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>Work dead end job for 6 months, live at home being miserable as fuck but save money
>Then travel in SE Asia for next 6 months, being happy and fulfilled

This is my life now and I will never stop. I work in a warehouse and live with my mom. I suffer every day but I know that I will soon have 6 months of pure freedom, relaxation and hedonism in Asia that awaits me and where I can be whatever I want to be. Any others living a similar life or thinking of doing so?

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>feelings of a thrill that becomes less and less satisfying as time goes by
This is just true for traveling in general. These doomers posting about how life is meaningless without travel, there's no jobs, every other cope response, etc. have spent maybe four or five months tops traveling and have yet to figure it out that trv is just escapism at it's purest form and you can't run from purpose and responsibility your entire life
doubt mr ruminator, now show fedora brownie
Probably one of them is jeet jannie, he seethes about whites. You can spot him because he refers to whites as
Sucks to be brown
You already made your point, take your meds and stop double posting
It can go both ways. I had a lot of fun younger and I don't dwell on the memories very often. I sometimes feel like I wasted time not taking work more seriously and feel behind in life.

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What are the most dangerous feeling places you guys have traveled to?
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How do I get a job like that? Seems perfect for me.
I have no family except for mom who lives in another state, no wife/gf, no children (big surprise on 4chan right). I wasn't in the military though, is that a requirement?
Security clearance is your ticket, then get with a contracting company with a job skill you have. Some sponsor security clearances. Looking up big government contractors and look on their websites for overseas positions.
>Fucking Africa.
yeah I was in zanzibar this year, it is really shameless. These guys try to be your friends and act personal and homie and care free then the next day come with some sob story about how they need a little bit of money.
San Salvador, El Salvador felt a tad dangerous, as did Salvador, Brazil as soon as you left the "tourist" bits.

Someone tried to rob me in Managua, Nicaragua. I found parts of the Philippines unnerving and didn't like exploring after dark in Panama City past the tourist zone.

I was tear gassed in Istanbul but that was just unlucky as I accidentally ended up near a protest.
I visited Jackson Mississippi to volunteer during their water crisis and attempted to get a fried bologna sandwich from this shop I’d seen on YouTube travel channels. I witnessed two sets of vehicles with guys hanging out of the windows firing fully automatic weapons at each other. Neither could hit the other car but bullets were spraying all over the place. I hit the ground and I heard bullets ricocheting off the walls and popping on the ground around me. I will NEVER go back to Jackson Mississippi again.

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Hows Mexico City? Thinking about going there for two weeks to a month

Hows the mogging scene there?
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All depends on the rains. I think it rained early this year.
I only got robbed by the police in Mexico, when I foolishly slept in my car on a quiet city street, got woken up by cops, and handed them a bag containing my wallet and other personal items for "inspection" as demanded. My business dealings with Mexicans on the street were often curt, but I never really worried about getting ripped off, overcharged or scammed.
Neat - thanks for the map!
While I got your attention, besides Chichen Itza - what other ruins in the Yucatan region are worth seeing? I have to be somewhat selective.

I have been robbed by the cops twice down there, saw a women get her car stolen at gun point with her children inside, two beaners also tried to rob me at knife point. Fuck mexico and fuck mexicans.
>Wanna go to Mexico City
Mexican here. Why?
>The mogging scene
As in getting mugged or as in getting laid?
Getting your shit stolen is very likely if you walk around flaunting. Getting laid is whatever

But in general, why would you go to CDMX? It's the closest we have to a Hive City in the world. Cyberpunk dystopian with all the shitty parts and no cool bionic upgrades. Food is expensive and shitty. Maybe if you're gonna be on the really really expensive part of the city rubbing elbows with narcos.
Mexico has cool places, beautiful people and good food

Just not in Mexico City, it's a Skaven den piece of shit and every other place detects when their people is nearby because how they speak and walk, always with double intentions. They city is unironically run by narcos, commies and jews, actual jews, and the air is toxic to any human. Not to the DFctuoso, because they already adapted to cholera and food poisoning, so air with lead won't kill them, just drop their IQ levels once again, but won't notice either.

And it's a metropolis, has everything you want from a city, yet you don't really want to go anywhere or can't. 3 hour drives is the norm. Moving through the metro is the best bet.

