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I'm here right now and fail to understand the draw of this place. It has the demographics of India and some South American Venezuelan ghetto with a sprinkle of habibis on top and at night becomes a degenerate absolute hellhole dump reminiscent of a favela
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you didnt get the message?
I'm going next month but sticking to making it a day trip while focusing the rest of my time in the national park inland from Tarragona. Any recommendations for hidden gem buildings or monuments worth checking out?
Why is all the graffiti in English, isn't this Spain
Why would it be in spanish if its aimed at tourists?
Architecture and history is great. Locals suck. It’s probably good to visit if you’re gay. I couldnt believe how many flaming gay men there were in Barcelona
im arriving on Monday lets meetup
Gaudi architecture is interesting and the vibe away from tourist dense areas is cool. But yes there’s a lot of pickpocketing, and they have had a housing crisis for decades so they hate that you’re there.
I’ve travelled to 40+ countries and visited every continent but Antartica.

I eventually settled on living in Barcelona because it’s the best fucking city in the world, hands down. I love everything here.

I’ve lived in BCN for a while now and don’t EVER plan on moving anywhere else.

>at night becomes a degenerate absolute hellhole dump reminiscent of a favela

A) You’re going to the wrong places.
B) The places that are like that have their own charm and excitement, you just need to know where to look.

One thing that I’ll say is, because Barcelona is so overtouristed, it’s hard to break through the ice and see the real city. Sounds cliche but it’s true.

I’m happy to share the best spots for food, best neighbourhoods to hang out in etc.
>Handful of commie activists represent several million people
How is me sleeping in a dorm with 11 other people in bunk beds doing anything to exacerbate the housing crisis? So all tourists leave and you can fit a family of 4 in the space a hostel takes up and lose all the cash that's put into your economy?
Where do locals (real locals) hang out? Is normal Spanish enough there?
>Muh real city
have you not read the "real local guidebook"? Its what locals all over the world read.
It’s a difficult question because you’ll find locals everywhere. Mostly though, small neighbourhood bars or “Chinos” (since they’re all run by Chinese people), there’s quite literally one on every street and they’re very cheap. Any of those outside of the main tourist streets and areas are where you will find most locals hanging out. Also, if you’re into clubs/partying, avoid any of the ones near Villa Olympica (the beach) or La Rambla if you’re looking to interact with locals. Locals do not go to those places whatsoever.

>Is normal Spanish enough there.
Go home 10% of our gdp and employment, welcome stabbers and welfare queens.
I'm sorry, but this is racist garbage.
Tourists bring shite low quality jobs and price locals out of their own city. Refugees work hard and provide vital labour.
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you get what you deserve
What people do behind their own doors is their own business.
At least I'm not the bigoted asshole here who thinks I'm owed something because of where I was born. I earn my shit.
yes you are very strong and independent. if you build a house, you should give it away you fucking RACIST BIGOTED PIECE OF SHIT.
So when are you paying reparations?
Imagine extrapolating this from what I said, kek. You're brainwiped.
It's just Christian to help others in need. You don't seem to understand this basic concept.
Oh, you're a christcuck makes sense why you prefers blacks and jews to white people.
It was 'christcucks' who were responsible for the modern world, idiot. "christcucks" literally invented everything you use and all the systems you benefit from.
It's not surprising that you love greed and hate, you're satanic. Barcelona is good because it's Christian.
Individual poorfags in hostels don’t affect it. But with 30m overnights a year, a lot of accommodation is allocated to tourists instead of the 1.5m residents and it drives them mad. Something like a tenth of all conveniently located rentals were on Airbnb at one point. I can understand why they seethe
How many accomodations do immigrations take up?
I’ll follow up with this since I have the time now.

The great thing about Barcelona is that there really is everything here. A developed city with great infrastructure, decent career opportunities, located within just a couple of hours to most of Europe, beach culture, good weather, beautiful women, the list goes on.

There’s a rough side to the city, that’s for sure. It has its charm, especially if you like hopping around dirt cheap bars, meeting strange local characters and engaging with degenerates.

There’s also an opulent side to the city, amazing rooftop bars, incredible gourmet restaurants, plush modern neighbourhoods.

The city has three major problems, imo. First one being that tourists generally gravitate to major spots like Plaça Catalunya and La Rambla, generally dives with not much worth seeing, overpriced drinks and shitty food. I’ve known many people who simply stick to this area because they don’t really know what’s going on outside of it. Leaves a really bad taste in some peoples mouths.

