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/trv/ - Travel

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is this a thing? I was thinking asia would be where its at, lots of rice and soup and vegetables.

also I've read a few times american food is so toxic that people feel different/better after eating somewhere else for a while. could this be legit or they just feel good because they're on vacation? sorry if this thread is better suited to /fit/
Why are there so many fast food ads on 4chan? There's 2 in /trv/ right now.
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+healthiest food with no processing/preservatives even the 711 food is healthier than most stuff you can make at home in the US
+longest living people in the world due to healthy sushi and food
+you will never see a bald japanese person due to how healthy the food is
+compared to anything I can get in Boston it's super cheap too
+the people look good esp the women

I've been contemplating moving to Japan simply due to the health reasons Japan offers compared to the shitslop you get and are forced to eat in the US. Here in Boston it's cheaper for me to Uber eats the BOGO 50% off things for food than it is to go to the health food store, possibly get robbed, and get home with all my shit spoiling. The closest wholes food near me is super far away and would take me nearly 30 minutes to walk, last time I was in Japan if I wanted something healthy? Oh freshly delivered sushi at Lawsons! Health drinks and health suppliments right there. Freshly backed GOOD chicken. Cheap sandwhiches with veggies that were actually green. All that maybe 8 dollars. You can't find that here anywhere, the cheapest I know is 8 dollars for 2 NY style sized pizza slices + soda...

Japan is 100% the way to go to regrow your hair in your 20's and lose weight, I plan to do 6 months out there, find a job, and join some gym there to teach me some decent self defense. I figure it will really help my overall mentality and health, maybe even land me a job to move there for good.
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I am in Japan right now and I can confirmed. All of my hair grew back and my moobs have completely disappeared. I only eat soft oden, mochi, and mosburger.
Lol where tf do you live? Dorchester? Mattapan? You're not getting robbed in most parts of Boston
yeah actually i have lost weight on a few trips around asia
one time i was on a long work trip and i was completely worn out and it was so hot and humid i just couldn't be bothered to eat. there was a juice bar near my hotel and i basically just went in there every day and lived on smoothies. i lost a ton of weight really quickly
in some countries tho like malaysia all the food is basically fried and contains loads of sugar so i put on weight there
also a couple of times in india i have basically shat out the entire contents of my body every day
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I was in Japan 2 weeks ago and there are a lot of overweight salaryman.

Having said that, if you are a tourist and don't have to spend 9 hours a day in an office, you will lose weight. I was doing 30k steps per day everyday for 3 weeks straight and I lose about 5-8kg. Was skinny as a stick when I came back to the shitty UK
>healthiest food with no processing/preservatives even the 711 food is healthier than most stuff you can make at home in the US
Are you retarded? They're full of plastic and preservatives.
Japanese cooking itself is pretty healthy but in terms of prepared food Asia is universally awful
>I was in Japan 2 weeks ago and there are a lot of overweight salaryman.
I am 100% sure those are Koreans or Chinese. I have never seen a fat japanese person.
>Are you retarded? They're full of plastic and preservatives.
Proof? I look at them and see thin people everywhere with heads full of hair, they are also the longest living people in the world. They have pride in their work and wouldn't use the goyslop methods of the US. Just watch a few documentaries and educate yourself.
>I look at them and see thin people everywhere with heads full of hair, they are also the longest living people in the world
The older generations that pump up those numbers are people who lived more suburban lives and mostly cooked their own food with a homemaker and breadwinner traditional family structure.

Young Japanese are killing themselves with gas station food and 18 hour workdays.
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I've been thinking of making a video on this. I'll be to traveling to China in a couple days. While there I''ll be eating only one dish and see how much weight I can lose. I'll keep you posted.
>Young Japanese are killing themselves with gas station food and 18 hour workdays.
"shit I just made up!"
How much of a weeb do you have to be to not acknowledge the shitty Japanese work culture and how gas stations aren't known for high quality ingredients in their food
>healthy sushi

Watch out for the brain worms and the mercury, anon. Or you'll end up like RFK Jr.
>+healthiest food with no processing/preservatives
Most of their diet are carbs and salt. Not far off from America except they eat more fish and pork.

