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Has anyone been to Hong Kong post COVID? Is there still soul or has it been completely taken over by the CCP?
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it's over
i had fun there
I was there last month, it was fine.
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HK lost it's soul. It's trying to emulate the same authoritarian squeaky clean image as Singapore but instead of being globally focused its leaning towards being just some china city and being a money laundering operation for Chinese conglomerates.

there are still some remnants of soul but it's dwindling as the market duopoly from the two ruling family dynasties make rents higher and further tearing down anything created by and for the people to just another efficient asset in their portfolio to boost another quarterly earnings report.
>Lost its soul
>Blah blah blah politics and corporations
Soul means quality and style of living in a place, not your pol regurgitated delusional paranoia.
I bet you think Dubai is fun
>Soul means quality and style of living in a place

Sure buddy, enjoy renting a tiny particle wood partitioned room for US$1500 a month with no windows and only a fan. Then you can enjoy walking outside for the soul but it's all filled with retailers and you can't sit anywhere for free, and eating all your meals which are basically a mish-mash of canned / frozen foods charged exorbitantly because it was all imported.

dumbass, if you want soul go on a vegan retreat in Instagram-ville.
>HK lost its soul because of commies!!!
>Soul is about quality and style of a place, not politics
>I bet you love the 'soul' of HK cubical apartments
Burger, calm down before you write me an essay. Politics isn't the reason for a place to have soul. I never said HK had one to begin with chud.
I went there in 2018, my first international trip. Loved the place but every hong konger I talked to was basically about to blow up over mainland china. I can't imagine it being as nice going again.
I have a long layover in Guangzhou and will be getting a transit visa to leave the airport for the day. Would it be possible to spend half a day in Hong Kong or is the timing too tight?
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hk hasn't been soul since they nuked kowloon walled city
I hated Hong Kong visiting. People were rude and pushy, extremely expensive, aggressive pajeet touts everywhere, people shoving into me on the metro. I hope the CCP does the right thing and mows that shithole down.

>big guy walks around the tourist traps and needs his "personal space" in the world's most population dense city

ok big guy
Yes. There is a thing called basic manners and respect. Hong Kong has none. Hong Kong is also BORING as fuck. I got bored within a day and ended up just doing hikes on the shitty rip off transit. Hong Kong sucks that's why they all move to Canada first chance they get
Are Chungking Mansions still a hive of scum and villainy or is it all tame now?
Dubai is awesome. Tons of places to buy all the things I enjoy and walk inside malls. What's not to like?
what's funny is Hong Kong calls mainlanders locusts for their bad manor.
They're like tiers of shit. Hong Kongers are gross and rude but mainlanders are even worse. Savages indeed.
I was just at the airport for a stopover. The airport was complete fucking garbage.
1. Absolute trash "restaurants" to eat at is you're in the transfer area (best thing is the mcdonalds so I just went without eating despite being hungry)
2. Chairs are uncomfortable as fuck for sleeping on
3. Airport is incredibly cold. People were wearing their winter jackets inside.
4. They turn MORE lights on at midnight to make it harder for you to sleep
5. You can't exit the transfer area
6. Prices were surprisingly less expensive than i remembered it
7. Old people don't speak English. You're better off speaking Mandarin to them.
The experience at the airport makes me never want to step foot in that hellhole.

It's filled with Pajeets, Africans and Muslims, make your own conclusions.
Unfortunately the HK of the 00s and even the 2010s doesn't really exist anymore. It's very much a Chinese city, albeit the wealthiest and most international.

Covid wasn't the turning point, btw. There have basically been 3 stages of HK history since the handover
>Handover to 2012 riots
>2012 riots to 2019 riots
>2019 riots to present
Each of these stages is marked by significant erosion of HK's culture and a top-down effort to homogenize it with the Mainland

The energy is still there but the soul isn't, if that makes sense

>t. have been going to HK somewhat regularly since 2008 to visit family friends
Seeing Africans in HK always feels so cyberpunk
When I went there it didn't seem Chinese at all.
Just a bunch of Chinese trying to speak English, childless roasties walking their pomeranians, cold business suit people worshipping money. It's a city of Chinese that wish they were 1800s Victorian Londoners.
Anyone wanting a westernized asian city should visit Singapore anyways it's much cleaner, modern and has nicer people.
It was already the same in 70s so same old same old...
Went to HK right after the protests but before covid. Retail workers were decent enough and pleased to have our business because the economy was fucked at that time, so felt like they were trying to be patient as we slowly ordered food etc. You could still see graffiti all over the place, broken barricades in front of police stations, burnt trash, etc across more condensed areas of the city. Expats at the bars seemed a bit jumpy. I liked HK and there's still lot of areas that look the same as they did in the 90s, but other areas are clearly newly renovated or gentrified. Locals generally seemed to have a feeling that everything needs to be extremely rushed and hurried, which apparently is how they've always been. I went to Macau after and liked the locals there a lot more.

