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What are the most dangerous feeling places you guys have traveled to?
La Cieba, Honduras. It seemed like there wasn't a single other tourist in town. I got food in a restaurant near the beach. When it was time to pay, I went to the restroom for privacy to get my cash in order. When I came out, the owner asked me why I was hiding in the bathroom, that everyone knew I was in there counting my money, and that I didn't belong in town and should definitely leave before nightfall.

It was a uncomfy vibe.
I was in an area called El Badari, Egypt recently. No tourists go there, it's the place the surrounding areas go to buy guns. I went to go and look at some ancient Egyptian tombs off the beaten path and got chased out by a local, my driver told me I might have been at risk of being shot.
I got caught in an anti-government riot in Turkey 10 years ago. A shopkeeper pulled me into his place right before the tear gas started.
Easy, caracas. Where the first thing you have to do when getting off the plane is make an illegal currency exchange in some backstreet with some sketchy dudes who know you're carrying American cash, and also know you're not carrying so much as a pocket knife.

Staying at the nicest hotel (InterContinental) and still had gunfire hitting the walls. Haven't been there since 2016, but it's apparently gotten even worse.
Baltimore, especially when I missed a turn and the streets the GPS ended up routing me through.
Sleeping in a van in southside Chicago after playing a house show at a skuzzy heroin den.
And then everyone clapped
I've never been, how bad are the ghettos in Baltimore?
Not as bad as this idiot is making out. A black guy probably looked at him and he shit his panties
Pretty weak sauce but really late night in a sketchy apartment complex in Orlando for an airbnb. Shared a bedroom with a bunch of randoms on bunkbeds and it made me uncomfortable. It actually wasn't bad inside it was pretty clean. I just didn't like the complex and sharing a room. If I wasn't so tired I would have feared getting raped
New Orleans, Canal Street. Got chased down the street by a drugged out bum in broad daylight on a weekday. Was getting in my face and screaming at me, attempting to grab me. This is literally one block from the most touristy part of Bourbon btw.
I was in Atlanta a few years back and the group I was with got lost on the way home from the bar and we ended up in a war zone.

It was literally like in a zombie movie where the zombies are shuffling around and then they see the normal people and they all start grunting and running towards the humans except it was nigs instead of zombies.

Another time I was working in South Central LA and I lost track of time and left the job site at like 9PM. Crackhead kept throwing themselves into my car and fat black hookers kept trying to open my door.

One time in Costa Rica I was walking with my wife through the entertainment district of town with all the shops and restaurants and shit and all the sudden there was a power outage. All the businesses locked their doors with people inside and all these big fences started slamming shut and there was a palpable sense of panic with everyone on the streets. It was almost pitch black, and everyone just started sprinting and running into each other, and you could hear people screaming in the alleys.
attica downtown, turned to wrong alley and holy shit it was just full of rejects, mentally ill people, street hookers, tranny hookers sitting with the girls then some meth head came yelling at me WHAT, WHAT. Life expectancy goes down hard there.
Sinaloa. got pulled over by a bunch of cartel affiliated farmers with guns who had blocked the road with barrels. had to pay them off to continue driving and pray they wouldn't care I had a foreign passport
Also New Orleans
Tell me more, why were you there, just for tourism?? Where did you end up going?
>how bad are the ghettos in Baltimore?
Depends on where you are and your race. White guy in the black ghetto, you can get some hate or worse, but it's a ghetto. North Ave and Greenmount Ave, Druid Hill Park area are some places to exercise caution.
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Honestly, the most scared I ever felt was in Thailand, when I decided to walk back to my semi rural guesthouse around midnight.

Not because of the people, but because of the dogs. During the day you don't notice them but during the night when everyones asleep every house or business has dogs (not even counting the semi feral ones) and they basically bark and run up at you, and once one starts barking the rest of them on the street are on the watch.

Absolutely huge German Shepherd launched out of nowhere at me. Thankfully their owner happened to be nearby and calmed it down, but that was a bit hairy.
I still remember driving into a Detroit park with no nighttime lighting to crash out in my truck near a creek. The cops noticed my truck in the woods at dawn and pulled up, prolly expecting a dead body inside. They could've ticketed me for driving across the grass and illegally camping in the park, but instead they only expressed relief that I was alive (and concern that I was in danger of being robbed even in the morning hours).
Last airbnb I stayed in, the room next door had a creepy faggot who kept scratching on the wall, moaning, knocking, and voicing dirty overtures in a simpering voice. The rooms shared a door, and I was flying high on edibles, but thankfully he ended up only beating his meat talking filthy to the wall. Bay Area of California, figures.
I also made the mistake of thinking a 10 PM moonlight walk through the quiet streets of a Thai village was a good idea. The two dozen street curs changed my mind right quick.
Was that one of those tollboth takeovers on Highway 15? They were a regular occurrence for a while.
Baltimore is my yardstick for how bad a place sucks. If it's as bad or worse, it ain't worth going to.
the dangerous path in some moutains
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Part of Johannesburg. Actually I didn't feel it on the first day. But after talking to a few locals as they pointed out some of the crime issues, I felt quite anxious the following days. In fact I didn't even notice a lot of electrical fences around until afterward including our hotel.
Columbus, OH. Pulled into a street and watched a guy get stomped on. they tried to curb stomp him but missed. they put him on his knees and held a gun to his head and then I honked my horn because these niggers were still blocking the street and then they ran (drove an ex cop car at the time)
Pretty you can pay dollars there. Why would you exchange precious new dollar bills into local toilet paper
On the beaches around Mombasa, after dark. All the homeless/super poor Africans sleep on the beach near the boundary with the vegetation. I was clueless of this fact until I was approached by a couple very tall men who began asking me for money.

