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Now I'm all about free speech and fuck the Jews but you have to admit, this is funny as fuck.

Video at link;
May. 08, 2024

Contractors spray-painted over pro-Palestinian protesters at Case Western Reserve University

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Students are accusing contractors hired by Case Western Reserve University of assault after they were spray-painted while protesting for Palestine.

Students painted the Advocacy and Spirit walls on Monday night with the Palestinian flag and messages that included “I dream of breaking the siege,” “Come together in peace” and the number of Palestinian children killed in Gaza since war between Israel and Hamas broke out in October.

Early Tuesday morning, contractors hired by the college were ordered to paint over the walls because the administration said the messaging was “threatening, intimidating and antisemitic,” according to an email from Eric Kaler, Case’s president.

To stop the contractors, several students stood in front of the Spirit Wall as workers directly sprayed white paint over them. One student, wearing a face shield, was seen completely covered in the paint in a video shared with The Plain Dealer and Cleveland.com by Case’s Students for Justice in Palestine group.

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>On Tuesday night, the Spirit Wall was painted again. This time with a pro-Israeli message: “They call for intifada so we call them terrorists.”

I wonder if THAT will get painted over?...
Keep us updated in this thread
I'm just waiting for someone to spray paint a Palestinian flag alongside "Hitler did nothing wrong".
>“They told us to not put our hands in front of the machine because it’s dangerous. And we did anyways and got hurt. How could they let this happen to us?”
>"come together in peace"
>threatening; antisemitic

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RFK Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain



Also he had mercury poisoning.
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>How did RFK get raccoon poo in his mouth?
In a statement to CNN, Stefanie Spear, a spokesperson for Kennedy’s campaign, said he had “traveled extensively in Africa, South America and Asia” as part of his work as an environmental advocate and said he contracted a parasite in one of those trips.

many such cases
shill poster
Shut the fuck up retard you got BTFO a long time ago.
Was ailes , technically NM tried to do a lot with Shapiro and now Pakistan owns Shapiro and Arabs own desantis , shaprio was narx marx from candy store from Harlem knights and those are all Dea , Nixon is the champ Dea signer incarnate , Pryor was Dixie narx , Murphy is police narx , sure was good movie but is just those are really literally the Dea ,

USA got beat up for trying Harlem knights at NM while trying to steal the when in Rome to game it for LE law enforcement, Lebanon , those who pay their own govt crooks to cover their own crimes , however if you take from the regulars when in Rome then no dimes wins , so Hamas paid for lebanons corruption in the west and no XI for amlo is a no and no those aren’t for Lebanon , check the economy is maybe for watchers and gamblers but not for rich economies

Nm owes more than afford to pay to Mexico or Central America and same for the other 49 and Irish and Jews can’t afford the arena , sure Africans can

Hey who owns human target now Disney is tough man I like Peter and Muir

She’s very pretty I’m sure she’s married

Sure keep federal reserve but I’m just indifferent investor

You won’t get shit but a warrant not a cent or role or title , you tried to trade Europe for prince harry then tried to trade Kim Jong un for the dollar ? Sure thing Seattle is dumb as hell

I won just indifferent investor

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>sure, i support zion don, israel's number one ally, but actually you're the jew!

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Reversing one of her own decisions, the federal judge overseeing former President Donald J. Trump’s classified documents case granted his request on Monday to postpone the deadline for a crucial court filing in the criminal proceeding, increasing the chance that any trial would be pushed past the November election.

The ruling by the judge, Aileen M. Cannon, was made in a bare-bones order that contained no factual or legal reasoning. It did not schedule a new deadline but erased the one she had set almost a month ago ordering Mr. Trump’s lawyers to file by Thursday a detailed list of the classified materials that they intend to introduce at the trial, which is set to take place at some point in Federal District Court in Fort Pierce, Fla.

That list is enormously consequential because, when filed, it will mark the first step in what will ultimately be a pitched battle between the defense and prosecution over what sorts of classified materials the jury will get to hear about at trial — a contested process, balancing issues of public access and national security, that could take months to complete.
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2 more weeks
Why are you quoting Sidney Powell?
lmao wtf this is the first time i've been on /news/ but LMAO YOU GUYS ARE GETTING BRAINWASHED BY THE CIA FAGGOTS AT 4CHAN HAHAHAHA
Is that one faggot recruiting people on /pol/ again?
>shouldn't you have a problem with Judge Merchan being appointed by Michael Bloomberg?
Bloomberg was a registered Republican at the time he appointed Merchan to the bench of the NYC Family Court.

