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Why for is water leaking from these pipes by my front door? I lived here 3 years and water never leaked from these pipes. I drilled holes in a jug and put it there to catch the water.

Why I have leaking pipes? Where’s these pipes even lead to??
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it means you touch your butthole
you need to stop touching yourself at night or God will continue to punish you with poopy water at your front door
Buy 2 90 deg. elbows and some inch and a half pvc and connect the two together before touching your butthole again
Perhaps if you shorten the amount of self fondling in the nightly hours then it would leak quite a bit less.
Make a shrine and pray to the pipe. Push food offerings and live feed you get from the pet store into the hole.

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show me your hovels, you cretins
>nigger breath mints
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I'm moving out in a month and most stuff is already packed, but this was a few years ago. I've since replaced the shitty Porter Cables with DeWalt.
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And also, electronics setup around the corner.

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and now you know.
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source of that image: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/resources/mining-the-chans/

why would "they" want to disrupt a DIY forum?
Because they’re fundamentally stupid, and can’t get jobs or run legitimate business.
So they make up imaginary issues so they can “solve” the imaginary problem.
Probably a good 30% of the population does this.
goddamn rich anon has a mother or wagie to clean his apartment for him
You can lay your cock on the sink when you have a boner and need to piss then lay the dustpan over that to stop some of the piss from splashing everywhere. Not all of it though.
>that brush
how big are your teeth?

Metal cans bad for burning? (Having stuff inside the metal can burn)

I heard that food cans have a plastic coating to prevent bacterial and fungal infections as well as prevent spoilage of food
Heard it contains BPA and thus you shouldn't food in it
If I burn anything in it it would release all the BPA

How do I know if it has a plastic container and if any chemical like xenestrogens exist in it, and if so how can I remove the coating before burning
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No I need to use this cans, this is do it yourself not paypig cuck yourself
you tell 'em buster. don't take any shit off of that buyfag trying to shill his "food" cans

Maybe I should

Anyways would still be helpful if someone gave advice for either removing the plastic and/or checking if it's harmful

>No I need to use this cans, this is do it yourself not paypig cuck yourself

Fuck you you are not OP I am OP
I dont need to use a can for this but Id like to
Ironically, your best bet is to burn it out.
That is, before you use it for whatever you're planning, do an initial burn (ideally a bit hotter than you expect it to get during use) in a well-ventilated area. This will remove any volatile compounds you need to worry about, assuming you're not cooking over it or huffing the smoke.
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1. it's "harmful" if you grow tits. ymmv as to if find this harmful
2. what the fuck do you mean "use the cans for burning" are you ESL?
3. assuming you're using them to cook, BPAs melt at 316F, water boils at 212F. unless you're frying chicken in oil (400F) as long as there is food in the can it won't melt the lining.
4. if you're not using them to cook food or boil water in the can, what the fuck do you care?
5. if you are a retard (highly likely) and are *still* scared of melting/leaching then put them in the fire or put fire in them or put them on the stove, whatever the fuck you meant ONCE and it will melt/burn anything volatile away and you can rest easy knowing ywnbaw
6. you're clearly a faggot

noticed the sewing thread was gone and i wish to discuss it
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Had to go dig out a picture. It's really important with any napped fabric that you cut in a single layer, back side up, especially with high pile stuff, like faux fur, for best accuracy. Typical Minky is 3mm, so you don't need to use an Xacto to cut it, since it lays flat, but if you work with faux fur, that's the best bet. Picrel is traced out pieces with the pen I use, and then I cut with regular sewing shears.
Is Adobe Acrobat PDF the only way to get properly scaled oversized patterns onto A4 pages with its poster print option?
I've never used it, but the first thing I thought of was Matthias Wandel's "BigPrint".

If you're not familiar, he's an autistic Canadian woodworker, used to be an engineer at RIM (Blackberry phones).

He uses it to print scale templates that can be glued to a piece of plywood, then cut out on a bandsaw/with a router.
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free version of PDF-XChange Viewer is another option
It boils down to whether or not the PDF file is correctly assembled.

