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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
I've been at the same company for 20+ years now, and thanks to my work not being schedule dependant at all, paying well and me and my boss getting along really well, I've had the chance to start taking a week or two off every two months or so. I could stack them up for longer trips, but 1) I don't enjoy super long trips anymore and 2) it's better for business and thus my pay if I do what I do now. My pay isn't anything crazy, but it's good. Somewhere bit under 4k europoor. But I've paid my mortgage and 90% of my driving costs are covered by my workplace. So basically it's just food, water and electricity I pay for at home. As for the trips themselves, being euro has another advantage in that booking sites have a much harder time ripping you off without facing consequences, so those "almost too good to be true 4am offers" can actually be taken here at times.
> I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.
I work fully remote IT for ~90k/yr, it's not hard at all to travel if you don't mind looking around and planning it out. I mostly travel 6-7 months abroad and about with 4-6ish months back home/domestic, any more and I always feel burnout. Contract work or seasonal jobs can pay a lot depending on your skillset, here in the midwest some CDL drivers will do 6 months during peak season or specialized driving->6 months off. Living in the midwest made it stupid easy for traveling abroad as I save way more than living on the coast, only minor complaint is getting to a big international airport is slightly more painful.

When I am in the US
>eat and cook at home more often than eat out (stupid amount of money saved here)
>rent out a room to a friend to reduce rent
>had a beater A->B car, sold it and now just electric bike around
>pay off all CC/loans/etc
>don't pay for more internet, cell service, or stupid shit like latest iphone or something
>before I go to bars or out to parties always pregame at home on drinks first
>stick to a budget for needs vs. wants

>inb4 I don't have any special skills, degree, or certifications for a job like that
This is why you aren't traveling more
I'm a zogbot (cyber security) the money is not bad but the culture is aesthetically and spiritually hideous and everyone is a resort / casino person. If you have a security clearance you're basically banned from real traveling™ and are expected to keep any foreign travel to deployments, resort towns, cruises, etc.
I do everything you mentioned in the greentext except I’m not a 90k/yr IT dork.

I was born upper middle class, spoiled, and parents rugpulled themselves in 08. Instead of fighting to stay in my upper middle class environment, I did “nothing,” so now I’m an overnight security guard who works 60 hours a week. I’ll be quitting my job in 3 months to go cooming, and then I’ll cruise back in on an emergency fund and repeat the pitiful process of self enslavement in this Jewish prison until I can have sex again and actually enjoy my life.
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Are any alternative ways to travel well besides being a tech bro?
Plenty what's your skillset or field of expertise? Tech is just the easiest to do.
I should've probably mentioned that I'm actually a sales guy(car fixing stuff, chemicals, tools, that sort of thing) but I get a decent chunk of my sales from call and online orders plus a few bigger shops having automated orders nowadays. A lot of ground work still and I could make more money by cutting my travel but I value it more.
T: >>2640357
>earn 2k
>live with mommy and daddy
>keep 1500
easy as that
I've posted in these threads several times.

You can sustain yourself overseas indefinitely if you earn anything more than the equivalent of about $25,000 per year, especially if you don't mind--or even enjoy--spending most of that time in developing countries. Of course, finding these sorts of jobs is easier said than done (and, of those remote jobs that are available, many do stipulate that you work from within the United States, or whichever other country you happen to be working in). And even those at the lowest ends of the pay spectrum typically require at least an undergraduate degree and some relevant experience, which automatically precludes many of the underage b& and fantasy-posters that've become so common on /trv/.

I, personally, am in my early 30s. I've been working semi-remotely since I was in college, and started working entirely online around the end of 2019. I don't do anything fancy, interesting, or lucrative: I contract with law firms, create services-related marketing copy, and occasionally do litigation outreach-type work. Super boring, and absolutely don't want to spend the rest of my life doing it.

But I type quickly, have a lot of experience, and don't have to think very much to write sentences that sound good and read well. So, at my peak--between 2021 and the end of 2023--and averaged between $65,000 and $80,000 per year working about 25 hours per week. IIRC, I made close to $105,000 in a single year, but that was the first and only time I ever cracked six figures doing this shit.
In this case, both education and experience are mandatory. If you're a half-decent writer, you can find plenty of open positions and contracts online. But the most readily-available options pay like shit, with your competition being Indians and Bangladeshis willing to worry for a half-cent per word. Most of these companies don't care if get quality content or copy--they'll either pay somebody in-house to edit, or they simply want crap to upload onto their blog or website every half-hour.

All things considered, wouldn't recommend. It took me an age to actually start making decent money, and I wouldn't have been able to find better-paying contracts without a college degree. I would suspect that, these days, many of the shit-core gigs that writers would've started out with any time before ~2021 are going to AI, so not really worth the investment.
Remote sales jobs exist anon. I deal with them constantly in the tech industry I don't see why they wouldn't be in other fields as well.
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I was just being general, i wondering if any other anons had different jobs, nonetheless thank you for asking <3
Most people are really stupid with their money but their aspirations are the bar on Friday and Saturday then back to wage slaving Monday, so it's not terribly obstructive to eat chipotle and Wingstop every day. That said the majority of the country has mcjobs where scrimping doesn't really matter, because any expenses are already scrimps, so the Dave Ramsey talk is not for them. They just need to a better job, basically.

Low CoL areas also tend to have correspondingly lower wages, so a waiter in Seattle is able to save more, faster than a salaried wagie in flyover country, with probably less thoughts of suicide. I've been lower and now solidly middle class and the main poverty drivers were definitely low wage mcjobs capped at just under full-time, housing (rent) and (beyond my aspirations at the time) debts, like student loans, car payments, excessive credit cards, etc.
>Low CoL areas also tend to have correspondingly lower wages
I live in Fargo most jobs around here are starting 19/hr for basic shit like panda express, 17 is like low balled at the teens/college kids here. Midwest actually has decent pay unless a small town. Warehouse work and CDL pays extremely good out here too. Depends where you choose to live though.

