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I keep hearing
>Japan is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live!
Those who've both travelled and lived in Japan, is this true? If so, why?

I visited Japan last year, I know that obviously being on vacation with no commitments is a completely different experience from living somewhere and having a job, but still, to me it seemed like a place I would be happy to work in.

>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me

I know that Japan's working culture is extreme, but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
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Japan is a great place to live if you speak Japanese or are learning it and have a good job. If you don't have those they quality of life drastically drops

>As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules

Yes you absolutely are and they will probably scrutinize what you do and say even more there may be expectations or wiggle room to this but you will absolutely need to fit it or run into big problems.

That all being said I would still love to live in Japan despite all of its negative aspects. A lovely country full of beautiful and kind ppl.

Except the whole job thing. Fuck that I hate working American jobs that try to constantly pull shit on you. Imagine that but 1000x worse. They will literally try to get you to work on paid overtime fuck that. And the pay will be in yen not USD. But even then I would still go and live there.

Although desu I would do everything I can to work for an American company
Also this assumes you are white

If not assume everything to be more troublesome/difficult
If you live among the Japanese they'll expect you to act Japanese. Being a tourist is like a "mode" of existing around them that enables you to be who you are because they know you are temporary and are expected to leave, but the moment you settle there it triggers a discomfort and insecurity in them because you are a foreign thing that won't expel from the collective body.
It really makes me angry that this is even an option for people all because they spent college facefucking their coding textbooks instead of having sex and enjoying their lives.

It’s literally not an option for me. I’ll never be able to live in Japan, all bexause, during college, I wanted to have sex and enjoy my youth instead of learning some faggot programming language.
Some find it horrible, others great. Really depends on you and what you expect. Some negatives
>horrible work culture including up to 80h work week (depends on company)
>10 paid day offs of which you are often expected to take maybe a week only
>living in high dense Tokyo owning a car is almost impossible and very expensive
>good friendship means you see each other once a year because everyone so "busy"
>earthquakes, tsumani, typhoon and volcanoes as a constant threat
>fucking hot and humid during summer months
>huge ass spiders and mosquitos
>housing expensive for small space
>food can quickly get very unhealthy if you aren't careful (ramen, plastic everywhere, cans, ..)
>bears and wild boars waiting for you stepping in wild nature

But if this is all ok for you then Japan is quite great. Perfect infrastructure, great food, beautiful nature, kind and polite people, clean, safe, strong service culture. I would move there instantly if I wouldn't worry about my parents getting lonely and in need of support with raising age. I can afford way more in Germany (car, house, ..) that I can only dream of in Japan. But I rather live in a shitty small apartment and dependend on public trains if I never have to deal with those fucking dumb rude cashiers in Germany ruining my day every morning I buy disgusting fridge coffee from Netto supermarket.
> Indulges in sinful behavior and self destruction

> Why cant I live in Japan ???

Well anon I still believe in you and there are many other ways to go about living in Japan. Honestly you'd be surprised what you can accomplish in a year if you dedicated yourself to something ( learn Japanese )
>horrible work culture including up to 80h work week (depends on company)
>10 paid day offs of which you are often expected to take maybe a week only
Yeah these seem like the biggest negatives by far, everything else is tolerable except these. I really value my work-life balance, so Japanese work culture sounds like hell to me.
With such a weak yen, Japan is practically a South East Asian country
Would it be a better use of your time to learn Japanese or programming if your goal is to live in Japan?

I'm in the same situation. I'm doing both at the same time but to directly answer you question learn programming first. Honestly you can straight up live in Japan without speaking Japanese but without money or a job to anchor you there it's pointless.

But my real answer learn both at the same time. Not that hard just focus on getting a job in IT or programming as those are guaranteed jobs that will get you a visa
If anyone happens to know, what's the IT sector like outside of Tokyo? Say in a city like, Fukuoka or Nagoya.
>Friendly people
>Clean and no crime
>High quality infrastructure
No Japan is probably the best country on Earth to live in. But filthy gaijin should not be allowed into Japan. Whites move to Japan to molest schoolgirls and spread black worship.
I can't only tell you what I've heard through the grape vine but what I have heard is IT is basically a guaranteed job you can get in Japan. Fukuoka and Nagoya are big cities and will absolutely have IT jobs how easy it will be to get one compared to Tokyo is another question but for sure it won't be much harder.

> IT in Japan = guaranteed Job
Okay, thanks anon.
LMAO get fucked loser
If you value work-life balance then Japan may be the wrong country. Here in Germany I have 32 paid day offs. If I travel to Japan for 32 days I see and do more than the average Japanese in a whole year. But agian, this also depends on the company. If you avoid those "black companies" there surely are some western inspired ones with a 40 hours week. I also found that Japanese work less efficient, doing long breaks, sleeping on the office sofa, 2 hour lunch, talking with coworkers about their hobbies, etc. So while I worked longer, it was still more relaxing than 8 hours full focus. Plus that great service culture that makes life so easy. I never felt like "wow I really need a week off now, I'm so exhausted". While I feel like this constantly in Germany.
Why are my only two choices being a glorified baby sitter or learning supreme autist tech skills that will turn me into a personality-less dork?

Why isn’t there just a fucking temp agency for remote work that I can go to and they can hand me some 2k/mo job? All my problems would be solved if I could just live outside of America. Why can’t someone just hand me a job?
> earning supreme autist tech skills

maybe programming but IT isnt that hard

also you cant got and just live there because the Japanese actually care about who they let in. at least they used to
>Faggot who has never lived in Japan
This fucking board I swear
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I've been living in Japan for 2.5 years now. I was also very excited and focused on the positives in the beginning, but overall I don't think it's a good place to live.
And just to clarify, this point or view is shared by most foreigners who are here long-term; the only people I see thriving in Japan are extreme weebs who have permanent rose-tinted glasses.

The biggest issues to me are about the people. When you're here for two weeks it's nice when everyone is "keeping to themselves" and doing the fake polite attitude. But when you're here for longer and want to actually enjoy meeting people or form any deeper kind of relation with them, it gets very tiring. The superficialness of everyone gets under your skin very quickly. The extremely collectivist way of thinking means that people are completely devoid of any logical reasoning and just go with whatever they're told in every aspect of their lives. The intrinsic "autism" of the culture may seem appealing to people who are also on the spectrum, but trust me that it's not fun at all when literally everyone around you is autistic. This affects almost all aspects of living here.

Things like safety, cleanliness, or public transport and not unique to Japan. My advice would be to just move out of whatever nigger-infested shithole you seem to be from, but do not consider Japan as the only option. Especially with the economy going to shit and the government being run by incompetent retards the likes of which western democracies can only dream of, I do not think that Japan is a good option for the future.

Right now I have a very good job in Tokyo but I intend to leave as soon as I can find something remotely comparable elsewhere.
>Right now I have a very good job in Tokyo but I intend to leave as soon as I can find something remotely comparable elsewhere.
The key will be to find this comparable.

I like meeting Chinese women in osaka, but might just move to kaohsiung if im not even going to be mingling with japanese

I like osaka, but want to find other medium sized (asian) cities that bring the same perks, with less cons
>I wanted to have sex and enjoy my youth instead of learning some faggot programming language.
Your problem is that you are too dumb and lazy to do both. I got first class bachelors and masters degrees whilst getting wasted and partying multiple times a week and sleeping around whenever possible. I also barely went to lectures. The reason you failed college is that you are retarded and lazy, not that you 'enjoyed your youth'
I think the cramped spaces and strict rules in every arena of life would drive me crazy after a while. I would love to be able to come and go for a few years at a time, but I wouldn’t want to live there permanently.
>>living in high dense Tokyo owning a car is almost impossible and very expensive
Who cares about owning a car when you live in a city with one of the best public transport infrastructure in the world. Americans baka

The shame culture is huge there. Japanese boss won't fire you, they make you quit out of shame. They are called madogiwazoku "window tribe". You go to work, no task, no assignment, no meeting, coworker all shun you. Eventually you will grow shame that you are useless and quit. And the company will continue to claim they never fire you.

