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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, ask in a relevant thread/general instead.

Previous thread: >>2600606
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I have a totally autistic question guys!!!
If I lose my US visa waiver from visiting a shithole like Iran, and then get an israeli citizenship (I'm a halfkike), can I get back my visa waiver???
No, because the conditions for the visa waiver are tied to the person, not the passport.
Will be staying in Germany for a week and want to go somewhere new for a minimum of 2 nights.

Prague or Gdansk?

Prague is overcrowded and done. Gdansk is kino in summer. Cycle the Hel Peninsula and get a ferry back for a unique experience. Also lots of historical stuff re: communism and WW2.
Prague may be tourist disneyland, but it's still Prague. It's like comparing Amsterdam and Ghent. Amsterdam has a lot of issues, but it's still a city worth visiting at least once.
If it was winter, I'd easily say Prague. In summer, however, Gdansk just has more diverse set of things to offer. i.e.:
>Hel Peninsula cycle journey
>Westerplatte open air museum
>3 well-connected cities in one to explore
>Malbork castle day trip
>Caneoing in canals

It all depends what OP is doing in Germany, too. If he's jumping from city to city, then would Prague really offer anything THAT unique?
Best medical tourism country? I am in SEA so I was looking at India, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand. What would be some major pros and cons of any of these? Price and care quality are most important of course. I wouldn’t think India would be great but it is spoken of really highly online when searching this topic.
Hey anon, thanks for the Gdansk suggestion. Just for context, I'll be in Germany for business but I have 3 off days which I can spend going to a country I haven't been.

Malbork is already on my plans but not Hel Peninsula. Looks kino but how would you go about it? Are the beaches in Hel the best or are there better ones around Gdansk?
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You'd get public transport to Wladyslowowo (base of peninsula). When you're there there's a company called Ottobike who you can rent a bike from and then drop off in Hel (end of peninsula). Route is 40km, should take like 2 hours, and gives you freedom to stop off anywhere on the way. Think it's 50pln for a day's rental.

The peninsula is just 1 big beautiful beach like picrel. Definitely nicer than the main cities (though obviously less people here).

If you don't like biking, there's a single track railway going up there, but that robs you of the freedom to stop wherever you please.

From Hel you then get the ferry back to Gdansk, which is a nice journey taking you past the famous shipyards, etc. Make sure you check this time, or you'll be kinda stranded and will need to sleep the night there.
Sounds extremely based. Thanks anon!
Strange question for 4chan, but /trv/ seems sort-of socially adjusted.
What are the most significant changes in travelling once you become a parent? Besides having to keep kid-friendly activities in the program, of course. Parentanons, did becoming a parent enhance the travel experience or did you feel better off when you could decide exactly what you wanted to do and when?
Other than work Ive stopped traveling completely. Its just not worth it. Too much risk traveling with a toddler and there isnt any point since he wont remember any of it. Im also of the opinion that travelers with little children are just disgustingly selfish.
At what point/age will you consider travelling again? Or have you given up completely?
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How strict are the EU's anti-racism laws? I'm not gonna deny the holocaust or shout "nigger" in the streets, but I do want to tell off gypsy scammers and Chinese tourists.
Do I need a car rental in Zakopane? Rented a house 20 min walk from the train station for ~8 days in June. Plan to hike and chill. Already visited Krakow and all the surrounding stuff.
> anon yells at scammers and people doing dumb stuff
No problem

> anon uses racial epithets while doing so

Although are you really coming here just to shout at some Chinese tourists? Can’t you do that at home?
>Watching some border patrol show
>They keep investigating people for only bringing like $80 into the country
Why is this even a thing? Don't border patrols know you can withdraw money in other countries?
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I have a Netherlands passport with a long layover at Heathrow; can I go through border control to explore London for the day without a visa?
What are the best brothels and Saunaclubs in Germany/Austria/Swiss?