I think expats whining about hk losing it's soul are 90% coomers upset that they're not as special as they used to be and/or all the gentrification and renovation that made it look more corporate and less mysterious. The remaining 10% might be ones that actually integrated into the local life and are upset that a lot of unique venues closed down, interesting people left, cultural scenes that used to be more influential became unimportant, and business became more competitive while the former try hard atmosphere became one more of compliancy and outward looking.
If you got bored in HK in a day then you are the problem lmao
>People were rude and pushy, extremely expensive,
The opposite of my experience, somehow. Everyone I saw was well-dressed, seemed to enjoy life walking around and generally positive.
>aggressive pajeet touts everywhere
Unfortunately I saw a few, because I stumbled into their den. None in the actual city. I was both at the island and the new territories/kowloon.
>people shoving into me on the metro
Are you fat and/or slow and didn't respect the etiquette and speed? I loved my time in the metro, you could hear a pin drop yet there were hundreds of thousands of people walking towards somewhere. Had 0 issues except 1 retarded rush hour journey I took.
>also BORING as fuck
spoken like someone who can't appreciate a good and maintained art deco building, filtered
1/3 of the entire population of Hong Kong are recent immigrants from mainland China
>go to dubai to walk inside malls
So the same as Australia, New Zealand and Canada then? lol
Immigrants ruin everything nice
Oh ugly big buildings wow. Where's you know, the CHINESE CUTLURE that you want to see in CHINA. All there is to do in Hong Kong is buy $6 bottles of water, I went there in 2019, hard pass on ever going back. The people I was in the hostel with agreed that it was BORING too. I liked Macau much better. If there was no visa I would have went across to Shenzhen on the other side. Also yes, I got shoulder checked there multiple times. This has never happened to me in Mainland China. Pajeets are everywhere near the core. Hong Kong has 100k Indians living there.
Hong Kong has got to be one of the most overrated cities ever, I only assume it is popular because of white serpentza types with an inferiority complex to China.
>Oh ugly big buildings wow.
There's no accounting for plebeian taste. What's next, the Chrysler building is also big and ugly and not part of NY and US history?
>Where's you know, the CHINESE CUTLURE that you want to see in CHINA
What is Chinese culture? You're in Hong Kong, retard. Hong Kong has peculiar history that you can't enjoy anywhere else in the world. Maybe, and not surprisingly at all, Macau... if I were looking for some more "authentic Chinese" I'd go for the mainland. Here's a tip, don't go searching for the CCP offices in Taiwan, even though "CHINA" whatever that is, is officially communist.
>taken over by the CCP
irrelevant to you and irrelevant to most hong kong people. unless you work for the US state dept or plan on talking to them.

not worth it. border coming into china could be empty or take an hour. so you'd need to be at the HSR station in hk early to make sure you get back. you'd spend all your time travelling just to be in hong kong for a snack and a photo.

99% of hong kong residents are chinese immigrants since 1900. it always was a city full of chinese people with just some of them able to act western.
Hong Kong is shit. You just like it because it's a shithole filled with greedy materialistic sociopaths that worship dead white empires, the same dead white empires you dumbfucks enjoy seeing collapse. Hong Kongers unironically were trying to claim they were British during the riots too, delusional dumbasses.
Hong Kong was only a big thing in the 80s when it was THE port of China, since the country was closed. Now the fuckers with their own stupidity cut their own city off and turned it into a hellhole where you pay 5k/mo to live in a closet. Hong Kong is not even an important port anymore, the mainland has tons of cities that are more developed and wealthy than Hong Kong.
I'm probably going to spend 4 years there doing my PhD because it has the only university that'll pay me.
Is there anything I should know so I don't bankrupt myself?
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Hong Kong prices are on par with the west meaning they cost 3x to 6x what they cost in Shenzhen next door. If you have a Chinese visa you can just take the subway to Lo Wu and cross over.
One of the best nights of rest I've ever had in my life was sleeping underneath one of these while riding out a typhoon. Complete and total silence except for the wind and rain.
Hong Kong used to be special because it stood as a stark capitalistic contrast to communist China despite being on a few tiny rocks. But then China abandoned communism and opened up. Kowloon Walled City was a cyberpunk no man's land run by triads and had unlicensed doctors so it had a dark vibe to it, but it was certainly not appreciated at the time. That was demolished in 1993 and turned into a boring park; in 1997 it was given to the commies and gradually the city became soulless. The neon lights are all gone, it's not British anymore. It's become sterile like Singapore with overpriced hype boutiques for Chinese billionaire daughters to flaunt on Weeboo or whatever the social media is there. Yet they still larp as Brits and cling onto the Hong Kong status, similar to how native New Yorkers still larp as if their city isn't completely over with too. It's mostly a façade with grimey run down skyscrapers and some British stuff like double deckers to keep reeling in the tourism buxx. It's a shell of its former self.

Taipei is probably the closest thing to what Hong Kong used to be and they have cool mountains too.
>despite inheriting a war.
American brainwashing is one hell of a drug
Just go to Taipei if you want a good chink experience outside of the mainland. Far more soul + cleaner streets + cheaper + actual good nature in and around the city. Chinks civilized by Nips are far better than than chinks "civilized" by Brits anyway. Also far less pajeets and negroids too.
>Taipei is probably the closest thing to what Hong Kong used to be
No and it was not close
>they have cool mountains too.
That's true
>Chinks civilized by Nips are far better than than chinks "civilized" by Brits anyway
He has a point
I was just there. it's the same as before, I had better time this trip actually
>Kowloon Walled City was a cyberpunk no man's land run by triads and had unlicensed doctors so it had a dark vibe to it, but it was certainly not appreciated
It was the subject of many kung fu movies and some books and photo essays were published about it when it was still in existence. Maybe appreciated wasn't the right word, a lot of people in HK at the time just ignored it like one ignores a homeless camp in the US but it had tangible cultural relevance.
oof big yikes
Guess TW is truly the only bastion of CN culture left.
Why am I so obsessed about visiting Hong Kong decades after its prime? Why is there still something so cool and alluring about it?
It's over and they deserve it, the smug bastards. Half the mainland clears by a mile.
I visited Taiwan for a night, walk across it. Felt like New York.
>can't sit anywhere for free
Most Southeast Asian cities are like this desu. Try finding a public place to sit and rest in the Philippines, kek. Even the bus stop benches are nothing more than a few 4" diameter metal poles side by side.
Manila is the densest city on Earth, yet flips are very considerate of others on the street, and keep traffic flowing smoothly with efficient use of space. By comparison, chinks are bug people who have no regard for others.
That is some bullshit.
>Manila is the densest city on Earth, yet flips...keep traffic flowing smoothly with efficient use of space.

Kek<--this one
>tiny particle wood partitioned room for US$1500
Good lord that would be a legit place in SEA, my $500 month studio 30 minutes outside of downtown was pretty nice but shit view (bought in a hurry). $1500 is chic 2 story condo in the center of downtown.

Singapore, sure "shitbox", but its a shitbox IN Singapore.