This was after 10pm and it was unlit except for the moon.

I told them I didn't bring anything with me and started walking away. They followed me. I told them to leave me alone.
>we want money
I told them again I didn't have any money and was just walking back to my hotel.
>you give us money
Just repeating it like on autopilot.
I climbed up the seawall type of thing and trespassed onto a resort property and headed towards the lights. The homeless nigs just stared at me.
Security guy stopped me when I was almost there and asked me what I was doing, I explained the situation and apologized for entering the property that way but I was afraid I was about to be robbed.
He told me I had gotten lucky, because usually men like that don't ask and just attack. He said to me I could have been killed easily, and nobody goes to the beach after dark because of the robbers. He escorted me off the resort grounds to the main road.
Then, he asked me for money also.
>can you give me tip?

Fucking Africa.
Yep, couldn't agree more. I did a job interview near there. They put me up in some apart hotel thing that had someone try to break in during the night, luckily I had the chain on the door. When the driver took me back to the airport the next day, there was an accident and we had to take a detour and he told me to crouch down on the floor as we drove through the area lol.
Lived in Brazil. Got shot at once, robbed at gunpoint twice. Watched many people die. One time watched this gang beat a man to death and stab his face and neck repeatedly with a broken glass bottle mere seconds after talking to them about playing futbol with us. Saw more dead bodies than I care to remember, one time walked up to a rotten child corpse hanging from a tree. Shit was traumatic.
>Then, he asked me for money also
Fucking kek
Local train station in the evening.
It’s embarrassingly obvious, but I was in Kabul for work late in the American period there, and it was grim. I got daily security updates in my e-mail about known villains who had been seen in town, I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere on my own, I was given “danger pay.” It was in practice totally fine, but right after I left a bunch of people got murdered in a fancy hotel. It’s probably actually safer now but I am a little embarrassed to have gone when and how I did.

I have also been to a small number of other semi-active war zones or recent conflict/unrest areas in Africa (Liberia, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire), and I can’t understand how any dipshit could possibly decide it’s a good idea to get in the way in places like that.

War tourism isn’t just for stupids, it’s for complete assholes.
I actually had a great time in La Ceiba last month.
>walk almost 2 miles across town at dusk because I don’t want to argue with taxi drivers
>people stare at my big backpack but no one fucks with me
>planned to stealth camp in the woods near the beach because I’m an edgelord
>google La Ceiba crime rates and chicken out
>get a room in a hotel which wis shitty, but which has the most pleasant rooftop bar I’ve seen
>get half-drunk with the owner and his daughter in the bar
> walk 8 blocks in the dark to a Chinese restaurant
>make the owner happy by speaking a little Chinese to him
>buy a beer from a shop and eat my Chinese food on the stoop
>get a (admittedly ghetto) haircut from a teenager in a tattoo parlor where men were playing pool
>walk back to the nice terrace bar and finish getting drunk with hotel owner
>pass through town again a week later
>decide to camp where I’d originally planned because I got good vibes
>hide backpack in bushes and drink beers at resort hotel until dark
>string my hammock from 2 huge trees >read Osamu Dazai stories on my phone while fireflies dance around my hammock and waves crash on the beach
>next day I walk 2 miles across town with bigass Osprey backpack, no one fucks with me
Not saying I didn’t get lucky, but people who live in shitholes tend to be cowards, so I don’t always take them seriously when they try to spook me

I’m guessing he was going to Rostand or Utila, you have to get the boat from La Ceiba if you can’t afford a flight
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> why were you there, just for tourism?
Yeah mostly, it's my goal is visit every country in the world and I was just crossing that one off my bucket list. It wasn't all bad though, the beaches were really nice.
Shame you didn't run them over
Kek my compound got flattened by a truck bomb. They were trying to blow up the gurkha barracks but got stopped short and detonated in our front gate. Blew out all the windows and destroyed our gym, chow hall, offices and collapsed one set of container rooms.

Half our workforce took the next flight out.
How do I get a job like that? Seems perfect for me.
I have no family except for mom who lives in another state, no wife/gf, no children (big surprise on 4chan right). I wasn't in the military though, is that a requirement?
Security clearance is your ticket, then get with a contracting company with a job skill you have. Some sponsor security clearances. Looking up big government contractors and look on their websites for overseas positions.
>Fucking Africa.
yeah I was in zanzibar this year, it is really shameless. These guys try to be your friends and act personal and homie and care free then the next day come with some sob story about how they need a little bit of money.
San Salvador, El Salvador felt a tad dangerous, as did Salvador, Brazil as soon as you left the "tourist" bits.

Someone tried to rob me in Managua, Nicaragua. I found parts of the Philippines unnerving and didn't like exploring after dark in Panama City past the tourist zone.

