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In honor of cutting season, I bring to you the great /fit/ Oracle of old.
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should I cut to 10% bf or just stay comfy at 15-20%?
You should have listened more in school
Will I finally light a fire in my soul and get ripped?
Are the events of the past few days gonna seriously fuck up my life goals?
Damn. I'm gonna have to get a real job and stop working out all day, shit.

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where does this skinny faggot have such punching power?
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gee i dunno, do you punch with your legs? fucking moron........
Just because you may have power and possibly should be a strong boxer doesn't mean you’re a good one
Skill and technique are still taken into account
Yeah you may have bigger and stronger muscles which obviously help with generating more power in a punch, or you may have the absolute optimal physique and muscle mass to be the best boxer, but if you’re a shit boxer then so what
>Because he's skinny. Low mass = more speed.
No, more force production = more speed. Mass actually makes you more powerful, and it can be proved mathematically.

>More speed = More power.
Only half right. Power is the time rate of change of work. Work is the inner product between force and displacement. Take the derivative of this expression using the product rule, ignore the mass time derivatives, and you'll see two terms. One is the inner product of force and velocity, the other is the inner product of jerk and displacement, multiplied by mass. QED
he's 6'6" 220, he got dwarfed by Fury (who's 6'7" 260+) and Joshua (who's 6'6" 245)
All you fags talking about power and work forget one thing: to perform work, you have to expend energy. To accelerate the opponent's head, your punch needs to deliver kinetic energy, which increases linearly with mass and quadratically with velocity.

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imagine the smell edition
previous: >>74271626
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hate to be than anon but thoses prices are outdated as hell for healhty stuff , last time i checked, bananas were never less thant 1.50 a kilo on the cheapest place i could get, i miss the 99cent for a kilo of bananas
litterally everything i used to buy to cook from scratches priced up like crazy, i hate this, eating junkfood will eventually be the cheapest option at this rate
>hate to be than anon
Then don't be. Just shut the fuck up. Just don't type this redundant bullshit out and scroll past the image. Kill yourself you fucking retarded nigger. I will fucking rape you and kill you IRL if I see a stupid fucking comment like this. God fucking dammit dude.
Except fast food/junk food prices have also either increased or the amount they give you is less. Fast food and junk food aren't immune to inflation/shrinkflation
Jesus Christ

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Hail to the King Edition

>Post mires
>Live vicariously
>Get motivated to keep going
>Complimenting others = Your gains are DOUBLED this week
>Posting gay shit / being a crab in a bucket = You lose ALL of your gains for the next three months
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If you are consistently getting glanced and/or stared at by strangers in public, it can ONLY mean ONE of TWO things:
>You are pretty attractive
>You are so alarmingly repulsive that the average person cannot help but to look at you. It is the same as when they drive past a car crash and slow down to look when on the highway.
Or it could mean any number of other things
Out in the garden getting some sun. Neighbor from China says “your dog looks strong, you look very strong” been working hard. Feels good boys WAGMI
Wingman route might be a better option depending on the chemistry, I have a friend like that. I'll be her excuse BF in clubs, and she talks to girls to bring over before leaving to do her shit. We often dance off together and get some mires. when a song we like comes up, I pull her or she pulls me to the floor. then we do the retarded version equivalent Pulp Fictions 'I Want To Dance'
met a male friend yesterday
haven't seen eachother in 2 months
he called me muscular
even though i'm still a bit of a dyel

i'll take it :)

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based shit you do in the gym

>wince/grimace at women with shorts shoved up their ass and pussy
>say DONT DO IT when I see someone with bad form loading up more weight
>tell big boys "that's sick dude" when I see them moving a lot of weight
>ask strangers questions when I see them doing something I want to add to my routine or when I'm not sure what I'm doing

overall I'm super positive in the gym but also a bit of a troll. I'm also positive you can attribute all this behavior to phenibut. but I have made friends to lift and swim with so I'd say it works for me.
please reply to my thread
>walking behind/up the stairs of one of these short short ass flashing womboids at the gym
>do a rick grimes look around then stare at the ground until they move out of my line of sight
I have a home gym so I don't have to put up with annoying faggots like you..thank God.
Idk if I’m autistic or something but I literally cannot hide my disgust when I see interracial couples or some mutt beast lookin thing
It’s the same look I’d give if I saw maggots in a pile of shit or something

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This will be you if you keep falling for the cigposting on here.
Your chances of having a graceful death in general are less than getting lung cancer from cigarettes.

