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How does 25mm direct fire shit on 120mm direct fire in all scenarios?
It also seems that the Bradley is the only thing on the battlefield(in ukraine) that performs how it was designed for originally.
post bradley kino pls
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Sorry, "United Saamraajy"?
This is my first tume seeing this.
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God the Bradley is so practical.
Russia is using stuff the Bradley was designed with in mind.

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How difficult would this be, anyways
it's not like you are making a gun, just a body kit
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Leaving some kind of access hole for the gas regulator that's large enough to facilitate inserting a cartridge and rotating it is probably feasible, though it would look retarded. But nigger, you want to double the length of the ejection chute, and then what, put a bend in it so that it clears the giant "front sight post"? Have you ever shot one of these things before? Their ejection is already extremely unreliable before you double the length of the conga line of brass and make it take a corner. If you wanted to body kit a bullpup, this is the wrong one to use. At least use one that ejects the same way as the gun you're copying. Practically every other bullpup on the market uses a standard side ejection port.
Learn CAD, buy a 3D scanner and a 3D printer and you're good.
>For example, your front sight is going to have to be welded, peened or otherwise mechanically attached to your barrel. Are you willing to pay a gunsmith to do that?
Unironically it doesn't. You can, 100% just have that mounted to the "body kit." It wouldn't really hold zero, yes, but it doesn't really need to. Since, you know, the optic is going to be doing the aiming job and a front site doesn't matter without a rear site anyway.
Shut up faggot
I don't know. MAybe like, 27 or 29 difficult

Shouldn't this be filled in?
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doesn't matter
it's for launching small drones not 30 ton jets
I thought they planned to put their big boy drones on it
These things weight like 2 tons, a regular jet weighs like over 10.

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Don't mind, just Chadley doing it's own thing.
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this board has really taken a shit in the past 2 years.
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You sure about that one?
First time you visit one of warriortards threads?
didn't Slovakia donate T-55s? Just give that shit to third-line security units and home guard to free up useful vehicles. There's absolutely no reason not to donate them unless they're completely clapped out and practically unusable

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One man army Pro edition
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Fucking kek that’s a great Fallout 3 loadout
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Poor man’s zombie fighting loadout
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>Yeah? Well FUCK you too!

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>Ukrainian soldiers try to drive a $1.17 Million HMT Extenda over a field
>It gets stuck and has to be abandoned
Will /k/ finally admit that it was wrong about half-tracks and they should never have been phased out? How many vehicles must be lost to dirt?
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Do you know what a dragoon is...
Sometimes they will call you a poojet
for some reason the shills are not allowed to say pajeet
Yes it does. You're maintaining a much smaller and simpler piece of track. There's no exhaustive modifications beyond shortening something that is already there.

Every time it was brought up here before the war in Ukraine it was shot down as not needed since wheeled vehicles could go anywhere just as well but cheaper.
>one car gets stuck because ukrainians do something stupid
>better make everything half tracks
retard thinking

Yeah yeah war monitors brown etc etc
But it looks like the rumors that a samad drone crashed into the MQ were wrong
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How their win will look exactly?
Both. Abrahamics and Bradleys as well as LAV-15s all rekt in Yemen.

They were pretty much a non factor.
The US has to accept mountain man supremacy.
Same as it is now
Controlling north Yemen
What targeting system are these sandniggers using?
Mix of Iranian radar systems, Russian MIG-29 Systems and anything else

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I like this handgun
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Just got one recently. Already managed to jam it and had to send it back to be fixed. Luckily I had the service warranty.
I mean, it's significantly cheaper compared to most double stacks. Unless you settle for a Taurus (assuming you can trust their quality over Ruger).
im glad you got it fixed anon! But mines not the lcp its the lc380. basically the lc9 but in 380
wtf why. That makes no sense
its comfy to carry and comfy to shoot

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What is a ballistically good ammo for an 18” 5.56 gun? It’s a 1:8 twist so don’t worry about bullet weight too much, just effectiveness
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Don't listen to this aging boomer just use 77gr, it's a whole other class of 5.56
Does it have to be 77 or will any heavy match ammo work?
all the people suggesting 77gr own maybe one box of it. just get 55gr like everyone else, anon.
Poverty post.
fuck ya mudda

If you were in Starfleet, what rank and area would closely resemble your current social status and occupation?