Second thing is the pickpocket issue, it’s insanely, insanely overblown but the city is left a reputation solely because of clueless American tourists who leave suitcases outside of hotels and iPhones in their back pockets. Not an issue if you use common sense.

The final thing is that it is incredibly overtouristed. Really makes a big difference to the city.
>it's your fault that we steal your phone!
you hear the same shit from colombians and brazilians lol. this is usually a tell that you are living in a shithole
I had a colleague who is actually from Barcelona who had is laptop stolen at the airport as he was getting into a taxi, someone grabbed the bag and ran off with it. The place sounds like a shithole.
it’s called basic situational awareness. It applies to literally everywhere, even if the crime differs slightly.

It’s a very simple point, pickpocketing is genuinely rare, but you should pay attention to your shit. It’s as simple as that.

The difference is, you don’t get stabbed, shot and murdered like you do in the US, where accidentally going into the wrong neighbourhood could have you literally murdered in cold blood, and you’ll probably be blamed for it too because you’re a racist evil whitey lmao.

Lived here for several years. Never been stolen from. Don’t know anyone that has. Never even seen a crime once.
As I said in my post, it’s sadly a problem. I’m not denying that.

There is a solution though, which is being aware of your shit. It’s very easily preventable.
>it's called basic situational awareness
no, it's called victim blaming.
If Whitey walks into the wrong neighborhood and gets murdered by some nogs, do I blame Whitey for being naive and going down a bad street? No, I'm going to blame the nog that murdered someone.
Hahahaha the funny part here is you sound likely a winey little leftist bitch.

There’s a reason you lock your car when you leave it outside your driveway, no matter how safe your neighbourhood is.

There’s a reason why you lock your front door and maybe have a security system, even if you’ve never experienced a break-in.

We can acknowledge that the people committing the crime are ultimately in the wrong, but not taking basic precautions is downright stupid and irresponsible.

If a woman goes out, gets hammered drunk in a skimpy little dress and decides to walk home through a bad neighbourhood at 3am instead of paying a few bucks for a taxi and something bad happens to her, we can acknowledge that ultimately the perpetrator is in the wrong, but there is a shared responsibility of carelessness and responsibility.

Don’t know if you’ve got a working brain or not but crime has exist since the dawn of civilisation and exists literally everywhere. You should use your common sense a little more
In my experience most of these tourist cities in the Iberian peninsula have a shitton of poos. Lisbon, Barcelona, Porto, Valencia, Seville, every other shop is a tourist trinket shop, junk food store, or shitty restaurant that is poo owned with gouging pricing. The sleepy towns that require a couple hour train rides are usually better but even they have a shitton of poos, but it's not as egregious.
Honestly racism in this board is hilarious, like I will bet everything I own that I make more money, am healthier, and have a happier relationship and just completely mog him in every facet of existence. The only way for him to possibly cope without killing himself is to somehow convince himself that he's superior based on some innate quality, otherwise he would actually be forced to confront his mediocre and pathetic waste of a life. Hope the dopamine from spamming a dead board is worth it tho
What are your recommendations for a 3 day stay there? Taking my bitch so would prefer high class and nicer areas to the degenerate ones lol, also interested in basic monuments/touristy shit. Plus nice tapas places that aren't normified would be cool too, thanks anon
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>Refugees work hard and provide vital labour.
Hey Anon, happy to give some recommendations.

Nice areas far outweigh bad areas and there are a gazzilion hotels across the city, it’s ridiculous.

Really depends on what vibe you’re looking for.

The hotels on Passeig de Gracia are by far the most expensive and the most luxury, probably the best part of the city if you want to enjoy the nicer things- fancy, cocktail bars, opulent streets, it’s also dead on central for easy access to most of the city. Anywhere around that area is pretty nice.

Gracia is better if you want a more residential, chilled out vibe, also a lot more traditional streets. Lots of great bars there too.

El Born gets a little iffy on the surface but it’s a great area, really beautiful architecture, lots of good eateries and bars, a few great hotels but it can get a little scruffy and dirty.

There’s a million other areas I could recommend. Poblenou, Sagrada Familia, Puxet to just name a few.

Personally for me, the degenerate parts of the city are worth visiting. Perhaps not to stay in, but it’s worth a stroll through El Gotico, visiting George Orwell Square for a drink, perhaps going into El Raval and exploring the MACBA and it’s surroundings.

In terms of basic tourist shit, Sagrada Familia (of course), Tibidabo, Parc de Ciutadella, there’s lots.