>Most people are really stupid with their money but their aspirations are the bar on Friday and Saturday
Nothing wrong with going to the bars on the weekend to get out, the stupid people are the ones who go to the bar 100% sober from work thinking "happy hour is a steal" and drop 200-300 dollars per weekend. I recall telling my friends from overseas visiting about "pregaming", they couldn't understand it till they realized it can reduce your night out costs by a shit ton in the USA.
That's true. I think, at least where I'm from though, a lot of mechanics and guys with their hands actually in the grease, still appreciate when we sale guys come around and do business in person. And also considering how many shithead customers even I see them dealing with constantly, can't blame them. It's a respect thing I suppose and helps keep up customer relationship.
If you don't mind roughing it, there's cruise ships, maritime, workaway. You're probably going to waste your late teens and twenties working shit jobs and trying to fuck girls mostly failing sometimes succeeding. If I could go back, rather than spinning my wheels in one major city having hookups and a bunch of failed relationships involving cohabitation between two poor people, I'd rather have bummed around, meeting people, learning languages while working these shit jobs than doing the easy thing on the day-to-day with the same girlfriends, same friends, same clubs and bars, etc. Until finally throwing in the towel in my mid-20s, so I can get my certs my degree my clearance Etc and be part of a sort of privileged class that only hires each other for the rest of my life. It's honestly miserable.
TEFL, finding a job abroad, volunteer opportunities, us govt, etc. Its better to have a job abroad than be a digital dorker desu
I studied medicine in a third world shithole, I'm a NEET now because I couldn't stand working for $3 an hour for 80 hours a week. Reading this stuff makes me wanna plan how to off myself.
We don't.
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Plz feel better anon, i wish you the best
I make $175k/year in my salary and get a yield (which I don't touch and just reinvest) of about another $50k/year off my stock portfolio (just boring indexes).

I work fully remotely, spend about $2500/month, and I live in Brazil or Mexico most of the time. After maxxing my 401k I invest all of the rest in indexes.

It's very easy to travel with these conditions.
love seeing these posts, just makes me realize I'm wealthier than the average
Even very poor people manage to travel. It's not a difficult concept.
I'm an astronaut making $630k per year. I love the flexibility I have with my travel options, but I also love that I get to travel for work.
live in a developed country where you get 5+ weeks of paid holidays per year
take unpaid leave if that's not enough
My family moved from New Jersey to North Carolina in August 2014. They took eight hours to drive the I-95; I took three weeks wandering around the hills of West Virginia and sleeping on a mattress pad on the folded-down seats of my Ford Explorer.
That roadtrip convinced me to turn my back on the normie college -> career -> affluence path my dad had convinced me to pursue.
>No to perpetual wageslavery
>No to corporate competition
>No to paying rent and bills
>No to the daily commute
>No to frivolous spending
>No to accumulation of possessions
>No to mooching off my parents
>No to speculative capitalism
I found my first seasonal job with dorm housing in New Hampshire...showed up with $300 to spare after three months of wandering around the eastern half of America and doing a few farm work-stays. Left 6 months later with about $5000 in the bank, never looked back.
Saving money to fund my travels has always been easy AF; it's simply a matter of grinding away at work, every day one day closer to the end of the season.
>Contract work or seasonal jobs can pay a lot depending on your skillset, here in the midwest some CDL drivers will do 6 months during peak season or specialized driving->6 months off.
came in to say this. i used to work as a dispatcher and a ton of our owner-ops would basically work a schedule exactly like what you described, drive nonstop during peak season (fall and winter holidays) then go back to poland or ukraine or somalia for the summer.

the smartest guys owned several trucks that they hired drivers for and then leased out to the company to dispatch, still got paid owner-op rates and kept the lion's share of the load price while paying the drivers they hired whatever a regular company driver would make, 3 or 4 of those and you're looking at an easy passive 70-100k/yr without lifting a finger
Real estate investment and rental income.
Holy shit this is so depressing. Thank god I’m American and can make 60k sitting on my fucking lazy ass
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What developed country allows you to do that?
I also live in Fargo. It's got good pay but the culture here is soul-crushing. Everyone is fucking depressed and nobody knows shit about anything but sportsball and goyslop.

There's also nothing to do and the landscape is very uninspiring. I much prefer Thailand
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Why Thailand is because of the Ladyboys?
>Why Thailand
because im broke as shit and Thailand allows me access to luxuries I'd never get at my roach-infested apartment in Fargo
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Fair enough
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What do you do for work anon?
I'm German.
almost all countries in western europe
>Everyone is fucking depressed and nobody knows shit about anything but sportsball and goyslop.
Found the tard who lives in Moorhead/Dilworth area.

Don't care too much about the culture because at least it's not forced culture appropriation style bullshit I had to suffer through on the coastal cities. Most depressed people stick to the worst bars, so I guess top going to Micks.

>There's also nothing to do and the landscape is very uninspiring.
hang out with friends
play video games / go to one of the barcades around town
hit the gym to prep for next travel abroad
snowmobile shenanigans
hit the range
study some foreign languages
etc etc
>snowmobile shenanigans
we haven't had shit for snow
>hit the range
>study some foreign languages
>etc etc
AKA stuff you can do literally anywhere
>we haven't had shit for snow
Take the amtrak to somewhere ez go up with friends north or west. Amtrak on time sucks but the diner near the station is 24/7 and cheap as shit to get to around to snow places. Nothing like doing a comfy ride out to montana or down to chicago, spend a bit of time working while getting some good views.

>AKA stuff you can do literally anywhere
>Take the amtrak to somewhere ez go up with friends north or west.
Why the fuck would I spend $100 on Amtrak to go snowboarding when $100 would pay two weeks rent in Thailand?
What do you mean "Okay?" You're trying to sell a region by listing activities that can be done anywhere. Completely negating your proposition.

You get the redditor fake and gay stamp of homosexuality
>Why the fuck would I spend $100 on Amtrak to go snowboarding when $100 would pay two weeks rent in Thailand?
How do you get to SEA from fargo for 100 bucks? Just thinking of a domestic travel there anon, amtrak is cheap and nothing wrong with taking a cheap lazy trip to PNW during the winter. I just got back in Jan from 7 months abroad just doing some gym stuff to get back in full shape, save a bit, see friends, check up on my place and such.

