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You can make it here. Schools are all privately owned, you don't even need a tefl, just bullshit a resume and dress nice. Felon? Failure? It doesn't matter, you can start fresh here.
Rip no joke Howard

They offer 1 year visas for like 200 bucks

Phnom penh if you like the city, siem reap if you want something calmer, cambodia is land of opportunity
I unironically met him in Winchester Virginia. We went and got beer and pizza and he told me about Cambodia and I told him about Thailand. He’s pretty chaddy, but way quieter irl
Except for the fact that it’s dirt fucking poor and the hawkers, beggars, and scammers are the most obnoxious in all of Southeast Asia
That's funny you met him. Dude I've been in the low level drug trade and crime in general my whole life, scamming cambodians are a joke to me you just swat them off like flies, annoying though.
what does "making it as a tourist" mean?
maybe we need a wageslaving board for these posts, not relevant for /trv/ at all
Feel free to talk about tourism too, do you have anything to add to the conversation or are you just here to be a faggot
It means pounding and slapping and screaming your name begging for more in hell
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I really want to, but if I tell anyone I'm moving to Cambodia they're going to suspect I'm a kiddie diddler
Who gives a fuck all you need is a couple grand to just coast for a year

80 dollars a month
It's called /trv/ - Travel, not /trs/ - Tourism.
Whew lad
living and wageslaving permanently in a country isn't traveling
Yes it is faggot go bitch about shit in your faggot ass Japan thread or wherever the fuck you came from faggot
I thought Thailand was the country for that kind of stuff
he should've stayed in comfyland
I used to work in PP in 2003/2004. Sounds just the same. Full of colourful characters, weirdos and eccentrics. Though the 'hire anyone white' thing would have changed by now
The obvious touts and beggars are no biggie. A firm "no" and a shake of the head, coupled with a wag of the finger if necessary, nearly always gets you left alone in Southeast Asia.
If you are someone who is easily annoyed by petty bullshit, you shouldn't visit impoverished countries, much less live in one.
Food ripoffs are what rustles my jimmies. I want to order and enjoy a meal without steeling myself for an arbitrary and whimsical surcharge, i.e. "how much can we get whitey to pay?"
How do the local eateries in Cambodia compare to Thailand?
Not if you engage in activities which most all foreigners in Cambodia engage in...even drinking in bars with no extra shenanigans is going to add up to $200/month at least. Riding tuktuks is another great way to piss away money.
>only $200/mo to drink
Say no more. Are there lightskinned cambo qts?
R Kelly in Combodia, you're twisted and you're sick.
>camobs will perceive you as a genius if you wear glasses
funny story that...
I lived there for 6 months. Couldn't stand it. Cambodians are awful people in general. Like all the worst parts of thai culture with none of the good. Women are very cold hearted also.
Cambodia is known for for people offering you kids to fuck, although its probably an extortion scam, things are more wild west there, I believe your still able to blow up a cow with an RPG for 400 bucks at a gun range there
Cambodia is fucking dangerous, it's very easy to disappear there and guns are easily bought.
He admitted his Cambodian girlfriend was a tranny
>I believe your still able to blow up a cow with an RPG for 400 bucks at a gun range there