You don't want that, right Anon-kun? You don't want to have a job in Japan where you do nothing and feel ashamed all day. That would be so terrible.
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>but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
It Really Do Be Like That Sometimes
>be Japanese
>be number 1 shamefur worker
>no work
>get given no responsibilities
>become number 1 shamefur worker
>get given even more no responsibility
>keep going
>receive 50 salaries
>retire early
>I like osaka, but want to find other medium sized (asian) cities that bring the same perks
I liked Korea, especially Busan has a nice vibe. But getting a job there is a shitshow
Might have a chance to live there a few, years for work. It would be for a defense job so paid in dollars and with American work culture. Work would pay for everything. Seems like a sweet deal at least temporarily
>The biggest issues to me are about the people. When you're here for two weeks it's nice when everyone is "keeping to themselves" and doing the fake polite attitude. But when you're here for longer and want to actually enjoy meeting people or form any deeper kind of relation with them, it gets very tiring. The superficialness of everyone gets under your skin very quickly. The extremely collectivist way of thinking means that people are completely devoid of any logical reasoning and just go with whatever they're told in every aspect of their lives. The intrinsic "autism" of the culture may seem appealing to people who are also on the spectrum, but trust me that it's not fun at all when literally everyone around you is autistic. This affects almost all aspects of living here.
This very much. I noticed when I studied there at university it was a whole different story: The young people were so open, always wanted to meet me every weekend, hanging out doing random things, partying, drinking, legal drugs, camping, shrooms, hiking, etc. It felt so easy to connect with them, great people. But then when I came again for work I found the complete opposite. Those Japanese working can meet maybe once a month. And then what we do? Sit in a cafe for 60 mins and afterwards seperate again. With coworkers you can get along quite well but it never goes beyond the weekly Izakaya. It's so weird.

>Right now I have a very good job in Tokyo but I intend to leave as soon as I can find something remotely comparable elsewhere.
Any ideas where you are going next? All the best to you anon
why don't you try luck in another city of Japan instead of moving it?

you live in Tokyo of course most people there are gonna be obedient cattle. Try Osaka, I heard people there are more relaxed

>Things like safety, cleanliness, or public transport are not unique to Japan.
true but most countries with that characteristics are getting cultural enriched
>The young people were so open, always wanted to meet me every weekend, hanging out doing random things, partying, drinking, legal drugs, camping, shrooms, hiking, etc. It felt so easy to connect with them, great people
Can you meet those young people without being at the same university as them?
Sounds fun and I wanna make those sorts of frens when I eventually go to Japan on holiday
What industry do you work in?
Sure if you aren't too old I guess. Problem is how and where. At university we got introduced with a "welcome party" so all people interested in gaijin came at once.. so I got the line ID of around 10 students that night. Then when we went out at night there were some more friends coming along and so I got to meet more and more.

If you aren't too introvert maybe hang out in Shibuya/Harajuku bars and talk to some? Or perhaps even Roppongi which is famous for lots of gaijin. Just keep in mind many can't speak English. Another idea: See if there is a "Tokyo Intl. Friends Party" around when you are there. That's a meetup. When I went there were one foreigner for 10 Japanese or so. Pretty good ratio. But that was like 10 years ago. I still get the invitation mails so it's still happening.
I think it's weird that you guys maintain such a sense of 'mysticism' about Japan, I've been twice since last year and it's just a very normal country to be honest. Hell, it's not even that advanced technologically speaking (besides certain small things), and the locals will flock around you if you're a white guy, which is literally what people do in India as well.
>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me
I won't lie to you anon, the second is generally true but like any place, you get some miscreants. But yeah these are all valid points, that's why[spoiler] I'm moving to Japan this fall [/spoiler]
I'm moving to japan in June
I passed JLPT N1 and my workplace will give me an HSP visa
I also get paid my American salary there
Gonna live in setagaya for now, any tips/recs on living in Japan?
This literally happened in both of my office jobs in the UK, it exists in a lot of companies around the world to be honest. If I were more of a chad I would've just sat there and collected my paycheck, my previous job had a great salary and they couldnt fire me either since I was there for so long.

You aren't really going to get a job programming in Japan if you don't already have experience, are you?
>I passed JLPT N1 and my workplace will give me an HSP visa
Congrats, how hard was passing the N1?
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I'm a shamfur worker, but I'm working remote. I just collect my salary and never see my manager or co-workers.
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I much prefer Taiwan
>less autistic
>more soul
>they're like the Japanese but without that "mystical" superficialness and stupid tatemae
>Girls are more mature and willing to share their interests with you
>Its cheaper there
>they want foreigners to work there
>nature is equally beautiful

sure there's a risk China might invade, but chances of that are very very slim.
thinking of going soon, any recommendations for places to live, things to do? I just like good vibes, decent scenery to look at (some nature) a couple good restaurants, not too busy or packed, places to walk, people to meet
don't think I'd stay in taipei too long, thinking I'd go east and bike down the coast looking for a decent place to relax
how important is it to speak mandarin? (I know zero)
Going from N2 to N1 was a pretty big jump, mainly because my education is only self study for 2 years and I didn't have much grammar or speaking experience. I definitely failed the grammar part and got everything wrong, reading is hard because you have such limited time (like you have enough time to read the passage just once and answer all the questions) and speaking also is aids because they deliberately try to confuse you. The only reason I could survive is because my vocab and Kanji level is extremely high, I got a 100% on that section. Tldr grind practice tests from shinkanzen master for a year and you should pass, can answer any specific questions as well
Currently grinding hiragana and katakana
As a beginner. Actually super easy and almost finished

What are the best steps once I have these all memorized? I really want to get to the part where I am able to learn new words to actually speak.
>Girls are more mature and willing to share their interests with you
those are men
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Why should they hire a German when they could hire a JEET, there's a billion of them in India they could hire for cheap.

picrel, a jeet living in Japan coding.
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>But filthy gaijin should not be allowed into Japan.

Bad news for anon. 2024 Japan is filled with poojeets, Nigerians, white dorks. The poojeets work in convenient stores.
Not a should question if they are hiring they are hiring they are hiring. But yes Japan is infested with ppl you would normally seeing migrating to the U.S

Japan has chosen its fate and you can pretty much only enjoy Japan now. In another ten years it's be one of the first eastern countries to fall to mass migration that will destroy its demographics and culture
Shame Japan will fall into the same fate as most G8 nations like Germany, France, Canada, UK ... it will be filled with rapist poojeets, Arabs that do honor killing, violent incel white dorks etc.
Hopefully Japan serves as a warning to China to ignore USA poison and embrace ethnonationalism as they have been doing. Taiwan and Korea will fall too at this rate.
Well mate ...

we got to live in a time were taiwan, korea, japan was an ethno state.

enjoy while you can.

the jeets and white dorks ruin everything.
Canada poojeet spammer now doing Japan? Great
Stop posting random indian dudes faces you weirdo
Use wanikani core2k/6k and ankidroid, you can also look into mining decks if you listen to spoken media. You need 2500 Kanji and 10kish words for n1
Lmao nigga looks like me
>Especially with the economy going to shit and the government being run by incompetent retards the likes of which western democracies can only dream of, I do not think that Japan is a good option for the future
Tell me more
Anon, you're better off in either Norway, Netherlands, or Denmark.
>also safe
>easy to learn the language
>people are genuinely warmer
>weeb community is tight
>wealthier economy
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>more crimes
>cold and rainy
>awful food
>ugly cities and towns
>Netherlands/Denmark in EU + ugly landscapes
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>Stop posting random indian dudes faces you weirdo

t. jeet

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jeets touching bobs and vagenes in NIPPON
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>Lmao nigga looks like me

You're part of the problem.
I dropped out of high school and college. It’s never to late anon. It just takes longer for some of us to get there.
There are barely any Indians in Japan lmao, there's a small diaspora in Taito and that's it.
I had sex in my uni years and still got a degree. Cope more retard
>get paid to do nothing
>be forced by "shame" to quit
the absolute state of cuckaholics
and before you scream your reddit "nooo you don't get it you'd be CRUSHED under the pressure of stares" cope, not everybody is a troon ass faggot who derives his life meaning out of a fucking job like you
do you low-standards people actually like the ugly slant in that picture? holy fuck
True I can't believe the Japanese government gave me a visa and not you hahaha crazy
Laughing at whitoids right now
>don't want to work yet want a cushy anime life in Japan
Meanwhile we're
>learning Japanese
>building a valuable skill
>integrating into society (there are bad players in all societies, just look at all the serial killers and school shooters burgers have)
>loved by the locals for our cuisine
We are simply superior to you, sorry whitey but your time is up, you're just a bunch of 人間失格 at this point
Japan is civilized thanks to the USA domestication them. All good qualities of modern Japan are derived from late 40s to 50s occupation, as well as the security assurance from being a vassal state of the USA. You have us to thank, nip.
Naw America has poured countless billions into many places and most of them are still as much of a shithole as before. Honorary aryan memes aside nips really are basically the equivalent of euros in many ways.
>Problem is how and where
yeah absolutely, it's logistics first and foremost
I know that I'm charismatic enough and still young enough to make those friends (though I need to brush up on my Japanese kek), but the problem is meeting people when I don't go to school/work with them I guess, like what situations is it socially appropriate to talk to strangers in? etc etc
But there's always nights out/hobby events where that demographic will be that I could go to so I guess I should keep my head up
Nips are the only Asians who voluntary went to Europe, but in many ways they don't live any differently to other Asians. Especially in the inaka, it's mainly people in the big cities that are more westernised. Which is why I don't get why Western tourists go to Tokyo looking for their pure nadeshiko maidens kek
How old are you anon? I'm 25 and feel time passing a little quicker these days. I'm currently aiming to go back for another 3 months soon, last time I went to Japan I was able to make a bunch of friends of varying ages (some young guys working part-time outside of uni, and some cool record shop owners and stuff) but I would like to get a friend group to properly go out. Would being 26 be a problem?
It’s a third world country dressed up nicely. You’ll see it if you travel solo and are unlucky enough.