Im just looking for practical.

Get a boathouse.
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>yes, I got shoulder checked there multiple times. This has never happened to me in Mainland China.
what, as in some chink intentionally bumped you?

I had a good laugh with my friend when I was in shanghai about the bizarre chinese thing where they stagger into you while not looking at you. It even happened once while we were walking

the funniest ones were when a hot girl would be doing the eww, dont look at me thing looking away, but also walk over the centreline of an empty sidewalk and bump into you in the process for no reason
Is the tap water safe to drink there or not?
it's not safe to drink anywhere in asia
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I won one of the government free flights to HK last year, and I slept there for a week. It was claustrophobic as other hotels in the city but cheapper and better located.
My friend arrived first and got lost because the building has 3 elevators for different apartments, but people there was nice and helped him to find the correct one. Best exchange rates that we found during the trip. They offered us drugs a couple of times the first two days but overall it was ok.
I would only recommend HK as a mini slice of asia that you can see on a week, you got the Chinese / HK culture and food, the weather, the mega urb with the tecno sky scrapers and the dystopian chinese slumps, you got some temples, you can go to hike and check the style of plants and small wldlife. But if you have more than a week, just go elsewhere. Japan is way better for the mega city and food part. Thailand has way better nature and temples and includes the Chinese part at Bangkok if you are in to that. Also HK is crazy expensive.
Something that I noticed is that people only go out at night (understandeable considering the weather) but there are not that many bars or places to do anything, so people get dressed and take out their luxury cars to take some food and just go buy groceries, just regular supermarkets full of young people dressed like a Saturday night buying random stuff not even drinks. The only exception are a couple of small bar zones where Westerners and some more open HKrs go out. Also the horse stadium that feels old and bri-ish as fuck but it's full of young people because there is some live music between races. Inside the building you can find plenty of old HKrs hyper focused on their retarded beting notebooks.
It sure feels capitalist as fuck. It's like at some point asia got slapped by capitalism and they learned the lesson but have gone way too far in to it and has become a place full of individuals hyper fixated on money and goods, where you are worth exactly what you have in the bank + what you wear that day.
That was my impression. There's a lot of cheap things to do in HK (mid levels escalator, star ferry, just wandering around kowloon, looking at buildings in Central, cheap dim sum) but you run out of things like that after a 5 days or so. It's a good place for a stopover of a few days going to/from Thailand. Macau I also found really interesting for a day but I wouldn't plan a vacation specifically to there or HK either. And yes I found it very "capitalist" in terms of advertising being intrusive and everywhere and very focused on consooming and luxury goods. The lack of bars/nightlife might be post covid, I thought the place was pretty lively but I think covid and the asian hyperchondria really screwed up the vibe.
So I've already known for a while that Hong Kong is incredibly diverse. There is a whole rainbow of ethnicities living there. Everyone knows this. I've seen Indians, Thais, Nigerians, French, Malays, etc.
I just have one question: Do these people speak Cantonese?

I wonder if that term actually makes sense. Normally, a person who is excessively worried about their health is called a hypochondriac. The opposite of hypo is hyper. Wouldn't a hyperchondriac be someone who cares very little about their health?
I made a typo but further googling seems to indicate the word originates from a specific part of the abdomen and isn't related to hyper or hypo anything.
Oh from my cursory observation the HK minorities speak rudimentary Cantonese if any and don't read it well and don't interact with the Chinese community that much. Filipinos idk since most seen to be maids.
Is it still ok to do street photography in HK?
Or will it be sus for the aithorities? I assume there's surveillance cameras everywhere in the city now?
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Hong Kong lost its soul in 1994.
Ok, so now we are judging entire countries based on 2 hours connexion flights in the Airport, you STUPID FUCK.
Between you and the other doomers always talking about random problems that no travelers give a fuck about. Like WHO GIVES A FUCK that rents are up 30% or whatever? Are you relocating there? No, so STFU.

Is it a good place to spend time and have fun?
I've been looking at it, at all the restaurants that are still there, the hotels and so on. The streets haven't been renamed, Times Square is still Times Square, Victoria park, everything british is still there, Marks & Spencer, they have google map still works there...

So unless you are another broke-ass polfag repeating propaganda, give me 5 examples where HK lost its soul.
Muh heckin walled Reddit city bru
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All the fags crying about muh Kowlon walled city wouldn't have gone there.
Like they don't visit San Francisco for Tenderloin. The walled city was Tenderloin in a cube.
The fags crying about it would have said that HK was full of druggies and thieves, which it was.
And as another anon said, Chungking mansions is still there, it's full of "SOVL" but you faggots wouldn't go there.
I’m realistically gonna stay at the Chungking mansions when I visit next year.
The last time I visited Chungking Mansions was in 2016 and there were a lot of Indian SIM card shills. I can only hope there's less of them now since eSIMs are getting more popular.

Some of the businesses I saw:
>currency exchange
>suit tailors
>old electronics stores
>shitty independent convenience stores
>Indian food that just sits out on the counter without heating or refrigeration
>shitty hostels that operate under multiple names but probably have mutual owners

The funniest thing I saw was a tiny Chinese grandma loudly berating the Indian shopkeepers in Cantonese. From what I can tell, she was the building custodian (she had a mop and bucket) and the pajeets were probably making a mess.
Sounds kino, I can’t wait.
I found some great tickets to HK in july. Now google says that in july the humidity and heat is horrible. Is that true?
>I found some great tickets to HK in july.
What do you call great tickets? $500?
and yes, it's rain season in july
ChungKing mansions is a meme now, when you start seeing those white begpackers with dreads and elephant pants show up with their iphones in hand, you know it's no longer an authentic place.

