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Why is Poland so underrated? Why do tourists pick even the (imho) ugly dilapidated shithole of Budapest over any city in Poland? There's nothing to see in Budapest except the parliament building... and even it is p boring I mean it's just a single feature repeated like 1000 times. And there's nothing glorious about it or anything of Hungary's history of subjugation first by mongols then by Turks then by Austrians...

I think the erstwhile capital of the Most Serene Sarmatian Republic, Kraków, mogs both budapest AND prague. Prague is cool because the old town is huge, but it doesn't even have a market square or any landmark.
Kraków even has an Art Deco-inspired MODERN skyscraper (Unity Tower)
Although I just realized what kind of tourist goes to Budapest (and to a lesser extent Prague). All kinds of mutts, browns, sexual tourists... Hungary and Czechia are porn capitals of the EU (and prostitution). Ugh. Well now that I think of it I'm glad we don't have these tourists here with the exception of British stag parties but they're gentle peeps in comparison to creepycels
Krakow's an abject shithole. Stay away. 0 to see or do. Stay in Prague and Budapest, honestly. Please.
Kek, I see what you did there
Renaissance "ideal city" based on the original utopian concepts
You forgot your Olsztyn/Łódź pictures, Marek.
Never been there, and I'm not Polish
no explanation yet
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i think breslav is better
i lived there for years but only in warsaw. people are incredibly cold socially, the men are all whiny cunts, their english is terrible, their language is useless to learn, the food is awful, and you’re not close to driving or taking a train to anything nice. so no one goes there unless they have to. the expats are a small group and theyre all miserable, even the polish americans that speak polish cant wait to leave. the only person that enjoyed it was that pickup artist in poznan but i guess he had a thing for polish girls. theyre pretty mid, their noses are too big. huge asses though
warsaw is extremely walkable and clean, and its beautiful with all the parks, and zabkas on every corner have good food and snacks
maybe tricity would be better to live for an expat, but if you work remote theres just way better options. vienna for example you could make the same arguments about people being cold, but they speak better english and learning german is actually worth a fuck, the food is better, you’re a short drive from a ton of beautiful cities and landscapes, blahblahblah
>the food is awful
hard disagree, 13 out of 100 is bretty good https://www.tasteatlas.com/best/cuisines
Beautiful but doesn't Austria levy a 90% tax for high earners?
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OP just be happy and shut up. One Instagram post and it becomes the new Tokyo.

I think you're misunderstanding life, it's about enjoying yourself not making sure the general public enjoys it
will pooland become the greatest country on earth due to being the last bastion against increasing islamification/africanization of europe or will pooland, also succumb to the lie that infinity third worlders is needed to boost the economy and fertility rates (despite such demographics on average taking more in terms of social service and crime, than the pay back in economic contributions, according to dutch, german and finnish government statistics).
not to mention that second generation immigrant fertility drops exponentially, not unlike the fertility rates of natives, undermining the fertility argument for mass immigration.
one also forgot, the economic argument relating to strain on state infrastructure that mass immigration causes.
Because it's not publicised, do you not know how people's minds work by now? It's not hard
As someone living in Japan, please talk more about Poland. I'm beyond sick of retards coming here.
Sorry mate, we're not falling for this obvious bait, kek.
Divert the retards to Amsterdam, Prague, Barcelona and shit. If you need to sell 'off the beaten track' locations, make up shit about places like Hamburg, Cardiff, Bordeaux and Valencia.
Haha can you talk about the increase in tourism, how it's affected you, your opinions etc? Was it really as sudden as it seems?
>pooland, also succumb to the lie that infinity third worlders is needed to boost the economy and fertility rates
The Law and Justice party got busted recently for selling visas to the third world. Poland is fated to be Ireland 2.0. If my recollection is correct, over 200k visas were sold by them.
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Most overrated shithole in Europe. Disgusting city.
Literally from the moment you get to the airport there'll be people try to scam you with taxis; wanting 500PLN and refusing to give a receipt, and shit.
The centre is full of aggressive bullies. I was drinking in a place and some aggressive bouncer pepper sprayed and punched me.
There's Indians and Central Asians everywhere hanging around, and the old town is actually very underwhelming, just the same pastel coloured cheap looking buildings everywhere with a big empty concrete square in the middle, full of massively expensive bars.
The service is rude, nobody speaks English, everybody wants to scam you, and I never felt safe.
You're far better going to a city in a proper country with developed tourism, a proper history, and friendly outgoing locals, like Spain, Italy or France.
why is it not publicized?
wow, literally all of that is made up, you only forgot to add the airport security frames you for drug possession meme
Jesus, you're like a Dog with a Bone on this. There are hundreds of countries in this World, all can't be the hot topic at once. Poland will get it's turn, it's all just chance. Some shitty youtuber could go next week and take some annoying drone footage of the sights of the town and a million shots of their dumb pouting face spilling expensive cocktails in the most pretentious bar they can find then people will start flocking there and ruin it.

