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IT guy who just had their office shut down moving to full remote from now on(we only had an office because the lease wasn't up till next month and had to come in for the Execs). I make about 82~87k/yr and am told I can work anywhere in the 50 states so long as I am online and available per my normal time of 9am PST. Is Hawaii a big meme? It's been kind of a dream to move there and looking at apartments it's not more expensive for a studio than where I currently live on the west coast.

Looking at a 300 sqft studio is 900-1200 or so, and cooking at home I suppose I could save some money. I've traveled there a few times for a week or two each and loved it and my lease is up in July and wondering if I should look to move out there. My concern is that I might run out of shit to do and just be stuck on the island and that if work ever cut my position looking at tech jobs in Hawaii it seems like shit pickings. Has anyone lived there? I like the beach and mountains but worried that after a year of exploring the island I'll either be stuck in a situation where just rich enough to island hop but not rich enough to take long excursions to places like Japan or Asia on those cheap flights.
Hawaii is expensive and you'll get skinned alive with taxes so crackheads can enjoy their subsidized heroin shots and natives can just jerk off all day on the beach collecting welfare.

What ever you'll make will go to rent and taxes and food isn't cheap either unless you reduce yourself to eating literal slop.

It's paradise if you are loaded or retired with savings/pension/other passive income, and hell if you're a wagecuck trying to make it.

Just move to San Diego or Florida if you need the beach and warmer climates. Flights to asia from San Diego are cheap and the city isn't in complete disarray like LA is. But cali is cali so expect the degeneracy that comes with it, which is more or less the same as Hawaii.
San Diego isn't where I want to stay, Florida also seems like dogshit
>i is expensive and you'll get skinned alive with taxes so crackheads can enjoy their subsidized heroin shots and natives can just jerk off all day on the beach collecting welfare.
Because california is SOOOO much better...

>What ever you'll make will go to rent and taxes and food isn't cheap either unless you reduce yourself to eating literal slop.
Compared to San Deigo it's not actually that bad, cheaper in some regards.

San Diego is much cheaper than Hawaii. But again its a matter of preference. If you like the island life go for it, just don't expect to live comfortably on 85k per year.

You can also grind for a few months until you find a better paid job so that'll improve your situation there. That's what i did when i moved to Malta from Canada.
>San Diego is much cheaper than Hawaii
When the fuck did you live in SD last? The only thing I'm really seeing as more expensive is eating out, fresh veggies, and hitting the bars. These seem reasonably easy to curb by not eating out as much, meal prep at home, and pregaming before hitting the bar. Again I stated in the OP I've been a few times off and on just looking for advice on those who've moved.

> just don't expect to live comfortably on 85k per year.
How so? So far I am seeing taxes about ~100 more a paycheck which is offset by going from 1400/mo to 1150/mo. I don't mind sucking it up and shopping cheaper at Don Quitjote and Walmart from time to time, not planning on owning a car as everything is walk-able/bike-able. The hidden fee's are what I am looking for do you know of some you can share from living there?

>You can also grind for a few months until you find a better paid job so that'll improve your situation there.
Dunno what your situation for but 85k USD full remote+cellphone plan+full healthcare+5% 401k match paid is pretty decent as many jobs are paying less for remote positions and wanting people back into offices. Besides I've been with the company 6 years and we get quite a lot of leeway in regards of projects, management being chill, and hours we work. I'd be willing to change but most jobs that are remote have the dreaded daily stand ups or some other karen level BS that makes my skin crawl.
>going from 1400/mo to 1150/mo
*in rent

Nigger you made up your mind already just move there and figure it out lol
Anon I'm just asking for people who have lived in Hawaii temporarily or long term who have some advice to weigh in on in terms of 'surprises' in hidden unexpected things such as utility costs, yearly weather events that most don't talk about, gripes of day to day you wouldn't notice as a tourist, or obvious things to look out for. I haven't made up my mind but just asking for second opinions on people who have done the move or live there. Weighing the options of worth the sell my shit and move.