Jordon and Sham Shui Po is where the Africans and pajeets go now.
ok I already noticed that but is it so horrible that I will be locked in my hotel al lthe day?
Just get an umbrella from 7/11
I was there in 2017, got to the point where I literally wanted to kill Indian touts.
I got some kino sucky-sucky in a massage place called Man Heaven near Temple St night market.
how much?
>sucky-sucky in a massage place called Man Heaven
You gay, son?
About tree-fiddy.
But gays don't go to Heaven.
Can't remember, about $30-40. She did the hot-and-cold water thing.
ok the real question its if I can larp as being in Chungking Express or am I too many decades late?
How safe is it to stay in Chung King Mansion? Reviews are saying that it can be dangerous because there are third wolder workers sleeping there
Compared to literally anywhere in the US it's ridiculously safe. Ever been a murder there?

its full of shady third world brown people and muslims there.
It's not safe, but not in the way you're thinking. I highly doubt you will experience any violent crime (murder, assault, robbery, etc.).
However, the accommodations themselves may pose a threat to your health and/or safety. Black mold, pests that may carry disease (rats, cockroaches, geckos, etc.), inadequate escape routes in the event of a fire or earthquake, etc.
Ive stayed there twice, there are no problems, and it is safe. The only risk are the indians trying to scam you, or the niggerinos in the stores of the first level, who will get confrontational if you look at them. Just ignore them and you will be ok.
all mainland shit parade tourists, night life is dead lkf empty, service sector at all time shit levels of rudeness, local pop even more on edge and depressed than before, all white ppl gone unless they need to be there. all the rich locals are gone or are planning to leave. it'' be s.z. 2.0 within 3 years

hiking is still good
Maybe the rudeness is something to look for, like you go to Japan to see how obedient they are.
Also, is having less whites a bad thing? I don't go to asia to see fucking gaijns/laowhys.
I'm going a few days next summer, is the big Buddha worth visiting?

It looks cool but i'm afraid it will be too touristy. It's not an ancient buddha, only built in the 1990s, and the whole thing with the village looks like a tourist trap.
I'm also afraid eggs "cable car" thing...

tldr; is the Tian Tan Buddha worth the hassle?
service is fine in places like red wood, mandarin, is all the local joints the people have the life sucked out of them. hong kong has been an international city for a long time. it's apart of it's character. if you wanna see a bunch of chinks in a city just go to taipei.

yes the buddah is worth it bunch of wild cows roam free they're friendly, you cant burn too much time there so google some of the local villages that'll interest you around the area. great they still havce some old ancestral homes hidden in them .
there are some older temples in walking distance too,
Ok thanks. Is it possible to go there without using the cable car?
rosewood* to expand on the white ppl the ones who left were permanent you could of met all types of people who spoke fluent/acceptable canto it's charming. now not so much. city's dying slowly
yea of course trails are marked pretty well i love hiking hong kong it's the only redeeming thing left. heads up they have venomous snakes. just walk loud you'll be fine

Nice, i'll look it up
I bet you think Israel is fun
im operating on the assumption that in 20 years HK will be in a worse state than it is now, so it’s still worth visiting even if it’s dying, right?
Doomers like to say this but everything british is still there, from Time Square to the statues of Victoria and the name of the places. HK Disneyland is still there. Every now and then there's a bunch of influencers invited either by the HK board of tourism or by companies (ie Caseify last month) to promote HK as it is.

China hasn't shown a will to change HK culture besides politics. It's a tourism hub because of what it is, why would they do that?
They are converting cantonese things to mandarin though. And that alone is enough to kill HK's soul in 20 years. Not being a doomer or anything, just being realistic as CCP has already killed hundreds of dialects in the past 50 years alone. And don't make me start talking about Tiananmen Square because HK almost become Tiananmen 2.0 a few years ago but that's irrelevant for this board.
>Everything British is still there
Do Hong Kongaboos really? Hong Kong is China. The UK itself has no "British" left in it in 2024. Westaboos really are just a weird alliance of transgender world order worshipping faggots and incels trying to larp as if it's still 1832
Just made his point better than he could
Hong Kong is the new Tokyo, it's gentrified enough for instagram bitches now.
10 social points have been credited into your account, comrade Zhang
He's not wrong tho.
Would you feel more in Britain in HK or in Birmingham?
All things considering, which one lost its identity more?
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>Dubai is awesome
Of course Birmingham you crazy retard. What kind of trick question is this?
>China hasn't shown a will to change HK culture besides politics.
That is exactly what they want to do. Suppressing cantonese, freedom of speech, rule of law, everything that made Hong Kong great basically.
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>Suppressing cantonese
If it's deliberate not cool, but if a part of the anglo/cantonese population left (i haven't seen numbers on this) and mainlanders move in, it seems logical that the linguistic balance of power change. It doesn't mean that's a political plan, maybe it is, idk.

>freedom of speech
It's the same in Canada, France, the UK.
In France and the UK you can get arrested and imprisonned for your opinion.
In the US they pretend that it's just private companies who censor, but Elon has released the documents proving that the censorship on Twitter, Facebook and so on was done with and for the political regime.

>rule of law
Canada and France again, forced lockdowns, forced vaccinations, frozen bank accounts of political dissidents (the truck drivers in Canada, the gilets jaunes in France).

Not saying it doesn't exist in China but how is it decisive not to go to China on a moral ground when our fucking countries have been decaying on all these "democratic values" since 9/11.
Do you just fucking ignore what's going on in our countries?
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>Of course Birmingham you crazy retard
Think again:
Also picrel for the language replacement argument. Where's the outrage?
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>Elon has released the documents proving
>thinking in all seriousness that Elon, the biggest hack and grifter, has any credibility and also not politically motivated
Do you think he forged the docs exposing twitter, retard?
It must feel like the UK.
how are you this stupid?
>The UK itself has no "British" left in it
>It must feel like the UK.

rent free

france and germany and ireland and the rest of europe have the same demographics as us
>Suppressing cantonese
there is a large part of it that is due to non-guangdong mainlanders being the migrant workers in hong kong and the tourists and businesspeople of hong kong being non-guangdongers so putonghua is used more and more. cantonese is still used in guangdong and not "suppressed" there in any meaningful or special way. hong kongers love to complain.
>france and germany and ireland and the rest of europe have the same demographics as us
Does make it ok for the UK and Europe to lose their identity and civilization?
The point is that if HK is losing its identity (still not proven in this thread so far), the UK and all of Western Europe lost their identity x1000 worse.
>still not proven in this thread so far
Eh even if someone presented the data, you would simply mental gymnastic over them anyway so why bother. The smartest thing to do here is recognizing your bait and ignore it.
Please present the data.

