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Officially released by Chinese media mouthpieces.

Funny, but why cant we fight wars more like this? No people will die and the fight is decided like real men and not with that cowardly FPV bullshit.
Because Asians are civilized unlike Europeans.
sticks and stones
>because last time they went melee with hands combat china crushed throats and snapped necks
Because neither side wants to redeem non medieval weaponry since they’re both nuclear. It is quite charming though
>Funny, but why cant we fight wars more like this?
becuase its gay
>No people will die and the fight is decided like real men and not with that cowardly FPV bullshit.
killing your enemy is good and destroying them is the most important part
>the fight is decided like real men
Real men win wars by whatever means necessary.
Still, I'd love to participate in a hand to hand melee. Shit is probably so fun (as long as you don't catch a boulder to the head)
>Funny, but why cant we fight wars more like this?
The Indians and the Chinese have a specific military agreement aimed towards the deescalation of tensions in that specific region that forbids both sides from using firearms or any other sort of military equipment like tanks, IFVs, artillery, helicopter gunships, etc.
That sounds retarded. Do their military not listen to direction from local commanders passed down from higher?
Is it a case of
>well we basically told Ricky and Bobby to stop fighting but they won't so we took away their guns so they don't kill each other
anon they're both turdie countries. turdie militaries dont work like western ones.
lmao, it does sound retarded when you put it that way
Why isn't some chinese or indian tv show documenting this? This is pure larp fantasy. Medieval renactments etc. It's a tv series gold mine
is that a fucking glaive?
>boils dog alive
so true!
Not quite, it's more a case of
>This region is actively contested but we want to avoid escalation, however we also want the territory, so we're just gonne beat the shit out of eachother until one of us can claim the region
Look when people talk about indians they don't say middle east folks or asians. They just call'em subhumans
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They could've easily knocked that whole convoy into the lake if they'd had a good trap set up, like a satchel of C4 buried a few feet into the cliffside at a good steep rocky spot.
I don't care how mad the sergeant gets, if I am tasked with throwing sticks and stones at a similarly armed enemy WILL be making ape noises while I do so.
Gonna differ from the other anons by saying this is actually kind of a good idea. Peace between some nations is practically impossible but the risk of escalating to a hot war isn't desirable either. Medieval larping seems like a safe middle ground, and it gets us lots of cool footage and photos.
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>throwing stones
You know what the next step must be.
Could we solve the ukrainian war with WWE matches? Fly in the tv crews and enough liquor to send a rocket to the moon.

Then for every single village each commander picks a brigade to select one guy. Each guy gets his tightest pants on and they kick the shit out of each other with color commentary.

If the ruskies reach Kiev then ZDog personally has to wrestle the biggest baddest Russian they can muster up.
>Muscle bound slavic men in tights wrestle for the future of the east
Man these gachi spinoffs are getting pretty wild.
Did you know Ukraine has a B-I-L-L-Y-H-E-R-R-I-N-G-T-O-N street?
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>Zelensky loses
>Ivan losing his shit over winning Kiev
>suddenly trumpets
>John Cena appears with Raytheon shades and a Lockheed martin hat
I respect dogs less than lobsters
You clap at the end of movies.
>John Cena appears with Raytheon shades and a Lockheed martin hat
It'd be XI branded shit and a china flag staff jutting out his ass. Remember john cena has a lot of "integrity".
The last time I saw a movie in theaters was 2002
>Still, I'd love to participate in a hand to hand melee.
I'm pretty sure there are some HEMA groups that organize large-scale melee events like this actually. Might be worth checking out.
Can't believe they're skipping straight to world war 4 without us.
Whats even the point in all of this?, i get both sides want to escalate but who is to gain from this soft handed skirmishes?, nobody is going to die, just seems like something to stop the boredom of manning the borders
Do you know how many armies took to the field and then just decided "nah, today's not the day" and turned it into a "who gets bored and hungry first" competition? This gay Jewish total war stuff is an unusual and very retarded recent development.
China straight up took Indian land. Thats the benefit.
This is the stupidest fucking thing i have seen all day.
I value you less than dogs.
>No people will die
I can personally guarantee that if westerners were involved in a fight like that there would be plenty of fatalities and also a decisive result one way or the other
Whichever side had its opponents replaced by westerners would be back to using guns within the day
Go check out your local SCA group, my local guys do big battles quite regularly, sometimes they bring in chapters from out of state to really up the scale of the event
what you're looking for is called buhurt(try it if you can)
watch out for your knees tho.

