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tell me youre a dyel without telling me youre a dyel the thread
>if you can't spot the dyel at the gym within the first 5 minutes
>then you are the dyel
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tonsil stones are stealing your gains. clean them out.
Or figure out what the cause is (fungal infection) and fix that so they stop growing.

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Looking for a reason to leave the world behind.
Small mistakes, empty words, people I've let down.
Nothing ever changes, nothing turns around.

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Are you seething, baby boy?
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He can keep it. I seethe not for the beast and the dreg.. but to aspire to the Titan.
sleep tight, aniki....
God bless his soul
>now all we have is gymcels
how do i know you are brown without actaully knowing you are brown?

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Holy shit this stuff is poison. I've abstained from bread for years but had to go back to eating it due to being a poorfag this week and holy shit I feel like a gluggy retard in the head.
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Absolute shit. You're a moron and you've grossly misrepresented the research. Mineral malabsorption from phylates isn't an issue at all. Maybe if you're poor and that's all you eat. Fuck I hate people like you, you're such a dullard.
Post body.
I only eat bread when I am overseas. Mutant American wheat is toxic
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Eat real bread you stupid fuck

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Gramps was a speedfreak. Died at 61 with the body of a 25 year old but his insides were rotten.
No, my friend, the tranq zombie leaning on the side of the road very much is a phenomenon that only really started occuring after xylazine appeared.
>You'd know this if you knew what you're talking about about ;^)
Right. Post a timestamped picture of some heroin, will you?
ah yes lets give them a country and with the same constitution and let call it LiberiACK
>heroin helped me quit drinking

You’re a fucking retard
t. former boozehound
I've been taking kratom, drinking kava and chewing nicotine gum nearly every day for years. Doesn't seem to affect my gains I gained 15lbs and went from 205lb to 275lb squat in the last 5 months. People at work comment and say it looks like I've lost weight and are surprised when I tell them I actually gained 15lbs so I assume it's muscle and not fat.

Please post your bodyweight, years lifted, and your best OHP/BP/Squat/Deadlift/Curl.

Thank you to anyone who replies.
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i dont work out
Interesting, do you get any side effects even from normal TRT doses? I know test can fuck you up in a variety of ways but usually that's in the context of ĂĽberroiders
6’1/195lb/37/on trt tbf/3 months
ive never done 1rm
ohp 5x5 125lb
bp 5x5 220lb
squat 5x5 240lb
dl 1x5 330lb
dunno what curl means by itself, single db curl 30lb 3x8 last time

I know my squat is fucked up in comparison to my bench and I have no excuse for that.

I'm 5'7, 133lbs and have been lifting on and off for a while. Doing calisthenics now
not him but other poster on trt. no sides at all. my normal test was 580ish. now its 1400ish. balls same size on hcg. i wouldnt know i was on anything if i wasnt harpooning myself 2x a week. im probably gonna blast when i plateau but so far thats not happening on major lifts. my isolations are kinda stuck, shit like bicep curls and laterals just wont go up. can imagine seeing it all go up everytime being super addicting

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Just bought a whole bunch of Sirloin. What's /fit/'s favourite steak cut?
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Research shows that people who eat red meat are at a higher risk of death from heart disease, stroke or diabetes.
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for me it's
I'm not huge on fat content and I like to marinade with a mix of onions sauce/lime juice/Worcestershire/fish sauce and plate it with some fresh chimichurri.
loling at all the limp wristed dweebs who think red meat is bad for you

holy shit you people are stupid
Show the sauce proving it. All the sauce I've read wasn't about fresh red meat. Without the sauce, stfu.
>eat raw
>stop buying red meat

I will eat medium-rare ribeyes with potatoes, sour cream and asparagus and vegans and carnicucks can both seethe.

What mode is this?
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Obviously gay
Uglanklet failing to put on muscle
Faggot mode.

The fact that physiques like this get posted on here 24/7 proves that 80% of you niggas never hit the gym.

This is a very very shitty physique. No mass whatsoever, barely visible abs. What the fuck kind of faggot with 0 ambition admires this?
This is pink belly physique. Too weak to fight it off.

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What are the fattest things you've ever done?
>I've gone to an all you can eat on saturday and then also on sunday
>I put mayonnaise and/or ranch on pizza
>I've eaten 4 whopper meals in one day
>I like to mix cereals together, then sprinkle spoonfuls of sugar on top, then sprinkle chocolate milk powder on top of that, then pour the milk in
>When I go out to a restaurant I make sure to recommend people get bigger meals, for example a seafood platter instead of just fish and chips, so I can eat their leftovers later
>I used to eat at least one burger per day, most days I would get an ultimate double whopper then on my way home get a burger from the local takeaway shop
>Multiple takeaway shops would recognise me when I came in so I had to stop going out of embarrassment
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i doordashed fast food twice last sunday. spent like $65
>go to Dominos or Caesars or something
>eat the entire pizza pie
>wake up with the thirst of a thousand suns
Many such cases.
Ate an entire 64 oz peanut butter jar in one day on top of other meals. The peanut butter alone was almost 10k calories. I'm disgusted I even let myself do that.
Took longer than it should have.

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we are all gonna make it
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Please be doing the needful Rahjeet
Fuck this one hits too close to home. Literally me when I'm out anywhere with a slampig.
i had this girl in college who had those pictures above her desk i'd always cum in her while looking at hermom and sisters in bikinis
Quite literally just get lucky. If you are an unwashed neckbeard fatass but happen to find yourself in a situation where you are one of the only men around a girl consistently, you just win. There is no surefire way to do it, so you may end up doing a bunch of shit and still never get lucky enough to find a girl of your age who is single and you meet on a regular basis.
How are these wojak called?

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Acquire 10% bf
Energy is gone
No Sex drive and no sex anyway
"Depressed "

Do I at least get energy and sex drive back when I refeed? And then when I refeed to maintenace for a few weeks, I am then no longer 10%......

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When I was 10% I had a very high sex drive. Pretty sure you're lying, you're actually a fat count spewing anti lean propaganda
>anyone who insults me isn’t as lean as me
Every time
10% is overdoing it

There's no reason to go lower than 12%
great body ruined by a pony tail lol

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how we could have fixed him, /fit/?
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>*Incel shoots a dozen people*
This is why we need to have Penis Inspection Days so women will know which guys are virgins and have sex with them.
When it happened I thought he was fucked from the start but since then I realized it was self inflicted. The retard could have easily banged the hottest models, all he needed to do was lean into his father’s wealth. He had the retarded early 20s male mentality that “Want sex but never talk to women”
Mumkey jones turned Eliot Rodger’s entire manifesto into a diary of a wimpy kid book lol, pretty good read actually

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Have no issue eating healthy. I just can’t seem to give up pic related. Is there a healthy version of this shit that isn’t full of sweeteners?
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Just drink a mexican coke every once in a while. DO NOT chug HFCS soda on the daily
get the sodas they sell at whole foods. sure they cost like $2.50 for a 12oz can but they have good ingredients, taste good, and have low calories. i forgot what they're called, but you know the ones i mean if you shop there.
just drink diet. I drink 2 l a day as my only vice and i’m in perfect health. The sugars have been rigorously studied for decades and they’ve found NOTHING
it’s the single healthiest vice you can have
>erm... asparatame is so bad for me Ill just chug a whole liter of regular coke and stay a fat fuck instead...

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At first I laughed at this DYEL, then I was rooting for him but now I am back at laughing at him
Did he meme himself into thinking he was a fitness influencer?

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