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As practical advice and warning for your fellow travelers, what bad tourist behavior have you seen, or even accidentally done?

One i learnt the hard way, people don't find it amusing or cute if you use their secret word for you on yourself: Rosbif in France, Farang in Thailand, it doesn't come across as self deprecating, it comes across as mockery and assumes they'd use that word.

Also do not try and catch a banknote blowing away in the wind with your foot in Thailand, it's massively disrespectful to the royal family.
People who get to a scenic viewpoint or landmark with a narrow/small angle for the photo everyone wants, then proceeds to do a full on model shoot with dozens of poses and retakes for the Instagram. Most of the time I don't even want a selfie, just the viewpoint without a teenage girl in it.
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"WHY DON’T YOU ACCEPT DOLLARS?!" I've heard this in Italy, England, and Japan
I would say observe the crowd and act accordingly. If the restaurant is quiet, try to act like the locals do and speak softly.
>fly into new country
>label everyone as weird because theyre not you
>demonize and muddy up everything they do because you think theyre all servants
I think brittish people deserve a world war 3. Fucking scum tourists everywhere they go. We dont want them over here.
Dudes going to poor countries acting like they're god's gift towards local women. It's super cringe.
If you're a tourist, don't shit talk about other people (tourists and locals alike) thinking that no one can understand your language (unless it's Ayapaneco).

I, a non Hispanic American, was once in Costa Rica. At the cash register of a grocery store, the cashier asked me for my ID. I had been hiking in the rain and had put my U.S. passport inside a ziplock bag. When I took it out, the Spanish tourist behind me made fun of my ziplock trick to her partner. My Spanish is basic but I have a good ear for Spaniard accent.

I didn't say anything back but made sure to chat with the friendly cashier loudly enough for the Spanish woman to hear me. Yeah, Spanish is such an unknown language...
Everyone who has posted in this thread thus far is a Redditor who crosses his legs over his balls when he rides the train.
>t. Never Travelled
It’s hard for me to convey exactly how fucked sexuality is in western countries (especially Canada / the US), but just being blond and over 5’9 is enough to keep you busy in every Latin American country. It’s not even for the papers, Latinas fetishize improving the race like you wouldn’t believe.
>go to poor country
>women come up to me and offer unfettered access to their reproductive tract for less than half of what i make per hour

And I'm supposed to respect these people?
Yes especially >>2659367
Loudly pondering why something is done in a particular way merely because it is done differently where the tourist is from.
Taking cheerful selfies in inappropriate places (saw this happening in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park for instance)

Generally bad camera etiquette (shoving your camera in local people's faces, posing tastelessly in some bad imitation of "local" fashion based more on stereotypes than reality, taking up too much time on a photoshoot and blocking other people's way, etc)
I used to live in Thailand, and I worked in Laos for a bit, and local friends and I used to cringe-laugh both at how badly so many backpackers dressed, and a little more seriously, at people putting their feet on inappropriate things. It was mostly laughable to me but it was actually offensive to my Lao colleagues—one guy in particular was quite disgusted by what he perceived as disrespect for Lao culture.

Not that long ago, Thai people would be grossed out by public displays of affection, too (as most in more conservative Laos still are), but local standards are relaxing on that front. Thais are a bit more relaxed about dress sense than they used to be, too, although they still have high standards for cleanliness and presentability and will sneer at people they think are grubby-looking. They used to look askance at adult men wearing shorts in most public settings, something that is no longer a big deal in most places, and which more locals now do as well.
I agree, ESL teachers are cringe.
I don't give a fuck what some slumrat or pompous euro thinks. They can make all the snide remarks they want, at the end of the day I'm a White male with an American passport. The world bows to us. The fact that our blue collar workers, like plumbers & electricians, make more than a fucking M.D. in europoor is hilarious. The thoughts some broke ass third worlder has towards me has no bearing on my life.
>stepping on baht is disrespectful to the royal family
I do not give a fuck. I make DOLLARS. I spend DOLLARS(Then convert to local currency). Benjamin Franklin? All of you have seen his face and all of you bow to him.
>hon hon hon oui oui uncultured American asking stupid questions
I laugh at your £28k/yr salary which will never meaningfully increase because your socialist economies are BROKE. Now take my order like the slave-to-the-service-industry bitch you are and I MIGHT give you a tip just to flex how broke you are and how rich I am.
>Americans with their tipping culture are so dumb
Tipping is retarded, but pissing off broke hostel-living/backpacker euros is worth it. If I can raise the price of goods and services, pricing them OUT, then I'm happy.
yass queen slay
You sound insufferable to be around

Go fuck yourself. But I'm still going to tip you just so I can flex on your broke ass, LOL
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And thats why the rest of the world hates you fat autistic retards
If you're in Hawaii (or really anywhere with coral reefs for that matter) for the love of god, don't fucking touch the coral.
>I didn't say anything back
>but made sure to chat with the friendly cashier loudly enough for the Spanish woman to hear me
THAT WILL SHOW THEM! (not, you cuck)
>people putting their feet on inappropriate things.
I once got called rude just because i had my feet on a table in a waiting area at an airport. Which is retarded because i've been to other airports where indians put their bare feet everywhere.