Even if Hong Kong went from "85% chinese + 15% british" to "95% chinese + 5% british", you can't argue that it lost its identity compared to UK cities that are "65% asian and african + 35% british" today.
You should aim for olympics.
>unironically using that piece of shit as a reaction image
Weak job glowie, where are the statistics?
Seethe harder, chang.
Why do you russians have to pollute every single board with your outright lies?
yes, it's terribly unpleasant during the summer
you'll end up sweating balls if you have to be outside more than a few minutes
having a fair amount of white people and the culture it entails was one of the unique things of hong kong though
that was the entire point of the city
now it's just turning into another chinese city
yes, it's a touristy thing
whether it's worth visiting or not is entirely dependent on what you expect
it's just a big buddha in the middle of nowhere with a touristy village
problem is hong kong doesn't exactly have much cultural things to bank on because it's a (relatively) modern city
frankly the best part of visiting lantau is the ferry trip and walking around on the beaches
>Do these people speak Cantonese?
If they live long enough or are natives (born here), some speak natively

>Is it still ok to do street photography in HK?
Absolutely yes, unironically take pics of police on patrol, they won't do anything

Literally 10 year old news, now HKers are flocking to mainland for shopping and dining because everything's cheaper and the service is better than those in HK. Talk to any luxury salesperson and they'll say mainlanders have more manners now.

>eSIMs are getting more popular
lol. lmao even.

Max summer heat is comparable to that in the US, but the humidity makes it feel worse. Suggest not to come in the summer if you don't plan to adjust.

Cable car is safe because it's not made by Boeing, if there are big winds they will shut it down. Pretty cool to take.
>mainlanders have more manners now
Lol, no, but people from HK are going to Shenzhen a lot now for basic shit like haircuts and groceries because HK is too expensive. It's still cheapish by north american standards.
What app are you using anon?
You must be either retarded or tasteless (retarded)
you can literally smell the 50 cent army in here
You can smell glowies and shekelbergs all around this site too. If anything that's a balance.
Anyone have any experience getting a chinese visa in Hong Kong?
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Anyone been to Wontonmeen hostel? Looks like a painfully hipster artist colony but maybe it's time to accept that I am painfully hipster.
Fuck I remember one night I was drunk as hell and went to Ebeneezers, got a Kebab to go and then went to Paisano's across the street, wrapped the Kebab in the slice of pizza and had a drunk meal. Then I went to a gay bar and fucked some Vietnamese twink who spoke no English.
That was in 2013, those were the days.
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I stayed in Chungking Mansions having no clue what it was. It was shocking. Years later when I was in my 30s and could afford a proper hotel I stayed in Chungking for 3 nights just to relive good times.
Yes, doable with travel agents in Chungking Mansions.
You can go to the Consulate but you have to have your paperwork in order and the wait times are long. I would only recommend this if you are going for a work visa and have all your shit in order.
I don't know about all that political stuff, sovl and other shit, but I have visited recently and have some first hand observations.

What I disliked about HK was that it was like London, meaning the weather was cold and wet, everything was super expensive and at the same time old. I literally had better food, quality of service, and weather in Thailand, the Philippines, and Singapore.

The London metaphor is actually much more accurate than it may seem on surface. Before Brexit, London was THE place for work in Europe. People were putting up with really shitty standard of living and weather bc they could make better money there. It's not a coincidence that there are large Polish, Spanish, and Romanian minorities in London. Contrary to South Asians, they had all of EU to choose from and yet London was the best pick. HK feels this way, too - I dated there a bit and not one person said "I love it here". It was more to the tune of "HK is good for work", and they just suck it up for that reason. What is different between London and HK is in London you won't find tent cities on Saturdays - turns out all Filipino house help is not allowed to stay with their clients on Saturdays and they roam the streets. A rather sorry sight to behold, to be quite frank. I don't know if that rule about Saturdays is true, but I did see lots and lots of Filipina women staying in tents and in public spaces on weekends.

Personally, I'd much rather set up shop in Singapore if I had that type of global city requirement and wanted to be in Asia. Unless China connection was somehow a requirement - then it makes sense. HK is easy to visit (3 month visa for a European), whereas the nearby Shenzen requires a visa I could only get back in my home country. So yeah, there are reasons for HK to remain what it is for quite a while.

Just to be clear, I didn't hate it, it was completely different than what I expected - neither better nor worse. Just different and not my cup of tea
>turns out all Filipino house help is not allowed to stay with their clients on Saturdays and they roam the street
it is their day of and they all meet up and take over spaces to hang out somewhere free, hence the sitting on cardboard and tents. they are not kicked out of the house they work in but are making the most of their day of freedom.
>it was completely different than what I expected
What did you expect? (not a rhetorical question, really what did you expect?)