The printer/PDF reader doesn't matters.

>Pro Tip: You should assemble the PDF file in either A4 or US Legal Letter size in something like Adobe Illustrator
>Source: I did it myself, I've made the Scythian Hat above.

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Baby Ape Edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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you fucked up. twice
fist by crashing, then by not being able to post a meaningful video instead of a 5 frame .gif that starts way to late

got it from Oscars comparison page
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gonna give you a hint. DIY is almost never a cost effective solution, especially if you factor the value of your time. it can be fun to learn and say you did something, but ultimately it's best left to masochists,autists and poorfags that dont know any better.

can anyone suggest whats a good RX/TX pair for my homemade dirigible? would a rudder be sufficient to steer with one prop, or more props with different vectors of thrust. whats the best was to store/collect and store hydrogen from electrolysis?
>gonna give you a hint. DIY is almost never a cost effective solution, especially if you factor the value of your time. it can be fun to learn and say you did something, but ultimately it's best left to masochists,autists and poorfags that dont know any better.

I think it's worth building your first quad or two so you have a firm grounding and know how to make repairs. There are also form factors that are simply not available for purchase ready to fly e.g. X-class.
I have the radio in your pic, with my surface stuff I've had it cut off ~500ft out even with my ghetto rigged 12v milwaukee li-ion.

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Abominations Thread XLV

Problem Solved! edition

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2777360 #
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Looks like something made in minecraft to maximize the efficiency of going up and down while maintaining "realistic" look.

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A) I can get the storage shelves I want for $300, plus tax.
B) Or buy lumber boards, and build one for $150.

I got the tools, but I'm on a budget. I'm worried I will fail : ) What would you do?
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this meme's so old it's getting hair in funny places
what the are you gonna put on them? tp and bathroom shit weighs nothing and thats why you can get away with pressed sawdust
That’s like $275 too expensive, my friend.

Look for government surplus auctions in your area. Maybe check a yard sale?
Smart play is buy used carts (U-boat dollies especially) as a rugged rolling base then weld up a frame or insertable shelves for them as you prefer. Remove the center axle bolt so you can push them sideways. Fixed shelving just accumulates shit and is hard to move and immobile loaded. I've lots of heavy auto and motorcycle parts/engines so my shelves either hang leaving the floor clear for easy cleanup or roll for easy reconfig and cleanup. Goal is nothing on a floor I cannot easily move.

I buy surplus industrial carts for less than the steel would cost and prefer those fabbed from standard stock so I can cut and rearrange as I prefer. For example I've my Harley Panhead project on its own dolly for easy access from all sides.

Shelves that roll are wonderful things. I use upward-facing angle to prevent shit rolling off and to hold the plywood I mostly use (steel sheet is fine too) for shelf boards. I place flat bar crossmembers (unwelded for future reconfig) as needed for specific load support.
$150? More like $100, and you'd have a 3/4 sheet of OSB left over and a bunch of fasteners.
Or use pallets and spend like $10 on fasteners.

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Agreed. I plan on anything I buy from there to work once when needed. Any extra use past that is a bonus.
I've had one of their corded drills for ten years plus. Damn thing just won't die.
Every machinist I’ve ever met has some pallet wood fixturing or pallet wood made endmill holder sitting around.

Why not plane it and make it look nice when people tour the setup after bid submissions
What’s the runout on that $10 drill look like?

Stick a gage pin in that sun $10 jacobs chuck

How big is that hole you drilled with a 1/4” jobber drill in that corded drill
After you’re done?

Good luck tapping it with more than 30% thread engagement

Good enough just means “I don’t know any better “
The only place I could find leaded solder locally a couple years ago was Napa. HF just introduced that new soldering stuff a year or two back.

Sometimes the cart has to go over a bump or two outside of the garage, and it doesn’t take that much for a loaded drawer to come flying open.

There are some random gems, a few of the Titan tools that VatoZone has next to the Snickers bars are kinda cool. The pistol grip multipurpose pliers in this pic were one of those. Also the $2 bins, wire brushes and mag pickup tools and battery post cleaners, slways worth having those around.