lol how is this myth still going around? It might have been true in the 90s but not anymore
A Florida lawyer was caught paying to fuck 4 kids and he was extradited back to the US
They probably don't offer the cow anymore but your still able to shoot rpgs
Kid fucking goes on everywhere, it's probably just easier to facilitate there since it's so poor
You can also get benzos and opiates over the counter, I don't know about about steroids but I imagine it's also hassle free
He never tried to hide it he was very open about being into that stuff
That’s dangerous
i'm off to see angkor wat for the first time in a couple of weeks. any protips? i just booked one of those online tours but can still ditch if there are better ways of traversing the temple complex.
every interaction with cambodians in siem reap are pitch sales, it's hellish scam place, everything is paid unlike in thailand even in shitty temples they ask you a money.
>Kid fucking goes on everywhere
I'll take your word for it anon. I'm sure you'd know.
Benzos can be had over the counter in Thailand and Vietnam too, but are you totally sure about opiates m8? What about barbiturates?
Yea tramadol and dihydrocodeine are popular, I've heard of oxycodone being available I think it just comes down to what they stock at the particular pharmacy, same for barbiturates if they even still stock those. I've moved beyond that life but it's great that it's available for people who want it. I actually ruined every vein in my body by injecting pure alprazolam dissolved in propylene glycol, often mixed with cocaine
>ruined every vein in my body
How so? What does this mean for you? I've done a lot of droogs but never got into needles.
They all still function, it's just from being pricked so much they have all curled up and hidden themselves. It's impossible to find a vein now if I need to get blood drawn or a i.v., they have to use a machine that highlights your views to find them. That's the only difficulty I experience from it. Not a huge deal unless I'm dying in a ambulance and they can't find a vein to give me blood or fluids
I haven't been but just something to notice is apparently the land surrounding it was a man made moat
yeah i guess the city is actually floating or something...
i did a early morning sunrise tour to Phnom Bakheng which was quite nice if a bit crowded. starting out early is best. we didnt use a guide for the remainder. however, we did take up a private $$$ tour of the spires which were under renovation. that was absolutely worth it and felt delightfully naughty. if i recall hot air balloon tours are also available. the rest of the time we just explored on our own. it was too damn hot to have to deal with other people. bring a good camera.
and a little something to whet your appetite:
blasted (that was bali). this link (VNmNIkQGuvY) is missing ten minutes off the back end which included angkor. what you want is at 1:26:57 at the following link.
perhaps they did sandwich some scenes of angkor in between those of bali. it certainly looks like angkor.
My fav video of his:
RIP no joke
oh and if you want to spice things up cross over at poipet
Same, anon. May be i'll see you there. Have not booked any tours yet, so my question is the same as yours.
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It was $600 in 2019 when I was offered the opprotunity by a tuk tuk driver. I assume I could have haggled it down, but I was a broke college kid at the time. Can't remember if that was Phnom Penh or Siem Reap but it was a very real thing with a fancy looking brochure.

>Cambodians are awful people in general. Like all the worst parts of thai culture with none of the good. Women are very cold hearted also.

Boy they sure had me fooled. I got my card eaten by an ATM machine in a mall and a random middle age cambodian woman helped get me to mall management, translated for me, and got my card back just because she happened to see me in distress. To think this whole time she was actually evil and out to get me. Dodged a bullet there!

My first solo backpacking trip was to Cambodia, and folks were very quick to help a clueless 20 year old white kid in their midst. Sure there are scammers and pickpockets but you can find them in Italy as well.
Damn this guys videos are a fucking trip, I just went down a rabbit hole of this guys entire life in Cambodia. His tranny fucking videos are funny as hell, and I do enjoy that he names specific places and streets in Phnom Penh to get drugs kek
Yea I obsessively watched all his videos and then emailed him and asked to meet up and he obliged. Pretty cool

Too bad he got murdered by some Mexican cartel dudes
>Too bad he got murdered by some Mexican cartel dudes
So the official story is that he had a massive, drug induced heart attack because he died in the shower and the shower was left running and he was in a serious state of decomposition when his body was found. His mom claimed that he had mentioned he had trouble urinating or something.

However, leading up to his death he had made a video about getting into an altercation with his neighbors at whatever apartment he was staying at because they were playing their music too loud.

At the point he was in mexico, and before that when I met him, he had come back from Cambodia cuz he was rotmaxxing and drug maxxing and it was getting bad, so I don’t really believe it was drug related. You can go through all his videos and he’ll explain the timelines.

When I met him he was living at home in Winchester VA. Staying clean, working, etc. then he went to Mexico.
The best youtuber there ever was.
He made many videos about it having a cock, his own mother watched his channel and he still didnt care. He wasnt ashamed of any of it
That's pretty based. He looks like a chud.
>We went and got beer and pizza and he told me about Cambodia and I told him about Thailand.
Do tell, what is it really like over there?
land of opportunity to kill yourself with every drug known to man you mean
Watch his videos, he was a great story teller. The old guys on cambodian forums of course didnt appreciate him but his videos were just so fun even if im not into the drugs and tranny shit, he was just raw and honest about it all. Even before he was with trannies his content was great
Ended up back in america just talking to the camera in the woods and even them videos were great
I only heard about him today. Just watched a ton of his videos. He seemed like a genuine as fuck person and bluntly honest without being an obnoxious asshole. Admitted his mistakes and didn't sugar-coat any of his actions while remaining informative and educational. The world is a worse place without him. Addiction is a cunt.
Reading comprehension tells me you mean Thailand.