Japan is by no means the "healthiest"
That title should probably go to the Mediterranean diet
Jap food is all carbs. They're just skinny because they have standards and bully the fatties.
It's the opposite. When you travel you tend to be flooded with stress and adrenaline and this makes you hungry. That combined with typically restaurant only offerings means you end up overeating. You will also probably get snacks often.

If you actually move somewhere and settle in, then adopting local foods can be very healthy. Simply forget it while you are mobile though.
>fast food ad
>"this shit is disgusting"

What happens when you're back home?
Travel your fat ass to the gym
>What acts as an ad, is an ad, no matter if it was put there sneakily or because someone has become inured to a brand so far that they don't even know they are a walking ad.
literally anywhere but america will make you lose weight, or leaving your shithole and visiting somewhere you can get around walking like NYC. america is designed to keep people unhealthy and happy with driving everywhere and the awful quality of food, and there's a reason that gym culture is so huge as forcing yourself to do exercise is the only way to stay fit.
Go to india and eat their streetfood
I challenge you to not lose weight after shitting in brains out for two weeks
>regrow your hair
that's not a thing. Once a follicle dies it's dead forever. You are retarded.

i have had hair fall out for a while and hten come back so i think it depends on how "dead" it really is. maybe it was gone for a few years it's not coming back but a few months and i think you're okay
They live long because they're coastal and have respect for the elderly. It's not that complicated. Btw California has the oldest person alive right now.

Also the OP is correct that you naturally lose weight traveling because you're on an island having fun adventures tho, and the food is healthy and tasty
Lol all this Japan hate by seething americans
Are the people who constantly complain about American food quality just constantly eating fast food or something? Just go to the grocery store and buy some vegetables lol
Never been to america but it's cheaper to eat out at mcdonalds that it is to eat at home or something. Healthier too since they use a lot more preservatives to keep the food 'fresh'. pol has a good write up about it
i moved to mozambique for 3 months and my cystic acne(completely covered my back and face) permanently cleared up after a month of eating the diet there. im from canada

how do you know it wasn't the sunshine that did it? or just the stress relief from being away from your troubles in canada.
everytime I travel I miraculously GAIN like 8 lbs. somehow walking 9 miles a day on a diet of 3000 calories means I may as well be chugging olive oil. never been to asia though
Daily {$fastFood} mention here on /trv/. Imagine being so brainwarped you feel the need to speak about goyslop so often.

What the fuck do you eat at home lol?
> also I've read a few times american food is so toxic that people feel different/better after eating somewhere else for a while. could this be legit or they just feel good because they're on vacation?

The toxicity of American food, and the purity of food in other nations, is greatly exaggerated on both sides. The US eats at least slightly better on average than the world likes to think it does, and most of the rest of the world consumes more garbage than it likes to admit. There are pesticides, preservatives, etc., used in American agribusiness and food production that are more tightly restricted or even banned in other countries, but they’re neither as ubiquitous nor as toxic as people who think magically about food want to believe. (Lead is a toxin. Industrial-scale lettuce is not.) And sure, high-fructose corn syrup is bad for you, but it’s not in everything (nor is it unique to the USA—it’s all over cheap European candy, where it is called glucose-fructose syrup), and a lot of other countries also eat too much sugar in one form or another. Palm oil is really bad for you, too, and Asia eats far more of it than the Americas or Europe.

All that said, it really can be quite easy to lose weight when traveling, for many different reasons—most people move more, and many eat less, when they’re away from home. And of course, being immersed in a really different food culture can help—many dishes are indeed lighter than visitors are used to, but more than that, I think most people just pay more attention to what they’re eating while abroad. People who worry that they tend to eat too much often find themselves eating less when they have to find what they’re going to eat in a less familiar environment. And of course, different climates, stronger spices, food-borne illness, or even just sweating a lot cause numbers to go down at least a little, at least temporarily.
Wow, that's a monumental coping effort.
>Europeans have shit in candy so the US is on par with their diet!

The US is a disgrace when it comes food. The amount of goyslop which is consumed is an abomination, and I'm perplexed why people rush to the rescue of huge corporations who profit from your dignity, health and agency.
Male pattern baldness is genes not diet you freak. Asian people generally just have lower incidences of it.
Actually Japan has MORE baldoids than other asian countries lmao
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nah dude your food is absolute garbage. not just what's in it but also the portions and the celebration of eating absolute garbage. This is not what a burger is supposed to look like you fucking animal.
>Male pattern baldness is genes not diet you freak. Asian people generally just have lower incidences of it.

