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Has anyone been to Hong Kong post COVID? Is there still soul or has it been completely taken over by the CCP?
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I've been to and through Dubai loads of times. It's got something for everyone. Last time I was there I did indoor snowboarding, smoked shisha, and fucked an Ethiopian girl all in the same afternoon. Where else could that sentence ever happen?
Aquapark, renting a supercar, camel riding, desert camping, visiting old Dubai...
Stayed in Youth Loft a few years ago, tho it's most traditional hotel rooms rather than dorms
Where is the best place to take night photos of street scenes showing streets with lots of neon signs like picel? I figured the streets around Mong Kok might be like this, or are there better areas?
Honestly Singapore seems more interesting than Dubai.

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Whats the best island to go to in the south pacific? Ive been to bora bora and im still keen to go to something similar
If you dive, Truk (Chuuk) has the best diving ever.
Truk (formerly Chuck)
Hawaii is god tier. I'm from Aus and had been all over as a kid since my parents loved going around the pacific. I'd not been to hawaii until two years ago and it blew the others out of the water in terms of nature. If you're sitting arround in Honolulu it's a waste of time but wow those islands are beautiul
How is Hawaii different than other South Pacific islands? Bigger mountains?

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Quite a lot of chat about moving to Brazil lately. Discuss your Brazil travel related enquiries and opinions here.
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Planning a trip to southern Brazil soon. Can I get a QRD on these places?
>Florianopolis/Santa Catarina
>Rio Grande do Sul/Porto Alegre
Is is true that most of Brazil’s white population lived down there? Would they be more or less friendly towards a white American?
As a tourist, how can I cash out Bitcoin to get BRL for spending during a vacation in Brazil?
Why would I need a Brazilian tax ID number? Searching on it says I need one to buy a house, not consumer goods.

Also, that website slams up a "you have been blocked for trying to hack the site" message every time I try to access it, so I kinda have to wonder what's going on there. It does seem to talk about "plant medicines" though, so maybe it's legit.
NTA but literally everything requires a CPF if you're not buying it physically.

> Curitiba
It's a pretty decent city for living in, but people there are fairly depressed because of the shitty cold weather all year long. Because of that you'll probably meet more rude people than usual
>Florianopolis/Santa Catarina
The best one, for beaches, partying and stuff
Bland big city
>Rio Grande do Sul/Porto Alegre
Bland big city - except for now that it became the Brazilian Venice.

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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
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I guess because cars and houses are loans that you pay off over time (typically), and retirement is something you save for for 40-50 years. Whereas travel is something you need ALL your money for, up front.

I agree with your point that 'you just need to save', just, think that comparison isn't necessarily great.
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So obvious it hurts.
>I don't get how these threads come up on such a regular basis, and nobody ever considers the possibility that people can just… save ur money lol.
>You don't need an income to travel, you just need money.
This thread is just mislabeled. OP conflates "traveling" with "being a nomad". And most of the replies are indeed people with remote jobs or people who want to get one.
This is me (27M) at the moment. In the middle of a 6 month holiday with my girlfriend. We both quit our jobs :)
I got lucky and got stationed in singapore. super low income tax, zero capital gains tax, earn strong currency in a country surrounded by those with weak currency. The island being small as fuck also motivates travel, and it has the best airport mall in the world.

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Is it possible to get between the major mainland cities of the SEA solely (or at least mostly) by rail in {CURRENT_YEAR}?

What are the facilities like for long-distance travel via train?

Do you have any stories, good or bad, of interrailing or train-hopping in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos (do they even have trains lol), Malaysia, or Singapore?
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Vietnam is piss easy, there's a line all the way down from Hanoi along the coast, which will cover a lot of popular spots. It's not cheap though compared to taking the bus and Viets have zero manners, prepare for quite the experience if you go with a sleeping car.
Thai trains are somewhat based if you value value, their third class is so stupidly cheap it might as well be free. If the train isn't packed, it's not even particularly uncomfortable with all the windows open and the air blowing in. The trains are always late though and second/first class gets booked out quickly on long routes - and since the surcharge is a set fee irrespective of distance, there's no point picking it on short runs.
Cambodian trains are more or less non-existent save for a single Snookie -> PP -> Batambang line. Batambang -> Poipet exists only on the map and there's no actual service, unless things have changed (I strongly doubt it).
Malaysia I somehow haven't used the train at all, my route managed to avoid any chance of boarding one.
Laos supposedly has a well-functioning brand new high speed train from Vientian to China, courtesy of the latter. Never been there though so no personal experience with it.
>since the surcharge is a set fee irrespective of distance, there's no point picking it on short runs.
There are in my opinion a couple of exceptions to this—trains between Bangkok center and the airports are worth it; they’re sometimes faster and definitely cheaper than a taxi. It’s also worth it to use the train between Bangkok and either Lopburi or Ayutthaya; buses are a bit faster but the trains are cheaper and more comfortable.
I'm still waiting for the Vietnam-China rail service to resume. It's been like four fucking years now since they paused it.
Crossing from Laos to China is doable according to my friend in Xishuangbanna (Yunnan). For him, he can take the Yuxi to Mohen train directly to the border and cross the border to Boten (Laos) and board another high-speed to Vientiane. I've never done it and I imagine you're still subject to the fuckery that is Chinese border and customs control but it might be an interesting way of seeing rural China if you're ever that side of Laos.