I've had complaints about wearing my cap in the place, i've had complains about wearing airplugs and so on...

In all those cases, it's the people complaining that are just shitty toxic people who think they can impose their view everywhere like they are in their shitty town in Connecticut or whatever.
>wearing airplugs
>I once got called rude just because i had my feet on a table in a waiting area at an airport. Which is retarded because i've been to other airports where indians put their bare feet everywhere.
Well, but those are Indians, people expect that kind of subhuman street-shitting behavior from them.
Why don't they?
Completely based
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>pompous euro

>Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious

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based. i'm saving this copypasta
Hanging on subway grips, of course
How likely is it you'd contract an STD in this scenario?
depends on the transmission rate of the std but pretty likely
You're not white, and you don't even travel to Europe. Get your swarthy ass back in the Thailand general.
I never see any tourists where I travel
>So many missed opportunities to collect photos of teenage girls.
Your old age will be filled with regret.
You are remarkably easy to troll.
What about when you look in the mirror to shave?

The money is good through a shabbos banking contact.
Nah, they see a "güerito" and they see money. That's how it works about here: the whiter you are, the higher the chance you got money.

The caste system never left. It's still ingrained in LATAMs collective unconscious.
I used to work on a cruise ship in Baltimore Maryland that did little 90 minute day trips around the harbor. Tour groups would stop between DC and New York for a few hours. The Indian tourists were, by far, the worst. We caught a group of Indian women who intentionally flooded the bathroom floor and were bathing in it nude. They would steal food from the concession stands, shove other passengers while they were boarding and absolutely wreck the bathrooms. Literally no one else was that bad. Even in Baltimore with all the black people, the Indians were the worst.
Ive seen nips do the cheerful selfie thing at Pearl Harbor so its only fair m8
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>I do not give a fuck. I make DOLLARS. I spend DOLLARS

I'm a pompous euro and even I think that's based
>I once got called rude just because i had my feet on a table in a waiting area at an airport.

Just put your feet down you animal. They touch the ground, they're filthy, why you want to put them in contact where other people put their arms?
What kind of parents you people had? Did you put your feet on the table in your living room, in your kitchen?
You're not in your home, you're in a public space that you're sharing with other people, act accordingly.

You're literally not different than the pakis who cut their toenails on the metro, traveling is not an excuse for acting like cavemen and it's a real shame many people equals backpackers = hobos because of attitudes like yours.
I got into an argument with a table next to me at dinner on vacation in another country. It got a little heated but basically I was just kicked out of the restaurant after the other table left first.

Do I have anything to worry about here?
If you're in Germany, do not ask to sit at a table that has any sort of centerpiece that other tables don't have. More likely than not, it's a Stammtisch, a table reserved for the esteemed and regular patrons.
t. Asked if I could sit and observe 3 guys playing skat. They replied with dirty looks. I still stood close to the table and watched. Being made the butt of a few jokes in a foreign language is a small price to pay to watch card sharks in a game you've never played before.
do you always carry your passport on you? I just leave mine in my room, always. have been doing so for like 15 years
the punishment was getting kicked out of the restaurant
why would you worry?
don't get in pointless arguments with strangers and enjoy your evenings
or you mean should you be worried about mental illness or something?
who cares you're in a different country. you'll never see those people again.
are you in albania or somewhere in the congo? no? you’re fine
I've seen people in England refuse money from Scotland and Northern Ireland before, NFW they're taking greenbacks
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>Everyone who has posted in this thread thus far is a Redditor who crosses his legs over his balls when he rides the train.
Cuba taught me that anyone initiating conversation with you in a touristy place is most likely up to fuck you up in some way. It made me completely distrustful.

How would you go around making acquaintances though? I imagine, stop being a pussy and initiate yourself?
How is it white mens fault thirdie women want them so badly?
Uhhhh, based department?
>What kind of parents you people had?
I mean, if you're the kind of person to post on 4chan, your parents could not have done a good job. Not that I put my feet on tables, but I'm just no longer surprised that people admit to subhuman behavior on this site.

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