>What do you mean "Okay?"
I dunno about you but it's generally a good idea to check up on a place you have back home. You don't just live with your parents in fargo right?
>Don't care too much about the culture because at least it's not forced culture appropriation style bullshit I had to suffer through on the coastal cities
Fargo has gay pride parades every year in downtown. The rest of the city is just industrial wasteland, Somali-filled apartments, suburban sprawl, and the giant strip mall called West Fargo
Basically I'm a mid level guy at a company that makes a data product that pharmaceutical companies buy (to keep an eye on their competitors) and finance companies buy (to inform their research+stock picks). Basically just need to know SQL/Snowflake/Tableau and some Python.
And it's still good
I have a job installing telecom equipment. I am on the road most the time, the vast majority of it domestic (US). The points are great for leisure travel in my time off, pay isn't bad either.

Any job installing and fixing weird proprietary equipment is a good place to start. PLC stuff, agricultural equipment, whatever it may be.

It does make the rest of your life kind of suck though. Tough to make friends and stay healthy when you spend 200 nights a year in hotels.

This. Paid annual leave makes planning a trip trivial, just need to save/pay for flights then my usual salary covers a significant portion of the daily expenses overseas.

I earn the equivalent of $45k USD in my country (yikes) but it's more than enough to travel wherever I want.
I know this is a shitpost but astronauts don't earn that much. The average techbro likely earns more within 10 years of graduating college.
Well now you travel to a western country and get better qualifications.
Learn languages and pick up roles at courtrooms/police stations as translators if you're gonna stick by a city for a while. Not good pay, if paid at all, but departments talk to each other and you can be used in pretty much any tourist-heavy area. I work in defense stateside so background checks are easy for me but most these departments just glance at my ID and believe me regardless.
Im in mu 30s but ive traveled since i was 5. It was my dads hobby, we visted many countries even before I hit 18. It was probably most happy thing in my childhood, my father srsly spent most of his money on those trips.
When I was 20 I continued, closer trips at first and then some cross continent stuff with my gf (also duo with my father once in awhile).
When I hit 30, after like 55 countries (some of them visited multiple times) I started to be more and more hard to satisfy. Now I have 60 countries under my belt and usualy just do 1-2 trips per year. Im not keen to do stupid shit and visit 3rd world countries like I did before, but I still like to travel.
If you dont have children and you split the trip cost with your gf then even most far away destinations shouldnt be a problem. Also dont spend cash on stupid material shit at home like a super premium car, furnishing house every 2 years or smth like that.
What city do you live in, in Brazil? Do you worry about being targeted for crime because of your money?

>entry level software engineer
>work from home because tech
>PTO accrues over time + paid holidays
>four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days to get 3 day weekends
>any appointments do on that extra day so i don't use up my PTO
>combine PTO when there's a holiday near weekend + my extra day
>could be digital nomad
>who wants to work while they travel tho?
>automatic withdrawals to brokerage so i don't touch it
>rent house with one random person, $500/mo + other bills
>it's not ideal but i don't need a luxury apartment
>housemate minds her business, bakes for me sometimes
>about 15% of monthly income on bills
>walkable suburb, no car (yes, in America)
>don't live in the city but near the city for the opportunities
>single, didn't fall for marriage/kids meme
>gay and have a circle of trusty regulars so don't need to stress about that
>only eat frozen meals/sandwiches
>drink and eat out once a week with friends so as to not be a shut-in
>canceled gym membership, just go on long walks + use my own body as weights
>keeps me from the doctor
>no cable, no streaming services (just not my thing)
>have a few subscriptions, keep myself entertained with the internet
This is the third post on this board telling us you're gay today and I'm beginning to think you guys aren't joking.

it's probably all from me. it's important context because straight guys spend too much time and money on women and then fall for the marriage/family meme. they should just find a femboy like myself and stop wasting energy on women.
I used to wish I was straight but now I feel bad for straight guys. I go out with my bf who is attractive and hot and I see all these 8/10 guys with a gf that's 5'4" but over 200 lbs and nappy hair and tattoos that look like they were drawn by a middle schooler. Probably has a mixed race child too w/ absent father. I see them bitching at their bf and demanding him buy things as they carry around some $12 high calorie starbucks drink. American women completely went to shit. I'd date in asia if I was a straight white male.
I'm a failed business owner in his mid 30s. Skipped college to start a brand that's just slowly been dieing a slow death. Live in Asia because that's where I moved to and where the biz is based. No degree, no other employment. Every time I look at getting into tech I see millions of thirdies willing to work for peanuts, years of in-office experience required to start doing remote work, convoluted frameworks that I'm too stupid to grasp that will change and update in a few months time, and advancements in AI that will change the landscape to who the fuck knows what. I've tried spending a year self studying React with a ZTM course but I'm honestly just too retarded. I can't bring my brand to acceptable profitability but I don't want to quit it because without a degree it's the only option I have to provide me a long term business visa in Asia. And I've been here for over half my life so if I had to move back to a Western country to start 2 decades behind everyone else with nothing I'd just kms. So I'm stuck in limbo earning shitty money and not knowing how to get out of this situation. I have about 4 years before shit gets real tough which is enough to at least get a degree. They're not too expensive in Asia. I'm considering one in Digital Marketing. It's not as hard as the tech based ones, high level strategic marketing stuff sounds like it won't get taken over by AI too soon, my age and experience can actually translate well into marketing....what am I missing? I don't want to go broke and die guys.