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Former President Donald Trump is polling behind President Joe Biden in Arizona for the first time in six months.

According to a poll by Data Orbital released on Tuesday, Biden would garner 38.8 percent of the vote share, while Trump would get 38.1 percent if an election were held at the time of sampling. While this lead is incredibly small, and within the poll's margin error, it represents the first time Biden has taken the lead in an Arizona state poll since November, according to analysis by polling aggregator FiveThirtyEight.

For instance, an April Echelon Insights survey of 2,401 registered voters, conducted for the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, showed that Trump was ahead of Biden in Arizona by 51 percent to 45 percent.

In March, the former president and the incumbent won enough primary races to secure, respectively, the Republican and Democratic nominations in the 2024 presidential election. Polls have so far shown that the 2020 rematch will be tight as the pair are statistically tied in most surveys or holding only marginal leads.

Arizona has historically leaned towards Republicans in presidential election, backing the GOP candidate in six of the last eight trips to the ballot box, but it backed Biden in 2020 and the Democratic party in several statewide races in 2022. It's expected to be a close race in November.

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Weather says rain today, next week possibility of rain
>muh polls!!! look at muh pole!!
Meanwhile in reality:


2024 Arizona: Trump vs Biden
RCP Avg- Trump +5
The Hill/Emerson- Trump +4
Bloomberg- Trump +7
WSJ- Trump +5
Fox- Trump +4
NY Times/Siena- Trump +5
No one takes RCP seriously because they include Rassmussen's fake polls
Hey now, polls that are 60-80% boomer responses are 100% legitimate

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just another reason we need commons sense sodomy control
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>If you find in your day to day life that you view people who disagree with you as non-human you're having a delusion. Contact a mental health professional as soon as possible.
post medical credentials, faggot or shut the fuck up. you have no more ability to call someone schizophrenic than I do to call every faggot mentally ill because they eat shit and fuck men in the ass
>Ah, so now that your own retarded logic is used against you, NOW we have to start getting granular and breaking down populations into sub-groups. We use a mallet to analyze groups you don't like but a fine tooth comb to analyze the ones you do. So your homosexual obsession isn't based on logic after all. Curious. Very curious indeed.
according to the CDC fags of all races and black women are the ones getting aids
>If you got AIDS from a faggot wouldn't you hold a grudge?

wtf dude?

I don't get aids from fags because i dont have sex with them.
>If people with different sexual predilections to you are so foreign that they barely seem human you've either been raised in a cave or you have severe aspergers. Either way, you should seek therapy of some kind.
Actually, neither of those apply. Thanks for the strawman though, weirdo.
Gay men usually only fuck gay men. This makes for a VERY small dating pool where you take what you can get. Diseases will travel fast in these insular micro-communities, kind of like Cletus giving the clap to half of the women in his local holler.
>fuck cletus, its not the gays fault they refuse to wear condoms and all have sex with each other all the time

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'Taboo': French women speak out on rapes by US soldiers during WWII
Aimee Dupre had always kept silent about the rape of her mother by two American soldiers after the Normandy landings in June 1944.

But 80 years after the brutal assault, she finally felt it was time to speak out.

Nearly a million US, British, Canadian and French soldiers landed on the Normandy coast in the weeks after D-Day in an operation that was to herald the end of Nazi Germany's grip on Europe.

Aimee was 19, living in Montours, a village in Brittany, and delighted to see the "liberators" arrive, as was everybody around her.

But then her joy evaporated. On the evening of August 10, two US soldiers -- often called GIs -- arrived at the family's farm.

"They were drunk and they wanted a woman," Aimee, now 99, told AFP, producing a letter that her mother, also called Aimee, wrote "so nothing is forgotten".

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After her book "What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France" appeared in 2013, Roberts said the reaction in the US was so hostile that the police would have to regularly check on her.

"People were angry at my book because they didn't want to lose this ideal of the good war, of the good GI," she said. "Even if it means we have to keep on lying."

AFP was unable to obtain any official comment from the US Department of Defense on the subject.
>have evidence that blacks raped people
>this means white men raped people even more!!

very jewish
>Mary Louise Roberts is an American historian who has written extensively on various topics, including gender
Attention whoring. Ignored.
>Those found guilty, including the rapists of Aimee Helaudais Honore and Catherine Tournellec, were hanged publicly in French villages.
Sounds like it's an issue that has already been addressed.

