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Your's or not idc, post them rifles.
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Dude what the fuck is that AR?
You have no vision for that thing, no style chosen for it
Okay and?
The handguard is an atrocidad but there's literally nothing else wrong with it
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Only nice FALs in the thread.



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3d printed AK receivers
it'd be cool to have a $500 Polish parts AK but not if I have to redo it every thousand rounds
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If you're buying parts for an AK, why not just buy an AK?
How do you test this or trust it to function when firing it for the first time to avoid self-deletion?
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check headspace.
I took it out back and dropped it on an empty chamber, checked headspace with a feeler gauge, then I loaded a mag with one round and dropped it on that and checked headspace again. then did it with a loaded mag.
for roller delay guns the gap between the bolt head and the bolt carrier shows you how far out the rollers are, if that gap is correct, then the rollers are properly deployed.
if the rollers are properly deployed, then the lockup is good.
different people, I said Poland is Slav country, someone else said their parts kits are trash
saves money, more AK for $$
long string, tie twig to string, pull trigger von far away

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I recently engage in a very heated discussion with someone, the topic is about the SPAAG vs MBT.

Can a SPAAG kill an MBT, assuming all conditions are ideal (terrain, SPAAG has full view and in cover, MBT doesn't spot SPAAG)?
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So again, it can be done.

I'm surprised no one has forwarded this idea, maybe the chinese will end up doing, or drones would be much cheaper than ammo.
That ukie who killed a T-90 with a fuckload of 25mm HE would beg to differ. Even if you aren't punching through the armor, you're blowing very important shit off the outside.
>machine gun easily destroyed
>optics broken or blinded
>viewing ports damaged
>turret mechanism damaged
>tracks thrown
>crew disoriented
You blast anything with a bunch of small grenades and it's having a bad time.
okay, fancy paint and cloth
>So again, it can be done.
not efficiently or effectively
and not a 100% chance as mentioned above
a mission kill is a fluke that cannot be predicted

a majority of shells impacting on a tank will be on non-vital sections like armor
the cameras, gun barrel, and tracks would make up less than a tenth of the suface area
At the time the OTOMATIC was being offered for sale, militaries were starting to transition to primarily missile-based air defense systems. Even the Italian army skipped out on it.
Quite unfortunate really, it was a really interesting and cool tank.
OTO Melara did try it again with the Centauro DRACO (different turret with the same 76mm Super Rapido but on a Centauro hull) some time ago, but that too didn't go anywhere as far as I've seen.

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>Built-in batteries are an anti-consumer cancer

This, a hundred times.
Companies (starting with Apple because of fucking course) started pushing for non-user-replaceable batteries in the name of "better weatherproofing" and "thinner and more streamlined design" but the real reason was always extremely simple.
Unlike all of the other electronic components, the battery is an explicitly consumable item. It WILL degrade and fail, and when that happens, 99% of consumers will just buy a new product.
>O-Light i3
best $5 keyring light out there

I have a lunchbox full of them. the i3T 2 EOS is a great light too.
>Well established and reliable
>Useable for years between maintenance
>Simple to store extras
>New but promising
>Nobody has managed to wear one out yet but they're only a few years old
>Potentially unlimited duration of use
>Almost certainly the only real path forward

Olight crap
>Can last 2-3 weeks on a charge
>You need to keep the hat safe, dry and charged up

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
looks retarded just put a usb port on it
>What do we think?
I think this is the most pathetic question a man could ever ask

>Image Limit Reached
>Last Thread >>61627295
seasons 1-3 were good, rest was shit
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more Berserk fan stuff

Nice, also new thread doko?
pornography is evil, repent
new bread >>61659563
lewd thread >>61659563

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Recently some norks visited a russian gun factory and bought some DVL-10 rifles from Lobaev Arms. All the paperwork was in order and it was done perfectly legal. Then they brought the rifles home and the norks have apparently just reverse engineered and started manufacturing it themselves according to russian sources.