From Laos, you can only get to BKK directly by train. The train network in Thailand is thorough enough if you really want to go from BKK to Chiang Mai but realistically the only "desirable" places within a reasonable distance by train are Pattaya and the airport.

For Malaysia and Singapore, you can go directly from Thailand over the border but idk why you'd want to. As another anon said, the landscape isn't very varied. It might be convenient for getting between Singapore and KL (if that's one of your destinations) and maybe Penang/Georgetown, though you'll still need to take the ferry or a bus/cab over the strait as there's no direct train connection.

Vietnam is completely disconnected from all of this shit. There's no connection between HCM and Phnom Penh like you might expect for two major cities so close together. The flight takes less than an hour anyway so it would be an easy choice even if there were a train. I didn't realise that the crossing in northern Vietnam with China hadn't reopened yet but in better times you could cross over unimpeded into the vast Chinese rail network. They have proper high-speed trains on the major intercity routes up there and getting around is actually kinda chill.

Don't even bother with Burma until they stop killing jungle Muslims. The whole place is a tinderbox.
the only issue with the chinese laos train border crossing is buying tickets. if you do it in advance you are ok.

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The longest I’ve done before is 4.5 hours and I slept for 2
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They don't use small planes for 10 hour flights, in my experience. For me, economy on a long haul flight is a better experience than business on a domestic flight. I can actually stand without hitting my head on something.

This is true.
the worst is 6-8 hour flights on small planes, ie if you are travelling between Asia/Europe with a small city at one end, you will probably have to change in the middle east or something then they put you on a tiny plane to your final destination

i.e. Beijing-Edinburgh with change in Doha, the first leg is on a big 777 or something but the second leg is on a ryanair-tier 737
Look up how much legroom your airline offers. If you're over like 6', that's the biggest factor in if you'll have a good flight or not.

Taking Philippine Airlines to China vs taking Anna Air for instance, it made a big difference in how comfy it was. I'd even choose a longer flight if it meant not being cramped.
It really depends on how you prep for it. Getting the right seat and choosing the right hours can make it feel like a breeze.
I always get the aisle and emergency seat and make sure the arrival is around the morning. That way I spend the first leg of the trip watching a movie or two, then falling asleep.

If it's a direct flight, I just buy half a fifth of vodka, bring it to the toilet, gulp that shit with some sprite and sleep for 8-9 hours.

I also have a care routine where I take a few wipes, toothbrush and some mouthwash, along with spare t-shirt to the cabin so i can have a mini-shower before arrival. When everyone looks like shit, i look like a million dollar, albeit slightly hungover.

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Thinking of heading to Colombia next month
What am I in for?
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>Arthur Rimbaud
>Died in 1891 of cancer in Marseille at 37 after being a coffee and weapon trader in East Africa for 10 years
>a photographer for tourists

as the other anon says, it's not good idea to do anything that might lead them to mistake you for being a journalist. and the kind of photography work you're talking about is pretty much non-existent as a market. i do know of american photographers who moved to colombia and shoot weddings and real estate, but certainly not in leticia.
What's the street price for an AK? Will the cartels let me have a ride in their narcosub? Can I ski down a mountain of freshly cut cocaine?
how old are you lad? do you think one could move and find work (not a DN or degree holder) in just normal jobs or something? You mention here being a lack of tourism for english speakers, do you think one could truly work their way into making/becoming employed in a business that caters to anglos? I have been learning Spanish for a while and always debate moving to Brazil but the Portuguese thing sort of throws me off as if I somehow don't dig on Brazil then I'm stuck with Portuguese and only like one other country where it's viable. Florianopolis and South Brazil also look super lovely
when you buy a sim do you only get data or do you get an SMS phone number?