There are real scams around, I’m not talking telemarketers or taxi scams, I mean genuine organised crime and extortion. The kind of thing that FBI/feds bust too quickly for it to affect every day joes in western countries.
This, I've been to India and Japan and they honestly seem pretty comparable, Japan isn't particularly technologically advanced, it's just cleaner and dressed up nicely like you said. The fact that they openly advertise prostitution and basically whore girls out in places like Akiba is telling really.
Oh cool, transparent fed propaganda. At least try
I'm 23 so I still got time to act like a zoomer but I also feel time moving faster these days... but I've felt that way since I was 20
desu I think that you can carry yourself as 'youth' until your very late 20s, I probably won't date 18-19 year olds once I turn 25/26 but other than that I don't see why anything else has to change
and even then it's not like the fun stops after you turn 30, there are cool and interesting people of all ages they just look more wrinkly the older they get. Some of the most fun and interesting people I've met in my life were in their 60s
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Setagaya? hey that is where Lain lives!
Yeah, I met some fun Australian ladies in Kyoto, they were very encouraging to me in my dream to work in a bar in Japan or some shit kek
Yeah being 25, I would never date anyone younger than 23 now, I'm pretty particular about it. But thanks kiddo your words have made me feel better about being a geriatric now, desu the first time I went to Japan last year was with a 22 year-old at the time and I felt a major disconnect between us, in how he was very autistic (for lack of a better term) and terminally online. I pretty much just use Hinge, Whatsapp and this cesspit of a website these days.
Japan was cruel to me when I stayed for over 3 weeks
Standards have been lowered so much that if you live in a country where you can take a nightwalk without fear of being mugged and infrastructure isn't visibly crumbling in 2024 then you're basically living in an utopia.
Visit Osaka and tell me that. The poos are plentiful in that town.

I love Japan but could never master Kanji despite a formal attempt and the ability to acquire several European and Slavic languages. I earn a high professional compn in the US and this enables me to continue to visit Japan on my own dime.
Well that's your issue, you can acquire European and Slavic languages because they share Germanic or Slavic language roots, something like Japanese is so far removed. I've noticed that many Westerners can simply never grasp stuff like correct pronunciation and intonation in all Asian languages, your brains just struggle to comprehend it for some reason.
Good for you that you continue to visit, but personally I could never imagine myself going there without some grasp of the language, you are genuinely missing out on so much.
Also Indians exist in all countries, they just manage to adapt to all societies. I hate Indian women in England though, they're attractive but are all uppity cunts.
Good look anon appreciate it.

Is anki how you mainly built up new vocab? Or was it comprehensible input?
I always wondered what a country that loses it's original demographic will look like after a new population takes over. Imagine but the time we're all old more then half of Japans current population will be gone and the norm will be seeing ppl from south/ south east Asian being the new population. It will be interesting to see if a big tourism decline happens
t. retail worker
>an autistic introvert like me
Japan is an autist's actual nightmare. Japanese people never actually say what they really feel, you always have to read the room and infer what people really mean
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Is it possible to get a japanese gf on a dogshit english teacher salary?
Ezpz to attract the Anglophile girls.As long as you aren't a slobbish faggot.
>Jap are le third world.
>The fed.
I'm not a retard so I stick with people of my own race.

Japan is nice but I'm white. I stay in Europe.
>collectivist shame society
>filled to the brim with tourists
>incredibly backwards in some aspects like bureaucracy
>dogshit work culture
>relatively high tax-rate
>hot weather (except for Hokkaido)

It was a fun visit but i'd never consider living there.
Nevermind on the Hokkaido part, its hot as fuck in the summer there as well
>diet is kind of expensive to keep up unless you are legit human skelly
Eating cheap here is easy, getting the proper balance of things is something weebs never understand after staying a whole month(if that) don't get.
>taking off time is a pain in the ass as the new guy and foreigner
Expect to do no more than 1 week, bring back gifts to the office, pull extra hours before and after to 'make up for lack of work'
>Japanese are brain dead
If you know, you know. The amount of times Japanese have no idea what you are talking about but will agree and keep the convo going just to be polite is annoying
>Dating is one of 3 things
Japanese girl trying to get out of Japan for a new life, Japanese girl thinking you are a rich foreigner, (rare) Japanese girl who doesn't put you in some weird stereotype
>Shit gets expensive
Quality housing requires a lot if you don't want to do 2 hours a day commuting, no your 45,000 yen apartment is not going to be /comfy/ when summer sets in or worse winter HVAC in these places suck. Getting around quick is expensive without the foreigner incentive programs you can't use with a work stamp on your passport
>healthcare fucking sucks
Want to just go get basic thing you could in home country? Too bad go to some quack doctor who will have you wait for hours that you have to somehow juggle around work and not give them a hint you are sick to get some prescription for a weak dosage of allergy medication
It's pretty common but just completely not reported, apt broken into? Landlord will pay for it so not to be reported. Bike gone. Fuck you why did you lose it? Violent crime is not that big but petty theft and the like is rampid outside tourist hotspots.
>low pay
for >>2652025 Compared to what I could make in the USA, half the salary then double the work and be told YOU WILL BE HAPPY, you want your visa renewed RIGHT? Exception if you work for a foreign company stationing you in Japan.
inb4 weed defense force
How hard is it to get a work visa and move to Japan anyway? Assuming you're from a western country and have a bachelor's degree in something that's not totally useless. I always hear conflicting info about it, some say it's piss easy and others say it's really difficult. I don't think I'd even want to move, just curious what the process is like.
Sounds like you didn't really enjoy living in Japan, I'm surprised petty crime is a problem over there. Were there any aspects of Japan you liked?
>How hard is it to get a work visa and move to Japan anyway?
Loaded question, what country are you from and what is your degree and what's your Japanese level. Gaijin pot does have some opportunities out there if you have the EXP.
If USA go to some place like Dice or usajobs.gov and be willing to work for the us government

>Sounds like you didn't really enjoy living in Japan,
I did but I just wanted to lay out some actual issues of Japan. People think any criticism = must hate it. Honestly I think people not talking about the pitfalls leads to a lot of people like some of my friends thinking they were doing things wrong and just turning to alcoholism.

I liked the nature, I do like a lot of the varieties of food especially in Kansai.
Entertainment can be next level at some of the shows and gotten at a reasonable price,.
Getting around assuming you don't mind spending the cash can be stupidly fast and easy.
Neighborhoods are quiet for the size and scale they are.
If you are looking to min/max your life style a good 6-7m yen/yr job can be very lucrative assuming tax exemption
Any anime thing you want is easy to obtain
Making friends can be easy assuming you have hobbies outside anime and willing to teach them a bit of english
Getting around asia is generally easy and quick for a vacation
Generally clean fresh air since korea deals with all the china smog
People when sick actually try to not cough all over you

I will say Japan has changed a lot since COVID/Olympics, every place seems to have more and more rules, every place wants to just have cash and send you out the door. It's still a #1 favorite place to take vacation but it really does feel pretty different.
Didn't mean to put words in your mouth, sorry about that. Glad to see you still enjoyed your time there. I'm from the US and I'll be graduating with a degree in computer science soon. I've read that Japan has a shortage of IT workers, but I have no idea if that's accurate or not. I'm currently studying Japanese, but I'm still a beginner and nowhere near fluent. I'm not studying to move to Japan though, it's just a hobby of mine.
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>every place wants to just have cash and send you out the door.
I didn't get that feeling when I was there. To me Japan seems like it has a lot of rules but most people don't really care to follow as much. Men seem more likely to break the rules than women. Saw so many people speeding in Tokyo on their motorcycles and fast cars. Plus seeing all the salarymen drunken on Friday nights was funny as hell
How long did you work there?
It has a shortage but you can find work with the US government contracting pretty easily. Tax free, cost of living allowance, and generally a decent salary. Usually can find things ranging from 4-6 years depending. It has a shortage but keep in mind the pay will fall compared to what the US has to offer by a longshot.
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>How long did you work there?
Didnt work. Did 3 months until I got bored then I came home
He's said he's from Germany you worthless weeb

Assuming you didn't study arts history there are a lot of job opportunities for foreigners. Japan is struggling to fill roles in almost every sector because the guys are fucking sociopathic incels and the women prefer adopting dogs over marrying.