Your comparison with London seems fair, but people also compare it to New York because those are cities with old 1970/1980s skyscrapers with rundown infrastructures.
Overall, first generation modern cities don't seem to grow old gracefully (unlike Paris or Rome that have monuments and buildings that looked good 500 years ago and will look good in 500 years). Japanese cities are an exception to the rule because they don't fear destroying buildings and building new.
i've done it years ago
it's pretty straightforward though iirc you have to leave your passport with them in order for them to fix the visa or whatever to it
it's just a lot of waiting and filling out forms and that's it
you don't have to answer any questions, or if you did they weren't very hard questions
i would remember if the questioning was bad because i'm a total sperg
>you won't find tent cities on Saturdays - turns out all Filipino house help is not allowed to stay with their clients on Saturdays and they roam the streets. A rather sorry sight to behold, to be quite frank. I don't know if that rule about Saturdays is true, but I did see lots and lots of Filipina women staying in tents and in public spaces on weekends.
domestic help gets a day off per week and they usually all pick the same day so they can socialize with friends outside
they just end up flooding the public areas because there isn't anywhere else to go and there's a shitload of them in the city
they spend the rest of the week in their client's homes, why would they want to stay there on their days off (especially since given real estate is big bucks the quarters for the domestic staff is super tiny)
Yup. I left in the mid 00s. It still had all it's charm until early 2010s. Most of my friends have escaped. The ones who are still there all want out. Culture is completely different. The Hong Kong I grew up in is gone forever. It's fucked now.
you're a hong konger(?) so do you think tourists would notice any of these changes or any of the negatives that the media and online people mention?
My flight is scheduled to arrive at just past 12 AM, but my hotel doesn’t open check-in until 2 PM.

Am I better off catching a couple Z’s at the airport, or going into the city to look for a net cafe or something? Only gonna have a backpack and a carryon with me.
If money's not an issue, then re-book your hotel so the reservation begins the day before your arrival. Then you can check-in any time you want.

If money is an issue, you can literally go to a McDonald's for a snooze. Lots of people do this, and the ones who do it full-time are referred to as "McRefugees."
>It's filled with Pajeets, Africans and Muslims
Always has been.
Excellent curry in that place.
people weren't exaggerating, LKF was fucking dead
How about KFL, KFC and FKK? Retard
many hotels have that policy, but if you make the request for early check in they may accommodate since there's usually someone at the front desk

just lots of shutters or is there no people? (both?)
I remember it being so crowded you can barely move at its peak, and even at 6am there's people drinking outside 7/11 and chatting shit or going to the fried food place down the road, that fried squid on a skewer was always pricey but so worth it after necking 'free' shots from touts trying to entice you into every bar
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pic from 2019 of the fried squid place and a random pepe, this was 29th December; going back to HK in a few weeks and interested to see what's changed
I'm going in April. Only six days but I plan to get as much out of it as I can, I'm not an extremely seasoned traveler so I'm sure I'll be leaving a lot on the table for next time. I have a hotel in Lan Kwai Fong so I'm hoping to strike a good balance between sightseeing and touristy stuff during the day and nightlife in the evenings. What's the club scene like? Any cool after-hours places I should make sure to check out (food, drinking, whatever)?
I'm going late may, a little less than a week too.
I can't help you much about the nightlife, i just plan on seeing the Tsim Sha Tsui «symphony of light» once, then just roaming around Lan Kwai Fong and the rest of Causeway Bay (because as i understand it, the ferry doesn't work all night).
LKF has the best night life for just getting shit faced, but there's 100s if not 1000s of bars just to get buzzed, LKF is the final destination

just other nightlife stuff is night markets, hawker stalls are getting rarer, you'd have to go to guilin/yangshuo in China for that shit, HK is trying to keep a 'professional' image
Here. So far my checklist of stuff to see/do is as follows (in no particular order):

Avenue of Stars
Symphony of Lights
Golden Bauhinia Sq.
The Peak
Take a Star Ferry at least once
Wong Tai Shin Temple
Temple St. Market, Ladies' Market, Goldfish Market - might do all three on the same day idk, or just Temple Street if time is an issue
Spend an hour or two in Mong Kok just walking around and taking in the sights
Kowloon Memorial Park
Choi Hung Estate (50/50 on this one I've heard it's underwhelming irl)
Monster Building
Lantau Island - Buddha, Po Lin Monastery and the surrounding village
Macau - mainly interested in eating egg tarts and porkchop buns, and gambling. Thinking of bringing only about $1000 USD to play with so not expecting to stay too long.

Again I'm only gonna be there for six days so I hope I can knock most if not all of it out; the Macau trip seems like it would be the most difficult/time consuming part. Would appreciate any comments or critiques, I know it reads like babby's first time in Hong Kong... because it is.
To be fair it was always like that. That's what made it kino. If I wanted to see jeets, I would go there. If I didn't want to see jeets, I would go literally anywhere else.
are there any social hostels in HK that anyone recommends? I don't want to get raped in chudcuck mansions by pajeets so something good for whitey foreigners

>Haven't been HK since 2018
>LKF/causeway bay for drinking
>want to meet people ideally not 40+ yr old expats that are depressed
>doing a solo trip and want to make some drinking buddies (only english speaking and basic mandarin)
going in late May
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PMQ is cool but Tai Kwun is better as far as restaurants and bars go. There’s a spectacular cocktail bar in it called Gushiki Lounge. You can take the fast ferry from Hong Kong island to Macau. I’m not a gambler so I didn’t do that there but the north island has most of the cool Portuguese architecture.
I'm planning to go to Macau even though I have 0 desire to gamble or go to Casinos (might stand outside and admire the architecture at best) especially since that big fuck off skyscraper is a casino??

heard you can do it in less than a day and spending more time is a bit of a waste, I'm a fat cunt so will be hitting up places for breakfast, 2nd breakfast, lunch, snacks, tea before jumping on a ferry back to HK to throw up in LKF

appreciate your advice for macau, also NTA you replied to
No problem anon, you can do Macau in a day and be back in LKF in time to pregame in front of a 7/11. In Macau it’s worth going to the effort to find Macanese food, it’s a hybrid Portuguese Cantonese cuisine that’s extremely good. If you can find a place run by mixed Macanese people there’s a good chance they’ll actually speak Portuguese as their language too, very few people in Macau actually use it.
literally just a bunch of /pol/ buzzwords and opinions mashed up in the most retarded, incoherent fashion

you are basically ai generated
Nothing is more cringe than white supremacist leftists that want to larp like it's 1705. The sun set for the British nearly 100 years ago.
Good Bye Kai Tak And Thank You
tips for a very late/early morning arrival? hotel check-in isn't until 1 pm so i'm looking at about 12 hours before i can drop my shit off in my room. i heard the airport isn't very good for sleeping in (noisy, cold, bright) but i'll still do a once-over after i clear immigration just to see if i can't find a decent spot to nod off in.

failing that i'll probably head into town and look for a love hotel for an overnight but i'm not optimistic regarding vacancy since this will be de-facto late saturday night. my third option is a 24 hour net cafe or manga cafe or something, with McDonald's as a last resort. anything else to consider? i'm not travelling heavy, just a carryon
If you want a glimpse of the British empire just go to Chung King mansions.
Just pay for a cheap hotel? You would literally rather waste 12 hours sleeping at the airport or McDonald's than spend $50 on a bed and a shower. I don't know how long you plan to stay, but just to be able to sleep comfortably after a long flight is worth it so you can actually stay awake later and enjoy your trip.