I was tear gassed in Istanbul but that was just unlucky as I accidentally ended up near a protest.
I visited Jackson Mississippi to volunteer during their water crisis and attempted to get a fried bologna sandwich from this shop I’d seen on YouTube travel channels. I witnessed two sets of vehicles with guys hanging out of the windows firing fully automatic weapons at each other. Neither could hit the other car but bullets were spraying all over the place. I hit the ground and I heard bullets ricocheting off the walls and popping on the ground around me. I will NEVER go back to Jackson Mississippi again.
People got murdered in a fancy hotel? Try explaining a bit.
It was in the news… suicide attack at the Intercontinental Hotel, then (and probably still) the fanciest hotel in Kabul. I just looked it up—I guess only half a dozen guests actually died, small potatoes by terrorism standards. Ancient history by now, as well—this was in January 2011. I was based in Kabul for all of December 2010, including attending a couple of events at the hotel.
where in Brazil was this? I spent a lot of time there in the south and midwest. I really appreciate stories from there
What parts of Panama City ?
As in tourist zones to me can be casco viejo, el cangrejo and the richer parts of town, but casco viejo already has a ghetto just minutes by foot from it. Or you mean places like el chorrillo where you explored ?
>These guys try to be your friends and act personal and homie and care free then the next day come with some sob story about how they need a little bit of money.
One of the many reasons I will never kive there. It's impossible to be friends with the locals. It's all just buildup so they can ask you for money. Even with "rich" men they are only cultivating a relationship in the hopes you can network them with some international source of capital.
Last I heard, people would even get robbed in the airport. I like risk but that's one place I won't go.
Im from a 3rd world country, not easily scared and the answer is easy: Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela

lmao I was actually bit by a dog in Trat
The dogs in Thailand can be scary as hell for real. Some of the monkey packs too.
>Then, he asked me for money also.
But for real, he did give you something with the information.

IME one of my drivers in Congo was a totally solid dude who refused a tip.
Yeah, wouldn't mind a qrd here.
I've slept on Aqaba beach, chlled out at night in Amman, hung around Irbid with the locals, even got invited to a house party by a girl whose father had an AK gifted by Saddam with the pic to prove it. I didn't get a dodgy vibe whatsoever. this was like 2013 or so though.
He did his job of catching me and removing me from the property
all we did was have a conversation
he didn't deserve a tip for simply doing his job and talking to me, you imbecile.

I suspect it is absolute retards like you who give africans the impression that merely interacting with a white person is enough to earn a bill in hand.
Even for Venezuela that's an out of the way part of the country. What were you up to there? Were else in Venezuela did you travel?
Well i could’ve just shot you. You sound like you deserved a bullet
I went in 2021 and while I was doing very normie tourist things and staying at a nice hotel, it was one of the safest feeling, friendliest countries I've ever visited. The entire place exuded wealth and security. I can only assume this post is trolling
>visit Caribbean niggerisland completely unprepared
>soon realise there is no uber or public transport and walking everywhere is not fun in the heat. also nowhere takes cards and I have no cash.
>hang out at a local bar all day and end up chatting to the woman who owns the bar
>she seems extremely friendly and cheerful and says she's more than happy to give me a lift to the cash machine and take me to to other beaches
>spend the whole day travelling around with her and her daughter, feeling like I am bonding with the locals and making friends. this whole time I am thanking them for helping me and offering to buy drinks
>eventually when I get dropped off the woman bluntly asks for $250 saying it would be half of what a taxi driver would ask for a days driving around
>feel extremely awkward and stunned, say I will go and get it out of my bag
>run away and jog for 30 mins back to my airbnb
a small part of my brain always felt guilty and wondered if I should have expected it or if I missed some kind of social cue, but reading this thread reinforces my opinion that they were just greedy black people with a complex about white people owing them something
it really ruined my experience there and made me dislike blacks more
should've asked upfront how much retard
dude they acted like my friends
if I am at the bar and I overhear a guy saying he is out of cigs and I offer to take him to the local shop to get some more I'm not expecting fucking money
it's called being a normal, social, nice person
Different kind of danger, but once when I was younger and more stupid my friends and I attempted to summit Mt Sanford on a sub-optimal day. Most of the final ascent was fine, but with 750' of elevation to go we were socked in with clouds with about 10 feet of visibility, after summiting we were hit with pretty much a complete whiteout and it became near impossible to retrace our steps. Once we hit 13,000' in elevation it became pretty clear that we were not going to find Camp 4 and that we were lost - we should have just found a spot and made camp, but a friend insisted we keep driving to locate Camp 3.

That day was +3000 and -6000 feet in elevation in about 14 hours of work. As the sun was setting I had a very distinct feeling of "Oh, yea, this is really fucking dangerous." Fortunately, Sanford isn't technical and we were able to get off the mountain safely. But yea, that felt dangerous.
mountain climbers all deserve to die
What the fuck, lol?

I spent a few nights in La Cieba in early 2020. It was just an ordinary Latin American town--it certainly didn't feel any more dangerous than San Pedro Sula or Tegucigalpa. I actually had a good time there.

From what I recall, I got piss-drunk at my hotel and ended up wandering the streets late at night to find food. Met a bunch of interesting people. Lots and lots of street vendors who'd lived in America before getting deportead and spoke pretty good English.

My favorite was some homeless fucking crackhead who sounded like he'd spent most of his life in Miami. I was drunk and wanted cigarettes, and he offered to run down the street and grab them for me in exchange for a couple of smokes. Gave him money, fully expecting to never see him again--but he came back a few minutes later, handed me the receipt from the gas station, and told me which places in town had the best hot dogs (lol).