When that happens please make another thread so I can see how disappointed this makes you when your favourite city changes in many ways
>t. Polish Tourist Board

Taxi scams, strip club scams, shitty English, pepper spraying, mass immigration, huge price increases, etc are HUGELY documented.
You're living in 2012.
(ps. it's in your best interest to spread this narrative).
Umm, Why are you trying to get mutts and freaks to flood into your country? Do you have a big nose?
I dont get it
>friendly outgoing locals
>like Spain, Italy or France.
LMAO! Those are some of the biggest jackasses on the planet.
It’s pretty lame desu, the nice parts of the cities can be explored in a couple of hours max if even that.
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The crime was so bad in Krakow that they have to ban alcohol sales after 8pm in the city.
Dystopian hellhole.
>pajeets roaming the streets
>no booze at night
>loud Brits starting fights
>hooligans everywhere
>half the bars are illegal gangster strip joints
>old town converted into 1 big hotel complex
Must have changed a lot since I went around 2022. I saw none of this
Alcohol sales are banned from 12 am, bars and restaurants are exempt from the law. You have an agenda.
My agenda is to avoid crime-ridden shithole cities. If things were so bad that Poland banned alcohol at night, I'll assume that Krakow falls into that category.
>Poland banned alcohol at night,
You have an agenda
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what's with the Budapest hate, polebro? I thought we were friends ;_;
anyway, there's plenty of things to see and do in Budapest besides the Parliament building, which I, a native Budapester, have only ever been to once in my 32 years. let me give you a small list:
>Fisherman's Bastion
>Royal Palace
>Hospital in the rock
>House of Terror
>Dohány street synagogue
>Jewish district
>St. Stephen's Basilica
>ruins of Aquincum
>the two Roman amphiteaters and the underground bathhouse in Óbuda
>Turkish baths
>Gül Baba's Tomb
>Szimpla ruin bar
>Margaret Island
>Great Market Hall
>Chain Bridge
>City Park
>Heroes' Square
>A38 ship
>Museum of Fine Arts
>Museum of Ethnography
>House of Music
>Opera House
>Pinball Museum
>Matthias Church
>Római promenade
>Elizabeth viewpoint
>Budapest Zoo
you can easily spend a week in Budapest just by visiting these sights, and you still haven't seen even half of what the city is about
You're totally right, sorry man being a transvestite you just look for things to lash out at sometimes
I want to go to Polan.

Am m I stupid to not go because I do t want to be MH17'd or be on ground zero of WW3?

If the apocalypse happens in the next 5 years it's going to start on Poland soil.
Krakow is on my list for a european tour im doing in 3 months. Wtf do i do there I know NOTHING about it. Tour is offer an add-on to go to Auschwitz but i dont really give af about that
Go to Wieliczka salt mine, it's a way better day trip than Auschwitz
I enjoyed the chicken sandwiches at zabka.
Second time ive heard of the salt mine. Is it really that cool? What is so neat about it that i should go to it vs explore the city

Pessimism aside, is there anything nice and cool and cultural about the city?
yes it's like real-life LotR basically
dont dine on the main square
for a nice view of the city go to the mound that has a museum next to it
hard to recommend anything if u just ask 'whats cool', idk what the fuck you find cool
The square looks cool, but where are restaurants? Why are there so few people? Look at a picture of the main square in Prague and you'll see people eating and drinking, markets, horse carriages, people hanging out, shoppers with bags, and people taking pictures. This photo of Poland has a North Korean vibe to it. There seems to be nothing actually happening.
The mound looks cool thank you
I’ll skirt around Old Town, and try not to eat there if my group doesnt want to. There looks like theres a lot nice places along Karmelicka, Cosmic Games Pub looks fun to pop into.

