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I'm in a hostel right now. I'll be traveling until the 6th. my mom just called me to tell me that my grandma had died.
no fucking clue why she thought I needed to know right now.
fucking silently crying like a bitch in my little cubbie hole.
how am I supposed to enjoy shit tomorrow?
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Literally this, I'm turbo autistic and it was really hard for me to comfort my mom when that happened. I still regret not doing it, so OP don't be a faggot and take care of your mom, it's not about you, it's about her, I bet you would feel like shit if she passed away and you had no one to comfort you
People call others because it's an important event. Knowing the date someone died makes them feel the closest they will ever been from then on.

They think it's necessary to make a prayer, or they want to be comforted. It's of course not easy, and I couldn't imagine what it's like to be far from a loved one when that happens. I guess I sorta know, my dad died in the hospital during the pandemic and the fuckers never let us have access to him, even when I needed to bring him some medicine they omitted.

You can only become accustomed to that with time.
I am not human so it wouldn't affect me much, if one of my parents died it would ruin me though
same. when my grandma died I didn't really talk to my dad about it at all and he said that really hurt him. it just didn't effect me to much and i didn't really want to talk about it anyways. but he definitely cared that his mom died.
I create another utter shit attention whore thread on /trv/ as usual.

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I have my first flight in my life soon and I am very afraid there will be some kind of problem.
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>doesnt know what a tailstrike is
pilots are responsible for the majority if airframe failures.
It's absolutely Boeing and blaming minorities instead of the venture capitalists who cut costs against the recommendation of the engineers is exactly what's wrong with this country.
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lol you are either a liar or uninformed. the two whistleblowers both disclosed this was 100% a DEI issue. The contractors were forced to hire lazy and incompetent employees, and then were unable to reprimand or fire them, due to DEI initiatives. and people have died. but that doesnt fucking matter because George Floyd is a civil rights icon against police veutality instead of a drug addict who had a fentanyl fueled cardiac arrest (the truth)
they cut costs by filling positions with cheap diversity hires instead of expensive qualified people

then they murdered everyone who spoke out...zero consequences for that btw

same reason Elon refuses to hire them at SpaceX. they are barely welcome at Tesla. but DEI is absolutely no-go at mission critical SpaceX.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with settling down in a cheap hotel, ordering grab/foodpanda (mostly Western), and occasionally venturing out to eat local meals.

>b-but that's not authentic travel!
tough shit. Good food, women, and entertainment is all you need.
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>Any questions?
Don’t you get bored? Do you suffer from anhedonia?
>Any questions?
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what a faggot. dont you want to experience the thrill of weaving through traffic on a 125cc scooter in the hot, filthy air of Manila or Bangkok?
You do you ig. No one cares either way.
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Thanks Dylan

The green states are the one's I've visited or lived in.
They have have no culture. Their towns are dead, their businesses are all corporate or they're just boarded up. Their universities have no social life. Their people are cold and unfriendly on the inside. Living in these places will make you horribly lonely and depressed, no matter how much outdoor activities there are to do.

Post your culturally dead states
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Hey low IQ anon. Yes these are >>2657963 >>2657962. Low your tone kid
>t. Vapid consumer
I stayed in eastern WA for six months recently, and it was the most culturally dead place I have ever encountered in the world.

No history. No culture. Boring people. Boring lives. No/bad events. Bad/boring art. Zero inspiration, zero creativity. Not even mid, just bad. Nothing.

That's Washington in general, those characteristics are not reserved to the Eastern part of the state. The only thing this state has going for it culturally is Seattle's music scene. Beyond that, the whole state is a cultural wasteland and a provincial backwater.
>oh no is that a small strip of amenities in my vast area of natural beauty?
you're a fucking retard.
>I am Canadian
nice larp burger

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anybody here actually made the trip to Antarctica? what was it like?
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yeah I'm just filling you in on the sitch, thought you might be interested to hear.

field camp life is great even today but I don't know where people expect to go? if somebody was starting MCM this year with the goal of getting a field interview after 2 or 3 years grinding in town, where are they gonna go? siple? herc dome? HST? none will be the bustling hive of activity WAIS was.

I feel sorry for them too. it sucks. its just over and its not really coming back.
Lines up with everything I've heard from 20 years vets. Glad I got to do all the good field camp shit years ago. I don't even know if PIG still exists physically on this Earth anymore. Byrd will always be the best to me.
Step 1: Be Canadian
Step 2: Work for KBR
Wasn't talking about the real world, I was responding to the nigga who asked about Antarctica obviously. Also, a 'secret' clearance means fucking nothing and I stand by that.
Amen brother
Yeah I didn't want to go to WAIS anyway so consider it already forgotten about. The national programs will never truly collapse because there will always be the endless supply of faggy tiktokers and instagram influencers with 10k followers living on trust funds for mUh AdVeNtUrE applying to every position to try and go down each season.
very hard. guys get these jobs and don't let go. twin otters are superior to helicopters in basically every way in antarctica, there aren't many use cases for helicopters so jobs are scarce. still, there are some things you simply need a helicopter and that is not going to change.

if you're canadian you can go kenn borek air (KBA)
if you're american you can try and get into the 109th air wing of the NY air national guard
if you're from anywhere, but preferably europe, you can fly for BAS

KBA is pretty achievable, but very low paying and features very slow career progression. the 109th and BAS will be very difficult to get into, each for different reasons.

there are other jobs down there, for instance white desert has baslers, but those jobs are spoken for within a network of people. they fall into the "if you have to ask..." category.
Woops meant KBA, it's been years.