>Manlets doing short bus to short bus combat
I'd say what makes the disputed territory between China and India different is that there's fucking nothing for hundreds of miles around. No towns, no people, not even a goat to fuck. So you got a whole bunch of soldiers on both sides who have nowhere to go to blow off steam when they're not on duty. Oh, and everyone's continuously pissed off from the lack of oxygen due to the altitude.

That's why we got all these videos of Chang and Apu fucking each other up with rocks and medieval weapons. If any of them had guns, they'd be shooting at each other within a week.
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>guns on backs
>definitely not loaded (otherwise a soldier getting his shit pushed in would inevitably start sending rounds)
>wasted weight
literally useless conflict. blood drawn for the sake of drawing blood.
what immature nations. clown ass motherfuckers
I don't value you at all. Who gave you permission to speak?
It's funny how the PLA soldier's Guandao is evidently self-made and still retains that blade shape without any necessity of doing so.
Just for the rule of cool and aesthetics larping as an ancient chinese warriorrrrrrrrr.
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Honestly one of the more entertaining minor conflicts currently unfolding, I hope both sides start making absurd propaganda movies about it
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seems like the one conflict India’s arms industry might be ready for
I DON'T like this policy only because we won't EVER see a war escalate between India and China. You guys have no idea how much I yearn for combat footage and drone footage of both pajeets and chinks getting blown up. I want to see human waves in 4k.
Funny enough, the only pla troops with proven combat experience will be these guys
>just asian things
>the year 2024
>the 21st century
>modern warfare is:
>Russian conscripts stuck in a landscape that looks like the Somme being chased by flying killer robots
>two nuclear powers engaged in constant melee combat with spears and rocks on top of the world's highest mountains
The future is a weird fucking place
The Cold War would have been a lot more fun if Russian and American troops threw javelins at one another from crab boats in the Bering Sea.
Why even bother fighting in the first place if you're gonna do this shit. If you aren't aiming to kill, there's no reason to fight.

poor sanitation in much of Asia spreads civilization like cholera, sanjeet.

lmao lost it

>American's (who regrettably lead the world's idea of how to do things, due to military industrial complex) are pussies and won't ever put themselves close to the harm without bombing it or hitting it with a 50 cal for two minutes first, because they literally have no martial culture other than a gun.
>Britbongs abandoned almost all their melee arts in the invention of advanced ranged combat, and even before guns, prioritized range combat, even at close ranges. They still have knives and bayonets, and aren't as bad as the burgers, but a bayonet charge still isn't quite as good as a halberd.
>Everyone else (whom I'm too concussed to go through) doesn't have enough people to feel comfortable risking them in a melee because a fairer fight means the other guy can get lucky.