It's because they're a bunch of microdick low test faggots anon. High test = big beard = lose your hair

Asians are all women except Jomon Japanese.
>t. blames his lack of facial hair on his small penis
Euroserfs love to get all elitist about food but having spent a combined 3 or 4 years there you guys are hardly any different than America
>donerslop and pizza places every 30m
>entire supermarket aisles full of candy and cookies and nutella
Ironically I have a harder time finding natural sugar-free peanut butter in Europe than I do in the US
When I was out there for two and a half weeks I was pounding the pavement most days, getting out and about. Didn't think about diet or effects of a few Asahis of an evening.

I came home and my girlfriend immediately saw that I'd shifted a bit of timber. Turns out that eating noodles, rice and bits of fish, and walking about the place, does wonders!
difference being we don't give you a discount for eating a mountain of that shit
You misunderstand me at least a little. I was never arguing that Americans aren’t fat people who eat too much of things that are bad for them (and also move too little).

I was arguing against the idea that American food is somehow inherently “toxic,” which is everywhere online and is basically nonsense. Their raw materials, ingredients, and even many staple foods are by and large no worse than those found in many or even most other countries. It is 100% possible for an American to get fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish that are as good as any in the world.

What people and companies choose to do with what is available to them is a different matter.
They live longer because many elderly don't have their deaths reported until years after they die, most will wander off "missing" so that their kids can claim their pension for a while after they've died.

If you move to Japan to eat 711 food you should just neck yourself at this point.

The sushi is healthier but avoid the salmon:

> Most of it isn't from asia
> Shit quality farmed salmon from norway full of toxins and other parasites
> Still expensive

Stick to tuna and other fish if you eat sushi. The tuna will be farmed as well but will have a lot less toxins and other garbage in it.
>everything japan is far and away superior to the modern west in is a heckin' conspiracy
Pension theft as it's called isn't even remotely close to a conspiracy it's so common and such a large issue Japan it's basically common knowledge to everyone.
>Japanese boomers
>Leave inheritance for their children, and use their pensions to support their offspring after death
>White boomers
>Ruin their society, sabotage their children and give everything to niggers
Japanese victory.
Thanks glowie for confirming that US life expectancy is in fact even lower than statistically represented because of all the jews, blacks, and democrats lying about who died.
Still better than crypto ads, I guess

You will loose a lot of weight and fast.
After several trips to Europe and Asia, I’ve concluded that walkable cities unironically keep you from getting fat. Just 1 mile walked is about 100kcals. You do three miles a day, every single day, and that’s like 30lbs in a year. Over the course of a lifetime, and it makes a big fucking difference.
Not a coincidence that Bongistan, the most car dependent country in (or not in lol) Europe is also the fattest.
and where will you travel to keep the weight off? because you will just gain it back in your country if you need to travel to another country to lose it
>travelling to lose weight
more like hiking?
I walk 5-10mi every day and it’s never helped me lose even a single pound. Then I went to France, ate almost exactly the same, walked exactly the same and shed weight like crazy. I think one day people are going to have to wake up to the fact that the food in America is literally not good and causes obesity.
ITT: people who don't get the USA is shit for loosing weight

It's cheaper to eat out than it is to eat at home especially if you're a single male.

Spend 5 dollars to go get McDonalds buy one get one for a dollar.
Go to Burger place or wing stop or raising canes. Spend ~10-13 dollars for decent amounts of protein to make it through the day
use coupon deal to get subway foot long loaded with veggies 8 dollars if lucky.

You're looking at 25-30 dollars a day living just to eat right in the USA if you value your time and taste. HOWEVER, go to Japan spend <1000(or like 7 dollars) yen get yummy lawsons meal made fresh just a few hours ago without tons of preservatives, yakitori stick, snack, bottle of R1, and a LARGE bottle of green tea. All without fake sugars, corn syrup, carbohydrates, GMO shit, or whatever right there.
it's true, it's a combo for the US, but sedentary lifestyles are a huge issue, you are stuck in a shitty area with no healthy food options and you drive everywhere so it adds up and compounds. there are certainly fat people in NYC but WAY less than any area in texas etc.

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