i only wished i was straight because i thought it would make life easier, but when i listen to straight guys talking about women, i thank God for making me gay because imagine having a friend who understands being a man who will scratch that itch that i see so many straight guys waste their lives away trying to chase
>How can you guys even afford to travel?
By not being a retard with money. I live in a small, shitty apartment with one chair, a white table, a fridge, sink, shitter, mattress, my computer, and a shower. I buy food in bulk and spend most my free time hiking. I maintain my health so I have almost no medical expenses.
I work a middle class blue collar job that pays 44 dollars an hour. I have a old but fuel efficient car, don't own a tv, and my only subscription is spotify. I never fly first class (despite being 6'6") and once in a country I usually use busses and trains. For domestic /trv/ I just drive and never use hotels, I sleep in my car or a tent. While on vacation I sometimes go to cheap restaurants (nicer in third and second world countries).
Been to 64 countries and every US state.
Go to some random large corporation that's 'too big to fail.' Try getting a middle level position with your age/experience. Then climb the ladder. Have good work ethics and don't bring drama around yourself (i.e. don't talk to coworkers unprofessionally). Live on a budget and /trv/ when you have the time off.
I get 30 days leave a year, plus public holidays. I run a surplus of around £2.5k a month from my pay after outgoings, so I can easily afford to fill that that amount of time with travel.
44/hr is pretty good m8. What do you do?
>straight guys spend too much time and money on women
True, I wish I was gay because gay men will just fuck and not have to play the bullshit "so where you from?" games over a 30$ dinner (60$ if you end up with the check). Shit adds up if you go on two or more dates a week.
I'm a park ranger in the usa. I still feel poor.
Director for an international megacorp with """unlimited""" time off.
As you should.
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>love seeing these posts, just makes me realize I'm wealthier than the average
Don't know why that triggered you, I promise you there are several HNWIs that browse this board.
>Don't know why that triggered you, I promise you there are several HNWIs that browse this board.
I’m getting really tired of being the poorest dude in ever group of people I meet online. Everyone and their faggot mother has several six figures of net worth and I don’t even have 6. Everyone’s high on the hog except for me. How does everyone else just “‘make a lot of money” and I don’t? Fuck this entire world. It’s literally like carrying the mental weight of having cancer around with you your entire life. The fact that you specifically shouldn’t even be bothering with this lifestyle but somehow you still are
Haha, no you. :)
Most people online are liars anon. Especially if they spend all day on discord/4chan. The other thing is the few who stand out, love pointing out their abnormalities that society envies. Such as my extreme height, I feel an urge to post it when I see a height thread but usually don't now that I'm more involved with the real world and am a happier person than I was in the past.
How tall are you anon?
Not that crazy in my area but big compared to the rest of the USA. (I've met a few 7' + people here).
I'm also into body-building.
Yeah, it's right on that cusp of freakishly tall, but good for you anon.
You can just get a job at a school or university where you're on the same schedule as students. You won't get paid during the summer though.
you will in developed countries
Have a trust fund, be a finance bro
Fair, USA isn't developed
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Got injured while serving in the Army. Got 100% disability through the VA. Probably not the recommended way to do things but it did work. Haven't seen the US in 7 years.
Which disabilities did you fake anon
Not him but same story with navy. Tinnitus depression sleep apnea back pain neck pain knee pain arthritis and erectile dysfunction. U jelly?
If they're legitimate claims then not in the slightest
I wish I was smart enough for tech stuff. It’s too late to get into it now anyways.
Im a bi twink and always wish a guy could find me. I’ve given up on the possibility of any luck with women so I stick to 2D. I have guns and ammo and can cook a little
your welcome for your easy life
This seems like an overly american thread, you motherfuckers make money doing nothing lmao. Europe is worse cattle than you guys, atleast you can spend your monies.
>Muh healthcare
I hate the faggots I am surrounded with
Being a doctor is the ultimate redpill. Just choose the easiest college. Now we can work remotely and earn more than tech faggots. Radiology earns literal millions while working on their laptop on a beach (it's a copy-paste anyway).
trying to become a medical technologist.

how tf can radiology be remote? You have to be there to operate the machines, which I guess it's a broad field. What am I missing?
Radiologists don't operate anything, technicians do the dirty work. Radiologists` job is to describe what is exactly seen on the radiological examination, which is only then a basis for diagnosis for other doctors. This is actually a common practice that a radiologist can live in Hawaii and work for a few clinics at a time in other states. Of course a radiologist can also specialize in other fields like invasive brain surgeries but not many bother with that. You'd think that such an easy work would be paid less, but you couldn't be more wrong. It's common to earn $1-2+MM a year depending on how much work you do.
If you live in a first world country you just lack perspective on how much more powerful your currency is and how high is your standard of life compared to the rest of the world. If you are anything above a retail worker and live your life according to it you can afford to travel, just maybe not to europe. japan or australia and you won't have that nice hotel but you will be there when your colleagues will keep complaining they can't do anything without even trying,
I guess I was thinking of a radiologist technicians or similar.

Any other similar jobs in health like the one you described? I would have never even thought healthcare would offer remote work. Like I said I've been eyeballing medical technologist positions. I have the educational background in life sciences, and just a cert away from becoming one.
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Its possible, you just need online skills. I just gone remote after 12 years of working a shitty onsite job and couldn't be happier, I'm quite boomer compared to my coworkers but it doesn't impede my work or pay. I earn only 35k as a copywriter, it's by no means a livable income in the west, but I can make it work in Thailand which is where I'm at now.

Why would anyone ever lie, on the internet of all places, to a bunch of strangers?
I don't know if any other healthcare personnel can work remotely. Maybe you can practice as an "alternative medicine" doctor after some fake course and do consultations remotely.
1. Do you need a certificate to do TEFL?
2. What kinds of websites or physical places would you go to to find a job abroad?
Work a job for two years, live frugally, quit job, travel for one year, find new job, repeat.
Literally me <3
>Radiologists don't operate anything, technicians do the dirty work. Radiologists` job is to describe what is exactly seen on the radiological examination

Seems like a prime candidate for something to be replaced by AI
That is known for years, but actually this job isn't about describing anything but more about a liability that you take on yourself.
I have a job and I live in a first world country
I mostly take a lot of short, relatively cheap trips, using regular income from an ordinary job. I live in Europe, so I have plenty of time off, and a lot of destinations within just a few hours’ flight. I’m quite content. But I only take really significant trips (far from Europe/longer than a couple of weeks at a time) every two or three years. So I probably don’t even travel by the standards you’re imagining. But I leave my home country very frequently.
All about the points baby. Just came back from London in roundtrip business class and just helped a friend book roundtrip business class to Portugal.
I have an $80k salary remote job. So I can travel pretty much wherever I want inside the U.S. If I go abroad, I can only go for a short while because but I’m not supposed to work abroad anyway so I end up having to take a 1 or 2 week vacation regardless and that usually falls within my budget.
I make near six figs, full remote, and "unlimited PTO" which I've tested with up to six weeks off a year. No social life or any expensive hobbies so that's savings that goes into travel. I used to live in a MCOL city before COVID made it a HCOL city, so my mortgage payment is less than someone renting an apartment now.
My plan is to save ~300k into a brokerage account for dividends which will average 1000-1500$ a month and use it to semi-retire in SEA. Can part time English teach while living a comfy life/learning new skills knowing bills are taken care of.
Is this an actual plan or am I being naive to the taxes and shit that come with it?
I grew up poor as fuck and learned how to make a dollar last. Now, that I have a $100k+ job (SVU) I just save up and live humbly. My hobbies are all set (3d printer Fuels my warhammer addiction) and other then the gym and gaming, I don't buy dumb shit like 80k truck or a house 200k over my budget. I also hunt for good deals on airbnb, transportation, ect. I don't need someone to fluff my pillows and shit when I travel. I need a place to sleep where I can wake up with both kidneys intact and im good.
what has been your favourite/most memorable destination?
It's a lot cheaper than it seems when you're not doing it.

