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> https://x.com/igorsushko/status/1791552744047939917

Short bursts only but it seems pretty fucking amazing. These can probably be used to annoy the fuck out of fixed positions at night, since they can fire into trenches from that angle
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nigger syntax
>These can probably be used to annoy the fuck out of fixed positions at night, since they can fire into trenches from that angle
Wouldn't be better to use these as drone interceptors?
This was a no-brainer though, surprised it took them this long
Still doing it wrong.
This reminds me of the suicide drone that killed the zigger on the dirt bike. Sure it got him but Russian lives aren't worth anything about the dirt bike was probably like, $2000 or something? Vs the cost of a suicide drone. Just gunning idiots down and returning to base is many scenarios is more useful than kamikaze attacks on things that are worth less than the drone itself

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If you had to decide the invasion plan, how would you go about it?
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ah yes the muh nukes cope
China has enough nukes to damage, but not destroy, the united states; it could perhaps destroy any random smaller NATO or US allied nation, but it's options are fundamentally limited to
>nuke various western capitals (short term damage long term very little damage)
>nuke the US (significant damage to the US, but not crippling)
the US on the other hand, and its' allies, have enough nuclear weapons to turn china into glass from the pacific coast to the ghobi desert. Unironically we could win a nuclear war with china, if it came to that.
The key thing to understand is that given china only has a couple hundred warheads, they only have enough for either
>a limited counterforce strike (e.g. some bases, a couple carrier groups, some centers of government)
>a limited countervalue strike (major cities and production centers)
>a mix of both which substantially damages, but leaves mostly intact, both civilian/industrial capacity and military capacity
It is fundamentally limited in that it does not have enough warheads to totally cripple the west as a whole - unlike russia which arguably does, assuming their missiles aren't total bullshit like I sometimes suspect

The US and its' allies on the other hand have the capacity to glass ALL of china, counterforce and countervalue, although countervalue won't be necessary when they start eating each other from the starvation. You cannot win a nuclear war, but against china we absolutely can - this is proven by the fact china is actively seeking to build up more nukes, surely if china already has the means to obliterate the west then they don't need to risk the geopolitical stigma that comes with nuclear buildup don't you think?
Nukes everywhere
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I would finally add that regardless of the scenario china chooses - limited countervalue, limited counterforce, or a mixture - all you would be doing is guaranteeing that the VAST majority of the population which would survive would be more than eager to support any and all efforts to neutralise china. You vastly underestimate the anti-chinese sentiment bubbling under the surface of american and western society.

>Remove the blockade or we start nuking your allies. In 1 hour we - *everyone, including India, glasses China*
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>Arma 3 main campaign
>set in 2035
>1 (one) use of a quadrocopter drone in combat
>all the reconnaissance and target designation is done by infantry
>armor is a major threat to infantry
>1954 guerilla infiltration tactics still work

>meanwhile in 2024
>10 drones of various types used in every single battle per every single soldier, drones are as disposable as RPG rockets
>all recon and target designation is done via small and large drones
>artillery (even old artillery) shits all over everything, it's a real challenge to even get armor to the front before it's blown up by drones/artillery
>battlefield is completely transparent for both sides for dozens of miles at all times
>any attack is almost guaranteed to fail, but mechanized pushes in particular are doomed
>80-year old blast mines are incredibly effective against the most modern tanks

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>this only works because neither side has an air force by any modern measure
By that standard nobody does.
Outside of a Day 1 Desert Storm air raid there's no fucking chance a western country that's not the US can fight a Russia analogue by shitting all over artillery with aircraft.
Oh, you're coming for my artillery? Fuck you, SAMbush. I told my crews not to be retards and that was enough to evade your dollar store SEAD. They only turned on the radar at the last minute, now you're gonna have to explain to concerned parents why their sons are getting the mobik correction procedure by Chechens.
Oh you cleared my artillery tubes? Feel free to start breaching my minefields, they're so vulnerable... Fuck you, shoot and scoot with rocket artillery. Your engineering units are tucking tail and running away and your aircraft weren't able to respond.
And if the two sides have a modern airforce by said "modern measure"? BVR will make the use of aircraft against artillery impossible. The only way air power would win is by nailing the first day. Destroying the defenses before they disperse, targeting long range early warning and bombing the enemy aircraft while they're on the ground so you'll never have to fight them in the air.
lol these faggots don't know that the sidewinder is also considered autonomous since it doesn't require manual guidance to hit it's target and steers itself.