FKK Samya seems pretty good from online reviews. People always seem to either get good or bad results with the girls at brothels though no middle ground. Wanna make sure if I do go to one it's worth it
>Wants to go hiking
>Do I need a car to get a 20min walk away
Can anyone give me the insider information on Chiansu? Is it just a shitty city as it seems or are there some interesting experiences to be had? I won't be there long so a lot of travelling is out of the question
When the kiddos old enough to remember the trips.
Buddy, you can legally stay in the UK without a visa for up to six months. A single day would be no trouble at all.
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How much is the language barrier a issue when traveling to countries where most people don't speak English (India, Korea, Saudi Arabia)?

Is getting a tour guide a must?
I’ve had visas where the conditions included proving means at the border. This was easily done by printing off a bank statement but they also accepted physical money, stock certificates and precious metals.

Dunno which border you were watching but I can imagine it’s that
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Hey bros, I need to get from Paris to Pamplona on the 6th of Jan. I've got a few options but I don't know what to choose.
>5 and a half hour expensive train ride from Paris to San Sebastian getting off at Hendaya/Hendaia to switch trains. Then catching an hour and a half bus from San Sebastian to Pamplona to get into Pamplona late afternoon/evening where I can check into my hotel
>12 hour bus with Flixbus/Alsa/BlaBlaBus that would get me into Pamplona the morning of the 6th, losing me a morning in Paris and forcing me to wait until 3pm to check into my hotel in Pamplona
>Flight to Biarritz then a bus to San Sebastian and another bus to Pamplona which is the fastest but also the most annoying route as flights are unruly and a pain in the ass and I'd get in late at night on the 6th
I'm leaning more on the overnight bus even though I hate sleeping on buses. At least if I arrive in the morning I'd be able to dump my shit at the hotel and see the official start of San Fermin at noon.
Anyone done this route? What would you choose?
Depends on the country honestly
Also depends on your skills. It's entirely possible to not speak a word of the local language and communicate well enough. Remember that speech is actually a small part of human communication. I recommend learning the basics and then whipping your dick out, putting it on the table and letting them handle you. They want your money, they'll figure out what you'll be babbling about
Anyone here been to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan?
Looking to go to in June, 11th to 30th. Aiming for 2 days in Tashkent, 3 days in Samarkan, 2 days in Bukhara and 2 in Khiva. Then fly out to Almaty and the surroundings for the remainder of the trip.
Good idea to go there in june?
ive never travelled before and wanna visit thailand. how do you guys plan destination a -> destination b -> destination c with all transfers and stuff?

most websites like tui offer flight -> transfer -> destination a -> transfer -> flight back

yes im retarded
Just settle down in one place young man, don't follow others. You've never travelled, you're not going run out of sights and experiences in the region you're in
That looks like a good itinerary, make sure to take the train between the four cities in Uzbekistan, the fast ones sell out quickly.
Since there are no direct flights between Urgench (closest airport to Khiva) and Almaty, you might want to invert the itinerary like this: Tashkent - overnight train - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand - fly to Almaty.
Summer will be warm/hot but it will be dry heat, so entirely manageable by taking plenty of water.
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Part meme, part genuine, will I get dirty looks if I fly into Frankfurt wearing lederhosen? I will be in Germany for the Bayerische Löwe and on one side, I want to wear tracht to save on the suitcase space/weight. On the other hand, I'm reminded of the /trv/ banner of the guy wearing jap garb while surrounded by jap businessmen in suits. Would just the Joppe and hat be fine, since they don't scream folksy, but are also a bitch and a half to keep nice in a suitcase?
Didn't happen very often, at least in my family. Partially agree with >>2657199 that toddlers and younger won't remember most of it. On the other hand, I'd like to think that some parents have good reason. My parents would take us to my mom's country when my siblings and I were born and old enough to travel so that her side could also do the typical doting stuff.
Making sure your daughters little pussy doesn't end up getting sucked. It was happen quicker than you think, 5 minutes you not not being with her and/or thinking every guy around has got your best interests at Heart
How do I get a job in another country? I have degree in STEM.
Age? Years of experience? What country are you from? Skillsets? Any possible dependencies to take care of?

