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A federal appeals court on Friday upheld the criminal conviction of Steve Bannon, a longtime adviser to Donald Trump, for defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 House select committee, a ruling that could send the populist conservative strategist to prison.

Bannon was sentenced to four months in jail in 2022 by U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols after a jury convicted him of two counts of contempt of Congress. But Nichols, a Trump appointee, agreed to postpone the jail term while Bannon appealed the decision, agreeing that the complex mix of laws that govern executive privilege and testimonial immunity for White House aides could be overturned by higher courts.

But a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Bannon’s argument, saying the former aide and prominent podcaster had no legal rationale for his blanket refusal to appeal before the Jan. 6 committee — and that long-standing case law.

“Because we have no basis to depart from that binding precedent, and because none of Bannon’s other challenges to his convictions have merit, we affirm [the conviction],” the panel ruled in a 20-page opinion.
The judges on the panel included Barack Obama appointee Cornelia Pillard, Trump appointee Justin Walker and Joe Biden appointee Bradley Garcia. Bannon can appeal the decision either to the full 11-member bench of the appeals court or to the Supreme Court. His attorney did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The decision comes after federal courts — including the Supreme Court — rejected a similar bid by former Trump White House aide Peter Navarro to stave off his own four-month sentence for defying the Jan. 6 committee. Navarro is currently serving his own four-month sentence in Miami.

Bannon and Navarro worked together on a strategy they dubbed the “Green Bay Sweep,” a plan to organize objections by members of Congress to electoral votes from states Biden won in 2020, delaying the process and buying time for GOP state legislatures to step in and appoint pro-Trump electors.

Both Bannon and Navarro refused to appear for depositions or provide documents to the Jan. 6 committee, even though the panel intended to inquire about a wide range of subjects that extended far beyond topics that might be covered by the confidentiality of their discussions with Trump while he was president. Though both claimed they were protected by immunity and executive privilege, the judges in their cases each rejected that argument, citing longstanding legal precedents that forbid “willful” defiance of a congressional subpoena no matter the excuse.
Next time just show up and don't say anything.
I wonder if he smells as bad as he looks in the photo.
Do Jim Jordan next.
Oh look, more double standards for Republicans. I guess Eric Holder was (d)ifferent.
Eric Holder literally did nothing wrong.
Yeah, except refusing to turn over government documents to Congress, otherwise known as contempt of congress.
Nope he didn't even do that.
I wish his sentence was a few years. He should have got at least that for that border wall scam.
Fast and furious program where the DHS literally gave Mexican cartels free firearms and other weapons.
Pretty sure the gunwalking program began during the Bush administration under the name Operation Wide Receiver.
Bush was a Democrat though.
>Bush was a Democrat
>Bush Sr was a Democrat
>Reagan was a Democrat
>Nixon was a Democrat
>Eisenhower was a Democrat
>Hoover was a Democrat
What's the deal with modern right-wingers no-true-scotsmanning every Republican as being "not real Republicans"? What is the purity test that a Republican needs to pass to be considered a "real Republican"?
Bush Sr was CIA.
Bush was obviously a Democrat because every Bush "Republican" is a Democrat.
The only explanation for this phenomenon is that Bush was a Democrat, or Democrats are 90s Republicans.
Which do you prefer?
No one reads your posts.
Sounds like democrats are more popular.
It's conservatism in a nutshell, they are infalable, and if something goes wrong, it's the fault of everyone but their own.
Like how Trickle down economics always fails, but conservatives will always find an excuse to triple down on it.
>What's the deal with modern right-wingers no-true-scotsmanning every Republican as being "not real Republicans"?
Because they don't associate political ideology with the definitions of left and right like you're supposed to. Modern populist brain rot taught them to replace "good" and "bad" with "republican" and "democrat". Anything "good" that they like is republican. Anything "bad" that they don't like is democrat. If someone did a "bad" thing they did a "democrat" thing. They do the same thing with terms like socialism. When they say something is "socialist" they just mean they think its bad. None of it has anything to do with the definitions of these words. Their current political climate actually discourages descriptive accuracy. Descriptive accuracy requires a meaningful engagement with empiricism and a shared reality. For a group of people whose entire platform is based on delusions and conspiracy theories, accuracy, empirical observation and granular thinking works against their goals.
all hot air smooth brain.
>Bannon: you cant boss me. im part of seperate but equal branch of goverment...
>Hey where is all the Jan6 info you have to keep by law?
The current iteration of 4chan is full of people pretending to be american
>What is the purity test that a Republican needs to pass to be considered a "real Republican"?
They unquestionably swear loyalty to God Emperor Trump.
Wait, so you're meaning to tell me that Republicans are having 40 year lose streak in popular vote?
Fucking crack head.
Members of the Republican party have a mental condition?
IE, Only the mentally ill join the republican party.
I rest my case
Don't talk about this. Shut it down NOW!
Hey, child, fuck off.
fat Mfer
He's saying he doesn't believe this is really happening.
He feels personally offended that Steve Bannon is going to jail for his crimes.

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