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Does /fit/ own any relics?

>Janoy Cresnova's FIRST PLACE trophy from Ruby Classic Sept. 26, 2015

>Cost me nothing more than a half eaten dunkin' doughnut and an energy drink
What powers does it grant you?
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The power of history, what are all these memes and shitposts for if we don't preserve them in some form?
But he didn't win
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politics bro

Big Muscle couldn't risk letting janoy win dieting on burger king and doughnuts, bad for business and selling fart powder
Do anime figures count?

My good friend been hitting gym for 3 years and is benching "60-75 kg" (for a couple of sets, didn't ask about 1 rep max). I've been going to the gym for 2 months now, started with literally empty barbell and benching 40 kg for a couple of sets. I'm adding 2.5 kg per week.

Not gonna lie, I was surprised with his answer. I thought it was low for 3 freaking years. Thoughts?
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I've been going for 6 months, also started with the bar, and also am at 40kg for reps rn. It's a terrible, terrible progression. I believe my genetics are fucked. It's over.
As for your friend, that's even more sad. Tell him to eat more or to end his own life.
I did my first training with him. It was legs training but based on how many sets and reps we did back then, he's probably doing something like 3x10, maybe more.

I'm doing 3 x 6 on incline and then 3 x 6 on flat.

He has actually quite a belly from bulking, started cutting recently.

You're doing 40 kg after 60 months? Like, 40 kg including the weight of the barbell?
>You're doing 40 kg after 60 months? Like, 40 kg including the weight of the barbell?
Yes. I've been working out 6x a week, go to failure most of the time, and eat a ton of calories (drinking chocolate milk as I type this), but my bench is still at 40kg. No "man" should exist like this.
what kind of split are you running? six times per week is probably excessive, especially if you're always going to failure. I would recommend taking a deload or at least active rest week, then dialing back to 3 or 4 sessions per week. I bet you'll be able to lift heavier than you have been.
you're all trolling rkgth?
i bench 75kg after 3 months of lifting
How many calories you eat a day

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workouts to avoid being a wristlet?
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they both look equal to me in terms of looking like masculine badasses. picking apart sometihng like this at such a level is not something girls or anyone else will ever do so why care
What bothers me the most as wristlet is not being able to wear those smartwatches, fucking hell, they are all huge.
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same, all my watches are tiny. tfw u will never be able to pull off an invicta
people stopped calling me lanky when I started making upper middle class money js

consider getting a job
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>7.3 wrists
>14.5 forearms
>17.7 arms
the neverending forearm lag struggle

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He's really getting younger wtf it's working.
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It has nothing to do with age but is mostly a product of back and muscle problems.
For proper hormone production eat some raw animal fats.
Is the third guy supposed to be a waterbender?
This dude is going to die from a heart attack in a few years. I won't be surprised when I see the news posted his story. Also getting old is awesome. This faggot looks like a waxed lesbian figure in a museum.
I don’t pay attention to him yet you insist on shoving this faggot’s bullshit into my life through this website.
Nothing he is doing is interesting or cool to me. I don’t care about him. Fuck off already.
Doesn't matter if his liver health doesn't improve.
To date we have not been able to have someone be over 50 who has liver efficiency of a child.
Some things repair it like AHCC, but that's promising at best.
As liver efficiency drops, antioxidant ability drops.

He is still aging, just a little slower. he isn't going backwards.

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when is this ugly roiding drug addict gonna have his first heart attack?
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kek that wall of coping jealousy post body i wanna laugh at how dyel you are
roidtranny clitty (literally since he cant get hard) leaking
This is very damning considering that Korean dude is 5’11 but Sam has claimed 6’1 a few times lel
You’re the Asian guy aren’t you anon
It’s okay
really riled up the roidtranies with this one

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First day of Documenting every agony, ecstasy, and in-between. Join me, witness the madness. After Pic: [Coming Soon]
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I didnt say you have the perfect body, you just dont have enough fat and fucked up body to justify or even complete a 30 day fast, even if you miraculously complete it you will lose mostly muscle after burning your fat, fuck your gut microbiome and gain your weight back after few months or whatever. you can get better results in a month and keep more muscle and keeping your weight off for the rest of your life by doing rolling 48 hours fasts until you get rid most of your and its very doable in a month and less risky, there is literally no point for you to fast so hard, maybe if you had more 30+ kgs of fat on you then it would be a different story
I waterfast for Hitler
I water fast for Israel

Is starting lifting at 26 considered “late” or never?
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I literally wrote based, keep up Ranjeet
but you also called him an incel tranny. which is it?
All blackpillers are trannies, I was insulting him (you). Not hard to decipher
No that’s what causally destructive people do.