Read “the king never smiles” and “inside Thai society.” If you go to Thailand having read those books you’ll have an excellent frame of reference to absorb Thailand intelligently and conduct yourself optimally
>.....but I digress
I can still hear it in howards voice. I havent watched him for years.
Interesting I'll check into them. Thanks.
I'm just glad more people are discovering ol no joke and watching his vids
The folks at khmerr440 at the time and over the years have a real time thread about his videos. Definitely worth a read to see what people thought then and when it was happening
Khmerr440 was also given hardware routers and servers by gottfried svarlhom of tpb.
>Faggot pedo
Nothing of value was lost
Was he really a pedo or just a ladyboy enjoyer?
All faggots are pedos
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I've seen a lot of things about Cambodia but it just appear to be a shittier version of Thailand.

The Western-style food seems slightly cheaper but that's about it. I don't get the appeal
>shittier version of Thailand
This actually makes it sound like a better version of Thailand when you say this.
What the fuck is the food like in Cambodia? I've never been there and I've never seen a Cambodian restaurant. I love both Thai and Vietnamese. Is it similar to either of these, and/or even close to the same tier of deliciousness?
like all asian food; some variation of soft sludge
I feel like I can safely discard this opinion.
It sounds like it could be secret kino. I really want to go there now, but I'm not a pedo.
hello? im here...
Here as in 4skin or here as in Cambodia?
If this is true then why aren't they the same country now?
French colonialism
When the French colonized, were they the same kingdom? In EU4 they were separate.
Thailand is an expensive tourist trap full *of* traps, Cambodia isn't.
Cambodia doesn't have traps?
Fucking retard.
You fucking retards. They speak totally unrelated languages. They conquered each other at various points and influenced each other culturally but there are not the same nation.
Yeah but so do many places, there are tranny and gay bars all over the world anon. Cambodia is cheaper and easier to make a living in where-as Thailand or Bangkok are more touristy.
Im visiting Vietnam with my friends right now and in a few days we are going to Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.
What can I expect? How does it compare to Vietnam? It's my first trip to SEA.
Was not expecting to see my home town mentioned on /trv/
>with my friends
Just go to Koh Samui you dumb normie.
>unrelated languages.

