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Funny /fit/ pics. Not /fit/ humor as such, please, with its 13000 x 8500 screengrabs of 350-post threads, just funny /fit/-related pics.
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maybe if you retards had actually funny stories and didn’t screencap it and let the text get all fucking blurry people would read your shit, dumbass
>t. zoomer
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>i've entered a thread of things i don't like, have been viciously teabagged three times over it, and refuse to leave
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>Have to cut cardio run short because of joint pain
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Does anyone have the roooner meme where the jak is crippled from all the rooning? Just backed up my hard drive
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Run with better form
lose weight
ride a bike

Sit on your couch or chair with your legs at an almost 90 degree angle and raise your heel and let your legs bounce rapidly by just making tiny impulses to raise the heel. I find this form of fidgeting warms up my knees and ankles and let's me recover faster than just walking alone.
Do yoga, take egg shell membrane.

You probably fucked the cartilage in your knees by running too much.
>running is the only type of cardio
are boomers stupid?

Just a hypothetical. Let's say the only way a pregnant woman is able to drink water/any fluids is if she eats a half a 12" pizza. Is she better off being dehydrated vs eating a half a pizza every day? Shed be drinking about a gallon of water throughout the day if she does eat it. Should she just not eat? She pukes whatever she eats that isnt pizza or ice cream.

Fwiw she is able to eat healthy after pizza with only moderate nausea but that is way too many calories at that point.

Thanks bros
Pizza isn't as bad as being constantly dehydrated.

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>50% of the DYELs you see in a commercial gym are on steroids
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my dad says 90% of gym goers are on roids
I sure hope not, most of them are struggling to squat 225 for a few reps and can't bench 185. I can't imagine wasting money on juice for such shitty results.
Oh, wait, I did that when I retardedly did one year-long cycle after just 2 years of lifting, except I actually put on 35 lbs. during the first 3 months and outgrew all my clothing. Put on tons of size, but strength was still mediocre, I remember being amazed when I finally benched the 100s for 3 reps thinking I was a bad ass. Then I went into a shitty repeated cycle of cut/bulk and ended up exactly where I started just about 2 years later.
If you're gonna juice, do it right.
Wait, is that real?
nah, most dyels are natty
dyel roiders exist and odds are good one goes to your gym, but they're the exception
>I thought steroids worked even if you don't lift.
That's all from a study where they measured "fat free mass".
[Some] steroids cause your muscles to get full of glycogen (like super creatine) and also have your body fluff up with water weight. Gaining 10 lbs of water/glycogen (which you will piss out after you come off) is not the same as gaining 10 lbs of muscle.

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How THE FUCK are morning fags able to work out so early? I need lunch+dinner to even consider lifting. Do you just power through while going dizzy? Aren't you starving right after?
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Are you exercising the minute you wake up?

Try doing it 60-90 minutes after waking up.
Why not? Most people would benefit from more stretching. Just don't stretch immediately before or after a workout.
>Why not?
great fucking reading comprehension you have here mate. i said, "stretching is what makes you snap your shit"
>quit coffee and cigarettes
I'll never understand why people quit coffee and cigs. Both literally work wonders, are as harmless as drugs can get, and are nowhere near as toxic and damaging as cocaine, alcohol, or those ugly prescription meds. On top of that it's a nice morning ritual to have, it improves bowel movement, it's effay, and it's a great way to socialize.

Life without coffee and cigs is literally 20% worse.
>All these words just to say you suck cock
No one asked, bro

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How do you get an ass like this guy naturally?
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That's not the same person in the OP. The OP is a guy that's a girl
Its for the better.
straightest fit thread
Why is your mom commenting on your ass?

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How the fuck do you lean bulk? I've basically been in an endless cut for the past 2 years, and got good at it, but now thats all I know. For basically the next 2 months I'm gonna have a ton of time off from work finally so I plan to go the hardest I've gone in the gym since college and I don't want a calorie deficit holding me back.

If my current BMR is about 1571kc (this is the amount of calories I would burn from literally just laying in bed all day), how many calories should I eat daily if I'm going to be doing 3 full body sessions a week, plus a couple days where I do calorie and ab training?
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Most of that was probably water weight when you stopped washing down candy bars with coke. Weight loss gets harder when you aren't morbidly obese.
There's only one way to lean bulk. It's to do normal bulking and cutting cycles for 2 or 3 years until you're at 90% of your natty potential. Then go onto 100-200 over tdee because all you're doing at that point is trying maximize time you're on a surplus and minimize cutting to get that last 10% no matter how slow it is. If you try to lean bulk without earning it you'll look like shit forever.
Anyone knows how rugby/football players train to resist tackles like that, i get that he leans towards the tackler but that can't be all, how does he train to be able to maintain his posture.
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Op is a faggot
Weigh more than the guy hitting you

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>be me
>lift,run and train martial arts
>6'3'' 190 lbs
>decide to buy something different tonight before I head home
>in restaurant line
>almost my turn
>negro asks me if I cant let him go first
>doesnt wait for my answer
>cuts infront of me and tries to order
>I cut back infront of him and cut him off so I can order
>confronts me on it like I was in the wrong in the first place
>tell him we're not doing this
>tells me I'm not taking him seriously
>as he talks I keep one hand in my pocket
>decide to order what I'm ordering anyway hoping he'll stop since I've ignored him