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Happy Sunday Catchan,

I thought I might tap into the collective travel knowledge here since we are all a bit of a diverse bunch from varying backgrounds. So I just booked a flight to Japan next month May 3 to Jun 1 and I'd like to hear any tips or reccomendations from those who have visited there or anywhere in the Orient really.

This seems like one of the best months to travel there. Golden Week is just ending so less crowds and just before the wet season and before summer vacation for much of the world. I got a large backpack and plan to buy a second hand piece of luggage to load up with goodies before I head back.

I know there might be a bit of a culture shock when I get there so I am doing my best to be prepared as this country is probably the most "different" country I have been to. So please share any thoughts or your experience in the matter. I am a well off male around 40 and I am planning on staying at a variety of different properties including ryokans, capsule hotels, hostels and Marriott properties as I am a Ambassador Elite with them. Also, I love hot springs and considering walking the Nakasendo Trail. A good primer or must knows would be very helpful for my trip. Thanks!
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Ryokans as a solo traveller can be a bit of a pain but even then there are places that accommodate solo travellers
I did the same thing with the suitcases and yeah definitely do that. It turned out that buying a suitcase full price in Tokyo was cheaper than bringing one with me on the plane there. So I stuffed my carry-on full of clothes and nothing else, enough to last me 2 weeks. In the second-to-last day I went to a suitcase shop in Shinjuku and bought a pretty nice one for full price, but that price was still like $45. I also impressed the kind elderly man working there by saying a few phrases. I like to think I made all gaijin proud. For your case you can probably find a cheaper one at don quixote.
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The Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology. Maybe you're thinking
>I don't care about cars! They're boring!
I don't give a fuck about cars either. But the museum isn't about cars, despite the pictures you'll find in English info online. It's about a history of Japanese machinery and manufacturing with actual, moving machines from the 1900s and onward. The machines are fucking huge and seeing and hearing them in action is incredible. I've lived in Japan for a decade, seen a lot of museums, and this one sticks with me more than any other.
The funny thing is for years, white people blamed all the bad tourist issues on Chinese people. Now there are very few Chinese tourists and whites vastly outnumber them, and this is when every tourist is so fucking stupid that it's ruining the country. Really gets the noggin joggin.

Where can I find the creepy murals? I want to get a photo of the NWO soldier and the blue horse.
Just fucking google it idiot, you would have found the answer in 15 seconds. Did this really need to have a WHOLE THREAD?

I fucking hate zoomers so much jesus christ.
A thread died for this.
>muh fred dieded
Don’t care faggot. Eat shit millennial.

the giga rape horse is quite something

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What are some pages / services to book relatively cheap stays in Berlin?
I'm looking to go to there between 17th and 26th May

Have been looking at Airbnbs but they have gotten ridiculously expensive, especially closer to the city center.
I was googling for some hotels, actually found some that would be slightly cheaper but nothing that would be way cheaper.

I looked through "Revolut stays" because that gives me 10% instant cashback, but even with that the stuff that just comes up while googling for stays is around 100 bucks cheaper lol

Any places to book stays in Berlin that /trv/ can recommend me? Looking for something for 3 people between 17th and 26th May
What dates are you staying? I didn't quite get it.
I mentioned it twice because depending on the dates and length of the stay, the available spots and pricing differs massively. Especially without knowing any good pages to book through.
When? I didn't quite get it and can't be bothered to read again.
I recommend going to Scheißaufmeinenschwanzhausmeister to see the world’s most obese cheeto dusted “person”
When in May will you go?

I'm honestly surprised how many people come to Berlin for tourism in Germany when si many better places exist.

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Can some anons share?
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These anons changed my life. Thank you.
Some people come back from streetshitter land with multiple strains of salmonella and some nasty parasites. You're a fucking idiot if you didn't follow up on this properly.
>first two weeks the food tastes amazing until you realize it's the only flavor
Two weeks? I was bored with the food after 5 days. It all tastes and smells the same and has the same texture.
I drove a motorcycle from Delhi to tawang, a place in northeast India. Probably one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Second biggest Tibetan monastery with nice Himalayan background. It's a pain in the ass to get there though but no foreigners at all.

Overall I would say India is around 20% horribly polluted and abject poverty, 70% just really boring with nothing to do in most places, and 10% of some of the most amazing sights and cultural diversity I've seen in my life. It's a travel that is really got super big highs and great lows.