I’d love to give you tapas recommendations but asking for where to go for tapas in any part of Spain is like asking where to get a pint in London.
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Not him but I'm racist and 100% absolutely richer than you unless you have 8 figs of crypto. Barcelona downtown looks worse than Mexico where I was last year. It's filled with 5ft Peruvian goblins and scrawny Moroccan zoomers trying to rob everyone. One of the group I'm with had an attempted pickpocketing just last night. Also amazing to have random nogs and jeets constantly harassing everyone to buy weed every 3 metres. I already left and went further down the coast
So you're not richer than me
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Forgot to mention you're also trans. I came to Barcelona last in 2015 and don't remember it resembling a Peruvian Indian native village as much then as it does now. Soon Catalan will be extinct in that city and replaced fully with latam favela shit. At least the latams are better than Moroccans I suppose
> doesn't have to worry about money
> spends on his time doing /trv/ memes

the west has truly fallen, white people no longer have any culture
I've posted on this site since 2006. Do you think habits suddenly changes just because you have money? You don't have any so why are you trying to imagine what it is like if you did and project that onto people who do have money chud.
This guy is an annoying faggot but ironically that proves his point lmao, money clearly doesn't change who you are
Thanks bro, fair point as to the tapas. I guess it would be more useful to know what kinds of shit to avoid and obvious red flags
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This is a real article lmao

true a rich faggot is still a faggot, i agree with your logic
>Barcelona downtown looks worse than Mexico where I was last year. It's filled with 5ft Peruvian goblins and scrawny Moroccan zoomers trying to rob everyone

Hahahaha what a ludicrous exaggeration.

You’re talking about La Rambla, the street famed for being the worst in the city, where locals (as well as any tourist with half a brain) don’t visit. It’s one fucking street man, not a whole city.


>My friend nearly got pickpocketed!!!

I live downtown. I go out 3-4 times a week for drinks until 2/3am and regularly walk down the sketchiest streets in the city. I’ve never been robbed/pickpocketed. None of my friends have ever been robbed/pickpocketed.

Fairs fair though, if you don’t like the place you don’t like it. Not going to judge you for that.

Side note here. First time I ever came to Barcelona I was very much of the opinion that it was a worthless, shithole of a city. That was pre-covid at the end of 2019. I basically stayed in La Rambla (because when you turn up to the city that’s all you really know and understand), drunk at the bars and went down to the beach. Came off with the impression that it was a massive shithole.

Came back, ventured into different neighbourhoods, got a feel for the place and realised it’s a proper gem of a city.

You don’t have to like it, just my 2c
Just goes to show what brainwashed pinko lemmings the Catalans are. Still in their 1936 anarchist commune larp. It's the first thing you notice from the graffiti when you're in Raval or Gotic. You know, in most cities, it's the niggers who are making the graffiti, Catalans do this to their cities themselves. Sad!
Im in Barcelona, been here 2 years+ if any anons wanna grab a beer or some shit, girl boy troon dont matter I went to art school. Semi-tech worker.
I love Barcelona.
That is all.
Would you bang a semi-passing?
>but crime has exist since the dawn of civilisation and exists literally everywhere.
Not in my town, not at Barcelona levels, but cope more, surely it's the fault of the person who gets robbed for living in a developed country and expecting people to be civilized.
My experience in barcelona is this:

> Almost got mugged outside my hotel on my first night there
> Place is full of niggers and arabs high on pills
> Locals are your average delusional fucking retards who live off tourism yet hate tourists and are pro refugees, typical globohomo brainwashed mongoloiuds
> The women are easy but they're fucking skanks
> Food was average at best
> Beach was disgusting
> Prices keep going up regardless of the shit quality you get in return
> Crackheads everywhere

Fuck that place, any other city in Spain is better at this point.
i haven't been in 20 years - you're saying it's filled with Indians?? living or visiting, do you think?
sure why not, if chemistry is there
Barcelona is such a mid place, it's unreal, just as dirty as paris, just as criminal as london, you can go party but it's not as good as Berlin, you have beaches but they are a bit dirty.
You still have some culture tho with the Picasso museum (but his subjectively best works are in Paris and New York) or the MNAC which is good.
The Gaudi stuff is pretty unique as well.
Overall it does a lot without being exceptional in anything.
I wouldn't spend more than a week there, also go during correforc.
how much would a month in barcelona cost
i spent 800€ for a week, so probably 3500€ could or more, could be a bit less if you sleep in a room with 11 other people.
The place I stayed in had to have a balcony and a an ac, but why would you want to spend a month there?
I used to autistically wander around black ghettos all the time in my early travel days, trying to understand every facet of America and all that. No, the blacks don't kill random whiteys who are merely passing through. It provides absolutely zero benefit for the block and draws way too much heat from the pigs. I nod say "good evening" when I pass by the loitering guys, they return the respect. Euros always love to exaggerate the danger of America when confronted with the unpleasant realities of their own diverse and walkable cities.
>lived here for several years
>don't know anyone who has had anything stolen
You must be fantastically oblivious to your surroundings, kek
>You must be fantastically oblivious to your surroundings, kek