The harpy is an anti-radiation missile. It's autonomous because it searches for radiation signals.

They aren't using AI to shoot people you fucking retard.s
>this other thing is also autonomous
>so your thing isn't autonomous
9/10 chutzpah
1/10 pilpul
Result: rising levels of nooticing among the goyim
>doesn't understand what autonomous means
You might be retarded ahmed.
>if you have any idea how actual military systems and current technology works you're a JIDF shill
The AI-faggots ITT will use AI, Image recognition and advanced general intelligence able to detect when someone is trying to hide interchangeably.
Actual NPC mind-slaves

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Are they over hyped?
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The "Screw my wife please" series.
Threw a shit fit in Finland court lately.
And lost.
KWAB, fuck HK.
>Kekle Surprise!

Everyone apologize to Ronald Reagan RIGHT NOW.
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reagan didn't single handedly cause globalisation

which is the reason everything is shit now; nation states compete with each other for elites rather than the other way around.
>apologize to Ronald Reagan
never, fucking retarded faggot crippled the US economy forever
>neutron beam
I'm gonna wait for more info, because an orbital death ray is too cool to be true
could go through the first joke
glad to know snl always sucked
jews cant meme
Not quite yet, but brilliant pebbles will actually be feasible if Starship works out as planned.

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Do women actually enjoy shooting, or do they just do it to get attention from men?
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>why not bare children?
Because if they're already likely to be autistic, then I'm not going to take the risk that they come out *cripplingly* autistic, for their own sake. Besides, I'm in my mid-30's, I'm not about to start dating for the first time in my life at this age kek
>random nigga running towards me

Of course I’d get concerned. Then again, most of the younger generations from millennial to zoomer have shit for social skills and objectively hate small talk or think every person trying to make small talk is either a retard or an incel/fag trying to fuck them
it isn't genetic
Id still hit it
Or they think they're just loud, annoying, obnoxious jackasses with bad breath who never understand anything you say the first time no matter how clearly you speak so you end up saying everything twice only to have the faggot misunderstand simple concepts or basic common sense. Talking to actual boomers is torture that they inflict on anyone with manners, aka not niggers.

New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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Like 6:59 or 7:59. My favourite is probably 11:59 though.
based cancer defeater
Dumb bitch polluting the water
I fapped to this btw
Ashwaghanda causes anhedonia

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Commuters in Belgorod patiently waiting for a BM-21 to finish firing its missiles.
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They're muscovites, they don't "think" like normal humans do
we all do
Reminder it is of warcrime to fight back))
So many reasons, it's hard to count them all.
off the top of my head:
>Shitty equipment
>Shitty logistics
>Lack of industrial capabilities
>The army and every other institution is laughably corrupt and incompetent
>unrealistic and unclear war aims
>diplomatic isolation
>brain-dead meatwave tactics
>little to no communication or organization in the army
and many, many more specific causes, but those would cover the main ones.
my only question is how is that Ford Fiesta still driving and where these little shits are getting the replacement parts from
i hope theyre paying months of their salary for a single replacement piece at least

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Can we talk about gun minimalism? I'm relatively new to firearm ownership, have a pretty generous hobby budget and I'm trying to not go overboard with frivolous purchases as I have in other hobbies in the past - I don't want to end up with a bunch of shit to resell. What in your eyes constitutes gun minimalism and quality over quantity?
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>You're a red blooded American
>mfw i really am just a yuro
In spirit
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My blood is red white and blue and I shit patriotic assburgers.

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New cover when? Edition
Old >>61513432

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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Passive aiming is easier on pistols
So I take it that the reason for LAMs is better suited towards rifles to make life easier? But not really a problem-solver needed for pistols?
>easier on pistols
My eotech is already pretty easy.
Does anyone have a table that shows all the different MX tube designations and their uses. Shopping around for tubes to DIY is hard just because I can't remember all the PVS-7/14/etc designations and their tubes so to know which ones need to be inverted, etc.