I'm not saying you are a cheap motherfucker, but you spent thousands on a plane ticket just to save $50 and feel like shit for the rest of the day. You might be fucking retarded though, if you can't book a hotel in almost any neighborhood in HK the same day.
>I'm not saying you are a cheap motherfucker, but you spent thousands on a plane ticket just to save $50 and feel like shit for the rest of the day

you know what anon, you're right. i'll just book a basic room somewhere near the airport, what's another 80 bucks after what i spent on tickets (and what i'll blow in the casinos)
This is what I did:
Pay for the day before and ask for late check-in, 99% of hotels even shit ones have a 24 hour front desk.
If you miss the airport express train because it's closed then get a taxi (or Uber to avoid language barrier), Hong Kong is 35KM away it'll cost £30-£40 even at silly o' clock.
>pol infograph to support the same tired talking points
get some new material fr
insane cope
>Cable car is safe because it's not made by Boeing
bruh. chyna's #1 media export are infrastructure deathtrap videos
after jewish nazis now leftist huwite supremacists, dark brandon mindbroke your entire people
Seething glowie reviving a dead debate, we posted this nearly 2 months ago.
The conclusion was that HK may have lost some of its identity but clearly less than ther West, that's it that's all. It was the conclusion and everybody clapped.
Here. I’m in Hong Kong now.

Just tramping around and doing the standard tourist trap stuff for the time. Clocked just under 40,000 steps yesterday kek. Enjoying myself so far but holy mother of Christ is it humid. Also, the sheer density of people and buildings was a little bit overwhelming the first day, but I think I’m starting to get used to it. The convenience store/service staff in general seem kinda rude, but the regular Hong Kongers and expats I’ve spoken to are super chill and friendly.

Haven’t gone drinking or partying yet, saving that for tomorrow through Friday. Cheers.
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If you want a cool view with barely any people and for free, braemar hill/sir ceciles ride has a fantastic view with a little hike to get there. You gotta climb some rocks but it's well worth it. Just take a bus up to the st joan of arc school, and there is a pathway next to the school. Just follow the signs and maybe your GPS on your google maps and you'll get a neat view with a few photographers during sunset if you want to go then
>holy mother of Christ is it humid.
Is it raining all day or just humidity?

Have fun, please give your feedback on HK when you come back.
May is typically rainy, but not like most countries where it's all day non-stop, you get flash showers for 1hr 2hrs tops, and thunder which is cool if you're not used to it.
Still hot, very sunny between showers; it's why brollies are more popular than wearing rain coats.
was there last month, to me Hong Kong seems like it's stuck in the early 1990s, nothing really has changed (culturally). It is easier to get around though
any good souvenir shops in HK? Going for a few days and want something miniature (<$50)
Just go to the "Ladies Market" in Mong Kok and you'll find a wide variety of things.
anyone stayed in hostels in HK?

I'm going to Hop Inn for a week, mixed dorm. Hoping there's other travellers 20-35 (I'm 24) and not just pajeets hiding there instead of renting in the mansions, it's a bed if nothing else, but would be good to get lucky and meet english speaking party people
Negative on staying in a hostel but if you’re looking for party people your age LKF and SoHo are going to be the spots to go.
Is LKF still a place to go? Haven't been there since pre covid.

Drinking in HK is expensive as fuck.
Here. Back home now. Here are my impressions as a first-time, solo visitor to HK for six days. For perspective I'm an early 30s white male and spent the last two years living in Japan.

Tons of variety, I never really had a bad dish; portions were VERY generous and outside of Central everything was reasonably priced (about the same as Tokyo or Osaka). Clay pot rice was the best thing I had, with roast goose/pork combo platters a close second. Lunch wasn't an issue, but around dinner time every restaurant seemed to be completely slammed or sold out of half their menu.
Not much to say, the MTR was flawless. Buses and trams were actually more timely than the ones here. The Octopus card system is way, way better than Japan's IC Card system. Five stars.
Almost across the board it was brusque at best, rude at worst. Convenience store workers facetiming their relatives in Manila while ringing you up, waitstaff acting like they're doing you a favor by taking your order, nobody responding to "thank you" or "do je." Kinda jarring. The only nice servicepeople were popup shop owners and very small non-chain cafe baristas.
Way more humid than I expected; I didn't bring any shorts so I was often sweating balls. Frequent rains, which I actually didn't mind since it killed the humidity a bit. Not a single day of sun. But I guess it's just that time of year, my fault for not researching this well enough.
The loudest and most crowded place I've ever been to in my life. Cars constantly beeping, people talking loudly everywhere, constantly having to edge past others on the sidewalk; I knew HK was metropolitan but I never figured it to be a big tourism ~*DeStInAtIoN*~ for normies... until now. I was expecting something like Tokyo but at certain points it felt like the entire world was on the sidewalk or in the room with me.
>t. Seething mutt or cuckatralian
I love their tears
great description of every category.
Where did you stay?
Anything you wish you did?
Anything you regret doing? (I think Hall of stars are lame + symphony of lights at 8pm was mid, but you don't know until you do it)