I'm just waiting for the advent of power armour or cybernetics that put us back around to that kind of thing. It was an objectively more based form of combat. Less casualties, less death, more about personal skill at arms than positioning.
People historically actually enjoyed going to war, before the advent of hand guns.
because that's a brain damage manufactory, at least they could use riot gear
Chink propaganda is always funny. The last time India and Chinks fired bullets at each other the chinks ran like pussies because they had no experience and were single son Little Emperors, whereas the Indians were experienced from places like Kashmir. Chinks are a fucking joke, you're not tough nor will you ever be
good morning sarr
You don't seem to understand, we just don't give a single fuck if you're the yellow or dark variety of degenerate
>as long as you die
>its recorded
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free men need not ask
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>like real men
The taser trident goes hard.
>because they literally have no martial culture other than a gun.
a quick browse through /wsg/ or worldstar determines that as a lie.
I support India
When is this Total War game coming out?
A european priest painted that.
Imagine how the internet would get in that situation
They should have solved the war in the boxing ring...
It has a lot more to do with avalanches and the inability to support logistics. I mean this is in the Himalayas, they are at least 5km above sea level.
>Whats even the point in all of this?
It lets them keep up appearances with a much lower risk of political escalation. If some jeets smoke a bunch of chinks or vice versa and you end up with dozens of soldiers dead from hostile action in what you claim as your territory then that's a pretty good excuse to start a war or at the very least an excuse for politicians to make noise about it; a few dozen soldiers with cuts and bruises and maybe some broken bones and missing teeth not so much, especially if you can claim that they gave as good as they got. China and India are pretty butthurt about each other but neither of them want a shooting war at the moment because India knows that it can't win and China doesn't want to be seen as the aggressor, especially given the situation in Ukraine.

>>guns on backs
>>definitely not loaded (otherwise a soldier getting his shit pushed in would inevitably start sending rounds)
>>wasted weight
The guns are symbolic; they carry guns to say "we could have shot you but we didn't, maybe next time chang/ranjeet" as well as "if you break the rules and start shooting we'll shoot back". That said, it would be pretty hilarious if they started shooting at each other because both the INSAS and QBZ are dogshit meme rifles.

>literally useless conflict.
China and India are pretty butthurt about each other but neither of them want a shooting war at the moment because India knows that it can't win and China doesn't want to be seen as the aggressor (especially not after Russia's niggershines in Ukraine) and neither side trusts their troops to not fuck up if they arm them with anything more lethal than literal sticks and stones.

Honestly, the non-thirdie way to do this would be to just establish mutual "this belongs to us but we'll graciously allow you to camp here" zones and then once a week stage a formal melee and skills challenges or whatever.
Well it is involving two of the world's stupidest countries (outside of Russia ofc)
Indians poo in the street and can't stop raping women, and running full steam into locomotives.
Meanwhile Chinese still boil dogs alive and build cities out of Styrofoam painted to look like concrete and then have no one live in them.
You're not exactly dealing with much smart-ness no matter how much the media and (((((college admissions))))) want you to believe
>Entire thread about dumb, poor nonwhites doing dumb and poor nonwhite things
>Yah, but America..."
You're welcome for funding your safety and peace you insufferable little peasant.
>Honestly, the non-thirdie way to do this would be to just establish mutual "this belongs to us but we'll graciously allow you to camp here" zones and then once a week stage a formal melee and skills challenges or whatever.

We've found a better way https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whisky_War
What le fuck
Brawls and melees are not as likely to escalate beyond control. So by doing it this way it allows for keeping the boarder without starting a war. Wouldn't be shocking if they start having drone battles to further keep things on low.
Okay to be fair, I've seen methed out white people do similar shit where I live
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>Knife on a stick
>No people will die
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bring back the mandarin duck

make chinese melee formation fighting great again
This is some Mount&Blade shit
The PLA getting that crucial operational experience, holding kinetic exercises with their BRICS ally, honing the skills necessary for a 21st Century peer conflict.
I want to travel to the mountains and beat the shit out of little jeets. How do I sign up?
>Real men win wars by whatever means necessary
long term cultural subversion of your enemies included?
I'm seeing some chinky looking fellows captured by the Chinese, are there ethnic Han Chinese/Ughyurs within India's north-eastern borders?
>For the Emperor
>India knows that it can't win and China doesn't want to be seen as the aggressor, especially given the situation in Ukraine.
My money would be on India honestly tbqh. Most of them are retarded little manlets but they do have a small percentage of intelligent and determined people; and with their population that's a lot.