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Donald Trump told Stormy Daniels that she "reminds me of my daughter" because she is "smart, blonde and beautiful and people underestimate her," a court heard on Tuesday.

Ms Daniels claims the comments were made as they discussed the possibility of her appearing on 'The Celebrity Apprentice.'

Ms Daniels said in her testimony: "I said, 'even you don’t’ have this much power.' He said, 'you remind me of my daughter because she’s smart, blonde, and beautiful and people underestimate her.' The way he framed it did actually make perfect sense."

Speaking in court, Ms Daniels also said she was concerned at the time that going on the show would hurt her image.

"What if I lose on the first episode?", she remembers asking.

"I told very few people that we had actually had sex because I felt ashamed that I didn’t stop it."

In the early moments of her testimony, Daniels told jurors under questioning from prosecutors that she met Trump because the adult film studio she worked for at the time was sponsoring one of the holes on the golf course. They chatted about the adult film industry and her directing abilities when Trump’s group passed through. The celebrity real estate developer remarked that she must be “the smart one” if she’s making films, Daniels recalled.

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Sorry meant this is the good post
Shut up retard
>Offer somebody a chance to be on television and butter them up with a compliment
Would somebody who paid attention is this before or after he hired her as a prostitute? Because if before then whatever, and if after shows an amicable relationship.

This trial has a lot of extra testimony that doesn't relate to anything.
>before or after he hired her as a prostitute
No $ exchanged hands, just a possibility of getting on tv.(No way)
The $ was given after. Who asked/offered is unknown.

>Shut up retard
ok sir, may I have another?
It isn't unknown, where are you getting that from?

Israeli army footage showed tanks rolling through the Rafah crossing complex and the Israeli flag raised on the Gaza side.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said seizing the crossing was a "very significant step" towards its stated aim of destroying Hamas's military capabilities.
Residents reported heavy tank shelling on Tuesday evening in some areas of eastern Rafah.
"They have gone crazy, tanks are firing shells and smoke bombs cover the skies and with smoke over Al-Salam and Jneinah neighborhoods," said Emad Joudat, 55, a Gaza city resident displaced in Rafah.

"I am now seriously thinking of heading north, maybe to the central Gaza area. If they move further into Rafah it will be the mother of massacres," he told Reuters via a chat app.
U.N. and other international aid agencies said the closing of the two crossings into southern Gaza - Rafah and Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom - had virtually cut the enclave off from outside aid and very few stores were available inside.

Red Crescent sources in Egypt said shipments had completely halted.
As well as a key entry point for aid, the crossing was the only exit point for those needing to leave Gaza for medical treatment that is no longer available in the enclave.
Lama Abu Holi, 8, has been in Al-Aqsa hospital for a month, waiting for a chance to leave for treatment for her injured legs.
"Today my name was at the border, and I should travel to get my legs treated," she said, holding a toy in her hospital bed. "They hurt. I am supposed to have an operation. Because the border crossing is shut today, I could not travel."

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Sure is convenient that hamas is hiding under every square foot of Gaza.
he'd be a great haitian slave owner too
Israel is a rapist, genocidal death cult-like terrorist organization that masquerades as a society. It should be bulldozed into the ground, beyond the ability to recall its existence.

Hamas, on the other hand, are freedom fighters.
Lol, if that's the case, why don't you go to Gaza and join your "freedom fighters?" Oh that's right, you don't want to be in the company of terrorist kidnapping rapists and you're too afraid to die. The second someone the likes of you steps foot in a place like Gaza, you'd end up getting raped and killed like the poor souls Hamas abducted.

I honestly have no sympathy for you terrorist supporters. You take advantage of the freedoms we have in the west and abuse them to show support for literal terrorists. You are scum of the earth and deserve to be buried in rubble like the rest of them.
wholeheartedly believing that an anti-zionist and anti-israel-bombing-children position is antisemitic is insane
israeli propaganda has melted your brain
israel desperately wants to become the jewish ethnostate they have tried so, so hard to establish for decades, simply so they can co-opt the legitimacy of religion and claim anyone opposing their efforts or intentions are antisemitic or nazis. since october 7 it's become increasingly apparent just how insidious and effective this strategy is.

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This is what the far left is fighting for in Gaza.
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Nobody here actually gives a shit about israel much less fighting for israel lmao
>No one knows what you're talking about because you didn't paste the article text.
I'm a stoner
Iran has Many I've heard.

Everytime you post with your namefagging puns you remind me of my boomer dad who died on Easter this year. It's like he's speaking from the grave.
wtf does the taliban have to do with gaza?