Go tell that to Myanmar and a hundred other countries.
That's very rude.
They went to Thailand last year, we'll probably go back next year as well.
>That's very rude.
Fuck you.
>t. faggot
Why are you like this?
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was considering cambodia as well as vietnam and thailand. is the cost of living really that cheap that i can just tefl and get by? i do have a college degree and TEFL cert. i already did TEFL for 1 year in korea, but they worked me 10 hours every day m-f with surprise half-shifts on the weekends sometimes with maybe a few hours notice, so it sucked. id be willing to do it again if i work half as much, or if i can just find a call center job that i can VPN. i dont really want to interact with people outside work so i dont need budget for clubbing and whores, i just kind of want to play video games, go on nightwalks, and drink.
Vn is dirt fucking cheap for now still but thry just made it harder to stay long term
Dunno about any other countries but I'm teaching English in Vietnam and I'm not overworked at all and my budget is comfy. I make more than I spend even without trying to be cheap. I don't pay hookers but I get laid left and right just meeting girls on the apps. I can't overstate how much it helps to learn the language, even if you can't actually communicate effectively in it. It gets them wet that you even try. Most people don't.
>thry just made it harder to stay long term
How? I just got a work permit that's good through September of next year and afaik I can renew indefinitely. Do you mean it's harder if you're not working?
Love this energy
imagine thai or viet food made by someone who can't read the recipe book but has the ingredients in front of them. it's all vaguely similar. curries, noodles, soups, meat. frsh, sour, spicy.
can you get antibiotics OTC too?
Yes it's very easy to self-medicate for STDs since that's obviously why you're asking.
Actually no I've got a stomach infection and the doctors in my country are fucking idiots. I also want to take a vacation so I thought about self-medicating while on it.
Need Amoxicillin and maybe another antibiotic for general infections to make a killer-combo. Anything comes to mind?
Nah bro lol I don't know, but I'm sorry for your situation. Why's your doctor at home unable to help? Even an idiot doctor should be more useful to you than a random 4chan retard like me.
Idk they're just doing all kinds of tests and can't find anything so they say "ugh it's all in your head anon you're too much stressed". I had a dental treatment and they gave me Amoxicillin which was the only thing that helped so far but it was just for a couple of days. I'm thinking full two-weeks with another antibiotic that targets the stomach area should do it. And if it kills me then I'll just start raw-dogging Cambodian hawkers until the bitter end.
Do you actually have travel arrangements? If you have time before you leave, why not see another doctor?
Cambodia is thailands garbage dump, imagine thinking you're "winning" by being there.
>Do you actually have travel arrangements?
Fuck no I was thinking going in November it's too hot over there right now
>why not see another doctor?
I'm doing a final test next month, they want to shove a fucking tube with a camera down my throat and see what's going on in the stomach. If I don't get my antibiotics after that then I'm afraid it's self-medicating and raw-dogging time. I mean you see the way indians eat and they seem to be fine.
Nigga I think it's hot as fuck in Cambodia all the time. I'm in Hanoi and we have winter here but outside of northern Vietnam it's full tropical. I was in Thailand in June and July and I enjoyed myself. Don't let it stop you.
Poor shitholes are unironically really fun places to be. I haven't visited Cambodia yet but that's basically the whole appeal.
So you're saying I should come right now?
Only ever been to Thailand. Is it much different?
Oh sorry didn't noticed you were in Vietnam
Well same question how different is it from Thailand
I haven't been there yet either, so I can't say for sure, but I think the climate is like Thailand or southern Vietnam. Hot as balls all the time.
Very different. I love both places but they're not at all the same. Most normies and coomers seem to prefer Thailand but some people (and I'm one of them) really do love Vietnam. It's a beautiful country with beautiful women. It's a little bit weirder than Thailand but that's part of the charm. The food isn't everybody's thing but it's definitely mine.
Do they have
>nice temples
>>nice temples
Not as good as in Thailand, but yes, and I'm a SEA temple enjoyer too.
I don't eat it but I know where one is in Hanoi. KFC is also here, and plenty of pizza.
khmer and isaan is spoken in thailand, not just thai. laos is also very similar to isaan I believe.
What happened to him? Did he die 4 years ago?

Most "Thai" people that is, the Central Thai or Siamesei, are actually genetically Khmer and Mon mixed with Burmese. Genetic studies show they don't have actual Thai blood, even though they speak the language (ignoring the ones who are descended from Chinese).
I'll see people talk about Cambodia pretty often, but I rarely see any discussion around Laos. What's Laos like, for anyone that's been there?
I don't know but I want to go. It looks mega comfy.
people are so poor they chase squirrels for the barbecue. there are farms for cobras for that snake whisky you can buy in bangkok.
Kino. I want to eat BBQ squirrel and drink snake whiskey with them.
that snake whisky is nasty as fuck and I blame it for my erectile dysfunction.
Oh yeah? What does it taste like? More curiously, why would it give you ED? Does Viagra help? I don't have actual ED but I'm in my early 40s and my erection quality isn't what it used to be. But if I pop 25mg of that stuff, I've got a boner I could rob a bank with.
I was joking but yes, think of how nasty thai whisky is and add some more nasty points and then you'll get close to the snake whisky. it is a gimmick for tourists or perhaps dumb asians who think it gives them power. I am early 40s also, and just came back from thailand. boner works but seems to require constant stimulation and can get soft in the time taken to get from the mouth to the pussy. I might have to just get in shape or get some viagra.. some thai pussies are so tight so you really need a strong erection.
You won't regret checking out the Viagra, my brother boomer. Give it a go. It comes in 50mg and 100mg. Maybe it's available in 25mg somewhere but I don't know. I just buy 50 and break them in half. Start small like that and see how it goes.

Any kind of animal they throw in the alcohol will kind of make it smoother, so theoretically it tastes better with the snake than without it.

There's something they do that's more fun than snake whisky though. It's called jar whisky, where they put a big jar of whisky with a bunch of straws in it and everybody has to compete to get it down.
Your not supposed to drink the snake whiskey, it's just in alcohol to preserve it, it's supposed to just be an ornamental thing
So many braless euros here in Siem Reap. Some of them are alright. But many fatties as well.
I regret Viagra/Cialis every time I've taken it. I get awful rheumatoid like aches from Cialis, and Viagra gives me a headache. These are common side effects so it's not like I'm the odd one out.

