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One man army Pro edition
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Fucking kek that’s a great Fallout 3 loadout
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Poor man’s zombie fighting loadout
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>Yeah? Well FUCK you too!

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>Ukrainian lights up approaching ziggers with an M2
>And other assorted footage
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The operation was actually a lot more complicated than that but essentially some wannabe street fighter got jumped by professional boxers, but the pros stayed around long enough to get a few of their own bruises. War is similar to actual fights, hit first and hit hard but end it quickly. Bigger stronger guy normally wins.
They focused most of their energy on taking as much land as possible instead of aiming straight for Kiev with the bulk of their force.
Putin fucked himself by committing to this war, he can't quit but he knows he should for Russia's sake.
>Putin fucked himself by committing to this war, he can't quit but he knows he should for Russia's sake.
Russia is stronger than it has been in 35 years. Sorry to burst your cope bubble.
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>They focused most of their energy on taking as much land as possible instead of aiming straight for Kiev with the bulk of their force.
In any war there is pretext and subtext.
The pretext for this war changes weekly, but the subtext is that Russia wants the land and the inhabitants.
>Russia is stronger than it has been in 35 years.
Nice, very nice. Now let's see Paul Allen's military alliance

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>the entire jet fuel storage in belbek destroyed
What is the tactical/strategic significance of this?
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cope or just retarded? while its trying to be funny its still blatant "russian army strong" and "we did it in 1945, we can repeat it" narrative for average vatnik viewer of that state tv channel. its from 2015, peak vatnik euphoria right after crimea
The average is closer to $2.3m currently, though with enough orders should be around $1.5m
Forgot pic
So not $2.3m/pop, but ackshually $2.7m/pop? wow you really showed him.
Also no lend lease with everything nearly free.

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>Ukrainian soldiers try to drive a $1.17 Million HMT Extenda over a field
>It gets stuck and has to be abandoned
Will /k/ finally admit that it was wrong about half-tracks and they should never have been phased out? How many vehicles must be lost to dirt?
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Do you know what a dragoon is...
Sometimes they will call you a poojet
for some reason the shills are not allowed to say pajeet
Yes it does. You're maintaining a much smaller and simpler piece of track. There's no exhaustive modifications beyond shortening something that is already there.

Every time it was brought up here before the war in Ukraine it was shot down as not needed since wheeled vehicles could go anywhere just as well but cheaper.
>one car gets stuck because ukrainians do something stupid
>better make everything half tracks
retard thinking

Yeah yeah war monitors brown etc etc
But it looks like the rumors that a samad drone crashed into the MQ were wrong
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How their win will look exactly?
Both. Abrahamics and Bradleys as well as LAV-15s all rekt in Yemen.

They were pretty much a non factor.
The US has to accept mountain man supremacy.
Same as it is now
Controlling north Yemen
What targeting system are these sandniggers using?
Mix of Iranian radar systems, Russian MIG-29 Systems and anything else

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New cover when? Edition
Old >>61513432

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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Thermal monocular
Having two aiming points going at once is not ideal. Pick one or the other. I think IR illumination even with a pistol is still a good idea in some situations, but if you've a red dot you can go without the laser and just get an X300-V.
One of the advertisements for the new one looks like it will have a cap that can me moved into location to protect it. I don't see why one couldn't drill a hold into it and glue on their own filter
>but if you've a red dot you can go without the laser and just get an X300-V.
That's what common sense is telling me (even though I don't know much about NVGs and related lol). Which makes me question, is that why before micro red dots were a thing, everyone was using IR lasers with their nods? Regardless, ty for the help! :)
I mean, LAMs are still objectively better for shooting and pussy passive copers can die mad about it.

Lasers were common on pistols since that was basically the only real way to shoot well with pistols. Because night vision has a very shallow depth of field, you can be focused on the front sight, the rear sight, or the target. This makes using irons pretty fucking hard unless you're really good at point shooting. Red dots solve this by superimposing the reticle on your target allowing you to successfully stay target focused.

>Reactive target, larger than a clay pigeon
>Bright yellow color for high visibility
>Lighter than clay pigeons, easier to carry innawoods
>Doesn't create any litter since animals will clean it up anyways
>Can buy at any grocery store, anywhere
>$1.50 gets you like 25 targets, cheaper if you buy the mexican dollar store brands
>Great emergency food stash for emergencies

Why aren't you shooting tostada shells as the perfect cheap, environmentally-friendly reactive targets?
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What drove all the gays out in the 40's?
I don't like wasting food. Even if it's cheap, it feels wrong to use fruit and the like as targets
The birds and squirrels will thank you.
>blows away in the wind easily
>attracts Mexicans
>risks breathing aerosolized seed oils
I like shooting potatoes

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I have a couple friends coming to visit soon and we are going to go out and shoot while they are here. They are from California and have shot guns before but no real experience. What should we start out with or shooting games? I have many rifle, pistol, shotgun options
shoot the cum outta ur dik
Look into dueling trees, Texas stars, and hostage targets

Surely there must be some interest in this board for things made before planes and machine guns. Ive seen some sword threads floating around from time to time.

