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California is reeling from huge spikes in illegal immigration after Texas secured their border.
Texas, home to about 70% of the US-Mexican border, decided to secure their border against illegal immigration against the mandates of despot Biden.
While this has directly resulted in a large overall decrease of illegal immigration nationally, California quickly saw their illegal immigration rise by roughly 50% as smugglers now use California beaches for entry
California Beaches Are a New Gateway for Illegal Immigration

Enright was swimming off the coast of La Jolla, Calif., just north of San Diego, on a sunny Tuesday morning in January when he spotted a boat racing toward the shore, headed straight for him.

As he swam out of the way, Enright said, he initially didn’t know what the white pleasure craft was doing. “But when I saw there was a boat full of people,” he said, “that’s when I knew.”

It was, he realized, another smuggling operation carrying migrants into the U.S. illegally via the sea. When the boat ran ashore, about a dozen people ran out and up a rocky walkway toward a nearby street, where they disappeared.
While illegal immigration by people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has risen to record levels in recent years, seaborne smuggling of migrants has surged as well—particularly in Southern California.

Their dramatic arrivals, some of which locals, including Enright, have caught on video, have become an increasingly common sight for people who visit or live by beaches, sometimes sparking fear and anger.

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post medical credentials, faggot. no one who has interacted with illegals likes illegals
You're right. That's pretty moderate.
Imagine burning your life away attempting to troll people, unsuccessfully, on 4chan.
Every time. Democrats think like children and just assume everyone else does too.
Yep, it's spamming noise to get people not to discuss Biden's Border.
because dems include shit like this as riders in bills that have like 200 things in them and like 75% of the things in the bills are forced castration of children and sending money to afganistan women's studies programs

I guess he was playing the knockout game. what a fucking shithole
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No one else here is as racist as you are.
Liar. I'm ten times more racist.
Democrats tipped over my garbage cans last night
I'm as racist
Well, most of them are homeless.

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Biden leads Trump in Quinnipiac Wisconsin poll


A new poll from Quinnipiac University finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup in Wisconsin, but the two are about even with an expanded field.

The poll found 50% of registered voters backed Biden, compared to 44% who supported Trump.

In a five-person race, Biden was at 40%, Trump 39%, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 12%, Jill Stein 4% and Cornel West 1%.

Eleven percent of those who supported Biden in a head-to-head race backed Kennedy in the expanded field, while 7% went to Stein and 2% to West. The president retained 80% of those who backed him head-to-head with Trump.

The former president, meanwhile, retained 87% of his supporters. Of the rest, 10% went to Kennedy, 1% to West and 1% to Stein.

In the Senate race, the poll found incumbent Dem Tammy Baldwin led GOP challenger Eric Hovde 54-42.

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>Remember when Hillary was 99% projected to win.
It was about 70% two weeks before the election. Also, learn how odds work. Just because the statistically unlikely thing happened doesn't mean the odds were wrong.
>No poll shows Trump up 5
>Average is Trump plus 5
Not how averages work.
>It actually does include Rassmussen.

Other RCP averages might, this particular poll does not. The polls it uses are publicly listed and Rasmussen is not among them. Go to the link and scroll down to find the listed polls and, look! No Rassmussen!

>averages are only real when they show what I like

A few days ago they most definitely had polls showing Trump +5 and higher. Now it's showing him at +.6. Almost like polling can change, weird.

>Just because the statistically unlikely thing happened doesn't mean the odds were wrong.
It actually does, it also means there's something inherently wrong with the way the polls were being conducted because it overwhelmingly showed a favorable bias towards one candidate that as it turns out, didn't exist in reality. So where did the data showing it existed come from exactly?
You are missing the point that RCP is not trustworthy, which is why they have become the laughing stock they are today. Every RCP polling average uses Rassmussen whether they admit it or not. RCP is (in)famous for using them with every poll average. That's their shtick. Just because they purposely omit that they're still using Rassmussen doesn't mean they aren't using Rammussen.
The average is not Trump +5 like you were led to believe.

It's even more democrat election fraud. 85% of the signatures submitted by Michigan democrat candidate Anil Kumar are fraudulent.
Congressional candidate accused of submitting false signatures

Nominating petitions for Democratic congressional candidate Dr. Anil Kumar are littered with instances of fraud, forgery and error that should prompt state officials to remove him from the primary ballot, according to the campaign manager of one of his opponents.