They work in a pinch but I would caution against becoming a frequent user. Erectile dysfunction is supposedly a reliable indicator of atherosclerosis, so it's probably a good idea to clean up the diet, get that LDL and weight down and enjoy better sex as a result instead of trying to force the situation with drugs
>lifestyle changes
>just pop a pill
One of these is a lot easier and more appealing than the other.
About your case, though, what was your Viagra dose? 25mg is small and enough for a good boner. 50mg gives me a headache too but it's unnecessary.
They both give me side effects but Viagra is short lived (though worse as far as side effects) as are the beneficial effects so I prefer Viagra to Cialis.
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>Thailand is an expensive tourist trap
Oh no!

The meal cost
instead of

it's over.
be disingenuous if you want, doesn't make it any less true.
Cialis if you can tolerate it has excellent daily use cases. It's a vasodilator that also has a tendency to increase free test levels by around 10-20%. I just have to be careful drinking heavy on it because it can drop me into low blood pressure if I have used it daily.
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>doesn't make it any less true.
All fags who talk about Cambodia being "super cheap" have never provided evidence for their claims.

Everything seems completely comparable in price to Thailand at a much lower quality. There's youtube vids on the subject and the Cambodia fags always get BTFO.

I don't understand the autism around Cambodia for the /realtraveler/ meme-people. Just because a place is more dirty and less civilized doesn't mean it's better. You should be going to India if that's the case.

I'll just continue assuming Cambodia fags are pedophiles which is the secret reason they try to attack the massively superior Thailand.
Aside from teaching English what kind of job could a foreigner who doesn't speak the language work?
You should post some pics of your travels
You could do prostitution.
Fucking fatties used to be based when they had shitty self-esteem and were unironically really sweet and eager to please, but now they're all tattooed trash who think they're hot so it's like the same bullshit you put up with with other women except it's not even warranted.
I hate this city so much, all interactions are pitchsales, highly condensed retarded tourist and everything relying on scam around angkor, even shitty temple requires to pay unlike in Thailand. I am not big fan of Thailand but cambodia is probably the worst SEA country.
Leave the tourist town, retard. I've never even been to Cambodia yet but this is the obvious thing to do.
Laos was great. Rural villages, rugged mountain regions, beautiful limestone karst formations and huge caves. Obviously poorer and less developed than Thailand so you have trash, less infrastructure, and fewer services but also even cheaper than Thailand (ie. decent hotel rooms for $5-10 USD). Lots of folks living in sheet metal shacks. The people were friendly and not scamming or giving aggressive sales pitches. I'd recommend renting a motorcycle and touring around the areas near Thahkek and Pakse. Vang Vieng was quite touristy, especially with 18-25 crowd, but I had a great time there too.
They are so young and tight but the bruised elbows and knees makes their skin look bad which is a turn off.
Who's that?
Working Cambodian kids.
But I'm not a felon or a failure, actually I have a well paid job already. Why would I want to go to a third world country to become an English teacher? It this some sort of pedo thing?
Cmon man... It's 2024. Say "a MAP thing" instead.
if you have never been to cambodia why do you speak there are no other places than phnom penh, siem reap and sihanouk and all scam oriented you can find a lot of good provincial cities in thailand in isan or even in fucking chonburi/rayong/chanthaburi. This is empty land and africa tier country in asia.
Friendly reminder also in cambodia they use dollars but if its scratched a little bit they will refuse to accept it, i had many situation where I withdrew money from ATM and they still wouldnt accept it. It's the worst country after India. Slanted eyed pajets tiers.
Are cambodians the indios of Asia? They look like it, I've even heard they share ancestry with Indians. It's interesting to see the mashups of race and how certain races came to be. So are cambodians the OGs of southeast Asia?
How old are the kids you're fucking?
I'm looking at Google maps and I see other towns so you're wrong.
>b-b-but they're all poor and there's nothing to do there
Then stay in your tourist containment zone and stop complaining.
Touch grass.
>I thought Thailand was the country for that kind of stuff
Hasn’t been for decades. It’s been a middle-income country since the 90s, and an upper-middle-income country since c. 2010, and that shit is the product of severe poverty. And Cambodia has actually done a surprisingly competent job at cleaning up its act regarding that kind of evil. For one, the sleaziest brothel district in town, where many of the proprietors didn’t exactly check the IDs of their employees, was completely razed and redeveloped, although that had less to do with morality and more to do with real estate speculation—hookers are bad for property values. But international pressure and cash and campaigns have improved the moral situation, too—it’s one of very few areas where international development money spent in Cambodia wasn’t completely wasted. Nowadays when perverts try to pick up street urchins, people call the cops. And cab drivers/hotels/other venues sure as hell aren’t going to let them in.
>upper-middle-income country since c. 2010
That’s the World Bank’s assessment, not my personal opinion. I’m very old, and have been living in Thailand on and off since 1989. It is very clearly no longer the developing country it was back then. Wealth is insanely uneven, and poverty has crept back up slightly in the last five or six years, but it’s not all that poor overall. The Thai economy is the second-largest in ASEAN after Indonesia, and serves as an “anchor” propping up the far weaker economies of Laos and Cambodia.
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>That’s the World Bank’s assessment
>Just trust these Jews, guys
It's not even really debatable that Thailand is a far more developed country than Cambodia just in the quality of public services and infrastructure and is much more developed industrially and commercially. It's obvious if you've been to that region, the contrast is stark.
>Thailand is a far more developed country than Cambodia
Of course, nobody would dispute this. You said upper middle income, though.
That's actually a different anon but upper middle income doesn't mean like "upper middle class" if that's what you're thinking.