So if you got the experience and show some resilience you will get offers at different companies.

Just don't expect EU work standards and US/Canadian unionized stuff, 40 hour weeks are considered part time work in Japan.


Cheap and healthy eating is possible if you know where to shop indeed. If you go the average tiktok faggot route and base your diet off fast food, processed shit at 7-eleven/lawson or automatically drift towards higher end sushi joints then yeah things will get expensive quickly.

I have friends that were bitching about fast food being so expensive and they were trying to get pizza and chicken wings from american chains. If you go to japan at least try to do an effort to lay off the goyslop/convenience store food and you'll be fine costs wise.

Regarding dating, it's not so difficult to date japanese women, many are curious and will definitely feel more adventurous with a foreigner than with some local sperg who reads manga books and plays dota 2. But don't expect most of them to be the serious type, many will let you fuck them after some time spent with them and then brutally ghost you the next day for what ever reason (regrets of being too slutty) or because you were just their little gaijin sex toy experiment. You can definitely find one that will want something serious but that takes time and a lot of hit or miss encounters.

With that said if you go with the 4chan incel attitude, can't fuck anything in the US and think you'll drown in pussy in asia then you won't get any japanese woman to remotely give a fuck about you. Just be normal and not awkward, it's not that difficult.
The fact that you'll always be a foreigner makes it a no-go anyway
>Just don't expect EU work standards and US/Canadian unionized stuff, 40 hour weeks are considered part time work in Japan.
Fucking grim, holy shit. I guess the meme that Japanese companies make you work insane hours isn't wrong. How many hours does the average Japanese person work a week?
It's not much more than the USA

Really depends what field you work in. Software development, IT, big companies like Sony, etc, will have more expectations in terms of hours worked but they will be informal. Officially the hours are 40 hours but there is a general understanding that you will work 50-60 hours depending on the job and place.

Other fields like marketing, teaching, consulting, banking, etc will have less hours.

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Yes, i don't feel like living in a state that doesn't trust it's serfs to have firearms. I also like my guns and would like to keep them around. But honestly even in Japan had decent firearms legislation i'd still pass.
>Nevermind on the Hokkaido part, its hot as fuck in the summer there as well
where do you live on earth that doesn't have a (hot) summer? Osaka summer seems to be up to a temperature of roughly around that of any southeast asian country while being way more temperate in winter
>Just be normal and not awkward, it's not that difficult.
In what contexts? I've been having success with cold approach in Osaka, but I'm still pretty new to Japan
>I've been having success with cold approach in Osaka
It's so much better than here in the US, damn
You "work 40 hours" however, you might be required to be in the office 60+. There is a big stigma in Japan about leaving before the leader and ensuring you're there before he arrives. It's generally not considered work when the company "allows" you to sleep at your desk.

You have a big ace up your sleeve being a white dude in Japan, namely expendable cash.
>You have a big ace up your sleeve being a white dude in Japan, namely expendable cash.
ya I pull ~$20k/month before investments right now, but really looking for more specific avenues to meet cool women in Japan

Been considering aiming for girls as young as early university, since entering early-mid 20s seems to mentally do a number on young japanese women as a cohort
>You "work 40 hours" however, you might be required to be in the office 60+. There is a big stigma in Japan about leaving before the leader and ensuring you're there before he arrives.
Yeah that's just autism, fuck that. Honestly it sounds like it's only worth living in Japan if you work for the US government, or if you work from home. Beautiful country and all, but that work culture sounds cancerous.
Asia in general has vastly overtaken the West in terms of culture, society and economic development.
Compare the supposed "third world shithole" Malaysia to shithole Europe:
Streets are clean, modern architecture, big construction everywhere, civilized people. West is dead and living on propaganda.
what kind of certs do you need to get a gaijin IT job?
>foreigner incentive programs you can't use with a work stamp on your passport
what are these foreigner incentive programs?
I'm coming on a youth working holiday visa soon
>what are these foreigner incentive programs?
Ability to use JR pass
Ability to use foreigner discounts on things
Tax free shopping
etc etc

A work visa basically excludes then, WHV program shouldn't
There is a big stigma in Japan about leaving before the leader and ensuring you're there before he arrives. It's generally not considered work when the company "allows" you to sleep at your desk.

That shit sounds like pure hell and as much as I like Japan, little (actually big) things like that always remind me it's not always greener on the other side. The boss at any job is just a figurehead who I tolerate, not my fucking brother or even a god.
>Asia in general has vastly overtaken the West in terms of culture, society and economic development.

This unironically bad. Poojeets, blacks and arabs, white dorks will flood East and South East Asia.

The saving grace for Asia is the weak currency (compared to dollars and euros), thus attracting less economic migrants.
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>We are simply superior to you, sorry whitey but your time is up, you're just a bunch of 人間失格 at this point

You are so wrong, jeet.

Poojeets are known for IRS scams, mass gang rapes. Indians look like their dipped themselves in feces.

You cook food with feces coated hands since using toilet paper is not a thing with Indians.

The human race sees Indians as an eyesore.

Just stay in your own poojeet country, is that so hard to do?
>all that seethe
You've been spending too much time on /pol/ buddy, time to touch grass.
The time and mental energy you exhausted typing that all out could have been spent bettering your own life instead of shitting and pissing yourself over people you don't even know.
India is a shithole to visit, but there are good indians out there.
Just like any other race or group, there is bad and good.
I've lived here ten years. I think I hit a wall. The only options are have a family and settle down, or move back to America and start over from scratch.

Japan is a good place to live, but a better place to visit. I'd say that the country is definitely on a slow downward spiral, but not necessarily any faster than in the West. Significantly slower, even. But these last few years have made it an impossible place to leave, and having that choice stripped away from me is really disheartening.

I get really upset by "Japanese" ways of thinking now, when I used to be accepting of it in the past too. Small "microaggressions" have really started to pile up.

Nothing to do with the language. Just dealing with people whose way of thinking is limited by their cultural programming. It's draining.
>Been considering aiming for girls as young as early university, since entering early-mid 20s seems to mentally do a number on young japanese women as a cohort
what do you mean?
Yeah anon you've been on this site for a little too long, go outside kek
And to be honest, you're probably an Eastern European or most likely even a brown person larping as a racist online anyway. It's understandable, but kind of pathetic and you need to sort out that self-loathing
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>You've been spending too much time on /pol/ buddy

Wrong yet again, jeet. I spent 4 years studying in Toronto, Canada. I was surrounded by poojeets.

Individually, I find Indians to be nice and friendly.

But collectively, you poojeets are dirty. Dirty retarded culture. Shitting on the lakes, streets, ponds. Smell like shit. You rub cow shit all over yourselves.

You can do whatever you like in your country, but STAY IN IT. Stop shitting up Japan with your feces coated hands.
I don’t think you have to consider it “starting from scratch” in America. It’s such a big place and so filled with transplants that people are always moving all over to and from everywhere. Spending the last 10 years in Japan and returning to New York (or wherever) is just a slightly more interesting version of spending the last 10 years in California and returning to New York.
> many will let you fuck them after some time spent with them and then brutally ghost you the next day for what ever reason
I would love to go live in Japan for a few months every year, or for a few years at a time (a few years in Japan, a few years in America, a few years in Japan, etc.) forever but I would not want to live there full time for the rest of my life.
Well it's a good thing I'm only half-Indian then, but guess what? Whites are just as much of a problem in Japan too. Also Brits and Americans are fucking disgusting, you smell of raw meat and piss everywhere you go and never even wash your hands. How about you agree to stay in your country and we'll do the same? Fucking asshole. Not only are you people not informed on the reality of the world at all, but you're arrogant and delusional beyond compare. Nobody likes you in Asia, you're nothing more than a curiosity to be oogled at.
>But these last few years have made it an impossible place to leave, and having that choice stripped away from me is really disheartening.
What made it impossible? Do you have a stack of yen that is becoming increasingly worthless, so now you can't afford anywhere else?

Start buying USD, stocks, gold or whatever with your income
This is a straight up lie
A degree. I don't think I've seen anyone say they were able to get any job without one. All you really need but a security cert or a networking cert will look really nice so if you were gonna get one I'd get those
>what do you mean?
note that this is just my take on the situation:
younger japanese all seem way more normal and full of life before their society crushes them in early adulthood. for women, particularly, a lot of them get ran through in clubs/online dating or begin working some form of (soft) prostitution.

e.g. could you imagine your future gf having been a past maid cafe girl? You either have to meet one that avoided that scene or find her before she even starts and hoes he get started young. 20yo hooker isn't uncommon
Why is this so real. Never thought much of the dating scene in Japan before I went on my first vacation there but after I did and doing my research and actually talking to Japanese girls they are all whores. Most of them at least. Never expected Japan to be that kind of country.