Regular HK Chinese and expats were super friendly and always willing to spare a moment to chat or to explain something, no bad experiences at all. Especially the expats were way cooler than the ones you meet in Japan. Cute girls everywhere showing lots of skin, and best of all hardly anybody wearing masks.
Wan Chai and Causeway Bay were pretty fun, felt almost like college towns. I didn't really enjoy the bar scene in LKF that much, seemed to be skewed heavily towards groups and not solos, but the two nightclubs I went to (Boomerang and Mihn) were both good, with Mihn especially being probably in the top 10 or 15 clubbing experiences I've had in my life so far. I didn't go to any lounges, maybe next time.
>Other comments
The cable car ride to the big Buddha was cool, the hiking trail also looked neat but I was not prepared to go hiking on this trip. Maybe next time.
Symphony of Lights was very underwhelming. The nighttime skyline across the harbor was beautiful but the actual Symphony itself was lame and lasted like 10 minutes; the music was impossible to hear over the din of the crowd.
Macau was, for a variety of reasons, the biggest piece of shit waste of time of this entire trip. The casino strip was amazing and opulent but the rest of Macau can suck a fat one. Only the fact that I walked out of The Venetian with nearly HKD10,000 extra in my pocket managed to keep Macau from ruining my whole trip.
All of the parks/temples/famous buildings were nice.
Surprised at how many tall Chinese people I saw. I'm 6'3" and felt like every 10th guy was my height or taller.
Knowing how good the MTR is, the next time I come I'll be way less worried about hotel location.
Thank you.

>Where did you stay?
I had a budget hotel in Central, I only really used it to sleep and shower so the size and lack of amenities didn't really bother me, but like I said, knowing now how cheap and efficient the MTR is, I'll be much more open to a nicer hotel further out from the city center for my next visit.
>Anything you wish you did?
I didn't start going out until halfway through my trip, mainly because I was so tired from the heat and walking around all day to go out and party, I wish I'd started earlier so I could've checked out more neighborhoods. I also didn't get a chance to check out too much of the edges of town, the furthest out I went was Kowloon Walled City Park and I really, really liked the vibe of that area, so I'm curious to see what some of the further reaches of the city are like next time.
>Anything you regret doing?
Trying to explore Macau. It was absolute hell, somehow even more crowded than Hong Kong with rude locals pushing every which way and pissing rain the entire time I was there. If I'd gotten on the bus to Taipa right after getting off the ferry I would've had a much better time, instead I blew nearly FOUR HOURS to eat an egg tart and see some fancy pavement.
I also agree that the Symphony was very much skippable.
you've experienced it, you never have to wonder about Macau again, I still haven't been and am always on the fence just to blow a day and get the ferry across (solo traveller)
I don't gamble and I don't want think the egg tarts are worth spending a day travelling anywhere, I much prefer char siu and the HK architecture to Euroslop, may just leave it out this time especially since my trip is in the rainy season too
Also forgot to mention, when I got back to Japan and the customs agent asked me where I'm coming from, after I said I'd spent a week in Hong Kong they took me off to the side and made me open all my bags and swept all my clothes with the drug detection paper, even inspected my wallet. I wonder if I just looked suspicious or if HK is a known drug destination in Asia? I definitely smelled weed a few times and a couple of the clubgoers seemed to be on some substances but aside from that I didn't see anyone using shit openly, all things considered.
>I knew HK was metropolitan but I never figured it to be a big tourism ~*DeStInAtIoN*~ for normies... until now
I feel like HK will have a boost in popularity because Japan tourism is amready maxxed out, so people who've already been to Japan and want first world cities are left with Korea, HK and a few others.
>Surprised at how many tall Chinese people I saw. I'm 6'3" and felt like every 10th guy was my height or taller.

You're joking right? I'm 186cm and I think I find someone taller than me once every few weeks and 9 times out of 10 they're white.
Let's keep getting some good insights into Hong Kong and Macau.
holy shit imagine thinking that disaster of fake, unauthentic, nonsense aimed solely at stupid tourists is awesome.
Everything is awesome with the good mindset, Dubai, Disney, Tenderloin, Detroit.
No one is asking you to live in those places, you go there you live the experience for the time needed and you go away.

If you think Dubai isn't worth visiting, let's say you get 1k to spend for two nights there, you get a good a hotel, get to the bar, go see fireworks or whatever, go clubing, then the day after you go to the aquapark, then you're gone. Great two days trip.
Is there anything worth doing in Dubai if you don't drink much and have zero interest in nightclubs?
I've been to and through Dubai loads of times. It's got something for everyone. Last time I was there I did indoor snowboarding, smoked shisha, and fucked an Ethiopian girl all in the same afternoon. Where else could that sentence ever happen?
Aquapark, renting a supercar, camel riding, desert camping, visiting old Dubai...
Stayed in Youth Loft a few years ago, tho it's most traditional hotel rooms rather than dorms
Where is the best place to take night photos of street scenes showing streets with lots of neon signs like picel? I figured the streets around Mong Kok might be like this, or are there better areas?
Honestly Singapore seems more interesting than Dubai.
What is there to do in Singapore then?
*LED signs
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you have time until 2047. hurry up
>I didn't really enjoy the bar scene in LKF that much, seemed to be skewed heavily towards groups and not solos, but the two nightclubs I went to (Boomerang and Mihn) were both good, with Mihn
Zoomer here. Do you just show up there solo and go straight to the bar? How do you interract exactly?
I haven't been to the Philippines specifically but can't you go to 7-11 and buy a coffee for like 0, 30€ and sit on their plastic chairs like in every other Asian country?

Which I love BTW
I dunno man but just Google this new tonnochy place on your picture and literally go there it's in HK dumdum
Please don’t call me dumdum that’s not nice
That picture is just a bunch of signs pasted together in photoshop. Neon business signs typically hang off the sides of buildings, they don't form a giant clusterfuck above traffic. Also, a lot of those businesses aren't even located on the same street or even district.
I know what you're referring to, but what would they do differently in 2047 that hasn't already happened since 2020?
share some photos of how it was before

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