Whereas the Chinese military is just complete steaming dogshit.
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Why don't they use the phalanx if they are using ancient tactics?
>the fight is decided like real men
your "battles" look like parking lot fights in the ghetto

if that's anything to go by, your history of warfare is a joke chang, little manlets weakly stabbing at each other in fright, lining up like lemmings

do you know how futile it is to post here? to even open your mouth?
the ground is much to broken where they are clashing to use a phalanx
ancient indian and chinese tactics revolved around elephants and chariots/crossbows receptively so not all that applicable
nepalese indians.
>every man fighting indvidually
they should shield wall to protect themselves and kettle enemy soldiers one at a time
terrain ist good for formations, and still the chinese used a close one for their assault against the indian held hill.
Post webm you fucking retard
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kind of weapon mix is already being used there.

mancatchers, glaives, spears and batons/shields instead of swords have all been spotted.
As you should. A few short millennia of civilization does not erase the hundreds of thousands of years of unga bunga that flow in our veins. Everyone instinctually understands that shit. Tap into it to intimidate the enemy tribe and hype yourself and your friends up.
Two nations with a contested border not wanting to risk escalation but also not wanting to back down, so they both revert to pre-gunpowder combat - what are the chances of this happening anywhere else in the world? With modern tech and firearms being so destructive and extreme could this become an accepted alternative for settling minor territorial disputes? Each side hands their border troops some spears, pikes, swords and shields and says "go nuts boys", with the agreement that if either side leaves the disputed zone and enters uncontested enemy territory they get blasted.
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Exoskeleton technology and metallurgy techniques will continue to evolve until firearms and melee weapons are equally matched again or even surpass small arms fire for a while.

>I support India
Same, fuck Communist China and fuck Pakistan too. Maybe one day Pajeets and the Taliban will team up to wreck their shit for good.
they look like savage apes. Technology winning wars favors smarter
quick, we need to bring cavalry back just to see if it works
it's worth a shot
would arrows/polearms/swords be allowed?
There will never again be a balance between meelee and missile or weapons and armor like there used to be.
Carrying an energy source with you is the game changer that has tilted the tables forever. Armor obviously isnt obsolete of course but it will never be as powerful again as it used to be.
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Vewy intawesting opinyon Chang fwen
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True and real.
Case in point: Blinken got served by Xi during last month's visit. But that uncivilized babarian probably didnt even understand that gesture.

China's foreign policy is simply too esoteric. Whitoids who came from barbarian tribes only understand a punch in their face, or a severed head on a platter. Or an entire team of captured navy seal glownigger black ops who get skinned alive next door while screaming for their mommies.

Westoids need to be treated like dogs and little children. They never understand cues, cant read the room and wont get any historical references - even from their own history.
Just play soccer like any civilized nation.
>No people will die
>stones can't kill
people will definitely die
casualty rates like the average medieval battle.

seems fine to me.
have you considered that maybe we do understand, and we just don't respect your stupid esoteric bullshit? If you want your message to be heard you need to use your voice or your fists. Otherwise you will simply be trampled on
>chinks are too pussy to say it out loud
>resort to passive aggressive symbolism with flowers

le mao, what a bunch of women
you should try butthurt its alot of fun
In a perfect world, it would be a real option, yes. But we gotta work with what we've got.
>deletes your entire company from standoff
Cringe as fuck
guys listen

what if we trained some bears and attached one to every squad
what's the job of the guy holding the Xmas tree? tangle niggas up?
>No people will die
Shitaloads of people die in these things. Theres videos where you see people thrown off fucking cliffs. The troops are such retarded subhumans that both sides have realized it's better neither have guns; not as a statement about peace or whatever but because they genuinely can't trust them with firearms loaded with live ammo. Also your alliance sucks ass
Honestly I'm chocked there's any actually white people that support fucking BRICS over european nations.
>China and India
both non-whites with one side being commies. Will literally murder each other at the border over petty arguments.
a corrupt shithole full of alcoholic wifebeaters. Unlike fags in the west they're an actually statistically significant portion of the population and not something for chronically online people to obsess over.
>South africa
hates white people, steals their land and tries their very best to replace them if not outright cover for people who kill them
is full of brown muslims who hate all western people
>Egypt, Ethiopia and the UAE
is full of brazilians
your loss.
CHinese are very capable of insane cruelty and absolutely mindboggling inhuman torture methods.
They try it the nice way with flower language but if you dont want to get the clue, you will get the other one.
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>They try it the nice way with flower language but if you dont want to get the clue, you will get the other one.