> Talk to a Japanese girl online
> Plan to meet up
> Keep talking and find out she has had 15 boyfriends and 5 bodies
> Wtf
> Just straight up tell her that's disgusting
> She is genuinely confused and says it's all good because they were bf and gf so it doesn't mean much.
> Tell her that's gross and I don't feel like meeting anymore.
> She is still confused

I stop talking to her and a couple of days later I see she had deleted her account

Why are they all whores?? Why did it have to be the Japanese of all people?
Also where to find an actual Japanese girl to be with. Is this another case where you have to find the girl who loves in the country side since they are less tainted?
>could you imagine your future gf having been a past maid cafe girl?
have you ever been to a maid cafe? it's as close to prostitution as working in a bakery
That's the same in the west though, most girls have little to no experience until their late teens but ff 3 years to early 20s and they all have 7-15 bodies even if they're not actively taking part in hookup culture/ONS stuff
ik that feel though because as a mid 20s late bloomer there's just this power imbalance when a girl is only my second or third but I'm guy number whatever, I know they like me in that moment and that I'm overrating how special they actually are to me but it's still fucking awful to think about
>could you imagine your future gf having been a past maid cafe girl? You either have to meet one that avoided that scene or find her before she even starts and hoes he get started young. 20yo hooker isn't uncommon
does this actually happen though?
>she has had 15 boyfriends and 5 bodies
How is that any different from anywhere else?
idkman, like I wanted to move to Japan/Korea because I got really into vaporwave and Asian cinema when I was 16, the escapism that both those things made me feel just hit so different that I was convinced that moving to East Asia was the only way to ascend
Over the years I built up this image in my head of Tokyo as this utopia where all these super fashionable young people were constantly doing cool shit 24/7 and that they'd all become super tight friends with me, that Japanese pop culture was always super boundary pushing and superior to western stuff, I basically thought it was IRL Jet Set Radio/Fruits Magazine
I've recently taken the glasses off and started researching Tokyo objectively and... it honestly just feels 'normal' but with Asians instead of the stereotypical anglosphere demographic mix. It still warrants a visit imo but that essence I thought I'd find if I escaped there forever no longer exists, maybe it existed in the 90s and 2000s but maybe it never even existed to being with? Tokyo honestly appears to be disappointingly clean cut, maybe Taiwan or SEA would give me more of those warm fuzzy feelings that I was chasing though even then I'd expect to be let down by those places too

sorry for the blogpost does anyone else know what I mean?
You are retarded if you think that isn't high

The difference is it's Japan

> He thinks Japan is pure kawaii desu

If you have nothing of substance to say stay quiet
If you have self respect you want wife up or turn a girl who has a high body count into your gf.

>does this actually happen though

Apparently in Japan being a semi hooker isn't that uncommon. Not saying it's something you'll see Everytime you go out but not as rare as you would think. It's unfortunate at how much Japanese girls are a bunch of whores.
you're basically right. it's pure fantasy escapism and we all indulge in it, but i think it's important to maintain that awareness. you should go to Japan. but also, in all seriousness, you cannot run from yourself. Japan will not fix it.
yeah I'm definitely travelling Asia within the next couple years because there's still a load of things I want to see over there
And who knows, maybe I fall in love with the REAL Japan or the real version of another Asian country and end up living there for a few years? But I know for a fact that I will never be able to live inside Lily Chou Chou or a Wong Kar Wai movie by moving to Asia like I thought I would
Right now I think I'm better off moving to a city within my country with loads of young people and loads of things happening, that'll do me much more good than running away to Asia and expecting it to be like my vaporwave albums lol
My body count is at least double the total he gave, but I stopped keeping count
Are you a man or a girl

>My body count is at least double the total he gave, but I stopped keeping count

Are we supposed to be impressed?

The real scandal is that the bitch didn't put up for TEN different "boyfriends"
I understood it as she had 15 boyfriends plus 5 one night stands?
cause if she had 15 boyfriends and only slept with 5, that's not bad at all. More pure than any of the 20 some girls I've been with.
What are you some cringe millennial

More bodies = bad

Simple as

What ever the case was with her it was the finally nail in the coffin for Japanese girls. The red pill is if you really want a Japanese gf and want the relationship to be legit you'll have to find one who is a virgin and isn't tainted ( culturally and morally ) aka find a girl outside of all the major cities and preferably from the country side
This is something only a millennial would say. Shut that gay shit up 5 bodies is WAAAAY to much. And no I made sure and had her clarify. It was definitely 15 boyfriends and out of that 15 she got 5 bodies.

>More pure than any of the 20 some girls I've been with.

That's not pure at all and you are just getting with straight up whores. Don't let that cloud your judgement fren
>Are you a man or a girl
a man
>Are we supposed to be impressed?
No, being khv until 25 and my first and only relationship with a bpd really did a number on me
>have you ever been to a maid cafe? it's as close to prostitution as working in a bakery
No. Seems degenerate, so I don't partake.
All of the women working and touting it could (should) just have a bf but they have a job that is about paid interaction with men instead.

Is it paid sex? No, but it is clearly not totally divorced from the concept.

Just dumb
>The red pill is if you really want a Japanese gf and want the relationship to be legit you'll have to find one who is a virgin and isn't tainted ( culturally and morally ) aka find a girl outside of all the major cities and preferably from the country side
If anyone here is approximately normal in looks and behavior, I'm down to scour rural Japan with you to find one
>Not saying it's something you'll see Everytime you go out
In central tokyo or osaka, you'll actually see it every day. Girls dressed to the 9s with a 6 inch boot heel, makeup, and no receptivity to day to day males in passing-> she's a bona fide built for the streets whore or LARPing as one
>does this actually happen though?
How would it NOT? That industry has lines and lines of women working it every day. They either need to permanently exit the mating market or someone will be wifing up a maid girl. A maid cafe gal will be some anon-kun's mom.

As for your comment on being just like the west "though"...ummm ya. That's my point. If anything they have even looser attitudes towards overt whoring than western girls that at least want to obscure it a bit.

The currency decline in tandem with social media addiction will lead more Japanese women to look for a quick fix to tide their materialism. A materialism that would never be satisfied by their non hooker market value rate in Yen. They either need a (western) man or to be a prozzie unless absurdly talented
just two 4chan autist virgins scouring the streets of tokyo looking for pure waifu brides
love it, should be a netflix show
Lol I literally said rural and lost track of my body count around 30.
Would be a funny show though, no doubt. Just not really the right setup for the joke
I'm from canada, even normal non slutty girls were having sex by 15 and then they go to college and get run through, I didn't start having sex til I was 20 so by the time I sleep with them they've already been through it all
only socially inept, ugly or isolated girls wouldn't have reached double digit bodycount by their early 20's, I don't know why it's like that
welcome to reality though, good luck finding your virgin
>he doesn't know about taxation

Only sleeping with five people is an achievement for anyone in their 20s.

Go back to r9k where you belong, dude.
I will keep imagining the scenario as I did
Bro if only I was back on Japan I would be so down. This actually sounds fun.
I have

And also the is defeatest/ gay black pills mentality

> Muh all girls are whores so I'll take the scraps I can get

Ok just say you have no self respect my fren
I don't know what r9k is

Just say your a cringe millennial with no self respect

That or you are a used up female. Pick your poison
>Bro if only I was back on Japan I would be so down. This actually sounds fun.
It really would be a delightful experience I think. Having English fluent western company would help keep me balanced out

Gem hunting in rural Japan.
I am a bald 35 year old who lives in his parents basement and lost his virginity in a brothel
>Gem hunting in rural Japan.