(in hindsight, I've actually had a lot of crackheads in Latin America buy me cigarettes and other such shit when I've been drunk--surprisingly, not a single one ever ran off with the money)

>a riot 10 years ago
Was it the Gezi Park protests?

I got caught up in that shit on my first-ever trip abroad. I'd just come back to Turkey from Greece, and the owner of the hostel I was staying at told me and a German guy that "some hippies are having a protest in the park, and we should totally go down there and try to pick up some liberal Turkish women."
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IIRC, by the time we wandered down, the police had already disbanded the initial protest. We wandered around the edge of the park, found a few people waving SDP banners, and then--out of nowhere--some riot cops came charging down a hill toward the corner of Tarlabasi Bulvari. I turned around to run and got beaned in the back with a rubber bullet (and saw a random old man get knocked down after a tear gas canister hit him directly in the face).

Lost track of my German friend, and followed by a bunch of "random" Turks running into an apartment. Got upstairs, looked around, and saw pictures of Marx and Lenin on the wall--turned out to be the SDP neighborhood headquarters, lol. To make a long story short, I got stuck in there for ~2 hours while the police tried to break the door down (I think they called a lawyer, who in turn got the police called off).

Picrel, sorta--this was a week or so later. I was staying very close to Taksim, so we were in the middle of all the protests. I think, in this case, protesters had said up barricades toward one of the Europe-Asia bridges and managed to push back a pretty big police offensive--everybody had started running away from the line, then somebody lit a fuck-ton of fireworks and everyone came running back.

TBQH Taksim + much of Beyoglu was basically just a giant street party for the week or so that there was no police presence.
Anway, so far as the OP goes, I've been to:
>many places in the Central American gang belt
>Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan (the latter felt fine, but passing through suburban, pre-ISIL Mosul was still spooky)
>rural Pakistan (not scary at all--though there was a suicide bombing near my hotel in Peshawar several days after I left)
>guerrilla-controlled jungles in Colombia and India

Never felt unsafe, but I also make an effort to avoid getting caught up in anything too stupid. Biggest "shiet" moment I had was while speaking to a Maoist guerrilla who casually mentioned killing several dozen police officers over the course of 1-2 years (did some casual fact-finding afterward--he wasn't lying). But we were sitting down and having a chat in his courtyard, and there was nothing even remotely dangerous about it.
Many do end up dying.
This stories could make a good book
San Jose, Costa Rica. By day I felt everyone staring at us like we were easy targets because we didn't speak Spanish. By night, my husband and I took a taxi to the gastronomy district to meet a friend of mine who owned a restaurant. It was dark and the driver literally would not leave until he saw us meet our friend. In hindsight that was a taxi driver who really cared about people.
You got lucky. I was working there at the time and 2 colleagues (white and Western) were beaten up, arrested and deported within 48 hours simply due to being on the street at night when some protests erupted, one of them just walking home from work. This was separate incidents, authorities just wanted to be able to pin some blame on foreign elements. I had a short walk from work to home and worst I got was tear gassed a couple of times but I saw all kinds of brutality between protestors and police from my window.

Still felt safer there than living in Birmingham. There was a guy stabbed to death literally right outside my window and I saw two other stabbing incidents. I actually lived in a nice part of town.
The advice right below your comment is probably sensible. If you are a non-military person with any of a range of real-world skills and experience, who specifically wants to work in unpleasant places, there are dozens of companies funded by defense and other big-gov agencies hiring.

The job I personally had in Afghanistan no longer exists, so my personal experience is not relevant. I was working on the lower echelons of the senior staff at large NGOs, and if that sounds like a career you want to pursue you should hopefully already know how to do it well enough. Requires at least a couple of degrees and an amount of being in the right places at the right times.

If nobody has ever made any of these kinds of noises in your vicinity, this is not a path you want to bother with. There are other, arguably better, options.
I deserve a bullet for running away from robbers onto a hotel property? You're an idiot. Never post again.
Same here. I have a deployment (no combat though) and a security clearance under my belt. Not much in the way of skills other than static security but I'm back in school RN.
>You got lucky. I was working there at the time and 2 colleagues (white and Western) were beaten up, arrested and deported within 48 hours

That was my first-ever trip abroad. I was 19, and I got much too close to the "action" while taking pictures and "speaking to the locals." It all made for a very interesting and memorable experience, but I'd never do the same thing at my current age.

I also learned to ride a motorcycle in New Delhi. I didn't have any accidents and managed to become a very confident rider--I have a bike here in the U.S., and own another that I keep at my in-laws' house in India--but would actively advise anyone from learning in a country like India. Don't regret doing it, but there was so much potential to go wrong that I didn't really stop and think about at the time.
You gave me some great advice on here at the time about travelling round the Southeast and some other places so pretty thankful that you got away with it
Post more.
Callao Peru walk and within one block and you will 100% be robbed.
I have seen multiple people machine gunned to death in Peru 100' in front of me.
I have seen a bus plunge off a cliff at 14,000' and spill bodies and baggage all the way down the mountain - the bleeding limping injured trying to crawl back up to the road, was right out of a horror zombie movie.

I've saw a person run over, go over the wheel well and the driver got out and threw the body into the back of the pickup and drove off.
I met escaped Nazi's hiding in the Andes.

Belize City with fuck tons of deported crips and bloods.

Any town on the Pacific side of Ecuador.
The southeast of Turkey or India?