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I'm completely mogged by the shape, face and height of my two 15 years old blond hair twins cousins. God has his favorites.
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fuck them in their bussies to reassert your dominance as the top g in the family
It would be more epic if you were the alpha of the family even if he was taller, manlets like Napoleon and Alexander the Great were seen as giga chads and their 6'2+ subjects gave their lives for them, to ensure this dominance, rape him while he sleeps, later at a family reunion everyone will realize your Chad status. Or try the russian growth method to be taller https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1k4zQ5gghvewY9RbjJKV32ssxx2PzYLbg
A good idea.
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You were given the chance to improve yourself. Start lifting hard as fuck and getting after it.

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>be morbidly obese
>sniff salts nigger junkies use to inhale on the streets
>move 600 lb barbell for whole 3 (three) inches using 20+ tools and accessories
>rest for 10 minutes
This is how 99% of blacks would respond to this
>We’re just different we’re naturally stronger than other races
>[gobbledegook nonsense essentially trying to say this individuals powerlifting achievements are somehow my own]
>we da best
>*cant deadlift over 315, does it with shitting dog form, drops the bar at the top of each rep, doesn’t lock out*
And this is how 99% of chuds would respond to this
>We’re just different we’re naturally stronger than other races
>[gobbledegook nonsense essentially trying to make the OP about race]
>we da best
>*cant deadlift over 315, does it with shitting dog form, drops the bar at the top of each rep, doesn’t lock out*
Go outside you faggot

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Youth copers are obsessing over face wrinkles from their dimly lit basement while tan chads are out there enjoying life
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But how is the pusi napolitana?
All pusi is equal, what matters is the context
>love drama
>very few of them are mentally stable
>generally tacky appearance
This applies to literally every woman
two words: vagina dentata
mama mia

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should i get surgery for my inverted sternum?
the recovery time might mess with the gains
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Nice body bro, stick a gem in it or some sort of orb.

there is some body mod guy wishing he had that.
im not sure and thats part of the reason i want the surgery
there is no way it is not pressing on my heart and or lungs which impacts my physical health
I looked after a patient who had the surgery, they actually put like the equivalent of a metal bar, or fake rib in your chest if you will, that can later be removed.

You’ll be sore as expected & take time to recover but doing it young is a huge plus as you’ll recover faster & being healthy doesn’t hurt either.

Just don’t try to rush back into training, be honest with your surgeon & follow his orders, a lot of people screws themselves over & end up taking longer to recover by not following medical advice.
Fucking kek
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This is actor Joel Kinnaman in Altered Carbon after having had the type of surgery you described.

What mode is this?
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Obviously gay
Uglanklet failing to put on muscle
Faggot mode.

The fact that physiques like this get posted on here 24/7 proves that 80% of you niggas never hit the gym.

This is a very very shitty physique. No mass whatsoever, barely visible abs. What the fuck kind of faggot with 0 ambition admires this?
This is pink belly physique. Too weak to fight it off.

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What are the fattest things you've ever done?
>I've gone to an all you can eat on saturday and then also on sunday
>I put mayonnaise and/or ranch on pizza
>I've eaten 4 whopper meals in one day
>I like to mix cereals together, then sprinkle spoonfuls of sugar on top, then sprinkle chocolate milk powder on top of that, then pour the milk in
>When I go out to a restaurant I make sure to recommend people get bigger meals, for example a seafood platter instead of just fish and chips, so I can eat their leftovers later
>I used to eat at least one burger per day, most days I would get an ultimate double whopper then on my way home get a burger from the local takeaway shop
>Multiple takeaway shops would recognise me when I came in so I had to stop going out of embarrassment
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i doordashed fast food twice last sunday. spent like $65
>go to Dominos or Caesars or something
>eat the entire pizza pie
>wake up with the thirst of a thousand suns
Many such cases.
Ate an entire 64 oz peanut butter jar in one day on top of other meals. The peanut butter alone was almost 10k calories. I'm disgusted I even let myself do that.
Took longer than it should have.

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how we could have fixed him, /fit/?
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>*Incel shoots a dozen people*
This is why we need to have Penis Inspection Days so women will know which guys are virgins and have sex with them.
When it happened I thought he was fucked from the start but since then I realized it was self inflicted. The retard could have easily banged the hottest models, all he needed to do was lean into his father’s wealth. He had the retarded early 20s male mentality that “Want sex but never talk to women”
Mumkey jones turned Eliot Rodger’s entire manifesto into a diary of a wimpy kid book lol, pretty good read actually

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Have no issue eating healthy. I just can’t seem to give up pic related. Is there a healthy version of this shit that isn’t full of sweeteners?
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Just drink a mexican coke every once in a while. DO NOT chug HFCS soda on the daily
get the sodas they sell at whole foods. sure they cost like $2.50 for a 12oz can but they have good ingredients, taste good, and have low calories. i forgot what they're called, but you know the ones i mean if you shop there.
just drink diet. I drink 2 l a day as my only vice and i’m in perfect health. The sugars have been rigorously studied for decades and they’ve found NOTHING
it’s the single healthiest vice you can have
>erm... asparatame is so bad for me Ill just chug a whole liter of regular coke and stay a fat fuck instead...

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