is he going to whip is dick out or something. whats the worse thing he can do?
you will see it IRL.
first your industry will get crumbled, then your fleet sunk and in the end you white people will become the level of niggers around the world and yellow people fuck your wifes.
okay lol, cry more chang
chigger OD's on gutter oil and starts hallucinating
may such cases! sad!!!
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Imagine pretending you are a super power and making a AK that not only gets mogged by Ethiopia and Sudan but is the only one worse than Pakistans who happens to be your mortal enemy.
>tangle niggas up?
Basically yeah. It's a bamboo spear with metal points and hooks in the branches. Like a pike and barbed wire had a baby. Since none of the Indians are wearing armor, I think it'd work pretty good in these skirmishes.
I wanted to post "imagine if the Marines was there" but in that case nothing would happen. The U.S. would never do something that unprofessional and even if it did no chink / jeet would be seen for miles around lol.
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That's how parasites do it.
It's unfortunately way more effective though.
>China's foreign policy is simply too esoteric
We dont care.
Blinken is a rootless asiatic cosmopolitan, which makes him one of your boys, easterner.
Damn that's cheating.
>skull mask cuck
>2 sides have agreement not to use firearms in border skirmishes. Sticks and stones is the way
Yeah I wouldn't want to needlessly kill people over the pettiest shit either. Not saying blunt force trauma to the skull can't kill, of course
Kys chang
Why don't the jeets have riot gear? PLA troops brought that equipment years ago. They also got melee weapons before the Indians did too.
The Indian electric batons are an interesting idea but I can't imagine them being as effective as traditional polearms.
If I were the Chinese general I would spare no expense to train and equip special kung-fu battalions to serve here with dedicated uniforms and equipment for propaganda purposes. But the Chinese are retarded, unfortunately.
You're way overestimating our noble crayon munchers.
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they already have exoskeletons
Same reason we deployed NG without magazines loaded in their guns during the riots.
>spare no expenses
Those mercedes don't grow on trees.
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every single face is a fucking reaction image
The guy with the missile launcher doesn't seem to get the memo.
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>sino and indian generals laugh and drink whiskey together as they sign the agreement and then laugh even harder as the conscripts beat each other with sticks and stones
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>and not with that cowardly FPV bullshit.
Da, is very coward!
What the hell
>no people will die
both sides had confirmed deaths on either side lol
if i had to guess
>2 huge countries with other rivals to worry about on the total opposite sides of their disputed border region
>largely uninhabitable, not strategically important terrain
>they still squabble over it for clout and this sideshow between bored border troops develops, but beneath the level of a shooting war
i wonder if the Indians started this form of fighting first and taught it to the Chinese, i remember hearing that Indian and Pakistani troops facing off in Kashmir would try to provoke each other by showing flashing their arses and bollocks to each other while trying to hit each other with stones and slingshots
>China doesn't want to be seen as the aggressor (especially not after Russia's niggershines in Ukraine)