You're welcome if it was me who gave the advice--which it likely was, since I've been using this shit board for ages. Not meme-ing. Am genuinely glad it helped. I relied heavily on /trv/ before taking my first trip, and got great advice on places to go in nearly every country I visited (including Iraq).

IMO, this board is getting better, but it's still much harder to get good-faith advice about places like Turkey/the Middle-East/India/Africa than it used to be. Pls be a good autist and pay it forward to other new /trv/elers.
>I have a deployment (no combat though) and a security clearance under my belt. Not much in the way of skills other than static security but I'm back in school RN.

I guess my advice for you is the same as for the other guy—look for contracting firms funded by DOD or other government agencies, see what kinds of jobs they have. My specific line of work (management roles at big NGOs) no longer exists in Afghanistan, and the jobs are surprisingly cutthroat and workaholic given how poorly they mostly pay. I would never recommend it to anyone who wasn’t already passionate enough/foolhardy enough to be heading in that direction already.

But there are paths that are probably both shorter and more lucrative than trying to do what I did.
Turkey. I've been on this shithole for way too long too so it's easy to recognise certain anons. I do agree that the quality of posts here are getting better somehow, but definitely seems like the diversity of destinations has decreased.
>I do agree that the quality of posts here are getting better somehow
As much as I hate to do this, I'm going to have give some credit to the mods--I think the restriciton on sex tourism-related discussion has slowed down the pace of new posts, and driven away a lot of LARPing retards who are more interested in discussing racial fetishes than actual travel.

But I don't know. Could also just be that the post-Trump /pol/ wave has died down, too.
A lot of houses in South Africa have really strong home security which is always a sign that you're in a sketchy place I feel like. You get it in Brazil too.
In a friendly heads up way or a bitter "you don’t belong here" way?
>willingly going to a third world country
Keep posting.
No, but tipping is the wrong framework. I found that the pattern was continuous mutual gift exchange, but that the gifts didn't need to be limited to money. If your whole perception of being asked for money is being shaken down, then we have a very different experience of Africa. I'd only call customs shakedown enjoyers. Maybe one beggar at a tourist spot. To the nigga's credit, he did look hungry.
I think from an African POV you had oodles of spare money, he did you a solid (offered you protection, guided you out, laced you up with info) and you snubbed him.
Unironically the UK. Their cities are fucking shitholes full of """urban youth""", drunks and refugee looking people hanging around.
People have 0 respect and restraint there and it shows.
>I went to the restroom for privacy to get my cash in order.
Lol, autism.

Put your big bills in your shirt pocket and small bills for food and drinks in youre regular pants pocket, that way youre not taking out hundreds to pay for a $2 drink.
It doesn't matter. I get the connotations of the words "you don't belong here" as a mexican living in the US sometimes, but if someone tells you that in Latin America they are trying to save your life. If you got a couple hours to spare and can enjoy the area before things get dangerous, they'll say it in a friendly way. If you've got to hurry up and leave because danger is on the way, the tone will be bitter.
Most dangerous feeling?
Probably Saint Denis in Paris. Got off the train from the airport and niggers literally everywhere shouting and trying to sell cigarettes. Meanwhile we looked like the biggest fucking tourists being the only white people and carrying huge backpacks. It was my naivety that got us there because I didn't research the area; I just saw a cheap airbnb and thought "yup this is good". The Airbnb was dogshit too.

Most unsafe place I've actually been was probably the Sinai in Egypt. Drove to Saint Catherine's in the dead of night, pitch black and flash flooding. Stayed the night and then went up to Taba and crossed the border to Israel on foot. Considering both St Catherine and Taba's previous history with terrorist attacks and basically the entire Northern Sinai being no mans land, that is probably the most dangerous place I've been.
>One time in Costa Rica...
When youre reminded that the second they know that if they all do it no one will be charged, they will.

Ooportunistic, he is perfectly moral...as long as he knows he will get caught.
I was in Mombasa up until yesterday. I couldn't be more happier that we left back for Nairobi. Never felt any danger as I didn't really go out at uncrowded places after dark, but godDAMN was every black person we talked to downtown annoying.
>constant begging from children
>locals that are ALWAYS trying to sell you something, even fucking rubber keychains
>guides that keep pressuring you even after you've told them no, trying to guilt trip you
The moment we arrived at the train station some taxi driver walks up to us all friendly and happy to take us. We told him we'll get an Uber, he said he'll match the price and we ignored him. After our Uber pulls up he starts cursing and telling us we "will not have fun". Fucking thirdies man.
Philadelphia. I've never had anyone in any city on earth try to sell me crack. We weren't out of the car for 5 seconds. I've never felt more unsafe or had more terrible shit happen in a shorter period of time than in Philly.