Looked it up, yeah some spots looks like Moira, ok im sold on it
Seems like a comfy amount of people
What will the summer timetables look like for the trains? Is it roughly predictable or are the changes typically drastic? Trying to book some shit but have no idea when the trains will be running.
Should I do Auschwitz with a guided tour or just an audio tour thing and go at my own pace?
Depends on your flavor of propaganda

Be sure to buy something at the death camp gift shop
Opted for maximum propaganda and went with the guided tour. No point half assing the thing, I suppose.
>mostly generic european old town shit
>a week of material
absolutely zero you've listed here you couldn't do in Prague mate.
Do things become shit because they're also in Prague? And it isn't even true.
That square looks sad and depressing to me. In most squares around Europe, you would see people eating, drinking, shopping, socializing, etc. That shit looks bleak.
were you literally on the same tour as me? I am the lone guy who chose to go to the salt mines, although some others had to go with me since they forgot to book auschwitz lol.
please point me to Prague's 500 year old bathhouses, 2,000 year old Roman theaters and Ukrainian-stone-carrier-ship-turned-concert-venue
Lets be real, if anyone was interested in Roman ruins, they could go somewhere with infinitely better weather and beaches like Italy, Croatia, southern France and coastal Spain. You aren't convincing me to visit Poland over Istria in Croatia. People go to Prague because the nightlife is awesome, the women are promiscuous, the beer is flawless and the city is fun and safe. It's also more centrally located with a bunch of other good cities nearby. Krakow is drab by comparison and out of the way for most travelers. it's 5 hours each way by train from Prague just for a big letdown.
The weather in Poland is good, what are you on about? I guess you're not a fan of the kind of heat that doesn't make you feel like you're breathing steam and have a sticky body
>the beer is flawless
zero craft beer anywhere in sight, who are you kidding
I was talking about Budapest, not Krakow
Absolutely overrun by Brits, who are among some of the worst people in the world. Avoid until they can sort out their British problem.
Based and saved. Any more you can share anon? Maybe in other countries too, you seem based and experienced
Highs around 25 C every day going forward for Warsaw, you can't beat that.
My paternal grandpa is from Poland, been thinking of visiting the country this summer. Otherwise, I'd van camping and exploring the Great Lakes region of America. Vanlife would definitely be cheaper, and it would give me far more freedom for every dollar spent. I always feel outclassed in prosperous cities, lacking the easy money and extroverted personality needed to charm my way into a good time with the status-conscious locals.
If i were you, id just go to nearest mcdonalds, then nearest subway and nearest new yorker and wait in the shopping mall line to get food 40 minutes. Then just walk over an hour to any direction and go home pissed. See, you didnt need a flight for that.
The amount of shit brittish talk about you a day because youre not same race is just disgusting. Have fun never fitting in because of your race
Sex tourists there from North America, UK and Germany are severely underrated. East europe is like south east asia
+1 budapest>Krakow
You are way out of your depth talking shit about the quality of Czech beer. I was actually a little interested in Poland until I read this comment. You totally lost me bro.
Poland is huge in the craft scene. czechia isn't
>Taxi scams
this happens absolutely everywhere. you can get a bus directly from the terminal straight to the city center. $2, 20 minutes, and you're there.
>strip club scams
I confirm, avoid strip clubs around here. even locals get scammed.
>shitty English
still better than in Spain or France
>pepper spraying
never happened to me or saw this happen to anyone else
>mass immigration
kinda, but at least of the white variety, mostly from Ukraine
>huge price increases
like everywhere, but I agree 2023 inflation was really bad around here
t. lives in Kraków
not much to see there. see picrel. now you saw most of it. recommended only to history buffs, or misery porn enjoyers.
this. Wieliczka is much more interesting.
Poland is a no nigger/muslim zone and that alone makes it 10/10
I saw maybe 4 Africans in the 2 weeks I stayed there (all at transit hubs).
It was wonderful.
Mate, why are you defending Krakow?
If you're t.Krakow, the optimal move is to decrease tourism.
Shill Prague and Budapest.
go to croatia there's no niggers and it's not an ugly dump
epic city
EU has something to say about that.
no, nothing
The place seems like trash compared to Bulgarias Sofia which is authentic ex-CCCP place with nice public transport system and reliably fun 5 star gambling hotels for that james bond experience, limousine on the yard and all. And then you have this other city which got uhhh mcdonalds and subway. Pretty impressive, i guess you can take a sandwich and leave. Oh yeah btw dont slip on the sex tourist condoms at the street on your way out, they just drop those out of car windows.
Sofia absolutely mogs Poland, in so many ways. Absolutely beautiful city, chock full of history, with shitloads to do, in a beautiful location.
Poland just has cardboard toytowns on boring flat plains.
Bulgaria still has cheap food and drink, unlike Poland which rips you off and tries charging you like western europe and thinking you won't notice.
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$75 in Poland
how much in bulgaria for this

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