How so?
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Yeah man, damn right, already 20% of the syrians that fled to Germany are now working and paying taxes to the state. And that was just over a decade ago. Just imagine the numbers we can achieve after half a century, we might be able to have 30-35% of them working for a living!
OP here. I ended up leaving Barcelona and went further down to Sitges. It has a lot of gays but they stick to their own little area and the chill level is like a trillion times higher than Barcelona. No Moroccans, pajeets or Bantus.
Wokeism is an American mind virus. it makes sense that it's in English.
I've not locked my car or house for years, even when I go away on holiday.
Imagine living in such a low trust society full of absolute deadshits and admitting it
>why would you want to spend a month there?
I dunno man. Why not? Is there not enough to do? What would you do instead? I've never travelled solo before and I want to do a month long trip somewhere.
I made similar threads a while back but yeah, its an overrated normie destination with unfriendly locals, overpriced for Spain, grimy, too cosmopolitan and EU globohomo, most migrants in the country, etc. It has a superior whoring scene but thats about it. Not a bad destination for living but in terms of visiting theres cooler places in Spain less saturated with annoying tourists
Having lived in Barcelona for a couple of years, where would you anons recommend that I move?

Where is it good for jobs? (I'm in tech sales but trying to pivot to something more back-office again like digital marketing specialist).
Obviously London is best for startups and tech but it's too expensive, I would need 10k/month to not live like a rat.
I speak fluent French and I'm big on gastronomy and fashion but I'm reluctant about Paris (filled with too many illegal immigrants and NIGGERS).

I like a beach. Or Netherlands maybe? I'm Scandi+Med mix. I enjoy either GRASSY PLAINS or dry beache vibe (Greece/Israel).

Barcelona like some anons have mentioned is just ok, nothing stellar.

Considering just taking a remote year of studying some bullshit for the kek of it and chilling in Phuket for an entire year while grinding on my laptop.
>Second thing is the pickpocket issue, it’s insanely, insanely overblown

I was pick pocketed by a nigger in Barcelona and the Mexican cops let the nigger go! Fuck Barcelona. It’s a shit hole filled with niggers selling stolen merchandise.
Cut the time there in half and go to Cordoba and Madrid as well.
>superior whoring scene
Please tell me more, I might go back there just for hookermaxxing.
Is it worth doing 10 days in each city? Maybe I should start from Madrid, flights may be cheaper
What about El Raval? Good area or what? Thinking about staying there in July and would like somewhere I can stumble back hammered to after going to the metal pub (Hell Awaits)
Good question Anon.

El Raval is quite a unique spot. It's definitely rough around the edges and has a gritty vibe with a strong immigrant presence. It’s easily the grimiest part of the main city. The neighborhood can feel lively and authentic, with loads of actually good and cheap dive bars that add to its character. I live in a much nicer area but end up in Raval all the time for drinks.

It’s not ideal for families or those who prefer more upscale, modern areas of thats what you’re into. Think of it as similar to certain parts of Athens. If you're into a raw, edgy atmosphere, you might actually enjoy it.

If you’re easily intimidated by immigrants and trash though, I’d avoid.
sounds better, Cordoba itself hasn't that much but there's stuff like Alhambra in the vicinity.
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>He went to Barceloneta
>i haven't been in 20 years - you're saying it's filled with Indians?? living or visiting, do you think?
It seems like every other convenience store these days is owned by an Indian or a Paki. Same goes for the taxis, though for those you might also get an Arab or a Latino. If you're too lazy to go to a proper beach and crowd into Barceloneta along with all the other tourists, chances are a poojeet will walk up to you and your date, offering you a parasol for the shade.