So far you just came in going "LOL I'M CANADIAN HERE'S MY TAKE OF ANOTHER COUNTRY I DON'T LIVE IN!'. Like great I know there are cheap places to live in but FL is fucking expensive and has hurricane + severe flooding issues with high costs of living unless I live far far from a beach.

I lived in Hawaii for 2 years, just because someone isn't confirming your own bias doesn't mean they're fucking clueless. You want to feel better about your choice and that's fine, but the reality is on 85k you'll be pretty tight.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't move there, just accept the risks of such a decision and figure it out. I moved to Malta with a not so high salary and got a much better paid position now so it's possible. Just do what you want anon no one is here to stop you.
I thought you said you moved from Canada to Malta? In a previous post? You could have mentioned that you lived in Hawaii up front and which part.

When did you live there and what area? right now the costs I am seeing aren't drastically different from what I am getting for SD and the parts of florida that seem decent are right around Hawaii prices in all but food, but I would need a car 100% in FL.

>You want to feel better about your choice and that's fine, but the reality is on 85k you'll be pretty tight.
Okay this is what I am looking for answers to, given the research I am doing 1150/mo is rent. What are other hidden fee's or costs you found living there to be on the lookout on? Could you elaborate on what really pulled out your main cash flow because I have no student loans or CC debt to speak of, so most all my pay goes to my bank. Was internet so ungodly expensive or something? Again I do not plan to own a car so I don't need the higher gas prices, taxes on it, or pay for parking.

What did you do there?
Would you recommend staying outside of Honolulu or ?
Did you normally eat out or at home?
What was your biggest cost sink that you didn't plan for?

Again I am trying to look for the gotcha's of costs and things not accounted for by visiting as a tourist.
1. if you make ~90k/annum Hawaii is not the place for you
2. don't want to be critical but if you look around but it is very unlikely that you'll be working remotely in the future. Fewer companies allowing that every day because study after study shows a significant decline in productivity.
1. How so? Again looking at the cost comparison to San Deigo, which is doable but becoming increasingly shit in this state/area as people bleed from Cali. From what I am seeing, I am looking at a maximum 1500/mo for Rent+utilities+insurance if I were to blow the AC on 68F 24/7 while running a gayming PC all day. Is there something missing here?
2. The execs are going remote our entire IT department has gone remote and was basically remote from before covid other than 'being in the office' once a month or so for team meetings.

Our datacenter has moved to AWS and being the lead SysAdmin in charge of it I doubt I'm going anywhere anytime soon after leading the migration project. Has anyone actually lived there or just Airbnb'd a bit and read hawaii = expensive.
It's not Beverly Hills/Vancouver/Zurich-tier, but it's expensive.

If you had been thinking San Diego, then I guess Hawaii wouldn't be bad.

Where were you thinking?
Wailea is more expensive. but the rest of Maui is Ok-ish.
>If you had been thinking San Diego,
Yeah my rent is currently 1475/mo before utilities. This is why I am getting confused by other posts in the thread.
>Where were you thinking?
Right now I am looking at places in Honolulu for a studio 300 sq ft ~1000-1200/mo, I don't need more. So even if I threw 300/mo for just utilities I'm not sure where I'd be 'losing' money on. I seriously don't think people know how expensive the west coast has gotten since COVID unless they are in some rent lock or live with their parents. It fucking sucks.