I've always wondered, do the russians not get salty about the chinks and norks taking advantage of them and just copying all their designs? The least they could do is pay royalties.
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the way you stop actual piracy: with overwhelming military might.
if you can't, piracy it is. copyrights is a retarded concept anyway (i suspect jews invented it). Especially so when software is concerned and it takes literal seconds to copy/paste the product. Let the whole humanity benefit from the good stuff and compete in manufacturing quality.
What are you going to do about it? Glock might be mad about all the glock clones, but they can't do anything, especially with the expired patent.
>Yakuza are often Korean.
Absolutely, but I wouldn't refer to a Yakuza-owned pachinko parlor, bar, strip club, etc, as a Korean one even though many of their members are Koreans, at least if we're talking about the traditional sense of the word Yakuza, i.e. Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyoshi-kai, etc.

>But the norks also make their own yakuza to exploit and manage the north korean populace in Japans nork ghettos
So basically jopok?
Since they are government backed Koreans can do shit the Yakuza can only dream of, like state backed counterfeiting, drug production, military trained assassins, access to things like cargo subs (Japan has actually captured a few) and real guns. The two groups are very intertwined.
>So basically jopok?
Yes, except the leaders are North Korean intel operatives.

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or is it just vaporware?

It looked cool but I don't know if they ever figured it out.

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hello anons. wich fighter jet is the bestest and more high tech and powerful? The american F-35 Lightning II or the russian Suhoi Su-35?
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That'd be impressive if the F-35 could even be targeted by the S400.
why are you so mad? if russia's military is much better than the us's, then I'm sure they'd have no problem invading right?
Retard lol
Su-35 has a cooler silhouette, but nothing in this world gets even close to the F-35s belly aesthetics.
>proven in largest war since ww2
Failed to achieve air superiority against a country with soviet air defence and monkey model AA missiles.
I remain unconvinced.

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Why don't they just make a main battle SPG? If you have an autoloading 155mm it can take out tanks with direct fire. With high elevation and proxy fuses it can also kill drones and helicopters. There's no need for different ammo types, 155mm HE with a programmable proxy fuse can perform all roles.
from the thumbnail I thought that was a man perched on the hull and this was a giant German autism-tank.
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the RCH155 can do that
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We are really going full modularity.

>Stun GUN, doesn't shoot, is a melee weapon
>Taser, does shoot, is a ranged weapon
Who the fuck came up with these names?
the Jews
Taser is an acronym. Thomas A Swifts Electric Rifle. Named after the book.
>Electric Rifle
>is a pistol
>thomas a swift's electric rifle
hmm i dont know maybe it used to be a rifle?

you need to be 18 or older to post here

I was reading about the British thermonuclear weapons program and it appears that between 1952 and 1958 the USA basically stopped cooperating with the UK on nuclear weapons development (in part out of paranoia over spying and in part because the fucking Labor government handed the fucking jet engine to the Soviet). As a result the British were forced to continue developing a hydrogen bomb on their own and all their attempts were laughable and basically all consisted of jamming lithium-deuteride into a standard implosion fission bomb in various configurations with no success. It wasn't until 1958 that the USA reestablished a joint nuclear program that the UK was able to build a reliable thermonuclear device.

Why was this? Britain had tons of brilliant scientist hanging around. After all, they cracked Enigma and basically invented the programable computer during WW2. Why was building a hydrogen bomb so difficult? Given what they know now would the UK be able to built a domestic H-bomb design if the US stopped sharing nuclear secrets for some reason?
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The Poles still cracked it. If I climb Mount Everest in a week, and then a month later you climb Mount Everest in a day, I still climbed Mount Everest first.
If you run 100m hurdles without knocking one over it isn't the same as running the hurdles at Olympic pace.
>After all, they cracked Enigma
Go look up how they treated Alan Turing after the war.

>but was it really so bad that smart people fled to the US?
When the US is offering a really fat paycheck along with better opportunities to carry out your research a lot of people will sign up even if their current home isn't an impoverished hellhole. Though if it is then that'll certainly make the offer even sweeter.

>Surely the UK was one of the least damaged European belligerents of the war
That's not saying much, and even with that I'd like to see an actual source rather than "just trust me bro".
>Alan Turing

He didn't crack it solo. He was just the gay guy in the team so he gets the movie.
>le Alan Turing
and deservedly so, the faggot was a huge security risk.