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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fuck that's hot I would have fucked her tho if I had a condom
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>walk outside
>only make it a tenth of a mile
>remember kettle is still on
>sprint a tenth of a mile back home in 30 seconds
>tell everyone I ran a 5 minute mile in boots
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he was probably really thankful to have those coins.
good job anon

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WTF happened to this guy ?
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He's satirizing what stoners say tardmogus
Guys like this are 100% white. Usually they're raised without a dad so they're giant pussies and they don't get accepted by blacks cause they're so light, and generally they grow up playing video games. They're basically redditors with tans.
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these guys(and their viewers) are just victims of youtube's retarded algo shifting. their videos stopped getting recommended and that's when they started experimenting with whatever would get them recommended again - that's usually when the drug talk starts since drugs were easy views when youtube's algo was a drunk hyena.
then yt started pushing right wing content - also those viewers are easy money since you say what they want and they dono to you instantly.
nowadays yt is pushing hyper leftism and insanely long vids - but also has social media analysis so meatheads don't make it unless they have a SUPER young audience like sam sulek that shares the video a lot/talks about the video on other social media.
Basically you gotta bring eyeballs to yt now, yt wants new eyeballs that stay for longer instead of ppl just watching for longer or ppl being loyal to a channel.
> another thinly veiled anti-Christ thread
what the absolute fuck is this twitter conversation
are you telling me there are humans that can interpret this?

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Why are women attracted do men who hurt themselves and do drugs etc?
Why even lift? I swear every bitch is going after a dude that will 100% be a total loser but now he's just young enough to be normal
Meanwhile hustlers who study, work etc get denied... Wtf??
Some days im just lifting out of pure anger ngl
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Testosterone is self destruction.

All that hustling, stoicism, working nerd shit is feminine as fuck.
>Implying the father would choose a weeb nerd
Beating your wife, doing drugs, having saturday night brawls, breaking the law etc was also normal for males in the last 5000 years of human civilization.

The nice guy stuff? Started in the 90s and only got mainstream appeal in the 2010s.
show proof beating your wife is normal even among chads and criminals, and define beating. and no statistics about blacks dont count
Thank you rabbi shlomostein! I will be a good sheep and CONSUME!!!!!!!!!!
>trying this hard

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>cutting season
>Popeye's opens up next door to my gym
How's a nigga supposed to keep his diet? Never had it so I have to keep my curiosity in check.
Just try it man. Popeyes is good.
Whenever I'm cutting and I can't eat I buy tcg booster packs to fill the craving. It's not cost effective but it works for me.
Do you go to a Planet Fitness?
I go to an Army base gym. There's a food plaza next to my gym

How do you solve this aka bony elbows/forearms?
I don’t get it. You want your bones to stick out less? Build more muscle on your arms and the bones won’t be as noticeable. Hopefully that’s what you were asking.
Well elbows and forearms are bones, so there’s going to be boney.

ps. i’m still voting for trump
bigger forearms and triceps. basically any high volume lifting routine until you have beginner gains probably

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I've always struggled with weight, occasionally I'd diet down to a healthy weight but then soon enough I'd get fat again.
I think the main reason for this is that I really hate eating breakfast. I always skipped breakfast because I'm never hungry when I wake up. And then when I get hungry later on I start overeating.
Lately I've been forcing myself to eat a big bowl of oats, milk & yogurt every morning and it made me lose weight pretty much effortlessly. I don't have the urge to snack/binge anymore.
What is it about breakfast that makes it so good for maintaining weight? What is this phenomenon even called?
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There it is, the best post.
Why would breakfast be special?
It's the opposite, no one outside of labourers have needed a breakfast since the industrial revolution.
Is that a boy or a girl
what the fuck.
She looks dudeish from a side angle.
I thought she was supposed to have a scar, too.
Day ruined.

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>because they drop the weights more than they control them down slowly.
In Olympic weightlifting you literally can't without injuring yourself when you reach certain weights. There'd be more negative effects than positive if they attempted to do so.
If your concentrics are explosive, there's not enough weight on the bar. It is impossible to be explosive with heavy enough weight. However, there is no benefit to going purposely slow in the concentric. There are benefits to going slow in the negatives for most lifts.
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>20 year old babyface talking about maturing
Turning a lat/back exercises into a glute exercise is not impressive. BTW, waste of a machine there. If you wanted to do heavy one armed rows, the gym probably has heavy dumbbells. If not, just do both arms at the same time. It's what the machine is designed for.
Dude found a new way to snap his elbow and rotator cuff to pieces, just so that he could do a bullshit egolift that has almost zero point.

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can i get to 10k in 3 months?
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google c25k
click the link from nhs.uk
read, do what it says
see you in /roon/ in 5 weeks fatso
to add if you can roon 5k how to roon 10k comes naturally so i suggest you stop worring about things you wouldnt know if you havent tried

Actually you shouldn't be running at all if you're super fat, it will be very bad for your knees and ankles. Swim or cycle instead. Then run once you're at a healthy weight
im not super fat and the nearest swimming pool is like 20km away
Talk test. Sorry. Look it up.

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