If you really REALLY have to go you don't walk into the police. Never do contact with them. If you get robbed maybe you could contact somebody but 90% they're not gonna help not because they are corrupt (they are) but because they're dumb asses and the worst kind of people are CDMX police officers.

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There's good food everywhere, but some places simply seem to have an over abundance of it. What are some places you've visited and/or are familiar with that you can say with confidence: "If you go there and don't eat well, it’s your own fault."
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The soups are all top tier. Sancocho ajiaco mondongo. Coastal Colombian cuisine is goated. The mountain and llano food are an acquired taste. Fried dry ass meat that tastes like dirt mixed with sawdust.
>omg all the food in Asia is AMAZING!
because it's all saturated with MSG, you silly fucks
I can't believe Perú hasn't been mentioned yet. The best food country in South America. Delicious, flavourful food made from fresh ingredients everywhere.
Maybe it’s not that great?. I think it’s the lack of spice. I have yet had a good lomo saltado. Better than other South American but that isn’t saying much.
Florence, Italy has overall the best food I have ever eaten.

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Am I the only guy who likes to travel abroad and try local McDonald's stuff? Pic related, Banana Pie in Brazil
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I like to do this. I had a Cheddar Wave in the airport at a Burger King in Portugal. I got a double so it was
>2 fried chicken patties
>2 slices of American cheese
>2 slices of tomatoes
>A large cheese curd patty made of Velveeta like cheese
It made me constipated for 24 hours but it was quite tasty. I was a little disappointed there was not cheese sauce on it, it looked like there was. I guess they were thinking biting into the cheese curd patty was like a "wave". Maybe they simply forgot to put the cheese sauce on?
>What do you think street food in India is?
Having just visited there: good. You can get a proper meal from some street food vendors. And yes, I know you have some meme webms queued up. I don't care.
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When I was dating a Jewish girl I visited Israel. Found out it’s kind of taboo to eat meat and cheese together. So instead of cheese the default is hummus. Hummus burgers ain’t bad though.
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Samurai Mac!
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Fun fact: In Chicago, there is a McDonald's that serves some of the international/global food items. It’s known as the "Global menu" McDonald's.

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thai food vs viet food which is better ???
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Universities are probably your best best. Try Ton Duc Thang, RMIT, UEH, FTU, Hutech…depends on when they’re hiring though
Is it the parents fault or what?
I regularly post these threads in /asean/ inviting them here because these threads suck and have the same primative shit posters here who haven't left since 2017
already have multiple dates lined up after my first night in Da Nang, white dork status AVOIDED
Vietnamese in Vietmam don't practice traditional culture either. Look at their sky high abortion rates.

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What is it actually like to live in Florida?

To put it short. I'm sick of cold winters. I want to live next to theme parks... (not a disney adult)
I've visited Orlando a few times, so I'm not just shooting in the dark, but I wonder from any locals, what do I not understand as just a tourist?
What is the deal with all of the development complexes and HOA's? how do you even know which ones are for old people? What area's do I avoid?
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Surely California and Texas are better. Aren’t most of the Hispanics in Florida Caribbean Islanders?
>born in ohio
>lived in florida for 7 years
>had to move back to ohio due to shit circumstances
>been 7 months
>this thread is making me miss it
god I wish florida was more affordable without being geriatric
Saying you want to live in a big city is one thing, but what exactly is so unique about picking NYC, Chicago, Philly, etc.? you are just saying you want to live "in a city"

The point I made about Orlando is that it has much more unique elements. FL is one of the few places that has pleasant weather through the winter, has lots of beaches, and is home to the largest tourist attraction hub in the US.
As someone born in Miami and has spent a lot of time in Miami and Orlando this thread is insanely depressing that apparently America doesn't get much better.
I fucking hate it here. I don't understand what anyone sees in this place.
>What is so special and unique about Orlando
You don't know what "community" is until you've been to a Magic game. Culturally, it's one of the few places where "diversity" feels organic, unforced, and functional; Florida is like this in general for the most part. As for things to do, I have lived in the 407 my entire life, minus a few years here and there, and I still haven't run out of things to do within an hour of where I live. Climate is perfect (if 80/90 degree days bother you, you're fat; stop being fat) with god-tier natural beauty/experiences.

>Pittsburgh is an actual city, and a lot better to live in than Orlando
Yeah, if you like bitterly cold winters, having nothing to do, and having shady Northeastern neighbors. If I gotta some something nice about the Pitt... you're close to some really pretty woodlands, I guess?