I don't know how you expect any good advice when you give basically no information for anyone to work with.
Thanks lad. I was thinking of getting a private car transfer from Bukhara to Khiva. Also is Khiva worth it in your opinion? Seems out of the way for a small town.
It's absolutely worth going to all three of Bukhara, Khiva and Samarkand, each has a completely different vibe while still being similar.
Yeah, a taxi between Bukhara and Khiva is a good choice as well, between Bukhara-Samarkand-Tashkent the trains are more frequent.
nta but I need to fuck off asap out of my country (thirdie). In the pharmaceutical industry but just graduated and I still have my community service years ahead of me. Is the best play just to rope a foreign qt to change my nationality that way? No idea how to go about just applying for a job and moving over. I assume I'll have to do their exams as well and redo some comserv years as well
I'm moving to Oahu in a couple months. What am I in for? Any tips on things to do and see?
Hello all, I’ll be flying to Mexico City from Reynosa (airport also in Mexico). Will I need a a FMM/Tourist card? I’m a US Citizen with a passport card.
You will get a stamp in your passport in Reynosa, if entering there first from the US. Traveling within México does not require an FMM. They don't have paper FMMs anymore
Got an opportunity to do 2 days in oen of the following cities with a pal: Milan, Copenhagen or Marseille. Any advice on which would be best? I enjoy photography, history stuff and coffee/food.
Copenhagen and it's not even close. The other two are shitholes.
Flying from London Heathrow to Hong Kong via Beijing
I have a 6 hour wait in Beijing until my HK flight
Will my luggage be transferred automatically? It's the same carrier (China Southern air) and the flights were not booked separately

Also can I use Alipay without internet to buy shit in PEK?
Gdańsk is hell in summer, wtf are you talking about?
My flight (first time going to US)-
>Latvia -> Amsterdam -> US
At what point do they check my documents and stuff?
I have 50 minutes to get from my first flight (Latvia -> Amsterdam) to second flight (Amsterdam -> US). I'm worried that j will be stuck in some passport/customs/border check and miss my flight.
If you’re a pharmacist then every first world country has some regulator that publishes what the mutual recognition criteria are for your qualifications. Tick all those boxes and then you can get a job and move

If you’re on the R&D or production side then you can just apply for jobs that say they’ll sponsor visas, but given the supply and demand mismatch for STEM labour this will be hard.
Never been to Milan but Marseille and Copenhagen are about as different as European cities can be
>50 minutes between flights
Between arrival and departure? That's a tight connection.
Did you book this as one ticket?
I have not bought it yet. I found it on Skyscanner. I think you buy it as one ticket.
What, you gonna recommend it in winter instead, lol?
China Southern, oh shit good luck trying to sleep on that flight (hope it's not too late to cancel your flight)
I have a short break in july of about 5 days and I'd like to fly to somewhere in europe but I can't really decide where. I've heard europe is really hot and busy in summer but for a short trip of 5 days I really don't have any other good international options from east coast USA.

Any recommendations? I've been to Austria, that's the only european country I've seen so far.
Can any Americans be honest with me what the cocaine situation is like? I read about fentanyl a lot from your country, how likely am I to get coke which is cross contaminated with fentanyl from a street dealer? I will be coming to Dallas
why do people waste time at airline lounges? i don't get it. why not just go out and explore. i'm always looking to maximize my stay when traveling.
Hey guys. What's the easiest way for me, an American, to volunteer/work in hostels in Europe? I'm in Portugal rn staying w/ a relative, but I want to branch out.