Also "especially women" bit was added by npr. The punishment is the same for men and women. Which is incredibly sexist.
Afghanistan isn't Palestine. They're two different nations with different ethnicities with different cultures.

Lebanese, Arabs, Persians and Afganis are not the same. There's a lot more than what I listed. Stop being racist.


82-year-old U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is running for re-election to a fourth term
Sanders said he is running again in November because American democracy is under threat.

May 6, 2024, 12:49 PM EDT / Source: The Associated Press
By Associated Press
BURLINGTON, Vt. — Eighty-two-year-old liberal U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont announced Monday that he is running for re-election, saying American democracy is in question during difficult times for the country and the world.

Sanders, seeking a fourth Senate term, is an independent. He was a Democratic congressman for 16 years and still caucuses with the Democrats.

In an announcement video, he said that in many ways the 2024 election “is the most consequential election in our lifetimes.”

“Will the United States continue to even function as a democracy, or will we move to an authoritarian form of government?” he said in his video message. He questioned whether the country will reverse what he called “the unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality” and if it can create a government that works for all, and a political system not dominated by wealthy campaign contributors.

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You first Democripple
List of Bernie Sanders accomplishments:

404-File not Found

(plz gib money tho)
I have some sympathy for Bernie. His family’s lives were threatened unless he was photographed raping a child. He didn’t want to do it but his family’s live were at stake
So he's just going to run and do fundraising for himself and then withdraw again
That was part of his pay off from the Clinton’s last time

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Democrat in hot water for invoking 'racist' Asian stereotype by saying Kristi Noem 'wanted to eat dog' with Kim Jong Un


A Democrat lawmaker is getting skewered for making a 'racist' joke about South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Recently, the South Dakota Governor - and former congresswoman - has caught flak after excerpts from her new book detailed how she shot and killed her own dog and incorrectly claiming that she met with Kim Jong Un.

Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., circulated a video of Noem on Monday writing, 'Why am I getting the feeling that she wanted to eat dog with Kim Jong Un,' before later deleting the post from X and apologizing.

But Moskowitz's attempt at humor infuriated some, including Korean-American Rep. Michelle Steel, R-Calif., who called the post 'racist.'

'There is no excuse for racist stereotyping – especially by a Member of Congress,' she posted in response to Moskowitz.

'I’ve experienced this kind of discrimination firsthand. So have many of my constituents. It must not be tolerated.'

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In the land of politics, where words can be deceiving
A tale of a meeting, with a dictator conceiving
Kim Jong Un, a name that strikes fear
But Rep. Moskowitz claims they had a drink, or so it appears

Oh, the power of words, how they can twist and turn
A joke gone wrong, leaving the world to burn
Rep. Moskowitz stands by his claim, refusing to retract
But others say it's just a wild exaggeration, a fact

She says she was a children's pastor, staring down little tyrants too
But did she really meet with the North Korean leader? The truth is hard to prove
The post was taken down, but not before causing quite a stir
And now some are calling her out, saying her words are hurtful and unfair

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The Republicans didn't lose any slaves in the civil war.
Well, probably some, but it was surely very minor compared to what the democrats lost
Speaking from the perspective of someone visiting china right now from America (no, I'm not chinese, my family is Finnish and moved to the us in the 19th century) it's literally better eating real Chinese food every day than having to be around piss soaked hobos overdosing on fentanyl like what happens in the so-called beautiful democrat utopia I normally live in
why do the republicans want to george floyd me?
pigs are GOP controlled hired racist thugs.
Demon-KKK-rats literally can't not be racist

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Donald Trump has booked a one-way ticket to jail, and the judge overseeing his ongoing New York criminal trial on Monday said he’s ready to send him there at any moment.

New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan started the fourth week of Trump’s trial with a speech that’s more than a year in the making, explaining why he hasn’t yet thrown the politician into the slammer—making what he called his final warning to the former president.

“I’ll find you in criminal contempt for the tenth time,” Merchan said in a stark tone. “It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent. Therefore, going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction. Mr. Trump, it’s important to understand the last thing I was to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States, and possibly the next one as well.”

Trump keeps ignoring the judge’s order forbidding him from speaking publicly about witnesses and jurors in a menacing way, something that the former president keeps doing anyway on social media. Merchan last week fined Trump $9,000 for nine separate violations of a previous gag order—a step he only took after making repeated warnings.

