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How do you fix this?
Just lift? Asses are attractive to women, that isn't the issue here. You just have to lift and make the rest of your body bigger so it evens out.
with my penis

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How can I achieve this fizeek as a 30 year old overweight manlet?

I'm thinking of starving myself and doing 2 hours of cardio a day
just lift
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Too late for that.
If you're not at your natty peak by 30, then it's over. Same goes for your career, by the way.

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do you think if we dug up his grave today, would his arms still be big?

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cutting as a manlet is impossible.
I'm literally eating nothing right now
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You literally quoted my statement and ignored half of it that renders your response retarded.

I was comparing myself against the rest of the population. How many people do you know who have gone to bed without eating that day? If you even know one or two thats exceptionally high.
this is the future fauci wants
Oh wow look its an obese person who went on a medically supervised one year fast with no consideration for muscle mass and now looks like a pencil-necked auschwitz survivor, you totally disproved my point!!!

Definitely gonna literally starve myself for a month instead of comfortably consuming at a moderate deficit.

You niggers are fucking retarded
I literally just did a 40 hour fast for fun. I actually felt great the entire time. I wanna do it again soon.
Anon you dumb fat faggot....

Is Kefir good for you?
It's not bad for you.
where's the porno?
makes me fart
I'd say so, but I drink homemade water kefir, not milk kefir.
Can't say it isn't just a placebo, but I think it really does help my mood a tiny bit. It definitely helps my stomach. I shit more regularly when I drink it, especially if I mix some psyllium husk with it. Most importantly, I just like the taste.
Would recommend.

I (20M) am mildly underweight by choice (I have to have my bmi under 17.9 at the end of the next summer). My bmi is roughly around 16.5. However, i don't think I'd have any problem with gaining any weight now since you can always lose it, right? To me it seems more sustainable and easier just to keep my current weight than trying to get it back down when I'll be pushed against a tight deadline.
I'd also rather fast for a week than cut down my calorie intake by 500 and lose my weight over the period of months.

The question is, how much weight realistically can I lose by fasting for a week or two straight with a BMI of about 18-19? Will i die?
Holy crap

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According to my millennial cousin, weightlifting without playing a sport was seen as being a vain tryhard. Only a small minority would take the gym seriously and they were mostly athletes.

Is this true?
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>Do UK high schools have showers as well?
My shitty UK state comprehensive that I attended from 1994-1999 had an old-school gym comprising a large echoey hall with squeaky linoleum, unheated changing rooms, and dank communal showers. Not once did I ever shower, nor did I witness anyone shower, nor did I even HEAR of anyone showering. Any kid stupid enough to get butt naked to shower in front of 30 teenage boys would have been basically asking to be mercilessly bullied.

We just sprayed on multiple layers of Lynx Africa (that's Axe spray to you Amerifags)
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My UK school early 2000s had a tiny room with one multi-gym like pic related, and I think one bench with those concrete weights. I don't remember anyone using it, apart from one introductory lesson. Whether that was through disinterest or a lock on the door I can't remember.
>playing a sport
sportsball. lmao. lifting/calosthenics is basic way of keeping healthy like brushing teeth or eating healthy. now there are more roid apes due do evil social media influence. seriously facebook/tiktok/new-youtuve/instagram/reddit are cancer
It’s an arms race.
Women see every chad ever and every attractive girl ever, so women go to the gym way more to get in the game. Men see this and see women’s standards rising and also get in the gym.
I'm a millennial and being a gym rat was always seen as based. Your cousin was probably just a fag.

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Do I have what it takes to be a heavyweight boxer?
Bring a knife with you.

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I just want to say a big thank you to all these animals
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We'd all be like pajeets without the life-giving cow.
Kinda unrelated, but Why do jeets worship cows? Out of all animals, not even bisons, buffalos or predecessors to cows, but cows… farm animals domesticated to be milked and eaten, and indians will do anything with it, even grovel on its shit, instead of using them for what they are made for
Is that the nigger cow?
It comes from the Hindu ethic of complete non-violence. They specifically worship the zebu which is a type of cattle native to India. One of the ideas of nonviolence is that you can't be nonviolent while also eating meat and that animal was one of the few widespread farm animals in the region about 2000 years ago so it stuck as a Hindu tradition. It gets so out of hand in some regions that they literally worship the shit of the zebu but most Indians aren't that insane. They're the equivalent of those Christians that beat their kid within an inch of their life for liking dungeons and dragons or something. They're crazy people and should be made fun of mercilessly
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Just destroyed my back doing deadlifts wrong.
I might never be able to walk again
Doing deadlifts at all is doing deadlifts wrong, hope you learned your lesson.
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What happened?
u got tricked into doing the meme lift. u deserve everything bad in life
OP made a thread full of lies that make the baby jesus cry

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G th gf
V gghg
gfgfg f
Gh g g ff
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read as:
>it's time to settle for this
autocaptcha solver: SAD

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Is it acceptable for men to wear crop tops in public to show off abs?
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there’s a guy at my gym who does it. pretty decent-looking guy. he basically talks to every chick at the gym. not sure what other guys think of him but he comes a cross a bit light on his feet if you know what i’m saying
I see pigs wearing shirts not covering their stomach with their guys tucked into the pants all the time
If your obliques insert like that and you have wide hips you shouldn't.
Even me as a gay person says

Dont wear that. its SO gay. i would never date someone who wears this shit. Wear a tanktop if you want to show off
Not that common where I live

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3 days workout, 1 day rest.
Repeat to infinity.
Yeah 3 days a week is enough but what you do on those 3 days will probably have to change here and there.

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how do we cope
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No it’s even worse; they’re lying to themselves.
You are mentally ill.
>REPORTED height
You can confidently subtract 1-2 inches from all of these.
This. Being a 5'9 zoomer in west europe is horrendous
clam down little dudes lmao

Achievable natty?
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I look like this and I don't do anything
What mode was this nigga?
Based original flavor text God cards.

Konami should print an OG set like this with their coloration and flavor text but add text at the bottom that says:
>This card is treated as having the same effects as are listed in the official Konami Yugioh card game ruleset and just append God card effects into the rulebook online.

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