The point of this thread again is trying to find the gotcha's of fee's and livability in hawaii, my main concern of livability is if it becomes a bore after a year and you've 'seen it all' or does the climate and such keep it fun. So far it's impossible to get answers as posts online go from "Oh don't come haole' to people dealing with massive CC debt/student loans and the inability to cook at home. So I'm asking here for people who've lived here what gotcha's there might be as continuing to live with this rent is becoming counter productive and "moving" would just put me in some place around little italy for 1400/mo, not worth the hassle unless I change scenery imo.
>asking a board where at best 2 out of 5 anons pay rent moving advice
The most many people of this board come to paying rent and bills is an Airbnb at times. I doubt most anons live on their own or have ever signed a rela lease.
I tried it when I became remote. I found that my $80k salary wasn’t nearly enough to live well after taxes. Im not sure where you live but I found life in the Bay Area cheaper. Hawaii is nice to live in, but the novelty wears off relatively quickly. If you’re a total surf bum, then you might like it but mostly it’s a nice place to jet to for a few weeks at a time instead. Sometimes I think about getting in a routine where I go back every April and May or something but that’s it.
And on this point: you cannot really win. Long term living in Hawaii is very expensive, at least if you want to live pretty well, buy a house, all that. Short term living is even more expensive on a monthly basis. I can’t remember the last time I saw a good AirBnB for less than $5k per month and landlords don’t exactly like to lease to someone who will be there for 2 months and then jet.
Where did you live? Again the apartment leases I am seeing are around 1150-1200 for a studio, I'm really only considering doing hawaii for 3-4 years and changing pace.

If my math is right 85k leaves me with 4600/mo after tax+401k investments, the rent+utilities I am looking at totaling around 1500-1600 tops would leave me with 3k a month to play with or at worst 2500 after food. What drained your money the most? I really don't go out to the bar outside maybe 1 or 2 times a week at best. Gym membership is handled by my work.

Were you just doing no lease airbnbs or full 12 month lease? I haven't even looked at airbnb as I want an actual lease and need a 'residence' address with work.

>Hawaii is nice to live in, but the novelty wears off relatively quickly.
This is kind of what I am afraid of but I feel I'd at least be able to see all the islands on cheaper travel as I am a geology nerd it should at least last me a year.

My bad for the confusion. Yes i did go from Canada to Hawaii for 2 years, then went back home. Then i moved to Malta a short time after because i couldn't stand living in leaf land post covid.

I worked in AML/Financial crime investigations as a consultant for the public sector. They were looking for experts on certain areas so i got lucky and got the job.

I stayed around honolulu near waimalu and saved some money that way. I bought a used car to facilitate travels and made sure my work had a private parking slot for me.

I liked eating out with friends but i had a budget for it so i would keep it to once a week or so. Biggest cost sink was electricity bills and gas, on top of the retarded taxes i had to pay. Phone and internet costs were fine by canadian standards.

I liked my time there however, id consider living there if it wasn't so difficult to find work outside the hospitality industry and if life was a bit less expensive.
If you’re fully remote, why don’t you just visit first and then try a short term stay before you move. If and when you do make the move, you can just leave after your lease ends if you don’t like it. I think you’re overthinking it.
Alright, I'm getting paid in USD, internet is basically my Google Fi plan so internet/phone paid. Not owning a car so gas+car fee's is a non issue.

Lease is coming up and I need a US address, since my lease is coming up in July doesn't really leave me time to go visit and get a good grasp on it with bum rush of tourists just now getting out of school. If I am moving there going to need that extra cash dedicated to relocation expenses
Hey I know it's not related to your question, but can I ask what kind of IT work you do? Like are you a sysadmin or something?
Systems Admin/Systems engineer, work with a bunch of systems/applications/cloudshit. I can work from anywhere but need an address in one of the 50 states and am done with most the travel bug since I've been doing it off and on the past 2 years. Looking at Hawaii as kind of an in between where asia isn't hard to get to and something not california or hurricane alley
Rentcucks deserve the rope
82-87k a year is not a lot for Oahu but it’s enough for a single guy with no kids/debt. You won’t exactly be living in luxury and you will need to make responsible choices. You won’t be taking many “long excursions” to Asia if you live in Honolulu on that salary.

I’d say just do it. Better to regret taking the chance than to regret not taking it.
Oh yeah, it’s hard to rent an apt if you arent there in person. It would be a good idea to rent an airbnb for a month to test the waters and search for an apartment. Also goes without saying but take some time off to move.
As long as I can go to Japan twice a year for 2 weeks at a time, hostels are okay by me, I am fine. Not looking for anything more I've gotten the travel bug out of my system.