Kayli McTague, campaign manager for Democratic candidate Emily Busch of Oxford, on April 30 filed a challenge to Kumar’s candidacy claiming 1,645 of the 1,908 signatures that were filed are invalid, putting his candidacy far below the necessary 1,000 valid signatures

“Dr. Kumar’s petition drive shows evidence of extensive forgery or permitted forgery, not only of petition signatures but of circulator certificates, by at least the ten above (reference to a list) circulators,’ McTague says in the challenge obtained by The Macomb Daily.

However, Kumar’s campaign manager, Rick Michaels, vehemently denied the allegation, adding the campaign has filed a response with the state Board of Canvassers, which will determine whether Kumar stays on the ballot.

“We did respond to it with a complete trashing of their allegations,” Michaels said. “We consider the allegations to be a lot of yammering. We completely reject all allegations of fraud and forgery.”

“Southeastern Michigan families deserve competent leadership focused on delivering results for people — not more politicians trying to further stack the deck in favor of the wealthy and elite, and our team is focused on winning this primary and beating John James come November,” she said in a written statement. “At the end of the day, everyone ought to play by the same rules to ensure fairness, transparency, and clarity in the ballot access process.
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Democrats slobber the knob of every politician with a D next to their name, without fail.
With half of the country being against prosecuting half of the criminal class, it will never happen
Probably, after they got a reputation for fraud after ripping off those Republicans I have no doubt democrats wanted to employ their services
Just remember the talking points:
It isn't happening
If they got caught doing it then the system is working perfectly OR it didn't make any difference
If it works it's a good thing, because Republicans are terrible people
Good post
>Democrats support their politicians no matter what even if they're career criminals
Holy shit the projection

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Inevitably, this once again proves Trump is being bought and solid by the Russians and Saudis.


Donald Trump dangled a brazen “deal” in front of some of the top US oil bosses last month, proposing that they give him $1 billion for his White House re-election campaign and vowing that once back in office he would instantly tear up Joe Biden’s environmental regulations and prevent any new ones, according to a bombshell new report.

According to the Washington Post, the former US president made his jaw-dropping pitch, which the paper described as “remarkably blunt and transactional,” at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago home and club.

In front of more than 20 executives, including from Chevron, Exxon, and Occidental Petroleum, he promised to increase oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, remove hurdles to drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, and reverse new rules designed to cut car pollution. He would also overturn the Biden administration’s decision in January to pause new natural gas export permits which have been denounced as “climate bombs.”
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Trump doesn't pay for his lawyers, the RNC does.
Fine, go vote for Joe Burden the Catholic child rapist again.
>The EO's didn't exist but if they did, here's why they're a good thing
Gotcha, thanks for playing
The EOs never did what you claimed they did.

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What an evil piece of shit he is. We know this was their plan since 2008 when obongo made the economy work only for the rich and in 2020 when the dem governors and mayors used their power to transfer trillions to the 1%
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nah, that shit would have just hiked healthcare even more. the entire goal of obongocare was to raise the cost of health care so that the insurance and big pharma companies could make bank and the average American would be poorer
>competition raises prices, actually
What school of economic thought is this?
obongo care lowered competition and gave the insurance and pharma companies a cartel
But the public option, had it been included, would've competed with the insurance companies.
would have made the problem worse because you would be fucked at both ends paying for taxes to subsidize it and needing to buy more expensive insurance because socialized medicine doesn't work and just results in worse care


One of the star witnesses in former President Donald Trump's trial, adult film actor Stormy Daniels, gave defiant testimony Thursday in her final day on the stand as the defense accused her of fabricating details of the alleged sexual encounter between her and Trump.

"You're trying to make me say it changed, but it hasn't changed," Daniels said in response to a question from Trump attorney Susan Necheles as Necheles sought to find discrepancies in her story.

Daniels admitted that getting money for her story was important to her, but she remained adamant that "I never asked for money from President Trump." While she reminded Necheles she was not paid for the bombshell 2018 "60 Minutes" interview, Necheles sought to show that later deals for her book, tours and reality television appearances were the result of that interview.

The $130,000 payment Daniels received from former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen ahead of the 2016 election is at the heart of the case. Prosecutors are accusing Trump of falsifying business records stemming from reimbursements for the payment. His defense attorneys have argued the money was to cover Cohen's legal fees.

Defense attorney Todd Blanche once again asked for a mistrial, saying Daniels' testimony went too far. Judge Juan Merchan swiftly denied the request.

Trump has been charged with 34 felony counts in the case. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges and denies having sex with Daniels.