Right now I'm in guwahati which is a boring city, but places like nagaland and arunachal pradesh are mind boggling cool, with tons of local tribes, weird food, amazing landscapes and kind people. I really hated North India though.
Dysentery is a spice now apparently.

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Where have the nicest and rudest people you've met in your travels been? I'll start
>Dallas fort Worth
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Canada falls under acts mean, is mean. They don't even pretend to be nice before they backstab you. Nosy as shit too.
Sri Lanka
Taiwanese locals
Chinese tourists
Elaborate. Expected but I'd like to know some particulars or stories
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tennesee is probably the rudest. Zero of the southern comfort but 100% of being a mouth breathing hick. at least West Virginians are funny since they're borderline crazy

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In contrast to the other US cities thread, what are the best US cities that you travelled to?

Pic not related, I'm American but I've been to more cities outside of the US than in and I want to change that.
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>development pattern
Yeah because there is a river in this valley. It is called the Jordan River and the Wasatch Range and Oquirrh Mountains are running parallel with it.
Shreveport LA
yes but the city isn't restrained by it nor does it run along it.
You guys think Pittsburgh will ever become a hip place people move to since its cheap? easy to get a house there for 200k

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Flying to SF for work at the end of the month, decided to extend the trip a bit. Now I've got four days to fill. What do I do? I know nothing about the city.
>what are you interested in/want to do
Relax, discover a new city, bit of photography (land/cityscape). I like walking.
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i live the city. is gorgeous.
FIRST get a day pass for the metro. it works amazingly and is so much better than driving. unless you're going outside of sf proper or are going to the Golden gate bridge on the north side.
this is pretty much all tourist stuff but its cool anyways.

>Salesforce park
>peir 39
>golden gate park
>Japanese tea garden
>twin peaks for best view of the city
>palace of fine arts
I was in SF for business not too long ago and had a bit of free time (and a comped rental car). I took a drive over to Battery Ridge, its an old military gun battery with great views of the bridge and skyline, and of course you have to drive over the bridge to get there, which is its own experience. Its a short detour with really incredible views. From there you can go to Muir Woods if you want to see nature. I think SF downtown is worth visiting if youre like me and love architecture and like just walking around, otherwise I cant think of anything downtown worth seeing other than Chinatown, which is pretty cool. When I was in Chinatown I saw numerous Chinese squatting and eating, smoking cigarettes, etc, it felt quite authentic. I walked from downtown to Haight-Ashbury because I like the Victorians but thats just me.

Honestly im not a huge fan of the city overall. When I did that long walk it was maybe 15 years ago and I distinctly remember some crazy homeless in Golden Gate Park.
Muir woods
Nappa Valley is nice, but the city is honestly super hilly and kind of boring. Also hella chinks and jeets and from what I understood no attractive women or real night life.
I actually forgot about this, the seals are cool thanks for reminding me.

Has anyone done this?

Apparently it's easy for foreigners to do and doesn't require you to actually hold a residence permit or visa, you can just show up to the office and do the test in (broken) English.

It'd be easier to do this than spending months getting it in my euro shithole
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Good luck telling this to the Russian soldiers there.

I have a full Thai license as a tourist. Took me 2 days to do both theory and driving tests and cost like $40, including the drivint school
nah it isnt, and neither is south ossetia. fuck off and die faggot.
Isn't the initial 2 year license only valid inside Thailand?

Or do other countries not know that/doesn't matter, how would a western country react to whitey with a Thai license?
It's a fact that South Ossetia is a scam though

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I’m traveling both internationally and solo for the first time and want to go to Rome, but the more experienced travelers in my life that I’ve spoken to have told me Rome is a bad starting place. Is this true? I’m American, if that matters.

going to be in amsterdam for a few days, after im going to use the airport to fly to different countries as well, where should i go after amsterdam. but for the few days what should i do in amsterdam,
>hotel or airbnb?
>things i have to do
>weed bars red light district worth it?
stayed for 2 weeks in an airbnb
red light district is gross, do go to the rjiks museum and that whole section
heineken tour was worth it. i liked the torture room.
i did an escape room in the jewish section that was rly fun w drunk and high frens
go to mr meat
if u dont smoke or drink its boring
dont get a prostitute its easy to get girls at bars
do pet the cats that patrol and protect the city
Book a stay at one of the riverboats instead of a hotel or airbnb.
Thanks mate!
can i do that, money isnt an issue btw, ive got like 5k for this trip.
Do see all the art there. Rent a bike and explore Amsterdam like the locals. It's also small enough there to maybe go to Utrecht, Rotterdam or even the Hague for a couple of hours lmao. The red light district has weird vibes, the weed is meh if you're used to good stuff, hash is better. And enjoy the ambience, you can do anything except walk with your dick out
im not a pothead or a coomer. but when i was younger when like late 00s early 10s, amsterdams attraction was mostly red light district and drugs.
ill avoid it if its not worth it.

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