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do you think if we dug up his grave today, would his arms still be big?

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First day of Documenting every agony, ecstasy, and in-between. Join me, witness the madness. After Pic: [Coming Soon]
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Actual op here.
It's just an angle thing. My chest is not really flat. As for the abs, it could obviously be better.
Next thread I start once this one dies, I'll take a video where I turn around so y'all can better understand what's going on.
Both pictures are unflexed btw.
>Initial weight: 106.8
nigga huh? are you 4'11?
Kgs. Sorry I forget people use imperial
I didnt say you have the perfect body, you just dont have enough fat and fucked up body to justify or even complete a 30 day fast, even if you miraculously complete it you will lose mostly muscle after burning your fat, fuck your gut microbiome and gain your weight back after few months or whatever. you can get better results in a month and keep more muscle and keeping your weight off for the rest of your life by doing rolling 48 hours fasts until you get rid most of your and its very doable in a month and less risky, there is literally no point for you to fast so hard, maybe if you had more 30+ kgs of fat on you then it would be a different story
I waterfast for Hitler

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Post bods
Gives mires
Give advice
Fuck spammers
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imagine blasting roids in an attempt to balance out your freakishly long body
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to understand the situation i had to physically detach from reality and explore space from my bedroom, i've returned home and realize that men can't be changed, they can only be competed with
let's show them something that really scares them
thanks bruh. Im 195 trying to get down too about 150-170. just started last week and fuck its hard as shit in the beginning. Are you power shitting or just bodybuilding?

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>Have to cut cardio run short because of joint pain
Just do the elliptical.

I would say swim, but chlorine is terrible for you.
Does anyone have the roooner meme where the jak is crippled from all the rooning? Just backed up my hard drive
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Run with better form
lose weight
ride a bike

Sit on your couch or chair with your legs at an almost 90 degree angle and raise your heel and let your legs bounce rapidly by just making tiny impulses to raise the heel. I find this form of fidgeting warms up my knees and ankles and let's me recover faster than just walking alone.

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>does cardio
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Answer the question
His hands were swollen in his last videos or something? I think it's a sign of heart failure.
I'm retarded. Why is this such a bad thing on it's own? I get why it would be bad if you're 5% bf, not sleeping, taking stims and eating pure shit
Fuggg will adding some intervals help increase my threshold pace?
No, but probably had some nutritional deficiencies from eating so little and burning so much.

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cutting as a manlet is impossible.
I'm literally eating nothing right now
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You literally quoted my statement and ignored half of it that renders your response retarded.

I was comparing myself against the rest of the population. How many people do you know who have gone to bed without eating that day? If you even know one or two thats exceptionally high.
this is the future fauci wants
Oh wow look its an obese person who went on a medically supervised one year fast with no consideration for muscle mass and now looks like a pencil-necked auschwitz survivor, you totally disproved my point!!!

Definitely gonna literally starve myself for a month instead of comfortably consuming at a moderate deficit.

You niggers are fucking retarded
I literally just did a 40 hour fast for fun. I actually felt great the entire time. I wanna do it again soon.
Anon you dumb fat faggot....

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Funny /fit/ pics. Not /fit/ humor as such, please, with its 13000 x 8500 screengrabs of 350-post threads, just funny /fit/-related pics.
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Back to tiktok little timmy.
maybe if you retards had actually funny stories and didn’t screencap it and let the text get all fucking blurry people would read your shit, dumbass
>t. zoomer
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>i've entered a thread of things i don't like, have been viciously teabagged three times over it, and refuse to leave
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Twink mode doesn't last. Imagine looking like this at 30 lmao
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>rent free
Are the “powershitters” in the room with us right now?
this kek, also 0% chance OP posts his body itt
Yes, see >>74300457.
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That pic is from when he's like 25

Is Kefir good for you?
It's not bad for you.
where's the porno?
makes me fart
I'd say so, but I drink homemade water kefir, not milk kefir.
Can't say it isn't just a placebo, but I think it really does help my mood a tiny bit. It definitely helps my stomach. I shit more regularly when I drink it, especially if I mix some psyllium husk with it. Most importantly, I just like the taste.
Would recommend.