Disney's problems are, in no particular order, that it's rested on it's laurels for far too long (thankfully, Epic Universe has put the fear of God into them, so things should improve here), they're out of touch with their core demographic (families with kids) and they've lost the script on their brand identity.

Also, Universal is MOGGING them right now; parks are better, special events are better, and CityWalk is so much better than Disney Springs it's kind of sad.

>Philly is much better than people think

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Here's mine for a 3 week vacation in Catalonia + Andorra

Andorra (3 days): Go hiking/climbing/cycling in the mountains

Lleida (2 days): Check out the city for one day, then go hiking in Mont-Rebei Gorge

Tarragona (4 days): Roman ruins, the beach, vineyards, monestaries. Really a fuck ton to do.

Girona (5 days): There's even more here. First of all the city itself was a filming location for Game of Thrones.
Costa Brava has so many beautiful towns, too many to list, most notably Cadaques which is near Cap De Creus.
Olot provides a natural park with inactive volcanoes.

Barcelona (5 days): Has enough to explore in the city without travelling out.
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Interesting choice of going to Kyrgystan, don't know what there is to see there except rural villages
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this was my plan for 3 days in Rome. I am a very obsessive travel planner and will do everything in advance (apart from picking restaurants)

good luck parking in hallstatt then lmao
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i.e. I make a document like this for every trip with details
>good luck parking in hallstatt then lmao
I won't park in the town itself lol, but there are plenty of free parking areas at various distances from town
I did a day-trip to Andorra from Barcelona and it is doable if you go early and plan something interesting to do during siesta time.

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Anon, what is essential to know if you want to travel to Malta?
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Don't count on the bus to ever be on time. The roads are fucking dumb also. Lots of south and central americans there to learn english. Bout it.
>Lots of south and central americans there to learn english. Bout it.
What do you mean ?
If you go in the winter, particularly January, it's super fucking cheap to stay as they're just trying to fill as many hotel rooms as possible

> St Julians is trashy as fuck, think Port Royal in the 1700s, a jungle of drugs, sex and degeneracy surrounded by casinos and night clubs. Dont book a hotel there or you will regret it. If you must book a hotel stick to Sliema or Valletta.
True of Paceville but Spinola Bay is comfy
>If you go in the winter, particularly January, it's super fucking cheap to stay
But is it too cold?
Been there during christmas and the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold.
But I generally dont like warm weather, so it might be too cold for you.

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>Last Thread: >>2648804

>"remember, we parked the car under rollercoaster C" edition.

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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So basically fuck anyone who doesn't like parking lot coasters?
Kek! Hagrid does wind its way through some nicely themed ruins but the first time I rode it I didn’t even notice them
The opposite actually, I'm just dressing it up in snark. Disney pricing out more people is a prime opportunity for regional parks to try and build up more atmosphere and characters. We've had parks reviving retired characters like the Knotts Bears or the Speelunkers at Six Flags over Texas, Georgia has walkaround Monster Mansion characters now, themed overhauls of legacy coasters, new parks trying to make a mark for themselves. It's a much more interesting time then the coaster wars.
Agreed. I prefer some theming to none at all. I was pleasantly surprised at the nicely themed aeronautica landing area at Carowinds. They have a bar there with screens behind it to mimic airline windows. Copperhead Strike was nicely themed too. Cedar Fair’s been pretty good at this in recent years and I think it will continue after the merger considering Six Flags is getting in on it too. It’s nice to see
Obsessed Disney parks and resorts fans are still on the Disney Adult spectrum.

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I'm going to Berlin for the first time this month. Any tips or recommendations?

I'm already pretty set on visiting historical sites and the museum island but I'm clueless when it comes to restaurants, bars, cafes and the public transport. Would also like to know the best student type sports bars. Also, is it safe enough to walk around at night?
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Study the public transit system before you go. Stay at a hotel or hostel near a major U Bahn or tram stop. It’s a big city but easy to get around quickly.
Canal boat tours. Potsdam. A shit load of museums. So much history.
Berlin is cheap when it comes to dining out, compared to other major cities in Europe.
Tip one is pretty good, but i stayed in arguably the most unsafe district, Wedding, and it was still fairly safe compared to Paris.
If you plan to go to clubs, prepare to gaymaxx, preferably have a male friend and hold hands when arriving at the line.
There's a few underground tours you can take (WW2 air raid bunker, Berlin Wall tunnels) but I did the nuclear bunker which was really cool. We met at the ticket booth and walked through the street to an unassuming door on a bridge that went down to it. Something different
Thank you all for the recommendations. Any bars/restaurants specifically you rate highly?
Yeah Potsdam looks really nice, I'm going to visit Sansoucci 100%. If the weather stays good I'll go to the lakes and chill out there.