Well, more to the point, they don't want any distractions if they're gonna make a move on Taiwan anytime in the near future.
It's not as fun as you make it sound. After you take a good hit to the nose/teeth/eyebrow, you can't back out due to the crowd
>formation melee shitstorm
Yeah I'm thinking medieval kino is back.
Damn that's sad
>not strategically important
>squabble over it for clout
It's incredibly important. The glaciers in the region contribute to the headwaters of the main rivers in both countries. The majority of their populations are reliant on these rivers, so control of the source is incredibly important.
As if the western system of industrialized slaughter is any better. Pure hypocrisy to bitch about asians.
why don't they just hold a mortal kombat tournament IRL to decide who gets to invade who's country?
Can't sharp objects go through bullet proof material? Also why are they still wearing their vests and pouches for ammunition if they have no guns? Why not just embrace the LARP and bring their medieval armor back? it would actually protect them at least.
*sharpen my stick*
*get a leather pouch and a string to throw my rock*
Your move
shame that I have something called "riot shield".
*have my own shield and get in a formation with my bros while trying to poke you with my sharp stick*
true. Compared with the insas and the QBZ, the spears probably cause more casualties.
We understand, we just dont respect you. He probably just chuckled when someone pointed it out and asked how the electric car sanctions looked.
props to the old woman. blazed right in to save others. takes balls.
just send Ip Man
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It seemed like India was on the losing end of that previous confrontation, nearly 800 sq mi of land ceded to China. Logistically, the indians would had had an advantage because of proximity to its urban centers from site of clash. Numerically they seemed evenly matched too.
How common were unshielded swordsmen in medieval Chinese warfare though? I'd imagine most of their opponents were spear/pikemen
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>How common were unshielded swordsmen in medieval Chinese warfare
The Mandarin Formation was designed specifically to be used against the Wukou, Japanese pirates who often used odachi. The Chinese used shields with pretty much every one handed sword. Only Chinese guys with large two handed swords were shieldless (ironically they didn't start using big 2 handed sabers until after they saw the Wukou using them).
>muh flowers hehehehe
You will never be a superpower lmao
longbows and arrows?
Depends on the formation, the Romans famously defeated a greek phalanx by luring it into broken ground and hitting it with a much more flexible formation of their own
>literal flower arraignments
Chinks are all wee sissy little girly-men
I don't know about you but in my country butchers are under specific and rigidly enforced regulations to ensure that slaughtered animals are killed as quickly and painlessly as possible
we have halted live exports to a number of regional trading partners over concerns about how they are killing the animals we send them
Next time we drape the skins of your glowniggers on the table.
Indians had shit logistics.
China could supply their troops with anything they need even in bad terrain because China built roads, while the indians couldnt even provide enough heating because logistics were non-existent in the indian army.
>Kung Fu Vs Poo Fu
Kino. I can't tell who won though?
>more about personal skill at arms rather than positioning
Absolute historylet take. The Roman legions didn’t conquer the ancient world through “personal skill at arms”, it was for many reasons, one of the main ones being their discipline, unit cohesion, and ironically their ability to carry out complex maneuvers. I know in chinkland they teach Dynasty Warriors as official history but the reality is
>disciplined soldier > skilled warrior

>people enjoyed war
I’m sure they enjoyed dying shitting their guts out
Poor cat must've been so traumatized =(
>Artillery brings dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl
China in history was much more about logistics and large strategic movements than individual combat tactics as westerners with their maybe 20 armored knights duking each other and calling it a battle knew about.

Sun Tzu literally never discussed individual unit tactics but instead discussed about discipline, logistics, seasons of the year and psychological warfare.
Nobody gives a remote fuck what they think outside of starving third worlders, and the whole Pelosi thing proved it. Basically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCfPXK4WKB4&pp=ygUWV2FsdCB3aGl0bWFuIG92ZXIgaGVyZQ%3D%3D
You do, which is why you are so obsessed with China that you go there begging for them purchasing your treasuries and pressuring Putin to stop winning so hard. Like, if you mutts are so great, why not go there and defeat putin yourself?
In the end, you cant even win against a few Chinese companies, like Huawei, DJI and BYD, without shitting your pants and larping as some bizzaro mix of KKK and USSR.
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china still uses horse cavalry, actually.
mostly in the north where they can better oppress uyghurs and mongolians.
Yes we’ve already established you’re a bugman. You don’t need to reiterate
>more about personal skill at arms than positioning.
Laughably untrue
>they never even had a drink off
I know Canadians are gay but holy shit, at least have some fun.
>a small percentage of intelligent and determined people; and with their population that's a lot.
That exact same thing can be said about China. Except the average chink is smarter. I agree with military is completely overhyped but there isn’t anything India does better other than ignore basic sanitation.
It's a very special situation because it's a border dispute over truly worthless real estate. Neither side is making a one-sided claim in an attempt to make a land-grab, like Russia claiming that Ukraine is Russian soil in order to take their wheat fields. There's just legitimate lack of definition on where the border is and neither side wants to give up an inch to what the other side claims so as not to set a precedent of, "If they make a claim, we'll back down and give it to them."
So it's a case of national pride... but national pride over clay that has zero worth. If it escalates into a shooting war to try to set the border, since neither side wants to give an inch, they'll just keep pouring more and more and more and more and more into the region to match the other side. But why the fuck spend hundreds of billions of dollars and possibly lose millions of men over... a few dozen miles of rocks?