thats some good delusion imagine saying this out loud the brainrot is real
Sounds about right. Wait are you that dude who lost it while you were in Thailand? Or was it Vietnam.
>To broke to go to Japan so I'll just hate instead
>I don't know what r9k is
Low-level ragebait.
no, I don't think I've told the story, I'm not a regular character who shares my life stories on here, but I'm sure there are many others like me
tell us about your virgin bride
how'd you meet her? when's the wedding?
>suddenly everyone and their mother loves japan and there are too many gaijins there now
What happened
Cry about it you old washed up millennial
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Not at all. I met an Urkel and an American-Pakistani both did fine there and seemed happy. In tech as well. If you're a foreigner, you're a foreigner. What matters is not being a drifter bum I.E. working teaching English or just looking for pussy.
Sometimes you get these threads chock-full of delusional weebs jerking themselves off to their idea of Japan. No normal person thinks this
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>I've been having success with cold approach
tell me more about this. Japan is consistently the country where I've had the LEAST success with cold approaches
Lots of Japanese people only earning like 100k yen a month which is nothing.
Would I be a retard for going and teaching english as an ALT in Japan just because I want to live there for a year and explore the country? I have a degree in something completely different, I don't like teachers, children also annoy me, but I do know I love Japan.
>I have a degree in something completely different, I don't like teachers, children also annoy me, but I do know I love Japan.
You have other avenues to get a work visa. Lots of hostels hire internationals to work in Japan for a few months to a few years. Or you could get a residency somewhere.
Living here for 6 years, factory workers with other South America niggers. Its good but its tiresome dealing with Japanese people, if you live in a less expensive province and get a cheap car its all nice.
>Lots of hostels hire internationals to work in Japan for a few months to a few years
they don't sponsor visas
I've never tried it, but I've read that some people use ALT programs like JET to get their foot in the door in Japan and find a better paying job in whatever industry they worked in before becoming an English teacher. No idea if that's a good idea though, maybe another anon here has some experience with that can give some advice. I would assume it's easier to get a job there if you're already physically located in the country.
Yeah, you probably need to get a working holiday visa if you're young enough.
Congratulations on being capable of critical thinking and avoiding the trap that a majority of the dipshit weebs on this site fell for. I don't have anything against Japan, but it's clear there's a certain escapist propaganda that has been perpetuated amongst Westerners of it being some sort of advanced city life getaway like in their Japanese animes and videotoys. It's a manchild mentality.
japan is at least clean and the majority of japs care about the environment. that's what makes it better than the west automatically
lol the kids on here sad at not being swarmed by virgin child brides on their vacation in japan
Japan is a great country, but unfortunately attracts massive retards. So many gaijin go to Japan and then complain that it isn't like their fucking animes. It is a good country, amazing nature, temples, respectful good-natured people, massive well-developed cities, 10/10 infrastructure. Annoys me that most only care about Japan because of fucking Naruto or some shit.
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>Well it's a good thing I'm only half-Indian then

Sorry about your shit genetics bro. You know the Youtuber "anime man" who is half japanese, half poojeet? his appearance is full poojeet.
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He claims to be 50% Japanese, 50% """Australian""" but he looks 100% street shitter from New Delhi. The poojeet gene is gross.
fuck off foreigner scum we dont want you here
>you smell of raw meat and piss everywhere you go and never even wash your hands
You don't even smell raw meat when entering a walmart/costco meat section or butcher
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
My opinion as security pro. If every city has airport, airport always has that one indian stealing phone chargers, and japan is gonnected to airport, all global problems including covid go there through airport, so you cannot leave your wallet open because of tourism and tourists are kind of scum. Do you trust your wallet with buch of spoiled brats who fly in to say youre all weird btw, then take photos of church even if they think fuck all religions and just get drunk and leave. Then your wallet is at any pit stop between those. Apply ZERO TRUST POLICY! Never relax, never get disappointed again.
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>Also Brits and Americans are fucking disgusting, you smell of raw meat and piss everywhere you go and never even wash your hands

What the fuck are you talking about, jeet? You Indians don't have toilet. You shit in the streets. You DON'T USE TOILET PAPER. You wash your filthy anus with your hand and rinse it with water.

White people can be rude, entitled, obnoxious. They age bad. BUT THEY DON'T SMELL BAD, not remotely close to you smelly poojeets.

White man built nice countries (Canada, Australia) so you jeets can migrate and live there. You don't see white people migrating to India, do you?
What makes teaching English a bad job? Historically, teaching is a respectable profession pretty much everywhere.
Also, if teaching English is a bad job why don’t more English teachers try to get a Master’s degree or a PhD and work at a university in Japan? Seems like an obvious leveling up…
How do I actually meet people let alone make friends in Tokyo?
Just like you would in any other country
The biggest QOL problem you have to consider is navigating their beuracracy. Especially as a non native speaker. Lots of red tape, lots of bs paperwork that also becomes infinitely more complicated because your name cant be spelled in kanji or hiragana. Japan is the place to have a winter home not really live full time
Two big industry certs are CompTIA and Cisco
Network+, Security+ and a cisco cert will get you through the door as entry level in almost all places. I also highly recommend a redhat linux cert as well. Lots of community colleges acrually have classes that teach around these certs and pffer discounts or free cert tests with the class which replaces the final. An associates in cyber sec with some certs and youll be a good hire
>.t spent six years as an intel analyst at the NSA
>lots of bs paperwork that also becomes infinitely more complicated because your name cant be spelled in kanji or hiragana
That's weird, why would it be a problem if I spell my name using Katakana? Though I'm not surprised Japanese beuracracy sucks if you're a gaijin.
Yes and no. Lots of paper forms have character limits and restrictions depending on office. Banks as well will all have different character limits and requirements. Pretty much any online form you fill out now may or may not give you trouble, its a total crap shoot. I would unironically consider a legal name change before you move if you really want to live there. Thats if you are a super gaijin though. You dont have to, nobody else does

Dealing with local/fed gov, utilities and banks is terrible in every country but japan is one of the most regulation bogged and you havent been raised in it so theres lots of small things to trip you up.

Its just one of those things, that when added to the list that the other anon made, that makes me not consider living there full time. I would buy a cheap home for 20k and live there half the year instead of trying to be a citizen and get perma residency
your name needs to match the passport on gov documents when you register your residence, then your name has to match the residence card when you sign up for anything else like banks. you're basically fucked if you have a middle name
Checked. HH. You arent actually there to teach english as a language. you are there to teach the english they need to pass their government designed school work. BIG difference. You are paid shit, treated like a disposable tissue, and your only job is to make sure kids can regugitate some basic vocab.

University level english is different only beyond the first year studies and is a much more competative job to try to get
Do Japanese companies care at all if you have certs like RHCSA and CCNP?
They are global standards, so yes but also no. US leads IT and its not competative at all. The larger the company the more they are worth generally in foreign countires. Work experience > certs >= education. Its important because its a basic measurement of system knowlesge and will always be useful. All that being said your level of japanese will basically dictate the size of companies you can apply to work at, certs or no certs
To expand on this, if youre applying to a big mutli corp like sony or nintendo, those certs will go a LONG way and you probably dont need to be a fluent nip. Any IT manager worth his salary in any company that size will have those same certs. The textbook for the redhat basic course has official translations for almost every language as an example. But if youre working for a small IT business in fukuoka setting up networks for small businesses run by boomer nips, work experience and N1 is king. Not the say the small company wont appreciate the certs but its not the same as work experience.
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The worst part
>move to Japan
>the 'oh wow' wears off in a year
>criticize 1 angle of japan from exp
>have to be explained how 'nono you're wrong because x/yz/'
>try to explain it again
>nope just not understanding their culture
>ask what prefecture they live/lived in (it could be different from where I lived)
>Oh I've never lived there but I spent a few weeks there... I have an N5! ... I also know how to say all the otaku slang! ... gintama isn't fun it's bad... I hope to move but I have no degree or experience in work

Oh actually forgot 3rd worlders who move to Japan specifically brasil fucking can tongue my anus
Thanks for the info anons, I appreciate it. I'd like to work for a company in a smaller city, like Sapporo, so I guess I'll focus on getting more work experience in IT and finishing my degree.
Not those anons but check for an internship like legit you can count that as EXP
>This is something a Millennial would say
Millennial here. We don't want any part of that. Maybe Gen Z should take one for the team.
I would focus on N2/N1 and any combination of experience/certs/education will do you just fine. The more the better. And like the other anon mentioned interships paid or unpaid are perfectly fine for experience. Even if you didnt learn shit there as long as you have the knowledge to back up your hours youre fine
thanks anon that is very helpful.
I technically have a "Masters of Information Science" which looks alright on paper but I barely studied tech stuff besides entry level data science/AI; mostly academic crap and librarianship but being a librarian was gay so I went back to being a neet.
if I grind out some certs maybe I can bullshit my way back out of neetdom and into tech.
I know what you are talking about exactly, yeah you could try Thailand, Vietnam or even Hong Kong, they are grittier but they have a certain warmth and charm to them that Japan doesn't seem to have anymore.
Well your gonna have to take responsibility for your generation of non self respecting loser saying they take any used up scraps they can get.