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It’s almost as expensive to live there as Manhattan with almost none of the convenience. The T is probably the worst subway system in the U.S. and that’s saying something. It’s worse than the NYC subway, DC metro, Chicago El, and San Francisco BART.

And it’s no wonder it’s sore expensive, the city is mostly detached or semi-detached houses so for all intents and purposes you need a car. If you want to live in an apartment in a walkable area, good luck finding anything that isn’t 4k or more for a one bedroom that isn’t falling apart.

There's also just not enough to do, even the museum situation is lackluster for a city of its age and historical prominence. Boston likes to pretend it has a rivalry with New York but it’s not even in the tier below.
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Its sad too, because it used to be very affoardable, and probably the best value of public transportation, things to do, cost ratio in the US. Then some medical company giant had to gentrify the place without improving any of the local infrastructure for the insane real-estate prices to make any sense.
A lot of people are willing to pay extra precisely because Boston isn’t NYC or LA. It is practically a giant college town without actually being just a college town and that’s what they want.
All American cities are cultureless shitholes.
What country are you from character?
NTA but I'm from Mexico

I keep hearing
>Japan is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live!
Those who've both travelled and lived in Japan, is this true? If so, why?

I visited Japan last year, I know that obviously being on vacation with no commitments is a completely different experience from living somewhere and having a job, but still, to me it seemed like a place I would be happy to work in.

>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me

I know that Japan's working culture is extreme, but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
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Looks like Japanese hate redditors too lmao
Damn I love Japan even more now lmao
then they deserve it dumb niggers
>Indian chads taking all the software engineering positions
>Whites fighting for scraps trying to become JETS, a literal bottom of the barrel position with long hours and shit pay

I finally understand all the seethe
day.i’m going
to kill every single one of you i see. total india nigger death

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You can make it here. Schools are all privately owned, you don't even need a tefl, just bullshit a resume and dress nice. Felon? Failure? It doesn't matter, you can start fresh here.
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Tell us about crab brain noodles. Sounds interesting.
Fucking based pedo mauler.
So what are the actual TEFL salaries like here? I know the meme of going here with no degree and a criminal record and all, but I have a Bachelor's degree, clean record, and I see they have a CELTA program there. Could I feasibly make around $2k a month? A lot of the info I'm finding says around 1k but it's either from people with just high school or from years ago.
Is it possible to just get into one of those Cambodian "international schools" and get experience there for a few years before getting a gig at a more legit one in another country? I really don't feel like continuing college for more debt and teaching in some ghetto trash school in America for experience and barely be able to pay my rent and loans, when I could just do it abroad for half the hours and lower the CoL.

afaik the only places where you'll make something decent teaching engrish like this is korea or china (and probably japan). a poor country like cambo isn't going to give you shit for salary. you are asking basically for 10x their wages. that means you'd be making 10x what your boss makes. I don't think that's going to happen
Try Vietnam, senpai.

IT guy who just had their office shut down moving to full remote from now on(we only had an office because the lease wasn't up till next month and had to come in for the Execs). I make about 82~87k/yr and am told I can work anywhere in the 50 states so long as I am online and available per my normal time of 9am PST. Is Hawaii a big meme? It's been kind of a dream to move there and looking at apartments it's not more expensive for a studio than where I currently live on the west coast.

Looking at a 300 sqft studio is 900-1200 or so, and cooking at home I suppose I could save some money. I've traveled there a few times for a week or two each and loved it and my lease is up in July and wondering if I should look to move out there. My concern is that I might run out of shit to do and just be stuck on the island and that if work ever cut my position looking at tech jobs in Hawaii it seems like shit pickings. Has anyone lived there? I like the beach and mountains but worried that after a year of exploring the island I'll either be stuck in a situation where just rich enough to island hop but not rich enough to take long excursions to places like Japan or Asia on those cheap flights.
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82-87k a year is not a lot for Oahu but it’s enough for a single guy with no kids/debt. You won’t exactly be living in luxury and you will need to make responsible choices. You won’t be taking many “long excursions” to Asia if you live in Honolulu on that salary.

