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It's even more democrat election fraud. 85% of the signatures submitted by Michigan democrat candidate Anil Kumar are fraudulent.
Congressional candidate accused of submitting false signatures

Nominating petitions for Democratic congressional candidate Dr. Anil Kumar are littered with instances of fraud, forgery and error that should prompt state officials to remove him from the primary ballot, according to the campaign manager of one of his opponents.

Kayli McTague, campaign manager for Democratic candidate Emily Busch of Oxford, on April 30 filed a challenge to Kumar’s candidacy claiming 1,645 of the 1,908 signatures that were filed are invalid, putting his candidacy far below the necessary 1,000 valid signatures

“Dr. Kumar’s petition drive shows evidence of extensive forgery or permitted forgery, not only of petition signatures but of circulator certificates, by at least the ten above (reference to a list) circulators,’ McTague says in the challenge obtained by The Macomb Daily.

However, Kumar’s campaign manager, Rick Michaels, vehemently denied the allegation, adding the campaign has filed a response with the state Board of Canvassers, which will determine whether Kumar stays on the ballot.

“We did respond to it with a complete trashing of their allegations,” Michaels said. “We consider the allegations to be a lot of yammering. We completely reject all allegations of fraud and forgery.”

“Southeastern Michigan families deserve competent leadership focused on delivering results for people — not more politicians trying to further stack the deck in favor of the wealthy and elite, and our team is focused on winning this primary and beating John James come November,” she said in a written statement. “At the end of the day, everyone ought to play by the same rules to ensure fairness, transparency, and clarity in the ballot access process.
Kumar on March 15 paid $7,000 to VKS Consulting LLC for signature collection, according to Federal Election Commission records. VKS is operated by former state lawmaker Virgil K. Smith, according to his LinkedIn profile, and he is listed as the resident agent in state records. Smith’s long political career was tainted by allegations he shot at his ex-wife’s car in 2015 in Detroit. Smith ultimatley pleaded guilty to malicious destruction of property and reckless discharge of a firearm, and he was sentenced in 2020 to probation, although he had served nine months in jail. He served as a state legislator for six year and state senator for over six years.

McTague seeks to remove Kumar from the ballot for the Democratic primary in August that features six Democrats vying to face Republican U.S. Rep. John James of Shelby Township for the 10th District seat; the district covers a large chunk of Macomb County as well as Rochester and Rochester Hills.

Kumar, 73, who like Busch lives outside the district, in Bloomfield Hills, has $1.3 million in his campaign coffers, more than double the combined amount of his primary foes. Of that, he has personally loaned his campaign $879,000 and raised $424,000, according to campaign statements.

The petition challenge is one of 30 submitted against Michigan candidates, including those of Rhonda Powell of Mount Clemens, also a Democrat seeking the 10th District congressional seat, and former Warren mayor James Fouts, who is running against incumbent state Rep. Mike McFall of Hazel Park in the Democratic primary to face Republican Barbara Barber of Madison Heights for the 14th state House of Representatives post.
The Powell challenge, also filed by McTague, contends the former Macomb County official simply filed only 976 signatures, below the necessary 1,000 to gain placement on the ballot. Even if every signature is valid, it falls short, she said. Carlos Matti, spokesman for 10th District Democratic candidate Diane Young of Warren, also submitted a letter challenging Powell’s petitions.

The other Dems in the 10th District field are Carl Marlinga of Sterling Heights, who won the Democratic primary for the seat in 2022 and lost to James, and Tiffany Tilly of Warren.

Democratic U.S. Senate candidates Elissa Slotkin and Nasser Beydoun also face challenges to their petitions.
Don't care, still voting for Joe Biden.
Will nothing stop Canadians from voting for Joe Biden?
More American than you are, Ivan.
You people really are at a loss without Hillary's campaign spoon-feeding you buzzwords.
Your stuck using 2016 talking points and really need to get some new material
Is this the same company that submitted false signatures for republicans in the exact same state during 2022?
I used to vote Democrat. Send them all to jail. Republicans too.

Most politicians are corrupt. The only solution is to decrease the incentive with strong punishment.
>more democrat fraud
It's all so tiring
>Random guy nobody has ever heard of who wasn't even popular enough to get 1000 signatures
You guys are really scraping the bottom of the bucket these days huh
Every day in America is rampant with democrat fraud.
Sure, this guy wasn't the democrat congressperson from a couple weeks ago, but he is the latest in the trend
chud headcanon is wild
Democrats slobber the knob of every politician with a D next to their name, without fail.
With half of the country being against prosecuting half of the criminal class, it will never happen
Probably, after they got a reputation for fraud after ripping off those Republicans I have no doubt democrats wanted to employ their services
Just remember the talking points:
It isn't happening
If they got caught doing it then the system is working perfectly OR it didn't make any difference
If it works it's a good thing, because Republicans are terrible people
Good post
>Democrats support their politicians no matter what even if they're career criminals
Holy shit the projection

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