At least you don't have to be tossed in the category... Your not a cuck loser are you anon?
why on earth would you want to be a librarian, unless to fuck qties who think they are productive members of society "working"
What are you doing in Japan in the first place, son?
japan weird japan bad is so 2010s
you have no fucking idea what a lot of indians is until you've visited canada, osaka is fucking nothing.
brazillians can tongue my anus in general they're scum
the east asian obsession with pronunciation only applies to foreign speakers, and worse off only comes from an east asian language entitlement

whenever east asians butcher my name its still perfectly understandable, even when they've swapped around all the Rs and Ls and intonated the wrong syllable. but if a westerner dares not perfectly pronounce Xian suddenly you get the "you can call me LeBron" infantilizing bullshit.

meanwhile you're in a taxi in Tokyo asking for "Shinjuku" repeatedly and the driver gives you a blank stare as if he doesn't know where that is until you point it out on a map and they repeat the exact same thing back to you

have to admit the Japanese gladly don't do the name thing, but for westerners their linguistic autism peaks and they struggle to function, but when some slanty eye country bumpkin comes in pronouncing things with a slur suddenly everyone understands them perfectly

and its not a question of not comprehending, western languages are (generally) not as autistic about pronunciation and intonation even with homonyms because westeners easily contextualize. look at English, the fact that heavy accents like highlands scottish, south african, jamaican, or even engrish are all intelligible to the majority of the western english speaking population (even with difficulty) is evidence enough

kanji can suck on my balls though
Why do people talk about Japan like it's a monolithic hivemind?

Wanna stretch your income? Live somewhere cheap. Wanna get along with people? Speak their language and understand what kind of social conventions are important to the people you're talking to.

These apply literally everywhere.
>meanwhile you're in a taxi in Tokyo asking for "Shinjuku" repeatedly and the driver gives you a blank stare as if he doesn't know where that is until you point it out on a map and they repeat the exact same thing back to you

This exact thing happened to me with a Chinese-born kid in school. We were talking about money and he insisted I was pronouncing "Yuan" wrong and so I repeated his exact pronunciation back to him like 50 times and was on the verge of slapping the shit out of him by the time he straight up admitted he was being obtuse
>living in high dense Tokyo owning a car is almost impossible and very expensive
noo, muh truck and muh freeway and muh walmart parking lot!
>dude why would anyone like personal autonomy
conflating a car with personal autonomy is only for zones where the public transport infrastructure is garbage

fortunately throughout most of civilized mainland europe and other places like japan, public transport is excellent
>conflating a car with personal autonomy is only for zones where the public transport infrastructure is garbage

>power outage = can't leave
>government can turn off transit on whim
>emergency offroading impossible

You just don't want to take personal responsibility for your own life
>meanwhile you're in a taxi in Tokyo asking for "Shinjuku" repeatedly and the driver gives you a blank stare as if he doesn't know where that is until you point it out on a map and they repeat the exact same thing back to you
I've never had this happen
Roundeye was probably pronouncing it genuinely retardedly

"Yes I want go to SHanJawKaw and fucky fucky ladyboys pliss"
>car breaks down and you don't have the part to fix it = can't leave
>government can close down roads on a whim

and on the offroading, how many times a year does the average driver ever get on anything other than tarmac? what situations does the average driver in a location with good infrastructure need to offroad? what are you, a prepper?

and relying society or on public or group infrastructure means not wanting to take personal responsibility for your own life? lmao, what kind of baby take is that, brainless
>car breaks down and you don't have the part to fix it
Your own fault. Take responsibility for yourself.
>government can shut down roads
>why would you go offroad
Just blow in from stupid Eurofag town?

You will never know the mental freedom offered by always having the option to just up and leave whenever you want.
Congratulations, I've never been mugged but I still know some places are prone to mugging, what's your point?

You weebs are insufferable. I love visiting east asia but larpers like you who think if you sellotape your eyes into a squint they'll be the only ones to truly understand you make enjoying a place like Japan embarassing
>the mental freedom offered by always having the option to just up and leave whenever you want

a freedom you will never exercise in your lifetime, and on the rare chance you do, it'll happen at most once and would've been easily achievable without a car

cope harder for your country wide backwater public transport infrastructure americuck
>and would've been easily achievable without a car
How can you use public transit to deal with public transit being out, retard
When Americans think of public transportation, they imagine crackheads and criminals in a smelly, crowded bus that only stops in the ghetto. Public transportation in the US is so bad they literally can't imagine a world where they're not forced to own a car in order to survive.
your mental freedom hypothetical was based on the government shutting down public transport infrastructure scenario? so its an even more restrictive and completely unlikely situation than I was giving you credit for, and you're calling me retarded lmao
I would like to live in Tokyo for a while but I’ve never even lived in a big city let alone a foreign one. I’m 31 and I’ve spent my entire life in small towns and college towns.
So is it something that they do a lot and they're autistic about pronunciation or not? Which one?
Any anons who have learnt Japanese have any advice? I studied it back in uni and still remember the basic vocab/ grammar. What is the best way to really improve once you’ve already got the basics down?
I think the immersion technique works really well. Just refer to the Matt vs Japan YouTube channel for info.
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I saw how tiny Japanese apartments are and how strict Japanese social norms are and how many people there are in places like Tokyo. I think if I had to live in the city in an apartment, I’d go crazy. If I had enough money to have a bigger house in the suburbs or even better an estate in the countryside, then Japan would be paradise.
Rural Japan looks absolutely beautiful, too bad there's zero jobs there.
its also boring. there are only so many times you can go for a walk and see a river or some mountains. after a while its just normal and not beautiful anymore
>I think if I had to live in the city in an apartment, I’d go crazy.
rent a bigger apartment.
if you don't make good enough money, live in Osaka or even further out. simple as that.

bringing a USA city budget to tokyo should get you something decent. were you looking at $400/month apartments or something?
>I think the immersion technique works really well. Just refer to the Matt vs Japan YouTube channel for info.
it works >>2656912, but remember that dude seemingly no-lifed japanese language learning
If I want a motorcycle riding girlfriend, should I meet her after she starts riding or get one into it myself?
what are 400/month apartments like in Tokyo?
There are plenty of jobs. They just don’t hire foreigners who pay well.

As opposed to what exactly? City living? You can only go to so many coffee shops? Daily life is boring no matter where you are.
How retarded would it be to give up my extremely comfortable wfh job to teach English in Japan for a while? I’m bring my job abroad if I could but I can’t. I just think I’m going to go crazy if something doesn’t change in my life soon.
Whatever knocks a dorker down a peg I endorse it. Go ahead anon
Most Japanese are not autism.
Not what I asked though
Depends on your life and Job I guess.
americans live in an extremely low trust society in which noone looks out for eachother, that's why they are constantly pushing to move farther and farther away with more cars and more guns because interacting with the other citizens of america is that bad.
>interacting with shitskins
> trust me that it's not fun at all when literally everyone around you is autistic.
Reminds me of a certain imageboard
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> coomers dreaming of 10/10 cute girl harem when they go to japan
> see this

maybe you could get a different wfh job and take that one with you?
hard to guess but considering the dress and phenotypes, maybe spaniards?
100% Americans

Europoors would NEVER
Ignore all these skillless retards with shit-tier jobs. I work in a Japanese company have 4/5 days a week remote and I have flextime so never work more than 40 hours/week*weeks in a month by the end of the month , if I work a 45 hours week I'll work a 35 hours week before the month settles.

obviously Aussies, the most uncouth disgusting travelers in every country you go to are Aussies. they shit up hostels, they shit up bars, and apparently they even shit up the subway.
What do you do for a living, anon?
I never finished that show but everyone tells me to watch it lol, the op is nice though
Yeah mainly anki the core 2k/6k deck + wanikani and some n2/n1 decks should get you up to speed on basic japanese pretty fast, just don't miss your reviews ofc. To prepare for the tests I did some listening practice a couple hrs a day months before the test but not much more than that. Now I kinda just listen to stuff passively, e.g. on the way to the park or train or something
Lol honestly most people whose only qualification is being a warm body complain that the most they can do is be a dancing monkey for children at some shit school making 1/20th of what I make while I wfh, absolute comedy
Input is where you find new vocab. Anki is where you memorize it. Read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/ if you want to learn japanese.
>convenient stores
>make money completely online (250k usd annually, 300k before expenses)
>shopify & eBay
>warehouse does all the shipping for me

Thinking about living in japan before I qualify for the tax. Wouldn't have to work in a shitty job and don't have to live around gaijin since I don't need to work kek. How based would life be living in a small japanese city as a handsome 27 year old tall muscular white man who speaks conversational Japanese already?
Software engineer with 8 years of experience, three of them back in my home country

kek, this

The reality is most young Japanese people with half a brain in their head aren't putting up with this bullshit anymore and they're more aware of the strong employee protections the Japanese labor laws actually provide. This wasn't always the case.
>How based would life be living in a small japanese city as a handsome 27 year old tall muscular white man who speaks conversational Japanese already?

