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Barron Trump 'declines' offer to be a delegate at Republican National Convention


Barron Trump is honored but turning down the opportunity to join his siblings as a Florida delegate to the Republican National Convention in June because he has "prior commitments."

"While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments," the Office of former First Lady Melania Trump confirmed in a statement to The Daily Mail.

The bowing out comes two days after former President Donald Trump's youngest son Barron, 18, was expected to be cast as one of Florida's at-large delegates when the Republican National Convention takes place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this summer.

“We have a great delegation of grassroots leaders, elected officials and even Trump family members,” Florida GOP chairman Evan Power said after they received a list of the delegates expected to represent the Sunshine State. “Florida is continuing to have a great convention team, but more importantly we are preparing to win Florida and win it big.”

It was thought that Barron would join Power along with Florida delegation’s chairman, brother Eric Trump.

Also expected to be part of the delegation to mint Donald Trump as the GOP nominee includes: Donald Trump Jr. fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle, Michale Boulous, the husband of Tiffany Trump; former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, longtime Trump adviser Sergio Gor; prominent Trump donor, and former Marvel Entertainment Chairman Ike Perlmutter, among others.

The high-profile move dovetails off a recent report relying on sources close to the family saying that Barron, who turned 18 in March, is looking to break free from the isolated presence in the shadow of his gatekeeping mother, First Lady Melania Trump, once he graduates high school and then heads to college.
Shit I wouldnt join either. He sees how the media and Biden are trying to screw over his dad.
Or, maybe, just maybe, Barron's dad is a sociopathic piece of shit and Barron doesn't want anything to do with him, because he has a soul, unlike the rest of his siblings.
I think it's just because he's 18 and he would probably rather enjoy his youth than hang out with a bunch of boomers
>Or, maybe, just maybe,
His mom gave him some good advice and said at 18, you don't need this shit in your life.
beat me by 17 seconds

That is all
I, too, can post an administration's overview of their own accomplishments.
Where's all the dead and lost jobs from Trumps criminally negligent covid response?
'Melania slapped it down': Breaking Barron Trump news spurs immediate mockery of Donald

It was a Melania power play because Trump is using Barron as a political pawn, remember the whole 'The trial needs to be delayed so I can go to his graduation, only for Trump to already to plan to ditch his own kid to go campaigning and fundraise off the suckers off his base.
And the very obvious, it was Melanina who Trump cheated on.
What about the jobs Biden tries to say he created but they were just jobs coming back after the country opened back up? And the majority of the states that closed were due to the idiot governors that closed them.
Biden hasn't done anything to "screw over" Mr. Trump. Biden is not in a position to do anything to Mr. Trump. The DOJ is supposed to be hands-off for POTUS, something idiots like Mr. Trump is ignorant of.
You mean like the jobs he had American companies create unlike Trump who outsourced them to communist china and they bailed on him and the Republicans after offering them billions?
Wow, Democratic party is a hell of a drug.
How do I get this fucked up?
>How do I get this fucked up?
Hell of a Freudian slip there
>Freudian slip
Holy shit you really are high as fuck. Lern2reed, faggot.
Delegates stand in that crowded pit as the audience for conventions. It is a pretty shit job all for the honor of "voting" for the foregone conclusion of the primary. Literally the only reason you would ever do this would be to suck-up for networking at the after party. Also Baron is 18 so he probably isn't interested in this at all, and especially not when he is already famous enough to network without being a standing room pleb.
>Being this mad you got exposed
Is this the latest cope for Trump's kid hating him?
What are you talking about?
I'm sure spending the last nine of his eighteen years having to constantly be followed by Secret Service (what kid wouldn't love never being able to move without being monitored?) because his geriatric, absentee father fucked up a viral marketing campaign and won the electoral college in 2016 has been great for him.
Spending the next four years watching his geriatric, absentee father throw daily hissy fits and become the laughing stock of the world was probably great, too. The hillybilly freaks who have been trying to get near him because they think his geriatric, absentee father is a god has also probably been a lot of fun.
And now having to watch his geriatric, absentee father stand trial for paying off the porn star he cheated on his mother with, the latest in a years long string of humiliations of his mother, the only parent he's ever really had, has probably really made Barron loyal to Donald.
This is a massive wall of text cope
I know a paragraph worth of words is too much for the average Trump fag, my fault.
Go ahead and give us any indication that Trump has been a father worthy of anything but disdain to his youngest son.
NTA, but he hasn't and Barron would be wise to wise to escape his crime family.
Imagine announcing your kid is joining you in politics only to have the kid go 'fuck no'
If this were Biden, the conservatively biased media would be trumpeting it 24/7.
Melania was an escort before marrying Trump. She's bonafide, certified, unashamed, literal whore. Mind you, I'm not saying she deserves to be cheated on for that, but you're on a dozen layers of delusion if you think she's a saint and not a gold digger.
Saw OP image. Expected thread about Canada.
I won't argue that, they're two shitty people who knew they were just using each other when they got married.
But she does seem to care about their son. Certainly more than Donald does. And after a decade of public ridicule from half of the country and constant international humiliation from the man who was supposed to just be her sugar daddy, the idea of him and his cronies digging their claws into her only son and making him into another Eric or Jr. is probably her worst nightmare.
Fair enough, and well said.
It's amazing how you people...
Nevermind. I don't even feel like typing out anything about the Joe Burden's son's whore and crack habit right now.
I like your cool fan fiction though.
>i don't feel like repeating the same thing i've obsessed over (hunter biden's penis) for half a decade. but i will anyways
the lack of self awareness is always eye opening with you faggots
>No response
>Whatabout Hunter's penis
This is really all you loser are, isn't it?
>Deny reality
>Make up fan fiction
>Samefag shamelessly.
Go back to your cripple seizure dreams.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Wow. Retarded, schizophrenic, and cock obsessed? No wonder your mom didn't want anything to do with you today.
Everyone who posts the same retarded shit as you is (you).
And the point stands that you're retarded enough to ignore Biden's son's shit, and make up literal schizo fiction about someone else's family.
how could we ignore it, you bring it up every chance you get, and even during chances you don't get
Retarded. Schizophrenic. Cock Obsessed.
Your mother hates you.
Shut up, whore.
Why is it a fan fiction for starters unlike your lies about Hunter.
It was Melania who put out the release telling Trump to fuck off with politicizing her kid
If the best damage control you can come up with is "shut up" then Trump is finished
double standard bro

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