Redpill me on soviet style. It feels like the least brain-damaging style for the user. I also have long arms and legs for my height so I feel like it'll be good to adopt.
It's for guys with short arms
what if i have a short dick
You'll look like a new guy that watches a lot of YouTube and wants 5o make a positive change in his life.
It's a meme in the sense that the internet sucks Tysons cock all day.
In truth, he is one of the GOATs for making his own style.
Copying him won't make you him and it won't make you better than him.
Learn basics, take things from other styles. Figure out what works for you.
Maybe you'll find out you don't like being a punching bag and accidentally leaning into a ha4d lead hook. Maybe you'll be a prodigy and you'll improve on it.

Try lots of stuff, but don't be a meme.
philly shell should be your choice

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