Primer questions
Any period/culture your like or are autistic about?
Have you been to any museum recently and seen or photographed any cool stuff?
Do you own or collect anything or is in the process of building a kit for reenacting/living history/Larping?
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Finally got around to taking a new family photo. And of course I forgot the mace...

To add, the bit that ended up against the rules were the locking gauntlets (which would be locked closed and thus make it near impossible for the king to drop his weapon). The rules change/clarification/ruling came in when the harness was "functionally" done, but before it had been decorated, thus the (relatively speaking) severely plain appearance. The other 1520 armour was the one made as its replacement.

Alas, at that point in his life it appears he was in decidedly poor health. Severely overweight, likely suffering from gout, with a festering leg wound that refused to heal since '36, and if the pus-filled boils hadn't quite shown up yet they soon would. He didn't live to see February of '47.
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How come this M2 fires a fuckton of them without problem.

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>There's a difference between overpressure that will leave a mark on the bolt face and overpressure that will shear 1.5 inch 12 tpi threads.
ok, what's the difference? you are very sure you know what they are, so what case pressure is required to generate so much force on the brass case head that it engraves the steel end cap?
>least fail safely
like how Barretts pop like balloons and blow massive trunnion pieces out?
Well for example the .277 Fury requires a new case design because it's 80,000 psi is too much for brass cases.
Lentucky Ballistics said he loaded a 180,000 psi .50 BMG to blow the Serbu and the Barrett so think you can sort of see the difference there what pressures start to cause issues and what pressures actually up guns.

It is my opinion based on facts and logic that the SLAP round that blew the Serbu was in the .277 Fury level of overpressure and not 180,000 psi and that the failure was due to the design of the cap and could have been solved completely by the addition of one single vent hole.
Oh and on the "fail safely" part, that was based on reading Hatchers notebook where he details that he wasn't able to get a Springfield M1903 to blow up in such a way that the shooter is at significant risk despite certainly trying his hardest.
I think it was the gun. RN-50 right? You have to screw down a threaded cap over the chamber.
>facts and logic
you show no facts and refuse to apply logic.
>Hatchers notebook where he details that he wasn't able to get a Springfield M1903
multiple 1903 explode and kill/maim people in that book, or did you not read the whole thing?

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For all my DIYers out there.

This thread is for the sharing of
>load data
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You mean the thumb safety that's on the same side of the gun that's against your body?
At least with a Glock you only have to worry about keeping one thing clear of unwanted interactions and you won't have a compulsion to fuck with the trigger until a loud fart sends a round.
Best 223 brass ?
I have GGG holy fucking shit never again
The NATO stuff? It's basically the same as LC in my experience. Assuming you're counting "minimal prep" as "best", you probably want Rem.
I've got a bunch of Wolf Brass I've been shooting for years. Shocked how good it actually has held up. Can't exactly buy that anymore.
Best virgin brass is probably Lapua and maybe not as good you have Starline, Nosler, Norma and Hornady. Used brass LC is probably the best but you need to remove the primer crimp. WCC and PMC are also usable. Federal the primer pockets get loose after a few firings.

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I like this handgun
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Just got one recently. Already managed to jam it and had to send it back to be fixed. Luckily I had the service warranty.
I mean, it's significantly cheaper compared to most double stacks. Unless you settle for a Taurus (assuming you can trust their quality over Ruger).
im glad you got it fixed anon! But mines not the lcp its the lc380. basically the lc9 but in 380
wtf why. That makes no sense
its comfy to carry and comfy to shoot

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What is a ballistically good ammo for an 18” 5.56 gun? It’s a 1:8 twist so don’t worry about bullet weight too much, just effectiveness
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Don't listen to this aging boomer just use 77gr, it's a whole other class of 5.56
Does it have to be 77 or will any heavy match ammo work?
all the people suggesting 77gr own maybe one box of it. just get 55gr like everyone else, anon.
Poverty post.
fuck ya mudda

If you were in Starfleet, what rank and area would closely resemble your current social status and occupation?

I would literally look like pic related, am actual research scientist employed as a postdoc in charge of students who work for me
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>turbo-autists that pick up hobbies like "fantasy cartography".
someone made image related out of +dozen main storyline novels and the spin-off novels, totaling to something like 20 books
>Napoleonic Wars or the 30 Years war.
getting all of the dumbest fucks you can find together in a muddy field and slaughtering them every 20 years doesn't count as "burning down society" you idiot. total war is quite a bit different

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I'm confused. Weren't most of the older variants aside from the 405 made to hold 5 rounds? Why are modern Miroku-made 1895s all list 4 round magazines?
have you emailed Miroku?
Maybe the older ones are counting the +1 in the chamber as part of the magazine capacity

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