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Where have the nicest and rudest people you've met in your travels been? I'll start
>Dallas fort Worth
Boston is the worst. Somehow they manage to be worse than New York. Last year I was in the Boston Common when some older woman went past saying "Out of my way, fuckhead!" I just stood there like "Did I just hear what I think I heard?"

Nicest is the Great Plains states or what coasties disparage as being "flyover country"
Seattle/Portland should be excluded from the acts nice, is nice portion. That corner of the country is superficially friendly but they're passive aggressive cunts
>idk maybe DC
That map is really dumb
Worst, a toss up between Philadelphia and NYC.
Nicest, probably Utah. People in southern France in Provence were shockingly nice.
Nyc (Queens)
Nyc (french and german tourists in Manhattan)
>Perth, Western Australia
>Riga, Latvia
>Acts nice, is nice
New Zealand, except Auckland. They are genuinely lovely people. Brazil and Latin America. Island countries almost universally fall into this category.
>Act mean, is nice
NYC, Chicago, Boston, Philly... the big cities east of the Mississippi in USA. Also that British habit of dry sarcasm which borders on contempt but ultimately is some show interpersonal respect would probably fall into that category. Australians are more brash than mean, but are ultimately as good hearted as people get.
>Act nice, is mean
West Coast & Southern USA. France sort of, in that they are very polite but not particularly friendly. Which is distinct from American passive-aggressiveness, and not nearly as bad. Canada is like this to the max. Southern Europe can be like this.
>Act mean, is mean
Eastern Europe, China. I think as America and Canada get more screen-addicted and autistic certain cities are becoming this rapidly. Either they can't effectively act nice because they are too autistic to fake it or they are so engrained in the culture war that they are comfortable openly hating white straight men. Seattle, SF, Portland are increasingly becoming this. As are large swaths of the more radical parts of Trump Country.
Nicest: Oman
Rudest: An Irish in Australia
You’ve not been to any of these places you fucking liar. Utah is notoriously rude to non-Mormons.
Only places I’ve ever been where people were mean AF we’re the Rocky Mountain states
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The rudest are the southern states
Not true at all if they think they can convert you.
I am happy to see my german colony holding the flag
out-of-the-way parts of Turkey
black inner cities in the US
southern Ontario

SoCal had some of the angriest people I've ever encountered.
Parts of Pennsylvania and much of Southeastern Michigan are very close runners up.
Nicest (As in genuinely nice) were rural South, and rural Texas, New Mexico and parts of Arizona. (Seemed the closer I got to California, the more plain angry people I met).
>Idaho (pretty much any place with working lower middle class)


People in LA get off on how mean they can be, its almost like hidden competition.
I heard horrible things about New Mexico and then I moved here 6mo ago. Everyone is nice as fuck here
>not South Carolina
I cannot comprehend this level of retardation
>acts nice is mean in the south
>especially texas
People will refuse to let you leave without either giving you food or taking a picture in the South.

More or less should be Republican states are nice and Democrat states are mean with a few exceptions either way like Georgia being nice and Ohio being assholes
Sounds like you aren't from the south then. There's no kinship between them
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nigger what? Every and any state has better claims to being
>the south
than those faggots in texas and before you say something gay like
>hurr virgina isn't the south
Richmond was the capital of the confederacy and the mason dixon line was the demarcation between northern and southern states. Texas is North Mexcio
I love seeing yanks try and figure out what the actual South is kek
>SoCal had some of the angriest people I've ever encountered.
>People in LA get off on how mean they can be, its almost like hidden competition.

LA native and I 100% agree. I think it's related to the high percentage of transplants, you just have to be a complete cunt to willingly move here and it bleeds into everybody else's attitude.
Right, cuz Tennessee, home of Dolly Parton, is NOT the South..
sorry, maryland is the south. i don't make the rules
>maryland is the south
Canada falls under acts mean, is mean. They don't even pretend to be nice before they backstab you. Nosy as shit too.
Sri Lanka
Taiwanese locals
Chinese tourists
Elaborate. Expected but I'd like to know some particulars or stories
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tennesee is probably the rudest. Zero of the southern comfort but 100% of being a mouth breathing hick. at least West Virginians are funny since they're borderline crazy

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