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why are the su57 and f14 wide asf between exhausts?
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> because they cannot develop powerful and small engines(weakest part of russian aviation industry besides sensor suites)
Isn’t this the most important thing for planes? Like anyone can make jets but almost nobody but 2 countries can make leading edge stuff
Too late, mines already there
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Yah, it is lmao.
It's why anything BUT their PGM stuff is shit(3rd party sensors).
They can't even CCIP/CCRP bomb properly due to how shit their avionics is
>webm related, the target was the building
Hell they didn't even get a digital RWR till fucking 2012 iirc.
Our sensor suites and engines(God bless GE and P&W) are actual space magic compared to most countries. Mq9/Rq4 is old as hell at this point, but the sensor packages on them are RIDICULOUS.
Most mouthbreathing mongoloids here say some bullshit like >hahaha amelica so expensive see 250 dorra ari baba drone
Without realizing it's a totally different ballgame. We'd send hellfires through 1x1ft building windows 14nm away.
isnt ground effect bad if you want to land on a carrier?
> 3d thrust vectoring
does maneuvering even matter anymore for planes?

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Ukrainian drones attacked this morning. Wonder what they hit?

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>totally not royal marines
Your AIDS is showing, zegro.
The S-500 isn't the S-400 on steroids.
It's an ABM that bridges the gap between the S-400 and the A-135 anti-ballistic missile system.
You are embarrassing yourself, vatnik. Nobody believes the S500 can do shit. It is an AIDS larp, simple as.
Getting equipment from elsewhere means that Ukraine can more freely use its homemade weapons on refineries instead of anti-orc defense. We can put down rules for using the weapons we give them, but we can't tell whem what to do when it comes to things they make for themselves.
Poverty with Russian characteristics.

Surely there must be some interest in this board for things made before planes and machine guns. Ive seen some sword threads floating around from time to time.

Primer questions
Any period/culture your like or are autistic about?
Have you been to any museum recently and seen or photographed any cool stuff?
Do you own or collect anything or is in the process of building a kit for reenacting/living history/Larping?
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Why don't modern/upcoming tanks have the ability to also function as artillery by allowing the gun elevation to be increased ? With an autoloading turret you could have mobile artillery and tank in one platform which is a Huge advantage for "scoot-and-shoot" style tactics.

So far the only tank that seems to come close to it is the new French/German project with a 140mm cannon.

They should develop 140mm artillery and have one magazine with artillery and the other with anti-tank rounds, including Barrel launched ATGM's, unless the tank has extra-external ATGM's instead.

And at the very least, even if they don't want the jack-of-all-trades approach, the least they could do is have the chasis be modular and able to perform as either BattleTank/Artillery/engineering, just by swapping modules

Also: If the new Abrams doesn't have an autoloader I'm gonna laugh. It's stupid to have a 4 man crew, when you could add another entire tank crew for every 3 loaders that aren't needed. Plus it reduces casualties by ensuring personnel dispersion is in as many seperate vehicled as possible

What are your thoughts ?

Also, tanks far from the front lines should have a towable reserve ammo "cart" that they can place close to their operating area instead of needing a designated vehicle to resupply them. Or at least a robotic automated resupply mule that can ferry ammo without needing to waste personnel that could be used elsewhere
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Yes. Cancelled in the early 2000s in favor of the VBCI based upon a Renault Trucks chassis. Kept being used as a testbed to try stuff, notably with that 120mm turret.
At some point during trials in the UAE they removed one of the front wheels and the thing didn't lose mobility even in sand lol.
Crazy machine, sadly its suspension was a nightmare.
>yammering cakehole speaking
I yarn
FCS had a "tank" (LOS/BLOS) that was supposed to do exactly that. It got canned with the rest of FCS. So, yeah, the concept is not exactly unknown, and has in fact been around since the tank was first invented.