One of the other expected high-profile witnesses, Karen McDougal, the former Playboy model who received a payout from the parent company of the National Enquirer in exchange for the rights to her story, will no longer be called to testify.
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Yet the defense are the ones that asked her all these questions. This was the cross-examination. Also, if they had a problem with her direct examination testimony, they should've objected when the prosecution was asking her questions the defense thought were irrelevant to the case.
>hurr durr porn stars can't be smart
Found the goonbrain
Between this testimony and whatever upcoming testimony Cohen provides, I don't foresee an acquittal in this case. Necheles shouldn't have continued to press Stormy after Stormy demonstrated she had a quick sharp retort to everything Necheles tried to pin on her.
How much money does she owe trump right now?
Stormy owes trump something like a million dollars right now, she's lost every lawsuit against him so far

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>In response to a lawsuit, Honolulu has agreed to process all carry permit applications submitted by 2/29 within 60 days, process all others within 120 days of submission, create an online application system by 3/8/26, and pay the plaintiffs' legal fees:
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paste the rule that says I have to, you dickless eunuch faggot
kek, I guess spirt of aloha got buck breaked
When in Rome, do as the Romans do, or go back.

Besides, you don't want to feed the spiders tracking all this shit, do you?
Well, that and catalog niggers will often skip your thread if they have to click a link. If you want those (you)'s, ya gotta learn to copy and paste.

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May 9, 2024

Manchester Teacher Impregnated by One of Her Students While on Bail for Having Sex with Another Student

A teacher in the UK got pregnant by one of her pupils while on bail for having sex with another student, a court heard.

As reported by BBC News, Rebecca Joynes was on bail in connection with grooming a 15-year-old boy and gifting him a 345 pound ($430) designer belt.

The case is being heard by Manchester Crown Court where the 30-year-old teacher is facing trial on six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while in a position of trust. She has denied all the charges.

Joynes was arrested after she allegedly picked up the boy after school in her car and took him to her flat, where they had sex twice. An investigation was initiated against the teacher after rumors started circulating around the school. The teacher was suspended by the school during the investigation. She was subsequently bailed on the condition that she have no unsupervised contact with anyone aged under 18.

"The case was then adjourned to await the rest of the trial, but in the meantime it turned out that Ms Joynes had been in a fairly long-term sexual relationship with another of her 15-year-old pupils," said Prosecutor Joe Allman.

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You lost.
keep pretending
Imagine losing this hard.
Ashley Biden's diary is real, and Joe Biden is a Catholic child rapist.
The only news here is that he hasn't raped any boys, that we know of yet.
And you trapped yourself and lost. That was some amazingly shitty shilling, slapnuts.
The double standard exists because the differences between human males and females exist.
Why doesn't statutory rape law account for these supposed differences? Why is a male predator and a female predator equal in respect to how they broke the law by having sex with minors?

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Barron Trump 'declines' offer to be a delegate at Republican National Convention


Barron Trump is honored but turning down the opportunity to join his siblings as a Florida delegate to the Republican National Convention in June because he has "prior commitments."

"While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments," the Office of former First Lady Melania Trump confirmed in a statement to The Daily Mail.

The bowing out comes two days after former President Donald Trump's youngest son Barron, 18, was expected to be cast as one of Florida's at-large delegates when the Republican National Convention takes place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this summer.

“We have a great delegation of grassroots leaders, elected officials and even Trump family members,” Florida GOP chairman Evan Power said after they received a list of the delegates expected to represent the Sunshine State. “Florida is continuing to have a great convention team, but more importantly we are preparing to win Florida and win it big.”

It was thought that Barron would join Power along with Florida delegation’s chairman, brother Eric Trump.

Also expected to be part of the delegation to mint Donald Trump as the GOP nominee includes: Donald Trump Jr. fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle, Michale Boulous, the husband of Tiffany Trump; former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, longtime Trump adviser Sergio Gor; prominent Trump donor, and former Marvel Entertainment Chairman Ike Perlmutter, among others.

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how could we ignore it, you bring it up every chance you get, and even during chances you don't get
Retarded. Schizophrenic. Cock Obsessed.
Your mother hates you.
Shut up, whore.
Why is it a fan fiction for starters unlike your lies about Hunter.
It was Melania who put out the release telling Trump to fuck off with politicizing her kid
If the best damage control you can come up with is "shut up" then Trump is finished

top kek, have fun dying for israel
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hahaha. Cant wait to see private Akhmet yelling at Lt. Von Hitlerhoff: "DUU STRESS MICH!! WIESO STRESST DU MICH!! DU STRESS MICH!! WER BISS DUU!!?? DU STRESS MICH!!"
atleast I stan loona... >:)
They need to kill the officers that refuse to kill their globohomo masters, and take their country back exterminating all the jews.
brown shill, the nazis weren't on your side. just a reminder
>considering to reintroduce mandatory military service now that conventional wars in Europe are back on the menu
Wow, who could have seen this coming?