I don't even know why the fuck they're doing this, Spain has terrible unemployment, especially among young people. They have to go to fucking London or Germany for opportunities, and live with their parents until they're 35, and the government is still letting people in to take all the jobs?? At least in America, there are actual jobs for these people to take.
Raval is doable if you're a young single guy, and don't mind living in the sketchiest part of town full of nafris and blacks. If you're into the local nightlife, chances are you'll end up there a lot. But unless you're trying to live like a Jew and save as much money as possible, why would you live there? You could take the metro from Gracia and be in Raval in fifteen minutes if you wanted. Best of both worlds.
>round trip tickets to Madrid in October are $550
what's Spain like in October through early November?
Probably the best time to visit. It won't be so crowded with tourists, the heat won't be as blistering.
when i went to barcelona i watched a young couple from my hotel get followed by africans/arabs, threatened and nearly robbed (luckily police ran by coincidentally, causing the horde to run away with their criminal tails between their legs).
i believe this is called cultural enrichment from the third world and one of the most glaring benefits of mass immigration and rehabilitative justice (which gives minimal penalties to criminals, which said criminals take for weaknesses not virtue).
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Why are Barcalosers such pathetic and whiny cucks?
Raval is trash

>I can stumble back hammered
I would be careful doing this. Don't pull out your phone, it'll get snatched off your hands. Barcelona is #1 city for pickpockets in Europe. Moroccans come from France down to Barcelona to steal. Same with gypsies. Some latinos steal too.

Police won't help you for shit. Bring with you a burner and hide your cash if you've got any, in your sock.
Lmao you get the fuck out of touristic zones and is a good place to actually live.
>born & raised here
We don't go down the diagonal. Keep up from the diagonal (Gracia, Sant Gervasi, Horta) and wou'll find plenty of locals and good places to eat or drink.
When they say liberalism is a parasitic brainworms thing you see examples of it right here. Imagine being so retarded you want to get rid a part of your economy and also invite the annexation of your own culture? This is madness.
Sounds like Rio de Janeiro.
Thanks for the responses. I was just going to be there for a weekend, head to Andorra for a night, and then fly to Georgia (if I end up using Barcelona as a jump off point). I stayed near Omio Square or whatever in Athens and it was hell on Earth but I do like gritty parts of European cities. I'm sure Raval is still safer than bad parts of any US city.
That's literally Athen's anus…
Athens is really big and there's a LOT of things to do, but relevant for touristing is jumping from bar to bar, Athens has MAD bar game and they're really good with lounges and stuff like that. Clubs, not so much. Other more remote parts that are not in the city center are also fantastic. Up North in Kifisa for example. Athens has consistently great food, gyros is amazing if you get it the right place. Kolonaki is cute too. I used to live there for 5 years. There's quite a lot of Greek-Americans spread around the city that you might bump into here and there.
OP here. I actually left Barcelona and went down the coast along to Sitges and Tarragona and it was way better. Then I flew to Belgrade, Serbia and walked around in total relaxation, even wearing a $10k Rolex despite it being a poor Slav country cause there was no ugly nogs / morrocans on every corner looking to rob you.
The same reason the swastikas are always fucked up
>It's just Christian
It sure is
Matthew 15:24
There's articles and laws being written that are antitourist. When I was there just a few weeks ago, I bumped into the same amount of degenerates speaking Spanish as English. Fuck Spain. Don't get mad at Anglos for behaving how your people behave.
>the fucking cathedral in the background
perfectly encapsulates the barcelonafag reality
Europe is far, far left. Even more liberal than Canada. It's just white people culture at this point to celebrate your own suicide. Soon Barcelona will look like Mumbai.
>locals suck
Barcelona is the quintessential 'tourist fatigue' city. Locals don't hide their loathing of tourists
Look it's the Fault of the inhabitants for Putting up These Places on air bnb. It's them who is greedy not tourists. So it Would be correct if the Tags World say something like stop speculation on Real estate or speculants go Home
Christard talkin about satan fucking nut job ahahaha
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Okay since nobody answered my questions I winged it and went by whatever plans I could brainstorm 2 weeks before my trip.
I'm currently in a small town about 2 hours west of Tarragona drinking bomb red wine and enjoying sunshine and pure air and its divine. Yesterday I was in Falset and by the lord Jesus I dont know how this town has been kept away from the hands of overtourism. Maybe cause it's a pain in the ass to get to for non-Spanish tourism but im glad I came here as a filthy Anglo. The landscape is gorgeous and it feels so lovely with all the families around enjoying life and the nature in abundence. If I knew Spanish and Catalan and also had good money I'd definitely move here.
Barcelona was cool but the real appeal to Catalunya is in the countryside far away from the tourists and the nafris and in the heart of a country worth giving a shit about.
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Damn bloody 4chang dimensions shit

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