It's not the optimal platform for indirect fire, however; there are reasons why a large, lightly-armored vehicle with a ~6" howitzer throwing ~100lb shells downrange has become the gold standard for the job. Tanks are optimized for other roles; sure, they can lob shells, but they contain less HE fill, don't have the same elevation (that forces you to use a taller turret in order to fit the breech inside the hull), and can withstand an awful lot of damage that would kill an artillery piece. So while tanks can and should be capable of doing indirect fire, they'll never be as good at it as a specialized self-propelled gun.

Also, while it would certainly be nice for the M1E3 to have an autoloader, it might or might not be enough of a priority for them to include it compared to all of the other things the upgrade is supposed to accomplish. While the M1 has certainly served as a test-bed for autoloaders in the past, the best way to incorporate an autoloader is to design the turret--and possibly even the entire tank--around it, rather than to slap it into an existing design. Part of the decision-making process will likely involve whether the existing turrets will be re-manufactured or replaced--and the latter is a lot more expensive. So, there are decisions to be made and compromises to be reached.

Finally, tanks-with-trailers has been tried, and the Soviets used to use the twin-55gal-barrels-on-the-back thing. It tends to compromise the tank's survivability too much. Having resupply troops ferrying ammo is safer, and AI is *not* flexible enough to handle front-line resupply yet.

Progress is being made in all of the above; however, it's slower than you might expect.
Both high inclination and low depression require taller turrets. Don't forget that the breech has to go to the supplementary angle of the barrel.
That is only true if trunnion is outside of the turret ring. Nemo is inside.

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>M14 you can carry 280 rds in loaded mags at 10 kg
>AK-47 you can carry 360 rds in loaded mags at 10 kg
>AK-74 you can carry 540 rds in loaded mags at 10 kg
>AR-15 you can carry 600 rds in loaded mags at 10 kg
This is without taking into account the weight of the rifle which skews the balance even more in the favor of the AR
An AR-15 in 5.56 is an incredible rifle for the average infantryman.

The army should have kept the M4, perhaps upgrading it with a normal M-Lok handguard, an intelligent barrel profile like pic related, and maybe a stronger bolt to take the new higher pressure ammo. Going back to battle rifles is peak retardation.
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Yo mama's integrated body armor.
Hot .5.56 out of a 24" barrel has better performance against plates than 7.62x51. All you need to do is make new barrels and change adjust the gas system. I don't get why they'd want a whole caliber when they could just make 5.56 better at penetration. I get that they wanted the new silencer but that shit canc also be added to the AR, meanwhile you can keep the old M4 in a submachinegun role without complicating shit.
Look at op's pic. That thing is straight out of an IDF armory. Of course he's a weak bitch.
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MoD did it to spend their allownace money, if they don't use it they lose it. there's a reason why Stoner designed the barrel length to 20" but what does he know?
post your 20 mile ruck times with both a heavy, encumbering 308 fuck off anchor and an m4...
oh wait... lmfao

im sure you have

First title then personage then ability and where it comes from.

Diegraf Strong Finf Finf SUTR

The Kw’’itz’’’schtAtszch’GE’de’’HadErAcH Rage Imprisoning The Messiah Upset or Disrespect

Diegraf Strong Finf Finf SUTR

Racer X Love To Drive Progress Cruise Control

Gamut Wanter I Own 494 Lockwood Lane And All My YOIYA Places of Inventions Black Forest Stolen

Jekyll Hyde HYDEGA The Timetravelling Perfection Killbox SUTR

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PotionMaster Because I got to Marcel Marceux’s Wraith Hand Mimey Infinite Potions Potion Drinking Mime Hand Or Would’ve

ZALLZ Zenny(Zypa Bennies from Savage Worlds) White Wolf Burned Black 250 million Zenny Every Day Compound As Waker Amnipotence

Hyde Jekyll HYDEGA Hyde And Sanity Would’ve Drank Potion Instead

The Master of Gates Danny North Gate Magic Had To Reach

The Bully Buster Crabbe Zeitgeist Chandelier

Scrooge Zcrooge Best Money In The Universe Slaughter & Cuff Would

Inventor of Felix Felicis Luck Potion Tom Riddle Luck Amnipotence

Diegraf Strong Inventor of The Messiah Finf Colder Days In Hell SUTR

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Arisen Ethan Hawke Sparrow Infernality Hate, Corruption, Or Joy