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A federal appeals court on Friday upheld the criminal conviction of Steve Bannon, a longtime adviser to Donald Trump, for defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 House select committee, a ruling that could send the populist conservative strategist to prison.

Bannon was sentenced to four months in jail in 2022 by U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols after a jury convicted him of two counts of contempt of Congress. But Nichols, a Trump appointee, agreed to postpone the jail term while Bannon appealed the decision, agreeing that the complex mix of laws that govern executive privilege and testimonial immunity for White House aides could be overturned by higher courts.

But a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Bannon’s argument, saying the former aide and prominent podcaster had no legal rationale for his blanket refusal to appeal before the Jan. 6 committee — and that long-standing case law.

“Because we have no basis to depart from that binding precedent, and because none of Bannon’s other challenges to his convictions have merit, we affirm [the conviction],” the panel ruled in a 20-page opinion.
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Hey, child, fuck off.
fat Mfer
He's saying he doesn't believe this is really happening.
He feels personally offended that Steve Bannon is going to jail for his crimes.

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A sex discrimination lawsuit against Donald Trump’s campaign has triggered new accusations that Trump’s lawyers have intentionally covered up settlement payments to women in violation of federal law.

On Friday, watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, demanding an investigation into the alleged cover-up. The complaint cites new allegations from 2016 Trump campaign aide A.J. Delgado, which she lodged in a sworn court declaration earlier this week as part of her ongoing discrimination suit against Trump’s political operation.

Delgado’s filing presented evidence of top Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz openly admitting that the campaign wanted to use a law firm to cover up a potential settlement payout in 2017. The arrangement, as Delgado described it, appears specifically designed to evade the consequences of federal disclosure laws that require campaigns to publicly report the identities of payment recipients.
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Post another 5 articles without text so I can laugh at you trying to tell me what news is
I mean, it's not a good look for Trump to be with a convicted child sex trafficker that he also had murdered while kissing a child without consent.
Says the guy who thinks news is user uploaded photos on 4chan
>what is an imageboard
>I am a giant summerfag
We know
Have you seem them? The older boys are retarded.

A Minneapolis woman has been federally charged with embezzling over $1.5 million from her employer, announced U.S. Attorney Andrew M. Luger.

Danielle Terese Eisenbacher, 39, faces one count of mail fraud, six counts of wire fraud, and six counts of money laundering. She made her initial appearance in U.S. District Court before Magistrate Judge Douglas L. Micko earlier this week.

The FBI and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service investigated the incident.

Eisenbacher was an employee of a Minneapolis-based marketing firm from October 2019 through October 2023, authorities said.


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Man accused of embezzling $72k from 2 veterans groups in California

>1.5 million
>Man accused of embezzling $72k from 2 veterans groups in California
Treasurer charged with stealing $184k from non-profit in Pennsylvania

Scum is scum, regardless of political affiliation.
San Francisco man admits to wrongfully claiming $341k in low-income housing funds


thanks for the inflation, brandon
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Yeah. I started typing a response to him but then I realized he's posting the same talking points I've already addressed.
Now that I think about it, I've already argued with him about this same topic on /news/ before and he was posting the same talking points, regardless of what I say.
No matter how much information you give him, he isn't capable of processing it.
biden intentionally caused inflation because dems love sending wealth to the 1%
>Now that I think about it, I've already argued with him about this same topic on /news/ before and he was posting the same talking points, regardless of what I say.
We've all gone over this with him dozens of times. There's really no point. He just repeats the same dialogue over and over until he tires you out. If you ignore him long enough he just fucks off to other threads.
Bidenflation is a mess. Rip democrat voting zoomers
This kid is so brainwashed that he believes this secret tunnel shit.
I thought there was hope for you son.
If you was my son, I'd drop ypu off in Tel aviv with no money and let you rely upon the generosity of the hebrew peoples.
They'd teach you a thing or 2 about people

>No matter how much information you give him, he isn't capable of processing it.

It's been said that children under 25 yrs old haven't fully developed their rational brain areas

The brain as a whole is always developing, albeit at a slower rate later in life. It's the Prefrontal cortex that isn't fully developed until (on average) age 23-25.

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