Anywhere in mexico. Fuck mexico, you cant trust mexicans as all, they are so full of shit. You cant go on a road trip, you cant go hiking, well you can, you just might get kidnapped and killed by roaming bands of drug dealers.
I was attacked 3 times. Wadi rum, Amman and once near Petra. Asked people to call the police and they did nothing. Couldnt get into any type of taxi/cab/uber without them trying to scam me. Ended up chaperone for several white euro several because they were so exhausted from men leering and grabbing at them.
euro women*
Every day in Poland my brains telling me i should be armed with OC and vest because you keep running into these total slavish fake white niggers, polish people are not human. Never forget or forgive that these people scarred my face, cheated me on bank issues when i trusted them, fucked up accomodation at first chance, started a fight when i was sleeping, directed me to wrong address with 112 to empty parking lot when i was bleeding and told to not stay in church ground. If god wills it i hope they get nuclear striked by russia or anyone with heart to end these west leeching slavic bastards for good. Fuck em all. Final words, never trust poland or polish people. I did and i would never do it again. Fuck em all. They are your enemy. I wont come here again unless goverment needs invasion troops. They also drugged some brittish tourist to death in strip club recently, you can never trust polacks in adult industries.
Vietnam purely for the traffic situation
I rode a motorbike from Hue to Ho Chi Minh and i'm surprised I wasn't killed
easily the worst drivers on the planet
>Then, he asked me for money also.
>can you give me tip?
>Fucking Africa.
lmfao my dad lived in Kenya for several years and he always complained about this type of thing
True but most of them rarely interact with you, if they do it's usully just to ask for change
when I went to Australia I was struck by how much more aggressive their crackheads were than UK crackheads
>locals that are ALWAYS trying to sell you something, even fucking rubber keychains
>guides that keep pressuring you even after you've told them no, trying to guilt trip you
>The moment we arrived at the train station some taxi driver walks up to us all friendly and happy to take us. We told him we'll get an Uber, he said he'll match the price and we ignored him. After our Uber pulls up he starts cursing
South East Asia is like this.
Multiple times i've been followed down the street for a few minutes by people trying to sell me shit. Had people grab me too. One lady in Vietnam even jumped in front of my motorbike to try and get me to stop at her cafe. And the SIM card ladies at Hanoi Airport shouting at the top of their lungs at me that I need to buy their SIM card and that the other lady is too expensive.
It's non stop and completely ruins the experience imo.
that's Vietnam, not whole SEA
Thais are way more polite and this kind of selling is limited to biggest tourist traps and even there is less aggressive
at Bangkok airport there are only official telcos selling SIM cards, authorities are smart enough not to allow rude scammers to ruin their country's image on arrival

but why would you talk to locals in Africa unless they are prime-age women??
Belle Glade, Florida. Definitely one of the most third world looking places in America.
Tulum, Mexico. Federal police everywhere with machine guns mounted on the back of pickup trucks.
Also the Muslim slums of Paris which felt like being in Baghdad or something.
Shoutout to Atlantic City, New Jersey- a filthy grouping of casinos and urban poverty. Also Camden, NJ (a bit less so now).
Bilbao Spain I walked out of my hostel and there were like 80 dudes up and down the street looking at me
>New Orleans, Canal Street
Where should I stay on New Orleans for a night?
Will I get in a fight if I'm walking around with my gf downtown?
>Shoutout to Atlantic City, New Jersey
Atlantic City isn't that bad now, is actually seeing a resurgence because a lot of bands are doing shows there post covid and some of the new casinos are viewed as grimy
>>can you give me tip?
Kek based
You'd need a clearance most likely for a foot in the door
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Slovakia on a business visit. Went to a local "western looking" supermarket store to purchase toiletries/supplies. Had some wigger slav mafia dude bump my shoulder while I was shopping. I would have done his face in if I wasn't more concerned about my job/implications of legal issues in that country.
this is accurate of Eastern Europe in general. You either run into gypsies, mafia, wiggers/drug dealers or poors. If their women weren't so drop dead gorgeous I would find no reason to return to that area of the world.
>I met escaped Nazi's hiding in the Andes
No you didn't
>diversity of destinations has decreased
A lot of places you could get away with 10-15 years ago, you can't risk as much now. At least Isis isn't a thing really anymore
When I went to amman I just stick with the Petra tour people and stayed within walking distance of my hotel more or less
Philly isn't that bad, Kensington and Allegheny the videos of zombies you see on YouTube and shit is relatively safe. You could be a skinny white guy and just sit down at talk to people all night and be fine
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All of you guys must be brown to be walking around Venezuela and Pakistan without having much trouble
>Most dangerous
Lol. How do you even manage to leave the basement when you are literally afraid of your own shadow?
San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I turned a corner and saw a man walking towards me, dazed, covered in blood from his head on down. I immediately turned noped out in another direction
NOLA is the Big Easy, most people are laidback, but it seems every city you visit in America these days has a ranting screaming bum or two wandering around on the streets.
Being taller and bigger than the locals makes all the difference for your personal safety in LatAm. They might harass you to test your mettle, but it's like the little dogs who bark at the big dog.
this is why I don't try to be friends with Thirdies any more. Every interaction is gonna be business...polite and friendly business, yes, but still business. If they bullshit around "trust building", it's a big red flag in my mind, and I become increasingly hostile.
Classic tour scam, no price quoted until the outrageous figure at the end. In this case, they got suckered when you pulled the reverse negro card and dashed off LOL. I'd be paranoid as fuck afterwards, though. A bar owner has lots of friends.
A family member of mine who works in law enforcement told me anybody could be a Baltimore cop because fucking nobody wants to be one and deal with the crime there.
Either the southern green line in chicago or philippines

the latter isn't crazy, but it's no japan/hong kong/thailand that's for sure

Peru trv anons, is it really that wild in Peru??
>it's apparently gotten even worse.