Engineer - Supply chain. Mostly remote.

Do all purchases through my travel credit cards for almost free flights. Countries I visit are a lot cheaper than the US.

It's not that travel is free, but it isn't awfully expensive. Just scary the first time if you're introverted and stuff.

(Also, in the US I live with my parents, so my default cost of living is basically zero)
Isn't that what malpractice insurance is there for?
Damn didn't realize rangers make 44/hr and it's a fed job w/ benefits, nigga you should feel lucky
>sleep apnea
>erectile dysfunction
Oh so shit you would have had anyway without the Navy that you now want welfare for? Got it, nigger.
This. Blows my mind how many of my friends in the US think I have a trust fund or something like that when in reality I drive a car I paid 4k cash for 8 years ago, and some years I've barely made 16-20k yet in those years I'd spend 2-3 months traveling. It's fucking cake to not eat out every single day, not drink in the US so I can drink for cheaper overseas, and not spend money on stupid consoomer shit.
Public school teacher in USA. Can afford 2 months of summer vacation in the third world just from saving for the year. (Projected 6k savings yearly) After cash matching my 401k and filling Roth ira. However, having to get a new car and insurance premiums are hiring that a fair bit. Looking at an 8% pay raise this year though.
My wife and I work for tech companies and earn $500k combined
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I drive OTR trucks seasonally. It saves me 20k+ on rent too. Then I invest my money (in real stocks not meme garbage like crypto).

I could never be one of those digital nomads with a broken sleep schedule dealing with Western basedbrains and roasties. When I go on vacation I go on vacation. That means no obligations, no time scheduling bullshit, no being pinned down to one spot.
Do you keep a nest egg in your home country while using interest gains (passive income) to supplement living abroad for a few years? Still want to work to cover basics and have meaning to life. Surely it’s not as easy as using an international credit card with autopay to access the funds from your main bank account? Tax authorities would get on that pretty quick im guessing
It is. So now try to insure an AI.
based and trucker pilled response
>live in the midwest
>rent is ~515/mo+utilities 600ish
>WFH as well
>Mostly eat in Sunday->Thursday
>pregame at home early on fridays and saturdays before bar or weekend out
>spend maybe 100-120/wk on outings each weekend with friends
>rest of my cash to savings/travel fund
>take train to ORD for dogshit cheap for flights
>travel during shit winter months where little sunlight or things to do
I am wondering about this also, If I was able to get a remote job would it be better to do that? Seems like when people do the digital nomad thing they limit themselves to be able to get access to local banks & rentals in their host country. I sort of have career roots laid down right now in marketing so I could go the remote route, but I want to live abroad outside the US, so would it make sense to just become a TEFL teacher or work for some company abroad? Id like to stay somewhere for at least 6 months to a year, the whole nomad thing just seems very unpredictable and limiting, but maybe I am wrong,
bank account might be a problem but why do you need one? just use cash
1-year rentals aren't a problem at least in Asia, but why would you want to commit to a single country, single city, and single apartment for a year??

being a nomad is extremely flexible: after you get bored of some place you just move to new one
Based swashbuckling real American
Dream height frfr
yeah, I get that but you can get real in depth with just 1 country, see things that most people who just come and visit for a few weeks may never discover. Use whatever city you stay in as the base and just take short trips all over the country for months. Idk, I just think going in depth and learning more with some places is more fun than surface level stuff.
Doing nothing? Is that how non-burgers view tech jobs? I wish I could understand IT shit
I quit my office job to travel. Save up a lot, quit, go back to work when it runs out. It’s a constant cycle. I recently ran out of savings and doing some odd jobs to put off going back to work a little longer.
What's that like? I've been considering a career change, how much days a year do they usually have free not at sea?
>I don't have the skills or qualifications to be a digital nomad but heh dowanna be one anyway! Stupid dorks
>I didn't invest in Bitcoin when I first heard about it and missed out on being a millionaire and retiring early but HEH stupid garbage Internet money anyway!
I am thankful everyday that I don't have low IQ cope mindest and instead of seethe and sneed I face things honestly and constantly work to improve myself
I have a shithole passport but I am a permanent resident in Europe which allows me to travel pretty much anywhere, and I also hold a 10 year visitor visa issued by the U.S. I work in the IT as a security engineer and I get a decent salary here with 4 weeks of mandatory holiday a year. It is nice.
Depends on the company or union. Could be 21-14, 30-30, 60-30,90-90,120-120 etc. I'm at a Maritime Academy now working on my 3M unlimited license, hoping to do 60-60 when I start shipping.
>whats that like?
You'll work every day, collect OT, get addicted to zyns, be sleep deprived, but make good money and have more time off in large chunks than most.
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>I don't have the skills or qualifications to be a digital nomad
I never pursued a career in coding because most coders are soiboy faggots and college is a Judeo-Bolshevik indoctrination camp. Most coders are smug midwits with no context of history and how they're being manipulated.

You are quite literally supporting skynet and fostering your own replacement. I've developed a strong set of principles in life that contradicts the putrid, self-annihilative current of the mainstream.

So I've instead opted for a high-paying career that does the least harm to God's green earth. An honest career. We are judged by what we do in this life and I do not want to identify with those who cooperated in destroying humanity for a paycheck and relative comfort.
I work remotely in Asia and I don't know how to code. You have a stunted, low-growth mindset.
Nothing wrong with being blue-collar but it's a lack of introspection and self-honesty. You're clearly trying to demonstrate you have some intellectual capita but you are the definition of blue collar. So I get the impression you want to be more but those who have more are "faggots". It's like you've warped Nietchze's concept into 'will to disempower'
Face up to what you want, and if you can't have it, at least face that you wanted it and wish those who have it well. Don't fabricate a complex theory of how everyone who achieved your dream is actually contributing to the dystopia you feel you live in
>You'll work every day, collect OT, get addicted to zyns, be sleep deprived
Not to different from how things currently are for me I work almost every day.