AK General /akg/
Literary Edition
>Thread #2026

Old thread here >>61597372
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Passion vs. obsession-- one is attractive, the other is the opposite.

They aren’t sending their best
That's a borderline cosmetic issue - stamped guns will also overshoot the fire notch frequently especially if you loosen them up a little.
>no you must ONLY have gotten into AK when I did!
>NOO you MUST only be a tradie and have blown out knees to afford my hobby - comfy office jobs are NOT okay!
Why don’t you just buy the Beryl furniture? Its already modernized

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Why did so many people start falling for this “citizen soldier” bullshit? Advertisements now routinely feature models dressed up as soldiers/SWAT officers to market a handgun to private buyers, and it appears to be working. A great example is when STI rebranded themselves as Staccato. A company that made high end 1911s for competition decided to paint them black and sell them as duty pistols, and they’ve never been more popular. Other manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon and now competition gun features like flared mag wells, tuned SA triggers, gas pedals, and compensators are being pushed as things that you need for a self defense gun.

Some of the worst examples are from Sig, but Walther is catching up, and I wonder when things got this way. Did it come from people who grew up on video games, people who panic bought their first gun and never got past the panic, or what?
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niggers happened
Musashi the ancient swordsman warned about people like this.
They just want to sell themselves.
Do people really believe they'll come out alive from the shit they are preparing for?
he's asking why it works, retard.
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>Nothing personnel kid

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This is the mascot of the JGSDF
What's the power level of the current Japanese military?
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so is he barbed or human-like
it's important
he's not real so I just imagine it's smooth
barbed sucks
funny little guys
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Okay, but why no pants though if she's a sentient humanoid furry fox thing or whatever? Also foxes are fine and all but why not make her look cool/intimidating or sexy and have her carry a big bayonet with her mouth or something?
Honestly PGM could have made a better mascot for their unit but he's a mountain gook so they'd never use any of his designs.

Hopefully this isn't universal in all of Japans military.

>Nobody in Japan respects the military.
They will if Best Korea ever invades them.

Well in the meantime they should just stock up on a fuck ton of anti ship/anti aircraft missiles rather than the tiny poultry amount they have now that at best in a direct conflict with China/Best Korea would last maybe a day or two.
Also continue encouraging mayors and wealthy individuals to keep building bunkers where ever they can stuff them.

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>why yes I would chug androgynous JGSDF cat boy cum
>how could you tell?

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Can someone redpill me on the realities of nuclear capabilities of the USA, Russia, and other countries?
Types of delivery systems, probable range and yield, realistic destructive potential estimates, most probable targets, reliability, etc.
Also the possibility of survivability/recovery after a strike and the means of maximizing personal chances of survival.
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This is pretty old now but:
Ok you are right, i made it all up, DoE & friends do not have the ability to detect radiation nor do they have any interest in doing so, there are totally not radiation detectors littering every major roadway and transit into NYC (and likely every major city) and they definitely dont have planes that can detect radiation all the way up at 13,000 feet. In fact radiation doesnt exist haha gottem!
If you don't starve to death in the following months. There should be a strong civil defense centered around stockpiling food, maintaining seedbanks, and logistics/transportation, basically keeping as much of your population fed for as long as possible until agriculture is somehow restored.
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Fuck off. I hope you get breakthrough life extension so you live to see it.
I read her nuclear war book, she takes the absolute worst case scenario and runs with it.

In it, she implies that even though the Russians would be totally aware that the Norks launched a nuke and blew up Washington, they still refused to take a call from the US to inform them the missiles launched for a counterstrike are not aimed at Russia, because it wasn't the President calling and just an underling.

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Post the slickest, sweetest, coolest, most SOVLFVLL ammo packaging you have. The more esoteric and rare the better.
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that's some shoddy fucking work on the top of the case.
all that money and they couldn't even afford someone that knew how to use a router.
Meanwhile if you look at old cased H&H guns it's all high-end hand cut joinery and they even bothered to align the slots in the screws holding the hinges on.
H&H gunsmithing is exquisite.
Aligning screw heads though is a basic standard practice. Checking screw alignment on an electric outlet plate is an easy way to tell if you electrician is a fuckwit.
>H&H gunsmithing is exquisite.
Speaking of which: obligatory repost.
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