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you're a twat with no self-awareness who deserves to be in trump's concentration camp once he comes to term. all you're doing is self-projecting
I'll take "big empty threats" for $500, Alex.
Imagine being this much in denial
Trump is used to doing the railroading himself when he gets railroaded by someone else it's especially painful for his cult of followers

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AstraZeneca withdraws Covid-19 vaccine worldwide, citing surplus of newer vaccines

On 7 May, the European Medicines Agency issued a notice that the vaccine is no longer authorised for use.

Although the vaccine was found to be safe and effective overall, it carried the risk of a rare but serious side-effect, known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, or TTS. The rare syndrome occurred in about two to three people per 100,000 who were vaccinated with the Vaxzevria vaccine.

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A dozen Republican senators on Monday sent a letter warning International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim Khan not to issue arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, days after the British lawyer cautioned against efforts to try to sway the court.

“Target Israel, and we will target you,” the senators, led by Sen. Tom Cotton, warned in the letter. “Such actions are illegitimate and lack legal basis, and, if carried out, will result in severe sanctions against you and your institution.”

Sens. Mitch McConnell (minority leader), Rick Scott, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio also signed the letter, amid increasing concern in Israel that the UN court could issue arrest warrants for senior political and military officials over the nearly-seven-month-old war in Gaza, including against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi.

As reports swirled of US and Israeli efforts to dissuade the court from issuing arrest orders, the ICC prosecutor said on Friday that, while the ICC “welcomes open communication” with government officials and non-governmental bodies alike, it will only engage in such dialogue so long as it is “consistent with its mandate under the Rome Statute to act independently and impartially.”

“That independence and impartiality are undermined, however, when individuals threaten to retaliate… should the office, in fulfillment of its mandate, make decisions about investigations or cases falling within its jurisdiction,” he added, demanding that “all attempts to impede, intimidate or improperly influence its officials cease immediately.”
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>two groups of brownoid gangs in close proximity to one another's turf
>one weak gang (hamas) "supposedly"* manages to attack the other infinitely more powerful gang (israel) on their turf (* israel had tons of forewarning of the ensuing attack, not up for debate)
>the infinitely more powerful gang reacts to this "supposed'" attack by killing hundreds of thousands of rival gang members on their home turf
would the police in new york or la put up with this ongoing attack from the more powerful gang?

no? then why is israel getting a pass from the "authorities"?
The ICC is blatantly controlled by Islamic extremists and those they pay off with oil money. Fuck'em.
>surviving in Gaza
They just have to render all of Gaza unlivable, kill off as many as they can with disease, exposure, famine, and war crimes, get the rest to panic into the Egyptian desert to die, and then shut the border behind them. A few well placed bombs in the border wall either from Hamas fighters looking to escape or Israeli operatives looking to cause a human stampede, and enough internal pressure on the populace, and Gaza is no longer Israel's problem. They can let settlers clean up the rest with summary executions or kettling the limited number of survivors into heavily monitored tent villages that can be burned down in riots at their leisure.

tl;dr why would Israel let any Gazans continue to survive in Gaza? It'd get in the way of redevelopment by Israelis.
>would the police in new york or la put up with this ongoing attack from the more powerful gang?
You realize LAPD actually has internal gangs, right?
There is literally nothing wrong with supporting Hamas. They are honorable freedom fighters who are fighting a rapist genocidal death cult that masquerades as a society


A Brooklyn state senator claims the law allowing a rape lawsuit against him to move forward was unconstitutional — even though he actually voted for the legislation and then bragged about it.

In court records filed this month, notoriously hot-headed pol Kevin Parker formally denied the rape allegations against him. But he also went a step further, asserting that the Adult Survivors Act, which allowed the related lawsuit against him to proceed, was unconstitutional.

The now-expired act permitted alleged victims to file civil lawsuits against their accused attackers within a certain window even if the state’s statute of limitations had run out on their claims.

Parker was accused of the 2004 alleged attack in November 2023 in a claim that made it just under the wire.

The state senator, along with every other member of the state Senate, had voted for the legislation in 2021.

Parker even touted his support of the law in a statement in which he denied the rape charges against him shortly after they were levied in November.
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Almost everybody you come into contact with is more liberal than you are. That is what happens when you become indoctrinated by the racist far right. Hide your power level like a good little chuddie and learn to cope.
I'm glad additional good could come from it
How's tent life treating you?
Good wifi, good coffee, but I'm sick of my undersized chamber pot.
The other hobos rape me, but I enjoy it.
>I'm a white supremacist, demokkkrat
What does this post mean?

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