I would love to do that but It's coming up on June and July my lease is up, June being kids out of school prime time for families traveling rent anywhere for airbnb outside the big island is ass.
>I am a geology nerd it should at least last me a year.
move to Utah
Cooming in Hawaii seems fucking expensive who would want to live there where the natives are all fat. Just move to Thailand and be a digital nomad Chad cooming daily in cheap tight pussy
Is Hawaii safe from poojeets asking for a friend
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What the fuck is this thread on?
You're looking at coming away with 4600-4700/mo after tax
1500 is more than enough for a studio, maybe a 1br if you don't mind biking around, in a decent area off the main strip of Honolulu
If you don't need to go into an office you're spared from the LA levels of gas prices and constant parking fees along with tax+other fees
If keeping your apartment at 75-80 is unbearable expect a shitty electric bill
If you don't mind cooking at home and dealing with the 2 hours you'll need to spend waiting at the slow ass checkouts and clogged lines(picrel, frozen meat isn't that bad)
Once you get a local residence card you can get some deals on public transport that is decent though if you bike it should be fine, just get a folding one that can fit in your apartment. DO NOT leave it out for rust and crime reasons
If you can get something at 1250 w/ utilities you're looking at 1500-1650 depending on how hard you use the A/C.
Food will probably run you 250-350 depending how you choose to balance your meals at home vs. eating out. eating out has become incredibly expensive until you become a 'regular' which takes years
Bars are expensive as buying gold now, if you don't pregame before bars you'll regret it heavily.
Japan/Korea/Singapore flights are always insanely cheap during off season, just work around major holidays for those countries and when school is in/out there.

At worst you're looking at living off 2000/mo and most likely looking at 2250-2500 in fun do whatever money. Not sure what trv is smoking but if that's barely living I don't get what you people consider good.

The worst part of Hawaii is that you'll be stuck there during the Northern Hemisphere summer months as flights get ridiculous at times, tourism rush is a real thing, and events are always the same every... single... year.. The women are known to have a high divorce rate where they simply get pumped with a few kids, move back to home.
Lots of tourist thots who roll through or fit sun babes who moved there. It's not just fat islanders. I went there for work and 3/4 of my dates put out on the first night.
/trv/ be like
>midwest sucks why would you live there nothing to do but fat pigs
also trv
>Whoa hawaii is expensive as shit man... good luck even living

Have you all seen rent prices recently? Hawaii is pricey but compared to places similar to it on the coast, not that unreasonable.
Nigger Honolulu is literally the most expensive place to live in the USA (minus Manhattan) and the Midwest is more or less the cheapest
There is literally the entire range of costs of living between these two points
Take a look at rental costs again in similar climates or coastal cities. Honolulu is maybe ~100 more a month or so for a 1br, it's not as bad as this thread makes it. Hell look at Seattle, San Deigo, Phoenix, Tampa, Miami, Philly, Boston.... Paying 1250-1300 for a Studio or 1br is about on average. "muh eating out" unless you're a legit fat bastard why are you eating out every day? Sure going out is a bit expensive in a city but where ISN'T it?

Again you're dealing with midwest BS like >>2631839 runs down easily
This place is such a pain for advice on living.

The worst part about living in Hawaii is you're essentially stuck in Hawaii, once you've seen what the island has that's it. Nothing ever changes. Hawaii isn't going to grow up get anything big and new outside maybe some military installations built up depending what the Pacific theater does in the next decade.

Like others stated, if you actually look at the current rent prices in the USA Hawaii isn't that drastic by comparison.
Local anon from Hawaii here. Fuck you and your kind, IT loser. Haole go home.
What’s the dating scene in Hawaii like?
You’d all starve to death in a month if the welfare money stopped flowing
If you actually lived in Hawaii, you'd know how expensive it is in practice, in a way that you can't really see on paper. It's not just the rent it's literally everything. How much do you think a gallon of milk costs? A carton of orange juice? What about your electricity bill?
Hell, even just talking "on paper" the cost of a purchasing home in Honolulu is more expensive for a shittier place than even very HCOL places on the west coast.