Deathclaw Gamera Scrooge Transforming Target has Ears or Touch

Vault Boy Puppet Worry Crate Full Of Puppets and Immortality Not Your Crate

The Inventor of Hulking Spectacles Apex Hulk Make Me Angry

The Best Teacher In The World Glasses Mr. E To Learn

Wonka Mozt Tiddler Nightmare Disrespect

Thor’s Magician Don’t Piss Me Off Thorian Magic Magice Falling

Jack O Lantern Candlejack Candlejack And Where The Red Fern Grows Finder or Disrespect a Pumpkin

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Safety Man Ghathanathoa Wide Would Screen

Superior Man Constant I’m Above Everyone Else in Every Meaningful Way Spindle Inflection

Bluto’s Sun Harold Wrench Them As I Wrench

Owning The Universe White Wolf Shelter Every Way

White Prolat Anventor And Black Hole Rodeo Spindle Inflection Zypa Automatic Is

Owning Limbhad The Inventor Gestalt Sort/Sorted

Owning Limbo The Inventor Havoc Havoc

Language Inventor The Music Box Confusion from Using Communication EST ESG ESO ESS

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The Great Pixel Hunter PYX Luck Power Growth Pixel Hunter

The Master of Magic The Magician The Magic of Planeswalking Sleights or Cards or Lands

Pyramidhead The Inventor of Silent Hill Silent Hill BlackBurnedKazooiePhoenixFenixPheonicPhoenix The Inventor

The Owner Of Hell and All Argent Energy Doomslayer Wrench Per Touch from Doom To Zoom

I am Hellraiser Wishmaster Alladin Hyde The Inventor

I am Hellfire Slaughter & Cuff The Purge Jokey

I have The Most Friends The Fountain I’m Most Associable Person

The Great Escapist Demon Raper Diegraf Escaping By The End Tricks Or Bag of Tricks Maligned 20x200million WTRFG

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Ghathanathoa Golden Lazarus Eyes Zypaest Gorgon Want

Diegraf Strong Finf Finf SUTR

Dream Larvae Lucky Zightmare SUTR

Only I have Zeheriz Godhand Gorse Undefeatable Want

I’m The Devil Cuphead Golden Pitchfork and Black Pitchfork Skullee

Arthur The Picketeer Golden Berry SGE Splintercushioner Druid Without my Kingdom

Hide Ricket I Threw Pikt Vanishing Point Hide Ricket
After becoming Greatest Pooper of Scotts Valley I might’ve been left with this House and infinite completely paid Door Dash

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oh no no no NLAW bros, have we become so fucking useless that we are now only used as a support beam for better weapons? this can't be happening, its so fucking over.
bros this can't be real, how have we fallen so far NLAW bros?
The javelin is the better weapon but the NLAW still has its place
Good job OP not only are you a faggot but you're also a dipshit, thats clearly a spent javelin tube.

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>bought a site
>it's crooked

what do i do now
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This is why iron sights are superior
Iron sites can't be crooked?
Eat shit and die
The guy shows you how to spell the word correctly and you still fuck it up. Come on. Anyway, yeah. They can be crooked, of course, but you can fix it easily with a hammer.
Is that one of those Gideon Chinese POS that the civilian tactical guy always shills?

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Halal edition.
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Without hijab.
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Unyaated States Rifle, Caliber Purr-ty, Meowdel of 1903.

The city is in chaos, gangs are roaming the streets. In this context, how would you fortify and defend this place /k/?
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Need to breed Egyptian girls
Thoughts on Halbert?

also fuck Central and Tops
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We have 50,000 stacked brown tomboys ready for deployment, with another 200,000 finishing training within the year.

most likely in Brooklyn because he lives on Furman Street
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Foundational Black Americans
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a hotel worker that drake the diddler pissed off somehow, and who OP is really really trying to tie to le heckin racing war (because Elon's botfarm is now the most accurate representation of society LMOA)
this but unironically
I dare you to drop that with a round chambered

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Wood vs Synthetic shotgun furniture?
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Wood for style / display.