High income countries are like Australia, Japan, US, even places like France and Spain.
Middle income countries are like Mexico, Brazil, the Philippines and Vietnam are lower middle income country.
Low income countries are like Haiti and most African countries.
>Mexico, Brazil, the Philippines

LOL, putting Mexico and Brazil at level of Philippines and Vietnam. Dude, check out a GDP per capita chart for crying out loud, and stop talking out of your ass.
>I don't actually know shit
stop talking out of your ass if you are not familiar about the subject being discussed, or at least do some quick research before you post a reply.
>Go tell that to Myanmar and a hundred other countries.
Burmese, Thai, and Khmer come from three different language families—they do not share a common ancestor. All three have borrowed words from Sanskrit and Pāli, because they practice the same type of Buddhism, and Thai and Khmer have traded a lot of loanwords (first the Thais borrowed from the Khmers when Angkor was the big boss kingdom, then the other way around after Angkor fell), but the local languages are not genetically related.

There are Tai family languages spoken by minorities in Burma (and China, and formerly in India), also, but it doesn’t make the other languages the same.

>t. Linguistics PhD specialized in SEA
Thailand, Malaysia: upper middle income countries
Brazil, Mexico: middle income countries
Philippines, Egypt: lower middle income countries
Laos, Burundi: poor
Oh, and there are also Mon-Khmer languages spoken in Thailand, including dialects of Khmer that are partially mutually intelligible with the variety spoken in Phnom Penh, although they’re quite different, as I think an Anon above mentioned.

I learned Phnom Penh Khmer, and people in Surin laughed at it (because the word for “I” in Phnom Penh is only used by women in Khmer Surin, so I sounded like I was using she/her pronouns), but understood me, while I only barely got the gist of a lot of what they were saying.
If you don’t think the World Bank knows more about economics than you do, I don’t know what to tell you.

You fucking moron, Thailand's GDP per capita is the same as Mexico. And Mexico's is three times as high as the Philippines. Just shut the fuck up already. Retard.
>Income status is defined by GDP
from now on anon I want you to use google before you post, so you don't waste the few brain cells you have left on worthless post that are wrong.
>I want you
I don't give a fuck what you want, faggot.
It's clear you don't give a fuck about making factual statements or the topic being discussed either. If you do what I told you others won't think you're a fucking retard all the time.
If you stop sucking dicks, others won't think you're a fucking faggot all the time. Maybe we should just agree that neither of us is likely to change.
Currently in Siem Reap, leaving in 3 days to Battambang, will stay there for 2-3 days, then continue to Kampot for another 2-3 days - will have rented motos in all 3 cities and want to explore any interesting destinations up to 1-hours drive max from the cities. Any suggestions from past experience that are worth driving out to?
I literally stay in leat touristic areas, mutts are truly braindamaged, stay in your mom's basement and pay ur debts goy.
There’s a small Angkorean ruin just outside of Battambang that is worth going to; it’s a nice contrast from Angkor Wat because, at least when I was there a few years back, it was very quiet. My wife and I were the only tourists on site. And it’s barely restored—still mostly ruin.