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One month on creatine. Should I keep taking it or should I kill myself?
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Just a mature hairline
A whole month? You lasted way longer than expected.
I'm not a fucking troll.
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You need to stop eating meat NOW before it’s too late
I'll turn cannibal and eat you before I stop eating meat

>lifting feels good
It doesn't though, at least after the first few days. I don't feel the burn again past that, and I don't notice my abilities improving. More often than not I get worse.
I try to increase my load, what am I doing wrong?
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Are you lifting close to failure on every set?
>I don't feel the burn again past that
Drop sets. Also drop being a fag
mind to muscle probably

or just in general, you're not doing the exercises properly, rather just moving weights around
>at least after the first few days
stop being a lazy asshole and be consistent
I increase it to get closer to failure, then lower it down again days later as I can no longer achieve it, even getting down to below the level I even started at. I think part of that is from doing better form which I fail at.
I get pretty close but I probably don't get all the way there, maybe because of other stuff holding me back like back muscles for pushups, knee joints for squats and my intestines coiling up scaring me like it's a fucking hernia in sit-ups.
never heard of it. I'll try it
I'm definitely not doing pull-up exercises right. I have no idea how to do weakified versions of that correctly.

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we are all gonna make it
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>i'm a 28 year old virgin
34. been on many first dates, never seconds. some of us are uncle material. we are not meant for a family or a relationship. enjoy your life. that's what im doing.
>samefagging tL shill your shitty meme
Damn, I haven't seen anyone post fluffies for like 5+ years
>What are prostitutes?
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stuck in 2018

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It's Saturday night and the blackpill fag is going haywire
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2 already, I’m sure there’s millions more just waiting. The fifteenth suicidal ideation daydream plays out in their heads as they cry themselves to sleep KEK
He’s been doing it since 2022
Would literally kms if I was him no cap
Obsessed with manlets and Doomposting like a tranny
I'm 5'6 with a dyel body. I went to the beach with my gf earlier and had sex with her when we got home. What the fuck are you on about?
Stop LARPing
>5'6 with gf
so you haven't seen the statistics, right? ouch

Please post your bodyweight, years lifted, and your best OHP/BP/Squat/Deadlift/Curl.

Thank you to anyone who replies.
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6’1/195lb/37/on trt tbf/3 months
ive never done 1rm
ohp 5x5 125lb
bp 5x5 220lb
squat 5x5 240lb
dl 1x5 330lb
dunno what curl means by itself, single db curl 30lb 3x8 last time

I know my squat is fucked up in comparison to my bench and I have no excuse for that.

I'm 5'7, 133lbs and have been lifting on and off for a while. Doing calisthenics now
not him but other poster on trt. no sides at all. my normal test was 580ish. now its 1400ish. balls same size on hcg. i wouldnt know i was on anything if i wasnt harpooning myself 2x a week. im probably gonna blast when i plateau but so far thats not happening on major lifts. my isolations are kinda stuck, shit like bicep curls and laterals just wont go up. can imagine seeing it all go up everytime being super addicting
3 main things can happen on TRT.

You shut down your HPG Axis. Meaning your body doesn't produce its own test anymore. It can lower your fertility and make your balls smaller.
To counter this you can take HCG alongside TRT.
Your DHT increases which has mostly positive sides besides balding, if you're prone and scared you can take Fin.
And the main one is estrogen. If you have sides from TRT its mostly due to estradiol/estrogen.
It will increase and if its too high it can cause water retention, make you cry like a bitch, high blood pressure, even grow tits. Usually this won't happen on small TRT doses but if it does you can lower it using Arimidex. This is a strong med and it can lower estrogen below range which is even worse than high. You want a happy medium.
265 bench, 405 back squat, 440 pull, 345 front squat, 295 clean and jerk, 225 snatch. I'm a gay oly fag.

5"9 175, 23 ffmi

Twink mode doesn't last. Imagine looking like this at 30 lmao
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That pic is from when he's like 25
youll never convince a bunch of old powershitters that this is what women want, they will just cope with every reply, some common copes are
>hes a gross underfed skelly
>I'd kill him easily (women don't care)
>looks too young (ultimate cope)
>only high schoolers like this (he fucked a 32 y/o model)
>too feminine (LOL)
>I'd rather eat something and enjoy my life!
>too pale
>at least I look like a grown man
etc, i'm sure i'll hear some new ones
I'm 65kg but honestly they probably would smash those female fighters. Most of them are like 5'6 60kg and the average powershitter is about 120 or 130kg
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listen to yourself you buck broken simp

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Post bods
Gives mires
Give advice
Fuck spammers
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that's the kinda juice i was hoping for
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look the radfem act is just to pick up some pussy, i'm working on new unexplored game here fellas, give me a break a brother is tryna get some
so you want to impress girls by showing off you have bigger boobs than them ?

>for men after 30 it's ove- OOF

Why can't I stop nutting after a workout? My sense of smell is heightened and I get so feverishly horny on my rest days they aren't even rest days anymore.
If you kill yourself that would work

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