Plus the regular tools, most Duralast stuff is actually decent taiwanesium, and Advance Auto used to have Gearwrench, and then they rebranded it as TEQ Pro and now it’s Die Hard. When they have 50% off sales on those sets, there’s nowhere else you will find a 7pc Gearwrench ratcheting flex head combination wrench set for <$40.
When I swap the cabin air filter in my car I do it at autozone every other time I get a free reward item so I grab a socket or other cheap tool.

The reason I do that is so that if a neighbor or coworker needs to borrow a tool I hand them an old craftsman wrench and a socket rail of dura last tools

If I handed them a snap-on ratchet and a snap-on set of sockets I’ll never see it again and they’ll be like “oh I forgot”

Forgot to return a $300 ratchet and $500 set of sockets uh yeah sure

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Every farmer needs a real hoe.
Sure, there's plenty of mass production brands out there at the stores.
Those work OK if you're dainty with them.
But does anyone know where one can get heirloom quality hoes?
Hoes that can take a real man working the dirt with them
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Iron ruins the soil. Use copper
Read viktor shauberger if you want to learn more
Remember that the earth is electro magnetic or whatever... the iron ruins the charge. That charge helps shit grow strong like bull
Copper used incorrectly will cause growth issues. That shillenburger cultivate elevate didn't have his own farm. Just promoted it without practical use of it.

A steel shovel does not kill your garden. You could argue for no-till or preserving mycelium, but a steel (not 'iron') shovel does not by itself, inhibit growth.
What you need is called a grub hoe here in USA.
I bought two from easydigging, a 4” and 6” wide. Not cheap about $50 each, but free shipping if you get both. Heavy wood handle and thick steel blade.
It’s a wonder they are not more popular in the US and Europe , in the rest of the world they are the primary digging tool.
Historically they're the primary and often only digging tool, with many poor subsistence farmers owning no other.
this is bullshit
literal fucking magnets-tier nonsense

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Post the oldest tool in your collection
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in the late 50's early 60's at his high school you could:
learn to be a machinist.
get your pilots license
learn to be an aircraft mechanic
learn to be a diesel gasoline engine mechanic
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here is a cutaway electrically powered radial engine for the aircraft mechanic class.

When I took the class the engine was still there, the teacher was still there, but we were the last class. Teacher was a cool old guy. smoked unfiltered camel cigarettes (in class). there were all sorts of interesting parts and pieces of airplanes like a P-51d canopy. the class was pretty laid back.

The teacher died in 2013 he was 91.
The US was very different before it was ruined. I too miss that world no one after can truly conceive.
yeah. my wood shop class in 7th and 8th grade taught:
wood working
some metal working
gun safety

we could even bring guns to the class to work on them (make grips or stocks).

teacher kept a civil war sharps breech loader next to his desk.
They should bring that back. I had a wood shop in my public middle school, but not the private HS. There’s a couple technical high schools that train for the trades in big cities, but most of them have become “college prep” and electives are all arts and ceramics and photo class. But these days they just want students to pass the exams and go away for a worthless liberal arts degree and all of the institutions keep getting paid.

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I was going to do some cat6 cabling the 1960 build home I’ve lived in for 2 years now.
I’m having trouble identifying what kind of plaster/sheetrock this is. Someone told it may be asbestos and to leave that shit alone if possible. I will have it tested soon but does this look familiar to anyone?

I always thought it was drywall with a layer of plaster. It’s been a pain the ass since studfinders don’t detect anything through it.
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fuck off you spaz. hes not eating it for lunch everyday.
what the literal fuck that is not how shapes work
lmao what the fuck
The tool vibrates

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I wanna turn a drivers bus seat into a gaming chair any DIY guides thay can help?
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you take that bus seat and you put it in front of your game console or PC. diagram attached
Be sure to play bus driver simulator while sitting in your bus driver seat!
>I wanna turn a drivers bus seat into a gaming chair any DIY guides thay can help?
you are incapable.
Fab a base with locking casters. Make the base out of upward facing angle. Bolt together using lock nuts. Bolt chair base to flat bar or downward facing angle (from the same stick, suppliers will cut to length for transport or to size) cross bars. The tray should face upward to not block casters. Use casters with at lease 3" wheels.