No, it's actually very safe now. All the criminals and crime has moved to neighboring Colombia.

which famous meetup was this? /trv?
I'm very white and I had no problems at all in Pakistan. I felt safer than in India because there weren't people constantly circling and harassing me.
kek what
>gurkha barracks
these niggas still their own thing?
>>guerrilla-controlled jungles in Colombia and India
why nigga
Felt kinda dodgy in part of Kinshasa
The brownest guy looks the best
Memphis TN
Woah dude, that seems unbelievably rough. I'm Polish BTW. I'd really like to know some context about how this all happened. How the fuck could someone beat you up while you were sleeping? Where you were sleeping, how and who? Who the fuck cheated you on banking (because this couldn't be a bank worker). Were you drunk?

>They also drugged some brittish tourist to death in strip club recently
>you can never trust polacks in adult industries.
Oh, I think I'm starting to get it. Are you by any chance a westerner who went to some shitty club for gopniks to which you were invited to by a hostess that gave you a free drink or some shit, you got spiked or you passed out drunk and some drunk decided to beat you up because he felt like it, and you couldn't communicate with 112 because you were so drunk, and the church told you to fuck off from their property because you looked like a drunk idiot?

If something along the lines happened, dude, you've asked for it. If you're going to a club that isn't some weird hipster place that a tourist wouldn't find, you're literally going to a high danger zone, and that's a rule which applies everywhere. You never go to strip clubs, and if you googled if it's safe to go there, every answer would be screaming NO. Yes, these fuckers are gangsters that are going to get you drunk or spike you, steal your credit card, and do all kinds of shit. You never trust nobody in adult industries, no matter where you are.

Your story sounds like a really bad clubbing night. I love how tourists like you get pass out drunk, put themselves in dangerous situations, then get in trouble and blame it on the country and its citizens. Wow. Typical pretentious British tourist in Kraków behavior.
Got a prostitute in Memphis and thought I was about to get carjacked the entire time
/fa/ I believe
In the case of India, there isn't any big risk in visiting Maoist-affected areas--so long as you're reasonably familiar with the local terrain, and aren't affiliated with the Indian governmenr or its security forces.

The Maoists have been waging a low-intensity insurgency against the state for more than a half-century. In all of that time, they have only rarely targeted foreign nationals for any reason. If I'm not mistaken, back in the 1960s and 1970s, there were some incidents involving the kidnapping of ex-colonial officials who'd reamined in India for various reasons. But they were kidnapped because they were wealthy--not because they were foreign.

Theo only high-profile incident that has occurred since then is the kidnapping of two Italian tourists by a Maoist militia commander in ~2014. But that was a fluke--the kidnapping hadn't been approved by the Maoist organization's governing council, and was one factor in the eventual decision to expel that commander from the party (along with his involvement in communal riots a year or two earlier).

IIRC, a handful of other morons have also been "detained" by Maoists--mostly because they sort of wandered into guerilla-controlled areas without being able to speak Hindi, and therefore couldn't explain to a bunch of illiterate tribals why they had high-tech camping supplies and GPS devices and whatnot. In each of these cases, though, the foreigners were released unharmed and without any demands.

Biggest issue is that, if you go to one of these places without a local, you could step on a landmine or punji sticks or some shit (happens to villagers every few months). But it's not really a big risk, because most of these areas are inaccessible without a local guide--the security forces will either turn you around at a checkpoint, or villagers themselves will (very nicely) tell you to immediatley get lost and/or vacate the area before sunset.
A lot of the people in these areas are extremely cut off from the outside world, which leads to some really funny miscommunications. For example, I once went hiking while wearing a camoflauge hat and green-ish hiking pants. I'm whiter than fucking sour cream, but the local villagers went running in terror because they thought I was "from the force" (i.e., I was an Indian CRPF soldier).

Anyway, to answer the "why": these areas are extremely interesting from an anthropological POV, and they're extremely beautiful from any POV. Basically some of the largest and most unspoiled tracts of wilderness in the entire country, excepting parts of Kerala and the upper Himalayan range.

Same was true for Colombia, although I went before the FARC demoblization--there was, and remains, a much bigger threat of random violence there than in India. The Indian Maoists are 100% terrorists fighting for a lost cause, but they're not ISIS or narco-traffickers--they kill police officers and paramilitary officers as part of their campaign against the state, and sometimes murder villagers suspected of acting as informants or collaborators. But they don't blow themselves up, and they don't murder random people for the sake of it.

Basically, it's not 100% safe, but you can avoid 99% of problems 99% of the time by not being a fucking retard. If you don't go looking for trouble, you're not going to get into any.
Not related to this thread at all, but just wanted to say thank you for this very insightful post. Always wondered what the "low level insurgency" shit was on various maps and stuff.
Brit here living in Poland. I agree that British tourists are scum, and I despise seeing them out. However, I have empathy when it comes to the clip joint scams.
I despise dishonest behaviour by businesses, and these places shouldn't be protected. Poland's better than sticking up for corruption, mafia-adjacent cunts, and civvies getting drugged and beaten.