You're 30 years late anon. Small Jap cities are filled with old people. Tokyo is filled with POOJEETS.
To be fair, I'd expect inconvenient storesto not stay in business long
nta but thr thing that's stopping me from trying something like that is I'm getting real good money at my job rn
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>Is Japan actually a bad place to live?

The short answer, no. Japan does not need more white piggu or poojeets.
That's fair, if you're coming from a US salary don't fucking do it, especially now with the garbage yen. I came from Canada and we get to enjoy a shit-tier cost of living with third-world salaries and "free" (highly taxed and borderline inaccessible when you need it) healthcare, so moving to Japan was a no-brainer when I was getting paid 30% more with a lower cost of living and healthcare you can actually use even if you need to pay a little bit for it.

I had a same-day MRI brain scan that took a total of two hours (including showing me my brain's 3D render after) that cost me the equivalent of $30. In Canada you die on a waitlist kek
u r so lucky escaping the poojeets canadian anon ... :)
>you're coming from a US salary
Yup, that's me.
>I came from Canada and we get to enjoy a shit-tier cost of living with third-world salaries and "free" (highly taxed and borderline inaccessible when you need it) healthcare
Glad you got out of it, man. My ex actually tried to convince me to move there because orange man bad.
How do you like living in Japan? I'm assuming being a software engineer in Japan allows you to afford a pretty good lifestyle.
Lmao did she end up moving there? Can't believe some ppl are actually like thos
I had her on social media for a little while after, and from what I saw, nope, she didn't kek
Japan is great but you’ve got to have a bit of a defeatist mindset to really enjoy it.
what did you mean by this
It’s true, Tokyo is filled to the brim with tourists now that the Yen is being obliterated. Nara was honestly majority tourists when I was there. Osaka didn’t have nearly as many tourists, but I also didn’t stay that long. I’m considering going back again this year desu
Accept that you could speak perfect non-accented Japanese, wear geta and kimono every day, get all the cultural norms like bowing or not impalling your chopsticks upright on a rice bowl down pat, and you'll still be considered a gaijin.
If this doesn't bother you then Nippon is your oyster.
>If this doesn't bother you
It doesn't.
>then Nippon is your oyster.
That's accurate.
In all seriousness though, I see what you mean now, but that's alright by me
Yeah it's great, if I put more effort into learning Japanese instead of fucking around in my free time it would be even better. You're right that being a software dev is comfy, but it depends on the copmany. I haven't had bad experiences at either of the two companies I've worked for here but it may be luck of the draw. My company has a budget I can use to expense language lesson costs so my shitty communication is entirely my own fault. I should prioritize that this year desu

This only bothers turbo autists. You'll never be accepted as Japanese but you also don't have to bend to the social bullshit that people growing up there are stressed out by.
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i swear you retards always act like japanese social rules/norms are some cryptic aztec bullshit when it's mostly just
act like a normal person and don't bother others and you'll be fine
When you're handed a business card you're expected to accept it with both hands and keep it neatly placed on the table for the duration of the meeting.
No normal person would feel offended if you just stuffed it in your pocket/wallet after looking at it for a couple of seconds.
Also no riding with your waifu on the morning commute, the women-only cars are real, and you might just wander it one by mistake because you completely forgot/got distracted and embarass yourself.
Stop talking about things you barely understand, a lot of companies don't even use business cards or use a digital system now, unless management are a bunch of old showa fucks. My company hasn't used paper business cards since 2019.
Salaries are shit in Japan. It’s a lot better and you get paid more in SEA countries
>I need muh traffic for freedumbs!
What a burger brained post. Jesus fuck my IQ got lower just from reading your post what the fuck.
>Osaka didn’t have nearly as many tourists
Osaka has a ton of asian (but still non-japanese) expats. e.g. vietnamese, chinese, taiwanese

Met several chinese women through day game that are coming in to live there, supported by workaholic japanese people with a failing currency lmao.

next generation of japanese kids will be working in their country for all the gaijin like it's a summer job at cedar point. screencap this for 2045
It's a sure sight better place to live than the U.S. right now, that's for sure. Would rather deal with a few drunk salarymen stumbling around on a Friday night than an army of Fentanyl and Tranq zombies I have to be ready to dodge and defend myself against in every major city in the U.S. now.
So I currently am working with AWS, doing infrastructure maintenance/automation and some scripting. is this something you can get a job for in japan? I know most IT jobs there are software engineers and all. I have about 2 years of experience

>>2657531 here, the market is shit right now but between 2018-2021 I saw no shortage of junior-to-mid career devops hires. Mostly AWS, some GCP.
>the market is shit right now
damn that sucks, wonder if it'll improve in the future. im just gonna keep learning japanese and see if there is a job opening that seems nice. any tips on finding a company with a good work life balance? like things to look out for
Literally just don't be poor. You need 70 points to apply for permanent residency. You get at least 50 just by making 10million yen per year, 15 for being an N1, and there's all sorts of other random shit you can use to get the last 5, like owning your own business. Getting a bachelor's from a japanese U is worth 20, or 30 if it's one of the posh ones.
Japanese ability will help your chances a lot. I only had 3 years of experience and could barely read hiragana/katakana when I got my first position. In this market I wouldn't be so lucky but it's not impossible.
>Its good but its tiresome dealing with Japanese people
Is 10.5M yen base (~1.8M yearly bonus, job is completely remote) enough to temporarily support two people (assuming wife will find a job)? Considering outer parts of Tokyo (e.g. Hachioji) or even cities in Kansai (Osaka, Kobe).
I have a remote job but they don’t want me to leave the US and my time zone doesn’t match up otherwise, I would be in Japan in a heart beat.
Or Literally just don't be stupid. An investor visa is like $50,000 AUD if you're not 'poor' this is chump change, without learning the language, a fucking japo university degree or any other 'random shit'
Found the fat American, can be found at every bar, minimum 20 kilos overweight, but think their buff, loud somehow attracts intense attention to how ugly they are, talk about their state as if anyone gives a fucking about west virgina and utah city.

Keen to boost but boosts including having a job and 5k spare with 0 assets. Japan is part of the Asia- Pacific region, fat fucking Americans are not.

Move to Hawaii you fat yank cunt.
NEET loser here, I'm considering going to community college 100% online and doing school overseas somewhere for a year or two. I was originally considering SEA (Thailand most likely, especially with the ED visa) but now I'm considering Japan. I would be on a shoestring budget ($2k a month max) and would like to have a decent place to live compared to America shithole piece of shit. I would put time into learning the local language. I also like outdoors stuff but that's not as important.
Japan fucking sucks.
Poojeets everywhere here in Akihabara.
Normal women won't look at you
Coming costs more than Thailand.
Hard ground makes my feet fucking bleed
Why do you guys let poos ruin things for you. Just ignore them. They're harmless.
That's almost double the standard salary, so yes.

But because you're both foreign, you'll probably be living like westerners rather than Japanese. In which case, eh. It's still enough to get by on quite comfortably.
a big, and incorrect, assumption. thanks anyway. im trying to find out where my money will go the furthest without going deep inaka.
good morning saars
> Normal women won't look at you
Why can’t anyone agree on whether this is true or not?
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They will never accept you. You will never be Japanese. They don't want you.
>They will never accept you
Yes they will
>You will never be Japanese
>They don't want you
That's completely false
Looks like Japanese hate redditors too lmao
Damn I love Japan even more now lmao
>Indian chads taking all the software engineering positions
>Whites fighting for scraps trying to become JETS, a literal bottom of the barrel position with long hours and shit pay

I finally understand all the seethe
That's usually the case.
Who cares if they 'accept' you. No outsider is ever accepted. 2nd gen muslims in France aren't truly accepted either. This will always be the case until you comingle with the locals and your blood is diluted a few gens.
It's just one sperg who's jelly. It's not like he'd get any action there anyway.
I know a few Ookrainians and Ruzzians who live there. Times changed hard it used to be the only slavix people you'd find were mail order brides now it's compsci dorks.
Good morning saars
How likely is it to encounter those giant huntsman spiders in Tokyo? I'd honestly die of a heart attack if I saw a spider the size of my head on my wall.
you are either brown, fat, wear glasses, or short
oh look a dropshitter in the wild. please link your course good sir
Just go see for yourself. But it's true in my experience. It's Chad only everywhere now. Why do you think their birthrates are in the toilet?
Language is the main thing. If it's only white chads pulling Japanese girls, how come there are Indian dudes with Japanese girlfriends there? I'm South American, barely 6 ft tall, and I speak Japanese; all my dating experiences have been Japanese women.

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