I’d say just do it. Better to regret taking the chance than to regret not taking it.
Oh yeah, it’s hard to rent an apt if you arent there in person. It would be a good idea to rent an airbnb for a month to test the waters and search for an apartment. Also goes without saying but take some time off to move.
As long as I can go to Japan twice a year for 2 weeks at a time, hostels are okay by me, I am fine. Not looking for anything more I've gotten the travel bug out of my system.

I would love to do that but It's coming up on June and July my lease is up, June being kids out of school prime time for families traveling rent anywhere for airbnb outside the big island is ass.
>I am a geology nerd it should at least last me a year.
move to Utah
Cooming in Hawaii seems fucking expensive who would want to live there where the natives are all fat. Just move to Thailand and be a digital nomad Chad cooming daily in cheap tight pussy

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Hello American friends. In june I will be coming to Miami for 10 days.It will be my first time to america, I like walking so will not be using many Uber. What is the best way to found out areas or streets which should be avoided.
Usually I am not troubled when travelling I don’t look like a victim but in america my fear is someone coming to me with a gun to rob me. Thanks :)
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Avoid I-95, it is not safe to walk on.
Because you're going to assume or take it as everyone being extremely rude or hostile.
Can confirm that this is the truth. I never get sucker punched in over 95% white building. Root math here is for every black person your risk of violence doubles, so if you see 4 of them thats 800%.
Brittish whites arent a threat, they just bitch at the bar and then die by overdose at some strip club. Just treat them as nuisance that doesnt exist walking distance away. Theyre all pussies so youre gonna have safe but emotionally abusive trip if theres britbongs nearby.
Math with UK people is more UK = less enjoyment, if theres over 3 brittish people you avoid the place and go somewhere else to not get annoyed. Theyre like apes in a zoo.
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What is it with foreign tourists and Miami in particular
>will not be using an Uber
Dude, you will need an Uber if want to go to places. Miami is a sprawling wasteland and in most places the locals and the police will harass you for simply walking outside. Floridians are notoriously bad drivers and will run over you. Also, it is super humid in June so stay hydrated if you are planning to walk a lot.

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I went to the restaurant with the highest rating in the app.
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I ate the barely cooked mystery meat deom the street vendor. i then lost 30 pounds from a tapeworm.
There is absolutely a positive correlation between google maps reviews and quality of dining experience.
you are gay and not a real traveler, you are more like a cow who is led to a certain pasture to graze, and thinks himself free, but is in fact constrained by the fence the farmer constructed around him. I hope you are ashamed of yourself and cease posting on this board.
you’re like those girls who plan itineraries around popular hashtags
Redpill me anon

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As practical advice and warning for your fellow travelers, what bad tourist behavior have you seen, or even accidentally done?

One i learnt the hard way, people don't find it amusing or cute if you use their secret word for you on yourself: Rosbif in France, Farang in Thailand, it doesn't come across as self deprecating, it comes across as mockery and assumes they'd use that word.

Also do not try and catch a banknote blowing away in the wind with your foot in Thailand, it's massively disrespectful to the royal family.
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>people putting their feet on inappropriate things.
I once got called rude just because i had my feet on a table in a waiting area at an airport. Which is retarded because i've been to other airports where indians put their bare feet everywhere.

I've had complaints about wearing my cap in the place, i've had complains about wearing airplugs and so on...

In all those cases, it's the people complaining that are just shitty toxic people who think they can impose their view everywhere like they are in their shitty town in Connecticut or whatever.
>wearing airplugs
>I once got called rude just because i had my feet on a table in a waiting area at an airport. Which is retarded because i've been to other airports where indians put their bare feet everywhere.
Well, but those are Indians, people expect that kind of subhuman street-shitting behavior from them.
Why don't they?
Completely based

what are good traveling?
>never book on a weekend, wait till teusday
>clear brower history before checking flight prices
>Airbnb a single room with single bathroom
Also next 2 months im free, so where should i go to just waste 10k in whores. (no Thailand please,. im into Scandinavian hos
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i agree, he should make sure not to LOSE his passport too.
Lots of the bigger airlines will inflate their "flights only" prices on their site to encourage you to book package holiday with them. You can get around this by using their "multi-city" searches and just selecting the flights on there or by finding a third party price comparison site to book through.

I have an even better one. Get a passport, report it as lost. Get another passport. Now you have two passports. One of them being a "dummy" passport you can use to walk around with.

This helps if you're in a country where people will steal your passport. Just give them the dummy one and go use your real one.
>so where should i go to just waste 10k in whores
>Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.
mods? can you read?
Good advice.
for free? i would live there.
its more traveling tips, the whore thing is extra,

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