Poland's reputation as a safe place is worth protecting, and it really confuses me why people are so quick to support the quick joints. I think it's just taking anger out on shitty tourists and wanting to see them punished for their dog shit behaviour.
Personally I'd rather see groups of lads directly knocked the fuck out on the street for being disrespectful than cunts in basements trying to gip people.
if u want to see some nice landscapes, why not travel america's vast forests and mountains? why go to some third world rural shithole where there is a chance of dying?
not true. You have to go to the academy. They're pretty selective of who they take now. You need drug tests, credit checks, criminal background checks. They also require a polygraph test. The older cops on the force who didn't have to do all that shit are the worst cops.
Tijuana Mexico and Philadelphia. Both were just cesspools of poverty, crime and human misery.
New York
Polish people are low-class scammers and manual labor workers and Poland wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Britain
Unless you were in Harlem holding an "I hate niggers" sign like in that Die Hard movie, I don't believe you for a second. NY is safe by American city standards.
Honestly I would stay on Frenchman or Royal. Still in the Quarter but away from Canal and the craziness on Bourbon.
>Tulum, Mexico. Federal police everywhere with machine guns mounted on the back of pickup trucks.

Honestly this is tame and its for your own safety
I always love hearing people experiences in Philly and how center city terrified them. Growing up there'd be Catholic school girls on every subway and bus while grown men are fearing for their lives
Bruh, being tracked by a pack of stray dogs in Thailand is probably still the most danger I've ever been in traveling. My friend and I were walking through the sri nakhon park on that island just south of Bangkok proper and at some point we ended up being trailed by a pack of dogs. They were barking at us and rushing around in the undergrowth, but from our vantage point on this boardwalk we couldn't see them which was the worst part. As it started to get darker and darker, it became way sketchier and we ended up just leaving the little bit of jungle and going to a more populated part of the island with the dogs barking and howling at us the whole time and clutching clubs, never knowing when they'd decide to make their move.
I have a homeless guy in Philly $2 because it was his birthday. 2 guys walked up, pulled out guns, and pistol whipped the homeless guy in front of me for the $2. I had only been in the city for 2 hours. You're not gong to bullshit me and tell me Philly is safe.
>it really confuses me why people are so quick to support the quick joints
I don't think that anyone in their right mind supports those places, I haven't ever met a person who did, everyone knows that these are mafia ran, tied to corrupt politicians and wants them out of business if anything.

Some people just don't care about people who end up there because of
>it's just taking anger out on shitty tourists and wanting to see them punished for their dog shit behaviour.
this, because most people here HATE sex tourists from other countries or other scumbags who fly to Kraków for a weekend to get completely drunk and behave like total pigs and piss everyone off.

Or simply the "you've asked for it" mentality is a big thing in Poland, and since everyone knows that going to strip clubs/fucking prostitutes is not only immoral but also dangerous, if you went to a strip club you're not only a bad person, but also an idiot who asked for it. Even if you get scammed online because you did something retarded, most people aren't going to try to cheer you up and they'll call you a retard instead.

Also most Polish people, including myself and my friends have a mixed opinion about tourists. If you came here to learn about the culture, visit places, see things, you're absolutely 100% welcome, especially people in smaller cities are going to appreciate it. But if you're a Brit who flew to Kraków to get hammered and try your chances at a cheap strip club, fuck off.

>Polish people are manual labor workers
We're literally a service based economy
>Poland wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Britain
You were the ones we had an alliance with before WW2 and you refused to help us when shit hit the fan, also it was the USSR who liberated Poland, you pretty much did nothing exclusively for us, we ended up as a satellite soviet state because of your diplomatic incompetency.

Germany had a much larger impact on how good Poland is right now in the last 20 years than you bongs ever did.
basically i was in bunker bed, you got small stairs up, went there and phone started ringing so i answered, turns out there was some junkie underneath who said shut the fuck up once then i said wasnt talking to you calm down, just sucker punched immediatly with no warning because he was on drugs. Then i punched back and called the cops, but 911 redirected to empty parking lot and from there on to military hospital, they just took out OC spray and said no passing so had to wander to darkness into construction yard and 112 cut off, then i reported it. Smoked some CBD to get over it then ukraine people snitched about being high.
Also tourists like to call people faggots passing by, especially the skinheads so started to avoid drinking and smoking to always be ready to go. If you say shit back they start a fight and if you dont they think they won so theres no good options. I like girls just not the ones that like to kick autistic 8 year olds at park like Lexi.
lmao speaking like this it's no wonder you get knocked the fuck out wherever you go. you sound like an insufferable cunt.
Hey bro ngl based on what you said and how you said it, it sounds like you deserved every single thing that happened to you in your story lmao.
glad that brittish faggot overdosed on 22 shots at strip club, will make sure to skip the funerals. Hope it was your dad by the way
Could say the same then about you being all ngl and lmao like some bitch ass zoomer coward. Dont expect any help after that line for next 20 years, youre done
>maoist guerrilla

Was this in India? You were talking to a Naxalite?
I’m always amused by people who say American cities are the most dangerous when they ventured into the ghettoest hood imaginable. People who venture past Midtown in Detroit, or Kensington in Philly, South Central/Skid Row in LA. With the exception of Jackson, Mississippi, all the American cities mentioned in this thread have thriving pleasant areas, just don’t be a retard and wander into the hood
I walked from the bus station on the outskirts of Timisoara to the city center and passed by what I presume are either gypsies or old babushka type ladies selling stuff and no one bothered me even through I was tugging a suitcase for 30 minutes. Never had a bad experience in Eastern Europe and their women indeed are gorgeous
Tijuana strikes me as a bootleg version of Downtown Vegas mixed with New Orleans
I’m sick of retards claiming New York is dangerous, when it’s literally one of the safest big cities in the US

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