So instead they just let their soldiers be hair-on-chest chest-thumping packs of gorillas and beat each other up when they meet each other, to then part and lick their wounds. Both sides think they're defending their honor without actually accomplishing anything, but also not escalating things.
> until firearms and melee weapons are equally matched again
>cutting edge mechsuit lets you hit someone from a few feet away
>hundreds of years old muzzleloader lets you hit mech suit from hundreds of yards away
>equally matched
Yeah. Sure.

Unless there are huge advancements in armor you’ll never see melee weapons equal guns.
The Sino-Indian border is not formally demarcated and both sides are attempting to push and occupy more strategic grounds until both sides decide to sign a treaty demarcating the border. The most recent major clash back in 2020 saw India cede about 2000sqkm (800 sq mi) of territory to china
They might not escalate to modern weaponry, but maybe we'll get to see them get increasingly medieval. Please, for the love of Vishnu, let this silliness reach the level of trebuchets, chu-ko-nus, and cavalry charges.
>society of pussies that has to resort to passive agressiveness via flowers
Just say what you think Chang
Try it. No balls
most intelligent post in a board of idiots like 'kay
what the fuck is that photo
that's just gay robotjox for turd worlders
>truly worthless real estate
It's not worthless though, see >>61670106
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Chang could be showing up dressed like this but they don't. Pathetic.
The tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989 was a great example of just how civilized Chin-

...where did he go?
>just finished letting active duty kike soldiers without visa into the US to beat up own college students into bloody pulp

You have absolutely zero shame. As expected of uncivilized babarians
Both sides don't have functional firearms in terms of western firearms. And neither wants to display their indigenous firearms are shit.
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No, for some reason Asians equate looking having skin the colour of a week-old corpse with youth and beauty. If you want to go on down a rabbit hole, look up skin-bleaching agents and how much both sexes spend on them.
It's legitimately a problem they have, because since most urban families only have one son as their only child, they are pampered to high heaven and are known as "little emperors". This has led to a panic in the CCP, as they do not think these children of the elite are going to be emotionally intelligent enough to run the party as ruthlessly and as competently as they need to to maintain power.
Just after the Covid lockdowns, they banned effeminate looking men from their media and published an official statement on how to be manly, which you can check out here:

Well shit, I guess you're right and we should stop buying from China and focus on re-growing our old industries before we all shipped them over to you. Thanks for your words of wisdom, are you guys going to be alright though?
Why spend between 2x-3x as much on the ticket, without including snacks, to watch a film with surrounded by strangers, when for the same price, you can watch it at home with your buddies and tonnes of popcorn to go around?

Cinemas just failed to adapt to the competition of streaming services.
I just want to see a chink get punched in the face with the Taser Glove, is that so much to ask?
Due to the average Chinese person valuing their own personal wealth over the lives of others, drivers will often murder victims of traffic accidents to avoid paying the insurance fees.
There's a reason why they get called Bugmen and Chinksects.
We could make robotic horses, then we could have all the benefits of horses without most of their downsides.
Unless you're the US, you can't compete with China when it comes to logistics.
Being India i guess they barely even tried.
>as Japanese with their maybe 20 armored Samurai duking each other and calling it a battle knew about.

