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What an evil piece of shit he is. We know this was their plan since 2008 when obongo made the economy work only for the rich and in 2020 when the dem governors and mayors used their power to transfer trillions to the 1%
>Republicans pass laws that allow them to get out of paying taxes
>Republicans attack and defund the IRS
>This is somehow Biden's fault
Big brain take
>dems gain control of house in 2019
>dems have a trifecta in 2021
>dems use this to go after people making $600 per paycheck and not the mega rich
tRump 2018 and Biden 2020.
It's all one big club and we aint invited
biden had a trifecta for 2 years, fag
Hello Ivan how are you this morning?
unlike you and obongo I am an American
get a job, bum, and then maybe you'll stop shitting up this place all night long.

and don't get a haircut, punk, but shave that lip fuzz off
>retard posting
>reddit spacing
No you aren't or else you would know Biden did not have a trifecta
>The most recent federal trifecta was held by the Democratic Party from January 20, 2021 to January 3, 2023.
brandon had a trifecta for 2 years you retard
You're confused.
Its Republicans who controlled the whole government from 2016-2018, and all they did in Trumps first term was halve the corporate tax rate.
You don't live in America
they fixed the courts and lowered taxes on the majority of Americans. Trump as president did a better job than every democrat since 1850.
I do, you do not
Shut up you insufferable retard he proved you to be undeniably wrong
he's making threads again
peak ivanposting hours
Please tell your boss to hire a new intern to write some new material, you really need it
Ok Ivan
A trifecta without a Senate filibuster-proof supermajority isn't really a trifecta at all. Hell, it was hardly a simple majority. Until the 2022 midterms, it was split 50-50, with Vice President Harris serving as tiebreaker. And now after those midterms, it's barely a 51-49 spread. Not filibuster-proof (60-40), so essentially worthless.
>Well ackshually, let me just change the definition of trifecta to meet my arbitrary bar
What value is there in having a Senate majority if the opposition party can stonewall any legislation by filibustering it?
Joe Biden hasn't passed any tax reforms. This is pretty much just a function of Trump's tax reforms going into effect.

Laws have effective start dates. Often after elections so politicians don't have to face the consequences of their actions.

And even better, idiotic voters like OP can be convinced any negative shit is the fault of political opponents.
Don't bother arguing with Ivan. He's going to stick to his alternate reality no matter what you say.
Why are you obsessed?
>comes to a board he hates
>refuses to follow board customs
>sees imaginary troons and fags everywhere
Gee I wonder why everyone hates you
>board customs
He's astroturfing the board with pissbaby redditor troon nonsense again
>Gee I wonder why everyone hates you

I don't hate the kid.

He's pesty, and won't get off my /news/ lawn, but these youngsters are our future and we have to tolerate them. I remember the day when I would shit some /news/ in a paper bag, douse it in lighter fluid(b4 all these new fangled disposable lighter and vape pens)and leave it in front of /news/'s door. Kids gonna be kids, even if it's nazis LOL
This is a good thread
>get btfo'd on the fact brandon had a trifecta
>accuse everyone of being russian
normal jidf tactics
by that logic, trump never changed the tax law because he never had a filibuster proof majority, last person to have that is obongo so this is obongo's fault
weird that you didn't bitch about this when trump was in office
brandon raised taxes on the middle class, reddit spacing jidf
>reddit spacing
if you 41% yourself I'll leave
can you go a single thread without reminding everybody that you're a redditor?
OP is a literal redditor (as he confirmed once again by claiming "reddit spacing" is a thing) and a troll. Stop engaging with his threads.
>reddit jidf fag is mad it got called out for reddit spacing
paste the article text
I am neither of the anons you replied to and only literal redditors think about reddit any time they see a space between lines. But thank you for once again confirming you are a redditor.
yeah you are a confirmed samefag reddit fag
Obama only had a Senate supermajority for a grand total of like two months in the first half of his first term (after the prolonged recounts by Republicans trying to obstruct Al Franken's Senate win, and before Ted Kennedy dying). After the first midterms, he had to deal with Republican control of both houses of Congress for the remainder of his presidency.
>weird that you didn't bitch about this when trump was in office
Why would I want a party I disagree with to advance legislation I disagree with unopposed?
do it anyway
reddit fags are trying to ruin 4chan, tranny
and he used the super majority to jack up the cost of health insurance. brandon used his trifect to make it so the rich won't have to pay taxes and to cause inflation
health insurance cost is not set by the govt, unless you're talking about medicare specifically.
obama made it a requirement, but since insurance and medicine is vastly privatized and run by corporations rather than nationalized and run by the government, companies realized they could assimilate doctors and hospitals into exclusive network partnerships and charge people whatever the fuck they pleased for coverage and people would always pay it if only for convenience's sake.
how in the fuck would a 2016 election tourist like you know what's ruining 4chan?
I've been here since 2008
all healthcare costs skyrocketed after obongo passed obongo care. the only people who benefitted were the ones who own the big pharma companies
Maybe if they had kept the public option in the Obamacare bill, these insurance companies would be undercut by competition from the government. (To be fair though, with the brief Senate supermajority, Obama and the Democrats very well had the opportunity to pass the public option if they really wanted to. They incorrectly predicted that gutting the public option from the Obamacare bill would protect their incumbency in the midterms, but they still lost terribly. They might as well had kept the public option in the bill if they were gonna lose reelection anyway.)
nah, that shit would have just hiked healthcare even more. the entire goal of obongocare was to raise the cost of health care so that the insurance and big pharma companies could make bank and the average American would be poorer
>competition raises prices, actually
What school of economic thought is this?
obongo care lowered competition and gave the insurance and pharma companies a cartel
But the public option, had it been included, would've competed with the insurance companies.
would have made the problem worse because you would be fucked at both ends paying for taxes to subsidize it and needing to buy more expensive insurance because socialized medicine doesn't work and just results in worse care

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