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imagine the smell edition
previous: >>74271626
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we got another goblinx on our hands
Right looks better. Left is like a stick, worse makeup and stupid hair.
200 pounds and very little muscle at that
Sensa was a placebo pill, they got sued for bogus claims and their drug did nothing. The oil leaking was Alli/Orlistat
I wouldn't consider the right one human anymore, she also agrees

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Cap. Drake has made some of the best hip hop anthems in the last 20 years.
Don't pretend like you don't know who Drake is
'But I'm feelin' good, Johnny got me pushin' two plates'

He did lift
save him from his elimination
wow you’re so cool
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dot fuck em up

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Can we get a calisthenics thread going?
Right now I'm testing out Mentzer's philosophy with calisthenics exercises (and some dumbbells), and so far I think it's working great (only done it for a couple weeks now though)
How does your routine look like anon? How often do you workout and what is your favorite calisthenics exercise?
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If you can, do them with rings to go deeper into it, works really well for upper chest.
Make sure your legs are up at a 450 angle.
Working deeper into the rom just recruits the serratus more limits the stimulation you can actually put on the chest. Actually try the movment without protracting your shoulders at the end of their normal travel and you'll feel the difference. This is something people learn from doing bench but a lot of calisthenics people miss.
No it's not.
I think you're conflating resistance (or load) with mechanical tension, to use the terms as Jones and Mentzer would use them. You can achieve maximum tension with resistance far less than your 1RM, as long as you go to failure.
>the 6-10 reps to failure rule with calesthenics
This is not a requirement, but a suggestion.

I (20M) am mildly underweight by choice (I have to have my bmi under 17.9 at the end of the next summer). My bmi is roughly around 16.5. However, i don't think I'd have any problem with gaining any weight now since you can always lose it, right? To me it seems more sustainable and easier just to keep my current weight than trying to get it back down when I'll be pushed against a tight deadline.
I'd also rather fast for a week than cut down my calorie intake by 500 and lose my weight over the period of months.

The question is, how much weight realistically can I lose by fasting for a week or two straight with a BMI of about 18-19? Will i die?
Holy crap

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According to my millennial cousin, weightlifting without playing a sport was seen as being a vain tryhard. Only a small minority would take the gym seriously and they were mostly athletes.

Is this true?
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>Do UK high schools have showers as well?
My shitty UK state comprehensive that I attended from 1994-1999 had an old-school gym comprising a large echoey hall with squeaky linoleum, unheated changing rooms, and dank communal showers. Not once did I ever shower, nor did I witness anyone shower, nor did I even HEAR of anyone showering. Any kid stupid enough to get butt naked to shower in front of 30 teenage boys would have been basically asking to be mercilessly bullied.

We just sprayed on multiple layers of Lynx Africa (that's Axe spray to you Amerifags)
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My UK school early 2000s had a tiny room with one multi-gym like pic related, and I think one bench with those concrete weights. I don't remember anyone using it, apart from one introductory lesson. Whether that was through disinterest or a lock on the door I can't remember.
>playing a sport
sportsball. lmao. lifting/calosthenics is basic way of keeping healthy like brushing teeth or eating healthy. now there are more roid apes due do evil social media influence. seriously facebook/tiktok/new-youtuve/instagram/reddit are cancer
It’s an arms race.
Women see every chad ever and every attractive girl ever, so women go to the gym way more to get in the game. Men see this and see women’s standards rising and also get in the gym.
I'm a millennial and being a gym rat was always seen as based. Your cousin was probably just a fag.

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Hail to the King Edition

>Post mires
>Live vicariously
>Get motivated to keep going
>Complimenting others = Your gains are DOUBLED this week
>Posting gay shit / being a crab in a bucket = You lose ALL of your gains for the next three months
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Fresh mire from 3 hours ago bros
>Be 6'1 195 in January
>Cut to 161 as of 2 days ago
>Morning workout warm up
>Ex gf's mom who's my neighbor walks in, see each other
>Haven't seen her mom in 4 months
>She's all smiles and is amazed at my weight loss
>Asks about the old tips and keto bread I mentioned her to get but her fat daughter said don't get it
>Laugh and tell ex's mom I'm a doctor just listen to me, she goes "I KNOWWW"
>Asks how long I've been married
>Kek I'm single
This Asian milf seethes at her daughter every time because she has always liked me and wanted me to be with her fat artist daughter. When we were fwbs I had her in the gym and slim, went away for school, she met someone and got married in a year and is turbo fat again. Such is life, if the older milf becomes single, I'ma hit that, always wanted to fuck a mom and daughter

Tell her that you aren’t sure how she picked up on the situation without saying anything, but that you want to take her out for coffee to thank her for the other day. Insist upon it!
there’s definitely some chemistry but i don’t think it would work relationship wise, which is what i am looking for. being friends (at the gym) is cool with me
GMI anon
good job
probably a keeper imo

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