Fixed that for you.
In European theatres, if a fight did not include hundreds on either side at a bare minimum, then it was just considered a minor skirmish and not recorded anywhere outside of personal diaries unless someone important got killed.
Did anything ever come of the tunnel jews? What the fuck was the deal with that?
Is this anger something to do with all your women fucking everyone apart from their own race? It certainly has the sound of impotent incel rage.
I think he got it but probably thinks it's fucking stupid and just wants to lob some missiles at pajeets
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Just look at that face he's not having any of it
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>as Japanese with their maybe 20 armored Samurai duking each other and calling it a battle knew about.
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looks fun as fuck desu
How is some fag with an exoskeleton and a sharp metal rod going to stop me from shooting him in the dick from 200 meters away?
>Conveniently ignores the Heian and Kamakura period, skipping the middle ages and going straight to the Renaissance period.
>Why don’t you go beat Putin yourselves?
Because we can do that by literally dumping our scrap on Ukraine. If we instituted a no fly zone over Ukraine this war would be over in no time. If we provided close air support the Russians would be ousted in under a week. If we put boots on ground they would be slaughtered by the thousands. But we don’t have to. It isn’t even in our interest to. We can just feed our scrap to the Ukies and watch Russia piss away all of its resources forever and embarrass themselves. And we don’t lose a single soldier doing it.
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There is an INCREDIBLY kino movie called God Of War (2017) about the Chinese beating off Japanese pirates, and those bamboo-tree spears are featured prominently.
One of my favorite movies of all time, surprised how little is known about it.
Another underappreciated movie is the 2006 City of Violence from South Korea.

>Chinese beating off Japanese pirates
More than enough.

Even your 'Bergs are saying that we dont really seem to care about your suppossed "first world" markets and instead conquer the global south instead, aka. the markets that are still growing and arent saturated.


This will end up with them adopting chinese tech standards and inevitably switching to chinese financial systems as well.
The end goal will be total embargo of the West. You may survive without African or middle eastern oil, but do your Japanese, South Korean, European slaves?
>Chink business owner was being an asshole
>Dickhead zoomer pulled out his phone to record owner being an asshole
>Chink tries to smack the phone out of zoomies hand
>Gets popped
>Knowing he can’t win a fight against a bigger white he pulls out his gun and murders him on camera
Iirc this was one of those Asian spas/beauty parlors and they were arguing over a refund for a missed/double booked appointment. A beautiful case of both parties being gay and getting what they both deserved for engaging in a nigga moment.
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I remember when the US got caught spying on all the European countries and Germany tried to get the rest of the Euros to keep intel from them as punishment. The rest of the continent told them to fuck off. I remember when (insert middle eastern dictator) from (insert a country) tried to jack up gas prices. And they don’t fucking exist anymore or their navy was destroyed in a couple of hours. I remember when literally anyone tried to fuck with NATO and they lost every fucking time. Russia and China will bend the knee. It’s just a matter of time.
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like all your building materials?
says the one whose major bridge collapsed just a few weeks ago and whose Boeings are falling from the air.
I can cherry-pick too, Anon. Besides, the point wasn't to point out the biggest battles, but the smallest fights that were officially considered to be battles.

Sources: https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Wat-Tyler-the-Peasants-Revolt/

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>Japan rebellion 935 vs European rebellion 1381
And you accuse me of cherrypicking. At least all my posts were in the same century.
It's worthless because the disputed areas are a few square miles of land that makes no difference at all to the aforementioned watersheds.
let's be honest here, doing some light SEAD might be good training
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shooop da whoop
That movie was good.
But nothing beats the choreography of 24 Tang dynasty edition.

I think skull masks are one of the few unironically total cringe accessories but somehow it looks acceptable when the guy is wielding a halberd
maybe it's because it crosses some kind of treshold of idiocy

counter-point: iron pagoda
if you started winning too much you'd get shot
just get really really good at butchering bugmen and then set up a defensive position and help contribute to their demographics issues
Tokugawa won via quints
Can you imagine the chinkoid meltdown when they lose their 5000 yr ancestral clay because their overpaid princeling team got wrecked by barefoot indians 7-0 style.

We should count ourselves lucky that neither of these two countries can put together a good footy team despite having the most people
>personal skill at arms

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