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I have a couple friends coming to visit soon and we are going to go out and shoot while they are here. They are from California and have shot guns before but no real experience. What should we start out with or shooting games? I have many rifle, pistol, shotgun options
shoot the cum outta ur dik
Look into dueling trees, Texas stars, and hostage targets

Surely there must be some interest in this board for things made before planes and machine guns. Ive seen some sword threads floating around from time to time.

Primer questions
Any period/culture your like or are autistic about?
Have you been to any museum recently and seen or photographed any cool stuff?
Do you own or collect anything or is in the process of building a kit for reenacting/living history/Larping?
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Finally got around to taking a new family photo. And of course I forgot the mace...

To add, the bit that ended up against the rules were the locking gauntlets (which would be locked closed and thus make it near impossible for the king to drop his weapon). The rules change/clarification/ruling came in when the harness was "functionally" done, but before it had been decorated, thus the (relatively speaking) severely plain appearance. The other 1520 armour was the one made as its replacement.

Alas, at that point in his life it appears he was in decidedly poor health. Severely overweight, likely suffering from gout, with a festering leg wound that refused to heal since '36, and if the pus-filled boils hadn't quite shown up yet they soon would. He didn't live to see February of '47.
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How come this M2 fires a fuckton of them without problem.

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>There's a difference between overpressure that will leave a mark on the bolt face and overpressure that will shear 1.5 inch 12 tpi threads.
ok, what's the difference? you are very sure you know what they are, so what case pressure is required to generate so much force on the brass case head that it engraves the steel end cap?
>least fail safely
like how Barretts pop like balloons and blow massive trunnion pieces out?
Well for example the .277 Fury requires a new case design because it's 80,000 psi is too much for brass cases.
Lentucky Ballistics said he loaded a 180,000 psi .50 BMG to blow the Serbu and the Barrett so think you can sort of see the difference there what pressures start to cause issues and what pressures actually up guns.

It is my opinion based on facts and logic that the SLAP round that blew the Serbu was in the .277 Fury level of overpressure and not 180,000 psi and that the failure was due to the design of the cap and could have been solved completely by the addition of one single vent hole.
Oh and on the "fail safely" part, that was based on reading Hatchers notebook where he details that he wasn't able to get a Springfield M1903 to blow up in such a way that the shooter is at significant risk despite certainly trying his hardest.
I think it was the gun. RN-50 right? You have to screw down a threaded cap over the chamber.
>facts and logic
you show no facts and refuse to apply logic.
>Hatchers notebook where he details that he wasn't able to get a Springfield M1903
multiple 1903 explode and kill/maim people in that book, or did you not read the whole thing?

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For all my DIYers out there.

This thread is for the sharing of
>load data
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You mean the thumb safety that's on the same side of the gun that's against your body?
At least with a Glock you only have to worry about keeping one thing clear of unwanted interactions and you won't have a compulsion to fuck with the trigger until a loud fart sends a round.
Best 223 brass ?
I have GGG holy fucking shit never again
The NATO stuff? It's basically the same as LC in my experience. Assuming you're counting "minimal prep" as "best", you probably want Rem.
I've got a bunch of Wolf Brass I've been shooting for years. Shocked how good it actually has held up. Can't exactly buy that anymore.
Best virgin brass is probably Lapua and maybe not as good you have Starline, Nosler, Norma and Hornady. Used brass LC is probably the best but you need to remove the primer crimp. WCC and PMC are also usable. Federal the primer pockets get loose after a few firings.

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I like this handgun
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Just got one recently. Already managed to jam it and had to send it back to be fixed. Luckily I had the service warranty.
I mean, it's significantly cheaper compared to most double stacks. Unless you settle for a Taurus (assuming you can trust their quality over Ruger).
im glad you got it fixed anon! But mines not the lcp its the lc380. basically the lc9 but in 380
wtf why. That makes no sense
its comfy to carry and comfy to shoot

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What is a ballistically good ammo for an 18” 5.56 gun? It’s a 1:8 twist so don’t worry about bullet weight too much, just effectiveness
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Don't listen to this aging boomer just use 77gr, it's a whole other class of 5.56
Does it have to be 77 or will any heavy match ammo work?
all the people suggesting 77gr own maybe one box of it. just get 55gr like everyone else, anon.
Poverty post.
fuck ya mudda

If you were in Starfleet, what rank and area would closely resemble your current social status and occupation?

I would literally look like pic related, am actual research scientist employed as a postdoc in charge of students who work for me
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>turbo-autists that pick up hobbies like "fantasy cartography".
someone made image related out of +dozen main storyline novels and the spin-off novels, totaling to something like 20 books
>Napoleonic Wars or the 30 Years war.
getting all of the dumbest fucks you can find together in a muddy field and slaughtering them every 20 years doesn't count as "burning down society" you idiot. total war is quite a bit different

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I'm confused. Weren't most of the older variants aside from the 405 made to hold 5 rounds? Why are modern Miroku-made 1895s all list 4 round magazines?
have you emailed Miroku?
Maybe the older ones are counting the +1 in the chamber as part of the magazine capacity

