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I was going to do some cat6 cabling the 1960 build home I’ve lived in for 2 years now.
I’m having trouble identifying what kind of plaster/sheetrock this is. Someone told it may be asbestos and to leave that shit alone if possible. I will have it tested soon but does this look familiar to anyone?

I always thought it was drywall with a layer of plaster. It’s been a pain the ass since studfinders don’t detect anything through it.
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The backside has notches that I thought were for the plaster application.
Y'all act like it will give you Ebola. A few diy projects once in a while will do dickall harm to you even if you are retarded, crush it and do a line of it.
Put a resp on and cut away.

I wasn’t going to nuke the house from orbit and start over, but I did plan on making more cat6 drops and wall plates.

Looks like this.
Its rock lath which was used after lath and plaster and before drywall. Do what you have to do not enough dust to hurt you. It does suck especially if you replace trim, doors etc…

t. 40 yr remodeler
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I had a house built in the late 40's that used a similar lath referrred to as "button board" that had dimples in it. May the gods show you mercy if you have to rewire your electricals.

At least that shit made for good soundproofing.

The jab saw is the wrong tool for this job. My assperience is that the best nigga to cut into this for refit of electrical boxes etc. is an oscillating tool with a thin round grout blade or carbide blade or similar. Makes nice precise cuts without cracking the rock coat or top plaster, so much so that a plug I'd cut out and saved allowed me seamlessly to patch it back in when my now ex-wife decided we should rearrange the home theater a year later.

It also makes it easy to contain the dust as you can cut with one hand and vacuum with the other (assuming you have two hands, if not maybe you can clench the tool with your anus).

Nice. I have one of these diamond blades.

I’ve replaced 5 interior doors and yes it has been messy as fuck and likely even damaged the 50 year old hardwood floors with it’s hard, brittle particles.
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I wonder if this makes a big mess compared to pencil scribing and using the oscillating diamond blade
you can’t tell just by looking. buy a test kit off amazon and have it lab tested. just exposing your dumbass to it is one thing, but don’t do it to the other people in your house, especially children.
You ignorant bipedal you breathe asbestos daily. Where do you think the dust from billions of brakes pads ends up? The whole lead paint, asbestos fear based bullshit is just another ploy to sell you ridiculous shit to protect yourself. Youre better off just listening. OP cut some holes quit listening to these liberal fuckingbretards
fuck off you spaz. hes not eating it for lunch everyday.
what the literal fuck that is not how shapes work
lmao what the fuck
The tool vibrates
That shit is for drywall, O.P. is licking plaster dust off his fingers.
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These absolutely suck and make a huge mess. Picrel are better for drywall. The gangbox ones vibrate the whole fucking wall and kick up way more dust. Have one and they're not worth it. I just made a block stencil with a bubble level on it for the right shape and size.

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