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A Brooklyn state senator claims the law allowing a rape lawsuit against him to move forward was unconstitutional — even though he actually voted for the legislation and then bragged about it.

In court records filed this month, notoriously hot-headed pol Kevin Parker formally denied the rape allegations against him. But he also went a step further, asserting that the Adult Survivors Act, which allowed the related lawsuit against him to proceed, was unconstitutional.

The now-expired act permitted alleged victims to file civil lawsuits against their accused attackers within a certain window even if the state’s statute of limitations had run out on their claims.

Parker was accused of the 2004 alleged attack in November 2023 in a claim that made it just under the wire.

The state senator, along with every other member of the state Senate, had voted for the legislation in 2021.

Parker even touted his support of the law in a statement in which he denied the rape charges against him shortly after they were levied in November.
“I voted in favor of the [Adult Survivors Act] to ensure all New Yorkers can seek justice and be heard,” Parker wrote of the legislation, which was also passed by the assembly, signed into law by Hochul in May 2022 and expired in November 2023.

“These allegations are absolutely untrue. My work and advocacy will continue,” Parker said.

Olga Jean-Baptiste says she was working with Parker on relief efforts for Haiti in 2004 when he grabbed her by the wrists and forcibly raped her at her home, allegations that Hochul has called “deeply disturbing.”

Neither Parker’s Senate rep nor his lawyer returned Post requests for comment about his latest legal filing in the case.
This isn’t Parker’s first run-in with the law.

In 2005, he got slapped with misdemeanor assault charges after slugging a traffic cop who wrote him a ticket.

A few years later, Parker lashed out at a Post photographer and smashed his camera as the shutterbug was snapping pics of the pol outside his Flatbush home. Parker was found guilty on misdemeanor criminal mischief charges and forced to attend anger-management classes.

The same lawyer who represented Parker in that case, Lonnie Hart Jr., is defending him against the sexual-assault charges.
Additional context:

This is the same law that NYC Democrats passed to specifically allow E. Jean Carroll to sue Donald Trump over her 'rape' accusations from 30 years ago. Obviously it's a problem now that Democrats are getting sued when they intended the law to only apply to Trump when they wrote it.
You know what they say: when in Haiti...rape.
Why do MAGAt faggots always hide their sources behind MSN or some other url washing service?
lol the cope
you already know why
>The facts of the story are going to change if I shitpost about the source
Why don't you faggots post your preferred sources, then? MSN too Trump-biased for you these days?
>t. angry troon noises
*Microsoft corporate shilling intensifies*
Typical for democrats, really
They are corrupt af and think laws don't apply to them
Not only does it never cease to surprise me the audacity and blatant two faced nature of democrat politicians, but why in the world do they always choose to rape Haitians?
Good post.
Thanks for that additional context, fren
Shut up retard
Ah. Ah. AH!
Change the law and get fucked over by the same law. How many times does this make for Democraps?
Will they ever learn?
(No, they will never learn)
Fuck off boomer
List of celebrities being sued under this Adult Survivors Act 1 year window:

Donald Trump
Sean P. Diddy Combs
Harvey Weinstein
Jamie Foxx
Steven Tyler (Aerosmith singer)
Bill Cosby
Russel Brand
L.A. Reid
Axl Rose (Guns and Roses singer)
Mike Tyson
Andrew Cuomo
Neil Portnow
Rudy Giuliani
Kevin Parker

I assume there are more we don't know about, and I assume at least some of these suits are going to settle out of court, if not all.
Last thing I'll add here-
What happens to all these settlements if the law gets overturned? I believe Trump is still fighting against the E Jean Carroll judgement, but other people like Sean Combs have settled multiple cases out of court already. If this law gets overturned as unconstitutional... does he get his money back? How do the "victims" who settled their cases pay back all that money and the money they already paid their lawyers?
Why would it matter if he's a Democrat? I don't feel the need to defend him either way.
Let me guess, this law was made to get Trump and he thought it would never ever be turned on him?
Fucking hell I knew it.
Because we don't choose to give faggot journos more clicks than necessary.
90% democrats
So are most people in society. What's your point?
Where did you pick this bullshit up?
By going outside. I'd say you should try it sometime but you would get your ass kicked for being a giant racist chudcel.
>something like one in six of them involve Rikers-related allegations.
Oops. Apparently the vast majority of the lawsuits brought under this Adult Survivors Act are against Department of Corrections personnel.

Oh, and Eric Adams is getting sued under the ASA as well. Is there anyone famous that spent time in New York that isn't getting sued?
Anal beads comment because you clearly pulled it out of your ass

I live in a 90% white community, low crime, great schools, clean city. We sure as hell don’t vote demoKKKrat.
Almost everybody you come into contact with is more liberal than you are. That is what happens when you become indoctrinated by the racist far right. Hide your power level like a good little chuddie and learn to cope.
I'm glad additional good could come from it
How's tent life treating you?
Good wifi, good coffee, but I'm sick of my undersized chamber pot.
The other hobos rape me, but I enjoy it.
>I'm a white supremacist, demokkkrat
What does this post mean?

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