But the biggest thing is the salary/local job market. Fucking lmao if you think your techfag bay area job paying 200k will pay anywhere near the same in Honolulu. The only way to avoid is to get a remote job, like OP.
you literally could not be more retarded
I’m not sure why people are surprised that it’s expensive to live in Hawaii. It’s an island in the middle of Pacific. Food, supplies, technology, everything needs to be shipped via airline.
OP stated that he is looking just to live a few years in Hawaii before bouncing off. Of course buying a house in Hawaii would be pants on head retarded
>muh milk cost
1 gall in 6 dollars at walmart which is only 1-2 dollars more than what it costs on the west coast. There are plenty of other ways to get calcium
>muh OJ
not everyone drinks OJ and it's not that much more in HI compared to anywhere outside the south. Plenty of ways to get vitamin C.
>What about your electricity bill?
This is only a problem for fatties who can't bother with their apartments being over 70F and leave their 4080 gaymin PC's on all day. Learn to survive with an area fan

85k is enough to live in Hawaii single male apartment who knows how to cook at home. You're just not buying a house anywhere but the big island and in a high risk lava flow zone; which comes with it's own setbacks. Shop at Walmart or Costco when you can even though I know /trv/ would go ewww, assuming you know basic cooking it shouldn't be hard. The biggest fuck you is simply going to be eating out or hitting the bars compared to anywhere in the 48's.

-You'll need to pregame on drinks at home and have a strict going out fund
-eating out more than 3 times a week, depending what you consider eating out though some places can be cheap
-turn shit off when you don't need it on PC specifically
-buy as many clothes+cooking shit you can and bring it over

It's expensive in Hawaii yeah, but the way trv makes it sound is that you'll be begpack level of living with 85k. Which is straight up wrong. There are people who live off half that in apartments currently you're just not living in a really good area.
t. Marcus Huang-Morales from Pearl City.
Nice nearly 10 year old map there anon
bars are dogshit in hawaii anyway, lived there for a while and most people just go to bars to have 1-2 beers, eat, and go home. there's basically no clubs. people do house parties/kickbacks well into their 30s because of the lack of good nightlife options

i recommend OP to move, it's a great place to live if you're not dead broke. he won't be living in some prime luxury real estate shit for 85k but he won't be living in the ghetto either. as for jobs, just work in tourism/hospitality or work remote.
Worst cope I’ve ever seen.
Have you been to Hawaii post Covid?
Why not just buy an address mail box?
>unreal nature, hikes of all shapes and sizes
>food is VERY good yet expensive
>like living in a hypothetical world where America has conquered Asia

>everything is expensive
>dating is blackpilled. So many either military or tourists that probably just want 1 night stands yet it’s hard cause Honolulu doesn’t have much of a nightlife
>homeless here are legitimately crazy. Really most non-natives have a tinge of insanity that leads to them eventually becoming methed out hobos with maggots in their wounds
NTA but many jobs don't allow that anymore post covid for a slew of reasons. Some thing I've seen and know a few people who simply can't get their company paid for healthcare without a perm living address. PO boxes also don't factor in the residence address for things such as taxation on the state level.

The bars are dogshit but can be enjoyable if you know how to properly pregame. The biggest wallet drain isn't food:
>Get a crock pot
>Get frozen (meat), beans or that cheap tube walmart ground beef
Shredded chicken, pot roast, chili, tacos, slow roasted shredded beef, etc etc is good protien
>get some frozen veggies in bulk or order bulk dehydrated and rehydrate them
>learn how to make shit in that
Boom done, if you're spending over 75 a week for food you've horribly fucked up

Bars on the other hand are airport prices regardless where you go, 5 dollar happy hour beer days are loooong gone. 7 is a good happy hour price with 8.5-10 for most beers, wells might be around 8 with some shitholes doing 6.

Dating is horrible, ever native is divorced or 'living separated'. 1 Nighters are stupid easy, just get a tan ASAP, say you live there. Willing to show people around. If you have a car it's non stop pussy train assuming you're in shape. I've seen 40y/o's in decent shape walking around with HS grad or College grads just so said person can shack up for a month in hawaii to ~find themselves~

Also bikes are great but try for a moped if possible

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