I heard of Workaway and Worldpackers but those sites charge a fee. Do those sites even work? Should I just cold email hostels? HELP!!!
>why not just go out and explore
they either cant or dont have the time to
i wouldnt know im not a crackhead. if you are coming to my country how about you respect the fucking law and refrain from using drugs for your short stay junkie
Are all of the westerners in Bulgaria right now since they have just come into schengen?
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Going to the Royal Albert Hall in London for a gig but have never been before. Is it just like any other venue for a gig or is it more strict? It feels like the kind of place you would need to dress up a little for and I can imagine they don't let you bring drinks out to the standing section
There is no de-facto difference for European citizens. Even before you could go and come back with the same documents anywhere else in the Schengen area.
Who is it you are seeing anon

The Albert hall itself does not have a dress code. Certain promoters impose one but this is for classical concerts and that kind of thing. If you’re going to listen to Holst you dress better anyway. Last time I was there I was in jeans and t shirt. I could move around freely with my drink from the bar too but again could vary with event
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Im a burger flying to shitaly soon,
Ive never flown internationally- how does customs work? I go through a line after I land in Rome and, what, they look at my passport quickly and ask i have anything to declare? How long does this take? Do they shake me down? What do I have to worry about brining? Im just gonna bring clothes and camera gear really. When I fly back from Paris to LAX do I go through customs as an American citizen?
Im not German but I bet you’ll look very retarded. Not that the temporary opinions of strangers actually matters though.
You really cant just change into them later?
Yeah not going to a classical music concert or anything, just going to see the War on Drugs. Seems like a fancy venue for a rock concert but sounds like it should be the same as any other one I've been to from what you say
you just land there and everyone goes mama mia pizzeria. Milano has better weather and less bag ads for gucci.

Ps. The non EU international visitors arrivals / departures then just show papers and yes im a burger
try it and find out
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do you think my passport is in good condition?. The inside is good, it just has those bites in the cover. Should I request a new one? I have a trip in two days so im getting stressed
>do you think my passport is in good condition?
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What is the best country to visit as an american who has never gone to another country before solo? I'm open to anything, I considered japan but it seems like it would be too expensive and I might need to save up for it.
Bangladesh is coming up and it's safe.
Anybody have experience visiting Australia? I submitted my ETA and they say there's normally a response in 72 hours... It's been two weeks and I'm still just showing "submitted".
What do I do? I already have tickets and plans because I assumed some random American who wants to see kangaroos and shit for two weeks would get auto-approval.
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See taiwan before china invades it.

No seriously, go see it, the CIA thinks they are going to invade by 2027, see it before they do that.
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Are there any tea internships that actually lead to career opportunities, or are they all working vacations that you pay for?
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Things to do in western Spain / Portugal mid September / early October? Pic so I can find this a month from now.
Why are there almost no electric sockets to be found at airports
I guess Salamanca will be full of new students...
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Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome indecisiveness regarding traveling?
I like going out on solo trips but I somehow manage to obsessively fuzz over destinations and minor details to the point that I sometimes just sit at home during my vacation instead.
I saw Opeth of all bands playing there years ago. Played black water park in its entirety and a bunch of other stuff from their back catalogue. Was beyond based. As well as prog metal they do ballet and opera and so on. You’ll be fine anon
I mean this in full seriousness because my life is uneventful and aimless; if I were to travel to, let's say Germany, hide my passport and walk into immigration pretending to be a refugee will they give me a visa? I'm white as a sheep and speak perfect English so idk if they'll believe me.
Literally came here to ask this myself. I think you'll be delegated the really shitty immigrant jobs and given a shitty room in a shitty shared house, on top of having to sleep in a camp for like 9 months because the process (I'd imagine) would be long. Still wonder if anyone here has done it
Going to Ecuador, but before we depart for the jungle we’re going to stay a while near quito

My question is: should we stay in quito proper, or somewhere near by like Mindo/otavolo. We’ll be in the area a week or ten days
Furthermore, after we leave, we want to stay a month or so in either Puyo or Baños

Which do you suggest?
Any remote workers or DNs have experience living in two places at once? I have a place in a rural college town but it’s gotten a little bit isolating and I’m thinking about getting in the habit of annual short term rental in the city.
why is the train network in Turkey so shit?

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