Synthetic for anything else, I love my wood furniture for my 870 but I have it taken off so it can be preserved, and because I live far up north so I don't want it getting wrecked by the extreme freezing temperatures we get up here.
So I just run polymer on it most of the time, I'm cringe though and run magpul furniture for my stock, fore-end and sling.
Wood is nice in terms of feel and color, but that shit cracks and wobbles. Synthetics, when decently made are the best for actual use. When I'm shooting trap and skeet, maybe going for a short rabbit walk, I'll bring the wood. But hunting and duty work its synthetic.
Wood looks so good. Makes me want to fondle the gun
cracks and wobbles? a decent stock is a tight fit and can be used as a club.
Wood warping on a shotgun really doesn't matter at all. What's it going to do? Change your POI? Don't think so.

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What is the purpose of the bullpup?
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they use the hti also, but they'll use anything they got
Short gun long barrel trigger bar
Standard length barrel in a shorter rifle configuration. Better balanced and easier to handle than a conventional rifle but trigger pull tends to be worse due transfer bar and controls are not as "refined" (you could say) as an AR.
Bullpup development hasn't advanced much since AR's have been the golden standard for a long time but there's definitely lots of potential
And accuracy.
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very nice to hold and aim, long barrel while keeping it relatively short (fits larger backpack, no need to use rifle bag), in case of my meme keltec - excellent supressor host, cheap as fuck even in pooland (paid around 1k250 for mine, keep in mind we pay 25% tax on almost everything and guns are expensive here anyway - acceptable-quality AR that isnt chinky costs 2.5k usd and up here ), and easy/fun to mod, eats any cheap ammo I feed it, and if i break anything it can be either replaced cheaply or i can buy another one.

Jungle Warfare Edition

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Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

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Do not post on the chink's thread.
The thing is, they need a lot of workers - low-end workers, who would breed and produce more low-end or mid-end workers. Why? Tax money. Because taxes are needed for the increasingly aging population of whites who do not breed enough, and automation and technological progress got fucked by capilalists (because unless ordered to, capitalism actually does not assist or boost scientific progress - just conversion of that progress into market).
Thats why there is such rampant immigration. And no politician will ever come into public and say "we have fucked up big-time and this is the reason we import people from 3rd-world countries that we ruined and plundered before".

That small calibre (.22?) rifle while doing marksmanship training in school (post-soviet country - we had that pre-army training class), so i was 15 years old. Then there was shotgun and AK.
Real thread here
Real thread
Old one got pruned because the chink cried to janny

Whether you think an event like this will occur, or is even possible is irrelevant. This is just a pure discussion of the 22lr's viability in different scenarios.

Long story short, finally got a long time friend into shooting and he purchased a Mossberg 702 and a Taurus TX22. Thought they would make great beginner guns, but now he claims he has everything he needs. I disagree, but it got me thinking about how he would do if something that he fears came true.

He has taken my advice on many other things
>he purchased a bunch of mags
>he has a bunch of "hotter" 22 ammo and shoots it
>he goes shooting with me once a week
>he does dry fire practice at home to improve his shooting (at least he says he does, and his shooting has improved)

Does someone with a 22lr rifle and pistol (and is proficient with both) really have everything they need to survive?
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Aren't these things Jam-O-Matics? I guess they're kinda cool, but it feels like they have an incredibly small use case. When I go backpacking, I just carry a heritage rough rider on my hip or in my bag. Does pretty much the same thing, and the exposed barrel on the AR7 probably means accuracy wouldn't be all that much better. I can also carry 22mag in that, unlike the AR7. Cheaper price also means I don't have to worry fucking it up or losing it.
>dry fire practice
>friends firing pin breaks when shit hits the fan
you niggas really think storage conditions are gonna be great post SHTF?
Because ammo cans disappear?
Never heard of these?

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