>but make good money and have more time off in large chunks than most
This is where it would be different I'd love to have large chunks of time off to travel more. I'd be making more to help fund more travel as well.
What do I do with a few hundred K sitting in a Wise account that's never been taxed anywhere? I'm afraid that if I just start transferring it into my bank they'll start asking questions. I'm not resident of a country where I can apply for a Wise debit card for ATM withdrawals
What do you do
You could of just said
>”i have a few hundred k please give me attention”
>working remote
>HCOL city
>at least I'm not renting
Imagine being this fucking dumb
Stagnant pathetic human beings should be purged from the planet or at least this thread

I have about $150,000, I don't have a home, I don't have a car and only dirt cheap health insurance. I travel with my backpack and laptop and trade my $150000 portfolio on the stock market. If I make a profit, I pay myself a few thousand dollars and continue to live my miserable life in hostels and 3rd world countries
Get started then, hopefully you're an American citizen so you can reap those sweet sweet jones act bucks.
interesting. Fed/state/county/city? LE, interp? Seasonal or full-time?
t. USFS wildland firefighter

(which is not a bad gig for this sort of thing, but the agency is trying to move towards a more permanent workforce. nobody making $44/hr except maybe GS-fantastics ADing, GS-supervisors with locality/hazard/OT, and contractors who don't get benefits at all or work when they're not committed to an incident)

That sounds terrible. The lack of freedom is too much for me.
I'm a student in the UK and get my money from student loans and my parents
Student loans: about £5000 a year
Parents: about £6000 a year
I went travelling twice this year (each for a week) with my gf and spent roughly £500 each time, she also spent around £500 both times
I might go travelling again in the summer but that would be supported off money from my summer job that I will (fingers crossed) get soon
I didn't travel at all last year and all travelling prior to that was with my family
70% of astronauts are active duty officers between the ranks of O4 and O6 whove been in 6 to 10 years. 6 to 9k a month. Theres probably some additional stippends, hazard pay flight pay etc. 100 to 170k a year
Whats the endgame bro? Youre in a hamster wheel of a different size
Now THIS is based
I was on board with you until i realized you're just hooing and hawing about another medical career that takes 2 decades of school to get. Yeah no thanks, a 20 year old idiot in tech sales with no degree can do this exact same thing whilst only working 10 hours a week. An IT cert that leads to a remote career within a year or so is also more worth the hassle. No wonder I've never heard of radiology, or other "great" medical careers besides being a surgeon/pediatrician, LOL
I run private tours for boomers, they tell me where they want to go, i organize everything, they request the basics (France, Spain, Germany, and so) most of the time and i shoehorn some of the places i want to go to make their trip more "impressive" for their other old friends, it takes at most some hours to plan a trip, some hours investigating landmarks and learning some of the history, and you can add enough "commision" fees to pay for your tickets, food and hotel and it's still a lot cheaper than travel agencies tours
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As I read, the jobs with travel are
>Selling Person/Marketer
>Park/Government Job

Euro > USA for breaks
Asia is pretty cool, and most ppl on here make 80k ish

Anything else that I forgot to add?
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fuck anon im in the same-ish situation (just got out, 70% disability.) I know the amount between 70 and 100 is pretty big, but can you give me advice on a few things? First, do you think I could go for the 100 now? I was being being pushed to go for the 100 at the time, but I felt dirty doing it, so I didn't, but now I regret it and don't give a fuck. It's a lot of money. Do you think it's worth fighting to try and get some extra percentage points? Secondly, what do you do for travel? Really wanna do this stuff
I think it's important to know that even though I'm a tech bro I still couldn't afford to travel until I had been working and saving for over a decade. it's hard to find the money to travel for everybody.
>go on biz
> think 7 figs in crypto is nothing and 400k salary is shit despite spending 10 years getting go this point
> switch to trv instead
> retards here think like 100k is a lot
Most are larping some are legit. If you want to actually make a lot of money just find something you can do every day forever and just get good at it, no matter how much time it takes. Worked for me at least. Throughout the way you will probably have to deal with a lot of misunderstandings you have of yourself. It's hard but worth it
NTA but also 100%. Yes fight for it. Every nigger woman in the military gets 100 percent after being a pog for 4 years why not you? Depression alone should get 70 and just add shit till you max out. Complain about everything. File a claim for litteraly everything in your record. A fucking papercut? File a claim
>retards here think like 100k is a lot
Depends on the how long the trip is and where you go. In some countries at least the USD goes pretty far in terms of purchasing power.
>So I've instead opted for a high-paying career that does the least harm to God's green earth. An honest career.
What’s your career?
>taking biz seriously
Anon most people there are larpers
That's the same with everything in life, but nonzero subset have unironically made it, most are still mentally ill tho
>Is this an actual plan or am I being naive to the taxes and shit that come with it?
Biggest risk is that you're buying heavily overvalued boomer stocks and that your plan changes a lot

Also basically committing to no kids, no property ownership. I used to be in your mindset in my early to mid 20s. Now I have ~1.2M, work a 250k job from asia, still want to accumulate more at age 31

I'll transition from having the corp job eventually I think, but it's not too many hours
I'm 24 but I'm also a corpo slave with 300k/yr TC and only 400k NW, how can I escape this fucking hellhole while everyone in the internet makes my monthly salary per week
>inb4 all of them are larping
At least one of them makes that much, even if it's by scamming. How the fuck are you supposed to do anything in this world fuck me
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Save up money, quit your job, travel, return and get new job, repeat.
Live below your means and prioritize traveling if it's what you really want to do. My wife and I aren't rich but we've gone to Europe a few times. The biggest thing I've noticed is most people don't live below their means and don't how to give up other things to open up some financials or time for travel
I have a friend that did just that, he managed to save about 50 grand over a period of two or three years and then cut out. This was just before covid, and he is still traveling. He spends less than a grand a month, and not takes odd jobs when he can.