I also recommend Bokor Hill Station, but I think it’ll be at least a little more than an hour from Kampot on a little moto; takes at least a full hour in a car, or a bit more in traffic. It’s only 40something kilometers, but it’s largely on a winding, narrow hill road.
Note that if you do choose to read The King Never Smiles, you’ll want to make sure to do it before you get to Thailand, and remember not to bring it with you, just in case—the book is illegal in Thailand, and the author became persona non grata in the Kingdom, convicted in absentia of lese majeste offenses.

Honestly probably nothing will happen to you if you do bring it in, but if someone official somehow caught you with it, you would get in at least some trouble.

It’s an interesting and fairly well-written book, although I think he gets some things wrong—I think he misunderstands a lot about the revolution of 1932 and the Promoters who were behind it, among other things. But I think he’s got some valuable insights into other stuff.
Philippines is such an economic mess. Everything in their government in some way screws up economic specialization.
Why is his hat so big?

Spain looted this place for 300 years followed by American exploitation for another half century.
Catholic Church also was heavily influential in it becoming overpopulated and at same time backwards
The pinays with Spanish blood are a sight to behold. They have this sharp poise and more elongated elegant bodies, not to mention the regal paleness, as opposed to their squat little poverty poop mutt compatriots
>Spain looted this place for 300 years followed by American exploitation for another half century.
this is the biggest flip cope. as if PH wouldn't be shit if left to their own devices.
Shut up fat.
I went to Cambodia last year with my Thai gf. It was good. Phnom Penh roads are dangerous and third world as fuck tho. Worse than Thailand.

We flew up to Siem Reap and walked around Angkor Wat. It was awesome. Siem Reap is FAR more tourist friendly than the capital. Went to back to Phnom Penh and checked out Tuol Sleng the old school turned into Khmer Rouge prison camp. It was interesting. Gf could not stomach anymore Genocide stuff so we could not go to one of the Killing Fields at Cheong Ek.

Most important thing is to bring US dollars. 300 dollars to spend will get you far.
>Siem Reap is FAR more tourist friendly than the capital.
Sounds like the capital is more BASED.
I sincerely hope you're under the age of 25 because if you're just "making more than you spend" then it's gg. You need to be saving at a minimum $2k a month for a chance nowadays.
Well sure as long as you do not get killed by car. To Thai drivers, road laws are suggestive guidelines. To Cambodian drivers in Phnom Penh, they do not exist. People just park in the middle of the fucking pavement/sidewalk and you have to walk in the road to get around.

I got catcalled by Sex workers from a brothel in Phnom Penh (hello handsome man! Come to my room!) gf was not happy.
Saw a fair few old fat white guys walking around. Always feels sus. Lots of signs in the Siem Reap airport about reporting suspected child prostitution. Disturbing.

Apparently like 15-20 years ago it was absolutely fucked. Kids walking around offering foreign tourists a blowjob in exchange for dollars. Dead people in the streets. Thank god it is a lot nicer now.

If by based you mean you can do shit that you could not do elsewhere, then apparently there are Cambodian Army bases where you can pay soldiers to let you fire an RPG at a cow and shit like that. Never did that myself and tho.
>Apparently like 15-20 years ago it was absolutely fucked. Kids walking around offering foreign tourists a blowjob in exchange for dollars. Dead people in the streets.
Sounds like pure SOVL.
>in pp kinda the outskirts of the city just touring the place on a scooter
>saw a old boomer with someone of very questionable age by one of their slum shacks
>i circled back because i wanted to confirm
>realized it wasn't just a meme
>pulled over
>i didn't really say a whole lot to him, i just walked up to him nonchalantly
>idk if boomer made it out of cambo after i was done with him
I was there in 2007
never heard of anything like that

best ever food review uploaded a video the other day and the food looks a lot better there than i thought. AMAZING actually. hell, i would go to phnom penh just for the food now.
It's okay but like another anon said it's just thai food by another name. Same spices pretty much. A bit of viet influence also.
You guys are all saying that as if Thai food doesn't kick ass