I did (but welded the dolly) but no pix autspergies only care about disorderly areas around an object, not the object.

BTW one reason I choose the dolly format is easy mods in future and another is I can pull four bolts and have a very nice furniture or other dolly if I need to move something else and my other equipment is full.

So housing is too expensive as it is and I've been feeling ambitious as of late. So more and more I've been interested in taking a task like this. I have the know how and I have family that have built homes before that have taught me the ropes as well as would be willing to help, but I'm not sure about having the time at least right now, so it's more of a future project. People are saying 5000 sq ft would cost anywhere between 400k to 1 mil, so 10,000 sq ft they would estimate as more. 10467 sq ft total living space, fireplace, and basement are in the plans. Planning to build on the west coast, Anchorage Alaska, or in a few options in Russia. Foundations are the most expensive thing to build, so I could take care of that to cover labor costs. Does anybody have estimates for this being viable below 1 mil? Or would you say this is pointless dreaming?
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assuming it's not a troll, if you're planning on building in Russia, buy a smaller plot of land and build a dacha first, made using the same materials and building techniques. this will give you some experience to use toward the main build, and after completing the smaller project, you'll get a better idea as to the feasibility.
>5000 sq ft would cost anywhere between 400k to 1 mil,
Is the cost to build or to buy? I am sure you can find 5000k hoses under 1 mil in many cheaper states.
>russia or alaska
Have fun losing all your money on heating bills each month so the house doesn't fall apart or explode.
These 12 year olds watched CNN and it shows.
True. Imagine a child coming into a diy house thread ready to give input.

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I designed a little kitchen shelf that will fill out the gap on the wall. I have all the pieces but i'm not sure how to go about putting it together to keep everything straight. I'm a third worlder scum so i don't own a full blown woodworking shop, only very basic tools.
The plan is to use just wood screws because it's mainly for aesthetics and won't hold much load.
Any tips on how to keep everything in place during assembly?
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Best thing to do if you’re a novice woodworker is to just use dovetails for the outside joints and cut a rabbet by hand for the middle shelf

The high school kid at Lowe’s will help you out here
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>Glue first, then optionally drive screws in from behind once the glue sets. Glue makes assembly easier and is plenty strong.
first post and everything about it is wrong. you glue then screw, the screws HOLD the piece while the glue dries. like woodworking 101.

idk what the fuck these guys are on about. your wood is square, you have some way to cut the wood or have it cut implies it's square. you're gonna pick nice straight boards because you're not an asshole or an idiot.

the boards have a width, at the end of the three boards drill a hole in the middle of that width and 3cm from each end. along the back length go 3cm from each end, repeat at 3cm on the front. add a hole midway between.

the holes depend on the wood, if it's fiberboard your drill bit will be 3mm barely big enough to take a screw. if it's pine or other solid wood pick a bit ~1mm smaller than the screw shank. go as deep as the screw less a board width (e.g. the actual depth the screw will go in). Test on a scrap piece from the corner cut to ensure your screw fits tight and doesn't split anything.

now measure (imagine!) identical holes on the back and side boards. drill them to the screw shank size. you can switch to a bit bigger than the head and take out a little divot for the screw heads to counter sink in.

then you run a bead of glue down each shelf edge you're screwing in and attach it with the screws. the glue is honestly not necessary but it will be much stronger. see how the screws hold the wood together and the flat side of the wood against the flat face of the back makes it square because both pieces are flat and square? It's magic!
Nah you just have your 8 year old hold the two pieces of wood together until it’s dry and you yell at him when you can’t drive the screws in because your ryobi you got from your wife on Father’s Day is in reverse and your office job doesn’t require you to build things
>doesn't have a desktop mill at his office job cubicle for personal machining
I swear /diy/ is more disappointing every day.
Also the screws are drywall screws because screws are screws and this construction shit is below you and for those Mexicans and the poors

Real men write emails for a living and know all the excel hot keys

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