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ITT: Your childhood arms
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My friends dad lived on wooded property. After he taught us a little gun safety, he would wake up at noon, hand us his revolver, and then go back to bed. I'm kind of amazed we never tripped and shot ourselves while sprinting through the woods with a loaded revolver.
This was throughout middle school
Hell yeah dude! I always used them separately tho
>tfw I modded mine to turn it into a straight-pull action
>This was before I even knew straight pulls existed

Cool pictures of knives. Preferably cold steel knives.
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It has a cool magazine on top of the grip.
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Are you blind? He put a 100 $ tardtanium clip on a 50 $ knife, therefore making it 200 % cooler. It's really simple math.
>It's really simple math.
Yeah, but the knife was never 'cool' to begin with. Putting it in basic math terms, three hundred percent of zero is still zero.
Good point, however, I would argue that the Voyager is cool due to its decent functionality at a low price. Also kek.

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Why is the T-90M so shit?
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>Why is the T-90M so shit?
Yes, but the rabbit hole goes deeper. They actually pay the Russian tanks to explode and the infantry to die in hilarious ways. They even paid for the Moskva to sink.
Damn look at that armor. The same hit on a Russian tank would have probably sent the turret into orbit and created a fresh platter of cooked mobik
So what will be the direction of Russian tank development after this is over? They won't have too many T-72/80/90 left, whatever remains will be needed as reserve for defence of key regions. They obviously have no means to develop modern tanks, and of course the T-14 meme is not funny even in UVZ anymore.

But they have a chance to get rid of the T-72 baggage and make something at least more useful. Maybe something built on the T-55 plans? Simple as a tractor, no autoloader, tank is a tank and so on. Slap some Chinese electronics on it and they will shill it here forever. They will definitely need something cheap to fill the gaps.
that's cope

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Recommend me your best /k/ literature.
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what battles is he involved in?
The Guns of August. A really in depth look at the events leading up to, and the first month of World War 1.

instant 2015 nostalgia from seeing this. remember when /pol/ was anti-muslim?
Captivity and Conversion reminds me of some archival work I did once on the US Information Agency in Vietnam and the associated South Vietnamese reeducation program they set up for captured or surrendered VC. Short version is that the USIA was America's propaganda wing during the Cold War. In Vietnam they operated out of a villa outside Saigon, staffed mostly with young men just out of college, somewhere between psy-war spooks and State Department staffers. One night they might be drinking melonballs at an embassy party, the next they were getting dropped into the bush with green berets to test out ghost tapes on VC. Their involvement in the reeducation program was just as contradictory. Sometimes they were lecturing bored guerillas who were just happy to be fed and clean for a few weeks before they slipped back into the jungle. Other times they delved into MK ULTRA territory, trying to reprogram VC brains with American techno wizardry.

Point being, no amount of coercion or psy ops or bribes were able to have any appreciable effect on an ideologically motivated insurgency. I was fascinated by those documents I ran across though, out in the open in an archive with no redactions. None of them were digitized, but there is a pretty good history on the USIA out there. I'll see if I can look it up.

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What does /k/ think about Lockheed Martin?
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COVID literally fucked the entire state due to California transplants fleeing their shitbox state. Denver has always been expensive, but not to that extent. Colorado Springs was actually very cheap up until 2020, then housing prices went pants on head retarded. The shitbox neighborhood across Academy from Ft. Carson has homes selling for 300k plus. I imagine it will only get worse now that SF Command is officially staying at Peterson instead of moving to Redstone Arsenal.
what about Boeing supremacy?
The only cool plane on that list is the SR-71, and that was 60 years ago
Was bad and got shot down by iran and had to be replaced. NG made the replacement, the RQ-180
NG made the replacement for the Hubble, which is the Webb and is in that picture
NG won the contract for the Sentinel, which is the holy grail of missile contracts
Lmao maybe when they first unveiled the 747 and PanAm was still flying.
the intellectual sentinels of the Free World

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If you had to decide the invasion plan, how would you go about it?
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It may shock you to learn, chang, that contrary to what your propaganda pamplet says, winnie the poo is not the only one with nuclear weapons.
It's a good plan. Murica prioritizes Israel above all. They wouldn't care about Taiwan if the jews are in peril.
You're kinda slow, aren't you?
Based. Anyone who reactively accuses you of being a towlhead is a kike. Mohammad is a pedophile warlord and I denounce the Talmud
Not even the US military could attempt an invasion of China

It would purely be a Naval blockade + long range missile spam at infrastructure until they gave in. Bonus points for blowing up Three Gorges

Allied uniforms > Nazi uniforms
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This objectively correct, yet we still have countless heathens dressing up in flecktarn to this day when our god-fearing BDU mogs it in every way
We may have won the battle, but those krauts have won the war in ways we can't possibly imagine
You know those pricks don't even have a left back pocket? Fucking disgusting
The US Army pinks and greens are great. Probably the best US uniform aside from its Civil War era blue uniform.
No they aren't. The stand collar uniform they replaced was far superior.
People always talk shit about the British ww2 service kit but the Germans ended up copying it since it was more comfortable to use and needed less cloth to make.
>'ate nazees
>'ate bombahs
>'ate uboats
>luv me king
>luv me empire
>luv me chips
Simple as

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