I've never seen Crab Brain Noodles anywhere else
>To Thai drivers, road laws are suggestive guidelines. To Cambodian drivers in Phnom Penh, they do not exist.
And if you rent a bike and get into any kind of accident with a local, if you're not too injured, run. According to Khmer logic, it's their country and you shouldn't be there, therefore it's your fault no matter what, even if it's 100% on them. And if the local is injured, a mob will gather around and beat and rob you.
Tell us about crab brain noodles. Sounds interesting.
Fucking based pedo mauler.
So what are the actual TEFL salaries like here? I know the meme of going here with no degree and a criminal record and all, but I have a Bachelor's degree, clean record, and I see they have a CELTA program there. Could I feasibly make around $2k a month? A lot of the info I'm finding says around 1k but it's either from people with just high school or from years ago.
Is it possible to just get into one of those Cambodian "international schools" and get experience there for a few years before getting a gig at a more legit one in another country? I really don't feel like continuing college for more debt and teaching in some ghetto trash school in America for experience and barely be able to pay my rent and loans, when I could just do it abroad for half the hours and lower the CoL.

afaik the only places where you'll make something decent teaching engrish like this is korea or china (and probably japan). a poor country like cambo isn't going to give you shit for salary. you are asking basically for 10x their wages. that means you'd be making 10x what your boss makes. I don't think that's going to happen
Try Vietnam, senpai.
Anyone who says they are going to Indonesia (regardless of income) is probably diddling kids.

See someone going on about Bali? Put them on the register.
Isn't Bali just the same thing to Australia that Cancun is to American boomers?
>saving face
Just had to deal with that from several people in Chiang Mai. I would have fired multiple people, I cant take anyone serious here in any real sense if theyre so unreliable as to be detached from reality and live an emotional/social narrative (a LIE).

[Its all so tiresome...]
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Ok. And then what, you move and you literally never interact with those people again. And then you prove them right.
If you have to relocate to get there, or if you take too many steps without dribbling the ball, it is by definition "traveling".
Technically youre traveling while sleeping, and you dont need a license because youre not driving, check the laws, officer.

I do not consent.
>traveling while sleeping
What kind of manlet must you be for it to be possible to sleep on a plane?
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[hands over head, expanding, making explosion sound effects with spittle droplettes sticking to my lips with strings down to my shirt, unphased by it]
I really hate namefags
What I've heard is that you get the RPG and the cow, but the cow is out of range
Bangkok pharmacists are petrified of being asked for benzos. Codeine is an opiate and is easy to get in Cambodia, they offer it unprompted, never asked for it in Thailand.

Azithromycin could work. You can get antibiotics easily in Thailand without a prescription. They're only uptight about stimulants and depressants.

If you do go for a hooker, raw dog or not, take 200mg doxycycline before or after. Not good for the gut but better than pissing glass.
I wonder how much of this child prostitution gossip comes from the fact that Khmers let toddlers walk around naked in public, or at least around their parents' workplace. Dirty minded interpretation from westerners?
not westerners but amerimutts who think nudity is the worst sin you could ever commit
may western countries have small kids naked on beaches etc.
>Bangkok pharmacists are petrified of being asked for benzos.
I didn't get this impression when I was there. One of them turned me down but didn't seem upset about being asked, and the second one hooked it up.
I’m the same. Don’t get me wrong, it’s interesting. Being in chaotic, poor places is fun. But it’s not even cheaper than Chiang Mai which is just better. Properly maintained roads deep in the jungle with delicious meals for $1.50 and plenty of smiles over vs a run down dust bowl where most people have no running water and far less to see
It sounds like I really need to go live in Cambodia. Being around poor miserable people makes me feel better about my own shitty life. I wish I was joking.
Oh nice. Might actually travel to Cambodia then.
kys yourself
Malaysia is much wealthier than Thailand.
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Bali is a pretty conventional normie tourist place. Lot's of white roasties go there for yoga retreats. Lots of 5 star hotels and resorts for wealthy boomers and lots of cheaper family resorts for tattooed, bogan Aussie families. Plenty of cruise ships stop there and millions of tourists go there every year. Also lots of Aussie and Kiwi schoolies (spring breakers) go there for wild beach parties and clubbing. Yes, for Aussies Bali it is like Cancun for Americans or Ibiza for the Brits. There is literally nothing suspect about anyone going to Bali.

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