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What roles would trainer jets be if pressed into service?
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If you're in a war where you need to use trainer jets you will probably have already launched nukes.
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>b-but banja luka didn't count b-because I say so
lmao only flip and nigger use trainer as their frontline fighter jet
If you HAD to use them for something other than their sole purpose of training, I'd slap in a remote piloting kit and send them on SEAD suicide missions with a fuckload of HARMs. Destroying AD is the most immediately effective way to gain a massive advantage.
there are plenty of real answers, you only care about this anon because you WANT to be mad

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What's your zombie survival strategy?
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>What kind of payoff is that?
A disaster story doesn't need a payoff for the protagonist it just needs to have an interesting disaster scenario.
>wait for the army
LOL in such a situation they will be shooting anything that moves and that includes you
>Not liking a particular trope of a subgenre of a horror movies is autistic?
Acting like it's a critique rather than just something that makes you uncomfortable because of your brain worms, yeah.

>I also think balck pill doomers are faggots who're too adicted to their own misery to improve their situation for more or less the same reason.
Imagine being so brain dead that you think that the only person who can enjoy a story with a grim ending is someone who thinks the world has no meaning. Tarman wouldnt get a thing out of your skull I can tell you that.

>If a story is just misery porn
Again, conflating topic with delivery. Autism.

>Then there's not even a challenge to over come then what's even the point of reading it.
Sorry everything cant be an anime where the spunky protag who doesn't listen to his teachers becomes God and fucks a mid bitch.
>Yeah but most of the damage they take is meaningless because they can survive anything except for a brain injury, at best you would slow them down by crippling them.
A zombie can "survive" being a head and neck on the ground but it's functionally zero threat.
any broken bone between the ankle and the pelvis is going to reduce a zombie's effectiveness by an order of magnitude.

Also if you think you dont need your chest and back muscles to grapple, I can tell you've never had to do labor in your entire life. A zombie with shredded muscles is just a groaning lawn ornament.

Basically a zombie can "survive" almost any injury, but almost any injury reduces it's effectiveness exponentially.

>Not necessarily, also what if animals turned into zombies like bats, rats and birds. They could kill/infect people without causing major injuries.
1. That's leaving behind the type of zombies I criticized
2. If you need an army of instant death mosquitos to "help" your monster take on regular humans, then he doesn't sound that powerful. Basically anything that adds something to a zombie movie that would collapse civilization without the regular zombie's help whatsoever turns the whole zombie thing into a joke, an afterthought.
Why did he do it

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here is some mall ninja shit. If you are planning on buying a "do it all shotgun" like you want something for HD but also to hunt or clays, you are better off getting a 20 inch turkey barrel over a 18.5 incher for HD. the 20 inch turkey barrel will have vent ribs on it and you can use that to mount a red dot and now you have a QD barrel mounted red dot instead of having to use a bead or receiver mounted red dot. Especially considering you would be using the shotgun inside at night a red dot is a billion times better innahouse/mixed lighting/dark conditions than a bead is, even with a WML.
If you are getting a shotgun exclusively for HD, which is a why are you doing that in current year, then do whatever, you can receiver mount and some shotguns now are coming with optics cuts anyway.
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>Red dots suck on shotguns
More than suck, outright idiocy and broadcasting you can't shoot and know nothing about guns. Its the equivalent of putting a 20 power first focal plane scope on a 9mm glock
shiggity. A real American can track and shoot via esp. Unironically ngm.
What red dot can handle 12ga recoil and has a proper reticle for buckshot?
For better or worse, the <100moa of a conventional shotgun's spread isn't very much when put in perspective of a home defense shot's distance, target size, and expected user error.
They haven’t invented smart reticules yet that track the random dispersion of buckshot yet retard.

Arent flame throwers outlawed? Why exactly is it legal to just put the flame thrower into a rocket and launch it at soldiers protected by the Geneva convention? There aren't any thermobaric HIMARS or other western built MLRS that use thermobarics to obliterate infantry.

The version 2 might not be as aesthetic, but it seems to be longer range and even more hell.

Why isnt this shit banned? And why, if its such a horrible weapon everyone can have, no other nation is fielding it?
>another slide thread
that's enough of the lol-only-retarded posting, poo.
>Arent flame throwers outlawed?
What are they going to do to stop them exactly?
It's less painful than being shot

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