I would literally look like pic related, am actual research scientist employed as a postdoc in charge of students who work for me
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>turbo-autists that pick up hobbies like "fantasy cartography".
someone made image related out of +dozen main storyline novels and the spin-off novels, totaling to something like 20 books
>Napoleonic Wars or the 30 Years war.
getting all of the dumbest fucks you can find together in a muddy field and slaughtering them every 20 years doesn't count as "burning down society" you idiot. total war is quite a bit different

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I'm confused. Weren't most of the older variants aside from the 405 made to hold 5 rounds? Why are modern Miroku-made 1895s all list 4 round magazines?
have you emailed Miroku?
Maybe the older ones are counting the +1 in the chamber as part of the magazine capacity

Cool pictures of knives. Preferably cold steel knives.
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It has a cool magazine on top of the grip.
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Are you blind? He put a 100 $ tardtanium clip on a 50 $ knife, therefore making it 200 % cooler. It's really simple math.
>It's really simple math.
Yeah, but the knife was never 'cool' to begin with. Putting it in basic math terms, three hundred percent of zero is still zero.
Good point, however, I would argue that the Voyager is cool due to its decent functionality at a low price. Also kek.

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Recommend me your best /k/ literature.
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what battles is he involved in?
The Guns of August. A really in depth look at the events leading up to, and the first month of World War 1.

instant 2015 nostalgia from seeing this. remember when /pol/ was anti-muslim?
Captivity and Conversion reminds me of some archival work I did once on the US Information Agency in Vietnam and the associated South Vietnamese reeducation program they set up for captured or surrendered VC. Short version is that the USIA was America's propaganda wing during the Cold War. In Vietnam they operated out of a villa outside Saigon, staffed mostly with young men just out of college, somewhere between psy-war spooks and State Department staffers. One night they might be drinking melonballs at an embassy party, the next they were getting dropped into the bush with green berets to test out ghost tapes on VC. Their involvement in the reeducation program was just as contradictory. Sometimes they were lecturing bored guerillas who were just happy to be fed and clean for a few weeks before they slipped back into the jungle. Other times they delved into MK ULTRA territory, trying to reprogram VC brains with American techno wizardry.

Point being, no amount of coercion or psy ops or bribes were able to have any appreciable effect on an ideologically motivated insurgency. I was fascinated by those documents I ran across though, out in the open in an archive with no redactions. None of them were digitized, but there is a pretty good history on the USIA out there. I'll see if I can look it up.

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Your's or not idc, post them rifles.
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Dude what the fuck is that AR?
You have no vision for that thing, no style chosen for it
Okay and?
The handguard is an atrocidad but there's literally nothing else wrong with it
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Only nice FALs in the thread.



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Commuters in Belgorod patiently waiting for a BM-21 to finish firing its missiles.
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>/k/ is obviously biased towards Ukraine and I believe mods are on the take even
Oh, do ... PLEASE ... tell the entire class just who is paying off the /k/ mods to be pro-Ukraine.
They're muscovites, they don't "think" like normal humans do
we all do
Reminder it is of warcrime to fight back))
So many reasons, it's hard to count them all.
off the top of my head:
>Shitty equipment
>Shitty logistics
>Lack of industrial capabilities
>The army and every other institution is laughably corrupt and incompetent
>unrealistic and unclear war aims
>diplomatic isolation
>brain-dead meatwave tactics
>little to no communication or organization in the army
and many, many more specific causes, but those would cover the main ones.

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