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I'm here right now and fail to understand the draw of this place. It has the demographics of India and some South American Venezuelan ghetto with a sprinkle of habibis on top and at night becomes a degenerate absolute hellhole dump reminiscent of a favela
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>You must be fantastically oblivious to your surroundings, kek

How so?
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Yeah man, damn right, already 20% of the syrians that fled to Germany are now working and paying taxes to the state. And that was just over a decade ago. Just imagine the numbers we can achieve after half a century, we might be able to have 30-35% of them working for a living!
OP here. I ended up leaving Barcelona and went further down to Sitges. It has a lot of gays but they stick to their own little area and the chill level is like a trillion times higher than Barcelona. No Moroccans, pajeets or Bantus.
Wokeism is an American mind virus. it makes sense that it's in English.
I've not locked my car or house for years, even when I go away on holiday.
Imagine living in such a low trust society full of absolute deadshits and admitting it

is this a thing? I was thinking asia would be where its at, lots of rice and soup and vegetables.

also I've read a few times american food is so toxic that people feel different/better after eating somewhere else for a while. could this be legit or they just feel good because they're on vacation? sorry if this thread is better suited to /fit/
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Thanks glowie for confirming that US life expectancy is in fact even lower than statistically represented because of all the jews, blacks, and democrats lying about who died.
Still better than crypto ads, I guess

You will loose a lot of weight and fast.
After several trips to Europe and Asia, I’ve concluded that walkable cities unironically keep you from getting fat. Just 1 mile walked is about 100kcals. You do three miles a day, every single day, and that’s like 30lbs in a year. Over the course of a lifetime, and it makes a big fucking difference.
Not a coincidence that Bongistan, the most car dependent country in (or not in lol) Europe is also the fattest.
and where will you travel to keep the weight off? because you will just gain it back in your country if you need to travel to another country to lose it

I am in Chiang Mai Thailand for a month, what should I do here?
What is your ethnicity and general age?
Hapa (half white, half chinese) american
rent a scooter. ride out to tiger village. you like tennis? check out the stadium complex.
walk around and street interview roasties using a tiny mic on a stick.
Eat noodles, especially Khao soi, which is better than its Burmese ancestor (kaukswe).

Why is Poland so underrated? Why do tourists pick even the (imho) ugly dilapidated shithole of Budapest over any city in Poland? There's nothing to see in Budapest except the parliament building... and even it is p boring I mean it's just a single feature repeated like 1000 times. And there's nothing glorious about it or anything of Hungary's history of subjugation first by mongols then by Turks then by Austrians...

I think the erstwhile capital of the Most Serene Sarmatian Republic, Kraków, mogs both budapest AND prague. Prague is cool because the old town is huge, but it doesn't even have a market square or any landmark.
Kraków even has an Art Deco-inspired MODERN skyscraper (Unity Tower)
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i think breslav is better
i lived there for years but only in warsaw. people are incredibly cold socially, the men are all whiny cunts, their english is terrible, their language is useless to learn, the food is awful, and you’re not close to driving or taking a train to anything nice. so no one goes there unless they have to. the expats are a small group and theyre all miserable, even the polish americans that speak polish cant wait to leave. the only person that enjoyed it was that pickup artist in poznan but i guess he had a thing for polish girls. theyre pretty mid, their noses are too big. huge asses though
warsaw is extremely walkable and clean, and its beautiful with all the parks, and zabkas on every corner have good food and snacks
maybe tricity would be better to live for an expat, but if you work remote theres just way better options. vienna for example you could make the same arguments about people being cold, but they speak better english and learning german is actually worth a fuck, the food is better, you’re a short drive from a ton of beautiful cities and landscapes, blahblahblah
>the food is awful
hard disagree, 13 out of 100 is bretty good https://www.tasteatlas.com/best/cuisines
Beautiful but doesn't Austria levy a 90% tax for high earners?
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