A few years ago he spend almost a year in Albania because he was able to live there for less than 500 dollars a month.
No kids, budget monthly income, save 15% of income for travel.
You are are un-ironically correct. Fuck programmers, bunch of fucking dorks.
And the money goes slowly down and the anxiety increases along with the cope
>heh don't want stupid money and a family to love me anyway heh stupid normies heh heh
You need to work hard af and make a load of money and retire early.
I've worked in real hardship places around the world, got a master's degree and pushed myself to stay in places through despair and misery so I can retire early at the end of this year.
Get the pain and hardship all out of the way early
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I can only travel for a few weeks at a time, max of a month per year. I save all of my PTO throughout the year, save money, and take my vacation each year and go where I would like to. When I am at home, I work and I try to not take any time off so i can travel more. No three day weekends or sick days if I can help it.
This is a big part of it. There's two common themes among the most hardcore travelers under retirement age:

Living simply and traveling simply. They live more simply than the average person is willing to live, and they travel much more simply than the average person can handle.
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Traveling for a few weeks is different than traveling for a few months. You can stretch a travel budget pretty far by living and eating cheaply and doing free things, which every country has opportunities for.

Traveling for months on end is different. There's no way to do that if you have a job at home or regular responsibilities. But you never know what people's situations are. Some people just value the experience of travel and will work a job, save every penny, quit, then go splurge on a months long vacation.

Others, yes, will have others fund their vacations, like their parents. But quite frankly, that shouldn't make a difference to you. Don't compare yourself to others because that will lead to nothing good. If you want to travel, save and do what is within your capability of doing, it will be a great experience and something unique to you that you can carry with you.
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Live a minimalistic life, spend it on experiences and bettering your life. Don't buy dumb shit you think you need. Save your money. I repeat, save your fucking money.

People think I'm rich but I'm a broke college kid that allocates my money efficiently. People my age spend thousands of dollars on clothes, eating out every day, drinking at bars, drugs, and useless plastic shit (example: Funko Pops) Then they complain that they have no money.

Also there are cheap ways to travel, Instagram and tiktok makes people believe its unobtainable because they see rich people going on elaborate 100k trips and then have the assumption that is what traveling is.
go back
translation, I tried to get wfh going by starting my own thing but it never worked out for me, have like 2 steady clients but they don't pay the bills, not even close.
Literally this.
I just put money on the side every month, after a few years I quit my job and go for a few months. In between I do smaller vacations (1-3 weeks) without quitting my job.
It's all about priorities. If you really make travel a focus of your life, you don't consider upgrading your working smartphone to the newest version a necessity. Nor will you go eating out every day instead of cooking your own meals. It's a choice about how you spend your resources. Travel isn't even all that expensive if you're choosing guesthouses and budget airlines. If you really want to make travel a focused aspect of your life, you'll find a way. It's all a matter of not spending your money on consumerist bullshit.
Credit card debt
I sold my left tit.
Unconfirmable and no track record; Math begs that the plethora have NOT made it.
Are you working remotely without telling your employer? Travel R82outer style?
What kind of jobs?
I actually met a dude doing this at a hostel in Singapore. He would work seasonal jobs then just hit the road again.
I don't get how these threads come up on such a regular basis, and nobody ever considers the possibility that people can just… save ur money lol.

You don't need an income to travel, you just need money.

People save up for cars, houses, retirements, etc. Same thing with traveling. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
This is the way. People always ask me how I do it like there is some kind of secret, like I won the lottery or something. Truth is, most people spend their money on bills, on mortgages, on clothes or cars. I just spend my money to travel. That's it.
I just don't do anything else.

Whenever I think about spending money I convert it to "days of travel" and decide which will make me happier. It's almost always travel.
Last I heard he was working on a fishing boat in the Faro Islands.
I know he managed a hostel for a little spending money and place to sleep.


He would make friends, and ask if they heard of anything he could do for a little cash under the table.
But to earn the money to travel, he worked on cell towers, putting them up, repairing them, that sort of thing.
Yep, prioritize. Travel isn't that expensive if you're thrifty and make sacrifices elsewhere. International travel is almost always cheaper than traveling in the states, maybe outside of your international flights.
I guess they don't worry about saving for their future?
I’m a remote worker with an $80k gross salary in a state with reasonable taxes and it’s just me. I have no debt and no fixed expenses other than rent and groceries so it’s pretty easy for me to travel. What’s hard, and what I really want, is to be able to afford short term stays in various places and I just can’t do that. I would love to be able to get an AirBnB in a new city every 3-6 months but the monthly rate for an AirBnB is crazy.
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Saving for what? To die alone in a big empty house?

Travel young. Die poor.
I would much rather die with a bunch of life experiences and see the world than die in a nice house and spent most of my life just working.
No wonder he was able to save that much in a short time. Cell tower climber guys get paid handsomely.
Step one. Don't get married. Step two. Don't have kids.
Tell me you're 21 without telling me you're 21
Yeah, Seriously. I'm 32 and some of my clothes are literally from high school, I cut my own hair, and I cook my own food. For the majority of people is all about priorities and what you’re willing to give up to have money and time to travel. Obviously ymmv depending on what jobs you are able to find and housing.

Based virtuous trucker.
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I know a guy who would contract for several months. Then, he would pick countries where the dollar was very strong and go travel/live there for half of the year while doing tour guide stuff in English for English-speaking tourists.

Americans felt sorry for him because he didn't own property and he wasn't married with kids. He never wanted any of those things so I think he's doing great with his life compared to the wageie slaves.
Given boomers ruined everything I just still live with my parents cuz the market sucks. I made about 1.7m in crypto but they don't know that and think I am barely making it in SEA looking for teaching jobs and shit barely making it. They even send me money from time to time lol.
How does one become a contractor?
I sometimes do IT gigs and I have some semi-passive income from rentals back when they were affordable in my home country, but the majority of my income that I use for living expenses comes from teaching English. I teach online for $20-50/hr depending on the student. The higher rates are for students who want finance and legal focus, and also for accent coaching.
I work about 4 days a week, maybe blocks of 6 hours each that aren't always full. In a bad month, I get about $2000, maybe double that in a good month. This money doesn't go far back home, but it's good money for Asia. Currently coasting off a 5 year visa in Japan. Before my fifth year, I'll either take another local job to renew my visa or I'll move back to SEA.
A lot of people hate on English teachers because there's a lot of guys who know nothing about teaching and have really smug, punchable faces (it's true), but I like this life. I'm burned out from my decades working in IT. Sometimes I do a simple dev gig for what seems like easy money, but it depresses me. I used to think I was an introvert who didn't like talking to people, but it turned out I actually do like talking to people, I enjoy helping people learn, and I like fucking exotic women.
I guess because cars and houses are loans that you pay off over time (typically), and retirement is something you save for for 40-50 years. Whereas travel is something you need ALL your money for, up front.

I agree with your point that 'you just need to save', just, think that comparison isn't necessarily great.
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So obvious it hurts.
>I don't get how these threads come up on such a regular basis, and nobody ever considers the possibility that people can just… save ur money lol.
>You don't need an income to travel, you just need money.
This thread is just mislabeled. OP conflates "traveling" with "being a nomad". And most of the replies are indeed people with remote jobs or people who want to get one.
This is me (27M) at the moment. In the middle of a 6 month holiday with my girlfriend. We both quit our jobs :)
I got lucky and got stationed in singapore. super low income tax, zero capital gains tax, earn strong currency in a country surrounded by those with weak currency. The island being small as fuck also motivates travel, and it has the best airport mall in the world.
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I guess a good type of job for this would just be temporary contracts and just live abroad somewhere cheap when you are not working.

Working at a seasonal resort that provides room and board for free (or at discount) might be a good way to do this.
I've seen people spend less in 6 months backpacking in S.E Asia than I spend in a week on my vacations.

There are many different ways to afford it.
Maker May 2024 is underway, so whip out your game and get making! Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release!
Make cards!
Make classes!
Make props!
Make advanced ports of Fortnite animations!
I feel seen
Plan it.
Be frugal.
The more you put aside for now, the more you can enjoy if you do it right.
this. Zogbot that take lengthy vacations 2-3 times a year. The secret is not telling your employer where you're going- you just tell them you're "going on vacation." Saving up money is key because it opens you up to actually doing activities. After 2020, so many new "remote work" jobs are available now and after this stint, I would probbably succeed in that realm. All I need is a good laptop and internet and I can make money over the net. Just need to make it more official than being a Zog
Or get a job with PTO
PTO is gonna give you a few weeks a year at best. At most US jobs, anyway. These people who go off on year long adventures are either remote workers or flat out unemployed. My job has PTO that I'd bank up and after being there for 13 years I still only got about 4 weeks off a year.
Heres my tip, as a friend.
Buy a pen.
Heres another tip, because you had okay DC meme.
You will be bored and angry, so bring games and some comfort food.

Oh yeah and if someone is rude at you for no reason, just let it go. Youre not there to get even, so you always have to be the one whos under heaviest burden of them all, saying thank you back to a fuck you. If you cant do that, i dont think youre cut out for this.
Doesn't marriage save you money since you have to pay less taxes? Unless you're talking about not being able to travel alone any longer once you're married.
Have you tried being born rich?
ever thought of being an IT coach? I encountered many coaches when i did my web dev bootcamp who tuned into zoom class from cambodia and such. also any tips for a someone with basic js and react skills to get their first dev gigs? currently teaching myself sanity cms so i can actually build something for a small biz customer. also know a lot of three.js for some reason
Don't need to be rich to travel cheap
Ahh gotcha. I have about 5 weeks and I've used quite a bit here and there. I've only been there 3 years. We also have sick leave which is separate.
also imagine the savings on home appliances, rent, buying food in bulk etc
off-set by women being consumerist pigs
move to the USA and make 500k/yr average salary fully remote as a radiology bvll
Exactly people think it's all lavish or something but money goes so far in some places. Literally can get a pretty amazing suite in SEA for like $20-50/night. Hostels are $5-20/night. Pay for a flight with points and that's a cheap vacation. People think it costs the same as traveling in the US or Europe, but it’s much cheaper.
I'm 18 and have saved up lots from working. Every once in a while I go on skyscanner and if I see an extremely attractive deal, I can't shake it off and just book it.
You sound like me. I've got 5 or so businesses that have failed and put me in major debt. I looked around at other options, degrees, companies I could work for, etc. Coincidentally I ended up getting a Digital Marketing degree because I thought it was going to be valuable knowledge in the near future.

I doubt you are actually 2 decades behind everyone else, you simply have different experiences than those people you're comparing yourself to.

If you are anything like me, I suggest doubling down. Your business may have failed but you're still an entrepreneur, it's likely you won't thrive in a corporate environment. You could apply your experience to a new business, you have the ultimate knowledge of what doesn't work.
Oh yeah i saw some blonde burn her entire villages funding on limousine and drugs. Woooooo. Now youre broke again after that lottery win, good for you man.
I guess, but you can do this with just about any job if you live in a first world country
doesnt fly when you have a TS and youre billeted to the NSA, not declaring offical travel WILL get you prison time
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>not declaring offical travel WILL get you prison time
you file tourism leave travel every once in a while and go through the proper channels. Do it enough times and they dont question you the other dates- so long as you don't do anything stupid that gets to be put on paper. Everyone does it- atleast with my employment- despite the legal hurdles it usually takes with that kind of clearance/responsibility. Like I said, don't be retarded with your vacation "activities". It's the newbies that get into shit and ruin it for everyone else. Even as a Zogbot- you have much freedom. The old sayings keep being briefed to us
>be smart dont get caught
>we dont want to hear about it on the news
>we dont want to pick your ass up
>come back when its time to come back
>pass the drug test later
Hey anons, I'd be willing to have a talk about my thoughts as well off this site if you wanna.
Quit role entry level tech sales recently.
Went to Malta recently, friend makes 12M/y w/ e-com, acquaintance I met makes 900K+/y w/ affiliate. It's possible.

I can go SDR->AE, but then I'll still be working for someone else.
I'm thinking of studying DM myself for a year remotely in Asia.
Or just starting e-com right now or soonish.

First friend with 12M/y, I used to live with him and another guy in a shared apt. The 3rd guy went to Asia and started an agency (I gave him pointers, he did it, makes good money). I couldn't join him because I was still studying at the time.

I've studied Entrepreneurship among other things.
I know it ends up w/ me owning land/ranch. Just trying to figure out the middle part.
I just work min wage and save buxx for the once a year trip. I invest constantly and never eat out. I steal food from the mcjobs constantly so that helps a ton. Over the years I’ve piled up tons of investment capital that in turn now funds my months abroad.

I also get ultra cheap plane tickets at the wrong time of year and then just overstay into the fun season

My biggest fear is getting stopped and deported at immigration because they dont like my flight plans (they’re wonky to save cash)

Eventually I plan to just get a boat and then live and travel on there

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